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NHM-WP05.002    Legal:    [1900]   Legal document relating to the Land Nationalisation Society.
NHM-WP05.002.001    Legal:    [1900]   Part of a legal agreement re sale and mortgaging of shared property, beginning "Premises or such part thereof as shall have been so bought", apparently part of a longer document ; couched in general terms, referring to "The Society" and it's members responsibilities; unsigned and undated; on large legal paper 76cm x 55cm with ruled red margins, Ms in an unknown hand, with slits at top centre for insertion of an attachment (ribbon to another document, or seal?); a section on the bottom right seems to have been cut away and may have contained signatures. Notes: Probably never put into force; probably the Land Nationalisation Society, maybe drawn up when A. R. Wallace, A C Swinton and others were looking at property c 1900.
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore