RECORD: Baly, John Sugar. 1859. Descriptions of new species of Phytophagous insects. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, (new series) 5: 146-161.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 2012. RN1

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IX. Descriptions of New Species of Phytophagous Insects.
J. S. BALY, Esq.

[Read June 6th, 1859.]


Genus LEMA, Fabr.

Lema De Gandei.

Oblonga, convexa, nigra, nitida, abdomine rufo-piceo; elytris punctato-sulcatis, sulcis interruptis, profunde impressis; cæruleo-viridibus, margine flavo.

Long. 3½—4 lin.

Oblong, shining black; abdomen rufo-piceous; elytra bluishgreen, their outer margin pale yellow. Head constricted behind the eyes; antennæ sub-filiform, two-thirds the length of the body, their second and third joints equal. Thorax subquadrate, scarcely broader than long; sides deeply constricted at their middle; above sub-cylindrical, impressed at the middle with a deep transverse groove, which is parallel with and terminates on either side in the lateral constriction; basal half of disc impressed by a deep longitudinal groove; surface smooth and shining, finely and remotely punctured. Scutellum triangular, shining black. Elytra much broader than the thorax, more than four times its length; above convex, each elytron covered with ten rows of deeply sulcate, punctured striæ; striæ much interrupted, interspaces elevated, smooth and shining; the outer stria entire; bright metallic bluish-green, the outer border broadly margined with pale yellow. Beneath shining black, abdomen rufo-piceous; legs slender.

Hab. Ecuador.

Lema variolosa.

Oblongo-elongata, rufo-fulva, nitida, antennis, thoracis vittâ centrali, postice abbreviatâ, scutello elytrisque nigris, his valde et irregulariter punctatis; punctis (præsertim ad latera) confluentibus, interstitiis valde elevatis; genubus, tibiis tarsisque piceis.

Long. 3 lin.

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Oblong-elongate, convex above, shining rufo-fulvous; antennæ, a vitta on the thorax, the scutellum and the elytra black; knees, tibiæ and tarsi piceous. Head constricted behind the eyes; front with an oblique groove on either side; face transversely grooved just above the insertion of the antennæ; the latter slender, filiform, nearly equal in length to the body, their third joint obovate, nearly twice the length of the second. Thorax sub-quadrate; sides deeply constricted just behind their middle; above subcylindrical, deeply impressed in front of the base by a transverse groove, either end of which terminates in the lateral constriction; surface smooth and shining, impunctate, bright rufo-fulvous, a broad vitta down the centre, which gradually increases in width behind, and is abbreviated at the transverse groove, black. Scutellum shining black, its apex truncate. Elytra much broader than the thorax, oblong, convex, indistinctly depressed transversely below the base; shining black, whole surface irregularly covered with large deep variolose punctures, more crowded and confluent towards the sides; interspaces smooth and shining, much thickened and elevated, and forming towards the sides irregular reticulations. Beneath shining rufo-fulvous, abdomen covered with very short adpressed fulvous pubescence; the apex of jaws, the knees, tibiæ (their inner surface excepted) and tarsi pitchy black.

Hab. Sarawak, Borneo, collected by Mr. Wallace.

Lema Erycina.

Oblongo-elongata, nitido-rufo-fulva, pedibus elytrisque nigris, his apice rufo-fulvis; antennis extrorsum pallide fuscis.

Long. 4—4½ lin.

Oblong-elongate, shining rufo-fulvous; legs and elytra shining black; the apex of these latter rufo-fulvous. Head smooth, deeply constricted on either side behind the eyes, front impressed with a deep fovea; antennæ moderately robust, filiform, scarcely longer than half the body. Thorax as broad as long, sub-cylindrical, sides deeply constricted at their middle; above smooth and shining, impressed behind the middle with a shallow transverse groove, in the centre of which is a single fovea; a broad longitudinal line down the centre of the disc and a space on either side in front finely and sub-remotely punctured. Elytra oblong, transversely depressed below their base, the scutellary space slightly elevated; surface shining black, the apex rufo-fulvous; each elytron with ten rows of fine but distinct punctures; striæ

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somewhat confused at their extreme apex, the outer stria deeply sulcate. Beneath rufo-fulvous, legs shining black; posterior thighs much shorter than the abdomen.

