RECORD: Baly, John Sugar. 1860. Descriptions of new genera and species of Eumolpidae. Journal of Entomology, London, 1 (1): 23-36.
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 2012. RN1
IV.—Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Eumolpidæ.
By J. S. BALY.
THE chaotic state of the Eumolpidœ, the crowd of species which remain unnamed and unarranged in our collections, and the want of generic landmarks, have induced me to select some of the more interesting for description, proposing in many instances new genera, of which I have briefly given the differential characters.
Caput exsertum, facie subelongata, fere perpendiculare; oculis prominentibus, rotundatis, integris; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus, corpore longioribus, articulo tertio quarto fere dimidio breviori; palpis maxillaribus subfiliformibus, articulo ultimo angustato-ovato, ad apicem attenuato. Thorax lateribus marginatis, pone medium angulatis; antepectoris segmento antero-laterali (fig. 1 b) cuneiformi, apice acuto, angulo exteriori ad thoracis angulum anticum extenso. Scutellum subtrigonatum, apice obtusum. Elytra thorace latiora, oblonga, modice convexa. Pedes elongati, graciles; femoribus dimidio basali attenuatis, filiformibus, dimidio apicali incrassatis, ampullatis, quatuor posticis subtus ante apicem dente acuto armatis; tibiis gracilibus, extus ante apicem emarginatis; tarsis (fig. 1 d) gracilibus, articulo primo duobus sequentibus æquali; unguiculo (fig. 1 c) basi appendiculato.
Type, Basilepta longipes, Baly.
Basilepta longipes. (Plate I. fig. 1.)
B. subelongata, valde convexa, nitida, supra obscure viridi-ænea; pedibus elytrorumque tuberculo obscure piceis, corpore subtus antennisque (his basi fulva exceptis) nigro-piceis; thorace lateribus angulato.—Long. 2 lin.
Subelongate, very convex, nitidous, above obscure metallic green, body beneath and the antennæ (the fulvous base of these latter excepted) obscure pitchy-black; a large shining circular protuberance on the basilar space of each elytron, together with the legs, piceous; attenuated base of four posterior thighs obscure fulvous. Head smooth above, forehead with a longitudinal groove; lower portion of face deeply punctured; antennæ slender, filiform, longer than the body, three basal
joints obscure fulvous. Thorax rather longer than broad; sides produced and angled just behind their middle, their hinder portion sinuate; above transverse, convex, gradually thickened and gibbose towards the apex; surface deeply rugose-punctate, interstices irregularly thickened; gibbose portion nearly impunctate. Scutellum subtrigonate. Elytra much broader at the base than the thorax, nearly three times the length, slightly narrowed behind, convex; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctate striæ, the first abbreviated; on the posterior half of the elytra nearly all the striæ become obsolete, whilst on the epipleura are two short additional rows, making the total number across that portion of the surface thirteen; humeral callus elevated into a short compressed ridge; on the basilar space, between the humeral callus and the suture, is a distinctly raised circular piceous protuberance, its circumference bounded by an indistinct circular groove, the surface of the protuberance smooth and shining, impunctate. Body beneath obscure nigro-piceous; legs piceous, elongate, basal half of thighs slender, filiform, apical half flask-shaped, two posterior pairs armed towards their apex beneath with a fine acute tooth, basal half of the same thighs obscure fulvous; all the legs sparingly covered with long silky hairs.
Hab. Borneo.
This insect, most remarkable from its slender, spider-like legs, has been sent in some abundance from the above-mentioned locality by Mr. Wallace.
Caput exsertum, modice deflexum; oculis prominulis, oblongo-ovatis, intus obsolete sinuatis; antennis modice robustis, subfiliformibus, articulo secundo obconico, tertio illo duplo longiori, articulo sequenti paullo breviori, quinque ultimis vix incrassatis; palpis maxillaribus (fig. 3 m) articulo ultimo ovato, ad apicem attenuato. Thorax transversus, antepectoris segmento antero-laterali (fig. 3 b) brevi, transverso. Scutellum trigonatum, apice obtusum. Elytra oblonga, postice paullo attenuata, convexa, ante medium gibbosa. Pedes robusti, subelongati, antici cæteris paullo longiores; tarsis (fig. 3 d) articulo tertio bilobato, fere ad basin diviso; ungue valido, unguiculo (fig. 3 e) simplici, inermi. Prosternum (fig. 3 f) trapeziforme, elevatum, antice abbreviatum; mesosternum (fig. 3f) breve, transversum. Corpus oblongo-elongatum, convexum.
