RECORD: Baly, John Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 2012. RN1

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I. Phytophaga Malayana; a Revision of the Phytophagous Beetles of the Malay Archipelago, with Descriptions of the New Species collected by Mr. A. R. WALLACE. By JOSEPH S. BALY, F.L.S., M.R.C.S.





[It was intended that Mr. Baly's Revision of the Malayan Phytophaga should be published in a continuous form, so that the whole might eventually be bound up together, as a companion volume to the Longicornia Malayana of Mr. Pascoe. The first 76 pages were issued in June, 1865, and it was then announced

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that Mr. Baly's Introductory Remarks on the Group were reserved until the Species were described. The delay in obtaining from the Author a second instalment of descriptions has compelled the Council to abandon the idea of devoting an entire volume of the "Transactions" to this special work.—Sec. Ent. Soc., August, 1867.]

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Fam. SAGRIDÆ, Lacordaire.

Genus SAGRA, Fabr.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 21.

1. Sagra Buquetii, Lesson.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 26.

"Viridis, elytrorum sutura antice late postice anguste aureo-purpurea; antennis vix longitudine dimidii corporis; prothorace subquadrato, margine antico parum producto, sinuato, angulis anticis valde prominulis; elytris intra humeros profunde impressis, impunctatis.

Mas.—Elongatus, cuneiformis, undique subtiliter coriaceus, opacus; femoribus posticis validissimis, elytra longe superantibus, subtus in medio bi-apice tridentatis; tibiis ejusdem paris difformibus, intus tomentosis, bi-arcuatis, apice contortis, mucronatis bidentatisque, dente externo longiori.

Long. 14—16 lin.

Fœm.—Minor, breviter oblonga, præsertim in elytris nitida; femoribus posticis elytris nonnihil longioribus, subtus crista crenulata denteque parvo instructis; tibiis ejusdem paris simplicibus, arcuatis, apice breviter mucronatis.

Long. 10—12 lin." (Lacordaire.)

Var. A (mas). Minor; femoribus posticis subtus tridentatis; tibiis ejusdem paris simplicibus.

Sagra perlucida, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 46.

Hab. Java, Manilla, Penang, Sumatra.

2. Sagra chrysochlora, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 35.

"Aurata, viridi-nitens; antennis validis, dimidio corpore longioribus; prothorace nonnihil elongatulo, margine antico pro-


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ducto, rotundato, angulis anticis sat prominulis; elytris intra humeros profunde impressis, subtiliter coriaceis, gemellato-punctato-striatis, striis pro maxima parte deletis."

Long. 10—12 lin. (Lacordaire.)

Mas et Fœm.—Femoribus tibiisque posticis ut in S. Druryi.

Hab. Java.

3. Sagra Druryi, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 32.

"Aurata, viridi-nitens, (aut tota æneo-cuprea); antennis validis, vix longitudine dimidii corporis; prothorace subquadrato, antice minus producto, angulis anticis sat prominulis; elytris intra humeros valde impressis, subtilissime coriaceis, gemellato-punctato-striatis, striis pro maxima parte deletis.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis elongato-incrassatis, elytra valde superantibus, apice bidentatis, dente antico majori; tibiis ejusdem paris apice mucronatis bidentatisque, dente externo valido.

Fœm.—Femoribus posticis elytris vix longioribus, subtus ante apicem crista brevi crenulata instructis; tibiis ejusdem paris arcuatis, apice mucronatis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 8—10½ lin.

Var. A (mas). Minor; femoribus posticis subtus tridentatis.

Var. B (mas). Minor; femoribus posticis subtus bidentatis, tibiis ejusdem paris simplicibus.

Sagra Weberi, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 50.

Hab. Java and Borneo (sec. Lacordaire); also India (Assam), Ceylon.

I have not seen any specimens of this insect from Java; mine from that locality, which were formerly placed by me under this species, belong to S. mutabilis.

4. Sagra speciosa, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 38.

"Viridi-aurea, purpureo-splendens; pectore pedibusque igneis, antennis longitudine dimidii corporis, prothorace subquadrato, planiusculo, margine antico vix producto, angulis anticis sat prominulis; elytris intra humeros modice impressis, gemellato-punctato-striatis, striis internis basi omnibus ante apicem deletis." (Lacordaire.)

Mas.—Femoribus posticis ut in S. Druryi; tibiarum posticarum dente interno obtuso.

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Fœm.—Femoribus posticis ut in S. Druryi; tibiis ejusdem paris arcuatis, apice breviter mucronatis.

Long. 7½—9 lin.

Var. A (mas). Femoribus posticis subtus apice tridentatis, dente medio majori; tibiis ut in typo.

Sagra splendida, Oliv. v. p. 497, pl. 1, fig. 2, a. b.

Var. B (mas). Minor; femoribus posticis subtus apice tri- aut bi-dentatis, tibiis posticis simplicibus.

Var. C. Corpore sordide viridi-æneo.

Hab. Java; var. C, Flores.

The elytra are more elevated at the base, and more deeply depressed transversely below the basilar space than in S. Druryi or mutabilis, the next species; their surface is also more coarsely punctured than in either of these two insects.

5. Sagra mutabilis, Baly.
Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Dec. 1864, p. 433.

Supra subopaca, subtus nitida; antennis extrorsum nigro-purpureis; thorace subquadrato, antice vix producto, angulis anticis modice prominulis; elytris basi thorace multo latioribus, humeris subprominulis, a basi ad apicem angustatis, supra convexis, intra humeros sat profunde impressis, subtiliter coriaceis, infra basin minus profunde transversim impressis, tenuissime gemellato-punctato-striatis, striis fere omnino deletis.

A. Corpus rufo-igneum.
B. Corpus viridi-aureum.
C. Corpus viridi-cæruleum.
D. Corpus purpureum.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis sat elongato-incrassatis, elytra sat superantibus, subtus bidentatis, dente antico majore; tibiis ejusdem paris apice mucronatis bidentatisque, dente exteriore valido, abdominis segmento primo deplanato, crebre punctato, tomentoso.

Fœm.—Elytris oblongis, postice minus angustatis; femoribus posticis elytra vix superantibus, subtus ante apicem crista brevi instructis; tibiis ejusdem paris apice breviter mucronatis.

Long. 8—11 lin.

Var. A (mas). Minor; femoribus posticis subtus tri- vel bi-dentatis, tibiis ejusdem paris simplicibus.

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Hab. Java, Flores; also Cambodia, whence it has been sent by the late Mons. Mouhot, in great abundance.

This fine species is most closely allied to S. speciosa, Lac.: it agrees so completely in nearly all its characters with that insect that a detailed description would be almost useless. I shall therefore confine myself to the points of difference between the two insects.

In S. mutabilis ♂ the antennæ are equally long, but stouter; the thorax is usually (but not always) slightly broader; the elytra are much broader at their base, the humeral callus being more prominent, and causing the base of the elytra to appear more abruptly truncate; they are shorter in proportion to their basal breadth, and at the same time more quickly narrowed from base to apex, thus being less parallel and more regularly wedge-shaped; they are less deeply depressed transversely below the basilar space, their surface is more finely punctured and opake. The hinder thighs are shorter, thicker, and less attenuated towards their apex; viewed laterally, they are suddenly thickened at their base, and then gradually increase in width to beyond their middle; in S. speciosa they increase more gradually at first, but remain for some distance in the middle at nearly the same width; viewed from above, the outer edge in S. mutabilis is more regularly curved, the thickest portion of the femur being about or just beyond the middle; in S. speciosa, on the other hand, the thigh is more attenuated from its middle to its apex, the thickest part being rather before than at the middle itself. In the female the elytra are oblong-ovate, and not narrowed from base to apex as in the male; but I do not know any characters by which the ⁀ can be separated with certainty from the same sex of S. speciosa, S. Druryi, and other allied species.

6. Sagra superba, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 39.

"Viridi-aurata, subnitida; antennis vix longitudine dimidii corporis, prothorace latitudine antica nonnihil longiore, margine antico minus producto, subsinuato, angulis anticis parum prominulis; elytris intra humeros modice impressis, gemellato-punctato-striatis, striis pro maxima parte deletis.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis validissimis, elytris valde longioribus, subtus apice profunde sinuatis denteque valido armatis, sinu

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ipso intus tomentoso; tibiis ejusdem paris apice mucronatis bidentatisque, dente externo valido, interno minuto."

Long. 11 lin. (Lacordaire.)

Var. A. Minor; tibiis posticis simplicibus.

Sagra Fabricii, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 52.

Hab. Java.

7. Sagra quadraticollis, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 40.

"Cæruleo-virescens, supra subopaca; antennis validis, longitudine dimidii corporis; prothorace subtransverso, margine antico vix producto, subsinuato, angulis anticis parum prominulis; elytris intra humeros modice impressis, gemellato-punctato-striatis, striis partim deletis.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis elongato-incrassatis, elytris valde longioribus, subtus apice profunde sinuatis denteque valido armatis, sinu ipso intus leviter tomentoso; tibiis posticis ut in S. superba.

Fœm.—Femoribus posticis elytra vix superantibus, subtus apice crista denticulata brevi præditis; tibiis ejusdem paris basi arcuatis, dein subrectis, apice breviter mucronatis."

Long. 9—10½ lin. (Lacordaire.)

Hab. Java, Borneo, Celebes.

8. Sagra Pfeifferæ, Baly.
Trans. Ent. Soc. N. S. vol. v. p. 239.

Oblongo-ovata, crassa, viridi-ænea, cæruleo-micans, subnitida; antennis extrorsum nigris; thorace subquadrato, antice vix producto, angulis anticis parum prominulis; elytris ovatis, basi truncatis, intra humeros modice impressis, tenuiter reticulato-strigosis, insterstitiis ad apicem crenulatis; gemellato-punctato-striatis, striis fere deletis.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis valde incrassatis, elytra fere dimidio longitudinis superantibus, subtus apice profunde sinuatis, sinu intus fulvo-tomentoso, dentibus duobus validis armatis, horum secundo ad angulum posticum emarginationis posito; tibiis posticis apice mucronatis, ante apicem bidentatis, dente externo valido; abdominis segmento basali vix deplanato, remote punctato, vage flavo-tomentoso.

Long. 10 lin.

Hab. Borneo; collected by the late Madame Pfeiffer.

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Robust, ovate, resembling S. quadraticollis in form, but rather shorter and thicker than that insect, bright metallic green, with metallic blue reflexions, subnitidous, outer half of antennæ black, opake. Head finely punctured; antennæ robust, two-thirds the length of the body, six basal joints shining metallic green. Thorax subquadrate, almost transverse across the anterior angles, the latter moderately prominent, anterior margin very slightly produced; upper surface subopake, impressed near the basal margin with a shallow fovea; sparingly covered near the base by a few very minute punctures, only visible under a lens. Scutellum semiovate, its base deeply excavated. Elytra shorter, ovate, truncate at the base, their apex subacutely rounded; above very convex, moderately impressed within the shoulders, the latter somewhat prominent; basilar space indistinctly elevated, bounded beneath by a nearly obsolete transverse depression; surface covered with fine irregularly confluent grooved lines, more crowded towards the apex, where their interstices are raised, and form irregular crenulations; on each elytron are six or seven double rows of punctures, visible only here and there, principally on the anterior half of the surface, being entirely obliterated for the remainder of their course; on the outer disc, just before its middle, is a small smooth spot, shining blue-green.

Male.—Posterior thighs strongly incrassate, extending beyond the elytra for nearly half their length, their outer surface very convex, the thickest portion of the thigh being across its middle; lower edge deeply notched at the apex and armed with two stout teeth, the anterior larger and situated immediately in front, the other placed just at the posterior angle of the notch, the inner edge of which is clothed with fulvous hairs; hinder tibiæ curved at the base, thence nearly straight to the apex, the middle portion slightly flexuose; apex strongly mucronate, armed on either side with a stout tooth, the outer one large and slightly curved, the inner one very short; inner edge notched at the base, deeply grooved and sparingly clothed with pale pubescence; basal segment of abdomen flattened, remotely punctured, very sparingly dotted with a few fulvous hairs.

This fine insect bears a very much stronger resemblance to S. superba and quadraticollis than to S. Druryi and its allies, with which insects, from the possession of a second tooth at the apex of the lower edge of its hinder femora, it must be placed; the position however of this tooth is very different—instead of being situated in the notch itself, as in the above-named species, it is placed at its posterior angle.

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9. Sagra Petelii, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 44.

"Brevior, aurata [aut viridis aut cærulea], subtus cum pedibus virescenti-cærulea; antennis dimidio corporis longioribus; prothorace subquadrato, margine antico sat producto, sinuato, angulis anticis prominulis, supra evidenter at minus crebre punctulato; processu mesosternali truncato, antrorsum producto; elytris basi argute marginatis, humeris elevatis, punctato-striatis, striis fere integris, interstitiis punctulatis.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis elytra valde superantibus, validissimis, apice dilatatis, compressis, argute carinatis, subtus apice lamina magna bidentata, intus tomentosa, denteque parvo munitis; tibiis ejusdem paris flexuosis, apice uncinatis denteque externo longiori pone medium armatis.

Fœm.—Minor, femoribus posticis modice incrassatis, elytris vix longioribus, subtus apice crista brevi crenulata præditis; tibiis ejusdem paris arcuatis, apice vix mucronatis."

Long. 5½—6 lin. (Lacordaire.)

Var. A (mas). Minor; tibiis posticis simplicibus.

Sagra pygmea, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 53.

Hab. Java, Penang; also Siam and China.


Genus DONACIA, Fabr.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 92.

1. Donacia æraria, n. sp.

Donacia Javana? Wied. in Germ. Mag. der Entom. iv. p. 173.

Modice elongata, cupreo aut viridi-ænea; capite rufescente, elytris viridi-aut fusco-æneis, pedibus antennisque obscure rufis, nigro-variegatis, subtus argenteo-sericea; thorace longitudine paullo latiori, angulis anticis acutis, non prominulis, posticis modice prominulis; dorso subtilissime transversim strigoso, medio longitudinaliter sulcato; elytris apice recte truncatis, dorso modice deplanatis, infra basin transversim depressis, punctato-striatis, interstitiis subelevatis, lævibus; femoribus posticis bidentatis, dente postico minuto, in ⁀ fere obsoleto.

Long. 3—3½ lin.

Hab. Tringanee, Java? also Ceylon and India.

Head very finely rugose-punctate, face impressed with a longitudinal groove which runs backwards nearly to the neck;

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antennæ half the length of the body, obscure rufous, basal joints obscure æneous, the remaining joints more or less stained at their apex with black; second and third joints nearly equal, each one half shorter than the fourth. Thorax rather broader than long, sides nearly straight and parallel, slightly constricted at the base, anterior angles distinct, rectangular, not produced, the angle itself indicated by an obtuse tubercle, from the centre of which springs a long single hair; hinder angles slightly produced, obtuse, curved slightly upwards; upper surface transversely excavated at the base, medial line impressed by a distinct longitudinal groove, which is broader and deeper towards its base; whole surface of disc covered with very fine transverse rugæ. Scutellum triangular, acute, covered with fine adpressed pubescence. Elytra much broader at their base than the thorax, sides straight and parallel along their anterior half, thence obliquely narrowed to the apex, the latter truncate; upper surface flattened along the suture, lightly depressed transversely below the basilar space, deeply punctate-striate, interspaces thickened and slightly raised, nitidous, obsoletely transverse strigose.

This species must be placed close to D. Delesserti, to which it is very closely allied, if not indeed a variety of that insect; it differs in having the anterior angle of the thorax indicated by a small but distinct tubercle, and in the longitudinal groove on the disc extending nearly from base to apex. I possess specimens from Ceylon; from the continent of India, collected by Mr. Brettingham; and from Tringanee, sent to this country by Count de Castelnau.

Fam. CRIOCERIDÆ, Lacordaire.

Genus LEMA, Fabr.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 303.

1. Lema Goryi, Guérin.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 313.

"Elongata, flavo-rufa; antennis (articulo primo prætermisso) tibiis tarsisque anticis, pedibus quatuor posticis omnino, meta-thorace abdomineque nigris; prothorace elongato, in medio valde coarctato, supra sublævi, basi haud impresso; elytris convexis, punctato-striatis, interstitiis planis, sublævibus, apice summo elevatis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 5½ lin.

Hab. Amboina.

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2. Lema pectoralis, n. sp. (Pl. I. fig. 3.)

Subelongata, subcylindrica, pallide flavo-fulva, nitida; pectore, femoribus posticis quatuor basi, tibiis posticis quatuor (intermediis dorso flavo-vittatis) unguiculisque nigris, tibiis anticis tarsisque omnibus infuscatis; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus; thorace cylindrico, lateribus modice constricto, dorso minute punctato, ante basin unifoveolato et utrinque oblique transversim sulcato; elytris thorace multo latioribus, convexis, infra basin vix transversim impressis, tenuiter punctato-striatis, striis ad apicem distinctis, interspatiis planis, apice obsolete convexiusculis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, the latter prominent, deeply notched; face triangular; antennæ filiform, nearly three-fourths the length of the body. Thorax scarcely broader than long; its sides moderately constricted; above smooth, a longitudinal space down the middle impressed with a number of very fine punctures; just in front of the base is a single distinct fovea; on either side, running obliquely inwards and backwards from the lateral constriction, is a short transverse groove. Scutellum glabrous, elongate-trigonate, its apex truncate. Elytra much broader than the thorax, oblong, indistinctly impressed transversely below the basilar space, finely but distinctly punctate-striate. Abdomen clothed with coarse adpressed whitish hairs. Thighs moderately thickened, the hinder pair rather thicker than the others, extending to the apex of the third abdominal segment.

This insect, which has at first sight very much the aspect of the pale variety of Crioceris impressa, must be placed close to L. Goryi.

3. Lema palpalis, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 315.

"Oblongo-parallela, læte flava; palporum maxillarium articulo quarto globoso; prothorace elongatulo, in medio valde lateque coarctato, supra longe ante basin parum profunde transversim sulcato; elytris convexis, tenuiter punctato-striatis, interstitiis lævibus." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Java; also Siam.

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4. Lema femorata, Guérin.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 316.

"Elongata, saturate rufo-flava, nitida, subtus nigro-maculata; antennarum articulis 8—9 maculaque laterali baseos thoracis utrinque nigris; prothorace elongatulo, subcylindrico, in medio parum coarctato, antice utrinque distincte tuberculato, supra lævi punctoque longe ante basin impresso; elytris remote punctato-striatis, interstitiis lævibus, postice subporcatis, maculis duabus communibus (altera pone medium, altera apicali) singuloque fasciis duabus abbreviatis (una ante, altera infra medium) nigris.

Long. 4—4¾ lin.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis sat incrassatis, elytris nonnihil longioribus.

Fœm.—Femoribus posticis vix incrassatis, elytris brevioribus."

Hab. Java. (Lacordaire.)

5. Lema quadripunctata, Oliv.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 318.

"Elongata, saturate rufo-flava, subtus nigro-maculata; prothorace minus elongato, subcylindrico, in medio parum coarctato, antice utrinque obsolete tuberculato, supra lævi punctoque longe ante basin impresso; elytris remote punctato-striatis, interstitiis lævibus, postice subporcatis, singulo fasciis duabus transversis abbreviatis (una ante, altera infra medium) nigris; antennarum articulis 8—9 concoloribus; femoribus posticis in utroque sexu abdomine brevioribus.

Long. 4—4¾ lin.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis modice incrassatis.

Fœm.—Femoribus posticis vix incrassatis." (Lacordaire.)

Hab. Java, New Guinea (sec. Dupont); also Ceylon.

6. Lema hæmatomelas, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 334.

"Oblongo-parallela, subtus cum pedibus antennisque nigra, supra flavo-sanguinea, nitida; prothorace pone medium modice coarctato, supra ante basin sat profunde transversim impresso; elytris subdepressis, basi nonnihil elevatis, punctato-striatis, interstitiis apice subcostatis.

Long. 2⅓—2⅔ lin.

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Var. A. Antennarum articulo primo femoribusque anticis subtus apiceque rufescentibus." (Lacordaire.)

Hab. Java, Sumatra.

7. Lema mutabilis, n. sp.

Subelongata, parallela, subcylindrica, pallide fulva, nitida; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus, nigris, basi et apice fulvis; thorace subquadrato, medio valde coarctato, disco pone medium profunde transversim sulcato, tenuiter punctato; elytris infra basin transversim depressis, fortiter punctato-striatis, interspatiis planis, ad apicem costatis.

Mas.—Elytris nigro-cæruleis, basi fulvis.

Fœm.—Elytris nigro-cæruleis, basi et apice fulvis.

Var. A (mas). Elytris ut in typo, antennis fusco-fulvis.

Var. B (mas). Elytris fulvis, punctis piceis.

Var. C. Elytris totis nigro-cæruleis.

Long. 3—3¼ lin.

Hab. Makassar.

Face triangular, epistome clothed with a few pale fulvous hairs; front impressed with a short longitudinal groove; antennæ slender, filiform, longer than half the body, clothed with coarse adpressed fulvous hairs. Thorax cylindrical, the lateral constriction angular and occupying the whole length of the side from base to apex; anterior margin truncate. Scutellum trigonate, its apex truncate, indistinctly notched. Elytra narrowly oblong, parallel, surface of each covered with ten rows of deep distinct punctures; basilar space bounded beneath by a narrow but deeply impressed transverse groove; humeral callus bounded within by a longitudinal impression which runs along one of the rows of punctures. Body beneath sparingly clothed with fine silky hairs; hinder thighs not thickened, scarcely extending in either sex beyond the second segment of the abdomen; abdomen finely punctured.

8. Lema lacertosa, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 339.

"Sat elongata, parallela, supra rufo-sanguinea, subopaca, abdomine nigro-rufoque variegato, pedibus anticis testaceis, cæteris pectoreque nigris; prothorace medio sat profunde coarctato, supra ante basin sat profunde transversim sulcato;

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elytris planis, mediocriter punctato-striatis, interstitiis subtilissime alutaceis, postice elevatis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 2⅔ lin.

Hab. Singapore; also Bengal, China.

My specimens of this insect differ somewhat from the one from Bengal (which I have not seen) described in Lacordaire's work; mine have the abdomen almost, in one case, entirely black—in one specimen, also, the anterior legs are piceous; in all, the anterior half of the elytra is distinctly rugulose, and the basilar space is bounded beneath by a transverse depression; this latter character is not mentioned by Lacordaire; I do not think these differences are sufficient to constitute a distinct species; like many insects with a wide geographical range it is probably variable both in sculpture and coloration.

9. Lema Papuana, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 341.

"Breviter oblongo-parallela, luteo-testacea; abdomine femoribusque posticis nitore violaceo indutis [aut læte violaceis], prothorace posterius profunde constricto; elytris convexis, basi valde conjunctim elevatis [infra basin profunde transversim sulcatis], subtiliter punctato-striatis, ab apice ultra medium saturate ac nitidissime violaceis.

Var. A. Læte rufa." (Lacordaire.)

Var. B. Elytris totis violaceis.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis valde incrassatis, subtus ante apicem spinâ validâ conicâ armatis; tibiis posticis infra basin ad apicem distincte incrassatis.

Fœm.—Femoribus posticis modice incrassatis, inermibus.

Long. 2¾ lin.

Hab. Dory, New Guinea; Wagiou.

All the specimens I have seen have their abdomen and hinder thighs much more deeply stained with violaceous than would appear to be the case in the specimens described by Lacordaire.

10. Lema Boisduvalii, n. sp.

Subelongata, parallela, luteo-testacea; abdomine et femoribus posticis (his basi exceptis) nigro-violaceis; thorace posterius profunde constricto; elytris ab apice ultra medium nitidissime violaceo-cyaneis, basi valde elevatis, infra basin profunde transversim sulcatis, subtilissime punctato-striatis, punctis apicem

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versus fere deletis, interspatiis planis, ad apicem obsolete convexiusculis; antennis extrorsum, tibiis apice, tarsisque infuscatis.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis sat valde incrassatis, subtus ante apicem spinâ elongatâ armatis; tibiis paris ejusdem infra basin ad apicem evidenter incrassatis.

Fœm.—Femoribus posticis paullo incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Mysol, Ceram.

11. Lema connectens, n. sp.

Subelongata, parallela, luteo-testacea; oculis mandibularumque apice nigris, antennarum articulis 5—11 supra nigro-maculatis; femoribus posticis addomineque obscure violaceis, tarsis posticis quatuor, tibiis posticis totis, tibiisque intermediis apice, piceis; thorace posterius profunde constricto; elytris ab apice vix ultra medium cæruleo-nigris, basi elevatis, infra basin profunde transversim sulcatis, ante medium magis distincte, postice subtilissime punctato-striatis, interstitiis planis, ad apicem obsolete convexiusculis.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis sat valde incrassatis, subtus ante apicem breviter sed valde mucronatis; tibiis ejusdem paris infra basin ad apicem vix incrassatis.

Fœm.—Femoribus posticis modice incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Aru Islands, New Guinea.

This and the two preceding species agree so completely in general colour, form, and sculpture, that it will be only necessary to give the points of difference:—

In P. Papuana the antennæ are entirely rufo-testaceous; the colour of the darker portion of the elytra, which is violaceous, varies greatly in extent, sometimes covering only the hinder two-thirds of the elytra, in other specimens extending over the whole surface, leaving only a narrow space at the basal margin; the hinder thigh in the ♂ of the same species has a strong conical spine.

In L. Boisduvalii the outer half of the antennæ is black; the colour on the elytra is bright cyaneous instead of violaceous, and less variable in extent, occupying usually rather more than two-thirds of their surface; and the femoral spine of the ♂, though equally long, is less robust and slightly curved at its apex.

The ♂ of L. connectens may be known from either of the other two species by the much shorter spine on the hinder femora;

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both sexes may be readily distinguished by the nigro-cæruleous tint of the darker portion of the elytra (which varies very little in extent), by the pale upper lip, and by the black markings on the upper surface of the joints of the antennæ; these markings vary very greatly, in some specimens being confined to mere patches near the apex of each joint, in others covering the whole of the upper surface, leaving only a pale line beneath.

12. Lema atriceps, n. sp.

Subelongata, parallela, fulvo-testacea; capite (collo prætermisso), abdomine, pedibus posticis (femoribus basi exceptis), tarsis, tibiisque quatuor anticis (his basi plus minusve exceptis) nigris; antennarum articulo ultimo albo; thorace posterius profunde constricto; elytris ab apice vix ultra medium obscure nigro-cæruleis, basi elevatis, infra basin profunde transversim sulcatis, subtilissime punctato-striatis, interspatiis ad apicem obsolete convexiusculis.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis minus valde incrassatis, muticis; tibiis ejusdem paris infra basin ad apicem vix incrassatis.

Fœm.—Femoribus posticis modice incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 2½—3 lin.

Hab. Mysol.

The black head and white apical joints of the antennæ, together with the unarmed hinder femora in the ♂, will separate this from the foregoing species, the larger size and pale thorax from L. Hebe.

13. Lema Hebe, Baly.
Trans. Ent. Soc. N. S. vol. v. p. 150.

Subelongata, parallela, convexa, piceo-nigra, nitida; antennarum apice, scutello, elytrorum basi, meso- et meta-thorace, tibiarum apice femoribusque fulvis; thorace posterius profunde constricto; elytris basi elevatis, infra basin profunde transversim sulcatis, subtilissime punctatis.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis sat incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Dory, New Guinea.

Subelongate, convex, shining pitchy black; the extreme apex of antennæ, scutellum, base of the elytra, meso- and meta-thorax, thighs, together with the base of the tibiæ, fulvous. Antennæ filiform, equal in length to the body, their two terminal joints

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fulvous. Thorax rather broader than long, subcylindrical, strangulated behind the middle; surface smooth and shining, obsoletely punctured. Scutellum shining fulvous. Elytra oblong, convex, deeply impressed transversely below their base; each elytron with ten rows of fine punctures, which become obsolete towards the apex, puncturing on the transverse depression coarse and deeply impressed; shining black, the basal third bright fulvous. Beneath nigro-piceous, meso- and meta-thorax, thighs and base of tibiæ fulvous.

14. Lema militaris, Baly. (Pl. I. fig. 4.)
Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd Ser. vol. i. p. 612.

Subelongata, parallela, subcylindrica, nigra, nitida; thorace, pectore, profemorum basi et apice, mesofemorum apice, metafemorum plagâ infra, elytrorumque basi et fasciâ vix pone medium fulvis; thorace posterius profunde constricto; elytris tenuiter punctatis, infra basin non transversim sulcatis.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis valde incrassatis, subtus spinâ validâ armatis.

Fœm.—Femoribus posticis minus incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

Head constricted behind the eyes; face triangular, epistome triangular, front smooth and shining, finely punctured, impressed behind with a short longitudinal fossa; antennæ filiform, three-fourths the length of the body, fifth joint shorter than the two preceding united; eyes notched. Thorax very similar in form to that of L. Papuana, deeply strangulate just behind the middle, surface smooth, remotely impressed with very fine punctures. Elytra much broader than the thorax, nearly four times its length; sides parallel, their apex regularly rounded, above convex, impressed within the humeral callus, each elytron with ten rows of distinct punctures, visible to the apex, the row nearest the suture sulcate in front, interspaces smooth, slightly raised near the apex of the elytron. Body beneath smooth and shining, abdomen nearly glabrous. Hinder thighs in the male equal to the abdomen in length; in the female not extending beyond the first three segments, much less thickened, and unarmed.

The absence of the transverse depression on the elytra, the larger size and different coloration, will at first sight separate this species from L. Papuana and its near neighbours.

The six species from L. Papuana to L. militaris inclusive form

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a group belonging exclusively to the Malayan fauna. Until the expedition of Mr. Wallace, L. Papuana was the only one known to us.

15. Lema variolosa, Baly.
Trans. Ent. Soc. N. S. vol. v. p. 146.

Oblongo-elongata, rufo-fulva, nitida; thorace subquadrato, posterius valde coarctato, disco lævi, ante basin transversim sulcato; antennis, thoracis vittâ centrali postice abbreviatâ, scutello, elytrisque nigris; his valde et irregulariter punctatis, punctis (præsertim ad latera) confluentibus, interstitiis valde elevatis; genubus, tibiis tarsisque piceis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Sarawak, Borneo.

Oblong-elongate, convex above, shining rufo-fulvous; antennæ, a vitta on the thorax, the scutellum and the elytra black; knees, tibiæ and tarsi piceous. Head constricted behind the eyes; front with an oblique groove on either side; face transversely grooved just above the insertion of the antennæ; the latter slender, filiform, nearly equal in length to the body, their third joint obovate, nearly twice the length of the second. Thorax subquadrate; sides deeply constricted just behind their middle; above subcylindrical, deeply impressed in front of the base by a transverse groove, either end of which terminates in the lateral constriction; surface smooth and shining, impunctate, bright rufo-fulvous, a broad vitta down the centre, which gradually increases in width behind, and is abbreviated at the transverse groove, black. Scutellum shining black, its apex truncate. Elytra much broader than the thorax, oblong, convex, indistinctly depressed transversely below the base; shining black, whole surface irregularly covered with large deep variolose punctures, more crowded and confluent towards the sides; interspaces smooth and shining, much thickened and elevated, and forming towards the sides irregular reticulations. Beneath shining rufo-fulvous, abdomen covered with very short adpressed fulvous pubescence; apex of the jaws, the knees, tibiæ (their inner surface excepted) and tarsi pitchy black.

16. Lema monstrosa, n. sp. (Pl. I. fig. 5.)

Subelongata, subcylindrica, rufo-testacea, nitida; antennis filiformibus (articulo basali subtus excepto) elytrisque nigris; his profunde punctatis, singulatim tuberculis septem conicis magnis valde elevatis instructis, interspatiis tuberculato-

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elevatis; thorace transverso, medio valde coarctato, supra gibboso, utrinque longitudinaliter sulcato, paullo pone medium profunde transversim sulcato; femorum apicibus, tibiis tarsisque piceis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Sarawak, Borneo.

Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, the latter very prominent, angularly notched; face triangular, forehead depressed, impressed in the middle with a single fovea; antennæ slender, nearly equal to the body in length. Thorax distinctly broader than long, sides very deeply constricted about their middle, upper surface smooth, finely but subremotely punctured, deeply impressed a short distance behind the lateral constriction by a broad transverse sulcation, which extends at either side into the constriction itself; disc gibbous, bounded on either side by a deeply impressed and slightly sinuate longitudinal groove, which, commencing at the base of the thorax, intersects the transverse sulcation, and runs almost directly upwards and slightly outwards nearly to the apical margin; the surface of gibbosity finely but subremotely punctured, impressed longitudinally with a fine grooved line; the space bounded by the transverse groove in front, posteriorly by the base of the thorax, and laterally by the longitudinal sulci, is flattened and depressed. Scutellum trigonate, its apex broadly truncate, extreme apex black. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, somewhat flattened along the back, closely covered with elevated tubercles, the spaces between which are deeply impressed with large round punctures; each elytron in addition is furnished with seven much larger tubercles, greatly resembling those on the surface of a Chlamys: they are placed as follows—the first on the basal margin transverse, less curved than the others and obtuse; the second just within the lower end of the humeral callus; the third immediately below the basilar space, at some little distance from the suture; the fourth just below the middle, halfway between the suture and outer margin; the fifth and sixth placed obliquely nearly midway between the middle and apex, and the seventh subapical, a little distance from the lateral border; the last six are all conical and strongly raised.

17. Lema ferox, n. sp.

Subelongata, parallela, pallide rufo-testacea, nitida; antennis filiformibus, scutello (basi exceptâ) elytrisque nigris, his


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crebre elevato-tuberculatis, utrisque tuberculis sex magnis sat elevatis instructis; thorace vix transverso, lateribus valde coarctato, dorso vix gibboso, ante basin transversim sulcato, basi utrinque oblique impressa; tibiis tarsisque piceis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Sarawak, Borneo.

Closely resembling the last species, much smaller, the larger tubercles on the surface of the elytra being as broad, or even broader, at their base, but much less strongly elevated; the second and third are also rather differently placed on the surface, the first of them being halfway between the humeral callus and the suture, and the other close to the suture itself; the fifth and sixth have their apices rounded and not conical; the seventh large tubercle is absent. The elytra are closely covered with small tuberosities, to the almost entire exclusion of the puncturing; those near the hinder half of the lateral margin are larger and more distinct than those elsewhere and form a row of rounded protuberances. Head very similar to that of L. monstrosa, the antennæ somewhat shorter. Thorax finely but subremotely punctured; centre of disc convex, slightly gibbous, longitudinal sulci obsolete in front of the transverse groove, being visible only at the base in the form of two oblique impressions.

18. Lema constricta, n. sp.

Elongata, parallela, subcylindrica, rufo-testacea, nitida; antennis (basi exceptâ) nigro-piceis; thorace cylindrico, lateribus valde et late constricto, supra pone medium fortiter transversim sulcato, tenuiter sed sparse punctato; elytris violaceis, infra basin late transversim depressis, fortiter punctato-striatis, striis distinctis, punctis ante medium magnis, profunde impressis, postice minoribus, interspatiis transversim rugulosis, pone medium subcostatis; abdominis segmentorum basi et metasterni utrinque plaga pallide piceis.

Var. A. Antennis totis pallidis.

Long. 2⅔ lin.

Hab. Sumatra. Var. A, Penang.

Head deeply constricted behind the eyes; face trigonate, forehead smooth, impressed with a small fovea; antennæ nearly equal in length to the body, slender, filiform, not thickened towards the apex, the second and third joints nearly equal, the fourth and fifth increasing in length, the others each equal to the fifth; labrum and apex of jaws black, eyes slightly notched. Thorax subquadrate, sides produced in front behind their apex into an indistinct tu-

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bercle, apical margin truncate; the deep lateral constriction, conjoined with the dorsal groove, causes the thorax to appear strangulate behind its middle, resembling much in shape the thorax of L. Papuana. Scutellum subquadrate, its apex truncate. Elytra much broader than the thorax, nearly three times its length, parallel, transverse impression below the basilar space broad and deep but ill defined; interspaces between the rows of punctures, when viewed under a lens, finely but not closely punctured. Hinder thighs slightly thicker than the others, extending nearly to the apex of the fourth abdominal segment; unguiculi of all the legs black.

19. Lema togata, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 343.

"Oblongo-parallela, saturate cyanea; capite antice, antennis, tibiis tarsisque nigris; pectore, femorum elytrorumque basi coccineis; prothorace elongatulo, posterius modice coarctato, angulis anticis subprominulis, supra basi transversim profunde sulcato foveolaque media impresso; elytris planiusculis, basi nonnihil elevatis, remote ac irregulariter punctato-striatis."

Long. 2 lin. (Lacordaire.)

Hab. Celebes (Coll. Deyrolle); also New Holland.

20. Lema unicincta, Guérin.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 343.

"Modice elongata, parallela, læte ferruginea, prothorace pone medium profunde coarctato, supra basi transversim sulcato, disco convexo; elytris planiusculis, tenue punctato-striatis, nigro-nitidis, fasciâ medio communi latâ, læte ferrugineâ."

Long. 3 lin. (Lacordaire.)

A. Antennis totis ferrugineis.

B. Antennis basi exceptâ nigris.

Hab. Dory, New Guinea.

21. Lema torulosa, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 345.

"Sat elongata, rufo-sanguinea, tibiarum apice tarsisque fuscis, prothorace medio sat profunde coarctato, supra basi anticeque transversim impresso; elytris punctato-striatis, vittâ latâ laterali apiceque chalybeis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 2⅔ lin.

Hab. Philippine Islands.

C 2

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22. Lema rufina, Swartz.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 346.

"Sat elongata, læte rufa, prothorace infra medium modice coarctato, supra basi sat profunde transversim impresso; elytris punctato-striatis, viridi-cæruleis, apice summo singuloque fasciâ latâ longitudinali, testaceo-flavescentibus."

Long. 2 lin. (Lacordaire.)

Hab. Java.

23. Lema Bowringii, Baly.
Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. July, 1862, p. 18.

Elongata, subcylindrica, nitida, subtus nigro-cyanea, argenteo-pubescens; capite thoraceque rufo-testaceis, illo pone oculos valde constricto, oculis antennisque subfusiformibus nigris, harum articulis ultimis duobus sordide albis; hoc cylindrico lateribus vix pone medium valde coarctato, ante basin transversim sulcato, sub lente remote punctato; scutello nigro; elytris læte cæruleis, parallelis, basi obsolete elevatis, punctato-striatis, interspatiis antice planis, disco exteriori indistincte transversim corrugatis, ad apicem subcostatis.

Var. A. Capite thoraceque læte cæruleis, vertice obscure rufo.

Long. 2¾—3 lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang. Collected by Messrs. J. C. Bowring and Lamb.

Elongate, subcylindrical, nitidous, bluish-black beneath and sparingly clothed with adpressed silvery pubescence; head and thorax rufo-testaceous; elytra deep metallic blue. Head constricted behind the eyes; face triangular, epistome separated from the face by a deep, acutely-angled groove; from its apex two others run obliquely upwards, one on either side, along the edge of the orbit; inner portion of the latter stained with black; labrum piceous; general surface of head minutely and distantly punctured, front impressed with a single distinct fovea; antennæ subfusiform, moderately robust, black, their two terminal joints dusky white, basal joint incrassate, ovate; second short, submoniliform; third and fourth each longer than the first, equal, obconic; four basal joints nitidous, the rest opaque. Thorax subcylindrical, slightly longer than broad; sides broadly and deeply constricted immediately behind their middle, narrowed at the extreme apex; upper surface impressed in front of the base with a deep sulcation, which is extended at either end into the lateral constriction; on the centre of the disc are five or six lon-

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gitudinal rows of fine subremote punctures, visible only with a lens. Scutellum semiovate, obtuse. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, their basilar portion indistinctly elevated; each elytron impressed with ten rows of deep distinct punctures, the outer row sulcate; interspaces plane in front, subcostate towards the apex, each impressed with a row of fine punctures; external half of outer disc obsoletely wrinkled transversely; hinder thighs ampullate, much shorter than the abdomen, moderately incrassate.

Var. A. In this variety the head and thorax (with the exception of an obscure patch on the vertex of the former) are concolorous with the elytra.

24. Lema cæruleata, n. sp.

Elongata, parallela, cærulea, nitida; antennis modice robustis, subfusiformibus, basi exceptâ nigris; thorace elongatulo, medio valde coarctato, dorso lævi, disci medio subtilissime punctato, ante basin transversim sulcato; elytris infra basin transversim depressis, distincte punctato-striatis, striis ad apicem distinctis, interstitiis planis, ad apicem paullo convexiusculis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Tonda.

Neck deeply constricted behind the eyes; face triangular; forehead impressed with a longitudinal groove; eyes deeply notched; antennæ nearly two-thirds the length of the body, moderately robust, slender at the base, slightly tapering at their apex, third and fourth joints equal, each rather shorter than the fifth. Scutellum subtrigonate, its apex impressed with a deep fovea. Elytra nearly four times the length of the thorax, sides parallel; subcylindrical, broadly depressed below the basilar space, the latter obsoletely elevated. Abdomen clothed with very short adpressed sericeous hairs; hinder thighs scarcely thicker than the others, extending slightly beyond the second abdominal segment.

Very near in form and colour to the blue variety of L. Bowringii, rather larger than that insect, the apex of the antennæ black, the transverse sulcation on the thorax less deeply impressed.

25. Lema abdominalis, Oliv.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 350.

"Modice elongata, parallela, læte cyanea, abdomine sanguineo; prothorace elongato, in medio valde lateque coarctato, supra

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lævissimo basique minus profunde transversim impresso; elytris convexiusculis, mediocriter punctato-striatis, interstitiis apice convexis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Java.

26. Lema striatopunctata, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 368.

"Sat elongata, læte rufo-ferruginea; antennis pallidioribus, genubus, tibiis tarsisque nigris; prothorace elongato, subcylindrico, in medio sat profunde coarctato, supra lævi punctoque medio basi impresso; elytris nigro-cyaneis vel virescentibus, apice summo rufis, sat convexis, infra basin late transversim depressis, tenue punctato - striatis, interstitiis planis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 3⅔—4 lin.

Hab. Java.

27. Lema cyanoptera, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 369.

"Sat elongata, læte rufo-ferruginea; tibiarum apice tarsisque nigris; prothorace elongato, subcylindrico, in medio profunde lateque coarctato, supra ante basin obsolete transversim sulcato, disco convexo, lævi; elytris læte cyaneis, sat convexis, infra basin late transversim depressis, tenue punctato-striatis, interstitiis planis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 3⅔ lin.

Hab. Manilla.

28. Lema cyanipennis, Fabr.
Syst. El. i. p. 472.

Lema cherubim, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 370.

Sat elongata, parallela, subcylindrica, rufo-ferruginea, nitida; antennis pallidis, corporis dimidio longioribus; thorace elongato, pone medium sat profunde coarctato, supra lævi, basi utrimque leviter transversim sulcato, medio obsolete unifoveolato; elytris læte metallico-cæruleis, convexis, infra basin leviter transversim impressis, basi elevatis, transversim rugulosis; punctato-striatis, striis apicem versus minus fortiter impressis, interspatiis planis, ad apicem convexis.

Long. 3¾—4½ lin.

Hab. Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Penang, Tringanee.

Head trigonate, forehead impressed with a faint longitudinal fovea; eyes deeply notched; antennæ filiform, moderately robust,

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two-thirds the length of the body, third and fourth joints equal, each nearly twice the length of the second. Thorax distinctly longer than broad; upper surface smooth, nitidous, a longitudinal space on the middle disc impressed with minute punctures. Scutellum triangular, its apex truncate, piceous. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, cylindrical, punctate-striate, punctures strongly impressed at the base, fine towards the apex of the elytron, interspaces plane in front, convex towards their apex. Body beneath nearly glabrous. Unguiculi black. Mesosternum elongate, its apex obtuse, more or less deeply emarginate.

This species is in my opinion undoubtedly the L. cyanipennis of Fabricius, the insect described by M. Lacordaire under that name being a closely allied but quite distinct species. Fabricius gives Sumatra as the locality of his L. cyanipennis, whilst M. Lacordaire's insect (for which I would propose the name of L. Lacordairii) is a native of Continental India. The true cyanipennis, though brought to this country in some abundance by Mr. Wallace, was up to that time exceedingly rare in collections, the only specimen previously known to me being one in my own cabinet collected in Sumatra by Sir Stamford Raffles. The two species, although agreeing very closely in form, sculpture and coloration, may be readily known from each other by the relative proportion of their antennæ; in L. cyanipennis these organs are at least two-thirds the length of the body; in L. Lacordairii they do not exceed one-half its length. I possess a series of individuals of both species, and I do not find the least tendency to approximation between the two; all the specimens from India, Siam and Birmah agreeing in having short antennæ (as described by Lacordaire); all those from Sumatra and other parts of the Malay Archipelago, on the other hand, having them elongate. The synonymy ought to stand thus:—

Lema cyanipennis, Fabr. Syst. El. i. 472. Malay Archipelago. cherubim, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. 370.

Lema Lacordairii ………….. Indian Continent. cyanipennis, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. 370.

29. Lema cyanesthis, Boisd.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 375.

"Modice elongata, parallela, rufo-ferruginea; pedibus posticis infuscatis, pectore abdomineque nigris; prothorace elongato, pone medium valde coarctato, supra ante basin evidenter transversim sulcato, disco convexo, lævi; elytris cyaneo-

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virescentibus, sat convexis, basi conjunctim elevatis, subtiliter punctato-striatis, interstitiis planis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 3½ lin.

Var. A. Metathorace pedibusque posticis corpore concoloribus, abdomine nigro-piceo.

Var. B. Corpore subtus rufo.

Hab. Dory, New Guinea; var. A, Aru Islands; var. B, New Guinea, Sumatra.

30. Lema Coromandeliana, Fabr.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 377.

"Sat elongata, rufa; antennis nigris, capitis dimidia parte antica, pectoris lateribus [plerumque] pedibusque nigro-virescentibus; thorace pone medium modice coarctato, supra lævi transversimque bisulcato, sulco anteriore in medio interrupto; elytris saturate cæruleo-viridibus, subdepressis, basi haud elevatis, punctato-striatis, interstitiis lævibus, planis, apice elevatis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 2½ lin.

Mas.—Tibiis intermediis infra pone medium dente brevi armatis.

Crioceris cyanipennis, Oliv. Entom. vi. p. 740, 21, pl. 2, f. 21.

Fœm.—Tibiis intermediis inermibus.

A. Nigra, capite (ore excluso) prothoraceque rufis nitore cæruleo micantibus, elytris saturate cyaneis.

Lema Malayana, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 378.

B. Læte rufo-ferruginea, capite antice, antennis (basi prætermissa) unguiculisque nigris, elytris læte cyaneis.

Lema melanocera, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 374.

C. Obscure rufo-fulva aut rufo-testacea, elytris cyaneis.

Crioceris dichroa, Blanch., Homb. et Jacq. Voy. au Pôle Sud, Zool. iv. p. 310, pl. 18, fig. 2.

D. Nigra, pectore abdomineque fuscis, supra fusco-fulva; elytris vitta lata communi infra basin ad apicem extensa, antice angustata, obscure cærulea, ornatis.

Lema Bretinghami, Baly, Journ. of Entom. i. p. 278.

E. Flavo-rufa, pectore abdomineque (interdum) nigris.

Lema fulvula, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 338.

F. Subtus nigro-cyanescens, supra cyanea, antennis pedibusque nigris."

Lema cyanea, Fabr., Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 349.

Hab. Java, Type and Var. B. Makassar, Var. B. Bor-

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neo, Var. C. Sumatra (sec. Olivier). Also Siam, India (Coast of Coromandel), and China (Canton River), type and varieties.

This species, which is spread over a wide geographical area, viz. from China to Makassar, and is apparently not uncommon, varies greatly in colour; from this cause it has been described by various authors under separate names; having had the opportunity of examining a long series of specimens from different localities, I have no hesitation in uniting them all under one head.

31. Lema Javana, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 382.

"Elongata, saturate cyanea; elytris dilutioribus, prothorace rufo, elongatulo, pone medium modice coarctato, supra basi parum profunde transversim impresso; elytris convexis, dorso subplanis, basi haud impressis, punctato-striatis, interstitiis apice convexis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 2⅔ lin.

Hab. Java.

32. Lema Smithii, n. sp.

Elongata, robusta, subcylindrica, pallide rufo-testacea, nitida; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus, fulvis; thorace latitudine paullo longiori, medio valde coarctato, disco tenuiter punctato, punctis in medio paullo majoribus et in serie longitudinali unicâ dispositis, ante basin transversim sulcato, sulci medio unifoveolato; elytris cæruleo-nigris, infra basin transversim depressis, tenuiter punctato-striatis, striis ad apicem distinctis, punctis ante medium profundius impressis; interspatiis planis, ad apicem convexiusculis; unguiculis nigris.

Long. 4—4½ lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, the latter deeply notched; face trigonate; front impressed with a longitudinal groove; antennæ more than half the length of the body, not thickened towards the apex; third, fourth and fifth joints increasing in length, the rest each about equal to the fifth. Scutellum pentagonal. Elytra nearly four times the length of the thorax, very convex; interspaces between the striæ very finely but subremotely punctured. Hinder thighs scarcely thicker than the others, rather longer than the first two segments of the abdomen. Abdomen clothed with adpressed fulvous hairs.

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33. Lema Sumatrensis, n. sp.

Elongata, subcylindrica, rufo-ferruginea, nitida, subtus aureosericea; antennis filiformibus, pallidis, dimidio corporis longioribus; thorace elongatulo, medio profunde coarctato, dorso lævi, basi non impresso; elytris parallelis, nigro-cæruleis, infra basin late transversim impressis, tenuiter punctato-striatis, striis ad apicem distinctis, interspatiis planis, singulis serie unicâ punctorum minutorum impressis; tibiis apice fuscis, unguiculis nigris.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. Sumatra.

Head triangular, apex of jaws and eyes black, the latter deeply notched; antennæ moderately robust, nearly two-thirds the length of the body, filiform, joints cylindrical. Thorax rather longer than broad, sides deeply constricted; upper surface without any basal depression or sulcation, middle of disc impressed with a few very fine punctures, which are only visible under a lens. Scutellum trigonate, obscure rufous, its apex obtusely trunctate. Elytra parallel, narrower than in L. Smithii, convex, finely but distinctly punctate-striate; interspaces plane, each one impressed with a single row of very minute punctures, which can only be seen under a glass. Legs robust; extreme apex of tibiæ fuscous. Mesosternum elongate, sides sinuate; apex curved, obtusely rounded.

Nearly allied to L. Smithii, narrower, one-third less in size; from L. cyanipennis it may be known by the much finer punctuation of the elytra, and by the different form of the apex of its mesosternum; from L. cyanesthis it can at once be separated by the different form of the thorax.

34. Lema atripennis, n. sp.

Elongata, subcylindrica, rufo-testacea, nitida; antennis filiformibus, obscure fusco-fulvis, articulis intermediis nigris, oculis profunde emarginatis; thorace latitudine paullo longiori, lateribus valde coarctato, disco ante basin transversim sulcato, medio punctis sparsis minutis impresso; elytris nitidonigris, infra basin transversim depressis, basi paullo elevatis; punctato-striatis, striis integris, punctis ante medium magnis, profundis, postice parvis, minus fortiter impressis, interspatiis ad apicem convexiusculis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Gilolo.

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Neck deeply constricted, face triangular, front depressed, causing the eyes with their orbital spaces to appear very prominent; antennæ two-thirds the length of the body, more robust than in the last species, somewhat narrowed at their base, basal joints rufo-testaceous, third, fourth and fifth joints gradually increasing in length and slightly in thickness; the rest nearly equal to the fifth. Scutellum elongate-trigonate, its apex truncate. Elytra about three times the length of the thorax, parallel, interspaces (as seen under a lens) remotely punctured. Hinder thighs not extending beyond the second segment of the abdomen, not thicker than the rest. Abdomen nearly glabrous.

35. Lema quadrinotata, n. sp.

Elongata, subcylindrica, nigra, nitida; capite, thorace (hoc nigro-quadrinotato), scutello, femoribus anticis quatuor infra, unguibusque rufo-fulvis; thorace subquadrato, lateribus valde coarctato, dorso ante basin leviter transversim sulcato, disco tenuissime punctato; elytris infra basin leviter transversim depressis, punctato-striatis, striis integris, punctis ante medium sat magnis, profunde impressis, interspatiis infra basin rude transversim crenulatis, ad apicem convexis; nigro-cæruleis, ab apice ad medium rufo-fulvis.

Long 3 lin.

Hab. Sumatra.

Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, the latter narrowly notched; face triangular; antennæ slender, filiform, three-fourths the length of the body, third and fourth joints nearly equal, the fifth nearly as long as the two preceding united. Thorax deeply constricted in the middle of the sides, upper surface marked with four small black spots, arranged in a square on the disc. Elytra rather more than three times the length of the thorax, flattened along the back, being slightly depressed along the anterior portion of the suture; the basilar space on each elytron indistinctly elevated; humeral callus rather prominent, the puncturing in front on the basilar space and anterior half of the suture coarse and deeply impressed, the stria next the suture deeply sulcate, interspaces between the basilar space and middle of elytron transversely wrinkled. Hinder thighs scarcely thicker than the rest, shorter than the abdomen. Abdomen and legs covered with short adpressed golden or silvery sericeous pubescence.

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The following species is unknown to me, but probably belongs to the genus Lema.

36. Crioceris? semilimbata, Blanch.

Homb. et Jacq. Voyage au Pôle Sud, Zool. iv. p. 307, pl. 18, fig. 3.

"Crassa, testacea; antennis basi concoloribus, apice obscurioribus; prothorace medio constricto, vix convexo, basi transversim impresso; elytris latis, nigris, nitidis, margine laterali antico testaceo, subtilissime striato-punctatis, striis duabus suturalibus basi grosse punctatis.

Long. 10—11 millim."

Hab. Triton Bay, New Guinea.

This species ought probably to be placed near L. pectoralis, ante, p. 9.

Genus CRIOCERIS, Geoffroy.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 546.

1. Crioceris quadripustulata, Fabr.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 558.

"Modice elongata, valida, nigra; prothorace elongato, subcylindrico, in medio parum coarctato; elytris convexis, maxima ex parte lævibus, singulo maculis duabus magnis quadratis (una laterali baseos, altera infra medium) luteo-flavis."

Long. 5 lin. (Lacordaire.)

Hab. Java, Malacca, Penang; also Siam.

2. Crioceris ornata, n. sp. (Pl. I. fig. 2.)

Oblonga, subcylindrica, nigra, nitida; thorace latitudine paullo longiori, lateribus modice coarctato, dorso disci medio tenuissime impresso, ante basin obsolete transversim sulcato; scutello glabro; elytris dorso subdepressis, infra basin transversim excavatis, basi ipsâ obsolete elevatâ; punctato-striatis, striis postice deletis, utrisque plagâ magnâ semilunatâ flavâ, longitudinaliter a basi ad medium et lateraliter vix intra suturam fere ad marginem exteriorem extensâ, intus valde sinuatâ, ornatis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Sarawak, Borneo.

Head very deeply constricted behind the eyes; face subelongate, eyes deeply notched; antennæ filiform, four-fifths the length of the body, slightly flattened and somewhat thickened

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towards their apex; second and third joints short, nearly equal, forehead impressed with a longitudinal groove. Thorax narrow, cylindrical, sides moderately constricted. Scutellum elongate-trigonate, its apex truncate. Elytra much wider than the thorax, broad, oblong, puncturing on their surface fine but deeply impressed on the inner half of the basal portion of the disc, entirely obliterated on the hinder part, with the exception of a single row next the suture; whole outer half of the disc also smooth and entirely impunctate.

3. Crioceris semipunctata, Fabr. (Pl. I. fig. 1.)
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 558.

"Modice elongata, valida, rufo-ferruginea, nitida, subtus plagiatim aureo-sericea; prothorace elongato, in medio leviter coarctato, supra obsolete vageque punctulato; elytris convexis, ante medium late transversim impressis, subtiliter (basi prætermissâ) punctato-striatis." (Lacordaire.)

Mas.—Antennis longioribus, subfusiformibus, articulis cylindricis.

Lema semipunctata, Fabr.

Fœm.—Antennis brevioribus, apice nonnihil incrassatis, articulis cylindricis, arcte connexis.

Lema Dehaanii, Guér.

Crioceris Dehaanii, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 559.

Long. 3½—4½ lin.

Hab. Java, Borneo, Malacca, Sumatra, Celebes; also Siam and India.

All the specimens that I have seen of this species have the pubescence on the legs pale golden, whilst that on the abdomen is silvery-white.

4. Crioceris binotata, n. sp.

Elongata, parallela, subcylindrica, obscure fulva, nitida, subtus aureo-sericea; antennis validis, subfusiformibus, apice vix attenuatis, articulis cylindricis; oculis nigris; thorace elongato, medio modice coarctato, supra lævi, baseos medio obsolete impresso; elytris convexis, infra basin transversim impressis, basi elevatis, profunde punctato-striatis, striis infra basin deletis; singulatim plagâ transversâ subovatâ, ante medium positâ, nigrâ.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

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Head elongate-trigonate; eyes black, deeply notched; antennæ very robust, scarcely more than half the length of the body, thickened from beyond the second joint, scarcely tapering at their apex; joints cylindrical, the terminal joints being scarcely more slender than the preceding ones. Thorax about one-fourth longer than broad, sides moderately constricted in their middle; upper surface smooth, nitidous, impressed on the middle disc with some very minute punctures, only visible under a lens. Scutellum trigonate, its apex obtuse; surface covered with adpressed sericeous hairs. Elytra much broader than the thorax, but nevertheless narrower than in C. semipunctata, parallel, broadly depressed transversely below the basilar space, the base itself moderately elevated; surface punctured entirely as in C. semipunctata, with this exception, that the rows of punctures are quite obsolete below the middle of the elytra, a single row of fine punctures near the suture, and another on the outer margin, alone excepted, the place of the absent punctures being indicated however by a small piceous spot. The pubescence on the body beneath is much abraded in the solitary specimen before me, but that on the abdomen appears to be arranged in four rows of fasciculi.

5. Crioceris obliterata, n. sp.

Late oblonga, fulvo-rufa, nitida; thorace subquadrato, medio modice coarctato, remote punctato; antennis (articulo basali excepto), femorum apice, tibiis, tarsis elytrisque nigris, his thorace multo latioribus, basi elevatis, infra basin late transversim impressis, punctato-striatis, striis supra sulcum transversum unâ vel alterâ prope basin, alterâque prope suturam profunde impressis, cæteris deletis; scutello sericeo.

Var. A. Fulva, antennis pedibusque ut in typo, pectore nigro; elytris fulvis, piceo-punctato-striatis.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. Dory, New Guinea.

Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, face triangular, excavated between the eyes, impressed at the apex of the epistome with a short longitudinal groove; antennæ longer than half the length of the body, moderately robust, slightly tapering at their extremity, but scarcely fusiform; joints cylindrical, the first obscure rufous, nearly globular, incrassate, second shorter than the first, third and fourth equal, each being twice as long again as the second, fifth almost as long as the two preceding united, sixth and following nearly equal, severally rather shorter than the fifth.

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Thorax subquadrate, cylindrical, nearly impunctate, being only impressed here and there with a few very remote punctures. Elytra much broader than the thorax, distinctly raised, basilar space bounded beneath by a broad transverse depression; surface smooth and shining; along the sutural margin, here and there on the basilar space, on the transverse depression and along the exterior half of the lateral border, which is also longitudinally sulcate, are a number of large deep impressions, which evidently form part of the rows of punctures common to the majority of the species of the genus; over the remainder of the surface these punctures are entirely obliterated, their course being only indicated by very faintly-marked longitudinal grooved lines. Abdomen smooth, sericeous; mesosternal process narrow, tapering from base to apex.

This species, in its hairy scutellum, in the form of its antennæ and the puncturing of its elytra, closely approaches C. semipunctata; it is however a much shorter and broader insect; the antennæ are also shorter and the mesosternal process narrower; in C. semipunctata this latter part is broader, and has its sides subparallel. Var. A resembles C. semipunctata in colour, but has the elytra covered with the usual number of rows of piceous dots, which are smooth and impunctate, a certain number only at the base, as in the type, being impressed each with a single deep fovea.

6. Crioceris biplagiata, n. sp.

Oblonga, subcylindrica, nitido-fulva, utriusque elytri plagâ longitudinali paullo ante medium fere ad apicem extensâ antennisque nigris; tibiis tarsisque piceis; antennis robustis, filiformibus; thorace latitudine paullo longiori, lateribus modice coarctato, disco impunctato.

Long. 3¼ lin.

Hab. Morty Island.

Face subelongate-trigonate, clothed with adpressed coarse hairs; neck deeply constricted behind the eyes, the latter angulate-emarginate; epistome not extending upwards above the insertion of the antennæ, a deep longitudinal groove passing from its apex to join the frontal grooves; antennæ half the length of the body, robust, cylindrical, the basal joint short, rufous, the second moniliform, third, fourth and fifth each increasing both in length and thickness, the remaining joints each about equal to the fifth. Thorax cylindrical, its lateral constriction occupying about the middle third of the side, anterior margin convex; upper surface without

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basal impression, smooth, impunctate. Scutellum elongate-trigonate, closely covered with adpressed silvery hairs. Elytra much broader than the thorax, oblong, subcylindrical, basilar space elevated, bounded beneath by a broad shallow depression; within the humeral callus is a broad longitudinal groove; each elytron covered with eleven rows of piceous dots, the first short; it will be found on examination that a few only of these dots on the basal portions of the five or six rows nearest the suture are impressed each with a single fovea; on the rest of the surface these dots are smooth and impunctate; interspaces also impunctate; on the hinder portion of each elytron the rows are lost in the longitudinal black patch. Body beneath clothed with adpressed silvery sericeous hairs; hinder thighs scarcely thicker than the others, extending for a short distance beyond the third segment of the abdomen. Mesosternal process narrow, tapering from base to apex.

It is with great doubt that I separate this insect from C. obliterata; in form of antennæ, thorax, mesosternal process and in the mode of punctation of elytra, it exactly agrees with that species; in coloration it is intermediate between the type and var. A; it differs otherwise in the elytra being narrower and more cylindrical above; it is however very probable that in a series of examples this character would be found to vary, in which case it must be considered only a variety of obliterata.

7. Crioceris impressa, Fabr.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 562.

"Nitida, subtus plagiatim argenteo-sericea; antennis magis minusve compressis ac perfoliatis; prothorace latitudine antica nonnihil longiore, in medio modice coarctato, supra sat crebre punctato [punctis sæpe plus minusve obsoletis]; elytris convexis, mediocriter punctato-striatis, interstitiis planis, lævibus," [processu mesosternali oblongo-quadrato].

Long. 3¾—5 lin. (Lacordaire.)

A. Oblongo-parallela.

Crioceris impressa, Fabr.

a. Corpore nigro, elytris obscure rufis.
b. Capite, antennis prothoraceque obscure rufis; corpore subtus nigro vel piceo.
c. Corpore toto fulvo.
d. Corpore toto nigro.

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B. Subelongata, parallela.

Crioceris crassicornis, Oliv. Ent. vi. p. 731, 6, pl. i. fig. 6.

Crioceris castanea, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 564.

Crioceris omophloides, Lac., ibid.

a. Corpore nigro, elytris rufo-fulvis aut rufis.
b. Corpore nigro aut piceo; capite, thorace elytrisque obscure fulvis.

Hab. Borneo, Malacca (Singapore), Java, Amboina, Manilla, Bouro; also Ceylon, Siam, the whole continent of India, China.

This insect is one of the most abundant and widely spread in the present genus, being commonly sent from almost every portion of the Asiatic quarter of the globe east of Siberia; as might be expected in a species possessing so extensive a geographical range it is highly variable both in form and colour, and has consequently been described by the older authors and by Lacordaire under many different names; the species, at its extreme points of divergence, presents two well marked types, one broad, less parallel and much more robust, the other longer, narrower and more parallel; between these exists an unbroken chain of intermediate varieties, thus proving that they belong to only one highly-variable species. Although not entitled to the rank of sub-species or local varieties, all the intermediate forms being found more or less abundantly throughout the whole geographical range of the species, still the first or broader type is the dominant one in Southern India, Ceylon and the Malay Archipelago, whilst the second or elongate form is the one most usually met with in Assam, Northern India and China.

8. Crioceris Clarkii, Baly. (Pl. I. fig. 7.)
Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd Ser. vol. i. p. 613.

Oblongo-elongata, subcylindrica, nigra, nitida; femoribus anticis quatuor medio, posticis infra, thorace elytrorumque limbo (hoc basi et apice late dilatato) rufo-fulvis; scutello glabro; elytris punctato-striatis, striis apice sæpe deletis; processu mesosternali subtrigonato.

Var. A. Thorace nigro, abdominis disco rufo-piceo.

Var. B. Elytris totis rufo-fulvis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Ceram; var. B, Batchian.


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Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, face triangular, front remotely punctured; antennæ shorter than half the length of the body, subincrassate, outer joints slightly compressed and subperfoliate, eyes notched. Thorax subquadrate, scarcely broader than long; sides constricted in the middle; above subcylindrical, punctured as is C. impressa, the single longitudinal row of punctures down the middle of the disc being also present as in that species. Elytra oblong, much broader than the thorax, slightly dilated behind, their apex broadly rounded; above convex, indistinctly flattened along the back, transverse depression below the basilar space usually obsolete, at other times present, although indistinct; punctures arranged in eleven longitudinal rows, the first of which is very short; the punctures are large, deeply impressed, and placed at irregular intervals on the anterior half of the rows; on the hinder half they become much smaller and indistinct, the rows themselves being frequently entirely obsolete; the inner row next the suture is however always sulcate on the hinder portion of its course, and, together with one or two of the outer striæ, remains always entire; interspaces smooth, impunctate. The amount of fulvous colour on the surface varies greatly; in some specimens, the black ground occupies almost entirely the posterior three-fourths of the surface, the basal fourth, and a narrow line extending round the outer limb, alone being fulvous; in others the fulvous colour is extended inwards so greatly in all directions (more especially however at the base and apex) as to leave only a common central black patch. Under surface clothed as in C. impressa, but the sericeous patches on the surface of the abdomen are less strongly defined. Very closely allied to C. impressa; setting aside colour, the only difference between the two species is in the form of the process of the mesosternum; in C. impressa this part is oblong-quadrate, with its apex broadly truncate; in C. Clarkii it is subtrigonate, with its apex obtusely truncate.

9. Crioceris eximia, n. sp.

Elongata, parallela, subcylindrica, pallide fulva, nitida; pectore, abdomine, coxis, femoribus tibiisque posterioribus quatuor, unguiculis, elytrorumque apice nigris; antennis sat gracilibus, subfiliformibus, corporis dimidio paullo longioribus; thorace cylindrico, subquadrato, lateribus sat constrictis, disco hic illic distincte punctato, ante basin late sed obsolete transversim depresso; scutello glabro; elytris infra basin obsoletius transversim depressis, punctato-striatis, striis ad apicem integris,

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punctis pallide piceis, ante medium majoribus, profundius impressis; interspatiis planis, singulis serie unicâ punctorum minutorum impressis.

Long. 3⅔ lin.

Hab. Sarawak.

Elongate, parallel. Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, the latter deeply and broadly notched; face trigonate, forehead impressed for its whole length by a longitudinal groove; antennæ with their third and fourth joints each twice the length of the second, equal, cylindrical, the rest to the apex slightly compressed, obsoletely perfoliate. Thorax subquadrate, sides deeply constricted in the middle, armed before their apex with an indistinct tubercle. Scutellum elongate-trigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra more than four times the length of the thorax, parallel, a small patch at their apex black. Body beneath clothed with adpressed silvery hairs, arranged on the abdomen as in C. impressa. Hinder thighs not extending beyond the second abdominal segment.

10. Crioceris nucea, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 569.

"Oblonga, livide flavo-testacea, nitida; antennis pallidis, filiformibus; prothorace elongatulo, subcylindrico, in medio modice coarctato, supra subtilissime seriatim punctulato; elytris modice convexis, lineis decem e punctis fuscis ornatis, quatuor internis basi remote punctatis, interstitiis planis, lævissimis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Philippines.

11. Crioceris unipunctata, Oliv.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 571.

"Oblonga, rufo-ferruginea, nitida; pectore, abdomine pedibusque quatuor posticis nigris; subtus plagiatim argenteo-sericea; antennis filiformibus; prothorace medio sat profunde coarctato, supra basi vage transversim impresso, disco subtilissime punctulato; elytris convexis, tenuiter punctato-striatis, singulo maculâ mediâ orbiculatâ nigrâ." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 3½—4 lin.

Hab. Manilla.

12. Crioceris Saundersi, n. sp.

Modice elongata, subcylindrica, nitido-fulva; antennis, pectore,

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abdominis basi, pedibusque nigris; antennis gracilibus, elongatis, filiformibus; thorace latitudine longiori, lateribus medio modice coarctato, supra lævi, vix ante basin leviter transversim sulcato, disci medio longitudinaliter biseriatim punctato; elytris thorace multo latioribus, dorso obsolete depressis, infra basin obsolete transversim impressis, punctato-striatis, punctis apicem versus deletis.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Soulu Islands.

Head small, deeply constricted, almost strangulate, behind the eyes; face elongate-trigonate, palpi piceous, upper portion of face rugose-punctate, vertex smooth, impressed with a very short longitudinal fossa; antennæ slender, entirely filiform, three-fourths the length of the body, second to the fourth joints increasing in length, the rest each nearly equal to the fourth; eyes deeply but narrowly notched. Thorax somewhat longer than broad, slightly narrower in front, cylindrical, the lateral constriction not occupying the whole length of the sides, apical margin convex. Scutellum glabrous, piceous, narrowly trigonate, its apex rounded. Elytra more than twice as broad as the thorax, somewhat flattened above, basilar space obsoletely raised, bounded beneath by a broad but shallow depression, humeral callus bounded within by an indistinct longitudinal groove; surface of each elytron impressed with eleven rows of punctures, the first very short, the second and eleventh are entire, the rest are only visible on the anterior portion of the surface, the punctures being replaced below by very small piceous spots, similar to those in C. biplagiata; interspaces smooth, plane, impunctate; lateral border thickened from below its base. Body beneath closely sericeous; hinder thighs not thickened, shorter than the abdomen. Mesosternal process trigonate; its apex broadly truncate.

13. Crioceris dimidiata, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. i. p. 572.

"Oblongo-parallela, luteo-flava, nitida; pectore pedibusque quatuor posticis nigris, anticis abdomineque infuscatis; antennis filiformibus; prothorace medio modice coarctato, supra obsolete sparsimque punctulato; elytris convexis, tenuiter punctato-striatis, basi late nigricantibus."

Long. 3½ lin. (Lacordaire.)

Hab. Java.

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14. Crioceris Pfeifferæ, Baly.

Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd Ser. vol. i. p. 614.

Oblongo-elongata, subcylindrica, sanguinea, nitida; antennis (basi exceptâ) elytrorumque dimidio antico, tibiis tarsisque nigro-piceis; elytris punctato-striatis, punctis infra basin sat profunde, prope apicem tenuiter impressis.

Long. 3⅘—4¼ lin.

Hab. Amboina, Ceram. First brought home by Madame Pfeiffer, and subsequently by Mr. Wallace.

Head deeply constricted behind the eyes; face forming a somewhat elongated triangle; front smooth, without longitudinal impression; antennæ scarcely half the length of the body, somewhat slender, filiform, fifth joint shorter than the two preceding united, three lower joints rufous, the rest black; eyes broadly notched. Thorax subquadrate, subcylindrical, sides deeply constricted in the middle, surface smooth, nearly impunctate, a few remote punctures being only visible on the disc under a lens; in some specimens a row of punctures similar to that in C. impressa runs down the middle of the disc. Scutellum forming an elongated triangle, the apex of which is rounded; its surface glabrous. Elytra much broader than the thorax, nearly four times its length, oblong, sides nearly parallel, apex broadly rounded; above convex, transversely but obsoletely depressed below the basilar space, longitudinally impressed within the humeral callus; each elytron with eleven rows of punctures, the first short; punctures placed at more regular intervals on the striæ than in C. Clarkii, deeply impressed in front, very small and finely impressed on the hinder half of the elytron, but nevertheless distinct to the apex; interspaces smooth, impunctate. The black colour on the elytra varies in extent, in some specimens occupying less than half, in others covering two-thirds of the surface. Abdomen somewhat sparingly clothed with adpressed fulvous hairs, which form, however, a distinct row just within the edge of each segment. Hinder thighs not extending beyond the first two segments of the abdomen.

15. Crioceris Doryca, Boisd.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 570.

"Oblonga, rufo-ferruginea; antennis (articulis quatuor baseos prætermissis), abdomine, femoribus posticis dorso, tibiis intus, tarsisque nigris; prothorace medio modice coarctato, supra lævi, disco lineatim subtiliter punctulato; [scutello glabro]; elytris obscure æneo-viridibus, nitidissimis, convexis, basi

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conjunctim elevatis, lævibus, striis primâ decimâque integris, reliquis basi tantum conspicuis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 4—4½ lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

16. Crioceris obesa, Baly.
Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd Ser. vol. i. p. 616.

Late oblonga, convexa, nitido-rufo-fulva; antennis filiformibus, fulvis; scutello fulvo-piloso; elytris ampliatis, valde convexis, nitido-nigris, apice obscure rufis, infra basin transversim depressis, tenuiter punctato-striatis, striis disci postici deletis; tibiis tarsisque obscure rufis, unguiculis piceis.

Long. 5 lin.

Hab. Amboina.

Head deeply constricted behind the eyes; face elongate-trigonate; front impressed with a longitudinal groove; antennæ filiform, somewhat slender, two-thirds the length of the body, pale fulvous, apex of terminal joint fuscous; eyes angularly notched. Thorax subcylindrical, constricted on the sides, surface smooth, impressed with a very few minute punctures, arranged on the disc in a longitudinal row. Hinder tibiæ paler than the others.

The very robust form and dilated elytra will at once distinguish this species from C. terminata; the antennæ are much longer and entirely filiform, and the fourth joint distinctly longer than the third; in C. terminata these two joints are equal.

17. Crioceris terminata, Baly.
Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd Ser. vol. i. p. 615.

Oblongo-elongata, subcylindrica, rufo-fulva, nitida; oculis elytrisque nigris, his tenuiter punctato-striatis, apice rufo-fulvo; scutello glabro.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Ternate, Batchian.

Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, face elongate-triangular, forehead smooth, impressed behind with a short longitudinal fossa; antennæ moderately robust, nearly filiform, slightly thickened from beyond the fourth joint, about half the length of the body; eyes notched. Thorax subquadrate, subcylindrical, sides deeply constricted at their middle, upper surface smooth, remotely impressed with fine punctures. Scutellum forming an elongate triangle, its apex rounded. Elytra much broader than the thorax, more than three times its length, sides parallel, apex

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regularly rounded; above convex, indistinctly impressed at the base within the humeral callus, transversely depressed below the basilar space, surface smooth and shining, each elytron with eleven rows of fine punctures, visible to their apex, the first short; interspaces smooth and flat, impunctate. Legs moderately robust, hinder thighs scarcely thicker than the others, equal in length to the first two segments of the abdomen. Abdomen sparingly covered with fine adpressed concolorous pubescence, edges of the segments clothed with a row of coarse hairs.

This insect is nearly allied to C. Pfeifferæ; the pale antennæ and legs, together with the much smaller extent of the red colour on the elytra, will at once separate it from that species. I possess three specimens of the insect from two localities, but they do not show any variation in colouring.

The following species, described since the publication of Lacordaire's Monograph, is unknown to me.

18. Crioceris nigrozonata, Blanch.

Homb. et Jacq. Voyage au Pôle Sud, Zool. iv. p. 309, pl. 18, fig. 4.

"Ovata, tota testacea, nitida; antennis nigris, basi testaceis, prothorace lævi, convexo, postice constricto, transversim impresso; elytris concoloribus, subtiliter striato-punctatis, fasciâ posticâ, suturâ interruptâ nigrescenti; pedibus totis testaceis.

Long. 8 millim."

Hab. Triton Bay, New Guinea.

Blanchard does not make any distinction between Lema and Crioceris: it is therefore possible that the present species belongs to the former genus; if not, it ought to stand next to C. eximia (ante, p. 34).

Mon. Phyt. i. p. 599.

1. Brachydactyla discoidea, Guér. (Pl. I. fig. 8.)

Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 560.

"Ferruginea; antennis, femorum apice, tibiis tarsisque nigris; prothorace lævi, quadrato, posterius ante basin nonnihil constricto; elytris mediocriter punctato-striatis, saturate chalybeis vel violaceis, maculâ magnâ communi baseos, ferrugineâ."

Long. 3⅓—3¾ lin. (Lacordaire.)

Hab. Java.

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Mon. Phyt. i. p. 716.

1. Temnaspis Javana, Guér.

(T. Javanus), Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 717.

"Oblongo-parallelus, læte luteus, supra rubro-croceus, pubescens; metathorace valide bi-mamillato, prothoracis maculâ, pectore, abdominis apice, elytrorum fasciâ baseos communi singuloque maculâ infra medium obliquâ, nigris.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis valde incrassatis, subtus apice spinis tribus in triangulum digestis, armatis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Java.

2. Temnaspis bipartita, Lac.

(T. bipartitus), Mon. Phyt. i. p. 718.

"Oblongo-parallelus, niger, pubescens; capite, antennis, prothorace, pedibusque anticis flavis; elytrorum dimidiâ parte anticâ rubro-fulvâ; metathorace obtuse bi-mamillato.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis valde incrassatis, subtus apice spinis duabus contiguis, anteriore majori, armatis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 5 lin.

Hab. Java.

3. Temnaspis fervida, Lac.

(T. fervidus), Mon. Phyt. i. p. 719.

"Oblongo-parallelus, pubescens, subtus luteo-testaceus; abdomine infuscato, supra (præsertim in elytris) rubro-croceus; metathorace obtuse bi-mamillato.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis sat incrassatis, subtus apice spinis duabus contiguis, anteriore majori, armatis; abdominis segmento ultimo transversim excavato." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 5 lin.

Hab. Java.

4. Temnaspis rubens, Klug.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 720.

"Subelongatus, subtus luteo-testaceus albidoque villosus; pectore abdomineque infuscatis, supra rubro-croceus, sparsim

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fulvo-pubescens; elytris depressiusculis; metathorace vix bi-mamillato.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis sat incrassatis, apice subtus acute unidentatis." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Java.

5. Temnaspis Westwoodii, n. sp. (Pl. I. fig. 6.)

Subelongata, parallela, fulvo-flava aut crocea, nitida, sparse pubescens; metathorace, abdomine femoribusque posticis nigro-piceis, flavo-variegatis, tarsis pallide piceis; fronte plana, unifoveolata; metathorace obsoletius bi-mamillato.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis valde incrassatis, subtus bispinosis, spinâ anticâ longiori.

Long, 4¾—5½ lin.

Hab. Manilla.

Front flattened, coarsely and irregularly, but not very closely punctured, impressed in the middle with a single deep fovea; eyes black, deeply notched; antennæ shorter than half the length of the body; second joint short, moniliform, third elongate, subfiliform, fourth half the length of the third, fifth and following joints compressed and dilated, fifth to the tenth very sparingly clothed with robust hairs, subtrigonate, the fifth one-fourth longer than the sixth, the rest nearly equal, the eleventh subovate, equal in length to the fifth. Thorax rather broader than long, sides straight, very slightly converging from base to apex; apical border truncate, obsoletely sinuate in the middle; upper surface smooth and nitidous, bounded posteriorly by a more or less distinct transverse groove, which is sometimes entirely obsolete, remotely punctured, the punctures large and deeply impressed, being irregularly scattered over the whole surface; on the anterior disc, just behind the apical margin, is a large ill-defined shallow triangular depression; on either side at the base, immediately in front of the posterior angle of the thorax, is a short obtuse protuberance. Scutellum triangular, its apex distinctly notched. Elytra much broader than the thorax, sides parallel, above convex, somewhat flattened along the suture; humeral callus prominent, laterally produced, its apex obtuse; surface subremotely punctured, sparingly clothed with suberect fulvous hairs. Body beneath clothed with somewhat coarser hairs; apical segment of abdomen impressed with a shallow fovea.

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6. Temnaspis Cumingii, Westwood.
Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd Ser. ii. p. 276.

Subelongata, parallela, sordide flava, nitida, sparse pubescens; fronte medio uni-foveolata; metathorace obtuse bi-mamillato.

Mas.—Femoribus posticis sat valde incrassatis, subtus bispinosis, spinâ anticâ longiori.

Long. 4½—5⅓ lin.

Hab. Manilla.

