RECORD: Baly, John Sugar. 1863. Descriptions of new Phytophaga. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 1: 611-624.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 2012. RN1

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XLVIII. Descriptions of New Phytophaga. By J. S. BALY, Esq.

[Read 5th Oct., 1863.]

The most striking amongst the insects described in the present paper are two magnificent species of Æsernia, a genus of true Chry-somelidÅ“; they were taken in New Guinea by Mr. Wallace, who has brought home no less than five species of this beautiful genus from that part of the world, three being new. In addition to several other beautiful species, also collected by that gentleman, are some highly interesting insects from Australia, sent home by Messrs. Diggles, Waterhouse, and others; amongst them a species of Plagiodera, taken near Sydney by Mr. Lowne; this is the first time, so far as I am aware, that any species of the genus has been received from any part of the Australian continent. Lastly, I must mention a new Australica, taken in the interior of Australia by Mr. F. G. Waterhouse.

List of Species described.

1. Lema militaris New Guinea.
2. Crioceris Bohemani South Africa.
3. —— lateritia Northern China.
4. —— Clarkii Ceram.
5. —— Pfeifferi Amboyna.
6. —— terminata Ternate, Batchian.
7. —— obesa Amboyna.
8. Mastostethus Philemon Upper Amazons.
9. Phyllocharis apicalis New Guinea.
10. Æsernia magnifica New Guinea.
11. —— regalis New Guinea.
12. Chalcolampra 10-pustulata Batchian.
13. Australica Waterhousii Interior of Australia.
14. —— interrupto-fasciata Australia.
15. —— transversa Moreton Bay.
16. —— (Stethomela) variabilis Mysol.
17. Plagiodera Lonnii Sydney.
18. Adorium Bowringii Hong Kong.
19. Aplosonyx elongata Northern China.

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Genus LEMA, Fabr.

1. Lema militaris.

Subelongata, subcylindrica, nigra, nitida; thorace, pectore, pro-femorum basi et apice, mesofemorum apice, metafemorum plagâ infra, elytrorumque basi fasciâque vix pone medium, fulvis.
♂. Femoribus posticis valde incrassatis subtus spinâ validâ armatis.
♀. Femoribus posticis minus incrassatis, muticis.
Long. 4 lin.
Hab. New Guinea. Collected by Mr. Wallace.
Head constricted behind the eyes; face triangular, epistome triangular, front smooth and shining, finely punctured, impressed behind with a short longitudinal fossa; antennæ filiform, three-fourths the length of the body, fifth joint shorter than the two preceding united; eyes notched. Thorax very similar in form to that of L. papuana, deeply strangulate just behind the middle, surface smooth, remotely impressed with very fine punctures. Elytra much broader than the thorax, nearly four times its length; sides parallel, their apex regularly rounded, above convex, impressed within the humeral callus, each elytron with two rows of distinct punctures, visible to the apex, the row nearest the suture sulcate in front, interspaces smooth, slightly raised near the apex of the elytron. Body beneath smooth and shining, addomen nearly glabrous. Hinder thighs in the male equal to the abdomen in length; in the female not extending beyond the first three segments, much less thickened, and unarmed.
This beautiful species belongs to the same section with L. papuana; it is larger than that insect, and differently coloured.

Genus CRIOCERIS, Geoff.

1. Crioceris Bohemani.

Subelongata, parallela, subcylindrica, nigra, nitida; collo, thorace, scutello, elytris abdominisque apice rufo-fulvis; thorace sub-remote punctato, punctis piceis; elytris basi obsolete elevatis, fortiter punctato-striatis, interspatiis pone medium costatis.
Long. 5-5⅔ lin.
Var. A. — Metathorace abdomineque rufis.
Hab. South Africa.
Subelongate, parallel, subcylindrica; antennæ robust, gradually increasing in size from the base to the apex, compressed, sub-perfoliate (these organs closely resemble those of C. impressa, but are somewhat stouter); face sparingly clothed with adpressed