Type, Spilopyra sumptuosa, Baly.
This splendid genus, like its near neighbour Podontia, has quite the habit of a Chrysomela; but M. Lacordaire, in the introductory remarks to his 'Monographie des Phytophages,' having separated the closely allied families of Chrysomelidœ and Eumolpidœ by the deeply bilobed third joint of the tarsi in the latter group, rigidly excludes all insects possessing that character from the former. In
deference therefore to his opinion, I have placed it for the present amongst the Eumolpidœ, although it is so closely connected in other respects with the true Chrysomelidœ as almost to form a link between the two groups. In addition to the general form of the body, the structure of the sternum, and above all, the simple claw (common to the great majority of Chrysomelidœ, but wanting, with this solitary exception, in the Eumolpidœ), there is yet another important differential character, hitherto overlooked, uniting it to the Chrysomelidœ, and which, I believe, will become extremely useful in separating the two families,—I mean the form of the antero-lateral plate of the antepectus; this part, in all the Chrysomelidœ that I have as yet examined, is short and transverse, its hinder margin being entire, and not dilated posteriorly; in the Eumolpidœ (the present genus and Podontia excepted) the same organ is more or less trigonate or trapezoid, its posterior edge being produced backwards into an oblong or angular process. This process varies much in shape, and might often, I think, be made available in determining the limits of some of the genera in this difficult group of insects.
The simple claw at once divides Spilopyra from Podontia, the only genus with which it can be confounded.
Spilopyra sumptuosa. (Plate I. fig. 3, 3* lateral view.)
S. oblonga, convexa, dorso gibbosa, nitido-metallico-purpurea, violaceomicans; antennis nigris, basi obscure fulvis; pedibus rufis, femorum tibiarumque apice tarsisque viridi-æneis; clypeo, thoracis basi et apice, scutello elytrorumque maculis duabus basalibus, fascia impressa ante medium, altera brevi, vix pone medium, ad marginem exteriorem adfixa, vitta obliqua apicem versus lineaque suturali, antice abbreviata, viridi-igneis, rufo-aureo-marginatis.—Long. 5–6 lin.
Oblong, slightly narrowed towards the apex, convex, elytra gibbose at their base; shining metallic purple, with a violaceous reflexion; the clypeus, the base and apex of the thorax, and the scutellum, together with some markings on the elytra, bright metallic green, narrowly margined with rufo-aureous. Head excavated and coarsely punctured between the eyes, front impressed with an oblong fovea, jaws and antennæ black; six basal joints of these latter, together with the labrum and palpi, obscure fulvous; lower half of face bright metallic green. Thorax more than one-half broader than long, slightly narrowed from base to apex, apical border concave; sides nearly straight, obliquely narrowed near the anterior angles, the latter produced, their apex obtuse; above transversely convex, remotely punctured, punctures more crowded at the base and sides; the base and apex, together with the extreme lateral borders, bright metallic green. Scutellum smooth and shining, subtrigonate, its apex rounded. Elytra broader at the
base than the thorax; sides nearly parallel, slightly narrowed towards the apex, the latter acutely rounded; above convex, obtusely gibbose below the base; each elytron with thirteen rows of fine punctures, the first abbreviated, the outer row placed on the extreme lateral border, interspaces smooth and shining, impunctate; on the surface of each elytron are placed the following bright metallic green markings, bordered with aureous; viz., two spots at the base, the first elongate, situated halfway between the humeral callus and the suture, the second placed on the humeral angle; an entire, slightly sinuous and deeplygrooved fascia just before the middle; a short, deeply impressed subsinuous band, situated immediately behind the middle, and extending from the outer margin more than a third part across the elytron; an oblique line commencing at the outer border, halfway between its middle and apex, and running obliquely upwards nearly to the suture; and lastly, a narrow line covering the posterior two-thirds of the suture itself. Body beneath variegated with bright metallic green and purplish cupreous; legs rufous, the knees and tarsi bright metallic green.
Hab. Moreton Bay. Sent by Mr. Diggies.
Of this magnificent insect I know but two specimens—one in my own collection, the other in the cabinet of Mr. Bakewell.