Entirely similar to T. Westwoodii, with the exception of the following characters:—Colour flavous, the eyes and apex of jaws black, the labrum, the tarsi above, and the claws fuscous; humeral callus with its apex rather more produced, almost subacute; hinder thighs less thickened, the anterior spine being produced nearly in the same line with the under edge of the thigh, and forming a much less distinct angle with it than in the preceding species.

The above characters may appear very slight, but combined with the difference of colour they are constant in the five individuals (two of T. Cumingii and three of T. Westwoodii) that I have been able to examine; they appear to me, in a family where the species are separated from each other by such slight differences, sufficient to divide the two.

7. Temnaspis arida, Westwood.
Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd Ser. ii. p. 275.

Subelongata, parallela, fulva, nitida, sparse pubescens; metatathorace bi-mamilloso, transversim striolato, abdomine unguiculisque nigro-piceis, pectore femoribusque posticis pallide fulvo-piceis, his dorso nigro-piceis, antennis (basi exceptâ) fuscis.

Mas?—Femoribus posticis incrassatis, subtus bispinosis, spinâ anticâ longiori.

Long. 5½ lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Front plane, the central fovea, present in the two preceding species, obsolete, surface irregularly but not closely punctured; upper half of epistome slightly raised, smooth and shining, nearly impunctate; antennæ nearly half the length of the body, joints formed nearly as in the preceding species, the second and fourth equal, each slightly longer than half the length of the third; joints in the dilated portion rather less trigonate, subquadrate, the fifth only slightly longer than the fourth, four basal joints flavo-fulvous;

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the rest pale fuscous; eyes and apex of jaws black. Thorax transverse, sides obliquely converging from base to apex; upper surface transverely convex, coarsely but not closely punctured; apical margin truncate, obsoletely sinuate in the middle, surface on either side, just behind the margin, transversely grooved; on either side at the base is a protuberance similar to the one in the preceding species. Scutellum trigonate, its apex truncate, indistinctly notched. Elytra similar in form and punctation to those of T. Westwoodii, the apex of the humeral callus rather more produced. Body beneath clothed with coarser hairs than the upper surface; abdomen entirely nigro-piceous, with the exception of the extreme base, where it passes between the hinder coxæ. Metasternum transversely striolate, mammary prominences more elevated than in either of the two foregoing insects; apex of fifth segment with a semicircular incision, immediately in front of which is a shallow oblong fovea. Hinder thighs less thickened than in T. Westwoodii; spines on their under surface similarly arranged to those in that insect; apex of claws piceous.

The absence of a frontal fovea, the pale fuscous antennæ and broader thorax, together with the more prominent mammary processes on the metasternum, will separate this species from its congeners.

The following species of this family, published since the date of Mons. Lacordaire's monograph, has not been seen by me.

Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 721.

1. Pœcilomorpha Gerstaeckeri, Westw.
Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd Ser. ii. p. 273.

"Oblonga, subparallela, crebre punctata; elytris profundius punctatis, rufo-fulva, luteo-setosa, dimidio apicali elytrorum fulvo; mandibulis, articulis 7 ultimis antennarum, maculisque duabus rotundatis in medio elytrorum, metasterni lateribus cum pleuris, maculâ ovali externâ femorum posticorum, et basi segmenti ultimi ventralis (integri) nigris; femoribus posticis magnis, subtus pone medium tuberculo brevi conico armatis; tibiis 4 posticis valde curvatis; metasterno valde convexo.

Long. corp. lin. 4.

Habitat in Java (D. Goring). In Mus. Reg. Berolinensi."

This species is remarkable as being the only one of the genus which is not African.

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Genus TITUBœA, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 141.

1. Titubœa Laportei, n. sp. (Pl. II. fig. 8.)

Elongata, parallela, subcylindrica, nigra, argenteo-sericea; thoracis utrinque plagâ transversâ anticâ elytrisque flavo-fulvis, his distincte punctatis, singulis apice, fasciisque duabus latis, primâ infra basin utrinque abbreviatâ, secundâ infra medium positis, nigris.

Mas.—Capite magno, mandibulis magnis, forcipatis; pedibus anticis elongatis.

Fœm.—Capite minori, mandibulis minus validis; pedibus subæqualibus.

Long. 4—5 lin.

Var A. Thorace nigro, dimidio apicali flavo-fulvo.

Hab. Tringanee, Penang, Siam.

Male.—Head large, exserted, face broad, irregularly excavated, closely and coarsely punctured, subopaque, clothed with adpressed sericeous hairs, forehead swollen, convex, nitidous, remotely punctured, anterior margin of epistome angulate-emarginate; jaws robust, the left produced into a long curved tooth, the right shorter, acute; antennæ with the four lower joints obscure fulvous, the rest black, second and third short, equal, the remaining joints compressed and dilated, trigonate; eyes large, elongate, their inner edge notched. Thorax twice as broad as long, broader at the base than the elytra, sides obliquely rounded and converging from behind their middle to the apex, obliquely rounded at the base, posterior angles ill defined; basal border truncate on either side, obsoletely sinuate near the medial lobe, the latter very slightly produced, broadly truncate; upper surface subcylindrical, impressed with deep punctures, which, crowded at the base, become scattered and more distant on the disc and sides; the surface between the larger impressions is closely covered with minute but deep punctures, visible only under a lens. Scutellum trigonate, its sides rounded. Elytra parallel, moderately lobed at the base, distinctly punctured; each elytron with the extreme apex and two broad transverse bands black; these bands have their edges irregularly notched and sinuate, and are placed one below the base, abbreviated at the inner and outer borders; it often sends a short spur upwards on the humeral callus; the second entire, situate immediately below the middle of the elytron. Anterior pair of legs elongate, tibiæ slightly curved, tarsi of the same pair also elongate, the basal joint being about equal in length to the

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two following ones; second and third equal, the latter notched for nearly two-thirds its length.

The female has a smaller head, short jaws, its thorax more obliquely narrowed in front, the anterior pair of legs not distinctly longer than the rest, and the apex of the pygidium notched; the basal segment of the abdomen is also impressed with a deep oblong fovea.

2. Titubœa delectabilis, n. sp. (Pl. II. fig. 7.)

Elongata, subcylindrica, subparallela, pallide flava, nitida, subtus fulvo-sericea; genubus, tibiis capiteque obscure nigroæneis; tarsis, scutello, puncto humerali antennisque (his basi fulvâ exceptis) nigris; unguibus obscure fulvis, unguiculis piceis. (Mas.)

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Penang.

Head perpendicular, inserted in the thorax as far as the hinder border of the eyes, the latter large, elongate, slightly convex, their inner border notched; face rugose-punctate, upper portion clothed with fulvous hairs; epistome triangular, glabrous, its anterior surface transversely depressed, the anterior margin concave; antennæ black, four basal joints flavous; second and third joints short, equal, fourth nearly as long as the two preceding united, compressed, increasing in width from base to apex, the remaining joints dilated, triangular; mandibles thick, not much produced beyond the labrum. Thorax twice as broad as long, lateral and basal margins with a narrow reflexed border; sides obliquely converging and slightly rounded from behind their middle to their apex, obliquely rounded at the base, posterior angle distinct, obtuse; basal margin truncate on either side, medial lobe slightly produced, obtusely rounded; upper surface transversely convex, remotely punctured. Scutellum forming an elongated triangle, its extreme apex obtuse; basal half excavated, clothed with adpressed silky hairs, apical half thickened, glabrous. Elytra subcylindrical, scarcely broader than the thorax; sides distinctly lobed at their base, thence nearly straight and subparallel, being scarcely narrowed towards the apex, the latter dehiscent; upper surface distinctly but not very closely punctured. Legs robust, anterior pair elongate, the others gradually decreasing in length; anterior tarsi robust, joints narrowed at their base, basal joint about one-half longer than the second, the second and third equal in length, the latter being divided nearly to its base.

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3. Titubœa suspiciosa, n. sp.

Subelongata, subcylindrica, flavo-fulva, nitida, subtus fulvo-sericea; capite, femorum apice, tibiis tarsisque obscure æneo-nigris, scutello antennisque (harum basi fulvâ prætermissâ) nigris; elytris crebre punctatis, singulatim maculis tribus, duabus parvis basi, tertiâque magnâ, vix pone medium positis, obscure nigro-cæruleis. (Fœm.)

Var. A. Elytrorum singulorum plagis duabus transversis, alterâ basi alterâque vix pone medium positis, obscure nigro-cæruleis.

Var. B. Elytris obscure nigro-cæruleis, limbo apice dilatato, fulvo.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Penang.

Head moderately exserted, face short, perpendicular, upper portion of face coarsely and rugose-punctate, irregularly elevate-strigose, centre impressed with a broad longitudinal groove, which runs downwards from the front to the apex of the epistome; the latter large, triangular, its surface glabrous, irregularly excavated, deeply but not very closely punctured, its anterior edge angularly notched; antennæ formed entirely as in the preceding species, four basal joints pale fulvous, the rest black; eyes large, their inner edge notched; a large patch on each cheek, together with the mouth, pale fulvous, jaws and apical joints of palpi black. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, sides rounded at the base, thence obliquely converging and slightly rounded to the apex, posterior angles obsolete; basal margin truncate for a short space on either side the medial lobe, which is slightly produced and obtusely rounded; upper surface smooth and shining, impunctate, lateral and basal margins with a narrow recurved border; just in front of the posterior angle is placed a large shallow fovea; several others, much less distinct, are also visible just above and slightly within the basal one. Scutellum forming an elongated triangle, the extreme apex of which is truncate, surface excavated and thickly clothed with adpressed silky hairs on its lower half, slightly thickened and glabrous on its apical portion. Elytra moderately lobed at their base, thence nearly parallel; upper surface closely and coarsely punctured; when viewed obliquely, several indistinctly raised longitudinal vitta are visible on the disc of each. Legs equal in length, basal joint of anterior tarsus much shorter than the two succeeding united. Apical segment of abdomen impressed with a large deep smooth fovea.

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Genus CLYTHRA, Laichart.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 190.

1. Clythra distinguenda, n. sp. (Pl. II. fig. 6.)

Flavo-fulva, nitida; capite (antennis palpisque prætermissis), scutello, pectore, abdominisque maculis nigris; elytris ampliatis, singulatim maculis subrotundatis quatuor (unâ infra basin, duabus alteris prope medium, his transversim digestis, quartâque ante apicem) nigris.

Long. 5½ lin.

Hab. Penang. Collected by Mr. Lamb.

Head coarsely and irregularly strigose between the eyes, impressed in the middle with a deep fovea; antennæ strongly pectinated, pale flavo-fulvous, basal joint short, thickened, second very short, transverse, third slightly longer than the second, moniliform; anterior edge of epistome concave. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long, sides rounded at the base, with the hinder angles obsolete, thence obliquely rounded and converging to the apex; basal margin slightly sinuate on either side, the medial lobe scarcely produced, very obtuse; upper surface moderately convex, shining, impunctate. Scutellum trigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra not broader at their base than the thorax, sides broadly dilated, apex obtusely rounded; above convex, smooth and shining, impunctate; each elytron marked with four large black patches, which cover nearly half the surface; the first, transversely ovate, is placed immediately below the basal margin, the second, transverse, is attached to the middle of the suture, the third, parallel with the second, rotundate, is placed just within the lateral margin, and the fourth, subrotundate, is situated a short distance from the apex of the elytron. Body beneath clothed with fine sericeous pubescence. A patch on either side of each of the three basal, together with the disc of the fourth and fifth segments of the abdomen, black; apical segment impressed with fovea; unguiculi nigro-piceous.

2. Clythra succincta, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 201.

"Modice elongata, subcylindrica, sæpius postice nonnihil latior, nigra, subtus cum capite griseo-tomentosa; prothorace subtilissime confertim punctulato; elytris flavo-rufis, tenuiter

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punctulatis obsoleteque lineatis, fasciâ latâ communi infra medium punctoque humerali, nigris.

Long. 4—6 lin.

Var. A. Humeris impunctatis.

Var. B. Humeris ut in var. A; elytro singulo maculâ transversâ infra medium, nigrâ." (Lacordaire.)

Hab. Java; also China, Bengal.

3. Clythra 12-maculata, Fabr.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 220.

"Ovata, nigro-cyanea, subtus tenuiter cinereo-pubescens, supra rufo-nitida; prothorace basi valde lobato, obsolete punctulato, fasciâ dentatâ margines haud attingente nigrâ; elytris crebre punctatis, singulo fasciâ latâ pone medium maculisque tribus (duabus baseos, 3a apicali), nigris.

Long. 4½—5 lin.

Var. A. Prothorace maculis quatuor, unâ mediâ bilobâ, duabus lateralibus, nigris.

Var. B. Prothorace punctis quatuor nigris.

Var. C. Elytrorum maculâ apicali nullâ." (Lacordaire.)

Hab. Java, Sumatra, Siam.

This handsome species was not met with by Mr. Wallace; all the specimens I have seen were sent from Siam by the late M. Mouhot.

4. Clythra bella, n. sp.

Elongata, postice paullo attenuata, nigra, nitida, subtus argenteo-sericea; antennarum basi, thorace elytrisque fulvis, illo fasciâ transversâ baseos utrinque abbreviatâ, medio profunde emarginatâ, his apice et singulatim fasciis duabus utrinque abbreviatis, unâ infra basin, secundâ vix pone medium, nigris.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Timor.

Head short, subtrigonate, face coarsely and deeply punctured, impressed at the apex of the epistome with a deep fovea, front obliquely rugose-strigate on either side, middle of forehead remotely punctured; eyes large, their inner edge deeply notched; antennæ with the first four, together with the basal portion of the fifth and sixth joints obscure fulvous, the rest black, second and third joints short, equal, obovate, the others compressed and dilated, trigonate. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides obliquely

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rounded and converging from base to apex, anterior angles distinct, subacute; basal margin truncate, obsoletely sinuate on either side, medial lobe slightly produced, obtusely rounded; upper surface subcylindrical, finely but distinctly punctured, the puncturing more crowded in front; on either side the middle disc is a large deep fovea; in front of the basal margin near the hinder angle is an oblique depression; on the basal half of the surface, leaving a narrow fulvous line on the extreme hinder margin, is a broad transverse black band, abbreviated on either side near the lateral border, its medial portion anteriorly produced, the front edge trisinuate on either side, middle deeply emarginate. Scutellum forming an elongated triangle, the sides straight, the apex subacute, shining black, the extreme apex obscure fulvous. Elytra sinuate on the sides, narrowed posteriorly, surface rather more coarsely punctured than the thorax, smooth and shining; the black bands on the surface of each are broad and have their edges irregularly sinuate. Body beneath covered with coarse adpressed sericeous hairs; abdomen closely punctured.

Without being parallel, this species is much narrower and less cylindrical than C. 12-maculata, Fabr., from which insect it may also be known by the black head and scutellum, and the different arrangement of the black markings on the thorax and elytra. I have made the above description from a single specimen, a ♂, taken by Mr. Wallace in the Island of Timor; it is probable that, in a series of individuals, the markings would vary as in C. 12-maculata, and the transverse bands on the elytra break up into spots.

Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 227.

1. Diapromorpha Dejeanii, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 235.

"Breviter oblongo-cylindrica (nonnunquam postice aliquando attenuata), nigra, subtus griseo-sericea, supra fulvo-nitida; prothorace lævi, fasciâ transversâ nigrâ; elytris evidenter sat crebre punctatis, fasciis duabus transversis, margines haud attingentibus (alterâ baseos valde, alterâ ante apicem vix interruptis), nigris.

Var. A. Supra rufo-sanguinea.

Var. B. Elytrorum fasciâ posticâ latius interruptâ." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Malay Archipelago; also India, Nepaul.


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I have introduced this species into the present work on the authority of a single specimen formerly belonging to the late Mr. Curtis; it bears a label showing that it came from the Malay Archipelago, but unfortunately without any more precise indication of locality.

Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 252.

1. Aspidolopha Buquetii, Lac. (Pl. II. fig. 2.)
Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 255.

"Breviter ovato-quadrata, saturate cyanea, subtus argenteosericea; antennis fuscis; prothorace basi tenuiter punctulato, margine antico et laterali fulvo; elytris crebre evidenterque punctatis, fasciis binis (alterâ mediâ, alterâ subapicali) singuloque macula axillari, saturate cyaneis.

Long. 1¾—2 lin.

Var. A. Abdomine pedibusque magis minusve testaceis aut rufescentibus.

Var. B. Abdomine pedibusque ut in var. A; elytris fasciâ mediâ communi punctoque axillari, saturate cyaneis." (Lacordaire.)

Var. C. Elytris puncto humerali dimidioque postico obscure cyaneis.

Var. D. Elytris (puncto apicali fulvo excepto) obscure cyaneis.

Hab. Java, Sumatra, Singapore; var. B, Penang, Tringanee, Siam; var. C, Borneo.

2. Aspidolopha imperialis, n. sp.

Oblonga, crassa, subcylindrica, fulva, nitida, subtus dense aureosericea; mandibularum apice antennisque (his basi exceptis) nigris, fronte, scutello, elytrorumque fasciis duabus latis, harum primâ baseos, communi, basi fulvo-binotatâ, margine postico utrinque profunde emarginatâ, secundâ vix pone medium positâ, utrinque abbreviatâ, obscure cæruleis. (Fœm.)

Var. A. Elytrorum fasciâ communi basali utrinque late interruptâ.

Var. B. Elytris totis obscure cæruleis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak); var. A and B, Penang.

Upper portion of face finely rugose-punctate, opaque; epistome nitidous, less closely punctured; antennæ rather longer than the

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head and thorax; basal joint incrassate, second short, ovate, third and fourth nearly equal, each about one-third longer than the second, the first of them cylindrical, the other compressed, obconic, the remaining joints compressed and triangularly dilated, black, the four lower joints being obscure fulvous; eyes large, slightly convex, their inner border slightly notched. Thorax about twice as broad as long at the base; sides with a narrow reflexed border, rounded, obliquely converging in front, posterior angles rounded, nearly obsolete; basal margin slightly sinuate on either side near the medial lobe, the latter moderately produced, its apex broad, very obtusely rounded; upper surface shining, impunctate. Scutellum trigonate, thickened towards its apex, the extremity of which is truncate; surface smooth, frequently impressed with fine but distinct punctures, clothed at the base with fine adpressed silky hairs. Elytra strongly lobed at the base, their upper surface coarsely punctured, the puncturing becoming finer and rather more distant towards the apex; on the outer disc, a short distance from the margin, is a slightly raised longitudinal vitta. Anal segment of abdomen with a large deep fovea.

In var. A the basal band on the elytra is divided into three large patches, one surrounding the scutellum, and one on either side, on the shoulder, deeply bifurcate.

Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 256.

1. Gynandrophthalma Malayana, n. sp. (Pl. II. fig. 4.)

Oblonga, convexa, fulva, nitida; capite, scutelli apice, elytrisque cæruleo-nigris; his distincte punctatis, utrisque fasciâ latâ sinuatâ communi extrorsum abbreviatâ vix ante medium positâ, maculâque ante apicem, fulvis; femoribus, thoracis punctis duobus pectoreque piceis.

Long. 2¾ lin.

Var. A. Elytris fulvis, cæruleo-nigro vario modo maculatis.

Var. B. Elytris totis obscuris cæruleis.

Var. C. Elytris fere totis fulvis.

Hab. Batchian, Ké, Ternate, Ceram.

Head finely rugose between the eyes, front and epistome nearly smooth, the latter triangular, obsoletely depressed; labrum obscure fulvous; antennæ shorter than the head and thorax, the latter three times as broad as long, transversely convex, its sur-

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face smooth and impunctate, with the exception of one or two indistinct foveæ on either side near the outer border; on either side, just within the anterior margin, is a narrow groove, which extends from the outer border for about a third of the breadth of the thorax; basal lobe very slightly produced, broadly truncate; placed transversely on the centre of the disc are two piceous spots; these are frequently obsolete. Scutellum triangular, its apex obtuse. Elytra more than three times the length of the thorax; sides parallel, lateral border slightly sinuate below the shoulders; surface finely but distinctly punctured. Body beneath covered with fine adpressed pale fulvous sericeous pubescence; apical segment of abdomen in the ⁀ impressed with a very deep fovea.

2. Gynandrophthalma Lacordairii, n. sp.

Subelongata, convexa, fulva, nitida, subtus pallide sericeo-tomentosa; capite (labro, epistomatis margine antico, antennarumque basi exceptis) scutelloque nigris, hoc basi pube sericeâ dense vestito, apice glabro, obscure fulvo; pectore, femoribus (basi exceptâ) tibiisque extrorsum nigro-piceis; tarsis thoracisque plagâ pallide piceis; elytris infra basin obsolete transversim impressis, obscure cæruleis, fasciâ latâ transversâ, vix ante medium positâ, flavâ.

Long. 2¾ lin.

Hab. Morty Island.

Head shining, forehead somewhat convex, smooth and impunctate; epistome indistinctly rugose, its anterior margin deeply notched, fulvous; a triangular space on either side between the eyes finely rugose and clothed with very fine adpressed silky hairs; labrum, mouth and four lower joints of antennæ fulvous. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long; basal margin sinuate on either side, its medial lobe very slightly produced, broadly but obtusely truncate; sides rounded, scarcely narrowed in front; upper surface obsoletely impressed on either side of the disc, distinctly but finely punctured along the base; disc itself impunctate. Scutellum triangular, its apex obtuse. Elytra not broader at their base than the thorax, obsoletely dilated posteriorly, lateral border distinctly sinuate below the shoulders; upper surface slightly depressed transversely below the basilar space; the humeral callus bounded within by a depressed longitudinal line; extreme base also transversely impressed, the basal margin being retuse; surface finely punctured, the punctures

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nearly obsolete towards the apex of the elytra. Anal segment of abdomen in the ⁀ with a large deep fovea.

3. Gynandrophthalma ornatula, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga, parallela, convexa, flava, supra glabra, nitidissima, subtus pallide flavo-sericea; femoribus, tibiis apice, tarsis, abdominis plagâ apicali, capite, thoracis disci plagâ magnâ et puncto utrinque, scutello elytrisque nigris; his distincte punctatis, utrisque maculâ obliquâ prope scutellum, fasciâ latâ sinuatâ prope medium positâ, intus abbreviatâ, extus ramulum perpendiculare fere ad basin emittente, fasciâque latâ subapicali utrinque abbreviatâ, flavis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head rather longer than in the last species; a large triangular space on either side between the eyes, separating the epistome and front, finely rugose and covered with fine adpressed whitish sericeous hairs; epistome and front nearly smooth, shining, glabrous; three or four lower joints of antennæ pale fulvous beneath. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long; basal margin sinuate on either side, the medial lobe scarcely produced, obtusely rounded; sides rounded, narrowed before their middle; the upper surface smooth and shining, minutely punctured, sinuate on either side the basal lobe, and impressed with a shallow fovea just within the lateral margin; a large patch on the middle of the disc, attached by its base to the hinder margin, and extending forwards nearly to the anterior border, together with a small round spot on either side, black. Scutellum smooth, triangular, slightly rounded on the sides, its apex obtuse. Elytra not broader at their base than the thorax, indistinctly dilated posteriorly; upper surface distinctly punctured, transversely impressed at the extreme base, the basal margin being retuse. Apical segment of abdomen in the ⁀ deeply impressed with a large ovate fovea.

The different pattern and the black colour of the elytra will at once distinguish this species from the two preceding.

Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 311.

1. Ætheomorpha Curtisii, n. sp.

Subelongata, pallide flavo-fulva, nitida, subtus dense argenteo-sericea; antennis (basi exceptâ), oculis, pectoris lateribus ab-

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dominisque basi, nigris; elytris distincte punctatis, punctis subseriatim dispositis, ad apicem minus distinctis. (Fœm.)

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Malay Archipelago.

Head short, nearly transverse; face smooth, impunctate, obsoletely wrinkled on its upper part, impressed between the eyes with three deep foveæ, placed in a triangle, the upper one less distinct than the others; eyes large, subprominent, their inner edge slightly notched; antennæ scarcely longer than the head and thorax, basal joint thickened, second short, slightly thickened, third short, much smaller than the second, the remaining joints compressed, triangularly dilated; four lower joints flavous, the others black. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, sides broadly rounded at the base, thence obliquely rounded and converging to the apex, hinder angles entirely obsolete; basal margin truncate on either side, medial lobe distinct, slightly produced, broadly truncate; upper surface transversely convex, smooth and shining, impunctate; immediately in front of the basal lobe and somewhat trenching on its surface is a distinct transverse groove. Scutellum large, trigonate, its extreme apex truncate. Elytra distinctly lobed at the base, sides sinuate in the middle, upper surface smooth, distinctly and somewhat deeply punctured on the anterior disc, the punctures becoming much fainter and nearly obsolete towards the apex of the elytron. Anal segment of abdomen impressed with the usual fovea.

2. Ætheomorpha oblita, n. sp.

Subelongata, subcylindrica, flavo-alba, nitida; antennarum apice, elytrorum singulorum vittâ brevi obliquâ prope suturam positâ, margine apicali, plagâque subapicali margine adfixâ, fuscis; elytris confuse punctato-striatis, striis postice fere deletis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Morty Island.

Head flat, impunctate, triangularly excavated between the lower portion of the eyes; the latter subprominent, obsoletely notched; antennæ with their apical half nigro-fuscous; basal joint moderately dilated, the second short, moniliform, the third nearly twice the length of the second, trigonate, the remaining joints dilated and compressed, subtrigonate. Thorax nearly three times as broad at the base as long; sides rounded at the base, thence obliquely rounded and converging to their apex, hinder angles obsolete; basal margin truncate on either side, medial lobe pro-

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duced, broadly truncate, upper surface transversely convex, smooth and shining, impunctate. Scutellum subelongate, trigonate, its apex acute. Elytra feebly lobed at their base; upper surface finely but distinctly punctate-striate, the striæ distant, nearly regular on the inner disc, confused near the outer margin, less deeply impressed towards the apex; on each elytron is a short fuscous vitta, which occupies rather more than the middle third of its length; attached to the suture in front, it runs obliquely downwards and slightly outwards, gradually increasing in thickness posteriorly; the apical border has also a broad band of the same colour, this band being attached by its anterior extremity to a large ill-defined concolorous patch, which lies on the outer disc, some distance below its middle; near the base of the elytra are also several very faint fuscous stains. Body beneath somewhat sparingly clothed with coarse adpressed hairs. Apical segment of abdomen with a large fovea.

3. Ætheomorpha pygidialis, n. sp.

Elongata, subcylindrica, pallide flava, nitida; pygidio, abdominis segmento ultimo, oculis, antennisque (his basi exceptis) nigris; elytris tenuissime punctato-striatis, limbo laterali postice abrupte angustato, limboque basali circa scutellum, nigro-fuscis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Ceram.

Face broad, flat, impunctate, impressed in the centre between the eyes with a distinct subtriangular fovea; eyes large, subprominent; antennæ about equal to the head and thorax in length, flattened, tapering towards their apex, covered with coarse hairs; basal joint thickened, second moderately thickened, short, obovate, third very short, fourth compressed, obtrigonate, fifth and following joints compressed, transverse. Thorax nearly three times as long as broad, sides rounded, converging in front, posterior angles broadly rounded, entirely obsolete, basal margin truncate on either side, medial lobe scarcely produced, broadly truncate; upper surface entirely impunctate. Scutellum large, trigonate. Elytra subparallel, sides feebly lobed at the base, upper surface smooth, impressed with minute punctures, which are arranged in distinct longitudinal rows on the inner disc, but become irregular towards the lateral margin; a narrow border surrounding the scutellum, together with the outer border of each elytron, nigro-fuscous; this latter forms a broad vitta for

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the anterior two-thirds of its course, it then suddenly narrows, and is continued as a narrow line to the sutural angle. Body beneath sparingly clothed with coarse adpressed hairs. Apical segment of abdomen, together with the pygidium, black, the former impressed with a smooth shallow fovea.

Genus DAMIA, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 382.

1. Damia canaliculata, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 384.

"Flavo-nitida; pectore tarsisque piceis, abdomine testaceo; subtus sat dense albido-pubescens; prothorace lævi; elytris obsolete punctatis, humeris prominulis, margine laterali late canaliculatis.

Mas.—Sat elongatus, cylindrico-depressus; prothorace longitudine vix duplo latiore, elytris immaculatis, pedibus anticis elongatis.

Fœm.—Oblonga, prothorace minus convexo, breviore; elytro singulo nube marginali fuliginosâ, puncto humerali, maculisque duabus pone suturam (alterâ baseos, alterâ infra medium), nigris.

Var. A. Abdomine nigro." (Lacordaire.)

Hab. Java.

Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 362.

1. Ceratobasis Nair, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 363.

"Brevior, flavo-nitida, subtus sat dense argenteo-sericea; pectore, ventre, vertice, thoracisque punctis duobus nigris; hoc lævi; elytris obsolete seriatim punctulatis, singulo maculis duabus quadratis (alterâ pone basin, alterâ infra medium), nigro-cyaneis.

Long. 2 lin.

Mas.—Cylindricus, capite majori, antennarum articulo 1 mo quadrato, tarsis anticis elongatis.

Fœm.—Oblongo-ovata, tarsis æqualibus.

Var. A. Oculorum orbitis nigris, vertice prothoraceque immaculatis.

Var. B. Orbitis, vertice prothoraceque ut in var. A; elytris puncto humerali maculâque infra medium nigro-cyaneis." (Lacordaire.)

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Hab. Malay Archipelago (sec. Coll. Curtis), Malabar, Coromandel, Ceylon.

The following species belonging to this family, described since the publication of M. Lacordaire's work, is unknown to me.

Clythra egregia, Boh.
Eugenies Resa, Insekter, p. 154.

"Oblongo-ovata, cylindrica, cærulea, nitida, subtus breviter albido-sericea; antennis basi, tibiis tarsisque testaceis; prothorace rufo-testaceo, antice sublævi, postice punctato, basi maculâ parvâ cæruleâ notato; elytris sat profunde, minus crebre, subseriatim punctatis, rufo-testaceis, singulo maculâ parvâ supra-humerali fasciâque mediâ sat latâ, rectâ, cæruleis.

Long. 4½, lat. 2½ millim.

Patria: Malacca.

Caput subrotundatum, parum convexum, cæruleum, nitidum, parce punctulatum, vertice tenuiter canaliculatum, ad oculos æneum, breviter pallido-setulosum. Palpi rufo-testacei. Oculi ovati, parum convexi, brunnei, antice inferne leviter emarginati. Antennæ breves, crassæ, nigro-fuscæ, pubescentes, articulis tribus basalibus rufo-testaceis. Prothorax longitudine fere duplo latior, apice truncatus, antice quam basi multo angustior, basi tenuiter reflexo-marginatus, utrinque sinuatus, lateribus anguste marginatis, pone apicem ultra medium rotundato-ampliatis, angulis anticis fere rectis, posticis rotundatis; superne convexus, rufo-testaceus, nitidus, dorso antico sublævis, lateribus posticeque minus crebre punctatus, ante scutellum maculâ parvâ cæruleâ notatus. Scutellum breviter triangulare, cæruleum, nitidum, basi punctulatum, medio carinatum. Elytra antice singulatim introrsum oblique truncata, prothorace vix angustiora, quam lata nonnihil longiora, humeris vix elevatis, rotundatis; apicem versus perparum angustata, apice singulatim rotundata, superne convexa, rufo-testacea, nitida, sat profunde minus crebre subseriatim punctata, singulo maculâ parvâ, rotundâ, supra-humerali fasciâque mediâ transversâ, sat latâ, rectâ, suturam non attingente, cæruleis. Corpus subtus cæruleum, subnitidum, crebre punctulatum, setulis brevibus albidis dense adspersum. Pedes punctulati, breviter setulosi; femoribus cæruleis; tibiis tarsisque testaceis, his interdum infuscatis."


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Sub-Fam. CHLAMYDEÆ, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 636.

I have ventured to differ from M. Lacordaire in raising the Chlamydæ from the rank of a sub-family of the Clythridæ to that of a separate family. These insects appear to me to occupy a place midway between the true Clythridæ and the Cryptocephalidæ, presenting strong affinities with either group.

Agreeing with the former principally in the form of the antennæ, with the latter in the presence of a prosternum and in the entirely exposed pygidium, they differ from either in possessing prothoracic grooves for the reception of the antennæ, being allied by this last character to the Lamprosomidæ. The other sub-families of Lacordaire's family Clythridæ, with which, however, I have not to deal in the present work, ought also, in my opinion, to form separate families.

In support of the above view I may mention that M. Lacordaire himself, in his Introduction, places the genus Chlamys amongst the Cryptocephalidæ, whilst in the body of the work he makes it a sub-family of the Clythridæ, showing clearly the difficulty he had in determining to which of the two groups it was most closely allied.

I have not given a definition of the family Chlamydæ, it being sufficient to refer to the characters of the Chlamydeæ, as laid down by Lacordaire.

Genus CHLAMYS, Knoch.
Lac. Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 649.

1. Chlamys Wallacei, n. sp. (Pl. II. fig. 3.)

Oblonga, pallide rufo-picea, opaca; antennis fulvis, extrorsum piceis; thorace crebre et rude punctato, crebre elevato-reticulato, dorso gibboso, gibbere longitudinaliter canaliculato, punctis duobus antice, posticeque duabus plagis triangularibus ad marginem basalem adfixis, nigro-piceis; scutello obscure piceo; elytris obscure nigro-piceis, profunde rugoso-punctatis, interspatiis disci medio longitudinaliter elevatis; utrisque tuberculis nonnullis elevatis, transversim compressis, instructis; humeris elevatis; pygidio obsolete tricarinato.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Amboina.

Head closely punctured; jaws black; third and fourth joints of antennæ slender, equal. Thorax coarsely rugose-punctate, the

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interspaces forming close elevated reticulations; gibbosity impressed with a broad, shallow, longitudinal groove, which, distinct at its base, is gradually lost on the anterior portion of the gibbosity. Elytra rugose-punctate, the interspaces along the middle of the disc forming four or five irregular longitudinal ridges; each elytron furnished with a number of elevated tuberosities; those on the anterior half of the disc transversely compressed, those near the apex more strongly raised and irregular in shape, their surface covered with large round reticulations: these tuberosities are placed as follows, viz. the first at the lower edge of the basilar space, half-way between the suture and humeral callus; the second about the middle of the length of the elytron, placed obliquely half-way between the first tubercle and the suture; the third on the suture itself, at some little distance below its middle; these three form an oblique line across the disc; secondly, three other tuberosities, placed respectively a little more outwardly and lower down than the three preceding, form another oblique line, parallel to the former; and, lastly, there are two or three tuberosities on the apical portion of the disc, more towards the outer angle.

2. Chlamys Celebensis, n. sp.

Oblonga, nigra, subnitida; antennis obscure fulvis; supra profunde et crebre foveolato-punctata, punctis singulis squamâ parvâ albâ instructis; thorace gibboso, gibbere postice declive, dorso sex-carinato; elytris ante apicem tuberculatis, utrisque disco lineis indistinctis elevatis quatuor, inter se cretis tuberculiformibus connexis, instructis; pygidio tricarinato.

Long. 1¾ lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head closely punctured; antennæ obscure fulvous, pale piceous towards the apex. Thorax strongly gibbous, surface of gibbosity oblique posteriorly, covered with six raised lines; the middle pair parallel, not united at their base, anastomosing in front with each other and with the intermediate pair; the four others oblique, arising two on either side from the middle lines, the outer pair short. Elytra more coarsely punctured than the thorax, subparallel, slightly narrowed towards their apex; shoulders prominent; disc of each elytron furnished with four indistinct longitudinal ridges; the first rises at the base near the scutellum, runs parallel to the suture, is slightly elevated in the middle of its course, and terminates at a short distance below the middle of the disc in a strongly raised, transversely compressed tubero-

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sity; the second commencing at a tubercle on the basal margin, halfway between the suture and humeral callus, runs nearly parallel to the first, and ends abruptly at its apical tuberosity; the third, arising from the humeral callus, runs obliquely inwards to join (by means of a strongly raised transverse tuberosity) the second ridge at its middle; from this point a longitudinal branch runs downwards parallel to the remaining portion of the second ridge, and joins a tubercle at the commencement of the apical portion of the disc; the fourth ridge, parallel to the outer margin, is united about its middle to a transverse tuberosity on the outer disc; and on the apical region are five or six strongly raised, irregular tuberosities.

Genus EXEMA, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 844.

1. Exema Malayana, n. sp.

Oblongo-elongata, nigra, subopaca, crebre et profunde rugoso-punctata; thorace dorso gibboso, supra sex-carinato, crebre elevato-reticulato; elytris utroque disco lineis tribus indistincte elevatis tuberculisque nonnullis ante apicem instructis; pygidio tricarinato.

Long. 1⅓ lin.

Hab. Malacca (Mount Ophir), Makassar, Flores.

Head closely punctured, the interspaces forming raised reticulations over the surface. Thorax strongly gibbose, the gibbosity narrowed posteriorly into an acute angle, its surface covered with six raised carinæ; the middle pair parallel, confluent at their base, produced anteriorly to a short distance within the apical border of the thorax; the four others arise two on either side from the central pair, and run obliquely outwards and forwards down the sides of the gibbosity; whole surface of thorax closely punctured, and covered in front with more or less distinct raised reticulations. Elytra parallel, more coarsely and deeply punctured than the thorax, the disc of each furnished with three indistinctly-raised lines; the first of these commences a short distance below the base, near the scutellum, and, running nearly parallel to the suture, terminates a short distance below the middle of the latter; the second, tuberculate at its base, commences at the basal margin, halfway between the suture and humeral callus, runs nearly parallel to the first, and ends by uniting with its apex by means of a short transverse ridge; the third, arising from the humeral callus, runs obliquely inwards to join the second at about the middle of its course, a short ridge connecting the

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two; from this point it is prolonged downwards nearly parallel to the latter half of the second line, and becomes gradually lost on the surface of the disc; in addition to these raised lines, each elytron is furnished with five large tubercles, one placed near the outer margin just below its middle, the others on the subapical space.

Genus HYMETES, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 861.

1. Hymetes Javana, Lac.
Mon. Phyt. ii. p. 862.

"Quadrato-elongata, læte rufo-cinnamomea; prothorace lateribus reticulato-rugoso, ferrugineo-maculato, elevato-gibboso, gibbere subgloboso, postice compresso, reticulato, dorso vage canaliculato ac utrinque tricarinato; elytris punctatis, singulo lineis elevatis quatuor in tubercula abeuntibus ac inter se connexis, tuberculisque paucis, instructo." (Lacordaire.)

Long. 2¾ lin.

Hab. Java.

Genus BUCHARIS, n. g.

Corpus subquadrato-rotundatum aut ovatum, postice attenuatum, valde convexum. Caput breve; oculis distantibus, intus emarginatis; antennis corporis dimidio brevioribus, articulis 5 vel 6 ultimis compressis at paullo dilatatis. Thorax convexus, basi utrinque leviter bisinuatus, baseos medio in lobum trigonatum, apice integrum, in basin scutelli receptum, postice productus, lateribus rotundato-angustatis. (Tab. III. fig. 6.) Scutellum parvum, non elevatum, planum, intra margines elytrorum receptum, basi emarginatâ. Elytra convexa, lævia, regulariter punctato-striata. Pedes mediocres; unguiculis appendiculatis. Prosternum longitudine paullo latius, planum, antice vix productum, postice concavo-emarginatum aut truncatum.

I have founded the present genus for the reception of two new species of Cryptocephalidæ, collected by Mr. Wallace. In form of thorax it agrees with Prasonotus and Ditropidus, differing, however, in having the apex of its basal lobe entire and received into

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the base of the scutellum instead of itself receiving the latter, as in the two above-named genera; from Cœnobius and Achænops, both which genera have the apex of the basal lobe of the thorax received into the base of the scutellum, and have subincrassate antennæ, it is separated in the first case by the distant eyes, in the other by the form of the hinder margin of the prosternum and by its notched eyes; from Cryptocephalus proper it may be readily distinguished by the small horizontal scutellum, the surface of which is entirely received between the margins of the elytra, its apex not being raised in the slightest degree above their level.

1. Bucharis Suffriani, n. sp. (Pl. III. fig. 8.)

Subquadrato-ovatus, postice paullo angustatus, apice truncatus, convexus, cæruleus aut viridi-cæruleus, nitidus, subtus piceus; labro, antennis, palpis, pedibus, abdomine elytrorumque apice rufo-fulvis.

Long 1½—2 lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dory), Mysol.