Hab. Old Calabar.

Lema cognata.

Oblonga, convexa, fulva, nitida; capite, scutello, pedibus, prothoracis basi infra, metathoraceque nigris.

Long. 2¾ lin.

Oblong, convex, shining fulvous; head, scutellum, legs, base of prothorax beneath, and the metathorax, shining black. Head shining, front impressed with a short longitudinal groove; antennæ moderately robust, sub-filiform, half the length of the body. Thorax rather broader than long, sub-cylindrical, sides deeply constricted behind the middle; above smooth and shining, deeply impressed behind the middle with a transverse groove, which terminates on either side in the lateral constriction. Scutellum shining black. Elytra much broader than the thorax, sub-quadrate-ovate, very convex, each elytron with ten rows of fine fuscous punctured striæ, sub-sulcate towards the apex, outer stria sulcate for its whole length; interstices slightly convex towards their apex, outer margin of elytron slightly thickened. Beneath shining fulvous, legs, base of pro- together with the whole of the metathorax shining black; hinder thighs slightly thickened.

Hab. Venezuela.

My own collection.

Nearly allied to Lema rufa.

Lema Fortunei.

Elongata, convexa, rufa, nitida; tibiis, tarsis antennisque (harum articulo basali excepto) nigris; elytris tenuiter punctatostriatis, cyaneis.

Long. 3½ lin.

Elongate, convex, shining rufous; antennæ (the basal joint excepted), tibiæ and tarsi black; elytra shining metallic blue. Head much constricted behind the eyes, front with a deep oblique groove on either side; space between impressed with an oblong fovea; antennæ filiform, moderately robust, rather more than half the length of the body, black, opaque, covered with adpressed hairs, basal joint rufous, glabrous, third joint obconic, nearly twice the length of the second. Thorax sub-cylindrical, scarcely longer than broad, rather wider behind, sides deeply constricted

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at their middle; above smooth and shining, impunctate, with the exception of a few fine impressions, which are placed in two or three somewhat irregular rows down the centre of the disc; just in front of the basal margin is a single distinct fovea. Scutellum transverse-quadrate, obscure rufous. Elytra oblong-elongate, convex, distinctly impressed transversely below their base; each elytron with ten regular rows of fine punctures, which become still finer towards their apex, the outer row sulcate. Beneath rufous, sparingly covered with very short pubescence; middle of abdomen stained with piceous; tibiæ and tarsi, the extreme apex of the latter excepted, black; posterior pair of thighs much shorter than the abdomen.

Hab. Northern China. Collected by Mr. Fortune.

Lema oculata.

Elongata, convexa, pallide fulva, nitida; capite (basi extremâ exceptâ), antennarum articulis intermediis, pectore elytrorumque lineâ brevi annuloque apicali, nigris; tibiis tarsisque nigro-piceis.

Long. 4 lin.

Elongate, convex, pale shining fulvous; head, intermediate joints of antennâ, the breast, a short line near the middle of the outer margin, and an annulus at the apex of each elytron, black; tibiâ and tarsi piceous. Head constricted behind the eyes, front obliquely grooved on either side; face sub-elongate; shining black, base of neck fulvous; antennâ slender, filiform, nearly equal in length to the body, second and third joints, together with the first and fourth beneath, shining fulvous, fifth and three following black, three apical joints yellowish-white. Thorax sub-cylindrical, rather longer than broad; sides deeply constricted at their middle, above smooth and shining, impressed here and there on the sides with a few fine punctures; behind the middle is a shallow transverse groove, terminating at either end in the lateral constriction. Scutellum smooth, shining black. Elytra oblong, convex, obsoletely depressed transversely below their base, each elytron with ten regular rows of fine punctures; shining fulvous, a short longitudinal line just within the middle of outer margin, the suture from immediately before its middle, and a large patch covering the posterior third of each elytron and enclosing a circular fulvous spot, black. Beneath shining fulvous, covered with short adpressed hairs; breast black, tibiâ and tarsi piceous.