Caput(fig. 5 c) exsertum, valde deflexum, fere perpendiculare; oculis prominulis, oblongo-ovatis, intus obsolete sinuatis; antennis corporis longitudini fere æqualibus*, gracilibus, filiformibus, ad apicem vix incrassatis, articulo tertio quarto breviori; palpis maxillaribus articulo ultimo ovato, ad apicem attenuato. Thorax subcylindricus, lateribus non marginatus; antepectoris segmento antero-laterali (fig. 5 b) subtrigonato, angulo postico truncato. Scutellum trigonatum, lateribus sinuatum, apice truncatum. Elytra thorace multo latiora, oblonga, parallela. Pedes modice elongati, graciles; femoribus anticis (fig. 5 d) incrassatis, subtus dente valido productis, intermediis subtus dente parvo armatis; tarsis gracilibus, articulo primo duobus sequentibus longitudine æquali, secundo elongato-trigonato; ungue elongato, arcuato; unguiculo (fig. 5 e) basi dente valido armato. Corpus elongatum, subcylindricum, hirsutum.
Type, Trichotheca hirta, Baly.
This genus ought to stand close to Adoxus, Kirby; its elongated body, slender filiform antennæ, and incrassated anterior pair of femora will separate it from the latter.
Trichotheca hirta. (Plate I. fig. 5)
T. elongata, subcylindrica, pallide fulvo-fusco, pilis concoloribus suberectis
* In the figure of this insect, as well as that of Epiphyma intestinorum, the artist has drawn the antennæ rather too long in proportion to the body.
induta, thoracis vittula elytrorumque plagis sex nigris.—Var. A. Elytris totis nigris.—Long. 2¼ lin.
Elongate, subcylindrical, pale fulvo-fuscous, whole body clothed with suberect concolorous hairs; a short vitta on the disc of the thorax, together with three patches on each elytron, black. Head shining, remotely punctured, surface sparingly covered with hairs; clypeus transverse, separated from the face by a deep groove which runs across between the insertion of the antennæ; jaws pitchy-black; antennæ nearly equal to the body in length, slender, third joint two-thirds the length of the fourth. Thorax slightly broader across the middle than long, subcylindrical, slightly flattened above, lateral border obsolete; sides rounded, sinuate behind the middle, posterior angles produced into an obtuse tooth; surface covered with large deep punctures. Scutellum trigonate, the sides slightly excavated, its apex truncate. Elytra broader than the thorax; sides parallel; apex regularly rounded; above convex, each elytron impressed with eleven rows of deep punctures, the first abbreviated, outer striæ indistinctly sulcate; interspaces smooth and shining; two parallel patches placed immediately below the base, the first within the shoulder, narrowly oblong, the second on the outer margin, still narrower and elongate, and a large subovate patch situated behind the middle, shining black. Beneath shining, more sparingly clothed with fine pubescence.
Var. A. Elytra entirely black.
Hab. Northern India.
Genus ADOXUS, Kirby.
The Rev. W. Kirby, in his work on the North American Coleoptera, has formed a genus for the reception of the non-metallic, hairy species of Eumolpus, taking for his type American representatives of our European Eumolpus vitis; I have therefore retained his name, in preference to the commonly used but more recent one of Bromius*.
Adoxus Bowringii.
A. ovatus, valde convexus, nuceus, pilis adpressis obscure fulvis indutus, thoracis plaga obtrigonata, elytrorum maculis 7, metacoxis pleurarumque plaga nigris.—Var. A. Thoracis plaga elytrorumque maculis nonnullis obsoletis.—Long. 2½—3 lin.
Ovate, very convex, nuceous, body covered with obscure fulvous adpressed hairs; an obtrigonate patch in the centre of the thorax, seven spots on the elytra, a patch at the apex of each pleura, and the metacoxæ shining black. Head distinctly punctured; clypeus triangular, separated from the face by an acutely angled grooved line; on either side, just above the insertion of the antennæ, is a slightly raised smooth tubercle; eyes black. Thorax subglobose above, covered with fulvous
* Redtenbacher, Faun. Austr. 1st ed. p. 558 (1849).
hairs, which are shorter and less depressed than those of any other part of the body; sides regularly rounded; surface deeply punctured, puncturing crowded and rugose on the sides, somewhat more scattered on the disc, the centre of the latter covered by a large obtrigonate black patch. Elytra oblong, sides parallel, slightly narrowed near the apex, the latter regularly rounded, dehiscent at the sutural angle; above convex; each elytron with eleven sulcate striæ, the first abbreviated, each stria impressed with a single row of irregular punctures, interspaces somewhat raised and subcostate towards the lateral margin, their surface covered with distinct punctures, which render those of the striæ confused; a large subbasal rotundate spot, a common bilobate patch at the middle of the suture, another, larger and oblong-ovate, placed behind the middle, and a small spot placed external to the humeral callus, shining black.