Face deeply but not very closely punctured, front longitudinally grooved; epistome and adjoining portion of face transversely wrinkled; whole surface somewhat sparingly covered with fine hairs; jaws nigro-piceous. Thorax twice as broad at the base as long, sides converging and slightly rounded from base to apex, hinder angles acute; hinder margin obsoletely bisinuate on either side, the basal lobe strongly produced, triangular, its apex entire, received into a notch on the basal and upper surfaces of the scutellum, which it slightly overlaps; upper surface very convex, smooth and shining, minutely but not very closely punctured. Scutellum small, narrow, not prominent, being level with the adjoining surface of the elytra, its apex subacute. Elytra not broader at their base than the thorax, slightly narrowed posteriorly, sides distinctly lobed at their base; upper surface smooth and shining, convex, obliquely deflexed from just before their middle to immediately before their apex, impressed just above the lateral lobe with a large shallow fovea, humeral callus slightly prominent; each elytron impressed with eleven longitudinal rows of distinct but fine punctures; these rows, which run parallel to the margin on the outer disc, are somewhat oblique and converge to the suture on the inner half of the surface; the punctures, which are placed in a single regular line on each row, are larger and more deeply impressed towards the apex of the elytron; interspaces obso-

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letely convex, finely but very distantly punctured, rather more distinctly raised on the outer disc and towards the apex of the elytron; apical margin rufo-fulvous. Pygidium finely and closely punctured, covered with coarse concolorous hairs. Prosternum broader than long, its hinder border concave, posterior angles produced into distinct teeth.

2. Bucharis fulvipes, n. sp.

Anguste ovatus, postice attenuatus, piceus, subtus pallide rufo-piceus, nitidus; antennis basi pedibusque fulvis, illis extrorsum fuscis; thorace remote sed distincte punctato; elytris tenuiter punctato-striatis, interspatiis lævibus, iis ad latera convexiusculis.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. Morty Island.

Head short, smooth; epistome triangular, rounded on the sides; eyes large, not prominent, their inner edge deeply notched; antennæ with the first joint slightly thickened, second rather more than a third the length of the first, ovate, the three following joints each about equal in length to the second, slender, the first of these filiform, the two others slightly but indistinctly obconic, sixth and four following compressed and triangularly dilated, forming a slender loosely articulated club (the eleventh joint wanting). Thorax twice as broad at the base as long; sides regularly rounded and converging from base to apex, basal margin truncate on either side, medial lobe strongly produced, triangular, its apex entire, received into the base of the scutellum; upper surface very convex, subcylindrical in front, smooth and nitidous, impressed with round but very shallow punctures, which are much less distinct on the anterior disc; colour obscure piceous on the middle of the disc, rufo-piceous on the sides. Scutellum narrow, elongate, its apex very acute. Elytra moderately lobed at the base, very convex, slightly narrowed posteriorly; each elytron impressed with eleven longitudinal rows of very fine punctures; interspaces smooth, plane, impunctate, those on the outer disc slightly but distinctly convex, the general colour obscure piceous like the thorax; their apex, together with an ill-defined patch on the middle of the disc, rufo-piceous; beneath pale rufo- or fulvo-piceous. Prosternum broader than long, its hinder border truncate, hinder angles obtuse.

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Genus DIORYCTUS, Suffr.
Linn. Entom. xiv. p. 3.

1. Dioryctus grandis, n. sp. (Pl. II. fig. 5.)

Crassus, breviter subquadrato-oblongus, valde convexus, fulvus, nitidus; antennis extrorsum, labro, mandibulis, elytrorumque margine basali tenui nigris; thorace lævi, subremote tenuiter punctato, margine basali utrinque obliquo, distincte bisinuato, lobo basali angulato-producto; elytris lævibus, subfortiter punctato-striatis, interspatiis planis, ad apicem obsolete convexiusculis, lateribus ante medium valde angulato-lobatis, callo humerali vix prominulo.

Long. 2¾—3 lin.

Hab. Sumatra, Penang.

Body strongly convex, semiglobose when viewed laterally. Head coarsely punctured, forehead impressed with a triangular fovea, the middle of which is longitudinally grooved; eyes long, narrow, their inner edge deeply sinuate; antennæ rather shorter than the head and thorax, six outer joints slightly dilated, black. Thorax more than twice as broad across its base as long, sides quickly narrowed and rounded from base to apex; hinder angles acute, produced posteriorly; basal margin bisinuate on either side, medial lobe strongly produced, angular, entirely concealing the scutellum from above; upper surface smooth, finely punctured, curving rapidly downwards from base to apex. Elytra convex, slightly narrowed towards their apex, sides angularly lobed in front, surface smooth and nitidous; each elytron impressed with eleven rows of distinct pale piceous punctures; interspaces plane, obsoletely convex on the sides and apex; the extreme basal margin, together with the hinder border of the thorax, narrowly edged with black. Pygidium coarsely punctured. Prosternum strongly tricarinate, its anterior margin produced into a deflexed angular lobe. Anal segment of abdomen in the ⁀ impressed with a large deep fovea.

Linn. Entom. ix. p. 8.

1. Melixanthus intermedius, Suffr.
Linn. Entom. ix. p. 10.

Elongatus, subcylindricus, postice paullo angustatus, fulvus, nitidus; antennis extrorsum nigris; elytrorum disco nigro-

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fusco; elytris regulariter punctato-striatis, interspatiis tenuissime impresso-strigosis.

Long. 1¾ lin.

Hab. Borneo, Celebes.

2. Melixanthus coctus, n. sp. (Suffr. ined.)

Oblongus, subcylindricus, postice vix attenuatus, fulvus, nitidus; mandibulis, antennis extrorsum, oculisque nigris; elytris tenuiter punctato-striatis, interspatiis planis, tenuissime strigosis.

Long. 1¾ lin.

Hab. Borneo, Flores.

Head short, flat, longitudinally excavated on the upper portion of the face, surface obsoletely wrinkled; eyes elongate, nearly plane, their inner edge broadly emarginate; antennæ with the five upper joints black, dilated and compressed, forming an ill-defined club. Thorax about twice as broad at the base as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, hinder angles produced slightly backwards, acute; basal margin distinctly sinuate and concave on either side, produced obliquely backwards as it approaches the medial lobe; this latter broadly truncate, its border broadly emarginate to receive the base of the scutellum; upper surface very convex, more especially in front, whole surface covered (but not very closely) with shallow punctures, visible only under a lens; the extreme basal margin, together with the base of the scutellum, narrowly edged with black. Scutellum moderate in size, subcordate, its basal margin being deeply notched. Elytra convex, gradually narrowed from their base towards their apex, sides very slightly lobed at the base; surface plane, not thickened near the scutellum, closely covered with very minute impressed strigæ, visible only under a lens; on each elytron are eleven rows of regularly placed fine punctures, which become much less distinct and nearly obsolete towards the apex. Pygidium closely punctured.

3. Melixanthus? bimaculicollis, n. sp. (Pl. III. fig. 1.)

Oblongus, convexus, postice vix attenuatus, flavo-fulvus, nitidus; ore, vertice, pleuris, thoracis maculis duabus, scutello, elytrisque nigris; his regulariter punctato-striatis, striis ad apicem fere deletis, interspatiis planis, singulatim fasciâ


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latâ, utrinque abbreviatâ, prope medium positâ, fulvâ; tibiarum apice tarsisque nigro-piceis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Penang.

Head flat, labrum piceous, vertex smooth, nearly impunctate, black, the black colour extending downwards along the inner border of the eyes as far as the insertion of the antennæ; eyes elongate, broadly but not very deeply notched; first joint of antennæ incrassate, second short, ovate, third rather longer than the second, cylindrical; (in the single specimen before me, the remaining joints are unfortunately wanting). Thorax nearly twice as broad as long; sides very obliquely rounded and converging from base to apex, hinder angles produced backwards, acute; basal margin moderately concave on either side, medial lobe scarcely produced, its apex broadly truncate, excavated to receive the base of the scutellum; above very convex in front, transversely depressed on either side just in front of the basal lobe; subcylindrical at the anterior margin; surface smooth, impunctate, the extreme basal and apical borders nigro-piceous, two large subquadrate patches, placed transversely on the middle of the disc, black. Scutellum subcordate, its apex obtuse, basal margin deeply notched. Elytra feebly lobed at the base, slightly thickened around the scutellum; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, which become nearly obsolete towards their apex, interspaces plane, impressed each with an irregular row of very minute punctures; the broad yellow band is abbreviated near the suture, and on the extreme lateral margin. Body beneath sparingly clothed with very fine pubescence. Anal segment of abdomen with a large concave fovea. Pygidium finely but not closely punctured.

In the only specimen that I have seen of this species both antennæ are almost entirely wanting; I cannot, therefore, with certainty refer it to Melixanthus; in habit and in the form of the prosternum it agrees with the other species of the genus.

Genus CADMUS, Erichs.
Suffr. Linn. Entom. xiii. p. 48.

1. Cadmus Chlamyoides, n. sp. (Pl. III. fig. 5.)

Oblongus, convexus, subcylindricus, fuscus, subnitidus; antennis extrorsum elytrorumque margine basali nigris; pectore, capite thoraceque crebre punctatis, pallide piceis, hoc modice gibboso,

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medio longitudinaliter sulcato, pilis cinereis adpressis sat densè vestito; scutello trigonato, lævi, flavo; elytris irreguliter elevatis et depressis, fortiter sed inordinatim punctatis, pallide rufo-piceis, flavo-variegatis, vittis nonnullis longitudinalibus elevatis, hic illic inter se confluentibus, instructis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Morty Island.

Head deeply buried in the thorax, closely punctured, face broad, concave, impressed with a faint longitudinal groove; epistome semilunate; labrum smooth, flavous; antennæ flavous, scarcely longer than the head and thorax, subfiliform, their outer half black; eyes nearly black, slightly prominent, subreniform. Thorax nearly twice as broad at the base as long, sides narrowly margined, narrowed and rounded from base to apex, their outer edge coarsely but indistinctly crenulate; hinder angles acute, not produced; basal margin moderately oblique and obsoletely sinuate on either side, its medial lobe short, broadly truncate, the apex slightly concave; upper surface distinctly gibbous, closely punctured, the puncturing finer on the disc, rather coarser on the sides; medial line impressed with a narrow groove, which, commencing at the base, runs forward to the anterior margin. Scutellum trigonate, the anterior margin notched, its surface oblique, smooth, flavous, sparingly covered with adpressed hairs, front edge black; extreme apex obtuse, scarcely free. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, sides nearly parallel, moderately lobed in front; upper surface convex, with alternate depressions and elevations; slightly thickened immediately round the suture; humeral callus moderately thickened; surface somewhat flattened below the basilar space, then transversely excavated just before the middle of the elytron, the outer disc close to its apex raised into a broad obtuse callosity; general surface moderately but coarsely punctured, interspaces thickened and forming broad irregularly raised longitudinal vittæ, which are more or less interrupted and anastomose here and there with each other; their surface is for the most part smooth and free from punctures; the ground colour of the elytra is pale rufo-piceous, with their extreme basal margin black; some irregular patches on the surface and some of the raised vittæ themselves are pale whitish yellow. Apical segment of abdomen with a large deeply excavated fovea.

2. Cadmus squamulosus, n. sp. (Pl. III. fig. 2.)

Breviter oblongus, fulvo-fuscus, subnitidus, squamulis linearibus

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aureis sat dense vestitus; thorace modice gibboso; elytris tuberculatis; antennis (basi exceptâ) nigris.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Batchian.

Whole body clothed with long linear adpressed scales; head flat, somewhat closely punctured; eyes subconvex, reniform, their inner edge angularly notched; antennæ rather longer than half the body, subfiliform, basal joint thickened, second short, ovate, slightly thickened, third, fourth and fifth slender, equal, each about twice the length of the second; following joints slightly thickened and compressed. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex; basal margin slightly sinuate on either side, medial lobe very moderately produced, broadly truncate, its edge slightly concave; upper surface subcylindrical in front, transversely gibbose on the disc, the extreme edge of basal border black. Scutellum elongate-trigonate, thickened, its apex obtuse, basal border emarginate in the middle, overlapping the edge of the medial lobe of the thorax. Elytra moderately lobed at the base, convex, thickened and elevated below the apex of the scutellum; surface finely but not closely punctured; scattered here and there over each elytron are a number of slightly raised nearly circular callosities; one oblong, larger than the rest, is placed halfway between the humeral callus and scutellum; humeral callus itself not prominent.

3. Cadmus submetallescens, n. sp. (Pl. III. fig. 9.)

Breviter oblongo-ovatus, valde convexus, obscure æneo-niger, subnitidus; antennis pedibusque rufo-fulvis, illis apice, femoribus (basi exceptâ) tibiisque extus nigro-piceis; thorace subgibboso, punctis linearibus dense impresso; elytris sulcato-striatis, interspatiis elevatis, convexis, hic illic tuberculatis.

Long. 1¼ lin.

Hab. Ternate.

Head flat, closely punctured; eyes oblong, their inner edge with a deep oblique angular notch; antennæ rather longer than the head and thorax, subfiliform, basal joint long, incrassate, second short, ovate, slightly thickened; third, fourth and fifth nearly equal, subcylindrical, each about two-thirds longer than the second; the rest slightly thickened and compressed, forming an indistinct club; six lower joints fulvous, the remainder black. Thorax about twice as broad at the base as long; sides rounded at their extreme base, thence very obliquely converging to

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their apex, anterior angles acute; basal margin very slightly oblique and obsoletely bisinuate on either side, medial lobe scarcely distinct, broadly truncate; upper surface subcylindrical in front, distinctly gibbose in the centre of the disc, obliquely depressed at the base on either side just behind the gibbosity; whole surface closely covered with short linear impressions; in addition to these, placed transversely across the middle of the disc, are a few small ill-defined tuberosities, visible only under a lens. Scutellum large, triangular, its apex obtuse, surface smooth, the medial line with an indistinct longitudinal ridge. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, very slightly narrowed towards their apex, dehiscent at their sutural angle; sides angularly lobed at their base; upper surface convex, thickened and subtuberculate just below the apex of the scutellum; each elytron with ten sulcate striæ, each of which is impressed with a single row of fine punctures; the striæ run parallel to the lateral border on the outer disc, but on the inner disc they are oblique and curve inwardly towards the suture; interspaces broad, thickened and convex, costate at the base, and on the outer disc raised here and there into oblong callosities, those placed on the apical portion of the elytron being much stronger and more prominent than those on the middle disc. Pygidium closely punctured. Prosternum broader than long, its hinder margin truncate. The whole upper surface of the body in this interesting species is covered with very minute punctures, from which cause the body appears nitidous or the reverse, according to the light in which it is viewed.

Suffr. Linn. Entom. ii. p. 13.

1. Cryptocephalus colon, Suffr. (Pl. II. fig. 1.)
Linn. Entom. ix. p. 19.

Subquadrato-oblongus, postice attenuatus, valde convexus, pallide flavo-fulvus, nitidus; mandibulis, oculis, antennis (his basi exceptis) scutelloque nigris; elytris læte flavis, regulariter punctato-striatis, interspatiis planis; singulatim limbo maculisque subrotundatis duabus, alterâ supra callum humerale, alterâ pone medium disci medio positâ, nigris.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Tringanee, Siam.

This pretty species has been sent from Tringanee by Count Castelnau.

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2. Cryptocephalus tetrastigma, Suffr.
Linn. Entom. ix. p. 21.

Pallide flavus, nitidus; elytris punctato-striatis, interspatiis lævibus, nitidis; margine basali et utrisque punctis duobus, 1-1 dispositis, nigris.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Java.

3. Cryptocephalus Billardierii, Fabr.
Suffr. Linn. Entom. ix. p. 40.

Brevis, rufus, pectore obscurior; abdomine et thoracis vittis duabus obliquis antice abbreviatis nigris; elytris tenuiter punctato-striatis, interspatiis tenuissime punctatis; vittâ suturali antice bifurcatâ et singulatim lineâ discoidali, postice abbreviatâ, nigris.

Long. 1⅙ lin.

Hab. Java (Suffrian); New Holland (Oliv.); New Cumberland (Coll. Fabr.).

This species, which I have not seen, is placed by Suffrian in the same section of the genus as C. Herbstii. Suffrian speaks of the apex of the antennæ as fuscous; Olivier says that it is black.

4. Cryptocephalus lævissimus, Suffr.
Linn. Entom. xiv. p. 18.

Rufus, nitidus; thoracis impunctati margine basali elytrorumque puncto humerali nigris; pectore tarsisque nigro-fuscis; elytris tenuiter punctato-striatis, interspatiis planis.

Long. 1¾ lin.

Hab. Manilla.

5. Cryptocephalus pilularius, Suffr.
Linn. Entom. ix. p. 45.

Subtus niger; pedibus rufis, supra obscure rufis; antennis extrorsum, thoracis plagâ transversâ, scutello, elytrorumque suturâ et singulatim punctis duobus (1-1 positis) nigris.

Long. 1⅓ lin.

Hab. Java.

This species, according to Suffrian, is closely allied to C. Billardierii.

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6. Cryptocephalus cinnabarinus, Suffr.
Linn. Entom. ix. p. 70.

Oblongus, convexus, flavo-fulvus, nitidus; mandibulis, pectore abdomineque nigris; femoribus intermediis extus ad apicem, posticis extus et ad apicem nigro-piceis, tibiis posticis fuscis; antennis gracilibus, flavis; thorace valde convexo, baseos medio utrinque impresso, nitidissimo, fere impunctato, margine basali anguste nigro; elytris basi anguste nigro-marginatis, tenuiter sed regulariter punctato-striatis, punctis piceis, interspatiis planis, impunctatis. (Mas.)

Fœm.—Femoribus intermediis apice leviter infuscatis, tibiis posticis flavo-fulvis; pygidio obscure flavo-maculato, abdominis segmento anali foveâ magnâ ovali impresso.

Long. ♂ 3, ⁀ 3⅔ lin.

Hab. Sumatra, Pulo Penang, Celebes; also India? (sec. spec. in Mus. Berol., Suffr.).

7. Cryptocephalus apicipennis, n. sp.

Oblongus, convexus, fulvus, nitidus; antennis gracilibus, flavis; mandibulis, pectore abdomineque nigris; femoribus anticis apice, posterioribus quatuor fere totis, nigro-piceis; tibiis intermediis extus, posticisque totis nigro-piceis; thorace valde convexo, baseos medio utrinque impresso, disco nitidissimo, fere impunctato, basi anguste nigro; elytris regulariter sed tenuiter punctato-striatis, punctis piceis; interspatiis planis, impunctatis; margine basali angusto, apiceque nigris.

Fœm.—Abdominis segmento anali foveâ magnâ subovali impresso.

Long. 3¼ lin.

Hab. Penang. Collected by Mr. Lamb.

Head short, broad; epistome transverse, triangular, separated from the face by a broad deep groove; anterior margin slightly concave; forehead flat, impunctate; eyes elongate, their inner edge deeply notched; antennæ three-fourths the length of the body, filiform, second joint short, third more than twice as long as the second, the fourth still longer, the remaining joints nearly equal to the fourth; three lower joints nearly glabrous, the others covered with adpressed concolorous hairs. Thorax nearly twice as broad at the base as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, the hinder angles incurved, produced slightly backwards; hinder border somewhat oblique and very slightly sinuate on either side; the medial lobe slightly produced, its margin con-

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cave, upper surface very convex, subglobular in front, smooth and shining, very fine punctures placed at distant intervals being visible only under a lens; at the base on either side, just in front of the medial lobe, is a somewhat oblique large shallow fovea; the extreme edge of the basal margin black. Scutellum forming an elongated triangle, its apex obtuse, basal margin notched in the middle, edged with black. Elytra parallel, slightly lobed at the base; upper surface convex, thickened round the suture, smooth and shining, finely and regularly punctate-striate; the punctures small, piceous; interspaces smooth, plane; on each elytron are placed eleven of these rows, the first being short.

8. Cryptocephalus annulipes, n. sp. (Suffr. ined.)

Oblongus, subcylindricus, læte flavo-fulvus, nitidus; mandibulis, oculis, antennis (articulo basali excepto), thoracis elytrorumque marginibus basalibus, genubus, tibiarum apice tarsisque nigris; elytris regulariter punctato-striatis, striis ad apicem fere deletis; interspatiis ante medium obsolete transversim rugulosis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head rotundate, face flat, front with a slight longitudinal impression; epistome trigonate; eyes long, black, their inner edge broadly notched; antennæ filiform, nearly equal to the body in length; first joint incrassate; second short, ovate; third and fourth equal, each twice the length of the second; fifth and following joints also equal, slightly compressed and also dilated, each rather longer than the fourth. Thorax about twice as broad at the base as long; sides moderately rounded and obliquely converging from base to apex, hinder angles produced slightly backwards; basal margin truncate, its medial lobe not produced; above very convex, subcylindrical in front, surface smooth and shining, entirely free from punctures or impressions of any kind; the extreme basal margin narrowly edged with black. Scutellum trigonate, its apex rounded. Elytra convex, sides moderately lobed at the base, not narrowed posteriorly; upper surface slightly thickened in the neighbourhood of the scutellum; humeral callus obtuse, slightly prominent; each elytron with eleven rows of regularly placed punctures, which nearly disappear towards the apex; interspaces smooth, raised into faint transverse rugæ on the anterior disc, plane over the rest of the surface; on each interspace is an irregular row of very minute punctures.

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9. Cryptocephalus octospilotus, n. sp.

Oblongo-elongatus, parallelus, subcylindricus, fulvus, nitidus; elytris regulariter punctato-striatis, margine basali et singulatim punctis quatuor, 2-2 positis, nigris.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Tringanee.

Head rotundate, flat; antennæ filiform, basal joint moderately thickened, second very short, moniliform, third and fourth equal, each twice the length of the second, four following joints equal, each rather longer than the fourth, slightly compressed (the rest wanting); mandibles and eyes black, the latter elongate, their inner edge deeply notched. Thorax not quite twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, hinder angles acute, slightly incurved, produced slightly backwards; basal margin obsoletely bisinuate on either side, medial lobe scarcely produced, its apex broadly truncate; upper surface convex, subcylindrical in front, smooth, impunctate. Scutellum trigonate, its apex truncate. Elytra moderately lobed at the base, not thickened in the neighbourhood of the scutellum; each elytron with eleven regular rows of punctures, the punctures deeply impressed in front, smaller and less distinct towards the apex, pale piceous; interspaces plane, obsoletely convex on the outer disc; the extreme basal border, together with the basal margin of the scutellum, and four spots on each elytron, black; these spots, which are subrotundate, are placed as follows, viz., two just below the basal margin, one on the humeral callus, the other half-way between the callus and the suture, and two just below the middle of the elytron, the outer one, larger than the others, in the middle of the outer disc, the other small, in the centre of the inner disc. Pygidium somewhat closely punctured, its hinder border semicircular. Body beneath sparingly clothed with very short æneo-sericeous hairs. Anal segment of abdomen impressed with a large, deep, transversely ovate fovea.

10. Cryptocephalus suspectus, n. sp. (Suffr. ined.) (Pl. III. fig. 4.)

Elongatus, angustatus, parallelus, subcylindricus, fulvus, nitidus; thoracis margine basali, scutello, pectore, abdomineque nigris; abdominis margine apicali, pygidio (basi exceptâ) pedibusque flavis.

Long. 2½—3 lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak), Tringanee; collected in the latter locality by Mr. Lamb.


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Head semicircular, flat, front impressed with a longitudinal groove; jaws and eyes black, the latter large, flat, their inner edge deeply notched; antennæ three-fourths the length of the body, very slender, filiform; basal joint moderately thickened, second short, ovate, third about one-half longer than the second, fourth and three following nearly equal, each about one-half longer than the third, eighth and following joints gradually diminishing in length. Thorax twice as broad at the base as long; sides obliquely deflexed from base to apex, nearly parallel at their base, rounded and converging in front; basal margin slightly concave on either side; medial lobe not produced, its margin concave, emarginate; above very convex, almost gibbose in front, smooth aud shining, impunctate; on either side, just in front of the base, is a broad obliquely transverse depression, which, extending from the medial line nearly to the middle of the lateral margin, renders the convexity of the anterior disc very apparent. Scutellum narrowly trigonate, shining black, its apex subacute. Elytra nearly three times the length of the thorax, parallel, sides moderately lobed at their base, not thickened in the region of the scutellum, the humeral callus moderately prominent; each elytron with eleven rows of regularly-placed, deep, but not very large punctures, which become smaller towards the apex; interspaces plane, very slightly convex on the outer disc. Body beneath sparingly clothed with concolorous adpressed hairs. Anal segment of abdomen in the ⁀ with a large deep round fovea. Prosternum longer than broad, its hinder extremity produced into two very obtuse teeth.

11. Cryptocephalus Wallacei, n. sp. (Pl. III. fig. 3.)

Elongatus, subcylindricus, postice paullo attenuatus, flavus, nitidus, supra piceo-irroratus; antennarum apice infuscato; elytris rude punctato-striatis, punctis in striis confuse gemellato - dispositis, interspatiis irregulariter elevato-reticulatis; scutello quadrato.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Timor.

Head flat, coarsely rugose-punctate; eyes large, flat, their inner edge deeply notched; antennæ slender, filiform, joints cylindrical, third and fourth joints equal, each three times the length of the second, fifth still longer, remaining joints nearly equal to the fifth. Thorax about twice as broad at the base as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, hinder

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angles produced distinctly backwards, anterior angles produced into an acute tooth; basal margin subsinuate, on either side slightly oblique near the medial lobe, the latter very slightly produced, its apex broadly truncate; above transversely convex, strongly impressed with large deep punctures; the piceous colour (in the unique specimen before me) covers nearly the whole surface, leaving only the outer limb and a few small markings on the front and sides flavous. Scutellum transversely quadrate, its sides sinuate, its apex broadly truncate, the basal margin, together with those of the thorax and elytra, narrowly edged with black. Elytra distinctly narrowed from their base towards the apex, sides moderately lobed at their base; upper surface thickened near the scutellum, deeply impressed with numerous large round punctures, which, placed without order on the anterior disc, form irregular longitudinal rows towards the apex of the elytron; interspaces thickened, transversely rugulose in front and on the sides, costate on the hinder disc; the surface of the disc is almost entirely piceous, the suture and a few smooth irregular slightly raised scattered patches being flavous.

12. Cryptocephalus discrepans, n. sp.

Elongatus, subcylindricus, parallelus, subtus cum pygidio fulvus, abdominis basi pectoreque rufo-piceis; supra piceus, ore obscure fulvo; thorace rude punctato, ad latera rugoso, ante basin utrinque oblique depresso, postice et lateribus obscure rufo-fulvis; elytris profunde irregulariter punctato-striatis, interspatiis incrassatis, elevato-reticulatis, apicem versus costatis; antennis pallide rufo-piceis, extrorsum nigris.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Morty Island.

Head coarsely rugose-punctate; eyes reniform, their inner edge deeply notched; antennæ slender, filiform, basal joint thickened, second moderately thickened, short, ovate, third slender, filiform, three times the length of the second, fourth equal in length to the third; basal joint fulvous, the two following rufo-piceous, the next two black (the others wanting). Thorax twice as broad at the base as long; sides rounded, slightly converging in front, the lateral border reflexed; basal margin broadly concave on either side, slightly produced near the medial lobe, the latter broadly truncate, its margin slightly excavated to receive the base of the scutellum; upper surface very convex and obsoletely

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gibbous on the disc in front, obliquely depressed on either side near the base; impressed with large deep punctures, which, more distant on the middle of the disc, become closely crowded towards the sides, which are rugose-punctate; base and sides pale rufo-piceous, reflexed lateral margin fulvous. Scutellum subelongate-trigonate, its apex broadly truncate. Elytra strongly lobed at their base, the sides being strongly retrenched behind the dilated portion; this causes the elytra to resemble in shape those of the genus Aspidolopha; upper surface slightly thickened near the scutellum, deeply impressed with large punctures, which are irregularly arranged in longitudinal rows; interspaces thickened transversely, crenulate on the inner disc in front, longitudinally costate towards the apex of the elytron. Pygidium with its apical border concave. Anal segment of abdomen with an unusually large round fovea. Legs slender. Prosternum broader than long, its hinder margin truncate.

This insect is entirely Australian in form, closely resembling several Australian species both in habit and the shape of its prosternum.

13. Cryptocephalus dapsilis, Boh.

Eugenies Resa, Insekter, p. 155.

"Breviter ovatus, convexus, subtus niger; capite, antennis, apice excepto, tibiis tarsisque lutescentibus; prothorace subtiliter punctulato, margine apicali anguste, laterali et basali latius luteo, dorso antico plaga magna transversa maculisque duabus basalibus triangularibus nigris; elytris luteis, tenuiter punctato-striatis, interstitiis subtilissime crebre punctulatis, sutura vittaque sat lata disci nonnihil obliqua, ante apicem abbreviatis, nigris.

Long. 4—lat. 2¼ millim.

Patria: Java.

Statura omnino C. Billardierii, nonnihil major, prothorace aliter colorato. Caput rotundatum, parum convexum, luteum, nitidum, distincte sat crebre punctulatum, postice tenuiter longitudinaliter canaliculatum; ore nigro. Palpi ferruginei. Oculi reniformes, parum convexi, nigri. Antennæ flavo-testaceæ, extrorsum fuscescentes. Prothorax longitudine fere duplo latior, antice quam basi multo angustior, apice leviter rotundato - emarginatus, tenuiter marginatus, basi utrinque sinuatus, lateribus anguste reflexo-marginatis, pone apicem subito rotundato-ampliatis, angulis anticis deflexis, obtusis, posticis retrorsum productis, acuminatis; superne

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convexus, subtiliter sat crebre punctulatus, nitidus, margine apicali anguste, laterali et postico latius luteus, dorso plaga magna, subovata, transversa maculisque duabus parvis, remotis, basalibus, subtriangularibus, nigris. Scutellum nigrum, sublæve. Elytra antice singulatim nonnihil rotundato-producta, prothorace vix latiora, quam lata paullo longiora, callo supra-humerali parum elevato, obtuso; lateribus infra medium sensim nonnihil angustata, apice singulatim subrotundata, superne convexa, tenuiter punctato-striata, interstitiis subtilissime crebre punctulatis; lutea, nitida, sutura vittaque disci sat lata, a basi apicem versus sensim introrsum obliqua, pone basin extus nonnihil emarginata, ante apicem abbreviata, nigra. Pygidium nigrum, subopacum, crebre punctatum, tenuiter pubescens, utrinque obsolete ferrugineo-marginatum. Corpus subtus nigrum, crebre punctulatum, parce pubescens. Abdomen anguste luteo - marginatum. Pedes punctulati; femoribus nigris, anticis ima basi, tibiis tarsisque lutescentibus." (Boheman.)

Linn. Entom. xiii. p. 125.

1. Loxopleurus rufescens, Boh.

Eugenies Resa, Insekter, p. 161.
Suffr. Linn. Entom. xiii. p. 137.

"Oblongo-ovatus, convexus, rufo-testaceus, subopacus; capite, antennis extrorsum scutelloque nigris; prothorace convexo, crebre punctulato, pone medium utrinque leviter impresso, apice medio producto; elytris evidentius crebre punctatis, leviter costatis, margine basali tenuiter maculisque duabus parvis disci pone medium, nigris." (Boheman.)

Long. ¾ lin.

Hab. Malacca; also New Holland (Sidney).

2. Loxopleurus lætus, n. sp. (Pl. III. fig. 7.)

Elongatus, parallelus, dorso subcylindricus, fulvus, nitidus; antennis extrorsum fuscis; scutello nigro-piceo; elytris punctato-striatis, fasciâ latâ basali et plagâ magnâ subtrigonatâ ante apicem positâ obscure cæruleis.

Var. A. Elytris totis obscure cæruleis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Kai Island.

Var. A, Batchian.


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Head flat, base deeply but not closely punctured on its lower half, punctures crowded on the inner border of the eyes, front impressed with a shallow longitudinal groove, nearly free from punctures; eyes ovate, their inner edge angularly notched; antennæ slender, two-thirds the length of the body. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long across the base; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, posterior angles acute, basal border truncate on either side, medial lobe slightly produced, its apex broadly truncate; upper surface convex, smooth and shining, nearly impunctate, being only impressed at very distant intervals with a few deep punctures. Scutellum oblique, elongate-trigonate, thickened, its basal margin overlapping the basal lobe of the thorax; surface smooth, impunctate. Elytra scarcely broader than the base of the thorax, parallel, sides not distinctly lobed at their base; upper surface subcylindrical, excavated at the base within the humeral callus, slightly thickened around the scutellum; on each are nine or ten rows of deep piceous punctures, which are placed somewhat irregularly in each row; near the suture, on the basal half and on the outer border, the puncturing is less regular; interspaces between the punctures smooth, impunctate.

Fam. EUMOLPIDÆ, Lacordaire.
Genus AORIA, Baly.

Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 149.

Corpus oblongum, subcylindricum, pilis adpressis dense vestitum. Caput exsertum, perpendiculare; antennis subfiliformibus, modice robustis, articulo primo incrassato, secundo illo fere dimidio breviore, ovato, tertio ad apicem incrassato, secundo longiori sed quarto breviori; oculis integris, prominentibus; menti margine antico concavo. Thorax subcylindricus, margine laterali obsoleto. Elytra thorace multo latiora, crebre punctata. Pedes modice robusti; femoribus subincrassatis, muticis; unguiculis bifidis. Prosternum transversum, sulcis suturalibus inter sternum et episterna obsoletis. Mesosternum transversum vel transverso-quadratum, apice bifurcato.

Aoria closely resembles in habit the European genus Adoxus. It may, however, be easily known by the absence of the sutural grooves between the prosternum and the anterior episterna.

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1. Aoria Bowringii, Baly. (Pl. IV. fig. 1.)
Adoxus Bowringii, Baly, Journ. of Entom. i. p. 27.

Ovatus, valde convexus, nuceus, pilis adpressis obscure fulvis indutus; thoracis plagâ obtrigonatâ, elytrorum maculis 7, metacoxis pleurarumque plagâ nigris.

Var. A. Thoracis plagâ elytrorumque maculis nonnullis obsoletis.

Long. 2½—3 lin.

Hab. Malacca, Borneo, Penang; also Birmah, Gambodia, and Northern China.

Ovate, very convex, nuceous; body covered with obscure fulvous adpressed hairs; an obtrigonate patch in the centre of the thorax, seven spots on the elytra, a patch at the apex of each pleura, and the metacoxæ shining black. Head distinctly punctured; epistome triangular, separated from the face by a grooved line; on either side, just above the insertion of the antennæ, is a slightly raised smooth tubercle; eyes black. Thorax subglobose above, covered with fulvous hairs, which are shorter and less depressed than those of any other part of the body; sides regularly rounded; surface deeply punctured, puncturing crowded and rugose on the sides, somewhat more scattered on the disk, the middle of the latter covered by a large obtrigonate black patch. Elytra oblong, sides parallel, slightly narrowed near the apex, the latter regularly rounded, dehiscent at the sutural angle; above convex; each elytron with eleven sulcate striæ, the first abbreviated, each stria impressed with a single row of irregular punctures, interspaces somewhat raised and subcostate towards the lateral margin, their surface covered with distinct punctures, which render those of the striæ confused; a large subbasal rotundate spot, a common bilobate patch at the middle of the suture, another, larger and oblong-ovate, placed behind the middle, and a small spot placed externally to the humeral callus, shining black.

This insect varies in the number of black spots on the elytra. The patch on the thorax is also sometimes wanting. A second species, A. nigripes, mihi (Journ. Ent. i. p. 28), is found in Siam, from which point it ranges upwards (like the present insect) as far north as China. It in all probability is also found in Malacca, although I have not as yet seen specimens coming from that locality.

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Genus STASIMUS, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 150.

Corpus oblongum, subcylindricum, supra setis rigidis suberectis, subtus pilis squamiformibus vestitum. Caput exsertum, perpendiculare, oblongum; antennis dimidio corporis æqualibus, articulo primo incrassato, secundo modice incrassato, primo paullo breviori, tertio et tribus sequentibus singulis longitudini secundi æqualibus, gracilibus, septimo et sequentibus modice incrassatis, septimo pyriformi, octavo, nono et decimo moniliformibus, undecimo ovato; oculis integris; mento angulato-emarginato. Thorax antice gibbosus, margine laterali obsoleto. Elytra profunde punctata, interspatiis incrassatis, hic illic tuberculatis. Pedes modice robusti, femoribus anticis quatuor subtus dente brevi armatis; tarsorum articulo basali secundo vix longiori; unguiculis bifidis. Prosternum subquadratum, postice dilatatum, sulcis inter sternum et episterna obsoletis. Mesosternum subquadratum, apice dilatato, obtuso.

Stasimus is separated from all allied forms by the gibbous thorax, tuberculated elytra, and peculiar antennæ.

1. Stasimus rugosus, Baly. (Pl. IV. fig. 2.)
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 150.

Oblongus, subcylindricus, opacus, fuscus; thorace rugoso, dorso ante medium gibboso; elytris profunde punctatis, punctis in striis irregulariter dispositis, interspatiis incrassatis, hic illic tuberculis verrucosis instructis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head rugose, closely covered with suberect pale hairs, epistome transverse, triangular, its surface also rugose. Thorax rather broader than long, narrowing towards the apex; the lateral margin obsolete, the anterior angle only being indicated by an obtuse tooth; anterior half of disk occupied by a strongly raised gibbosity, behind which, on either side, is a broad but ill-defined oblique excavation; whole surface closely covered with pale suberect hairs. Elytra less closely but more deeply punctured than the thorax, more sparingly pubescent; the wart-like tubercles ill-defined, with the exception of one or two near the suture; shoulders prominent.

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Genus AULEXIS, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 153.

Corpus elongatum, subcylindricum, pilis suberectis vestitum. Caput exsertum, facie perpendiculari; epistomatis margine antico dentibus duobus compressis armato; antennis subfiliformibus, articulo basali incrassato, secundo dimidio breviori, modice incrassato, tertio quarto paullo breviore; oculis prominentibus, ovatis, intus leviter sinuatis; mento antice concavo. Thorax antice constrictus, cylindricus, postice depressus et plus minusve transversim excavatus, margine laterali apice obsoleto, medio tridentato. Elytra thorace paullo latiora, parallela. Pedes mediocres, robusti; femoribus subincrassatis, muticis; unguiculis basi dentatis. Prosternum angustatum, elongatum, sulcis inter sternum et episterna obsoletis. Mesosternum angustatum, apice dilatato, trilobato.

1. Aulexis nigricollis, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 154.

Elongata, parallela, fusco-fulva, subnitida, pilis suberectis concoloribus, sat dense vestita; thorace nigro, griseo-villoso, sat crebre punctato, basi rugoso, utrinque pone medium oblique excavato, vertice piceo.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head coarsely punctured; epistome more deeply and coarsely punctured than the rest of the face; antennæ two-thirds the length of the body, slightly thickened towards the apex. Thorax deeply and closely punctured, rugose-punctate at the base, obliquely impressed on each side behind the middle with an ill-defined groove, which meets the opposite one just in front of the scutellum; apical border of thorax obscure fulvous. Elytra closely and coarsely punctured, obsoletely depressed below the basilar space.

2. Aulexis Wallacei, n. sp. (Pl. IV. fig. 5.)

Elongata, parallela, fusco-fulva, nitida, pilis suberectis concoloribus dense vestita; capite (antennis labroque exceptis) thoraceque nigris, pilis griseis obsitis, hoc utrinque pone medium oblique excavato.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. Sarawak, Singapore, Penang, Tondano.

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Head coarsely punctured, epistome much more coarsely and deeply punctured than the upper portion of the face; in the middle of the face is an indistinct longitudinal ridge; antennæ slender, filiform, nearly two-thirds the length of the body. Thorax clothed with long griseous hairs, closely punctured, the punctures very crowded at the base; on either side behind the middle is a broad ill-defined oblique groove, which meets its fellow at an obtuse angle just in front of the scutellum. Elytra closely punctured, the puncturing rather coarser than that of the thorax; surface clothed with concolorous hairs.

3. Aulexis varians, n. sp.

Subelongata, minus parallela, obscure fulva, nitida, griseo-villosa, antennis extrorsum elytrisque nigro-piceis; thorace transverso, subcrebre punctato, pone medium arcuatim excavato; elytris subcrebre punctatis.

Var. A. Elytris basi fulvis.

Var. B. Elytris totis fulvis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Sarawak.