Hab. Ecuador.

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Lema Hebe.

Sub-elongata, convexa, piceo-nigra, nitida; antennarum apice, scutello, elytrorum basi, meso- et metathorace, tibiarum apice femoribusque fulvis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Sub-elongate, convex, shining pitchy black; the extreme apex of antentiæ, scutellum, base of the elytra, meso-and metathorax, thighs, together with the base of the tibiæ, fulvous. Antennæ filiform, equal in length to the body, their two terminal joints fulvous. Thorax rather broader than long, sub-cylindrical, strangulated behind the middle; surface smooth and shining, obsoletely punctured. Scutellum shining fulvous. Elytra oblong, convex, deeply impressed transversely below their base; each elytron with ten rows of fine punctures, which become nearly obsolete towards the apex, puncturing on the transverse depression coarse and deeply impressed; shining black, the basal third bright fulvous. Beneath nigro-piceous, meso- and metathorax, thighs and base of tibiæ fulvous; hinder pair of thighs incrassate, shorter than the abdomen.

Hab. Dory, New Guinea.

Collections of A. R. Wallace and W. W. Saunders, Esqs., and J. S. Baly.

Genus CRIOCERIS, Geoff.

Crioceris Adonis.

Convexa, nitido-cærulea, antennis nigris; elytris thorace multo latioribus, utrisque plagâ magnâ, a basi ad paullo infra medium extensâ, introrsum valde emarginatâ, flavâ.

Long. 5 lin.

Convex, deep shining metallic blue, each elytron with a large sub-reniform patch, extending from the base to beyond the middle, bright yellow. Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, forehead with a deep fovea; antennæ black, moderately robust, nearly equal to the body in length, sub-filiform. Thorax as broad as long, sub-cylindrical, sides constricted in the middle; above smooth and shining, sides indistinctly and irregularly excavated, surface minutely and remotely punctured, the puncturing rather more distinct towards the front, on the middle of the disc are several irregular longitudinal rows of punctures; in front of the base is a shallow fovea. Scutellum trigonate. Elytra very much broader than the thorax, four times its length, convex, indistinctly

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impressed transversely on the suture below the base; surface smooth and shining, each elytron with eleven regular rows of punctures (the first abbreviated), puncturing rather finer towards the apex; interstices each with a row of finer impressions, placed nearly equidistant between the striæ; deep shining blue; on each elytron is a large bright yellow patch, which extends longitudinally from the base to beyond the middle, and transversely from the outer margin nearly to the suture, its inner edge being deeply emarginate. Beneath dark shining blue; legs moderately robust, thighs slightly thickened, the hinder pair shorter than the abdomen; this latter with a double row of patches of adpressed white hairs.

Hab. Northern India.

Crioceris flavipennis.

Oblongo-elongata, convexa, nitido-cyanea; antennis gracilibus, longitudine corporis vix brevioribus; thorace sub-quadrato, lateribus medio valde constricto; elytris thorace multo latioribus, oblongis, tenuiter irregulariter seriatim punctatis, flavis.

Long. 6½ lin.

Oblong-elongate, convex, shining metallic blue; elytra paleyellow. Head smooth, constricted behind the eyes, posterior portion of neck obliquely strigose; face elongate, front impressed in the centre with a deep oblong fovea; antennæ slender, filiform, nearly equal in length to the body, third and fourth joints nearly equal. Thorax slightly broader than long, sub-cylindrical, deeply constricted at the middle of the sides; above smooth and shining, obliquely impressed on either side near the base, posterior half of disc longitudinally grooved. Scutellum sub-triangular, smooth and shining. Elytra much broader than the thorax, oblong, convex above; pale shining yellow, their surface minutely punctured, puncturing irregularly arranged in striæ on the disc, confused near the outer border. Legs slender, elongate.