Var. A. The patch on the thorax, together with several of those on the elytra, obsolete.
Hab. Nepal; Northern China.
Adoxus nigripes.
A. ovatus, valde convexus, pallide nuceus, pilis adpressis pallidioribus indutus; antennis (basi excepta) pedibusque nigris.—Long. 2 2/3; lin.
Ovate, very convex, pale nuceous, body covered with adpressed paler hairs; antennæ (their base excepted) and legs black. Exactly similar in form and sculpture to the preceding species; the whole body more closely clothed with coarser ash-coloured pubescence, that on the legs nearly white. Four basal joints of antennæ obscure fulvous.
Hab. Hong Kong.
Adoxus pollinarius.
A. ovatus, valde convexus, niger, pilis cinereis cum albidis intermixtis indutus; pedibus obscure rufo-piceis, antennis basi fulvis.—Long. 2½ lin.
Ovate, very convex, black, body clothed with coarse cinereous hairs, intermingled with whiter pubescence, the latter covering a broad space along the outer margin of each elytron, and also forming an interrupted vitta on the inner disc. Head rugose-punctate; basal joints of antennæ obscure fulvous. Thorax subcylindrical, sides obtusely rounded, narrowed in front; rugose-punctate; the centre of the disc with a slightly elevated shining ridge. Elytra coarsely punctured, the puncturing irregularly arranged in striæ. Tibiæ and tarsi obscure rufo-piceous; four anterior thighs armed beneath with a minute tooth.
Hab. Bombay. Collected by H. Downes, Esq.
The single individual of this insect sent by Mr. Downes is unfortunately rather worn, but fresh specimens are in all probability much more closely covered with white pubescence.
Caput perpendiculare, thorace insertum; oculis oblongis, intus sinuatis; antennis (fig. A a) dimidio corporis longioribus, subfiliformibus, articulis tertio ad sextum gracilibus, fere æqualibus. quinque ultimis paullo elongatis et incrassatis, filiformibus; palpis maxillaribus articulo ultimo ovato. Thorax transversus, antepectoris segmento antero-laterali (fig. 4 b) subcuneiformi, angulo postico obtuso, angulo exteriori ad thoracis angulum anticum non extensum. Scutellum breviter oblongum, apice rotundato. Elytra oblonga, convexa, thorace latiora. Pedes robusti, tarsis (fig. 4 d) articulo primo duobus sequentibus fere æquali, ungue valido, unguiculo (fig. 4 e) vix ante medium appendiculato. Prosternum (fig. 4 f) postice ampliatum, lateribus bisinuatis; mesosternum pentagonum. Corpus anguste oblongum, valde convexum.
Type, Epiphyma intestinorum (Thoms.). Brazil (Plate I fig. 4.)
Caput thorace fere insertum, facie lata, perpendiculare; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus; oculis vix prominulis, intus emarginatis. Thorax transversa, lateribus marginatus; antipectoris segmento antero-laterali (fig. 2 b) postice in lobum oblongum producto, angulo exteriori ad thoracis angulum anticum extenso. Scutellum latum, subhemisphæricum. Elytra oblonga, convexa. Pedes antici incrassati; femoribus anticis valde ampliatis, subtus dente acuto productis; tibiis ejusdem paris arcuatis; tarsis (fig. 2 d) articulo primo duobus sequentibus fere æquali; unguiculo (fig. 2 e) medio appendiculato. Prosternum (fig. 2 f) ad apicem ampliatum, lateribus bisinuatis, mesosternum subpentagonum. Corpus oblongo-elongatum, valde convexum.
Type, Meroda costata, Baly.
Meroda costata. (Plate I. fig. 2.)
M. anguste oblonga, convexa, nitido-picea, antennis obscure fulvis; elytris costatis, interspatiis confuse bifariam punctatis.—Long. 3—4 lin.
Narrowly oblong, convex, shining piceous, antennæ pale fulvous; elytra punctate-striate, the interspaces costate. Head closely strigose-punctate, front impressed with an elongate fovea; labrum smooth, pale piceous; antennæ two-thirds the length of the body, terminal joint stained with piceous; palpi fulvous. Thorax nearly twice broader than long at the base; apex indistinctly produced in the middle, slightly sinuate on either side; sides rotundate-angustate, anterior and posterior angles produced into an obtuse tooth; above transversely convex, deflexed at the anterior angles, surface deeply but subremotely punctured, puncturing on the sides subvariolose. Scutellum semirotundate, surface minutely punctured, opake. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong, each elytron with nine smooth and shining elevated costæ, the first abbreviated; interspaces deeply punctate, the punctures irregularly arranged in a double row. Body shining beneath, segments of abdo-
men distinctly punctured; anterior pair of thighs incrassate, their lower edge flattened, and produced in the centre into an acute tooth; anterior tibiæ strongly curved, gradually thickened from their base to the apex; outer edge of four posterior tibiæ produced immediately before their apex into a flat obtuse process.