Subelongate, obscure fulvous, clothed with suberect griseous hairs. Head punctured, epistome more distantly and much more coarsely punctured than the face; antennæ subfiliform, distinctly thickened towards the apex, the six or seven outer joints piceous. Thorax transverse, more finely and less closely punctured than in either of the two preceding species; impressed near the base with a broad arcuate transverse excavation, which extends nearly across the entire thorax. Elytra shorter and broader than in the two other species, more convex and more finely punctured; basilar space on each elytron slightly thickened.

Genus PIOMERA, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 156.

Corpus non metallicum, elongatum, subcylindricum, squamis adpressis vestitum, subtus (pedibus exceptis) fere glabrum. Caput exsertum, perpendiculare; antennis gracilibus, subfiliformibus, articulo basali incrassato, secundo brevi, ovato, subincrassato, tertio et sequentibus subæqualibus, singulis articulo basali paullo longioribus, tertio et tribus proximis gracilibus, cæteris paullo incrassatis; oculis prominentibus, rotundatis, integris; epistomate elevato, transverso, brevi;

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mento angulato-emarginato. Thorax subcylindricus, margine laterali obsoleto. Elytra thorace multo latiora, parallela, profunde striato-punctata. Pedes robusti, squamosi; femoribus subtus dente robusto armatis, anticis fortiter, posticis modice incrassatis; tibiis anticis ad apicem incrassatis; tarsorum articulo basali duobus sequentibus conjunctis vix breviori; unguiculis bifidis, dente interno brevi. Prosternum oblongum, sulcis inter sternum et episterna obsoletis. Mesosternum transverso-quadratum, apice obtusum.

The very large anterior thighs separate Piomera from the other nearly-allied scaly genera, the transverse epistome from Metaxis.

1. Piomera brachialis, Baly. (Pl. IV. fig. 3.)
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 157.

Elongata, subcylindrica, fulva, subnitida, squamis curvatis adpressis pallide fulvis vestita; thorace rugoso-punctato; elytris profunde striato-punctatis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head short, triangular, upper portion of face and vertex covered with adpressed scales; antennæ two-thirds the length of the body, pale fulvous, their outer half fuscous. Thorax rather longer than broad, cylindrical, narrowed at base and apex, medial portion thickened above. Elytra oblong, much broader than the thorax, sides parallel, apex regularly rounded; surface closely and deeply punctured, the punctures arranged in irregular rows, the interspaces on the outer side subcostate, scales covering the surface arranged in irregular patches. Anterior thighs greatly swollen, inner edge of anterior tibiæ cut obliquely towards the apex.

Genus METAXIS, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 157.

Corpus oblongum, subcylindricum, supra squamosum. Caput modice exsertum, perpendiculare; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus, corporis longitudini fere æqualibus, articulo primo incrassato, secundo brevissimo, modice incrassato, tertio gracili, longitudine duobus anticis conjunctis æquali, cæteris singulatim tertio fere æqualibus, articulis quatuor vel quinque ultimis leviter incrassatis et vix brevioribus; oculis integris,

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prominentibus; epistomate triangulari, cuneiformi; mento angulato-emarginato. Thorax subcylindricus, margine laterali obsoleto. Elytra thorace multo latiora, punctato-striata, setulis rigidis erectis nonnullis instructa. Pedes mediocres; femoribus subtus unidentatis, anticis et posticis distincte, intermediis minus incrassatis; tibiis intermediis extus ad apicem emarginatis; unguiculis bifidis. Prosternum latum, elongatum, episternis anticis non separatum. Mesosternum oblongum.

This genus is distinguished from Piomera by the form of its epistome, and also by its slender mid-femora.

1. Metaxis sellata, Baly. (Pl. IV. fig. 4.)
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 157.

Oblonga, subcylindrica, fulvo-fusca, squamis concoloribus vestita; antennarum apice elytrorumque plagâ oblongâ basi ultra medium extensâ, obscure fuscis; oculis nigris.

Long. 1¾ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head closely punctured, covered with adpressed scales; jaws dark fuscous. Thorax scarcely broader than long, somewhat flattened above, closely covered with scales; sides slightly rounded, converging in front, lateral border obsolete, all the angles armed with a short obtuse tooth. Elytra nearly three times the length of the thorax, parallel; surface deeply punctate-striate, closely covered with scales arranged in small irregular patches and intermingled with a few rigid erect fuscous hairs; the dark fuscous patch clothed with concolorous scales, which are less crowded than those covering the general surface of the elytra.

Genus DEMOTINA, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 158.

Corpus non metallicum, oblongum, subcylindricum, squamis adpressis vestitum. Caput exsertum, perpendiculare; antennis filiformibus aut subfiliformibus, articulo basali ovato, incrassato, secundo primo breviori, quatuor aut quinque ultimis sæpe leviter incrassatis; oculis prominentibus, integris; mento emarginato; epistomate emarginato. Thorax transversim convexus aut subcylindricus, margine laterali obsoleto, vel rarius in loco marginis series unica dentium. Scutellum semiovatum. Elytra oblonga, crebre punctata. Pedes medi-

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ocres; femoribus modice incrassatis, subtus unidentatis; tibiis posterioribus quatuor extus ad apicem emarginatis, posticis interdum integris; unguiculis bifidis. Prosternum oblongum aut oblongo-quadratum, sulcis inter sternum et episterna obsoletis. Mesosternum oblongo-quadratum.

A. Sides of thorax armed with a row of short teeth.

1. Demotina serraticollis, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, picea, subopaca, sat dense squamosa, pedibus antennisque rufo-piceis; thoracis margine laterali serrato; elytris striato-punctatis, squamis fuscis et sordide albis variegatis, setis erectis piceis nonnullis instructis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Penang.

Head closely covered with adpressed dirty-white scales; epistome transverse, not distinctly separated from the face, its surface glabrous, rugose, rufo-piceous; antennæ slender, nearly filiform. Thorax transverse, sides rounded, converging in front, lateral margin armed with a single row of short teeth; upper surface transversely convex, coarsely punctured, rugose on the sides, clothed with adpressed dirty-white scales. Elytra coarsely striate-punctate, convex, clothed with dirty-white scales, intermixed with others of a dark fuscous colour, which form irregular patches on the surface; in addition are numerous erect rigid hairs.

2. Demotina rugicollis, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, picea, subnitida, albo-squamosa; epistomate transverso, antennis pedibusque rufo-piceis; thorace rugoso-punctato, ad latera rude rugoso, margine laterali serrato; elytris rufo-piceo-maculatis, rude striato-punctatis, interspatiis irregulariter elevatis, ad apicem costatis, squamis hic illic irregulariter congregatis.

Long. 1⅔—2 lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head covered with adpressed scales, epistome glabrous, broader than long, distinctly separated from the face by a sutural groove; eyes large, prominent. Thorax rather broader than long, sides rounded, armed with a single row of small teeth, which owing to the rugosity of the surface are not easily seen; upper surface transversely convex, slightly flattened on the middle of the disk,

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the latter clothed with adpressed scales, which, radiating from the centre, are spread equally over the whole surface. Elytra stained with irregular obscure rufous patches, coarsely striate-punctate, convex, scarcely excavated below the basilar space; interspaces thickened and strongly elevated, especially on the sides, towards the apex they form longitudinal costæ; they are clothed with adpressed white scales, scattered irregularly on the surface, and forming here and there large ill-defined patches.

This species may at once be known from D. serraticollis by the absence of the erect setæ on the surface of the elytra.

B. Sides of thorax unarmed.

§ Elytra furnished with numerous short erect setæ.

3. Demotina murina, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, picea, subopaca, dense fusco-squamosa; elytris setulis erectis piceis sparse vestitis; ore, antennis pedibusque rufo-piceis, nitidis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Java.

Head densely clothed with adpressed fuscous scales, epistome broader than long, not distinctly separated from the face, entirely glabrous, with the exception of a few scale-like hairs. Thorax transverse; sides entire, rounded, slightly converging in front, anterior and posterior angles each armed with a short obtuse tooth; upper surface transversely convex, coarsely punctured, the scales on the surface more densely crowded on the sides. Elytra coarsely striate-punctate, closely covered with adpressed scales, in addition to which are a number of short rigid erect piceous hairs.

§§ Elytra not furnished with erect setæ.

4. Demotina bivittata, n. sp.

Oblonga, subcylindrica, pallide picea, subopaca, albo-squamosa; facie, antennis pedibusque pallide rufo-piceis; thorace latitudini æquilongo, subcylindrico, rugoso-punctato, sat dense squamoso, squamis utroque latere vittâ latâ dispositis; elytris profunde striato-punctatis, interstitiis elevatis, sat dense squamosis, squamis striatim dispositis, hic illic congregatis, et plagas albidas formantibus; epistomate breviter cuneiforme.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Ceram.

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Head opake, clothed with the usual white scales, epistome broadly wedge-shaped; eyes large, prominent, nigro-piceous. Thorax not broader than long, subcylindrical, slightly gibbous on the disk, sides rounded, converging from the middle to the apex. Scutellum truncate, nigro-piceous. Elytra indistinctly depressed below the basilar space, the latter obsoletely elevated; deeply and coarsely punctured, the punctures arranged in longitudinal rows, their interspaces thickened and elevated; shoulders somewhat prominent; scales covering the surface rather longer and slightly less adpressed than those on the head and thorax, arranged in ill-defined longitudinal rows, more crowded here and there, and forming small irregular patches on the surface.

5. Demotina grisea, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, nigro-picea, subnitida, sat dense albo-squamosa; thorace latitudini æquilongo, rugoso-punctato, ad latera rude rugoso, lateribus rotundatis, ante medium convergentibus; elytris fortiter striato-punctatis; epistomate cuneiforme; antennis, tibiis apice, tarsisque rufo-piceis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Sarawak.

Head clothed with adpressed scales; epistome wedge-shaped, longer than broad, distinctly separated from the face by a deep sutural groove; eyes large, prominent; basal joints of antennæ fulvous. Thorax transversely convex above, slightly flattened on the disk; surface rugose-punctate. Elytra coarsely striate-punctate, somewhat closely clothed with adpressed scales, which are distributed nearly equally over their whole surface.

This species may be known from D. rugicollis by the absence of teeth on the lateral margin of the thorax, by the larger wedge-shaped epistome, and by the more equal distribution of the scales over the surface of the elytra.

6. Demotina Wallacei, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, picea, subnitida, dense albo-squamosa; thorace longitudine vix latiori, subcylindrico, ante apicem transversim depresso, rugoso-punctato; elytris infra basin

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transversim excavatis, striato-punctatis, sat dense striatim squamosis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Menado.

Head clothed with adpressed scales; epistome pale rufo-piceous, wedge-shaped, distinctly separated from the face by a sutural groove, its surface nearly glabrous; eyes large, prominent. Thorax slightly broader than long, sides rounded, scarcely converging in front, above subcylindrical, slightly flattened on the disk, rugose-punctate, impressed at a short distance behind the anterior border with a broad but shallow and ill-defined transverse groove; surface clothed with adpressed scales, which radiate from the centre, and are distributed equally over the whole disk. Elytra coarsely striate-punctate, depressed transversely below the basilar space; somewhat closely covered with scales, which are spread equally over the whole surface, and arranged in longitudinal rows.

The transverse depression on the thorax, together with the extremely regular distribution of the scales on the elytra, will separate this insect from its congeners.

7. Demotina pauperata, n. sp.

Oblonga, subcylindrica, picea, subnitida, albo-squamosa, epistomate pedibusque (his plus minusve infuscatis) pallide rufo-piceis; thorace longitudine paullo latiori, transversim convexo, opaco, profunde punctato; elytris sat dense squamosis, profunde striato-punctatis, interstitiis disci elevatis strigas transversas indistinctas formantibus; epistomate transverso.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. Dorey.

Head opake, finely rugulose, coarsely but not deeply punctured, clothed with ovate adpressed scales; epistome nitidous, distinctly punctured, transverse, its upper end broadly truncate. Thorax rather broader than long, transversely convex, sides rounded, slightly converging in front; surface rugulose, deeply punctured, clothed with adpressed scales. Scutellum obscure piceous, its apex obtusely truncate. Elytra subopake, deeply and coarsely striate-punctate, interspaces thickened, forming on the anterior half of the surface ill-defined transverse strigæ; scales rather more curved than those on the thorax, scattered irregularly over the whole surface.

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8. Demotina Jansoni, n. sp.

Oblonga, subcylindrica, nigro-picea, opaca, albo-squamosa; epistomate, antennarum basi tibiisque (his plus minusve infuscatis) rufo-piceis; thorace latitudini æquilongo, subcylindrico, rude rugoso; elytris profunde striato-punctatis, sat dense squamosis, squamis hic illic congregatis, plagas indistinctas formantibus; epistomate transverso.

Long. 1⅓ lin.

Hab. Waigiou.

Head opake; surface finely rugulose, clothed with large adpressed white scales; epistome shining, transverse, not distinctly separated from the face; eyes large, prominent. Thorax not broader than long, sides rounded, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex; surface coarsely rugose, clothed with ovate adpressed scales, which are rather more crowded towards the lateral border. Elytra obsoletely depressed below the basilar space, the latter indistinctly elevated, shoulders slightly prominent; surface deeply and coarsely striate-punctate, clothed with large ovate scales arranged (although somewhat indistinctly) in longitudinal rows; on each elytron are several patches of similar scales; interspaces at the base raised and forming faint transverse strigæ.

Nearly allied to D. pauperata, of which insect it may be only an extreme variety.

9. Demotina parvula, n. sp.

Oblonga, subcylindrica, picea, subnitida, albo-squamosa; antennis basi, pectore, epistomateque pallide rufo-piceis; thorace latitudine vix longiori, subcylindrico, rude rugoso-punctato; elytris profunde striatim punctatis, sparsius squamosis, squamis hic illic congregatis, plagas albidas formantibus; epistomate cuneiforme.

Long. ⅘—1 lin.

Hab. Menado.

Head opake, clothed with adpressed scales; epistome not broader than long, indistinctly separated from the face, wedge-shaped, its apical angle obtuse, surface shining, rugose-punctate; eyes large, prominent. Thorax scarcely longer than broad, subcylindrical, sides nearly regularly rounded; surface coarsely but not deeply rugose, covered on the disk with raised reticulations; clothed with adpressed scales, which are more crowded near the

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lateral margins, where sometimes they form an ill-defined longitudinal vitta. Elytra deeply and coarsely striate-punctate, subnitidous, interspaces on the middle of the disk raised and forming indistinct transverse ridges, scales clothing their surface collected into irregular ill-defined patches.

10. Demotina rufopicea, n. sp.

Oblonga, subcylindrica, rufo-picea, subnitida, albo-squamosa; thorace latitudini æquilongo, subcylindrico, rugoso-punctato; elytris profunde striatim punctatis, interstitiis elevatis, squamis hic illic congregatis, plagas albidas formantibus; epistomate cuneiforme.

Long. 1⅓ lin.

Hab. Menado.

Head clothed with coarse adpressed scales; epistome wedge-shaped, not distinctly separated from the face, its surface glabrous; eyes large, prominent. Thorax subcylindrical, sides converging in front; surface coarsely rugose-punctate, clothed with adpressed whitish scales. Elytra coarsely and deeply striate-punctate, the interspaces thickened, scales on the surface arranged in irregular patches.

Very nearly allied to D. parvula, and very possibly only a variety of that insect; it differs chiefly in the coarser punctation of the elytra.

11. Demotina ornata, n. sp. (Pl. IV. fig. 8.)

Oblonga, convexa, nigra, nitida; tibiis apice, tarsis, antennis (his extrorsum piceis), epistomate labroque fulvis; thorace vittis duabus, elytrisque maculis nonnullis è squamis albis formatis ornatis.

Long. 1¾ lin.

Hab. Ceram.

Head coarsely punctured; face clothed on either side within the eyes with adpressed white scales; antennæ slightly thickened towards the apex, slender, two-thirds the length of the body, pale fulvous, six outer joints piceous. Thorax scarcely broader than long, subcylindrical, sides slightly rounded, converging in front; surface closely covered with large round shallow punctures, sparingly clothed with white scale-like hairs, either side of the disk with a broad longitudinal vitta of adpressed white scales. Elytra striate-punctate, sparingly clothed with white scale-like hairs;

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each elytron with a short subsutural stripe placed at the apex, another submarginal, also apical and confluent with the former, and also with four small patches arranged as follows, viz.:—one just before the middle, two others subparallel just behind the middle, and the fourth halfway between the middle and apex. These markings are all formed of white adpressed scales.

The black, shining, nearly glabrous body of this insect, contrasted with the well-defined patches of white scales ornamenting the surface, gives it an entirely different aspect to any other known species of the genus.

Genus APOLEPIS, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 161.

Corpus oblongum, subcylindricum, squamis suberectis curvatis, apice elongatis, filiformibus, obtectum. Caput perpendiculare, thorace fere insertum; epistomate cuneiforme; antennis subfiliformibus, articulo basali incrassato, secundo modice incrassato, primo longitudine æquali, tertio secundo fere æquali, gracili, cæteris ad decimum singulatim secundo fere æqualibus, undecimo paullo longiori, articulis quinque ultimis incrassatis; oculis integris, rotundatis, prominentibus, sulco orbitali circumdatis. Thorax subcylindricus, dorso magis convexus, utrinque in loco marginis lateralis serie unicâ dentium parvorum instructus, margine ipso obsoleto. Elytra fortiter striato-punctata, dense squamosa, squamis in seriebus longitudinalibus dispositis. Pedes modice robusti; femoribus subtus unidentatis; tibiis anticis leviter incurvatis, intermediis extus ad apicem emarginatis; tarsorum articulo basali secundo longitudine æquali.

1. Apolepis aspera, Baly. (Pl. IV. fig. 7.)
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 161.

Oblonga, subcylindrica, picea, subnitida, squamis suberectis, fortiter curvatis, concoloribus, vestita.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak), Sumatra.

Head closely covered with scales. Thorax coarsely punctured. Elytra coarsely punctate-striate, the interspaces somewhat thickened.

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Genus LEPINA, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 161.

Corpus oblongum, subcylindricum, squamis gracilibus curvatis vestitum. Caput breve, thorace profunde insertum, perpendiculare; ore prosterni margine antico tecto; antennis subfiliformibus, articulis quinque ultimis incrassatis; primo et secundo longitudine fere æqualibus, illo fortiter, hoc modice incrassatis, tribus sequentibus etsi fere æqualibus, subgracilibus, sexto et septimo æqualibus, obconicis, octavo ad decimum submoniliformibus, undecimo ovato; epistomate cuneiformi; oculis integris. Thorax paullo latior quam longus, subcylindricus, margine antico distincto, disco squamis curvatis vestito. Elytra punctato-striata, squamis subdepressis seriebus longitudinalibus dispositis vestita. Pedes modice robusti; femoribus posticis subtus dente brevi armatis; tarsorum articulo basali secundo vix longiori; unguiculis bifidis. Prosternum subelongatum, utrinque sulco profundo episternis separatum, margine antico paullo producto. Mesosternum subquadratum, apice paullo dilatato, trilobato.

The form of the scales at once divides Lepina from Aulacolepis; in habit it closely agrees with Apolepis, but the sutural grooves dividing the anterior episterna from the prosternum separate it from that genus.

1. Lepina inconspicua, Baly. (Pl. IV. fig. 6.)
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 162.

Oblonga, subcylindrica, rufo-picea, subnitida, squamis gracilibus curvatis suberectis vestita; thorace (margine antico excepto), femorum basi, genubus, antennisque extrorsum, nigro-piceis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Pulo Penang. Collected by Mr. Bowring.

This insect bears a strong resemblance to Apolepis aspera; in addition, however, to the structural characters, the scales covering the surface are much narrower, less rigid and less erect, those on the thorax being almost adpressed. Thorax coarsely punctured. Elytra punctate-striate near the suture, confusedly punctured on the disk; scales arranged as in Apolepis.

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Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 162.

Corpus oblongum, subcylindricum, squamis latis, magnis, rigidis, dorso concavis, adpressis vel suberectis vestitum. Caput breve, perpendiculare, thorace profunde insertum; antennis ultra thoracem vix extensis, extrorsum modice incrassatis, basi gracilibus, articulo basali incrassato, secundo breviori, modice incrassato, articulis tertio ad sextum singulis primo fere æqualibus sed perparum longitudine decrescentibus, septimo ad decimum modice incrassatis, inter se fere æqualibus, submoniliformibus, undecimo paullo longiore, ovato; oculis integris; mento angulato-emarginato. Thorax transversus, antice subcylindricus, disco gibboso, tuberculato, margine laterali distincto, interdum serrato. Elytra thorace multo latiora, subparallela, rugoso-punctata, squamis adpressis dense vestita, hic illic fasciculis squamarum erectarum ornata. Pedes robusti; femoribus subtus dente robusto armatis; tibiis curvatis; unguiculis bifidis. Prosternum transverso-quadratum; episterno antico scapulariformi, a prosterno sulco profundo separato. Mesosternum breve, transversum, apice concavo.

1. Aulacolepis decorata, n. sp. (Pl. V. fig. 8.)

Breviter oblonga, convexa, obscure nigro-picea, dense rufo-piceo-squamosa; thorace bimamillato, vittis tribus elytrisque plagis nonnullis è squamis nigris formatis ornatis; his squamulis albidis suberectis hic illic sparse decoratis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Sumatra.

Head densely clothed with adpressed rufo-piceous scales; antennæ obscure rufo-fulvous. Thorax transverse, sides rotundate-ampliate, disk furnished just before the middle with two large parallel conical tuberosities; surface coarsely punctured, densely clothed with rufo-piceous scales, with the exception of three longitudinal vittæ which extend from the basal margin to beyond the middle of the disk, the scales on which are black. Elytra coarsely punctured, basilar space slightly raised, shoulders prominent; surface covered with rufo-piceous scales, intermixed here and there with irregular patches of black scales on the surface; a broad transverse patch below the basilar space is nearly denuded of scales; placed near the middle of the suture is a short


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longitudinal stripe of nearly erect black scales; on the hinder disk are also a number of small patches of dirty-white suberect scales.


Faun. Aust. i. p. 569; Baly, Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 436.

Corpus elongatum, parallelum, subcylindricum, non aut vix metallicum, squamis adpressis, apice emarginatis aut bifidis, plus minusve dense vestitum.

Caput thorace insertum, perpendiculare; fronte inflatâ; antennis subfiliformibus, ad apicem distincte incrassatis, articulo basali incrassato, secundo primo fere æquali, modice incrassato, tertio secundo non longiori, articulis quinque ultimis leviter compressis, latitudine gradatim crescentibus; oculis prominentibus, intus leviter sinuatis. Thorax dorso subcylindricus, margine laterali distincto, integro, mutico. Elytra parallela aut subparallela, subcylindrica, striato-punctata. Pedes modice robusti; femoribus muticis; tibiis quatuor posticis singulis extus prope apicem emarginatis; unguiculis appendiculatis aut dentatis. Prosternum latum, utrinque ab episterno sulco profundo separatum; episternis anticis scapulariformibus.

1. Pachnephorus clypeatus, n. sp.

Elongatus, subcylindricus, subparallelus, obscure cupreus, subnitidus, squamis albidis vestitus; labro antennarumque basi rufo-piceis, epistomate basi elevato, apice vix angulato-emarginato, minus rude punctato, nitido; thorace latitudine vix longiori, convexo, crebre et profunde punctato, squamis disci vittas tres formantibus, intermediâ fere obsoletâ; elytris subelongato-ovatis, fortiter striato-punctatis, pilis suberectis, seriatim dispositis instructis, albo-squamosis, squamis hic illic irregulariter congregatis.

Long. 1⅔—2 lin.

Hab. Gilolo.

Head coarsely and deeply punctured, rugose, epistome thickened at the base, surface oblique, less coarsely punctured than the upper portion of the face, anterior margin slightly angulate-emarginate; basal half of antennæ pale rufo-piceous. Thorax scarcely longer than broad, sides obliquely diverging from the base to beyond the middle, thence rounded and converging to the apex; strongly convex, closely and coarsely punctured; the scales cloth-

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ing the surface arranged in three longitudinal rows, one on either side broad and well defined, placed just within the lateral margin, and a third, narrow and indistinct, occupying the middle of the disk; a few scales also scattered over the remainder of the surface. Elytra much broader than the thorax, narrowed from behind their middle, deeply impressed with parallel rows of punctures, from each of which springs a single fine white hair; interspaces towards the apex and on the outer disk thickened; scattered over the whole surface are numerous white scales, which form irregular confluent patches, more crowded towards the apex and on the sides.

2. Pachnephorus vitticollis, n. sp. (Pl. V. fig. 2.)

Elongatus, subcylindricus, obscure cupreus, subnitidus, squamis adpressis albidis vestitus; labro, antennarum basi, pedibusque rufo-piceis; thorace subelongato, crebre et fortiter punctato, vittis tribus è squamulis formatis instructo; elytris fortiter striato-punctatis, squamis disci hic illic irregulariter congregatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Batchian.

Head slightly longer than in the foregoing species, coarsely and closely punctured; epistome broadly but slightly angulate-emarginate in front, thickened at the base, surface oblique, irregularly strigose-rugose. Thorax longer than broad, sides obliquely diverging from the base to beyond the middle, thence rounded and converging to the apex, above convex, closely and coarsely punctured; surface clothed with bifid scales, arranged in three longitudinal rows, one on either side at the lateral margin, broad, dilated in the middle and at the apex, where it is continued along the anterior border of the thorax, and a third very narrow and indistinct, running down the middle of the disk. Elytra very similar in form, puncturing and clothing to P. clypeatus.

3. Pachnephorus convexicollis, n. sp.

Subelongatus, subcylindricus, obscure cupreus, subnitidus, squamis albidis vestitus, labro antennarumque basi rufo-piceis; thorace latitudine vix longiori, sat convexo, crebre et profunde punctato, ad latera dense squamoso, disco fere glabro; elytris elongato-ovatis, fortiter striato-punctatis, pilis sub-

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erectis seriatim dispositis instructis, squamis albidis hic illic congregatis maculas nonnullas formantibus sparse ornatis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Macassar.

Head coarsely and closely punctured, anterior border feebly but distinctly angulate-emarginate, hinder margin not thickened, surface less oblique than in the preceding species, coarsely punctured. Thorax shorter than broad, very convex above, coarsely and closely punctured; sides obliquely diverging from the base to beyond the middle, thence quickly rounded and converging to the apex; middle of disk glabrous, entire limb clothed with bifid scales. Elytra oblong-ovate, less narrowed posteriorly than in either of the two preceding species, the puncturing similar; surface clothed with fine suberect whitish hairs, which spring singly from each separate puncture, and form longitudinal rows, corresponding in number with the rows of punctures; in addition are the usual bifid scales, which form somewhat distant patches on the disk, and are more crowded at the sides and apex.

Genus BROMIUS, Baly.

Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 439 (nec Redt.).

Corpus late oblongum aut oblongum, valde convexum, metallicum, pube suberectâ dense vestitum, interdum metallico-sericeum. Caput perpendiculare, thorace profunde insertum; antennis subfiliformibus aut subincrassatis, articulo basali incrassato, secundo primo paullo breviori, tertio, quarto et quinto singulis secundo paullo longioribus, inter se æqualibus, gracilibus, filiformibus; quinque ultimis plus minusve incrassatis, interdum compressis, clavam distinctam formantibus; oculis integris. Thorax dorso subcylindricus, margine laterali distincto, integro. Elytra thorace multo latiora, lateribus parallelis, apice late rotundato; convexa, rude punctata. Pedes robusti; femoribus muticis; tibiis intermediis extus ad apicem emarginatis; unguiculis bifidis. Prosternum latum, sulcis inter sternum et episterna obsoletis.

1. Bromius hirtus, Fabr.
Eumolpus hirtus, Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. i. p. 420.

Oblongus, valde convexus, metallico-cyaneus aut cæruleus, pube griseâ dense vestitus, supra fortiter et crebre punctatus;

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elytris infra basin non aut obsolete transversim depressis; epistomate angulato-emarginato.

Var. A. Viridi-metallicus.

Long. 3½—5½ lin.

Hab. Malacca, Tringanee, Penang, Sumatra (sec. Fabr.) Var. A. Java; also Silhet.

Head coarsely punctured, anterior margin of epistome angulate-emarginate; four or five basal joints of antennæ rufo-piceous beneath, the second and third sometimes entirely so, the basal joint cupreo-aureous. Thorax subcylindrical above, sides slightly rounded, scarcely converging in front, anterior angle armed with a short tooth. Elytra much broader than the thorax, sides parallel, apex broadly rounded; surface very coarsely and closely punctured. Body beneath and legs more or less stained with metallic green.

2. Bromius Philippinensis, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 219.

Oblongus, valde convexus, viridi-cæruleus, nitidus, violaceomicans, supra pilis brevibus subrectis fuscis vestitus; thorace subgloboso, subcrebre punctato; elytris subcrebre punctatis, infra basin leviter transversim impressis; tibiis intermediis extus ante apicem late emarginatis; corpore subtus pilis cinereis adpressis sat dense vestito; antennis subfiliformibus, gracilibus.

Var. A. Viridi-æneus.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Philippine Islands (Manilla).

Larger, more finely and less closely punctured than B. hirtus, clothed with finer pubescence, which is white, sparingly intermixed with black. Thorax more convex above, subglobose. Elytra with a distinct transverse depression below the basilar space; surface more finely punctured, and clothed with much finer and more silky pubescence than in the preceding insect.

3. Bromius evanescens, Baly. (Pl. V. fig. 3.)
Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 220.

Breviter oblongo-ovatus, valde convexus, cupreus, subcrebre punctatus, supra pube erectâ sat dense instructus; labro

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antennisque fulvis; corpore toto pilis cupreo-sericeis, diverse adpressis et (aspectu mutato) plagas metallico-nitescentes formantibus, dense vestito.

Long. 3—5½ lin.

Hab. Penang, Sumatra, Borneo, Malacca.

Whole body entirely covered with coarse cupreo-sericeous pubescence, adpressed in different directions, and forming large irregular patches, which shine with a metallic lustre, or become dull, according to the position in which the insect is held. Head punctured, anterior edge of epistome angularly notched; labrum and antennæ fulvous, the latter half the length of the body, their outer half obscure. Thorax transverse, sides slightly rounded, scarcely narrowed in front, anterior angle armed with a short tooth; surface coarsely punctured, interspaces between the coarser punctures impressed with numerous fine punctures. Elytra more coarsely punctured than the thorax, the puncturing indistinctly arranged in rows.

4. Bromius cupreatus, n. sp.

Oblongus, valde convexus, cupreus, nitidus, pilis squamiformibus adpressis concoloribus dense vestitus, supra nigro-setosus; labro antennarumque basi fulvis, his extrorsum piceis; capite thoraceque crebre rugoso-punctatis; elytris profunde punctatis, punctis marginis substriatim dispositis.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Body above closely covered with adpressed squamiform cupreous pubescence, intermixed with which are numerous long erect black hairs. Head rugose-punctate, anterior border of epistome angulate-emarginate; antennæ more than half the length of the body, subfiliform, three lower joints fulvous, the rest obscure piceous. Thorax transverse, sides rounded, slightly converging from behind the middle to the apex, anterior angle armed with an obtuse tooth, upper surface closely rugose-punctate. Elytra much broader than the thorax, deeply punctured, the punctures large and arranged in longitudinal rows, the interspaces on the outer disk thickened towards their apex, subcostate near the sides. Body beneath clothed with long coarse cupreous pubescence.

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Genus CORYNODES, Hope.

Col. Man. iii. p. 162; Marshall, Journ. Lin. Soc. Zool. viii. p. 30; Gerst. Reise nach Mossamb. p. 335.

Platycorynus, Baly (olim), Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 2.

Corpus oblongum aut elongatum, convexum, plus minusve cylindricum, plerumque metallicum. Caput perpendiculare, thorace profunde insertum; fronte utrinque supra oculum plus minusve profunde excavatâ; mandibulis plerumque muticis, rarissime in ♂ cornu valido armatis; antennis robustis, articulis quinque aut sex exterioribus compressis, plus minusve dilatatis, clavam formantibus, rarissime in ♂ filiformibus; mento profunde angulato-inciso; oculis prominulis, intus leviter sinuatis. Thorax marginatus, transversim convexus, aut subconicus. Elytra thorace latiora, parallela, convexa, plerumque infra basin transversim excavata, seriatim aut confuse punctata, rarius in ⁀ tuberculata.* Pedes robusti, tibiis intermediis sæpe in ♂ extus ad apicem emarginatis; unguiculis appendiculatis aut bifidis. Prosternum utrinque ab episterno sulco profundo separatum; episternis anticis scapulariformibus.

The present genus is well represented in the Malay Archipelago, three-fourths of the Asiatic species being natives of that part of the world. The antennæ of all the males have a tendency to elongate, the club at the same time being distinctly narrower than in the females of the same species. In one, C. monstrosus, these organs are filiform, the five upper joints, although slightly compressed, not being broader than those immediately below them. In the female of monstrosus the antennæ are much shorter and distinctly subclavate; the same sex in this species (as well as in three or four others belonging to the same section of the genus) present the remarkable peculiarity of having their elytra covered with a number of irregular tubercles, whilst the elytra in the males are simply punctured in the ordinary way.

* The exception to this is a single oblong tubercle, more or less distinct, which exists in nearly all the species; it is situated just below the humeral angle, immediately within the outer margin of the elytron.

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I. Encarpæ separated from the front by a deep sutural groove; club of antennæ (when present) five-jointed, claws appendiculated.

A. Apex of epistome separated from the front by a distinct sutural groove.

a. Elytra simple in the ♂, more or less tuberculate in the ⁀ (Corynoëides, Clark; Omodon, Marshall).

1. Corynodes monstrosus. (Pl. V. fig. 5 ♂, fig. 6 ⁀.)

Corynoëides tuberculatus, Clark, Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. February, 1865.

Elongatus, parallelus, convexus, metallico-cæruleus, subtus viridi-æneus; thorace crebre punctato; elytris apicem versus paullo attenuatis, fortiter sat crebre punctatis, infra basin transversim excavatis; frontis margine antico obtuse angulato, medio paullo producto, angulis lateralibus distinctis.

Mas.—Antennis corpori fere æquilongis, filiformibus, modice compressis; elytris non tuberculatis, callo humerali elevato.

Fœm.—Antennis dimidio corporis longioribus, extus compressis et modice dilatatis; elytris tuberculatis, callo humerali in cretam oblongam elevato.

Var. A. Corpus totum viridi-æneum.

Long. 4—6 lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang; sent in some abundance by Mr. Lamb.

Head closely punctured, lower margin of face separated from the epistome and encarpæ by a deep groove, obtusely angled, lateral angles distinct, medial produced; epistome triangular, sides slightly rounded; surface closely rugose-punctate, shelving down above until it reaches the level of the sutural groove, thus rendering the latter indistinct in front; encarpæ cultriform, smooth, impunctate, impressed in the middle with a broad oblique groove; antennæ nearly equal to the body in length in the ♂, robust, filiform; rather more than half the length of the body in the ⁀, six outer joints compressed and moderately dilated. Thorax nearly a third broader than long; sides rounded, slightly converging in front; surface convex, closely and somewhat finely punctured. Elytra much broader than the thorax; sides slightly but regularly narrowed from the shoulders backwards, their apex subacutely rounded, above convex, transversely excavated on each elytron below the basilar space and also within the humeral callus, the

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latter distinctly raised into an oblong ridge; surface closely covered with coarse punctures; on the disk of each elytron are three or four obsoletely raised longitudinal vittæ; in the ⁀ the elytra are covered with numerous strongly raised tubercles, placed in about eight longitudinal rows; these become obsolete on the hinder third of the surface, with the exception of the outer row but one, which extends the whole length of the elytron, and is terminated at the suture by a large obtuse tuberosity; outer edge of intermediate tibiæ sinuate near the apex; claws appendiculated.

Not having retained the genus Corynoëides, founded by the Rev. H. Clark on the present insect, I have been obliged to change his specific name tuberculatus, the same having been previously used for another species (post, p. 103).

2. Corynodes æneus, Baly.

Platycorynus æneus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 5.

Subelongatus, viridi-æneus, nitidus; thorace subcrebre punctato; elytris oblongis, parallelis, auri-æneis, anguste viridi-limbatis, infra basin transversim impressis, punctatis, punctis prope suturam subseriatim dispositis; antennis corpore paullo brevioribus, robustis, articulis quinque ultimis obscure purpureis, vix dilatatis; frontis margine antico angulato, utrinque sinuato, angulis lateralibus distinctis.—Mas.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head somewhat coarsely but not very closely punctured, impressed in the middle with a deep longitudinal groove, anterior margin of front separated from the encarpæ and epistome by a deep groove, angular, sinuate on either side, lateral angles distinct; epistome wedge-shaped, sides rounded and converging towards the apex; surface closely punctured, encarpæ cultriform, smooth, impunctate; antennæ nearly equal to the body in length, the five upper joints slightly compressed and very narrowly dilated, obscure metallic purple. Thorax rather more than a third broader than long, sides nearly parallel, rounded and converging in front, extreme edge of lateral border finely crenulate; upper surface transversely convex, sides deflexed in front, distinctly but not very closely punctured. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, oblong, parallel, regularly rounded at their apex; above convex, shoulders moderately prominent, each elytron

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transversely excavated below the basilar space; surface somewhat finely but not very closely punctured, the punctures arranged (but very indistinctly) in irregular ill-defined rows; intermediate pair of tibiæ notched externally just before the apex; tarsi greenish-purple.

Although I possess only a single specimen (a ♂) of this insect, and do not know the ⁀, I have no hesitation, from the great resemblance in habits to the preceding species, as well as from the similar structure of the antennæ, in placing it in the present section of the genus.

3. Corynodes aureipennis, n. sp.

Oblongus, convexus, læte metallico-viridis; elytris subcrebre fortiter punctatis, aureis, limbo exteriori anguste viridi-marginato; frontis margine antico rotundato, medio lobato, utrinque sinuato; antennis clavâ sat late dilatatâ, nigro-purpureâ.

Mas.—Elytris simplicibus.

Fœm.—Elytris disco exteriori vittis elevatis tuberculisque non-nullis instructis.

Long. 3⅔—4 lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang; collected by Mr. Lamb.

Epistome not longer than broad, sides converging backwards, broadly truncate at its apex, where it is separated from the face by a distinct sutural groove; surface finely rugose-punctate; face coarsely punctured, impressed in the middle with a broad longitudinal groove, anterior border of face rounded, sinuate on either side, produced medially into a short obtuse lobe, on the surface of which is an elevated ridge; encarpæ cultriform, separated from the face by a deep groove, their surface smooth, impunctate; forehead slightly swollen; antennæ two-thirds the length of the body in the ♂, shorter in the ⁀; five outer joints dark purple, compressed and gradually increasing in width in the ♂, rather more abruptly dilated in the ⁀. Thorax nearly a third broader than long, sides nearly straight and parallel, rounded and converging in front; above very convex, almost subcylindrical, sides strongly deflexed in front; surface finely punctured. Elytra much broader than the thorax, sides parallel, their apex acutely rounded in the ♂, subacute in the ⁀, above convex, deeply excavated transversely below the basilar space, humeral callus moderately produced; surface rather coarsely punctured, the puncturing on the inner disk arranged in

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irregular longitudinal rows; on the outer disk in the ♂, commencing immediately below the humeral callus, are four strongly raised longitudinal vittæ; two, parallel to each other and to the outer border, unite before their apex and terminate at the suture in a large common tuberosity; the third, parallel to the former two, ends halfway between the middle and apex of the elytron, whilst the fourth, placed still more inwardly towards the middle disk, is very short and scarcely extends beyond the middle of the elytron; on the shoulder are four or five oblong tubercles or ridges.

4. Corynodes tuberculatus, Baly.

Platycorynus tuberculatus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 3.

Corynodes tuberculatus, Marshall, Journ. Lin. Soc. Zool. viii. p. 44.

Oblongo-ovatus, convexus, nitidus, viridi-cæruleus aut purpureus; fronte, thorace elytrisque cupreo-aureis, his anguste viridi-marginatis, subcrebre punctatis; thorace subcrebre punctato; frontis margine antico obtuse angulato, utrinque sinuato, angulis lateralibus distinctis, obtusis.

Mas.—Elytris non tuberculatis; antennis corporis longitudine paullo brevioribus, articulis quinque ultimis obsolete dilatatis.

Fœm.—Elytris intra marginem exteriorem costatis, infra humeros tuberculis nonnullis elevatis instructis; antennis corporis dimidio paullo longioribus, articulis quinque ultimis modice dilatatis.