Hab. Northern India.

Crioceris Bakervellii.

Oblonga, convexa, rufo-fulva, nitida; antennis (articulo basali excepto), tibiis, tarsis, elytrorumque plagâ magnâ communi, nigris.

Long. 3½ lin.

Oblong, convex, shining rufo-fulvous; antennæ (their basal

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joints excepted), tibiæ, tarsi and a large common patch on the posterior half of the elytra, black. Head constricted behind the eyes; face elongate; antennæ moderately robust, sub-filiform, half the length of the body, black, basal joints rufo-fulvous, third joint more than half the length of the second; eyes also black. Thorax sub-cylindrical, rather longer than broad; sides deeply constricted at their middle; above shining, impunctate. Scutellum smooth. Elytra broadly oblong, much broader than the thorax; convex, indistinctly depressed below the scutellum, sides excavated immediately beneath the shoulders; surface very smooth and shining, basal half of inner disc punctate-striate; rest of the surface, with the exception of a single row of minute punctures running parallel to the suture, impunctate; bright rufo-fulvous, a large common rotundate patch, extending from just before the middle nearly to the apex, black. Beneath shining rufo-fulvous, tibiæ and tarsi black, the former clothed towards their apex with bright fulvous hairs.

Hab. Moreton Bay. Collected by Mr. Diggles.

Crioceris pulchella.

Elongata, convexa, læte cærulea, nitida; elytris punctato-striatis, rufo- fulvis.

Long. 4¾ lin.

Elongate, convex, deep shining metallic blue; elytra rufo-fulvous. Head deeply constricted behind the eyes; face sub-trigonate; forehead longitudinally grooved; antennæ more than twothirds the length of the body, filiform, moderately robust, third joint scarcely longer than the fourth. Thorax sub-quadrate, sub-cylindrical, sides deeply constricted at their middle, armed near their apex with an obtuse tubercle; above smooth, impunctate, apex narrowly margined; immediately behind the middle is a deep transverse groove, which terminates at either end in the lateral constriction; on each side in front is a short transverse impression. Scutellum sub-trigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra much broader than the thorax, more than four times its length, convex, slightly sinuate on the sides below the shoulders, each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated. Body beneath clothed with adpressed yellowish-white hairs; legs subelongate; thighs slightly thickened.

Hab. Northern India.

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Agathomerus Salléi.

Sub-elongata, fulva, sparsim concolori-pubescens; antennis, verticis maculâ, alterâ thoracis disci, plagâ magnâ utroque elytro, maculis pleurarum tarsisque posticis, nigris.

Long. 3—3½ lin.

Sub-elongate, fulvous, sub-nitidous, sparingly clothed with coarse hairs, body beneath more densely pubescent; antennæ (their basal joint sometimes excepted), an obscure spot on the vertex, an oblong one on the disc of the thorax in front, a large patch nearly covering the disc on either elytron, some shining spots on the pleuræ, together with the hinder pair of tarsi, black. Head finely punctured on the front; face transversely grooved at the base of the clypeus; eyes and apex of jaws piceous, basal joints of antennæ sometimes bright fulvous. Thorax one-half broader than long at the base; sides notched at their extreme base and apex, slightly rounded, narrowing gradually towards the front; above convex, narrowly margined at the base and apex; surface glabrous, smooth and shining, minutely and remotely punctured. Scutellum triangular. Elytra broader than the thorax; sides parallel; apex sub-acutely rounded, dehiscent at the suture; above convex, slightly flattened along the suture; shoulders slightly prominent, obtuse, surface coarsely and deeply punctured, sparingly clothed with fulvous hairs. Beneath fulvous, more densely covered with concolorous pubescence, three spots on either side (one on the prothorax, the two others on the front and side of the pleura) shining black; posterior tarsi pitchy black, hinder pair of thighs slightly thickened, ovate.