Hab. Amazons. Collected by H. W. Bates, Esq.
Caput (fig. 6 c) exsertum, declive; oculis prominentibus, oblongo-ovatis, intus sinuatis; antennis (fig. 6 a) ad apicem valde compresso-dilatatis, articulis quinto ad nonum perparum ampliatis, tribus ultimis latitudine æqualibus; palpis maxillaribus elevatis. Thorax transversus, convexus, lateribus marginatis; antepectoris segmento antero-laterali (fig. 6 b) trigonato, angulo postico obtuso, angulo exteriori ad thoracis angulum anticum non producto. Scutellum subtrigonatum, apice rotundatum. Elytra thorace latiora, oblonga, convexa. Pedes (fig. 6 d) robusti, femoribus (præsertim anticis) incrassatis, subtus dente acuto armatis; tarsis articulo primo duobus sequentibus conjunctim breviori; unguiculo (fig. 6 e) appendiculato. Corpus oblongo-elongatum, valde convexum.
Type, Callisina fasciata, Baly.
Approximating closely to Corynodes, Hope, through its dilated antennæ, but easily separated by the transverse thorax and toothed thighs.
Callisina fasciata. (Plate I. fig. 6.)
C. oblonga, convexa, nitido-rufo-testacea; antennis extrorsum nigris; thoracis basi elytrorumque sutura fasciisque duabus latis, nigro-piceis. —Long. 2¾ lin.
Oblong, convex, shining rufo-testaceous; the seven outer joints of the antennæ black; the base of the thorax, the suture, and two broad transverse bands on the elytra, nigro-piceous. Head remotely punctured; eyes black, surrounded by a deep circular groove; clypeus separated from the face by a short oblique groove on each side; forehead with an oblong fovea; jaws nigro-piceous; four basal joints of antennæ rufo-testaceous, the rest black, second and two following joints slender. Thorax broader than long; apical margin entire, convex; sides narrowly margined, obtusely rounded, armed just behind the middle with a small obtuse tooth, anterior and posterior angles notched; above very convex, constricted and cylindrical at the anterior margin; surface remotely impressed with large deep punctures; the base, together with the extreme lateral margin, nigro-piceous. Scutellum piceous. Elytra oblong, slightly narrowed behind, convex; on the basilar portion of each elytron is a slightly elevated transverse space, which, covering the shoulders, extends inwards nearly to the suture, behind being bounded by a shallow transverse groove; each elytron with ten rows of punctures, the first abbreviated; the outer stria, which is placed on the lateral margin,
deeply sulcate; the puncturing of the remaining striæ distinct, and deeply impressed in their middle portion, indistinct and nearly obsolete on the elevated space at the base and towards their apex; interspaces each impressed with a single row of fine punctures placed midway between the striæ; those in the outer interspaces are larger and deeper, rendering the striæ themselves confused: the extreme basal and lateral margin, a broad sutural vitta, abbreviated at the extreme apex of the elytra, together with two broad transverse fasciæ, the first immediately before the middle, the other halfway between the latter and the apex, piceous. Body beneath rufo-testaceous, somewhat more obscure on the breast.
Hab. Malacca; Borneo. Collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace.
Genus CORYNODES, Hope.
Corynodes 10-notatus.
C. subelongatus, valde convexus, nitido-cæruleus; pleuris, sterno corporeque supra (antennis exceptis) metallico-viridibus; scutello elytrorumque maculis decem nigro-cæruleis, cupreo vix micantibus.—Long. 5 lin.
Subelongate, very convex, dark shining metallic blue; pleuræ, sternum, and body above (the antennæ excepted) bright metallic green; the scutellum and five large spots on each elytron obscure shining blue with a faint cupreous reflexion. Head distinctly punctured; antennæ deep metallic blue. Thorax subglobose above, deeply but remotely punctured. Elytra irregularly punctate-striate, the punctures aciculate, less deeply impressed towards the apex; each elytron with five large spots, obscure metallic blue with a cupreous reflexion, viz., the first subrotundate, at the base, two before the middle, parallel and oblong, the inner one somewhat larger, the fourth rotundate, placed just behind the middle, and the fifth elongate, subapical, and parallel with the suture. Body beneath deep metallic blue, prosternum and pleuræ bright metallic green; legs deeply punctured, anterior pair of tibiæ slightly curved near the apex, intermediate pair strongly curved beyond their middle.