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silvery hairs. Thorax equal in length to the breadth, narrowed in front, sides constricted in the middle, upper surface impressed with a large but shallow fovea near the basal margin; disc subremotely impressed with large, somewhat deep punctures. Scutellum glabrous, subelongate-trigonate, its apex rounded. Elytra much broader than the thorax, sides parallel, subcylindrical, basilar portion obsoletely raised, bounded beneath by an indistinct and ill-defined transverse depression; surface deeply and regularly punctate-striate, punctures round, piceous, interspaces smooth, plane in front, costate below their middle. Abdomen smooth, nitidous; just within the posterior margin of each segment is a narrow row of fine punctures, clothed with very fine silky hairs, remainder of their surface (with the exception of a few scattered hairs) glabrous, impunctate.
The red colouring on the under surface of the body varies in degree in different individuals from the typical state up to variety A., and possibly in some specimens the legs themselves are more or less rufous.

2. Crioceris lateritia.

Elongata, subcylindrica, rufo-fulva, nitida; antennis, epimeris, pedibusque (femoribus infra exceptis) nigris; abdomine immaculato; mesosterno apice dilatato, retrorsum curvato.
Long. 4 — 5 lin.
Northern China. Collected by Mr. Fortune.
This insect is so closely allied to C. subpolita, Motsch., from Japan (also found in Northern China), that for a long time I had the two species intermingled in my collection; the form of the mesosternum however is a good distinctive character between the two; this part in C. subpolita is of normal size and form, viz., oblong, and nearly erect, its apex being truncate and not curving backwards. The abdomen in the present species wants the black spots present in C. subpolita; in all other respects the insects appear to be almost indentical.

3. Crioceris Clarkii.

Oblongo-elongata, subcylindrica, nigra, nitida; femoribus anticis quatuor medio, posticis infra, thorace elytrorumque limbo (hoc basi et apice late dilatato) rufo-fulvis; elytris punctato-striatis, striis apice sæpe deletis.
Var. A. — Thorace nigro, abdominis disco rufo-piceo.
Long. 4 lin.
Hab. Ceram. Collected by Mr. Wallace.
Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, face triangular, front

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remotely punctured; antennæ shorter than half the length of the body, subincrassate, outer joints slightly compressed and subper-foliate, eyes notched. Thorax subquadrate, scarcely broader than long; sides constricted in the middle, above subcylindrical; punctured as is C. impressa, the single longitudinal row of punctures down the middle of the disc being also present as in that species. Elytra oblong, much broader than the thorax, slightly dilated behind, their apex broadly rounded; above convex, indistinctly flattened along the back, transverse depression below the basilar space usually obsolete, at other times present, although indistinct; punctures arranged in eleven longitudinal rows, the first of which is very short, the punctures are large, deeply impressed, and placed at irregular intervals on the anterior half of the rows, on the hinder half they become much smaller and indistinct, the rows themselves being frequently entirely obsolete; the inner row next the suture is however always sulcate on the hinder portion of its course, and, together with one or two of the outer striæ, remains always entire; interspaces smooth, impunctate. The amount of fulvous colour on the surface varies greatly; in some specimens, the black ground occupies almost entirely the posterior three-fourths of the surface, the basal fourth, and a narrow line extending round the outer limb, alone being fulvous; in others the fulvous colour is extended inwards so greatly in all directions (more especially however at the base and apex) as to leave only a common central black patch. Under surface as in C. impressa.

4. Crioceris Pfeifferi.

Oblongo-elongata, subcylindrica, sanguinea, nitida; antennis (basi exceptâ) elytrorumque dimidio antico, tibiis tarsisque nigro-piceis; elytris punctato-striatis, punctis infra basin sat profunde, prope apicem tenuiter impressis.
Long. 3⅘ — 4¼ lin.
Hab. Amboyna. First brought home by Madame Pfeiffer, and since then by Mr. Wallace.
Head deeply constricted behind the eyes; face forming a somewhat elongated triangle; front smooth, without longitudinal impression; antennæ scarcely half the length of the body, somewhat slender, filiform, fifth joint shorter than the two preceding united, basal three joints rufous, the rest black; eyes broadly notched. Thorax subquadrate, subcylindrical, sides deeply constricted in the middle, surface smooth, nearly impunctate, a few remote punc-