Hab. Mexico.

Collected by M. Sallé.


Genus DORYPHORA, Illig.

Doryphora cruciata, * Stãl, Öfvers. af Köngl. Vetens. Akad. Förh. 1857, p. 57 (1858).

Rotundato-ovata, valde convexa, picea, antennis pedibusque rufo-fuscis, thoracis lateribus et apice elytrisque flavis, his utrisque limbo anguste, fasciâ transversâ vix pone medium vittulisque, piceis.

Long. 5 lin.

* See note at p. 161.

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Rotundate-ovate, convex, piceous. Head finely punctured, antennæ, labrum and palpi rufo-fuscous. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long; sides rounded, narrowed in front, anterior angles submucronate; above finely and remotely punctured, punctures on either side the disc more crowded and rather more deeply impressed, lateral margin impunctate; the anterior edge and a broad space on the lateral border bright yellow, slightly stained with piceous. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, convex, each elytron with ten punctured striæ, the first abbreviated, the striæ severally composed of a double row of punctures; yellow, the suture, the extreme outer limb and a transverse band behind the middle, piceous; on each elytron in front are four short piceous vittæ, each vittæ being formed of two longitudinal lines, confluent at their base, the space between being more or less stained with pale piceous; behind the middle are also three others, formed in a similar manner, the two nearest the suture united at their apex; near the apex is a short oblique piceous line, confluent with the suture. Body beneath piceous, legs rufofuscous, thighs more or less stained with piceous.

Hab. Brazil.

Doryphora De Gandei.

Ovata, valde convexa, subtus viridi-chalybeata, supra nitidocuprea; elytris tenuiter punctato-striatis, striis ad latera confusis, interstitiis distincte punctatis.

Long. 4⅔ lin.

Ovate, convex, viridi-chalybeate beneath, above shining cupreous. Head finely punctured, labrum fulvous; antennæ half the length of the body, bluish-black, two basal joints fulvous beneath. Thorax more than twice broader than long; sides straight, narrowed and rounded in front, anterior angles obsoletely mucronate; above sub-remotely and finely punctured, puncturing rather deeper on the sides and base. Elytra broader than the thorax, very convex, rotundate-ovate, surface very finely reticulate-aciculate, finely and sub-remotely punctured, each elytron impressed on its inner half with five or six regular rows of somewhat deeper punctures.

Hab. Peru.


Leptinotarsa porosa.

Ovata, convexa, nitido-ænea, elytris punctis magnis fortiter

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impressis, punctis fundo cupreis, prope suturam seriatim— ad latera confuse—dispositis.

Long. 4¾ lin.

Ovate, convex, metallic green, with a more or less distinct coppery tint above. Head finely punctured, forehead angularly impressed; antennæ black, basal joints dark æneous. Thorax twice broader than long; sides straight and nearly parallel, rounded and narrowed in front; surface coarsely and deeply punctured, punctures irregularly confluent. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, convex, surface impressed with numerous large deeply excavated punctures, more or less cupreous at their extreme base, somewhat distantly arranged in rows near the suture, irregularly placed towards the sides; interstices slightly swollen, more especially towards the lateral border, smooth and shining, here and there impressed with a few fine punctures. Four anterior tarsi with their basal joint dilated in the male.

Hab. Brazil.

Genus PARALINA, Baly.

Antennæ filiformes, articulo primo incrassato, secundo parvo, tertio elongato, cæteris leniter compressis.

Labrum transversum.

Mandibulæ subtrigonæ, apice bidentatæ.

Palpi maxillares clavati, articulo ultimo truncato: labiales parvi, articulo ultimo obtuso.

Mentum transversum.