Hab. India?
Corynodes pulchellus.
C. oblongus, valde convexus, nitido-cæruleus, thorace sparse punctato; elytris punctato-striatis, nigro-cæruleis, utrisque fasciis duabus utrinque abbreviatis, punctoque subapicali læte viridi-æneis.—Long. 5 lin.
Oblong, very convex, deep shining metallic blue; elytra shining obscure metallic blue with a faint cupreous reflexion, each with two broad transverse bands and a subapical spot bright metallic green. Head with the face rugose, forehead deeply punctured. Thorax slightly broader than long; apex indistinctly trisinuate; sides narrowly margined, nearly straight and parallel, narrowed and rounded in front, slightly deflexed, above subglobose, smooth and shining, sparingly impressed with rounded deep punctures, which are irregularly congregated
on the disc, the sides nearly impunctate. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra nearly a third longer than broad, very convex, slightly depressed on the sides below the shoulders, regularly punctate-striate, the striæ somewhat less regular towards the apex; obscure metallic blue with a faint coppery reflexion; each elytron with a small subapical patch and two broad transverse bands shining metallic green; the first of the latter is basal, and extends from immediately within the extreme outer border nearly to the suture, its lower edge being deeply emarginate on the shoulder; the second, slightly irregular above and below, is situated immediately behind the middle of the elytron, commencing and terminating in the same manner as the former.
Hab. Siam. Collected, together with the two following species, by M. Mouhet.
Corynodes igneo-fasciatus.
C. oblongo-elongatus aut oblongus, valde convexus, nitido-cæruleus; thorace subremote punctato; elytris subcrebre irregulariter punctato-striatis, metallico-purpureis, utrisque fasciis duabus utrinque abbreviatis, læte viridi-æneis, auro-marginatis.—Long. 3¼—4½ lin.
Oblong-elongate or oblong, very convex, deep shining metallic blue; elytra each with two broad transverse bands, bright metallic green, edged with gold. Head with the face finely rugose-punctate, forehead deeply punctured; five outer joints of antennæ more suddenly dilated than in the preceding insect. Thorax as broad at the base as long, cylindrical, apex obsoletely trisinuate; sides slightly rounded, narrowed in front; subglobose above, surface subremotely covered with deep punctures, which are regularly dispersed over the whole surface, but are somewhat more distant on the sides and apex. Scutellum broadly semiovate, its apex subacute. Elytra from a quarter to a third longer than broad, very convex, transversely depressed below the shoulders; surface covered with numerous rows of punctures, more crowded and less regular than in Corynodes pulchellus; each elytron with two broad transverse bands extending from just within the outer margin nearly to the suture, bright metallic green, edged with aureous; the first of these, placed at the base, has its lower border distinctly emarginate; the second, situated just below the middle, has both the upper and lower margins notched. Body beneath dark metallic blue.
Hab. Siam.
Very closely allied to the preceding species, but nevertheless distinct, the thorax rather more closely punctured, the punctate striæ on the elytra much more numerous.
Corynodes pyrospilotus.
C. oblongo-elongatus aut oblongus, valde convexus, nitido-cæruleus; thorace subremote punctato; pleuris thoracisque maculis quatuor, transversim positis, viridi-æneis; elytris subcrebre irregulariter punctato-striatis, utrisque plagis tribus (harum duabus baseos, tertia sub-
apicali), fasciaque flexuosa pone medium viridi-æneis.—Long. 3½—4½ lin.
Oblong-elongate or oblong, very convex, dark shining metallic blue with a purple reflexion; the pleuræ, two patches on the forehead, four others placed transversely on the thorax, together with three spots (two basal, the third subapical), and an irregularly curved transverse band on each elytron, bright metallic green. Head with the lower portion of the face finely rugose-punctate, forehead deeply punctate, two trigonate patches on its surface bright metallic green. Thorax one-sixth broader than long, apex sinuate on either side; above moderately subglobose, deeply impressed with subremote punctures; transversely placed on the surface are four bright metallic green patches, viz. one on either side the centre of the disc, the two others larger and lateral, extending from the apical nearly to the basal margin. Scutellum distinctly and minutely punctured. Elytra much broader than the thorax, scarcely three times its length, above very convex, transversely grooved below the basilar space; surface somewhat closely covered with deep punctures, which are arranged in irregular striæ; each elytron with two patches at the base,—the first oblong, near the suture, the second on the shoulder and covering the humeral callus, a third placed obliquely immediately before the apex of the elytron, and in addition a broad sinuate transverse band, commencing scarcely below the middle and extending across the elytron nearly to the suture, its apex curving suddenly backwards; all these markings narrowly edged with aureous. Body beneath deep metallic blue, pleuræ and metasternum bright metallic green.