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tures being only visible on the disc under a lens; in some specimens a row of punctures similar to that in C. impressa runs down the middle of the disc. Scutellum forming an elongated triangle, the apex of which is rounded; surface glabrous. Elytra much broader than the thorax, nearly four times its length, oblong, sides nearly parallel, apex broadly rounded; above convex, transversely but obsoletely depressed below the basilar space, longitudinally impressed within the humeral callus; each elytron with eleven rows of punctures, the first short; punctures placed at more regular intervals on the striæ than in the last species (C. Clarkii), deeply impressed in front, very small and finely impressed on the hinder half, but nevertheless distinct to the apex; interspaces smooth, impunctate. The black colour on the elytra varies in extent, in some specimens occupying less than half, in others covering two-thirds of the surface. Abdomen somewhat sparingly clothed with adpressed fulvous hairs, which form, however, a distinct row just within the edge of each segment. Hinder thighs not extending beyond the first two segments of the abdomen.

5. Crioceris terminata.

Oblongo-elongata, subcylindrica, rufo-fulva, nitida; oculis ely-trisque nigris, his tenuiter punctato-striatis, apice rufo-fulvo.
Long. 4 lin.
Hab. Ternate, Batchian. Collected by Mr. Wallace.
Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, face elongate-triangular, forehead smooth, impressed behind with a short longitudinal fossa; antennæ moderately robust, nearly filiform, slightly thickened from beyond the fourth joint, about half the length of the body; eyes notched. Thorax subquadrate, subcylindrical, sides deeply constricted at their middle, upper surface smooth, remotely impressed with fine punctures. Scutellum forming an elongate triangle, its apex rounded. Elytra much broader than the thorax, more than three times its length, sides parallel, apex regularly rounded; above convex, indistinctly impressed at the base within the humeral callus, transversely depressed below the basilar space, surface smooth and shining, each elytron with eleven rows of fine punctures, visible to their apex, the first short, interspaces smooth and flat, impunctate. Legs moderately robust, hinder thighs scarcely thicker than the others, equal in length to the first two segments of the abdomen. Abdomen sparingly covered

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with fine adpressed concolorous pubescence, edges of the segments clothed with a row of coarse hairs.

6. Crioceris obesa.

Late oblonga, convexa, nitido-rufo-fulva; antennis filiformibus, fulvis; scutello fulvo-piloso; elytris ampliatis, valde convexis, nitido-nigris, infra basin transversim depressis, tenuiter punctato-striatis, striis disci postici deletis, tibiis tarsisque obscure rufis, unguiculis piceis.
Long. 5 lin.
Hab. Amboyna. Collected by Mr. Wallace.
Head deeply constricted behind the eyes; face elongate-trigonate; front impressed with a longitudinal groove; antennæ filiform, somewhat slender, two-thirds the length of the body, pale fulvous, apex of terminal joints fuscous; eyes angularly notched. Thorax sub-cylindrical, constricted on the sides, surface smooth, impressed with a very few minute punctures, arranged on the disc in a longitudinal row.


1. Mastostethus Philemon.

Oblongus, modice convexus, nitidus, flavus; coxis posticis, femoribus et tibiis supra, tarsis, epipleuris, capite (faciei inferioris maculâ antennisque apice et infra exceptis), thoracis plagâ transversia discoidali, scutello elytrisque nigris, his distincte punctatis, singulisque fasciis duabus subcurvatis, primâ obliquâ a scutello fere ad medium marginis exterioris extensâ, secundâ fere transversâ utrimque abbreviatâ, paullo pone medium positâ, flavis.
Long. 4 — 4½ lin.
Hab. Upper Amazons. Collected by Mr. Bates.
Oblong, moderately convex, somewhat flattened above; head triangular, lower portion of face, with the exception of a transverse patch on the epistome, the labrum and apex of jaws, flavous; epistome transverse, very remotely punctured, bounded above by a deep transverse groove, middle of front impunctate, sides, along the inner margin of the eyes, closely punctured, vertex impressed with subremote punctures; antennæ more than half the length of the body, moderately robust, first four jointe entirely black, the rest to the ninth flavous beneath, the last two entirely yellowish-white. Thorax more than twice broader than long at the base, sides slightly rounded and somewhat narrowed from