Caput sub-declive, breviter triangulare, oculis anguste oblongis.

Thorax transversus, lateribus fere rectis.

Scutellum semiovatum.

Elytra ovata, postice leniter ampliata, convexa.

Pedes sub-elongati, tarsis simplicibus.

Prosternum longitudinaliter elevatum.

Mesosternum parvum, perpendiculare, metasterno ocultatum.

Metasternum antrorsum inter coxas intermedias ad prosterni basin protensum.

Corpus oblongum, convexum.

Type—Chrysomela Indica, Hope, Zool. Mis. 29, from Nepaul; also described under the names of

Chrysomela Caschmierensis, Redtenb. in Hugel, Kaschen. iv. 558.

Lina [illeg]lata, Stäl, Öfvers af Köngl. Veten. Akad. Förh. 1857, p. 60 (1858).

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This genus is at once separated from its allies by the peculiar form of the metasternum, the apex of which articulates with the base of the prosternum.

Genus GONIOCTENA, Redtenb.

Gonioctena flexuosa.

Elongata, sub-depressa, nigra, nitida; elytris punctato-striatis, flavis, utrisque fasciâ latâ flexuosâ ante medium maculâque ante apicem nigris.

Long. 3 lin.

Elongate, sub-depressed, shining black; elytra pale yellow, each with a broad flexuous band before the middle and a large sub-apical spot shining black. Head coarsely punctured, excavated between the eyes; face sub-horizontal; antennæ scarcely longer than the head and thorax, basal joints pale fulvous beneath. Thorax more than twice broader than long, deeply excavated in front; sides rounded, narrowed in front, nearly straight near the base, their outer border thickened; above sub-convex, smooth and shining, sub-remotely punctured, sides slightly excavated, coarsely and more closely punctured. Scutellum broadly semi-ovate, shining black. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax; above sub-convex, smooth and shining, each elytron with ten rows of punctures, the first abbreviated, the outer one placed on the extreme outer border; interstices slightly convex; pale yellow, a broad sinuous band placed before the middle, and sending a broad process a short distance down the suture, and a large sub-ovate patch behind, shining black. Beneath shining black, abdominal segments narrowly edged with piceous; four posterior tibiæ armed on their outer edge at the apex with a short acute spine.

Hab. Northern China. Collected by Mr. Fortune.

British Museum, and my own collection.


Sub-genus AUGOMELA, Baly.

Avgomela ornata.

Ovata, convexa, nitidissima, subtus obscure ænea, supra cupreoaurea, æneo-micans; tibiis, tarsis, vertice, thoracis basi apiceque et elytrorum utrumque suturâ, margine laterali plagâque magnâ cruciformi, nitido-purpureis.

Long. 3½ lin.

Ovate, convex, beneath dark, shining green, above golden-copper,

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with a brassy-green reflexion; vertex, the base and apex of the thorax, the suture, outer margin and a large cruciform patch on each elytron, shining purple; all the purple markings are narrowly bordered with metallic green, and also have a green reflexion in certain lights. Head shining, clypeus distinctly punctured; antennæ black, their basal joints fulvous. Thorax more than twice broader than long; sides rounded, narrowed from their base to the apex; above convex, smooth and shining, minutely punctured, sides and apex impressed here and there with deep punctures. Scutellum smooth, purplish-copper. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, above convex, sides transversely impressed below the shoulder; each elytron with eleven rows of punctures, the first abbreviated, interstices minutely punctured; golden-copper, the suture, the outer margin and a large cruciform patch placed on the disc of each elytron, and extending from the base nearly to the apex, bright purple. Beneath dark metallic-green, with a coppery reflexion; tibiæ and tarsi purple.

Hab. Moreton Bay.

Augomela dives.

Late ovata, convexa, auro-ænea, nitidissima, lineâ verticali, thoracis limbo angusto, basi dilatato, elytrorumque suturâ, margine laterali, lineâ transversâ ante medium utrimque abbreviatâ vittâque posticâ disco exteriori positâ, nitido-cæruleis, subtus nitido-purpurea, abdomine pedibusque auromaculatis.