Var. A. Corpus totum viridi-purpureum.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head coarsely punctured; epistome triangular, truncate at its apex and separated from the face by a distinct sutural groove; surface closely punctured; face impressed with a well-defined longitudinal groove; anterior margin angularly lobed, sinuate on either side, lateral angles distinct. Antennæ nearly equal to the body in length in the ♂, five upper joints very slightly dilated, gradually increasing in width from the seventh to the ninth; in the ⁀ they extend rather beyond the anterior half of the body, the five outer joints broader and forming a distinct though narrow club. Thorax transverse, sides rounded, hinder angles armed with a short tooth; above transversely convex, sides deflexed in front, surface finely

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and somewhat closely punctured. Elytra broader than the thorax, broadly oblong, sides nearly parallel, apex rounded; above convex, each elytron excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus; the latter in the ♂ moderately prominent, in the ⁀ it is raised into a short longitudinal ridge. The ⁀ also differs from the ♂ in the following characters: parallel to the lateral border is a longitudinal ridge, the basal portion of which is broken up into a number of small tubercles; on the hinder disk it is lost in the general surface of the elytron, with the exception of the extreme apex, where may be seen the traces of an obtuse tubercle; the surface on the inner side of the ridge is longitudinally excavated along the anterior two-thirds of its course; the depression surrounding the base and outer border of the basilar space is more deeply excavated than in the ♂; on the anterior half of the outer disk are a number of irregular tubercles, which vary in number in different individuals; three or four of these are arranged in a longitudinal ridge, which, commencing at the humeral callus, runs for a short distance along the inner border of the longitudinal excavation.

Broader and shorter than C. aureipennis (ante, p. 102), the antennæ more slender, elytra in the ⁀ more strongly tuberculated.

b. Elytra not tuberculate in either sex.*

5. Corynodes robustus, Baly.

Platycorynus robustus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 3.

Oblongus, convexus, metallico-cæruleus, viridi vix tinctus; thorace longitudine vix latiori, antice subconico, subcrebre punctato; elytris infra basin sat profunde transversim excavatis, tenuiter subseriatim punctatis; antennis clavâ valde dilatatâ, obscure purpureâ; frontis margine inferiori obtuse angulato, utrinque sinuato, angulis lateralibus distinctis. ♂.

Long. 5 lin.

Hab. Sumatra.

Face coarsely and irregularly punctured, somewhat swollen on the front, impressed in the middle with the usual longitudinal groove; anterior margin separated from the epistome and encarpæ by a sutural groove, very obtusely angled, the apex scarcely produced, lightly sinuate on either side, lateral angles distinct; epistome scarcely broader than long, wedge-shaped, its apex truncate, surface rugose-punctate; antennæ nearly equal to the

* The subhumeral tubercle excepted.

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body in length, basal joints slender, five upper joints broadly dilated, the seventh to the ninth gradually increasing in width. Thorax rather broader than long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, posterior angles armed with an obtuse tooth, the anterior thickened; upper surface transversely convex, sides very strongly and obliquely deflexed in front, causing the anterior half of the thorax to appear subconic; disk impressed with irregular punctures. Elytra broadly oblong, convex, transversely excavated below the basilar space, the depression extending from just within the suture to the outer border, humeral callus slightly prominent; surface finely but not very closely punctured, the punctures arranged indistinctly in longitudinal rows; intermediate tibiæ strongly flexuose.

I only possess two specimens of this insect, both ♂ and do not know the ⁀; the robust form, and broadly dilated antennæ, will separate it from any of its congeners with a similar form of face.

6. Corynodes viridanus, n. sp.

Elongatus, convexus, metallico-viridis, nitidus; thorace longitudine vix latiori, profunde minus remote punctato; elytris subfortiter punctatis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, punctis in striis bifariis longitudinalibus dispositis, interspatiis duobus intra marginem lateralem costatis; antennis nigro-æneis, clavâ paullo dilatatâ nigrâ; fronte tumidâ, rude punctatâ, margine antico obtuso, angulis lateralibus obsoletis, medio angulato-producto.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head very coarsely and deeply punctured, front swollen, impressed with the usual longitudinal groove, which becomes deeper near its end, anterior margin separated from the encarpæ and epistome by a deep sutural groove, obtuse, the lateral angles rounded, the middle produced into an angular lobe; epistome not longer than broad, subcampanulate, surface rugose-punctate; encarpæ cultriform, their upper portion thickened; antennæ scarcely more than half the length of the body, fusco-æneous, five upper joints narrowly dilated, purplish-black, apex of last joint obtuse. Thorax scarcely broader than long, sides nearly straight and parallel at the base, rounded and converging from behind the middle to the apex, hinder angles armed with a short acute tooth; above convex, subconic in front, the sides anteriorly being strongly and broadly deflexed; surface coarsely and deeply punc-

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tured. Elytra oblong, transversely and broadly excavated below the basilar space; humeral callus prominent, bounded within by a longitudinal depression, the lower end of which joins the outer extremity of the transverse excavation; surface deeply but rather finely punctured, the punctures arranged in double longitudinal rows; the row nearest the suture, one on the outer border, and all the rest near the apex of the elytron, composed each of a single line of punctures; two interspaces on the outer margin distinctly costate; subhumeral tuberosity prominent. Outer edge of intermediate tibiæ obsoletely sinuate near the apex.

7. Corynodes biseriatus, Baly.

Platycorynus biseriatus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 4.

Anguste oblongus aut subelongatus, convexus, viridi-metallicus; thorace transverso, subcrebre punctato; elytris cæruleo-purpureis, infra basin et intra humeros excavatis, subcrebre punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis dispositis, interspatiis ultimis apicem versus et disco exteriori obsolete elevatis, duobus prope marginem lateralem costatis; suturâ, costâ externâ ad apicem, tuberculo parvo intra callum humerale, calloque ipso viridi-metallicis; antennis corporis dimidio longioribus, clavâ leviter dilatatâ, obscure cæruleo-viridi; frontis margine inferiori obtuse angulato aut rotundato, utrinque plus minusve excavato, angulis lateralibus obtusis aut rotundatis.

Long. 5—5½ lin.

Hab. Macassar.

Face separated from the encarpæ and epistome by a deep sutural groove; anterior border broadly and obtusely rounded, more or less deeply sinuate on either side, the apex produced into a distinct lobe; surface coarsely and deeply punctured, frontal groove shallow; epistome rather broader than long, broadly campanulate, its apex broadly concave-emarginate; surface rugose-punctate; antennæ more than half the length of the body, five upper joints narrowly dilated, gradually increasing in width from the seventh to the tenth. Thorax rather broader at the base than long; sides obsoletely rounded at the extreme base, thence obliquely converging to the apex; above transversely convex, strongly deflexed obliquely on either side in front; surface somewhat closely punctured. Elytra oblong, convex, transversely excavated below the basilar space; humeral callus moderately prominent, bounded within by a deep longitudinal depression; on

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the inner and lower edge of this depression, placed on the basilar space, is sometimes a small tubercle; surface strongly punctured, the punctures arranged (although somewhat irregularly) in numerous double longitudinal rows; alternate interspaces on the hinder and outer disks obsoletely thickened, two close to the lateral margin distinctly costate.

8. Corynodes cupreatus, n. sp.

Anguste oblongus, convexus, cupreus; thorace transverso, subcrebre punctato; elytris infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, subcrebre punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis confuse dispositis, interspatiis disco exteriori costatis; antennis dimidio corporis vix longioribus, clavâ anguste dilatatâ, nigro-purpureâ; frontis margine antico obtuse rotundato.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Macassar.

This species agrees so closely with C. biseriatus that a detailed description is unnecessary. I shall therefore only point out the differential characters between the two species; in C. cupreatus the anterior margin of the front is obtusely rounded, not produced in the middle, and not sinuate on either side; the antennæ are shorter, scarcely exceeding half the body in length; the thorax is more transverse, less narrowed in front, the sides being less obliquely deflexed; lastly, the elytra are much less regularly punctured, the double rows of punctures being less distinct and (on the middle disk) almost entirely obsolete. Both species may be known from their congeners by the transverse closely punctured thorax.

9. Corynodes approximans, Baly.
Platycorynus approximans, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 6.

Elongatus aut subelongatus ♂, oblongus ⁀, læte viridi-æneus; thorace longitudine distincte latiori, antice rotundato-angustato, fortiter sed remote punctato; elytris infra basin et intra callum humerale profunde excavatis, tenuiter seriatim punctatis; antennis clavâ nigrâ, paullo dilatatâ; frontis margine antico obtuse angulato, utrinque excavato, medio producto.

Fœm.—Elytris prope marginem lateralem unicostatis.

Var. A. Corpus viridi-cæruleum aut cæruleum.

Var. B. Corpus metallico-olivaceum.

Long. 4½ lin.

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Hab. Sumatra; Pulo-Penang, collected by Mr. Lamb; Malacca (Mount Ophir).

Face coarsely but not closely punctured, separated from the encarpæ and epistome by a deep sutural groove, its anterior margin obtusely angulate, sinuate on either side; its surface, together with a triangular space above, depressed, coarsely rugose-punctate; epistome scarcely broader in front than long, sides moderately converging backwards, rounded towards the apex, the latter more or less depressed, broadly concave-emarginate; surface closely punctured; encarpæ broadly cultriform; surface smooth, impunctate, thickened and raised on the upper portion into an ill-defined tuberosity; antennæ nearly two-thirds the length of the body in the ♂, rather shorter in the ⁀, five upper joints narrowly dilated, seventh joint rather narrower than the eighth. Thorax distinctly broader than long: sides nearly straight and parallel from the base nearly to the middle, thence obliquely rounded and converging to the apex; anterior angles thickened, posterior armed with a short tubercle; above transversely convex, sides strongly and obliquely deflexed in front, surface deeply but remotely punctured. Elytra broadly oblong, convex, deeply impressed below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter prominent; surface finely punctured, the punctures arranged in uneven longitudinal rows; in the ⁀, placed within and parallel to the lateral border, is a strongly raised costa, which, commencing just below the humeral callus, extends the whole length of the elytron to the sutural margin, and between this costa and the outer border is a slightly raised flexuose vitta.

The deep depression surrounding the outer and lower edges of the basilar space separates C. approximans from its allies. The ⁀ of C. costatus (post, p. 110), which possesses the same character in a less degree, may be known from the ⁀ of the present species by the close irregular punctation of the elytra, together with the much more strongly raised costa on the outer disk.

10. Corynodes cupreus, Baly.

Platycorynus cupreus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 6.

Oblongo-ovatus, valde convexus, subtus purpureo-metallicus, supra nitido-cupreus, anguste purpureo- aut viridi-limbatus; thorace transverso, subcrebre punctato; elytris infra basin vix transversim excavatis, intra marginem exteriorem unicostatis, seriatim punctatis, striis confuse gemellato-dispositis, punctis disci antici infra humeros inordinatim dispositis, interspatiis nonnullis prope apicem subelevatis; antennis

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fulvis, clavâ valde dilatatâ, nigrâ; frontis margine antico utrinque sinuato, medio late rotundato-producto, angulis lateralibus rotundatis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Malay Peninsula (Tringanee).

Head coarsely punctured, front impressed with the usual longitudinal groove; anterior margin separated from the encarpæ and epistome by a deep sutural groove, deeply sinuate on either side, the middle portion produced into a broad rounded lobe, lateral angles distinct but rounded; epistome much broader than long, apex deeply concave-emarginate, sides converging backwards; surface closely punctured; encarpæ cultriform, their surfaces nearly plane; antennæ half the length of the body, six lower joints fulvous, more or less obscured with piceous, five outer joints broadly dilated, black, seventh and three following joints gradually increasing in width, eleventh obtuse. Thorax more than a third broader than long, sides nearly straight and parallel at the extreme base, thence rounded and converging to the apex, hinder angles acute; above transversely convex, sides strongly deflexed in front; surface somewhat coarsely punctured. Elytra less parallel than in the majority of the species, ovate-oblong, convex, slightly excavated transversely below the basilar space; humeral callus moderately prominent, bounded within by a longitudinal depression; finely but rather deeply punctured, the punctures arranged in longitudinal rows, which approximate in pairs; alternate interspaces towards the apex and on the outer disk thickened, one just within the lateral margin costate.

11. Corynodes parvulus, Baly.

Platycorynus parvulus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 7.

Elongato-ovatus, convexus, subtus cupreo-violaceus, supra cupreus, nitidus; thorace transverso, subconico, profunde subcrebre punctato; elytris infra basin obsolete transversim impressis, punctato-striatis, striis gemellatis, interspatiis ante apicem elevatis, iis intra marginem exteriorem costatis; antennis fulvis, clavâ sat late dilatatâ, nigrâ; frontis margine antico utrinque sinuato, medio rotundato-producto, angulis lateralibus obtusis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Singapore.


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Face coarsely and deeply punctured, front impressed with a fine longitudinal groove; anterior margin separated from the encarpæ and epistome, siruate on either side, middle produced into a broad rounded lobe, lateral angles obtuse; epistome distinetly broader than long, its apex broadly concave-emarginate, sides slightly converging backwards, surface longitudinally concave, deeply but not closely punctured; encarpæ broadly cultriform, upper half of the surface thickened; antennæ half the length of the body, five upper joints broadly dilated, apical joints obtuse. Thorax transverse, sides obliquely converging from base to apex, slightly rounded in front, hinder angles acute; above subconic, coarsely and somewhat closely punctured, rugose-punctate on the sides. Elytra oblong, convex, deeply impressed below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter prominent; surface coarsely punctured, the punctures irregularly arranged in double longitudinal rows; interspaces on the hinder disk thickened, several on the outer disk costate.

Nearly allied to C. cupreus; narrower, more coarsely punctured, epistome longer, thorax subconic, elytra more distinctly costate on the outer disk.

12. Corynodes costatus, Baly.
Platycorynus costatus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 2.

Subelongatus, convexus, viridi-metallicus, nitidus; antennarum clavâ nigrâ modice dilatatâ; thorace transverso, tenuiter subremote punctato; elytris confuse subcrebre punctatis, utrisque intra marginem exteriorem bicostatis, costâ interiori valde elevatâ; scutello elytrorumque limbo inflexo purpureis; frontis margine antico rotundato, medio lobato.—Fœm.

Long. 6 lin.

Hab. Manilla.

Front separated from the epistome and encarpæ by a deep groove, its anterior margin rounded, produced in the middle into a round obtuse lobe; surface subremotely impressed with large deep punctures, medial line longitudinally grooved, the groove extending downwards from the vertex to the base of the anterior lobe; epistome triangular, its upper angle broadly truncate, anterior border obsoletely angulate-emarginate; encarpæ cultriform; antennæ more than half the length of the body, five upper joints

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moderately dilated, gradually increasing in width from the seventh to the ninth. Thorax more than one-fourth broader than long; sides straight and slightly diverging from the base to beyond the middle, thence rounded and converging to the apex; the anterior angle thickened, posterior armed with a short tooth; above convex, sides deflexed in front, surface deeply and subremotely punctured. Elytra oblong, slightly dilated posteriorly, convex; basilar space slightly raised, entirely surrounded (its base excepted) by a broad, deep but ill-defined depression; humeral callus prominent; on the outer disk, parallel to the lateral border, are two longitudinal costæ; the inner one, entire and strongly elevated, extends from the humeral callus to the apex; the outer, less distinct, is only visible on the hinder half of the elytron; subhumeral tubercle indistinct; whole surface somewhat closely covered with rather coarse punctures, which have a tendency near the suture and on the outer disk to arrange themselves in longitudinal striæ.

I possess only a single specimen, a ⁀; the ♂, which I do not know, is probably without costæ on the elytra.

13. Corynodes Marshalli, Baly.
Platycorynus Marshalli, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 2.

Oblongo-elongatus, convexus, nitido-purpureus, subtus cæruleoviridis; thoracis dorso valde convexo, minute sed remote punctato; elytris infra basin modice et intra callum humerale depressis, tenuiter punctatis, punctis regulariter seriatim dispositis; antennis corporis longitudini fere æqualibus, basi gracilibus, æneis, clavâ nigrâ, modice dilatatâ, intus subserraâ; frontis margine inferiori trilobato, lobis lateralibus late rotundatis, lobo intermedio paullo producto. ♂.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Gilolo.

Front separated from the epistome and encarpæ by a deeply sulcate groove; anterior border trilobate, medial lobe round, slightly but distinctly produced; surface very distantly punctured, impressed in the middle with a longitudinal groove, a slightly depressed triangular space in front (including the medial lobe) coarsely rugose-punctate; epistome campanuliform, its surface coarsely punctured, depressed at base and apex; encarpæ plane, broadly cultriform. Thorax scarcely broader than long; sides regularly rounded, slightly converging in front; above strongly

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convex, finely and remotely punctured. Elytra broadly oblong, convex, obsoletely excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter moderately prominent; surface very finely punctured, the punctures arranged in longitudinal rows, minute, coarser near the lateral boarder, nearly obsolete on the hinder disk; intermediate tibiæ slightly emarginate.

Smaller and less robust than C. robustus (ante, p. 104), the antennæ longer and narrowly dilated, the elytra more finely punctured.

14. Corynodes mutabilis, Baly.
Platycorynus mutabilis, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 3.

Subelongatus, convexus, cæruleo-metallicus, subtus viridi-metallicus, nitidus; thorace longitudine vix latiori, antice conico, fortiter subremote punctato; elytris infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, intra marginem exteriorem elevatovittatis, sat fortiter punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis dispositis; antennæ clavâ nigro-purpureâ, modice dilatatâ; frontis margine antico trilobato, lobo intermedio compresso, valde producto.

Mas.—Tibiis intermediis extus ante apicem modice sinuatis.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Menado.

Face deeply but somewhat distantly punctured, separated from the epistome and encarpæ by a deep sutural groove; anterior border deeply notched on either side, trilobate, the medial lobe narrow, compressed, strongly produced; a triangular space (from the apex of which a narrow groove runs upwards to the vertex), its base extending between the two lateral lobes, together with the surface of the central lobe, deeply depressed; epistome rather longer than broad, campanuliform, its apex emarginate, surface rugose-punctate; encarpæ broadly cultriform, smooth, impunctate, the upper half slightly thickened; antennæ nearly two thirds the length of the body in the ♂, five upper joints narrowly dilated, nearly equal in width. Thorax scarcely broader than long; sides nearly straight and parallel from the base to just behind the middle, thence slightly rounded and obliquely converging to the apex; posterior angles armed with a short tooth; above transversely convex, subconic anteriorly, the sides in front being strongly deflexed; surface deeply but remotely punctured. Elytra oblong, convex, deeply impressed below the basilar space and

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within the humeral callus, the latter moderately prominent; surface somewhat closely covered with double rows of punctures; subhumeral tubercle distinct.

15. Corynodes fulgurans, Marshall.
Journ. Lin. Soc. Zool. viii. p. 40.

Elongatus, convexus, viridi-æneus, nitidissimus; thorace longitudine vix latiori, supra subconico, remote punctato; elytris infra basin subprofunde excavatis, subtenuiter punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis confuse dispositis, interspatiis prope marginem lateralem elevato-vittatis; antennis fusco-æneis, clavâ purpureâ nigrâ, modice dilatatâ; frontis margine antico trilobato, lobo intermedio depresso, paullo producto, non compresso.

Mas.—Tibiis intermediis extus leviter emarginatis.

Long. 4—4½ lin.

Hab. Ceram.

Head coarsely punctured, face impressed with a longitudinal groove, anterior border trilobate, separated from the encarpæ and epistome by a sutural groove, lobes rounded, medial produced, deflexed; epistome not broader than long, sides converging backwards; apex broadly truncate, concave-emarginate; surface rugose-punctate; encarpæ smooth, cultriform, the upper portion of the surface thickened; antennæ rather more than half the length of the body, five upper joints narrowly dilated, seventh joint narrower than the eighth. Thorax slightly broader than long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex; anterior angles acute, hinder angles armed with a short tooth; above subconic, sides strongly and obliquely deflexed in front; surface deeply but remotely punctured. Elytra oblong, parallel, moderately excavated in the middle below the basilar space; humeral callus moderately prominent, bounded within by a shallow longitudinal depression; surface not very strongly punctured, the punctures irregularly placed in double longitudinal rows; on the outer disk, just within the lateral margin, are two elevated costæ; subhumeral tubercle prominent. Outer edge of intermediate tibiæ slightly but distinctly sinuate.

16. Corynodes propinquus, n. sp.

Anguste-oblongus, convexus, rufo-fusco-æneus, violaceo-micans; thorace longitudine vix latiori, sat profunde sed remote

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punctato; elytris oblongis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, subtenuiter seriatim punctatis, striis indistincte bifariam dispositis; antennis clavâ modice dilatatâ, nigrâ; frontis margine antico obtuse angulato, medio in lobum obtusum paullo producto.

Mas.—Tibiis intermediis extus leviter sinuatis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Waigiou.

Head very distantly punctured, front impressed with the usual longitudinal groove; anterior border separated from the encarpæ and epistome by a deep sutural groove, very obtusely angled, obsoletely excavated on either side, the apex produced into an obtuse lobe; epistome scarcely longer than broad, campanuliform; encarpæ broadly cultriform, their surface smooth, nearly plane, not thickened above; antennæ two-thirds the length of the body, five upper joints moderately dilated, nearly equal in width, black. Thorax slightly broader than long, sides rounded and converging from base to apex, more quickly rounded in front, nearly parallel at the base, hinder angles armed with a short tooth; above sub-cylindrical, sides in front broadly and strongly deflexed; surface deeply but remotely punctured. Elytra oblong, convex, not very strongly punctured, punctures irregularly arranged in longitudinal rows, which indistinctly approximate in pairs; below the basilar space is a transverse excavation, which, commencing a short distance from the suture, terminates just below and within the humeral callus, its outer half much more deeply excavated than the inner portion; humeral callus moderately thickened, bounded within by a longitudinal depression, which unites at its lower end with the transverse excavation.

Corynodes propinquus and the two preceding species, mutabilis and fulgurans, are very closely allied, and I formerly considered them as mere varieties of one species. C. mutabilis and fulgurans may be known from each other by the difference in colour and by the different form of the anterior border of the front; in C. fulgurans also the punctuation of the elytra is finer, and the interspace between each double row of punctures broader; in C. propinquus the form of the anterior edge of the front differs from that of either of the two preceding species, and the rows of punctures on the elytra are less distinctly arranged in pairs.

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17. Corynodes congener, Baly.
Platycorynus congener, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 3.

Elongatus, valde convexus, nitido-purpureus; thorace conico, remote fortiter punctato; elytris infra basin transversim sulcatis, subcrebre punctatis, punctis indistincte seriatim dispositis; pedibus nitore æneo indutis; antennis clavâ sat dilatatâ; frontis margine inferiori trilobato, lobis lateralibus angulatis, lobo intermedio vix producto.

Long. 5 lin.

Hab. Manilla.

Front separated from the epistome and encarpæ by a deep groove, its anterior border trilobate, the medial lobe scarcely produced; surface subremotely and deeply punctured, impressed in the centre with a longitudinal groove, which extends downwards to the base of the medial lobe, the latter depressed, rugose; epistome rather longer than broad, triangular, its upper angle truncate, anterior border obsoletely angulate-emarginate; surface coarsely rugose-punctate; encarpæ narrowly cultriform; antennæ rather more than half the length of the body, five upper joints moderately dilated, the seventh scarcely narrower than the eighth. Thorax conic, nearly as broad at the base as long; sides nearly straight, converging from base to apex; upper surface deeply but remotely punctured. Elytra oblong, parallel, obsoletely dilated posteriorly, convex, slightly excavated transversely below the basilar space; humeral callus moderately prominent, bounded within by an indistinct longitudinal depression; surface somewhat closely and coarsely punctured, punctures arranged in numerous irregular longitudinal rows, which have a tendency on the hinder half of the inner disk to approximate in pairs.

The conical thorax will at once separate this species from any of the other allied forms.

18. Corynodes longicornis, Baly.
Platycorynus longicornis, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 2.

Elongatus aut subelongatus, convexus, viridi-metallicus, nitidus; antennis modice incrassatis, extrorsum nigro-purpureis; thorace subcylindrico, profunde subremote punctato; elytris infra basin transversim depressis, subcrebre punctatis, punctis seriatim dispositis; femoribus fortiter et crebre punctatis;

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frontis margine inferiori trilobato, lobo intermedio distincte producto, lobis intermediis obtusis.

Mas.—Antennis corporis longitudini fere æqualibus, tibiis intermediis extus ad apicem distincte emarginatis.

Fœm.—Antennis longitudine dimidio corporis æqualibus, tibiis intermediis extus obsolete emarginatis.

Long. 4—5½ lin.

Hab. Manilla.

Epistome triangular, emarginate at the apex, separated from the encarpæ by a deep groove, its surface coarsely punctured; front remotely punctured, its anterior margin trilobate, the intermediate lobe semiovate, distinctly produced, its surface longitudinally depressed and excavated, forming the lower extremity of a deep longitudinal groove which runs downwards from the vertex; club of antennæ five-jointed, moderately dilated, the seventh to the ninth joints increasing in width, the tenth and eleventh equal in width to the ninth; encarpæ subtriangular. Thorax subquadrate, sides nearly straight and parallel from the base to beyond the middle, thence obliquely rounded and converging to the apex, posterior angles armed with a short obtuse tooth; upper surface subcylindrical, deflexed in front, subremotely or remotely punctured. Scutellum semiovate, smooth, impunctate. Elytra much broader than the thorax, sides parallel; above strongly convex, the humeral callus subprominent; basilar space bounded beneath by a semicircular depressed line, on the space itself are two or three broad short costæ; surface of the elytra covered with rather coarse punctures, which are arranged in numerous somewhat irregular longitudinal rows, which towards the apex approximate in pairs; on the disk and apex are several indistinct costæ; the basal border, together with the suture in front, greenish-blue.

The elongate form, coarser punctation of the elytra, and peculiar antennæ, will at once distinguish C. longicornis from all the other species which have a trilobate front.

19. Corynodes Cumingii, Baly.
Platycorynus Cumingii, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 3.

Oblongus, convexus, viridi-metallicus, purpureo-micans aut viridi-aureus, nitidus; thorace subconico, subremote punctato; elytris infra basin transversim excavatis, seriatim punctatis,

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striis bifariam dispositis; antennis clavâ modice dilatatâ; frontis margine inferiori trilobato, lobo intermedio depresso, distincte producto, lobis lateralibus angulatis, apice obtusis.

Mas.—Antennis corpore paullo brevioribus, tibiis intermediis extus sinuatis.

Fœm.—Antennis corporis dimidio vix longioribus.

Long. 4— lin.

Hab. Manilla. Collected by the late Mr. Hugh Cuming.

Front separated from the encarpæ and epistome by a distinct sutural groove; anterior border trilobate, medial lobe depressed, strongly produced, the two lateral angular; surface distinctly but not very closely punctured; in the middle is a large wedge-shaped depression, which extends from the base of the medial lobe nearly to the vertex; epistome wedge-shaped, scarcely longer than broad, truncate at the apex, surface finely rugose-punctate; basal half of antennæ slender, five outer joints obscure purple, moderately dilated, gradually increasing in width from the seventh to the tenth. Thorax subconic, rather longer than broad; sides nearly straight, converging from base to apex, hinder angles acute; surface subremotely punctured. Elytra broadly oblong, or oblong, convex, transversely excavated below the basilar space and also (but less deeply) within the humeral callus, the latter moderately thickened; the transverse depression extends almost entirely across the whole disk of the elytra; surface distinctly but not very closely punctured, the punctures arranged in regular longitudinal rows, which approximate, but not very distinctly, in pairs.

20. Corynodes Waterhousii, Baly.
Platycorynus Waterhousii, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 4.

Elongatus, parallelus, subcylindricus, metallico-cæruleus, subtus viridi-cæruleus, nitidus; thorace convexo, utrinque excavato, subremote excavato-punctato; elytris infra basin et intra callum humerale profunde impressis, sat fortiter subcrebre punctatis, punctis seriatim dispositis; antennis viridiæneis, clavâ sat dilatatâ, obscure purpureâ; frontis margine inferiori trilobato, lobis lateralibus obtusis, lobo intermedio distincte producto.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Manilla.

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Front remotely punctured, separated from the epistome and encarpæ by a deeply sulcate groove; anterior border trilobate, medial lobe semiovate, distinctly produced; its surface, together with an angular space at its base, is depressed below the general surface of the front, and from the apex of this depression the usual longitudinal groove runs upwards to the vertex; epistome longer than broad, subcuneiform, sides converging backwards, hinder margin angulate-emarginate; surface longitudinally concave, coarsely punctured, obliquely elevate-strigose on either side, the upper portion shelving gradually downwards towards the frontal groove; encarpæ broadly cultriform, their hinder half not elevated or produced, surface smooth, impressed in front with one or more large punctures; antennæ in the ♂ nearly three-fourths the length of the body, rather shorter in the ⁀, five upper joints obscure purple, moderately but abruptly dilated. Thorax nearly one-fourth broader than long; sides rounded, scarcely converging in front; hinder angles armed with an acute tooth; upper surface convex, sides deflexed in front; very coarsely punctured, irregularly excavated on either side near the lateral margin. Elytra oblong, parallel, convex, basilar space almost entirely surrounded by a deep depression; humeral callus prominent; surface somewhat closely covered with coarse punctures, which continue distinct to the apex of the elytra, arranged in numerous longitudinal rows. Intermediate tibiæ in the ♂ straight, not notched on their outer edge.

21. Corynodes Lorquinii, n. sp.

Elongatus, convexus, viridi-cæruleus, purpureo-micans; thorace latitudini æquilongo, remote punctato; elytris infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, seriatim punctatis, punctis prope apicem minus fortiter impressis, interdum fere deletis; frontis margine antico trilobato, lobo intermedio producto; antennis clavâ modice dilatatâ, nigro-purpureâ; tibiis intermediis in utroque sexu extus leviter emarginatis.

Long. 4—4½ lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head coarsely but not closely punctured, front impressed with the usual longitudinal groove; anterior border separated from the encarpæ and epistome by a sutural groove, trilobate, the medial lobe rounded, produced; epistome campanuliform, more or less closely punctured; encarpæ cultriform, smooth and shining, their

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upper half thickened and slightly produced; antennæ more than half the length of the body, five upper joints moderately dilated, seventh and eighth gradually increasing in width. Thorax not longer than broad, sides straight and parallel at the base, thence rounded and converging to the apex, hinder angles armed with a short tooth; upper surface subconic, sides strongly deflexed in front. Elytra oblong, transversely excavated below the basilar space; humeral callus thickened, bounded within by a longitudinal depression, the lower end of which joins the outer extremity of the transverse excavation; surface somewhat finely but distinctly striate-punctate, the punctures much finer near the apex, and in some instances nearly obsolete; the interspace within the outer margin obsoletely thickened.

22. Corynodes suaveolus, Marshall.
Journ. Lin. Soc. Zool. viii. p. 42.

Elongatus, convexus, metallico-cæruleus, nitidus; thorace longitudine vix latiori, profunde subremote punctato; elytris fortiter seriatim punctatis, infra basin vix transversim depressis; antennis clavâ sat late dilatatâ, nigrâ; frontis margine antico trilobato, lobo intermedio producto.

Mas.—Tibiis intermediis reetis, extus ad apicem obsolete sinuatis.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. Manilla.

Head coarsely but remotely punctured; front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove, which runs downwards as far as the anterior margin, the latter separated from the encarpæ and epistome by a deep sutural groove, trilobate, the medial lobe produced; epistome longer than broad, campanulate, rugose; encarpæ cultriform, smooth and impunctate, their upper half scarcely thickened; antennæ more than half the length of the body, five upper joints broadly dilated, black. Thorax slightly broader than long, sides nearly straight and parallel behind the middle, thence rounded and converging to the apex; above transversely convex, sides strongly deflexed in front, surface coarsely and deeply but subremotely punctured. Elytra oblong, parallel, obsoletely depressed below the basilar space (the depression visible only when viewed obliquely); humeral callus prominent, bounded within by a longitudinal depression; surface somewhat coarsely punctatestriate, the puncturing equally strong towards the apex of the

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elytra, where the striæ have a tendency to coalesce in pairs and form a single irregular row of punctures; the interspaces on the hinder disk obsoletely thickened.

C. suaveolus is likely to be confounded with the two foregoing species; it may be known from either by the entire absence of the transverse depression below the basilar space on the elytron, and by the much more coarse and close punctuation of its thorax. C. Waterhousii differs from C. Lorquinii in having a broader thorax, and in the puncturing of its elytra being continued of equal strength to the apex; in Lorquinii the punctures are much finer on the hinder disk, and occasionally obsolete.

23. Corynodes elegantulus, Baly.
Platycorynus elegantulus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 5.

Elongatus, convexus, purpureo-metallicus, nitidus, subtus viridi-tinctus; thorace punctato, punctis rotundatis; elytris aureis, viridi-marginatis, utrisque infra basin et intra callum humerale leviter excavatis, subcrebre striato-punctatis, striis confuse bifariam dispositis, interspatiis duobus intra marginem costatis; antennis clavâ paullo dilatatâ, intus obsolete serratâ; frontis margine antico trilobato, lobo intermedio depresso, vix producto.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Surface deeply but remotely punctured; front impressed with a longitudinal groove, which terminates anteriorly just before reaching the anterior margin; face entirely separated from the encarpæ and epistome by a deep groove, its anterior margin trilobate, the middle lobe small, slightly produced beyond the two lateral ones; epistome broadly wedge-shaped, its upper margin broadly truncate, concave, surface coarsely and closely punctured; encarpæ narrow, elongate, surface smooth; antennæ half the length of the body, five upper joints blueish-black, moderately dilated, and forming a narrow elongate club, six lower joints metallic-green, with a blueish tint. Thorax rather broader than long, sides nearly straight and parallel behind the middle, rounded and converging in front; hinder angles armed with a short obtuse tubercle; upper surface subcylindrical, convex, sides strongly deflexed in front, surface subremotely impressed with large round punctures. Elytra oblong, parallel, convex, moderately exca-

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vated within the shoulders and below the basilar space, humeral callus moderately prominent; surface rather coarsely punctured, the punctures arranged in numerous longitudinal rows, which approximate in pairs; on the outer disk, running parallel to the lateral border, are two elevated vittæ. Subhumeral tubercle prominent.

24. Corynodes cœlestinus, Baly.
Platycorynus cœlestinus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 6.

Subelongatus, valde convexus, nitidus, subtus viridi-cæruleus, supra læte cæruleus; thorace remote punctato; elytris infra basin modice transversim impressis, intra marginem exteriorem bicostatis, sat fortiter punctatis, punctis indistincte seriatim dispositis, striis prope apicem bifariis; antennis clavâ modice dilatatâ, obscure purpureâ; frontis margine inferiori trilobato.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. Tringanee.

Front separated from the epistome and encarpæ by a broad deeply sulcate groove; surface somewhat distantly punctured, impressed with a longitudinal groove, which, commencing at the vertex, terminates anteriorly in a deep wedge-shaped rugose excavation; anterior margin trilobate, the two lateral lobes indistinct, broad and very obtuse, the medial one narrow, angulate, moderately produced; epistome broader than long, sides obliquely converging backwards, rounded posteriorly; surface distinctly punctured, not rugose, plane in front, the upper portion gradually shelving to join the frontal groove; encarpæ broadly cultriform, their surface smooth, the hinder portion raised and produced upwards into a distinct obtuse process; antennæ rather more than half the length of the body, five upper joints moderately dilated, black. Thorax one-fourth broader than long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, above transversely convex, sides deflexed in front, coarsely but remotely punctured. Elytra broadly oblong, excavated below the basilar space; humeral callus moderately prominent, bounded within by an indistinct longitudinal depression; surface coarsely punctured, punctures arranged in longitudinal rows, which are irregular and ill-defined on the disk, but have a tendency to approximate in pairs near the apex of the elytron and on the outer disk; two alternate interspaces near the outer margin are distinctly costate.

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25. Corynodes cæruleatus, n. sp.

Elongatus, convexus, subtus viridi-cyaneus, supra cæruleus; thorace transverso, subremote punctato; elytris seriatim punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis dispositis, infra basin et intra callum humerale distincte excavatis; antennis clavâ sat dilatatâ, nigrâ; frontis margine antico trilobato, lobo medio vix producto, compresso, angulato.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang.

Head coarsely but distantly punctured, front impressed with a faint longitudinal groove; anterior margin separated from the encarpæ and epistome by a deep groove, trilobate, the lateral lobes rounded, the medial very slightly produced, compressed and angulate, its surface, together with a triangular space above, depressed; epistome scarcely longer than broad, sides rounded and converging backwards; surface gradually shelving off at its upper portion towards the apical groove, rugose-punctate; encarpæ cultriform, their upper half thickened; antennæ half the length of the body, five upper joints moderately dilated, seventh to the ninth gradually increasing in width, obscure cæruleous. Thorax one-fourth broader than long, sides rounded, converging in front, hinder angles produced into a short tubercle; above transversely convex, sides strongly deflexed in front; surface subremotely punctured. Elytra narrowly oblong, parallel, broadly rounded at the apex, convex, middle disk distinctly excavated below the basilar space; humeral callus subprominent, bounded within by a longitudinal depression; surface deeply but not coarsely punctured, the punctures arranged in numerous longitudinal rows, which approximate in pairs; these pairs frequently near the apex of the elytron become reduced to a single irregular row of punctures; on the outer disk, near the lateral border, are several slightly-elevated costæ.

Narrower, more parallel, and more finely punctured on the elytra than the preceding species; in other respects closely allied.

26. Corynodes igneipennis, n. sp.

Oblongus, convexus, metallico-cæruleus, viridi-tinctus, nitidus; thorace transverso, subremote tenuiter punctato; elytris cupreo-aureis, anguste viridi-limbatis, infra basin transversim depressis, tenuiter punctatis, punctis seriatim dispositis;

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frontis margine antico trilobato, lobis lateralibus subacutis, lobo intermedio depresso, semiovato, paullo producto.

Long. 3½—3¾ lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang.

Face coarsely punctured, impressed down the middle with a deep longitudinal groove, anterior border separated from the epistome and encarpæ by a deep sutural groove, trilobate, lateral lobes subacute, medial lobe slightly produced, its surface, together with a triangular space above, deeply depressed; epistome subquadrate, rather broader than long, sides slightly converging backwards, surface finely punctured; antennæ rather more than half the length of the body, five outer joints broadly dilated, obscure purple. Thorax transverse, one-third broader than long; sides nearly straight and parallel, rounded and converging in front, transversely convex, sides strongly deflexed in front; surface finely and somewhat remotely punctured. Elytra broadly oblong, finely punctured, the punctures arranged in regular rows; the transverse depression below the basilar space extends from just within the suture to the outer margin.

The present species is one of those brought to this country by Mr. Lamb.

27. Corynodes ignitus, Baly.
Platycorynus ignitus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 6.

Elongato-oblongus, convexus, metallico-cæruleus, nitidus, supra aureus; thorace late conico, remote punctato; elytris infra basin transversim impressis, sat crebre punctatis, punctis seriatim dispositis, intra marginem exteriorem bicostatis, apicem versus vittulis nonnullis indistincte elevatis instructis, limbo inflexo purpureo; antennis clavâ sat dilatatâ, purpureâ; frontis margine antico trilobato, lobo intermedio producto, lateralibus fere obsoletis, extrorsum obliquis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang.

Front separated from the epistome and encarpæ by a deeply sulcate groove, anterior margin trilobate; the medial lobe produced, the two lateral indistinct, obtuse, their outer border oblique; surface deeply punctured, medial line impressed with a longitudinal groove, which terminates in front in a broad shallow triangular depression; epistome plane, metallic-green, coarsely rugose-punctate, slightly longer than broad, sides obliquely con-

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verging backwards, hinder margin concave; encarpæ broadly cultriform, smooth, impunctate, their upper portion slightly raised and produced backwards into an obtuse process; antennæ scarcely more than half the length of the body, five upper joints broadly dilated, obscure purple. Thorax, at the base, nearly a fourth broader than long, sides rounded and converging from base to apex, lateral margin metallic-green, above subconic, remotely punctured. Elytra oblong, distinctly excavated below the basilar space; humeral callus prominent, bounded within by a distinct longitudinal groove; surface finely but deeply punctured, the punctures rather coarser on the outer disk, arranged in numerous longitudinal rows, which approximate in pairs on the hinder disk; interspaces towards the apex of the elytron thickened, rugose near the outer margin, where are several distinct costæ; inflexed margin metallic-green; apical segment of abdomen with a shallow fovea.

28. Corynodes fraternus, Baly.
Platycorynus fraternus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 5.

Corynodes fraternus, Marsh. Journ. Lin. Soc. Zool. viii. p. 40.