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base to apex, anterior and posterior angles produced, acute; above smooth and shining, remotely punctured, the puncturing finer than that on the head; on either side, immediately in front of the hinder angle, is a large, deep fovea; disc more or less stained with rufo-fuscous, on its middle is a large transverse, somewhat irregular black patch, which varies somewhat in size; in some specimens, a short distance behind the hinder angles of the patch, is a small piceous spot. Scutellum broadly triangular, punctate. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, about four times its length, sides slightly narrowed from their base towards their apex; surface deeply but not very closely punctured. Body beneath clothed with coarse fulvous hairs; last abdominal segment impressed with a deep fovea; intermediate pair of thighs stained with a piceous patch on their anterior surface.


1. Phyllocharis apicalis.

Elongata, parallela, convexa, cæruleo-nigra, nitida; elytris obscure cæruleis, horum apice, capite, thorace abdomineque (hujus disco excepto) rufo-fulvis; antennis nigris.
Long. 5½ lin.
Hab. Dorey, New Guinea. Collected by Mr. Wallace.
Elongate, convex, parallel, blue-black, nitidous; head, thorax, limb and apical segments of abdomen, together with the posterior third of the elytra rufo-fulvous; the remaining portion of the latter obscure metallic-blue. Head smooth, epistome depressed, separated from the face by an angular groove, just above the apex of which is a large deep fovea, from which a longitudinal groove runs upwards to the vertex; antennæ rather longer than half the body, black. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long, moderately convex, smooth, impunctate, with the exception of four parallel foveæ placed two together on either side the disc. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, the sides parallel, apex subacutely rounded; above convex, shoulders slightly prominent, excavated and concave on the outer side below the shoulder, each elytron impressed with about ten indistinct rows of punctures, the first very short; the rows are entirely lost on the posterior third of the surface, which is irregularly punctured; the spaces between the striæ (more especially on the outer disc) are impressed with punctures equal in depth and size to those belonging to the rows themselves, rendering the latter still more difficult to define; the species, however, doubtless varies greatly in the force and depth of the punctation, one of my specimens

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being more deeply impressed than the other; in this specimen also the thorax is transversely excavated on either side at the base.

Genus ÆSERNIA, Stal.

1. Æsernia magnifica.

Elongata, convexa, viridi-ænea, nitida; abdomine fusco-fulvo, elytrorum dimidio postico fulvo; thorace medio longitudi-naliter canaliculato, utroque latere profunde excavato et punctato; elytris punctato-striatis, striis sulcatis, pone medium obsoletis.
Long. 12½ lin.
Hab. New Guinea. Collected by Mr. Wallace.
Elongate, convex, subparallel, shining metallic green. Head fusco-violaceous, vertex metallic green; antennæ purplish black; vertex impressed with a deep longitudinal groove, which runs downwards as far as the semicircular groove separating the epistome from the face. Thorax transverse, twice as broad at the base as long, sides nearly straight, gradually narrowed from the base to the apex, more quickly narrowed immediately behind the latter, anterior angles produced, subacute; anterior margin concave, upper surface very slightly convex, middle of disc impressed with a longitudinal groove; surface smooth, impressed towards the sides with shallow foveæ; immediately within the lateral border is a large, deep, irregular excavation, extending the whole length of the side, its surface deeply impressed with large round punctures; colour bright metallic green, with a faint brassy tinge. Elytra broader than the thorax, subparallel in front, but at the same time being slightly increased in width from their base to the end of their second third; thence to the apex they are obliquely narrowed, the apex itself being slightly reflexed and subacute; upper surface convex, impressed below the shoulders with three or four nearly obsolete foveæ, each elytron with eleven distinctly punctured, sulcate striæ, the first very short, all the others terminating just below the middle of the elytron; posterior two-fifths of the surface fulvous, irregularly punctured.

2. Æsernia regalis.