Hab. Siam. Collected by M. Mouhet.
Genus EURYOPE, Dalm.
Euryope cingulatus.
E. oblongus, valde convexus, nitido-fulvus; antennis, scutello, elytrorum maculis sex, pleurarum limbo pedibusque (femoribus medio exceptis) nigris; thorace elytris latitudine fere æquali.—Var. A. Pedibus totis nigris.—Long. 3—4 lin.
Oblong, very convex, shining fulvous; antennæ, scutellum, a short fascia below the base and two spots on each elytron, the limb of the pleuræ, and also the legs (the middle of the thighs excepted) shining black. Head broad, face flattened and impressed with three shallow foveæ placed in a triangle between the eyes; apex of jaws and the antennæ black, basal joints of the latter obscure rufous beneath. Thorax twice broader than long, slightly increasing in width before the middle; sides rounded, anterior and posterior angles produced into a short obtuse tooth; above transversely convex, surface minutely punctured, the puncturing rather more distinct on the sides. Scutellum semirotundate, smooth, shining black. Elytra shortly ovate, not broader at their base than the thorax; sides rounded; apex regularly rounded;
above convex, finely but not very closely punctured, at the outer margin are several rows of rather deeper impressions; each elytron with a short longitudinal line at the base, placed immediately within the humeral callus, a deeply impressed transverse fossa, situated just below the basilar space, and a short spot behind the middle of the disc, shining black. Body beneath somewhat paler, legs (the centre of the thighs excepted) black.
Hab. Port Natal.
Euryope terminalis.
E. oblongus, valde convexus, nitido-rufo-castaneus; antennis, macula frontali thoracis maculis quatuor, scutello, elytrorum plagis, pleurarum limbo, abdominis segmento anali pedibusque (femoribus medio exceptis) nigris; thorace elytris angustiori; elytris confuse tenuiter punctato-striatis, utrisque carina submarginali vittisque impunctatis (his postice obsoletis) instructis.—Long. 3—4½ lin.
Oblong, very convex, shining rufo-castaneous; antennæ, a frontal patch, four spots on the thorax, placed in a transversely oblong square, the scutellum, five irregular patches on each elytron, the limb of the pleuræ, the anal segment of the abdomen, and the legs (the middle of the thighs excepted) shining black. Head finely punctured, face impressed on either side between the eyes with a broad oblique fovea; apex of basal joints of antennæ rufous, apex of jaws nigro-piceous. Thorax not quite twice broader than long; sides nearly straight, obliquely deflexed; above transversely convex, impressed on either side by a deep fovea, surface punctured; four patches on the disc, two transverse, attached one on either side to the anterior margin, and the two others smaller and nearly round, placed immediately behind the former, shining black. Scutellum broad, subtrigonate, its apex rounded. Elytra broader at their base than the thorax, subquadrate-oblong, their apex regularly rounded; above convex, lightly impressed with numerous piceous punctures, confusedly arranged in irregular longitudinal striæ; on each elytron, distinct and slightly elevated in front, but nearly lost towards the apex, are several impunctate vittæ; in addition to these, immediately within the lateral border is a strongly elevated costa, which continues entire to the apex of the elytron; bounding the basilar space posteriorly is an oblique fossa, which extends from the suture to the submarginal costa, near its termination becoming broadly dilated, and its surface coarsely punctured; on each elytron are placed six irregular shining black spots, which in some specimens become more or less confluent, viz. one at the base, just within the humeral callus, two on the oblique fossa (the one near the suture much larger than the outer one), a fourth, smaller and submarginal, situated below the humeral angle, and lastly, two others, parallel and placed immediately behind the middle of the disc, the inner one elongate, the outer smaller and subrotundate. Body beneath, with the limb of the pleuræ, the meta-
coxæ, and the anal segment of the abdomen (its base excepted), shining black; legs as in the preceding species.
Hab. South Africa.
Genus COLASPIS, Fabr.
Colaspis dimidiata.
