RECORD: S334a. Wallace, A. R. 1880. Wallace and Darwin. In: Sargent, Epes. 1880. The scientific basis of spiritualism. Boston: Colby & Rich, pp. 360-361.
REVISION HISTORY: Body text helpfully provided by Charles H. Smith from his Alfred Russel Wallace Page
Wallace and Darwin
Alfred R. Wallace, the distinguished naturalist, who shares with Darwin the honor of originating the theory of natural selection, gives
this brief definition of Darwinism: "It is the theory of the origin of the countless species of plants and animals from ancestral forms by means of natural selection." In a communication to that indefatigable and eloquent proclaimer of the truths of Spiritualism, James M. Peebles, Mr. Wallace writes: "Darwinism may be true as far as it goes, but not be the whole truth. Darwin's laws of natural selection and variation are true laws, which will account for much—perhaps for all—the material organizations of plants and animals. He admits an influx of life from the Creator at first. I think an influx of a higher life occurred when man appeared. He does not think this necessary. This is the real difference between us." The italics are those of Mr. Wallace himself.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online. (
File last updated 26 September, 2012