Elongata, convexa, supra fulva, nitida; verticis plagâ elytrisque viridi-metallicis, his margine anguste, plagâ humerali fasciâque latâ flexuosâ, vix pone medium positâ fulvis; antennis nigro-æneis; thorace transverso-quadrato, lateribus longitudinaliter

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sulcato; subtus ænea, prothorace abdominisque apice fulvis; femoribus anticis basi et infra rufo-piceis.
Long. 9 lin.
Hab. Aru Islands. Collected by Mr. Wallace.
Elongate, subparallel, convex, bright shining fulvous above, a large patch on the vertex, and the elytra, bright metallic green; these latter with a narrow line on their outer margin, a patch on the shoulder and a broad transverse flexuose band immediately behind their middle, fulvous; antennæ nigro-æneous, two basal joints fulvous beneath. Head smooth, impunctate, face impressed between the eyes by a large deep triangular fovea, divided in the centre by a longitudinal groove, the latter extending upwards on the vertex; epistome distantly punctured, apex of jaws obscure æneous; antennæ rather longer than half the body. Thorax twice as broad as long; apical border regularly concave-emarginate; sides subparallel, subsinuate, narrowed in front, anterior angles submucronate, their apex obtuse; above smooth and shining, impunctate, sides impressed just within their outer border with several deep foveæ, which are more or less confluent, and form a deep longitudinal fossa, which extends nearly from the base to the apex of the thorax. Scutellum subtrigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra rather broader than the thorax; sides subparallel, slightly sinuate below the shoulders, indistinctly dilated behind their middle; apex angustate-rotundate; above convex, each elytron with eleven regular rows of distinct punctures, the outer one placed on the extreme lateral edge of the elytron, the first abbreviated a short distance from its base, the others irregular below their middle, and entirely lost on the apical third of the surface, which is smooth and nearly free from punctures; on the disc below the shoulders are three short transverse deeply impressed fossæ, also along the outer border are placed several others, longitudinal, the surface of all being deeply punctured.

Genus CHALCOLAMPRA, Homb. et Jacq.

1. Chalcolampra 10-pustulata.

Oblonga, convexa, parallela, nitida, capite thoraceque rufo-fulvis; antennis extrorsum, pectore, abdomine, scutello elytrisque nigris, horum maculis 10 etsi pedibus flavis, tarsis piceis.
Var. A. — Thoracis disco piceo.
Long. 2 lin.
Hab. Batchian. Collected by Mr. Wallace.
Head short, impressed on the front with several irregular foveæ;

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antennæ half the length of the body. Thorax finely punctured. Elytra distinctly punctate-striate on the inner disc, the outer disc irregularly punctured, each elytron with five large yellow patches, the first four ovate, placed in two parallel rows, one just below the base, the other scarcely below the middle; the fifth patch is transverse and subapical.

Genus AUSTRALICA, Chevr.

1. Australica Waterhousii.

Elongata, angustata, parallela, convexa, fusco-ænea, nitida; dorso fortiter et crebre punctato; thorace elytrorum latitudine vel latiori; elytris obsolete vittatis; pedibus antennarumque basibus obscure fulvis.
Long. 3 — 3½ lin.
Hab. Interior of Australia. Collected by Mr. F. G. Waterhouse.
Whole upper surface of the body closely covered with deep punctures, which sparkle with metallic lustre. Head short, closely punctured; antennæ slender, their apex fuscous. Thorax equal in breadth to the elytra, or even slightly broader, ite sides nearly straight and parallel behind, rounded and narrowed towards the apex. Elytra parallel, in some specimens indistinctly narrowed posteriorly, their apex regularly rounded; surface deeply punctured, subrugose towards the sides; each elytron with about five or six indistinct, scarcely elevated vittæ, viz. four or five on the inner and one on the outer disc; the vitta nearest the suture is smooth and impunctate, and therefore more distinct than the others.
I have dedicated this new species of Australica to Mr. F. G. Waterhouse of Adelaide, who collected it during his recent expedition across the continent of Australia.