C. oblongo-ovata, convexa, pallide fulva, nitida; abdomine elytrorumque dimidio postico nigris.—Long. 4—5 lin.
Oblong-ovate, convex, pale shining fulvous; abdomen and the posterior half of the elytra shining black. Head smooth, front impressed with an oblong fovea; clypeus and lower portion of face elevated into a triangular space, the apex of which extends upwards between the antennæ; the latter nearly the length of the body, indistinctly thickened towards their apex, six basal joints shining, the rest opake; eyes black. Thorax nearly twice broader at the base than long; apex entire; sides slightly rounded, quickly narrowed from the base to the apex, anterior angles produced laterally into a small obtuse tooth; above very convex, deflexed on either side in front; surface subremotely impressed with minute punctures, only visible under a lens. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, more than four times its length; sides parallel; apex acutely rounded; above convex, each elytron with ten distinctly punctured striæ, the first abbreviated, each stria, with the exception of the first, ninth and tenth, consisting of a double row of punctures, interspaces between the fifth and ninth striæ costate.
Hab. Peru.
Colaspis humeralis.
C. ovato-oblonga, nigro-ænea; nitida; elytris nigris, utrisque plaga magna basali rufa; tibiis posticis ante apicem spina magna, apice curvata instructis.—Long. 2½ lin.
Ovate-oblong, shining nigro-æneous; elytra shining black, each with a large subtriangular patch at the base, extending from the outer margin nearly to the suture, and downwards rather more than a third the length of the elytron, shining rufous. Head deeply inserted in the thorax; face perpendicular, deeply punctured, puncturing more crowded on the clypeus; antennæ subfiliform, half the length of the body, black, basal joints fusco-fulvous. Thorax moderately convex, nearly as wide at its base as the elytra; sides rounded and narrowed from the base to their apex; surface finely punctured. Elytra rather more than three times longer than the thorax; shoulders rounded, sides narrowly margined, sinuate behind the anterior third; apex acutely rounded; above moderately convex, transversely impressed below the shoulders; surface finely punctate-striate, the puncturing distinct in front, nearly obsolete towards the apex. Body beneath obscure brassy-green; last two segments of abdomen stained in the middle with obscure rufopiceous, apical segment deeply impressed with a large transversely
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oblong fovea; thighs moderately incrassate; hinder tibiæ below the middle with a stout spine, the apex of which is suddenly bent backwards, the inner surface clothed with long whitish hairs; four anterior tarsi with their basal joints dilated, ovate.
Hab. Ega, Upper Amazons. Collected by H. W. Bates, Esq.
Genus COLASPOSOMA, Laporte.
Colasposoma pretiosa.
C. subquadrato-oblonga, convexa, nitida, metallico-cærulea; antennis tarsisque nigris; elytris irregulariter subcrebre punctato-striatis, utrisque aureo-roseis, cæruleo anguste marginatis; femoribus subtus dente parvo armatis, anticis incrassatis.—Long. 4¼ lin.
Subquadrate-oblong, convex, shining metallic blue; antennæ and tarsi black; elytra bright auro-rosaceous, with a slight violet tint, the suture and outer limb narrowly edged with metallic blue. Head flat, closely strigose-punctate, three small smooth spaces placed in a triangle between the eyes metallic green; front impressed with a longitudinal groove, which terminates below at the central space. Thorax more than twice broader than long; sides rounded, slightly narrowed in front, notched at their apex, anterior and posterior angles each armed with a small obtuse tooth; above very convex transversely, slightly convex from base to apex, somewhat closely covered with deep punctures. Scutellum metallic green, impressed at the base with several deep punctures. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, about four times its length; sides parallel; apex regularly rounded; surface covered with numerous distinctly impressed subaciculate punctures, irregularly arranged in striæ, interstices finely reticulate-strigose. Body beneath deep metallic blue, with a faint green reflexion; tarsi black; all the femora armed on their lower edge just beyond the middle with a small acute tooth; anterior pair of thighs incrassate.
Hab. Northern India.
V.—Notices of new or little-known Genera and Species of Coleoptera.
IT is difficult to form any adequate idea of the number of new forms, to say nothing of new species of insects, which exist in, or are being constantly added to, our cabinets*. Many of these are almost hope-
* Mr. S. Stevens has just favoured me with the sight of a collection of Coleoptera (perhaps about a thousand species) made by Mr. Squire at Petropolis (a sort of Brazilian Cintra, and a short day's journey from Rio), and although the district has been repeatedly worked, and Mr. Squire was there scarcely two months, yet the result of his visit has been the discovery of a vast number of novelties and some new forms of a very interesting character.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online. (
File last updated 26 September, 2012