Oblongus, valde convexus, viridi-æneus, subtus cæruleo-micans, nitidus; thorace remote sed profunde punctato; elytris infra basin transversim depressis, sat fortiter punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis confuse dispositis, interspatiis alternis elevatis, ad latera et apicem versus costatis; antennis obscure æneis, extrorsum nigris, clavâ sat dilatatâ; frontis margine antico trilobato, lobis lateralibus angulatis, lobo intermedio paullo producto, incrassato.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Sumatra, Java.

Front deeply but remotely punctured, impressed in the medial line with a longitudinal groove; the anterior margin separated from the epistome by a deep broad transverse groove, trilobate, the medial lobe thickened, compressed above, and distinctly produced beyond the two lateral; epistome broader than long, quadrangular, sides converging backwards, anterior margin obsoletely angulate-emarginate; apex slightly concave, surface somewhat closely punctured; encarpæ broadly cultriform, smooth, impunctate, upper portion thickened, elevated. Thorax one-fourth broader than long, sides rounded and converging from base to apex, above transversely convex, sides strongly deflexed

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in front; surface coarsely but not closely punctured. Elytra oblong, parallel, convex, obsoletely excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, which is moderately prominent; coarsely punctured, the punctures arranged in double longitudinal rows; alternate interspaces thickened, costate on the outer disk and towards the apex of the elytra.

29. Corynodes perplexus, Baly.
Platycorynus perplexus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 5.

Late oblongus, convexus, cæruleo-viridis; thorace remote subtenuiter punctato; elytris viridi-æneis, viridi-cæruleo-limbatis, infra basin sat profunde excavatis, punctato-striatis, striis confuse bifariam dispositis, interspatiis apice elevatis, intra marginem exteriorem costatis; antennis clavâ sat valde dilatatâ, obscure purpureâ; frontis margine antico truncato, medio angulato-producto, utrinque sinuato.

Long. 3¾ lin.

Hab. Singapore.

This insect is so nearly allied to C. fraternus, (differing chiefly in the form of the lower border of the face,) that at first I had considerable hesitation in considering it as more than a local variety of that species; as, however, it comes from an entirely different locality, I have thought it better for the present to keep it distinct. The epistome, instead of being trilobate as in C. fraternus, is truncate, produced in the middle into a distinct lobe, the sides being each distinctly but slightly concave. The thorax is slightly broader and obsoletely excavated on either side the disk. In the form and sculpturing of the elytra it does not present any difference from C. fraternus.

30. Corynodes Stevensi, Baly.
Platycorynus Stevensi, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 5.

Oblongus, valde convexus, viridi-æneus, nitidus, pedibus aureo-micantibus; thorace subcrebre punctato; elytris infra basin vix transversim excavatis, depressis, fortiter punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis dispositis, interspatiis alternis apice et ad latera costatis, costis duabus infra callum humerale inter-


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ruptis; antennis clavâ nigrâ, modice dilatatâ; frontis margine antico medio producto, utrinque subsinuato.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Tondano, Menado.

Head deeply punctured, impressed in the middle with a longitudinal groove, which runs downwards from the vertex nearly to the lower margin of the front, where it terminates in a triangular depression; the front separated from the epistome by a deep groove, its anterior border rounded, slightly produced in the middle, subsinuate on either side; epistome broader than long, sides gradually converging backwards, anterior border slightly but distinctly angulate-emarginate, upper margin broadly concave, surface rugose-punctate; encarpæ cupreo-aureous, narrowly cuneiform, their extreme upper surface slightly thickened; antennæ rather more than half the length of the body, five outer joints black, moderately dilated, the seventh to the ninth gradually increasing in width. Thorax transverse, nearly a third broader than long; sides rounded, slightly converging in front, hinder angles armed with a distinct tooth; above transversely convex, sides strongly deflexed in front; surface coarsely and rather closely punctured; on either side is a broad but ill-defined shallow excavated space. Elytra broadly oblong, convex, coarsely punctured, the puncturing arranged in double longitudinal rows, alternate interspaces on the outer disk, together with the apical portions of those on the inner disk, costate; two or more of the costæ below the humeral callus are interrupted and irregular; humeral callus prominent, bounded within by a longitudinal depression; the middle of each elytron, below the basilar space, broadly excavated.

31. Corynodes fuscoæneus, Baly.
Platycorynus fuscoæneus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 6.

Elongatus, valde convexus, subcylindricus, fusco-æneus, nitidus; thorace conico, crebre subrugoso-punctato; elytris rude rugoso-punctatis, interspatiis elevato-reticulatis, ad latera et pone medium elevato-vittatis; antennis fulvis, clavâ sat late dilatatâ, purpureo-nigrâ; frontis margine antico obtuse angulato, angulis lateralibus distinctis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head coarsely punctured, front impressed in the middle with

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a longitudinal groove; anterior margin very obtusely angled, lateral angles distinct, obtuse; epistome subquadrate, sides nearly straight, very slightly converging backwards, rounded and converging at the apex; apical border concave, surface rugose-punctate; encarpæ narrowly cultriform, their surfaces plane; antennæ nearly two-thirds the length of the body, five outer joints somewhat broadly dilated, purplish-black, the seventh to the ninth trigonate, gradually increasing in width. Thorax subconic, sides nearly straight and converging from base to apex, hinder angles furnished with a short obtuse tubercle; surface coarsely and closely punctured. Elytra narrowly oblong, subcylindrical, not excavated below the basilar space; humeral callus prominent; surface coarsely and closely punctured, punctures near the suture and on the hinder disk arranged in longitudinal striæ, interspaces strongly elevate-reticulate, costate on the hinder disk; on the outer disk are three longitudinal costæ, which are more or less interrupted by the reticulations of the general surface.

This species is at once known from its congeners by the rugosity of the upper surface of the body, greatly resembling in this respect certain species of Colaspis.

B. Apex of epistome continuous with the front.

32. Corynodes gratiosus, Baly.
Platycorynus gratiosus, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 7.

Corynodes gratiosus, Marsh. Journ. Lin. Soc. Zool. viii. p. 41.

Anguste oblongus aut subelongatus, convexus, saturate metallico cæruleus, viridi vix micans; thorace conico-convexo, subremote irregulariter punctato; elytris viridi-cæruleis, cæruleo-limbatis, infra basin leviter transversim depressis, sat crebre punctatis, punctis confuse seriatim dispositis; antennis clavâ valde dilatatâ.

Long. 5—6 lin.

Hab. Tringanee, collected by Count de Castelnau; also Birmah and Cambodia.

Front swollen, obliquely depressed and excavated anteriorly; face separated from the encarpæ by a sutural groove, its anterior border rounded, slightly depressed and excavated, surface coarsely punctured; epistome broader than long, sides obliquely converging backwards, its apex very broadly truncate, surface closely punctured; encarpæ narrowly cultriform; an-

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tennæ nearly two-thirds the length of the body in the ♂, rather shorter in the ⁀, five outer joints broadly dilated. Thorax rather broader at the base than long, sides rounded and converging from base to apex, posterior angles armed with a short tooth; above transversely convex, subconic in front, irregularly punctured. Elytra oblong, convex, slightly excavated transversely below the basilar space; humeral callus moderately prominent, bounded within by an ill-defined shallow depression; surface coarsely and somewhat closely punctured, the punctures arranged in irregular longitudinal striæ.

II. Lower extremity of front continuous with the encarpæ and apex of epistome.

A. Club of antennæ five-jointed, claws appendiculated.

33. Corynodes Fabricii, Baly.
Platycorynus Fabricii, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 4.

Oblongus, valde convexus, robustus, viridi-metallicus, nitidus, subtus violaceo-micans, scutello violaceo, facie rugosâ; thorace remote punctato; elytris substriatim punctatis, infra basin obsolete transversim depressis; antennis obscure violaceis, clavâ valde dilatatâ, nigrâ.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Sumatra.

Face impressed with large foveolate punctures, continuous with the encarpæ and apex of epistome, its lower margin trilobate; epistome rather longer than broad, subcampanulate, surface coarsely rugose-punctate, sides separated from the encarpæ anteriorly by a fine sutural line, which gradually deepens posteriorly and terminates on the side of the apex of the epistome in a deep fovea; surface of encarpæ irregularly thickened, depressed above, point of junction with the front indicated by an ill-defined sutural line; antennæ nearly two-thirds the length of the body, five outer joints broadly dilated, black, the seventh to the ninth gradually increasing in width. Thorax nearly one-fourth broader than long, sides nearly straight and parallel from the base to before the middle, thence rounded and converging to the apex; above transversely convex, sides strongly deflexed in front, surface deeply and remotely punctured. Elytra broadly oblong, their apex broadly rounded, very convex, transversely impressed below the

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basilar space, the depression nearly obsolete on the inner disk, broad and well marked below the humeral callus, which is prominent, bounded within by a longitudinal depression; surface finely but distinctly punctured, the punctures arranged in longitudinal rows, which approximate in pairs on the inner disk and towards the apex of the elytron. Outer edge of intermediate tibiæ sinuate towards the apex.

The green colour and the short robust form (which strongly resembles that of C. robustus and its allies), together with the finer and less close punctation of the surface, and the more acutely appendiculated claws, will at once separate this insect from C. trilobatus.

34. Corynodes trilobatus, n. sp. (Pl. V. fig. 7.)

Elongatus, convexus, saturate purpureus, nitidus; thorace subconico, irregulariter profunde punctato; elytris infra basin distincte transversim impressis, fortiter subcrebre punctatis, punctis seriatim dispositis, striis disci medio confusis; antennis clavâ late dilatatâ; mesosterno apice trilobato.

Long. 5—5½ lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang.

Head coarsely punctured, front impressed in the middle with a longitudinal groove, anterior margin continuous with the encarpæ and apex of the epistome; encarpæ smooth, depressed; epistome not longer than broad, sides rounded and converging backwards, surface closely punctured; antennæ considerably more than half the length of the body, five upper joints broadly dilated, the seventh to the ninth trigonate, gradually increasing in width, the fifth and sixth compressed, trigonate. Thorax subconic, sides nearly straight and converging from base to apex; hinder angles acute, slightly produced; surface very deeply and irregularly punctured. Elytra oblong, parallel, convex, distinctly excavated below the basilar space; humeral callus prominent, bounded within by a longitudinal impression; surface rather coarsely punctured, the punctures closely arranged in numerous longitudinal rows, those on the middle disk irregular and less distinct. Apex of mesosternum trilobate.

Nearly allied to C. Mouhoti (mihi), from Siam, but easily distinguished from that species by the darker colour, narrower and more parallel form, and the trilobate apex of the mesosternum.

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B. Club of antennæ six-jointed, claws bifid.

35. Corynodes bifasciatus, Oliv.

Eumolpus bifasciatus, Oliv. Entom. vi. 900, pl. i. fig. 5.

Cryptocephalus undatus, Oliv. Encycl. Méth. vi. 614.

Eumolpus Gröndalii, Swartz, in Schönh. Syn. Ins. i. pt. 2, 235.

Elongatus aut subelongatus, convexus, læte purpureus, nitidus; thorace subconico, profunde subremote punctato; elytris subseriatim punctatis, rufo-aureis, utrisque apice, limbo inflexo, fasciâque latâ ante medium positâ, utrinque abbreviatâ, extrorsum postice ampliatâ, purpureis; antennis clavâ late dilatatâ, nigro-purpureâ.

Var. A. Elytris viridi-æneis, signis ut in typo.

Var. B. Elytris metallico-olivaceis, signis cyaneis.

Var. C. Elytrorum fasciâ postice non ampliatâ, antice ad humerum productâ, callum humerale complectente, maculam parvam rufo-auream includente.

Corynodes flosculus, Marsh. Journ. Lin. Soc. Zool. viii. p. 37.

Var. D. Viridi-cyaneus, elytris minus fortiter punctatis, rufoaureis, utrisque suturâ basi, apice, plagâque magnâ subcruciformi ante medium positâ, cyaneis.

Long. 5 — 5½ lin.

Hab. Malacca, Siam, China. Var. A, B, and C, Siam. Var. D, Pulo-Penang.

Head very coarsely and irregularly punctured, more or less broadly impressed longitudinally on the front, which is continuous with the encarpæ and apex of epistome, excavated on either side at the apex of the latter; surface of encarpæ irregular, deeply punctured; epistome semiovate, somewhat variable in width, rather more finely punctured than the front; antennæ more than half the length of the body, six outer joints broadly dilated, the sixth to the ninth gradually increasing in width, the fourth and fifth slightly compressed, the latter subtrigonate. Thorax subconic, sides nearly straight and converging forwards, more quickly at the extreme apex; surface very deeply and irregularly punctured. Elytra without transverse depression at the base, punctured in a similar manner to C. peregrinus (post, p. 132); the coloration usually constant, occasionally varying; the apical patch, which occupies nearly the hinder third of the elytron, and

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together with its fellow forms an angle on the suture, remains in all the individuals I have hitherto seen without change, but the anterior patch occasionally varies very considerably; in some specimens it unites at the suture, and sends a narrow line upwards to the scutellum; in others, as Var. C, it is not produced posteriorly, the hinder border forming a transverse straight line, whilst anteriorly it extends upwards to the base, entirely covering the shoulder; in Var. D it becomes smaller and irregularly cruciform.

36. Corynodes indigaceus, Chevr.
Rev. Zool. 1841, p. 228.

Corynodes Hopei, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 7.

Subelongatus, robustus, valde convexus, obscure metallico-viridis, aut viridi-cæruleus, nitidus; thorace subconico, disco punctis magnis subremotis purpureis hic illic irregulariter congregatis impresso; elytris subcrebre irregulariter punctato-striatis, infra basin obsolete transversim impressis; antennis clavâ modice dilatatâ, obscure cæruleo-nigra.

Long. 6 lin.

Hab. Philippine Islands.

Front very coarsely rugose-punctate, its lower edge continuous with the encarpæ and apex of epistome; surface of encarpæ irregular, impressed with several large punctures; epistome wedge-shaped, more finely punctured than the front; on either side, just above its apex, is a large deep irregular fovea; antennæ more than half the length of the body, six outer joints broadly dilated, the sixth to the ninth gradually increasing in width, apex of apical joint obtusely angulate, extreme apex truncate, the fourth and fifth joints compressed, the latter equal in length to the sixth, narrowly dilated from base to apex. Thorax scarcely longer than broad at the base, subconic, sides slightly rounded and converging from base to apex, hinder angles acute; surface deeply and remotely punctured. Elytra narrowly oblong or oblong, parallel, convex, distinctly excavated below the basilar space; humeral callus moderately prominent, bounded within by a longitudinal excavation; surface somewhat finely but deeply punctured, the punctures closely arranged in numerous longitudinal rows.

Very nearly allied to C. peregrinus (p. 132); it differs externally slightly in colour, most of the specimens being of a greenish blue, individuals without any green tint being apparently rare. The thorax is more distantly punctured, and the fifth joint of the antennæ,

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although compressed and dilated from base to apex, is narrower and less distinctly triangular than in C. peregrinus; the joints of the club are rather longer and less transverse. The principal differential character, however, exists in the depression below the basilar space of the elytra, which is very distinct and well-defined in the present species, but nearly obsolete or entirely absent in peregrinus and allied species.

37. Corynodes peregrinus, Fuessly.

Cryptocephalus peregrinus, Fues. Arch. Ins. p. 63, tab. xxiii. fig. 25.

Eumolpus cyaneus, Oliv. Ent. vi. p. 899, pl. i. fig. 4, a, b.

Elongato-ovatus aut subelongatus, convexus, metallico-cæruleus, nitidus; thorace subconico, profunde subremote punctato; elytris infra basin non aut vix impressis, fortiter subcrebre punctatis, punctis seriatim, disci medio confuse dispositis; antennis clavâ sat valde dilatatâ, nigro-purpureâ.

Var. A. Viridi-cæruleus.

Long. 4½ — 6 lin.

Hab. Malacca (Tringanee), Siam, India.

Head very coarsely and deeply punctured, front rugose and irregularly excavated at its lower border, which is continuous with the encarpæ and apex of epistome; surface of encarpæ irregular, impressed with a few large punctures; epistome wedge-shaped, more closely and finely punctured than the front; antennæ more than half the length of the body, six outer joints broadly dilated, the sixth to the eighth gradually increasing in width; the fourth and fifth joints also compressed, more or less trigonate. Thorax subconic, scarcely broader at the base than long, sides straight and slightly converging forwards, rounded, and more quickly converging before the middle, hinder angles acute; surface very coarsely and deeply punctured. Elytra coarsely and closely punctured, punctures near the suture and on the outer border arranged in longitudinal rows, those on the middle disk placed without order; the transverse excavation below the basilar space is either ill-defined or entirely absent; humeral callus scarcely prominent.

The coarser punctation of the elytra, together with the more parallel form, will separate this species from C. antennatus; the absence of the transverse depression on the elytra from C. indigaceus; the thorax is usually more closely punctured than in either species.

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38. Corynodes antennatus, Fabr.
Eumolpus antennatus, Fabr. Syst. El. i. p. 419; Oliv. Ent. vi. p. 900, pl. i. fig. 6.

Oblongo-ovatus, convexus, niger, nitidus; fronte profunde punctatâ; thorace subconico, hic illic profunde punctato; elytris tenuiter punctatis.

Var. A. Viridi-cæruleus, aut cyaneus, elytris concoloribus, aut viridi-æneis aut aureis.

Eumolpus cyanicollis, Oliv. Ent. vi. p. 902, pl. i. fig. 9.

Corynodes speculum, Marsh. Journ. Lin. Soc. Zool. viii. p. 43.

Var. B. Obscure cyaneus, nitidus, corpore subtus et pedibus nigro-cyaneis.

Corynodes ampullatus, Marsh. ibid. p. 41.

Long. 5 lin.

Hab. Java, India.

Face continuous in a single piece with the encarpæ and epistome, deeply impressed with large round punctures; epistome subtrigonate, separated from the face (the extreme apex excepted) by a well-defined sutural line; immediately above the epistome is a deep transverse excavation; surface of encarpæ irregular; antennæ more than half the length of the body, six outer joints broadly dilated, the sixth to the eighth trigonate, gradually increasing in width; the fourth and fifth slightly compressed, increasing in breadth from base to apex, subtrigonate. Thorax subconic, sides nearly straight and converging from base to apex; surface remotely impressed with large deep round punctures, interspaces very minutely punctured. Elytra oblong, convex, the outer disk below the basilar space depressed, transverse, subbasilar excavation obsolete; surface finely but distinctly punctured, punctures near the suture arranged in longitudinal rows, irregularly placed over the rest of the surface.

C. antennatus may be at once known from C. peregrinus by its more oval form, and by the much finer punctation of the elytra.

Genus CHRYSOCHUS, Redtenb.
Faun. Aust. p. 558.

Corpus elongatum aut oblongum, convexum aut subcylindricum, plerumque metallicum. Caput perpendiculare, thorace immersum; antennis filiformibus aut subfiliformibus, articulo

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secundo brevi, articulis exterioribus paullo compressis; oculis intus emarginatis, supra sulco profundo marginatis; epistomate cum fronte continuo, lineâ suturali apice obsoletâ; encarpis distinctis; mento angulato, inciso. Thorax marginatus, supra convexus. Elytra parallela, convexa, infra basin transversim depressa aut excavata, inordinatim aut seriatim punctata. Pedes robusti; femoribus incrassatis; tibiis intermediis extus ad apicem non emarginatis; unguiculis bifidis aut dentatis. Prosternum utrinque ab episterno sulco profundo separatum; episternis anticis trigonatis.

The species of the genus Chrysochus divide themselves into two sections: the 1st elongate and subcylindrical, represented by Chrysochus pretiosus and other allied species; the 2nd broader and oblong, the exponents of this section being Chrysochus pulcher and an allied species from Siam.

1. Chrysochus pulcher, Baly. (Pl. V. fig. 4.)
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 1.

Oblongus, valde convexus, cæruleo-viridis, nitidus; capite profunde punctato, læte purpureo, oculorum margine interiore viridi-metallico; antennis nigris, articulis basalibus fulvis; thorace aureo, subgloboso, profunde punctato; elytris purpureis, fortiter punctatis, punctis seriatim dispositis.

Long. 3½—4 lin.

Hab. Malay Peninsula (Tringanee).

Head coarsely but not closely punctured; front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove; jaws and labrum black; antennæ half the length of the body, the basal joint metallic-green, its apex, together with the second and two following joints, fulvous, the remaining joints very slightly compressed, black. Thorax transverse, sides moderately rounded, nearly straight and parallel at the base, scarcely converging in front; above subcylindrical, deeply punctured. Elytra broadly oblong, convex, scarcely depressed in the middle below the basilar space, deeply punctured, the punctures arranged in numerous longitudinal rows, interspaces on the subbasilar depression thickened, and forming coarse transverse strigæ.

Genus COLASPOIDES, Laporte.

Silber. Rev. Entom. t. i. p. 20; Baly, Ent. Mo. Mag. i. p. 134.

Corpus oblongo-ovatum aut ovatum, valde convexum, metallicum aut non metallicum. Caput breve, thorace usque ad dimidiam

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partem oculorum insertum; oculis intus emarginatis, supra sulco distincto plerumque marginatis; antennis filiformibus aut subfiliformibus; mento quadrato-emarginato. Thorax marginatus, transversus. Elytra thorace paullo aut vix latiora, confuse aut seriatim punctata. Pedes robusti; femoribus interdum incrassatis, plerumque muticis, rarius dente acuto armatis; unguiculis appendiculatis. Prosternum planum, utrinque ab episterno antico sulco suturali separatum.

The Asiatic species of Colaspoides, so far as I at present know them, have the punctures on their elytra arranged in more or less regular longitudinal rows, whilst in many of the American species they are placed without order on the surface.

I. Anterior and hinder pairs of thighs armed beneath with a short acute tooth; intermediate pair simple.

1. Colaspoides varians, n. sp.

Elongata aut subelongata, convexa, curprea, nitida, subtus viridi-tincta; labro antennisque fulvis, his filiformibus, gracilibus, extrorsum fuscis; thorace distincte sed minus crebre punctato, anguste viridi-marginato; elytris fortiter seriatim punctatis, disco exteriori et apicem versus costatis, suturâ limboque inflexo viridibus.

Var. A. Elytris totis cupreis.

Var. B. Corpore metallico-cæruleo.

Var. C. Corpore viridi-æneo.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. Java.

Head distantly punctured; epistome broadly semiovate, not separated at its apex from the face, anterior border broadly concave-emarginate; antennæ three-fourths the length of the body, six or seven lower joints fulvous, the rest fuscous. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides nearly straight and parallel behind the middle, thence rounded and converging to the apex; upper surface finely and distinctly but not very closely punctured. Elytra oblong, parallel, convex, very indistinctly excavated below the basilar space, coarsely punctured, the punctures irregularly arranged in double longitudinal rows, which contract near the suture and on the outer disk, and become single, the two nearest the suture very regular, each formed of a single series of regularly-placed punctures; the interspaces towards the apex of the elytron thickened, convex and more or less costate; on the

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outer disk are four or five elevated costæ, which vary in height, and in some specimens are almost entirely obsolete. Anterior thighs somewhat thicker than the others, each furnished beneath with a short tooth; hinder pair armed with a strong tooth.

2. Colaspoides regularis, n. sp.

Oblongo-ovata, convexa, subtus piceo-ænea, viridi-tincta, supra viridi-ænea, nitida; labro antennisque fulvis, his extrorsum fuscis; elytris fortiter striato-punctatis, striis ad latus et apicem versus subsulcatis, interspatiis disco exteriori et pone medium subcostatis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head irregularly but finely and somewhat distantly punctured, front impressed with a longitudinal groove, which gradually deepens as it approaches the apex of the epistome; the latter distinctly separated from the face, the sutural line being visible to the apex, triangular, sides rounded and converging backwards, anterior border broadly concave-emarginate; antennæ rather more than half the length of the body, filiform, scarcely thickened towards the apex, fulvous, more or less stained with fuscous above, two upper joints entirely fuscous. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long, sides rounded, converging in front; upper surface rather deeply and somewhat closely punctured. Elytra broadly oblong, not excavated below the basilar space, rather closely and strongly punctate-striate, the punctures (with few exceptions) regularly placed in a single line on each stria; striæ on the outer disk and hinder part of the elytron subsulcate, the interspaces on the same portions of the surface being convex and subcostate.

3. Colaspoides modesta, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga, convexa, fulva, subnitida; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus, apice fuscis; elytris subcrebre seriatim punctatis.

Long. 2¾ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head smooth, very distantly and minutely punctured; epistome semiovate, its apical margin obsolete, anterior border concave-emarginate; antennæ about three-fourths the length of the body, slender, apex of the tenth and the whole of the eleventh joint

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fuscous. Thorax transverse, sides nearly straight and parallel at the base, thence obliquely rounded and converging to the apex; surface very finely granulose, remotely punctured. Elytra oblong, parallel, convex, obsoletely impressed below the basilar space; somewhat strongly and closely punctured, the puncturing towards the apex scarcely finer than in front, arranged in numerous longitudinal rows, regular near the sutural and outer margins, less regular on the middle disk; towards the apex of the elytron are some indistinctly-raised costæ.

4. Colaspoides inornata, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, obscure fulva, nitida; mandibulis antennarumque apicibus nigris; thorace distincte sed subremote punctato; elytris sat fortiter punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis confuse dispositis, striis apicem versus uniseriatis, interspatiis ad apicem elevatis, subcostatis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Penang.

Head finely and distantly punctured; epistome slightly broader than long, sides rounded and converging backwards, apical border obsolete, anterior margin produced into two short very obtuse teeth, the space between them concave-emarginate, surface more closely and strongly punctured than the front; antennæ slender, filiform, the ninth and following joints black. Thorax rather darker than the elytra, more than twice as broad as long, sides nearly straight and parallel at the base, thence obliquely rounded and narrowed to the apex. Elytra nearly parallel, convex, not impressed below the basilar space; coarsely punctured, the punctures irregularly placed in double longitudinal rows, which become single and regular towards the apex of the elytron.

5. Colaspoides biplagiata, n. sp.

Oblongo-ovata, rufo-fulva, nitida; elytris nigris, subcrebre punctatis, utrisque plagâ transversâ rufo-fulvâ prope medium positâ ornatis.

Long. 2¾ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head smooth, remotely and minutely punctured; epistome semiovate, continuous at its apex with the front, the apical margin

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obsolete, anterior border concave-emarginate; orbital groove indistinct; antennæ very slender, filiform, nearly equal to the body in length, fulvous. Thorax transverse, sides rounded, converging in front; surface minutely granulose, remotely punctured. Elytra oblong, black, subnitidous, convex, not excavated below the basilar space; rather strongly and closely punctured, the punctures arranged in numerous slightly irregular longitudinal rows, the puncturing near the apex finer than in front; on each elytron, near the middle, is a slightly oblique transverse rufo-fulvous patch. Claws piceous.

II. Hinder thighs simple; anterior pair either simple or armed beneath with a small tooth.

6. Colaspoides cuprea, n. sp.

Elongata ♂, oblonga ⁀, parallela, cuprea, nitida, subtus piceo-cuprea; antennis nigris, basi fulvo-piceis; thorace subcrebre punctato; elytris intra marginem lateralem longitudinaliter excavatis, infra basin distincte transversim impressis, subtenuiter et subseriatim punctatis, interspatiis planis.

Long. 3—4 lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang.

Head irregularly but not closely punctured; epistome longer than broad, sides converging backwards, apical margin broadly obsolete, anterior border concave-emarginate; labrum, palpi and three or four basal joints of the antennæ obscure fulvous, the latter more or less stained above with cupreous; antennæ filiform, three-fourths the length of the body. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long, sides nearly straight and parallel behind the middle, thence rounded and converging to the apex; surface finely but distinctly punctured, the punctures shallow. Elytra parallel, convex, distinctly impressed below the basilar space, and also within the humeral callus, which is moderately prominent; just within the lateral margin is a deep but ill-defined longitudinal excavation; surface finely but distinctly punctured, the punctures irregularly placed in double rows, towards the apex these rows become single, the one next the suture being very regular, the others confused; interspaces plane, impunctate. Thighs unarmed.

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7. Colaspoides simillima, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga aut oblonga, parallela, convexa, cuprea, nitida, subtus piceo-cuprea; antennis nigris, his basi, labro palpisque obscure fulvis; thorace subcrebre punctato; elytris intra marginem lateralem longitudinaliter excavatis, infra basin transversim excavatis, subfortiter subseriatim punctatis, interspatiis planis.

Var. A. Elytrorum striis minus distinctis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Malacca, Tringanee. Var. A, Singapore.

Smaller and less elongate than C. cuprea; epistome shorter and broader, its anterior border produced into two very short obtuse lobes, the space between them concave-emarginate; head more coarsely punctured; elytra much more coarsely and deeply punctured, the striæ near the apex of the elytra less regular.

8. Colaspoides robusta, n. sp.

Late ovata, valde convexa, purpurea, nitida, subtus viridi-micans; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus, nigro-purpureis; thorace subcrebre punctato; elytris fortiter subcrebre subseriatim punctatis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head short, coarsely punctured, its lower portion rugose, the puncturing more distant on the vertex; front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove, which terminates before reaching the apex of the epistome; epistome broader than long, sides converging backwards and slightly rounded, apex depressed, not separated from the face, anterior border nearly straight; antennæ slender, filiform, longer than the body, the two lower joints obscure fulvous beneath. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, sides nearly straight and parallel behind the middle, thence rounded and converging to the apex; upper surface rather closely punctured, sides strongly deflexed in front. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, sides parallel, apex regularly rounded; surface not excavated below the basilar space, covered with numerous irregular rows of deep punctures; interspaces near the apex thickened, subcostate. Thighs unarmed.

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9. Colaspoides fuscoænea, n. sp.

Oblongo-ovata, pallide fulvo-picea, æneo-micans, nitida; pedibus antennisque obscure fulvis, his gracilibus, apice fuscis; thorace subremote punctato; elytris fortiter seriatim punctatis, interspatiis apicem versus costatis, punctis disco exteriori confuse dispositis, interspatiis irregulariter elevato-reticulatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head very distantly and finely punctured; epistome campanuliform, not separated at its apex from the face, anterior border produced into two short broad obtuse teeth, the space between the teeth concave-emarginate, surface smooth, impressed on the upper portion with a few large punctures; along the upper border of the encarpæ is a single row of distinct punctures; supra-ocular groove broad, rugose-punctate; antennæ slender, filiform, equal to the body in length, five or six outer joints fuscous. Thorax more deeply stained with metallic green than the elytra, transverse, sides very slightly rounded and nearly parallel behind the middle, thence obliquely converging and rounded to the apex; surface coarsely but subremotely punctured. Elytra oblong, convex, very slightly excavated below the basilar space; humeral callus moderately prominent, bounded within by a longitudinal groove; surface coarsely punctured, the punctures arranged in double rows at the base and on the inner disk, each pair contracting on the hinder disk into a single irregular row, the interspaces towards the apex costate; on the outer disk the puncturing is confused, and the interspaces thickened and irregularly reticulate. Apex of anal segment of abdomen concave-emarginate. Anterior pair of thighs thicker than the others, armed beneath with a small tooth.

10. Colaspoides micans, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga, convexa, picea, nitida, æneo-violaceo-micans; pedibus antennisque fulvis, his extrorsum nigris; elytris fortiter punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis dispositis, interspatiis ad apicem et disco exteriori costatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head smooth, impunctate; epistome wedge-shaped, sides straight and converging backwards, apical border obsolete, middle of anterior border concave-emarginate; antennæ nearly

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the length of the body, filiform, five upper joints fuscous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, sides rounded, converging at the base, obliquely converging in front, surface irregularly but not very closely punctured. Elytra oblong, convex, indistinctly excavated below the basilar space, coarsely punctured, the punctures arranged in numerous double longitudinal rows; on the hinder third of the elytron the rows become less numerous, single and sulcate, with the interspaces thickened and costate; on the outer disk are also several distinct costæ. Legs pale fulvous; thighs simple.

Nearly allied to C. fuscoænea, but separated from that insect by the broader thorax with more rounded sides, the paler legs, and the more regular punctation and distinctly-raised costæ on the hinder third of the elytron.

11. Colaspoides puncticeps, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, fusco-cuprea, supra cuprea, nitida; antennis fulvis, extrorsum obscurioribus; epistomate profunde punctato; thorace subfortiter punctato; elytris subcrebre fortiter punctatis, punctis subseriatim dispositis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head triangular, front smooth, impressed in the middle with a shallow fovea, very minutely and distantly punctured, lower portion near the epistome coarsely and deeply punctured; epistome triangular, the sides nearly straight, converging backwards, the apex not separated from the face; anterior border produced into two short obtuse lobes, the space between them concave; surface impressed on its upper half with large deep punctures; antennæ shorter than the body, filiform. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, sides rounded, converging in front, surface deeply but not coarsely punctured, sides moderately deflexed in front. Elytra oblong, scarcely broader than the thorax, sides nearly parallel; convex, not excavated below the basilar space; surface somewhat closely covered with coarse deep punctures, arranged in numerous irregular longitudinal rows, in the middle the rows indistinctly approximate in pairs, but towards the apex of the elytron each double row contracts into a single irregular sulcate stria of punctures; interspaces near the apex thickened, subcostate; on the disk of each elytron are also to be seen three or four indistinct costæ. Anterior pair of thighs armed beneath with a very small tooth.


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12. Colaspoides viridimarginata, n. sp.

Late oblonga, convexa, subtus rufo-picea, æneo-micans, supra viridi-ænea; antennis fulvis, extrorsum nigris; elytris subcrebre irregulariter seriatim punctatis, roseo-æneis, anguste viridi-limbatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head coarsely but distantly punctured; epistome triangular, sides nearly straight and converging, apical suture obsolete; anterior margin armed with two short obtuse teeth; surface oblique and nearly impunctate on its lower half, very coarsely and somewhat closely punctured on its upper portion, supra-orbital groove distinct, longitudinally strigose; encarpæ and lower portions of epistome golden-æneous; antennæ filiform, equal to the body in length, five lower joints, together with the labrum, fulvous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, sides rounded, converging in front; transversely convex, sides strongly deflexed in front, surface distinctly punctured. Elytra not much broader than the thorax, somewhat closely covered with irregular rows of punctures; just within the outer border is a narrow slightly raised costa. Anterior pair of thighs armed beneath with a very short indistinct tooth.

13. Colaspoides insignis, n. sp.

Late ovata, convexa, subtus picea, nitida, supra viridi-ænea; elytris roseo-æneis, viridi-limbatis, minus fortiter subseriatim punctatis; femoribus (apice excepto) obscure rufis; antennis basi fulvis.

Long. 2—2½ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Vertex nearly impunctate; supra-orbital groove moderately impressed, coarsely punctured; epistome subcampanuliform, apical border obsolete; anterior margin armed with two short obtuse teeth, the space between them concave; surface coarsely punctured; antennæ filiform, slightly thickened towards the apex, five lower joints fulvous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, more obliquely converging before the middle; surface finely but distinctly punctured. Elytra not depressed below the basilar space, finely but deeply punctured, the punctures arranged very indistinctly in numerous longitudinal rows, which have a tendency

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towards the apex (where they are fewer in number) to approximate in pairs; interspaces plane. Thighs simple.

14. Colaspoides gratiosa, Baly.
Colasposoma gratiosum, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 15.

Oblongo-ovata, convexa, cupreo-aurea, violaceo-micans, nitida; thoracis plagâ apicali angulisque posticis, elytrorumque suturâ prope apicem, lineâ marginali, fasciisque duabus communibus, viridi-cæruleis; subtus fusco-ænea, violaceo-micans; labro pedibusque pallide rufo-piceis; antennis fulvis, extrorsum nigris.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head distantly punctured, epistome much broader than long, sides rounded and converging backwards, apical border obsolete, middle portion of the anterior margin broadly subangulate-emarginate, surface more coarsely and closely punctured than the front; antennæ filiform, six outer joints black. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long; sides nearly straight and parallel at the base, thence obliquely rounded and converging to the apex; above transversely convex, sides strongly deflexed in front, surface coarsely and irregularly punctured, the coarser punctures being intermixed with finer impressions. Elytra broadly oblong, convex, obsoletely excavated below the basilar space, coarsely punctured, the punctures irregularly arranged in numerous longitudinal rows; towards the apex the interspaces near the suture and on the outer border are very slightly thickened and form indistinct costæ; two broad metallic-green transverse bands, placed one at the base, the other just below the middle of the disk. Thighs simple.

15. Colaspoides elegans, n. sp.

Anguste oblongo-ovata, convexa, rufo-picea, nitida, æneo-micans; thorace sat fortiter subcrebre punctato, viridi-æneo, disco roseo-æneo; elytris roseo-æneis, viridi-limbatis, fortiter punctatis, punctis ante medium minus distincte, pone medium magis regulariter, seriatim dispositis, interspatiis inter strias prope apicem incrassatis, convexis.

Long. 2⅓ lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head finely and very remotely punctured on the vertex, face

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above the apex of the epistome coarsely punctured; epistome scarcely longer than broad, sides nearly straight and parallel, rounded and converging towards the apex; apical border broadly obsolete, anterior margin concave; surface coarsely punctured; antennæ scarcely more than half the length of the body, very slightly thickened externally, black, the five lower joints, together with the labrum and the anterior border of the epistome, obscure fulvous. Thorax twice and a half as broad as long, sides rounded, converging in front; above transversely convex, deeply but not very coarsely punctured. Elytra broadly excavated along the outer border, just within the lateral margin; deeply and more coarsely punctured than the thorax, the punctures irregularly arranged in numerous longitudinal rows, which on the hinder disk become less in number, and here and there approximate in pairs, the interspaces being slightly thickened and convex. Thighs simple.

16. Colaspoides cærulipes, n. sp.

Late ovata, convexa, subtus nigra, pectore pedibusque cæruleis, supra viridi-ænea, nitida; labro antennisque obscure-fulvis, his extrorsum nigris; elytris anguste cæruleo-limbatis, substriatim punctatis, interspatiis disci exterioris leviter incrassatis, irregulariter transversim reticulatis.

Long. 2¼ lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head distantly punctured; epistome triangular, apical border obsolete, anterior margin broadly concave-emarginate; surface coarsely and somewhat closely punctured; the lower portion of the front, together with the apex of the epistome, broadly depressed, supra-ocular grooves nearly obsolete; encarpæ slightly thickened; antennæ subfiliform, five lower joints obscure-fulvous. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides straight and parallel from the base to the middle, thence obliquely rounded and converging to the apex; above convex, sides distinctly deflexed in front, narrowly edged with metallic-blue; surface distinctly but not very closely punctured. Elytra not depressed below the basilar space, distinctly punctured, the punctures irregularly placed in double rows, which on the hinder disk become single and more regular; the punctures on the outer disk in front are larger and more deeply impressed; interspaces smooth, on the anterior portion of the outer disk they are thickened, and form obsoletely transverse

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reticulations, on the hinder portion they are obsoletely costate. Thighs simple.

C. cærulipes is shorter and less coarsely punctured than C. pulchella and cærulescens, to both of which species it is closely related.

17. Colaspoides pulchella, Clark.
Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., February, 1865.

Ovalis, convexa, viridi-cærulea, nitido-metallica, subtus viridi-ænea; antennis filiformibus, extrorsum vix incrassatis, nigro-purpureis; thorace transverso, distincte punctato; elytris fortiter subseriatim punctatis, interspatiis ad latus transversim elevato-reticulatis aut strigosis, apicem versus longitudinaliter costatis; limbo inflexo viridi-æneo.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang.

Head coarsely but not closely punctured; epistome much longer than broad, wedge-shaped, obliquely depressed at base and apex, extreme apical margin obsolete, sides straight and converging backwards, anterior border armed with two very short acute teeth; supra-ocular groove broad, shallow; antennæ more than half the length of the body, six outer joints very slightly thickened; jaws rufo-piceous. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long; the sides straight and obliquely converging from the base to the middle, thence obliquely rounded and converging to the apex; surface transversely convex, distinctly and somewhat closely punctured. Elytra ovate, scarcely broader than the thorax, strongly punctured, punctures irregularly arranged in longitudinal rows; interspaces on the outer disk thickened and forming coarse irregular transverse reticulations; towards the apex they form longitudinal costæ.