2. Australica interrupto-fasciata.

Ob[illeg]onga, convexa, nitido-lactea; capite thoracisque maculis pallide rufo-fuscis, antennis extrorsum fuscis, elytris punctatostriatis, utrisque puncto humerali fasciisque duabus interroptis, extrorsum abbreviatis, piceis.
Long. 2½ lin.
Hab. Northern Australia.
Oblong, convex, of a pale shining cream colour; the bead, together with some obscure markings on the disc of the thorax, pale rufo-fuscous; outer half of antennæ fuscous; elytra each with ten rows of deep fuscous punctures, a small spot on the humeral callus, together with two interrupted transverse bands on the disc, piceous. Head very finely and irregularly punctured, face sepa-

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rated from the epistome by an indistinct semi-circular groove; eyes and apex of jaws black, antennæ half the length of the body, the outer half fuscous. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long, its apex broadly and deeply excavated; sides rotundateangustate from their base to the apex, anterior and posterior angles subacute; surface transversely convex, deeply but not very closely punctate, sides indistinctly thickened, more coarsely punctured. Scutellum smooth and shining. Elytra slightly broader than the thorax, nearly parallel in front, their apex regularly rounded; above convex, each elytron with ten rows of deeply impressed fuscous punctures, the first abbreviated; on the extreme outer border is also another row concolorous with the disc; a small spot on the humeral callus, together with the two interrupted transverse fasciæ on the disc, piceous; these bands, which are subflexuose and abbreviated on the outer disc, are placed, the first across the middle, the second half-way between this latter and the apex of the elytron; they are formed of a number of small elongated piceous spots, which are placed one on each of the longitudinal rows of punctures. Body beneath pale shining fulvous.

3. Australica transversa.

Subelongata, parallela, nitida, subtus nigra; thorace, pectore, femoribus (horum apice excepto), abdominisque limbo, flavis; supra flava, antennis extrorsum, verticis plagis duabus, thoracis basi, scutello, elytrorum fasciâ latâ transversâ prope medium extrorsum abbreviatâ, punctoque apicali, nigris.
Long.2½ lin.
Hab. Moreton Bay.
Subelongate, parallel, nitidous. Head broad, remotely punctured, epistome separated from the face by a faint angular groove; vertex with two large transverse black patches, which extend, one on either side, from the eye (surrounding its upper margin) nearly to the medial line of the head; outer half of antennæ black. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, slightly narrowed from base to apex, sides nearly straight, suddenly narrowed near the anterior angle; upper surface smooth, remotely punctured, the punctures being irregularly scattered over the surface; the black portion of the surface is formed by two large triangular patches, which, united at the base, extend the whole length of the basal margin, their apices being produced anteriorly two-thirds across the disc. Scutellum black. Elytra broader than the thorax,


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parallel, their apex regularly rounded; above convex, each elytron with a row on the outer border and ten others on the disc, of distinct punctures, the row nearest the suture short, interspaces minutely punctured; the transverse black band, which is placed nearly across the middle of the elytra, extends for a short distance upwards along the suture; downwards it is continued as a narrow line to the apex itself, where it is dilated into a small spot.

4. Australica (Stethomela) variabilis.

Oblonga, convexa, rufo-fulva, nitida; capite abdomineque (hujus segmento apicali excepto) piceis; antennis nigris; elytris purpureis, fasciâ latâ transversâ prope medium, rufofulvâ.
Var. A. Elytris rufo-fulvis, fasciâ latâ basali et singulis plagâ magnâ subapicali purpureis; abdomine rufo-fulvo.
Var. B. Capite rufo-fulvo, elytris (basi prætermissâ) purpureis.
Long. 4—5 lin.
Hab. Mysol; Northern part of New Guinea.
Oblong, convex, parallel, as seen above very variable in markings and colour. Head smooth, epistome separated from the face by a deep transverse groove, from the middle of which a short longitudinal grooved line runs upwards on the face. Antennæ more than half the length of the body, black; the two basal joints fulvous beneath; epistome fulvous. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long, sides straight and parallel, narrowed and rounded in front, anterior angles subacute, anterior margin concave; above moderately convex, smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, sides parallel, their apex regularly rounded, each elytron impressed with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the outer one placed on the lateral border, entire, the inner one nearest the suture, very short, the others all terminating about the commencement of the hinder third of the elytron, which is very smooth and impunctate; the seventh stria from the suture becomes irregular and confused just before its termination. A line on the anterior surface of the apical half of the thighs, together with a similar stripe extending along the whole front edge of the tibiæ, piceous.