Long. 3 lin.

Broadly ovate, convex, bright golden-green; a longitudinal line on the vertex, the narrow limb of the thorax, dilated at the basal margin, the extreme outer border of the elytra, the suture, a transverse line in front and a short vitta behind, near the outer margin, bright metallic-blue; these markings, like those in the last species, are all more or less bordered with metallic-green. Head smooth, face separated from the clypeus by a deep transverse groove, front with a longitudinal grooved line, which runs downwards to the middle of the transverse groove; antennæ bluish-black, basal joint, also the under surface of the two or three following joints, fulvous. Thorax more than twice broader than long; sides rounded, narrowed in front, nearly straight behind; surface very faintly and minutely punctured; remotely scattered here and there are some deep but fine punctures. Scutellum

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purple. Elytra convex, smooth and shining; sides transversely impressed below the shoulder; each elytron with eleven regular rows of punctures, the first abbreviated; the suture, the extreme outer border, a transverse band in front, commencing at the outer extremity of the transverse depression and extending inwards as far as the third stria from the suture, and a short vitta behind the middle, placed on the outer disc, bright metallic-blue. Beneath bright purple, legs and abdomen marked with coppery-gold.

Hab. New Guinea.

Of this beautiful species, which has not been taken by Mr. Wallace during his recent expedition to New Guinea, I know but two specimens, one in the British Museum, the other in my own Collection.



Hoplionota Templetoni.

Sub-rotundata, leniter convexa, subnitido-fulva, elytris utrisque antice bi-, postice laxe subreticulo-carinatis; maculis duabus nigris, unâ basi, alterâ pone medium, positis.

Long. 3 lin.

Sub-rotundate, slightly convex, fulvous, each elytron with two large spots, one at the base, the other just behind the middle, black; tarsi fuscous. Head with two longitudinal grooves on the front; eyes pitchy black; antennæ equal in length to the thorax, their apex obscure fuscous. Thorax more than twice longer than broad, deeply rotundate-emarginate in front, sides dilated, their outer margin rounded; above convex, smooth and shining, covered here and there with irregular excavations, dilated margin horizontal, covered with large deep punctures. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, humeral angles slightly produced anteriorly, their apex obtuse; sides moderately, apex regularly rounded; above sub-convex, sides sub-sinuate below the shoulders; surface deeply punctate-striate; each elytron with two elevated longitudinal costæ the first, near the suture, sinuate and extending from the base to the apex, just beyond its middle sending off a transverse branch to the outer border; the second, commencing at the shoulder, runs nearly parallel to the first, but terminates at its transverse branch; this latter, soon after its commencement, gives off an irregular branch posteriorly, which causes the hinder portion of

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the surface to appear loosely reticulate; outer border dilated, slightly deflexed, its surface covered with several rows of deep punctures, their interstices transversely elevated; each elytron with two large black spots, the first placed at the base, the other below the middle. Tarsi fuscous.

Hab. Ceylon.

A single specimen in my own collection.


Calliaspis Bohemani.

Ovata, sub-convexa, pallide fulva, supra nitido-nigra, anguste fulvo-limbata, antennis flavo-albis, apice nigris.

Long 2—2¼ lin.

Ovate, sub-convex, pale fulvous beneath, shining black above, narrowly edged with fulvous; antennæ yellowish-white, three terminal joints (the apex of the last of these excepted) black. Head smooth; antennæ longer than the head and thorax. Thorax twice as broad as long at the base, deeply concave-emarginate in front, sides dilated, regularly rounded, narrowed from their base to the apex; above convex, slightly concave near the sides; surface smooth and shining, finely and remotely punctured, puncturing at the sides rather coarser and more crowded; on either side the centre of the disc is a single shallow fovea; the extreme lateral and apical margins narrowly edged with fulvous. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra not wider than the thorax at the base, rather broader across their middle; humeral angles sub-acute, sides rounded and dilated to their middle, thence regularly rounded to the apex; above sub-convex, sides deeply depressed transversely below the shoulders; each elytron with eleven rows of fine punctures, the first abbreviated; dilated border deflexed, smooth, impunctate; extreme lateral margin fulvous. Beneath pale fulvous.

