RECORD: Baly, John Sugar. 1859. Exhibition of a new Hispa sent from Batchian by Mr A.R. Wallace, described as Oxycephala imperialis. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, (new series) 5: 88.
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 2012. RN1
Mr. Baly exhibited a fine new Hispa, sent from Batchian by Mr. Wallace, and read the following description of it:—
"Elongata, subdepressa, pallide fulva, nitida; antennis (basi excepto) piceis; thorace transverso-quadrato, basi ad apicem paullo ampliato, crebre punctato; elytris postice attenuatis, metallico-cyaneis, apice externo rufis, fascia lata obliqua, vix ante mediam posita, extrorsum abbreviata, pallide fulva. Long. 7 lin.
"Hab. Batchian."
Mr. Stainton exhibited a specimen of Margarodes unionalis, a species new to Britain, taken by Mr. King, at Torquay.
Mr. Fereday exhibited a beautiful series of Sphinx Convolvuli, captured this season; and a variety of Colias Edusa, having the central spot on the anterior wings much suffused on the under side.
Dr. Knaggs brought for distribution amongst the members a number of specimens of Amara plebeia, found in his own field at Kentish Town.
Mr. Tegetmeier exhibited specimens of Apis ligustica, of which he had lately received living examples of the queen and workers from the Continent, where it is considered a more profitable species to the owner than the common honey bee; he hoped, during the next season, to test the correctness of this opinion.
Mr. Stainton read a paper "On the Geographical Distribution of British Butterflies."
Some conversation ensued on the probability that the few examples of Vanessa Antiopa, Argynnis Lathonia, &c., which are found in this country, are specimens bred on the Continent, and flown across the channel during favourable weather. Mr. Waterhouse observed that whilst crossing from Liverpool to Dublin in a steamer, a few years ago, on a remarkably calm day, when the sea was as smooth as glass, he noticed the surface of the water was literally covered with butterflies and other insects, which seemed to keep pace with the steamer; thousands of them must have crossed the channel that day: he was convinced that the powers of flight possessed by insects could hardly be over-estimated.
The Secretary read a paper by Mr. Wallace, intituled "Notes on the Habits of Scolytidæ and Bastrichidæ," in which the author expressed his opinion (founded on extensive observations of the habits of those insects in the islands of the Eastern Archipelago) that they only attack trees which are already in a diseased or dying state.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online. (
File last updated 26 September, 2012