Genus PLAGIODERA, Chevr.

1. Plagiodera Lorvnii.

Subrotundata, modice convexa, dorso subdepressa, fulva, nitida

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antennis extrorsum verticeque nigris; elytris distincte punctatis, cupreis; metasterno abdominisque basi piceis.
Long. 3 lin.
Hab. Sydney. Collected by Mr. Lowne.
Head very short, epistome transverse, triangular, separated from the face by a grooved line, from the apex of which a deep impression extends upwards on the face, surface of forehead irregular; antennæ rather longer than the thorax, subfiliform. Thorax short, transverse, more than three times as broad as long, sides rounded and narrowed from base to apex; surface slightly impressed with three or four irregular ill-defined foveæ, general surface finely punctured. Elytra impressed with deep and distinct but not large punctures, placed irregularly over the whole surface; humeral callus slightly thickened, bounded within by a shallow groove, lateral border moderately dilated, separated from the disc by a shallow depression.
This species, collected by Mr. Lowne in the neighbourhood of Sydney, is, I believe, the first Plagiodera received from Australia; the insects belonging to this genus have a very extensive range, being found more or less abundantly in all quarters of the globe.

Genus ADORIUM, Fabr.

1. Adorium Bonringii.

Ovatum, convexum, pallide flavum, nitidum; tarsis, tibiarum apice, antennarumque articulis ultimis quatuor, nigris; elytris cæruleis, albo-flavo limbatis (limbo basali fere obsoleto).
Long. 6 lin.
Hab. Hong Kong.
Ovate, very convex, pale flavous, nitidous; antennæ robust, filiform, four-fifths the length of the body, four apical joints black. Thorax transverse, sides broadly rounded at the base, obliquely narrowed towards their apex. Scutellum trigonate, its apex rounded. Elytra distinctly but finely punctured, bright metallic blue, each elytron bordered by a band of pale yellowish-while, which is however interrupted and nearly obsolete on the basal margin. Extreme apex of the tibiæ, together with the tarsi, black.
This lovely species, perhaps the most beautiful in the genus, is distinguished readily from its congeners by its peculiar colouring.

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Genus APLOSONYX, Chevr.

1. Aplosonyx elongata.

Elongata, parallela, convexa, fulva, nitida; tibiis extrorsum, tarsis, antennaruimque articulis intermediis, nigris; elytris viridi-cæruleis, tenuiter punctato-strlatis, punctis in striis confuse bifariam dispositis.
Long. 6 — 9 lin.
Hab. Northern India.
Elongate, parallel, convex, shining fulvous. Head prominent, face oblong, forehead impressed with a crucial line; antennæ more than two-thirds the length of the body, tapering towards their extremity, four basal joints fulvous, glabrous, last three obscure fusco-fulvous, the rest black; apex of jaws black. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long, sides deeply sinuate, rotundatedilatate in front, upper surface deeply excavated across the middle, furnished in front with four obtuse tubercles, placed transversely at some distance behind the apical margin, the two intermediate less distinct and united by a transverse ridge; surface nearly impunctate, with the exception of five deep punctures placed in a group on either side the centre of the transverse groove. Scutellum elongate-trigonate, obtuse. Elytra metallic greenish-blue, oblong-elongate, sides parallel, apex rounded, shoulders prominent and elevated into an oblique ridge; on the inner side of the latter is a deeply-grooved line, which, in conjunction with the usual transverse depression below the basilar space, and a faint longitudinal groove on the inner edge of the suture, bounds on each elytron a slightly elevated oval space; each elytron with ten finely punctured striæ, each stria formed by a double row of punctures, more or less regularly placed along the line; at the base, near the scutellum, and also on the middle of the hinder disc, the puncturing is much more confused and the striæ are nearly lost.
The different punctation of the elytra, together with the tuberculate thorax, separate this insect from all other concolorous species of the genus.

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online. (

File last updated 26 September, 2012