Hab. Peru, Upper Amazons.


Porphyraspis pulchella.

Subquadrato-rotundata, convexa, nitido-rufa; thoracis lateribus elytrisque purpureis, his plagâ magnâ anticâ rufâ.

Long. 2¾ lin.

Subquadrate-rotundate, convex, shining rufous; sides of

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thorax and elytra bright metallic purple; these latter with a large common patch in front, extending from their base to beyond the middle, rufous. Head smooth, two basal joints of antennæ rufous (the rest wanting). Thorax coucave-emarginate in front; sides obliquely produced, notched close to the anterior angles; above convex on the disc, smooth and shining, impunctate, impressed on either side at the base, sides deeply and irregularly punctured, bright metallic purple. Elytra broader than the thorax, anterior angles produced obliquely forwards, their apex obtuse; sides rounded, apex obtusely rounded; above convex, hollowed on the sides below the shoulder; deeply punctate-striate, the suture and three following interstices in front, together with the six nearest interstices to the suture behind, longitudinally costate, rest of the surface transversely costate; the second interstice from the sutural one sub-carinate, and sending just before its middle a branch to the suture; lateral margin moderately dilated, its outer edge slightly recurved; its surface impressed with a double row of punctures, their interstices transversely elevated.

Hab. Columbia?

A single specimen in my own collection.


Dolicholoma gloriosa.

Sub-rotundata, dorso valde gibbosa, obscure ænea, sub-opaca; elytris sanguineis, limbo, suturâ plagâque magnâ transverso- quadratâ baseos obscure æneis.

Long. 9½ lin.

Sub-rotundate, obscure æneous, sub-opaque. Head longitudinally grooved down the front; antennæ nearly two-thirds the length of the body, black, six basal joints shining, the remainder opaque, two basal joints stained with rufous beneath. Thorax twice broader than long, concavely excavated in front; sides obliquely rounded, nearly straight at their extreme base; above longitudinally convex in the middle, sides concave, lateral margin reflexed; on either side the dise are several distinct punctures; centre of the dise impressed with an indistinct longitudinal groove, at the base of which, immediately in front of the basal lobe, is a transverse groove; sides obsoletely excavated, whole surface minutely and remotely punctured, sparingly covered here and there with very fine adpressed hairs. Elytra broader than the thorax,

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humeral angles obtuse; sides rounded and slightly dilated to their middle, thence narrowed and rounded to the apex, the latter regularly rounded; above convex, elevated before the middle into a stout pyramidal gibbosity, obsoletely excavated near the base; surface impressed with numerous large shallow punctures arranged in striæ these become indistinct and nearly obsolete towards the apex; lateral margin separated from the disc by a single row of deep transverse impressions, dilated horizontally; deeply sinuous before the middle, its outer border reflexed, surface smooth, impunctate; bright sanguineous, limb, suture and a large transverse quadrate common patch in front, extending from the base as far as the hinder surface of the dorsal gibbosity, obscure æneous, dilated border in front also marked with several obscure æneous spots. Beneath dark shining æneous, anterior thighs and tibiæ stained with rufous.

Hab. Ega, Upper Amazons.

NOTE ON Doryphora eruciata.

Since the description of this species has been in type I have discovered that H. Stäl has described a pale variety under the name of D. eruciata; I have therefore been obliged to withdraw the name Euphrosyne, proposed by myself for the insect, and to substitute that given by H. Stäl.

VOL. V. N. S. PART IV.—NOV. 1859. M

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