18. Colaspoides cærulescens, n. sp.

Ovalis, convexa, metallico-cærulea, nitida; thoracis lateribus, capite corporeque subtus viridi-cæruleis; antennis filiformibus, extrorsum vix incrassatis, nigris, purpureo vix micantibus; thorace transverso, distincte subcrebre punctato; elytris fortiter subseriatim punctatis, interspatiis disco exteriori elevatis, irregulariter transversim reticulatis, apicem versus longitudinaliter costatis.

Long. 2½—3 lin.

Hab. Malay Peninsula (Tringanee).

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Head coarsely but very distantly punctured, the punctures rather more closely placed towards the lower portion of the front; epistome subcampanulate, its apex separated from the front by a deep groove, which extends across between the supra-orbital grooves, extreme apical suture obsolete; anterior margin armed with two very short obtuse teeth; surface more coarsely and closely punctured than the front; jaws and antennæ black, six outer joints of the latter very slightly thickened, blueish-black. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, nearly parallel at the extreme base, anterior angles produced, acute; surface transversely convex, sides strongly deflexed in front. Elytra broadly oblong, convex, not excavated below the basilar space; surface deeply and coarsely punctured, irregularly arranged in longitudinal rows, which towards the apex become less numerous and very regular; interspaces on the outer disk thickened and transversely reticulate, on the middle and outer portions of the disk they form strong longitudinal costæ.

19. Colaspoides viridana, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, viridi-metallica, nitida; antennis (articulo basali excepto) tarsisque nigris; thorace irregulariter subcrebre punctato; elytris fortiter seriatim sed minus regulariter punctatis, interspatiis ad apicem subcostatis, punctis disco exteriori profundis, confuse dispositis; interspatiis elevatis, irregulariter reticulatis, hic illic subtuberculatis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head irregularly and distantly punctured, obliquely rugose-strigose on either side above the eyes, the middle of the front impressed with a deep but ill-defined longitudinal groove; epistome triangular, sides slightly rounded, converging backwards, the apex narrowly obsolete; anterior border tri-emarginate, surface more closely punctured than the front; antennæ slender, filiform, blueish-black, basal joint nigro-æneous, stained with piceous beneath; labrum black. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long, the sides nearly straight and parallel from the base to a short distance behind the middle, thence obliquely converging and slightly rounded to the apex, anterior angle produced, acute; above convex, sides moderately deflexed in front, surface coarsely

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punctured, rugose-strigose on the sides. Elytra obsoletely depressed below the basilar space, coarsely punctured, the punctures irregularly arranged in double rows, which become single on the outer border and near the apex; interspaces strongly thickened, very irregularly reticulate; on the hinder disk they form several strongly-thickened but ill-defined longitudinal costæ. Thighs simple.

20. Colaspoides Rafflesii, n. sp.

Ovata, convexa, obscure viridi-metallica, supra viridi-ænea; antennis fulvis, extrorsum fuscis; thorace sat fortiter punctato; elytris fortiter seriatim punctatis, punctis disco exteriori profunde impressis, interspatiis elevato-reticulatis, punctis prope apicem seriatim dispositis, interspatiis inter strias elevatis, convexis.

Long. 2—2½ lin.

Hab. Sumatra.

Head coarsely but not very closely punctured, front impressed with a deep and broad but ill-defined longitudinal groove; epistome scarcely broader than long, campanuliform, apical border obsolete, middle of anterior border concave-emarginate, surface coarsely and somewhat closely punctured; supra-orbital groove deeply impressed, its lower end extending along the upper border of the encarpæ to the apex of the epistome, nearly joining its fellow of the opposite side; antennæ slender, filiform, their basal half fulvous; labrum obscure fulvous. Thorax considerably more than twice as broad as long, the sides straight and parallel behind the middle, rounded and converging anteriorly; above convex, sides obliquely deflexed in front, anterior and posterior angles acute; surface coarsely and rather closely punctured, the interspaces very finely punctured, forming on the sides irregularly reticulated longitudinal strigæ. Elytra convex, not depressed below the basilar space, rather finely punctured on the inner disk, the punctures on the basal half irregularly arranged in double rows, which on the hinder portion become single and costate; on the outer disk the punctures are much more strongly impressed and less regular; the interspaces are very strongly thickened, on the anterior portion they are subtuberculate, and form very irregular reticulations; on the hinder portion they are

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strongly-raised, and form vermiculate longitudinal costæ. Thighs simple.

The thorax is more rounded at the sides, and more finely punctured, than in the allied species.

21. Colaspoides Philippinensis, n. sp.

Subelongata, convexa, subtus piceo-ænea, nitida, supra viridi-ænea; antennis piceo-æneis; thorace sat fortiter punctato; elytris fortiter subseriatim punctatis, striis disco interiori pone medium regulariter positis, interspatiis elevatis, convexis, punctis disco exteriori profundis, confuse dispositis, interspatiis elevato-reticulatis.

Long. 2¼—2½ lin.

Hab. Manilla.

Head coarsely punctured, front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove; epistome triangular, sides straight, obliquely converging backwards, rounded at the apex, apical margin obsolete; anterior border produced into two very short obtuse lobes, the space between concave-emarginate; surface (with the exception of the extreme apex) more finely punctured than the front; antennæ filiform, obsoletely thickened towards the apex, five lower joints piceous, the rest black.

C. Philippinensis is similar in form to, but smaller than, C. viridana (p. 146), and its thorax is more coarsely punctured; from C. Rafflesii, to which it is more nearly related in size, the coarser punctuation of the thorax separates it.

22. Colaspoides Laportii, n. sp.

Oblongo-ovata, convexa, viridi-ænea, nitida; antennis nigro-piceis; thorace subfortiter punctato; elytris fortiter subseriatim punctatis, striis pone medium regulariter positis, sulcatis, interspatiis costatis, punctis disco exteriori confusis, interspatiis incrassatis, irregulariter reticulatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Malacca, Singapore.

Head distantly punctured, front impressed with a short longitudinal groove; epistome wedge-shaped, sides straight and converging backwards, apical border obsolete; middle of anterior margin subangulate-emarginate; surface coarsely and irregularly punctured; supra-orbital groove deeply impressed, its lower

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extremity extending along the upper border of the encarpæ to the epistome; antennæ filiform, four or five lower joints piceous, the rest black. Thorax considerably more than twice as broad as long, the sides straight and parallel behind the middle, thence rounded and converging to the apex; above convex, sides strongly deflexed in front; surface coarsely but not very closely punctured. Elytra very strongly and deeply punctured, punctures arranged in longitudinal rows, which are indistinct on the basal half of the disk, but distinct and regular on the hinder portion, where the interspaces are strongly thickened and costate; on the anterior two thirds of the outer disk the interspaces form irregular strongly thickened reticulations. Thighs simple.

23. Colaspoides cognata, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, subtus metallico-viridis, abdomine, tibiis tarsisque cæruleo-viridibus, supra viridi-ænea; antennis nigris, basi fulvis; thorace subcrebre punctato, utrinque prope angulum posticum subfoveolato; elytris striatim punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis confuse dispositis; striis prope apicem non approximantibus, regularibus, subsulcatis, interspatiis elevatis, ante medium rude reticulatis, pone medium costatis, costis vermiculatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang, collected by Mr. Lamb.

Head distinctly but not closely punctured, front slightly convex, impressed in the centre with a shallow longitudinal groove; epistome wedge-shaped, apical border obsolete, anterior border produced into two very short obtuse teeth; surface more closely and coarsely punctured than the front; labrum obscure fulvous; jaws and antennæ black, the latter slightly thicker towards the apex, the five lower joints obscure fulvous. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long, the sides straight and slightly converging from the base to the middle, thence obliquely rounded and converging to the apex, hinder angle tuberculate; surface distinctly and rather coarsely punctured, the puncturing much coarser on the sides; on either side of the hinder disk is a large shallow fovea, which in some specimens is entirely obsolete. Elytra slightly excavated below the basilar space, coarsely punctured, the punctures irregularly arranged in double rows in front, but forming single regular and slightly sulcate rows on the hinder

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third of the elytron; interspaces strongly thickened, costate; on the anterior two-thirds the costæ are much broken up and interrupted through the coarse irregular reticulations of the surface, on the hinder third they are more or less vermiculate. Thighs simple.

Nearly allied to C. tuberculata, but separated from that species by the absence of tubercles on the elytra; it is also very close to C. Laportii (p. 148), but may be known by the less strongly raised costæ on the hinder third of the elytra.

24. Colaspoides tuberculata, n. sp.

Ovata, convexa, viridi-ænea, supra ænea aut cupreo-ænea; antennis filiformibus, purpureo-nigris, basi fulvis, æneotinctis; thorace distincte punctato; elytris fortiter seriatim punctatis, interspatiis ad apicem costatis; punctis disco exteriori confuse dispositis, interspatiis valde elevatis, irregulariter reticulatis, tuberculatis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head deeply but distantly punctured, upper portion of the front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove; epistome triangular, sides slightly rounded, extreme apex continuous with the lower border of the face; surface deeply but remotely punctured, its lower portion obliquely deflexed, anterior border produced into two very short obtuse lobes; supra-ocular groove broad, deep, extending downwards of equal depth between the encarpæ and face; antennæ slender, filiform, nearly equal to the body in length, three or four lower joints obscure fulvous, metallic-green above. Thorax transverse, sides nearly straight and parallel behind the middle, obliquely rounded and converging from the middle to the apex; surface deeply but not very closely punctured. Elytra broadly oblong, convex, deeply punctured, the punctures arranged in longitudinal rows at the base, on the inner disk, and on the hinder third of the outer disk; the interspaces on the hinder third of the whole surface costate; on the anterior two-thirds of the outer disk the punctures are less regularly arranged, the interspaces being strongly thickened, irregularly reticulated and broken up into numerous irregular tubercles.

C. tuberculata is most nearly allied to C. cognata, but may be separated by the tuberculate interspaces of the elytra.

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25. Colaspoides violacea, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, supra cærulea, subtus piceo-violacea; antennis fulvis, apice fuscis; thorace subcrebre punctato; elytris infra basin non excavatis, subcrebre striatim punctatis, interspatiis ad apicem obsolete costatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head smooth, nearly impunctate; epistome wedge-shaped, apical margin obsolete, anterior border slightly concave-emarginate; antennæ nearly equal to the body in length, filiform, very slightly thickened towards the apex, three apical joints fuscous. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long; sides rounded, converging in front; above transversely convex, sides obliquely deflexed in front, surface somewhat closely punctured. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, not excavated below the basilar space, somewhat coarsely and closely punctured, the punctures arranged in numerous irregular longitudinal rows, which approximate in pairs on the hinder disk; these again, near the suture and on the outer margin, contract as they approach the apex into single rows, the interspaces between them being thickened and forming indistinct costæ.

26. Colaspoides picea, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, pallide picea, nitida; femorum apicibus tibiisque obscurioribus; thorace tenuiter punctato; elytris confuse seriatim punctatis.

Long. 1¼ lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head smooth, nearly impunctate; epistome not longer than broad, sides rounded, apical margin obsolete, anterior border concave-emarginate; surface distinctly punctured, impressed on either side near the apex with an oblong fovea; antennæ slender, filiform. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long, sides rounded from base to apex, converging in front; surface obliquely deflexed on either side in front, very finely but indistinctly punctured. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, not impressed below the basilar space, distinctly punctate-striate, the striæ slightly approximating in double rows; on the hinder third of the disk the puncturing of these rows becomes irregular and confused, each pair having as usual a tendency to become single; interspaces smooth.

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27. Colaspoides parvula, n. sp.

Breviter ovata, convexa, postice paullo attenuata, pallide fulvopicea, nitida; pedibus antennisque obscure fulvis; thorace tenuiter remote punctato; elytris subcrebre seriatim punctatis; mandibulis nigris.

Long. 1⅓ lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head smooth, impunctate; epistome much longer than broad, lanceolate, its apex very acute, sides sinuate in front, not distinctly separated from the rest of the face, the sutural lines being only visible under a strong lens, anterior border broadly subangulate-emarginate, surface finely and remotely punctured; antennæ filiform, slightly thickened towards the apex. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long, sides regularly rounded and converging from base to apex, nearly straight and parallel at the extreme base; above transversely convex, sides strongly deflexed in front; surface very sparingly impressed with round shallow punctures. Elytra not excavated below the basilar space, much more coarsely and closely punctured than the thorax, the punctures large and foveolate, but not very deeply impressed, on the anterior two-thirds they are arranged (although very indistinctly) in numerous longitudinal rows, on the hinder third the punctures are smaller and the rows are much fewer in number and more distinct; interspaces smooth, plane.

28. Colaspoides quadripartita, n. sp.

Breviter oblonga, convexa, supra nigra, nitida; pedibus nigris; facie, femoribus apice excepto, corporeque subtus, pallide rufo-piceis, hoc nigro-maculato; thorace tenuiter subremote punctato; elytris sat fortiter seriatim punctatis, utrisque plagis duabus magnis rufo-fulvis; antennis basi fulvis.

Var. A. Elytris rufo-fulvis, margine laterali fasciâque latâ prope medium nigris.

Var. B. Thorace rufo-fulvo.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head smooth, upper portion of the front nearly impunctate, lower portion coarsely punctured; supra-ocular grooves deeply impressed, coarsely punctured; epistome not longer than broad, sides nearly straight and parallel, rounded and converging on their upper half; apical suture broadly obsolete, anterior border produced into two short very obtuse teeth; surface deeply but not

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closely punctured; antennæ filiform, basal half obscure fulvous; jaws black. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long, sides rounded and converging forwards, nearly straight and parallel at the extreme base; above transversely convex, sides strongly deflexed in front, surface finely and subremotely punctured.

Genus CALLISINA, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. i. p. 30.

Corpus oblongo-elongatum, valde convexum. Caput exsertum, declive; oculis prominentibus, oblongo-ovatis, intus sinuatis; antennis ad apicem valde compresso-dilatatis, articulis quinto ad nonum perparum ampliatis, tribus ultimis latitudine æqualibus. Thorax transversus, convexus, lateribus marginatis. Scutellum subtrigonatum, apice rotundatum. Elytra thorace latiora, oblonga, convexa. Pedes robusti; femoribus (præsertim anticis) incrassatis, subtus dente acuto armatis; tibiis posticis quatuor extus ante apicem emarginatis; tarsis articulo primo duobus sequentibus conjunctim breviori; unguiculis appendiculatis. Episternum anticum trigonatum, sulcis inter prosternum et episterna obsoletis.

Callisina approaches Corynodes through its dilated antennæ, but is separated by the general form of the body and thorax, as well as by the notching of the four hinder tibiæ.

1. Callisina fasciata, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. i. p. 30, pl. i. fig. 6.

Oblonga, convexa, nitido-rufo-testacea; antennis extrorsum nigris; thoracis basi, elytrorumque suturâ fasciisque duabus latis, nigro-piceis.

Long. 2¾ lin.

Hab. Malacca, Borneo.

Oblong, convex, shining rufo-testaceous; the seven outer joints of the antennæ black; the base of the thorax, the suture, and two broad transverse bands on the elytra, nigro-piceous. Head remotely punctured; eyes black, surrounded by a deep circular groove; epistome separated from the face by a short oblique groove on each side; forehead with an oblong fovea; jaws nigro-piceous; four basal joints of the antennæ rufo-testaceous, the rest black, the second and two following joints slender. Thorax broader than

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long; apical margin entire, convex; sides narrowly margined, obtusely rounded, armed just behind the middle with a small obtuse tooth, anterior and posterior angles notched; above very convex, constricted and cylindrical at the anterior margin; surface remotely impressed with large deep punctures; the base, together with the extreme lateral margin, nigro-piceous. Scutellum piceous. Elytra oblong, slightly narrowed behind, convex; on the basilar portion is a slightly elevated transverse space, which, covering the shoulder, extends inwards nearly to the suture, and is bounded behind by a shallow transverse groove; each elytron with ten rows of punctures, the first abbreviated; the outer stria, which is placed on the lateral margin, deeply sulcate; the puncturing of the remaining striæ distinct, and deeply impressed in their middle portion, indistinct and nearly obsolete on the elevated space at the base and towards the apex; interspaces impressed each with a single row of fine punctures placed midway between the striæ; those in the outer interspaces are larger and deeper, rendering the striæ themselves confused; the extreme basal and lateral margin, a broad sutural vitta, abbreviated at the extreme apex of the elytra, together with two broad transverse fasciæ, the first immediately before the middle, the other halfway between the middle and the apex, piceous. Body beneath rufo-testaceous, somewhat more obscure on the breast.

2. Callisina quadripustulata, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 11.

Oblonga, valde convexa, nigra, nitida; elytris basi elevatis, confuse punctato-striatis, utrisque pustulis duabus magnis, rufo-fulvis, lævibus, fere impunctatis, primâ basin elevatam amplectente, secundâ a medio fere ad apicem extensâ; antennis obscure fulvis, clavâ valde dilatatâ, nigrâ.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Java.

Head coarsely but not very closely punctured, a patch on the vertex, together with the sides of the labrum, obscure rufous; antennæ rather more than half the length of the body, club broadly dilated. Thorax transverse; sides produced in the middle into an indistinct tooth, straight and parallel on the hinder half, rounded and converging in front; above convex, coarsely punctured, sides irregularly excavated near the lateral margin. Elytra broadly oblong, parallel, broadly rounded at the apex, convex;

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basilar space, together with the humeral callus, strongly thickened; surface punctate-striate; on each elytron are placed two large rufo-fulvous patches, one transverse, covering the elevated base, and extending from the outer border of the humeral callus nearly to the suture, the other triangular, commencing just below the middle of the elytron and reaching nearly to its apex; the surface covered by these patches is much more finely punctured than the remaining portion of the disk.

Genus SCELODONTA, Westwood.
Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 129.

Corpus oblongum, convexum. Caput exsertum, perpendiculare, utrinque supra oculum sulco profundo impressum; antennis filiformibus, apicem versus vix incrassatis; oculis integris, prominentibus. Thorax subcylindricus, lateribus non aut leviter marginatis. Elytra thorace multo latiora, apicem versus angustata, punctato-striata. Pedes robusti; femoribus basi paullo attenuatis, subtus dente valido armatis; tibiis quatuor posticis extus ante apicem emarginatis; unguiculis dentatis. Prosternum latitudine paullo longius, sulcis inter hoc et epimera antica obsoletis. Mesosternum transversum.

Scelodonta may be known from all nearly-allied genera by the deep grooves on the head, placed one on either side a little above the eye.

1. Scelodonta curculionoides, Westw. (Pl. V. fig. 8.)
Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 129.

Oblonga, convexa, late viridi-metallica; thorace purpureo-bivittato, transversim elevato-strigoso, interspatiis punctatis; elytris profunde et crebre punctatis, interspatiis elevato-reticulatis, postice prope suturam costatis; utrisque suturâ anticâ, vittâ subsuturali posticâ, maculisque quinque (unâ submedianâ communi), purpureis.

Var. A. Pedibus aureis.

Long. 2½—2¾ lin.

Hab. Manilla, Celebes.

Var. A, Menado.

Head finely rugose-punctate, front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove, which extends down to the apex of the epistome, anterior margin of the latter angularly notched; antennæ rather longer than the head and thorax, five outer joints black. Thorax

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scarcely broader than long, sides regularly rounded; upper surface transversely convex, closely covered with transverse raised strigæ, which here and there anastomose, more especially on the sides; interspaces finely punctured. Scutellum pentagonal. Elytra closely covered with coarse deeply impressed punctures, arranged in striæ along the suture and towards the apex, irregularly placed on the outer disk; interspaces thickened, and forming close irregular reticulations, on the hinder half of the surface they become distinctly costate; the anterior three-fifths of the suture, a subsutural vitta which commences at the end of the sutural line and runs parallel to the suture nearly to the apex, together with five irregular spots on the disk of each elytron, bright metallic-purple; these spots are placed as follows,—one submedian, common, the second covering the humeral callus, the third subbasal, halfway between the humeral callus and the suture, the fourth transverse, on the outer portion of the middle disk, sends a short branch downwards to join the subsutural vitta, the fifth oblong, on the outer disk halfway between its middle and apex.

2. Scelodonta purpureomaculata, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 1.

Oblonga, convexa, cupreo-aurea, nitida; antennis (articulis basalibus exceptis), thoracis elytrorumque maculis metallico-purpureis; thorace transversim elevato-strigoso; elytris profunde rugoso-punctatis, costatis; tarsis nigris.

Long. 2½—3 lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head coarsely rugose-punctate, front impressed with a longitudinal groove, which extends downwards to the apex of the epistome, the anterior margin of the latter angulate-emarginate; antennæ rather longer than the head and thorax, one or more of the basal joints cupreous. Thorax similar in form and sculpturing to S. curculionoides. Scutellum subpentagonal, rugose-punctate. Elytra very similar in sculpture to S. curculionoides, with this exception, that the costæ visible on the hinder portion of the surface in the former species, in the present case extend to the base, but are fewer in number and less distinct; each elytron has two patches at the base, one covering the humeral callus, the other subbasal, placed midway between the shoulder and the

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suture, an irregular transverse band across the middle, abbreviated externally, a subsutural vitta (connected with the lower edge of the transverse band by a short branch) running parallel to the hinder two-fifths of the suture, and, lastly, an oblong patch placed on the outer disk halfway between its middle and apex.

3. Scelodonta pulchella, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 1.

Oblonga, convexa, læte viridi-metallica, nitida; pedibus antennisque viridi-æneis, his extrorsum tarsisque nigris; thorace irregulariter transversim elevato-strigoso; elytris pilis brevibus depressis cinereis sparse vestitis, fortiter punctato-striatis, interspatiis sat fortiter punctatis, convexiusculis, antice transversim rugoso-strigosis, ante apicem costatis; suturâ postice abbreviatâ plagisque disci nigro-cæruleis.

Long. 2½—3 lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head rugose-punctate; front impressed with the usual longitudinal groove, anterior margin of epistome angulate-emarginate; antennæ about half the length of the body, slender, filiform. Thorax scarcely longer than broad, sides regularly rounded; upper surface convex, closely covered with irregular transverse raised strigæ, which anastomose freely with each other, interstices punctured. Scutellum subpentagonal, coarsely and closely punctured. Elytra strongly punctate-striate, the striæ on the middle disk and apex sulcate; interspaces in front closely and coarsely punctured, transversely rugose-strigose, rendering the striæ themselves indistinct; below the middle the interspaces are much less closely punctured and slightly convex, those on the outer disk being costate near the apex of the elytron.

This insect is narrower, and has the elytra less attenuated posteriorly than either of the preceding species.

4. Scelodonta nitidula, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 2.

Oblonga, convexa, cuprea, nitida; antennis tarsisque nigris; thorace irregulariter transversim elevato-strigoso; scutello transverso, pentagono; elytris sparse albido-pilosis, rude punctato-striatis, interspatiis ante medium transversim rugosis, infra


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medium lævibus, convexiusculis, ad apicem subcostatis; suturâ antice discique maculis subelevatis nonnullis purpureo-cupreis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo, Singapore.

Head coarsely punctured, convex; face between the eyes impressed with a short longitudinal groove; anterior edge of epistome angularly notched; antennæ shorter than half the length of the body, entirely black. Thorax transversely convex; sides rounded, slightly converging from behind the middle to the apex; upper surface closely covered with irregular, somewhat coarse, transverse, raised striæ, the interstices impunctate; on the anterior edge of the disk the strigæ are absent, being replaced by a few deep punctures. Scutellum slightly transverse, pentagonal, coarsely but not very closely punctured. Elytra with the shoulders prominent; coarsely punctate-striate, the puncturing finer towards the apex, interspaces transversely rugose-strigose in front, smooth and slightly convex behind the middle, subcostate towards the apex; on the disk of each elytron are several ill-defined and nearly obsolete purplish-coppery markings.

5. Scelodonta granulosa, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, cuprea aut viridi-ænea, nitida; antennis (basi exceptâ) tarsisque nigris; fronte rugosâ, longitudinaliter sulcatâ; thorace irregulariter transversim elevato-strigoso; elytris granulosis, sat fortiter punctato-striatis, interspatiis ante medium dense rugoso-punctatis, infra humeros transversim rugulosis, convexiusculis, pone medium minus dense punctatis, apicem versus et disco exteriori subcostatis, 4to et 6to ad basin elevatis; disco maculis nonnullis purpureo-cupreis ornato.

Var. A. Elytrorum maculis purpureis obsoletis.

Long. 2—2½ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak), Celebes.

Head closely rugose-punctate, interspaces between the punctures granulose; anterior border of epistome produced into two short acute teeth, the space between them angulate-emarginate. Thorax broader than long, sides regularly rounded, converging at the base and apex; surface impressed with coarse irregular transverse strigæ. Scutellum transverse, pentagonal. Elytra slightly narrowed towards the apex, granulose over their whole surface,

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coarsely punctate-striate, interspaces impressed with numerous punctures of equal size and depth with those on the striæ themselves, rendering the latter indistinct; from each of the punctures springs a very short subdepressed scale-like hair; humeral callus prominent; halfway between the callus and suture are two short longitudinal ridges, connected at their lower end by a third, transverse; interspaces on the outer disk and towards the apex costate; on the anterior two-thirds of the outer disk the general surface is transversely rugulose; an ill-defined patch at the base, covering the two short longitudinal ridges, another on the middle disk, together with the apices of some of the costæ, obscure metallic-purple. Pleuræ densely clothed with white pubescence.

Journ. of Entom. i. p. 288.

Corpus subelongatum aut elongatum, valde convexum. Caput exsertum; facie elongatâ, perpendiculari; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus; oculis subprominulis, intus emarginatis; palpis gracilibus; mento profunde angulato-inciso. Thorax ovatus, subglobosus, basi et apice truncatus, lateribus marginatis. Elytra thorace multo latiora, obovata, punctatostriata aut confuse punctata, sæpe squamulis adpressis hic illic obtecta. Pedes robusti, subelongati; femoribus (præsertim anticis) modice inflatis, elongato-ovatis, basi et apice angustatis, subtus spinâ brevi armatis; tibiis posticis quatuor extus ante apicem emarginatis, anticis ♂ apice incrassatis; unguiculis basi dentatis. Prosternum latum, lateribus medio paullo productis; episternis anticis anguste cuneiformibus, angulo exteriori extus non producto; sulcis inter prosternum et episterna obsoletis.

Chrysopida is easily separated from its allies by the elongated head and subglobular thorax; in colouring it closely resembles certain genera of Curculionidæ peculiar to the Malay Archipelago.

A. Body metallic; elytra punctate-striate.

1. Chrysopida Attelaboides, Erichs. (Pl. V*. fig. 4.)
Colaspis Attelaboides, Erichs. Beitr. z. Zool. 1834, p. 271, tab. xxxix. fig. 11.

Chrysopida Adonis, Baly, Journ. of Entom. i. p. 289.

Subelongata, viridi-ænea, nitida; thorace rufo-piceo, æneo-

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tincto; elytris pedibusque rufis, illis fortiter punctato-striatis, striis postice sulcatis, callo humerali, maculis parvis nonnullis basalibus, et annulo apicali, viridi-æneis; his femoribus basi, genibus tarsisque violaceo-nigris.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Manilla, Lucon.

Subelongate, very convex. Head deeply punctured; face elongate, bilobed between the eyes; clypeus subtrigonate, its apical border trisinuate; antennæ fusco-æneous, clothed with adpressed fusco-fulvous pubescence, four basal joints rufous, nearly glabrous. Thorax oval, truncate at base and apex, slightly longer than broad, sides rounded, all the angles armed with a short obtuse tooth; above convex, subremotely punctured. Scutellum semiovate. Elytra much broader than the thorax, truncate at the base, thence gradually narrowed to the apex, the latter subacutely rounded; above convex, each elytron at its extreme base with thirteen, its disk with ten rows of large, deeply impressed punctures, the striæ deeply sulcate, their interspaces (the extreme base excepted) subcostate; humeral callus prominent, sometimes rufo-piceous, at others metallic-green, basilar space bounded beneath by a short shallow transverse fossa; a small annulus at the apex (sometimes obsolete), and some indistinct markings at the base of each elytron, bright metallic-green. Pleura covered with a patch of white silky adpressed hairs. Thighs narrowly ampullate, slender at their base, armed beneath just beyond the middle with an acute tooth.

2. Chrysopida festiva, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. i. p. 289.

Elongata, subcylindrica, metallico-viridis, nitida; antennis nigris, basi rufo-fulvis; pedibus (femoribus basi exceptis), capite inter oculos, thoraceque nigro-violaceis; hoc punctato, basi et apice metallico-viridi; elytris fortiter punctato-striatis, striis sulcatis, interspatiis postice costatis; utrisque vittâ suturali, callo humerali, maculis tribus, primâ infra basin, secundâ pone medium, tertiâque ante apicem positis, fasciâque latâ ante medium, extrorsum abbreviatâ, nigro-violaceis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Manilla.

Narrower and more elongate than the preceding species; in sculpture, form of head, &c., precisely similar. The colouring of

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the elytra appears to be very variable; the individuals from which the above description is taken have the surface of the elytra glabrous.

3. Chrysopida insignis, n. sp.

Elongata, subcylindrica, viridi-ænea, pedibus viridi-purpureis; thorace subgloboso, distincte punctato; elytris infra basin transversim excavatis, profunde punctato-striatis, interspatiis elevatis, irregulariter reticulatis, prope suturam et ad apicem longitudinaliter costatis; utrisque suturâ maculisque duabus, infra medium longitudinaliter positis, metallico-purpureis; fasciâ transversâ vix infra medium disci, vittisque nonnullis prope apicem pilis albidis ornatis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Manilla.

Still narrower and more cylindrical than Chrysopida festiva, the interspaces on the elytra more irregularly thickened; differing also in the bands and markings of silvery-white hairs clothing the elytra. Head granulose, distinctly punctured, vertex with a slightly raised longitudinal ridge; lower border of front bilobate; epistome subcampanulate, its front border slightly concave-emarginate in the middle; antennæ slender, filiform, nearly equal to the body in length, five lower joints fulvous, stained with metallic-purple above, the rest entirely purple. Thorax rather longer than broad, subglobose, distinctly but not very closely punctured; sides beneath clothed with coarse silvery-white hairs. Scutellum metallic-purple. Elytra bright metallic-green, deeply punctured, the interspaces strongly and irregularly thickened, more particularly at the base and on the middle disk.

4. Chrysopida regalis, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 11.

Elongata, valde convexa, minus cylindrica, obscure ænea, niti-dissima; capite thoraceque obscure viridi-metallicis, hoc remote et minute punctato, subgloboso; antennis pedibusque nigris; elytris intra callum humerale et infra basin profunde excavatis, singulis tuberculo obtuso ad apicem prope suturam posito instructis, fortiter punctato-striatis, striis apicem versus sulcatis, interspatiis costatis; suturâ, spatio basilari, callo humerali, fasciâ transversâ prope medium extus abbre-

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viatâ, plagâ infra medium, sursum ramulum ad fasciam emittente, tuberculoque nigro-purpureis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Celebes, Morty Island.

Less cylindrical than any of the three preceding species. Antennæ three-fourths the length of the body, slender, filiform. Thorax not longer than broad, less globose than in C. insignis, metallic-green, less bright on the disk. Elytra oblong, slightly narrowed from the base towards the apex, each furnished near the apex, close to the sutural border, with a broad obtuse tuberosity; humeral callus prominent; basilar space slightly raised, bounded beneath and externally by a deep excavation; surface punctate-striate, interspaces plane on the anterior disk, costate posteriorly and on the lateral border.

B. Body non-metallic, elytra rugose-punctate.

5. Chrysopida murina, n. sp.

Subelongata, subcylindrica, picea, subopaca, crebre rugoso-punctata, pube argenteo-griseâ sat dense vestita; elytris irregulariter punctatis, utrisque fasciâ subinterruptâ, vix ante medium disci exterioris positâ, obscure fulvâ, ornatis.

Long. 3¾ lin.

Hab. Philippine Islands.

Head strongly but not very closely punctured; epistome not distinctly separated from the front, its anterior border concave-emarginate; antennæ two-thirds the length of the body, slightly thickened towards the apex. Thorax not longer than broad, subcylindrical, subglobose above, sides slightly but regularly rounded, lateral border nearly obsolete; surface closely rugose-punctate, clothed with subdepressed griseous hairs. Elytra broadly oblong, much broader than the thorax, not depressed below the basilar space, clothed with silvery-white hairs, surface coarsely and closely punctate, interspaces thickened.

The non-metallic dull colouring of C. murina, together with the close irregular punctuation of its thorax and elytra, give it an entirely different aspect to that of any other insect of the genus; in all structural characters, however, it closely agrees with the metallic species.

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Genus RHYPARIDA, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. i. p. 286.

Corpus subquadrato-ovatum, oblongum aut subelongatum, convexum. Caput perpendiculare; frontis margine antico plerumque bilobato; antennis filiformibus aut subfiliformibus, gracilibus; oculis oblongo-ovatis, intus plerumque sinuatis. Thorax conicus aut transversus, lateribus marginatis. Elytra parallela aut apicem versus perparum angustata, apice rotundata, regulariter punctato-striata. Pedes robusti; femoribus paullo incrassatis, subtus rarius dentatis; tibiis posterioribus quatuor extus ad apicem emarginatis; unguiculis unidentatis. Prosternum oblongum aut elongatum; episterno antico subtrigonato, sulcis inter prosternum et episterna obsoletis. Mesosternum subquadratum aut oblongum, apice paullo dilatatum, obtuse truncatum.

The transverse thorax separates this genus from Chrysopida; the filiform antennæ and toothed claws from Callisina; the different form of the head from Scelodonta.

The elytra in Rhyparida have each thirteen regular rows of punctures, the first is as usual short, the ninth, tenth, and eleventh begin in the space between the hinder portion of the humeral callus and the middle of the disk, and are often confluent at their commencement, whilst the twelfth is only visible at the base and apex, its middle portion being lost in the thirteenth or marginal stria.

A. Thorax subconic, much narrower than the elytra; body brilliantly metallic

1. Rhyparida sumptuosa, Baly. (Pl. V*. fig. 2.)
Pyropida sumptuosa, Baly, Journ. of Entom. i. p. 451.

Oblonga, valde convexa, nitida, metallico-cærulea, viridi-tincta; elytris læte purpureis, plagâ trigonatâ communi magnâ, a basi fere ad apicem extensâ, aureâ; antennis metallico-viridibus.

Long. 4—5 lin.

Hab. Malacca, Tringanee, Penang.

Oblong, very convex, shining metallic-blue with a green reflexion, more especially on the thorax and legs. Head remotely but deeply punctured; antennæ metallic-green, covered (the three or four basal joints excepted) with a fine adpressed fulvous down. Thorax as broad as long in the ♂, rather broader in the ⁀, sub-

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conic, much narrower than the elytra, remotely punctured. Elytra narrowed from the base towards the apex, transversely grooved below the basilar space; humeral callus prominent; each elytron impressed with thirteen rows of punctures, the first short, tenth and eleventh rows confluent anteriorly, commencing immediately below the humeral callus; the golden patch occupies at its base the whole space between the humeral calli, but gradually narrowing posteriorly, becomes at last a mere sutural line.

B. Thorax transverse, nearly as broad as the elytra; body rarely metallic.

2. Rhyparida biplagiata, Baly.
Pyropida biplagiata, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 15.

Ovata. convexa, nigra, nitida; fronte piceâ; antennis fulvis; thorace basi transverso, lateribus antice valde declivibus, subremote tenuissime punctato; elytris ovatis, apicem versus paullo attenuatis, infra basin transversim excavatis, distincte punctato-striatis, interspatiis planis; femoribus subtus dente acuto armatis, tarsis piceis.

Mas.—Elytris plagâ magnâ, a basi pone medium et a margine laterali fere ad suturam extensâ, rufo-fulvâ.

Fœm.—Elytris totis nigris.

Long. 1½—2 lin.

Hab. Batchian.

Head granulose; front rufo-piceous, upper portion obliquely strigose on either side, medial line impressed with a shallow longitudinal groove; epistome not separated from the front, the apical suture being entirely obsolete, sides straight and parallel, anterior margin produced into two short teeth, surface remotely punctured; antennæ slender, filiform. Thorax transverse at the base, sides strongly deflexed from behind the middle to the apex, lateral margins rounded, converging in front; surface remotely and very minutely punctured, the punctures being only visible under a strong lens. Elytra oval, slightly narrowed behind, convex, moderately excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter moderately prominent; surface distinctly punctate-striate, the eighth, ninth and eleventh striæ commencing on the hinder portion of the humeral callus, the tenth commencing just before the middle of the disk.

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3. Rhyparida pulchella, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. i. p. 287.

Anguste oblonga, convexa, pallide testacea, nitida; elytris cyaneis, obovatis, basi truncatis, punctato-striatis, striis apicem versus minus distinctis; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey), Mysol.

Narrowly oblong, convex, pale testaceous, nitid; elytra bright metallic-blue. Head smooth, remotely punctured; epistome pentagonal, middle of the anterior margin deeply concave-emarginate; surface concave, more coarsely punctured than the vertex; on the face, immediately above the apex of the epistome, is a distinct fovea; apex of the jaws black; antennæ slender, equal in length to the body, seven terminal joints more or less stained towards the apex with fuscous; eyes deeply emarginate on their inner edge. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides rounded, converging in front, anterior angles deflexed, all the angles produced into a short minute tooth; surface smooth, subremotely but finely punctured on the disk, sides nearly impunctate. Scutellum semiovate, obtuse. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, obovate, being distinctly narrowed from the shoulders towards the apex, the apex itself regularly rounded; below the basilar space on each elytron is a large indistinct shallow fovea, the surface of which is slightly irregular; rows of punctures distinct, deeply impressed in front, less distinct (with the exception of two or three near the suture) on the apical portion of the surface; interspaces plane.

4. Rhyparida regularis, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 9.

Oblonga, convexa, pallide rufo-testacea, nitida; elytris oblongis, infra basin non transversim depressis, regulariter punctato-striatis, fusco-violaceis, limbo obscure violaceo; femoribus inermibus.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Head finely and remotely punctured; epistome separated from the front by a very fine sutural groove, broader than long, pentagonal, apical angle very obtuse; anterior margin deeply concave-emarginate; face impressed immediately above its apex

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with a short indistinct longitudinal groove; antennæ pale fulvous. Thorax transverse, sides rounded, converging from behind the middle to the apex; surface subremotely punctured. Elytra oblong, sides parallel, convex, not excavated below the basilar space; striæ deeply punctured, nearly as distinct at the apex as at the base. Thighs simple.

Very nearly allied to R. pulchella, but more parallel, the elytra not narrowed behind, their surface more deeply punctured towards the apex; the epistome broader, and its anterior margin more broadly concave.

5. Rhyparida alternata, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 9.

Oblonga, parallela, rufo-fulva, nitida; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus, pallide fulvis, articulis intermediis nigris; elytris nigris, intra callum humerale et infra basin excavatis, distincte punctato-striatis, striis apicem versus et supra spatium basilare fere deletis; femoribus inermibus.

Long. 3—4 lin.

Hab. Gilolo.

Head minutely granulose, front impressed with a longitudinal groove, which runs upwards from the apex of the epistome; the latter longer than broad, sides straight, slightly converging upwards, apical angle very obtuse, nearly obsolete, anterior margin concave-emarginate, surface distinctly punctured; antennæ slender, equal to the body in length in the ♂, rather shorter in the ⁀, intermediate joints black. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides diverging at the base to behind the middle, thence rounded and obliquely converging to the apex, hinder angles armed with an obtuse tooth; surface finely but distinctly punctured. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, parallel, basilar space slightly thickened, bounded without and beneath by a deep groove; striæ distinctly and deeply impressed, nearly obsolete on the basilar space and towards the apex of the elytron.

6. Rhyparida Lorquinii, n. sp. (Pl. V*. fig. 1.)

Oblonga, convexa, nigra, nitida; capite, thorace, femoribusque (his basi et apice exceptis) rufo-fulvis; thorace læve, impunctato, margine laterali medio leviter emarginato; elytris oblongis, parallelis, infra basin leviter impressis, striis pone medium deletis; utrisque plagâ subtrigonatâ, transversâ,

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prope medium positâ, ad marginem adfixâ, rufo-fulvâ; femoribus inermibus.

Var. A. Elytris totis nigris.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head smooth, impunctate, front impressed just above the apex of the epistome with a distinct longitudinal fovea; epistome transverse, pentagonal, not distinctly separated from the face, the apical sutures obsolete, apical angle very obtuse; anterior border produced on either side into a very short tooth, the space between the teeth rather deeply concave-emarginate; surface finely punctured; antennæ slender, filiform, fulvous at the base, their outer two-thirds nigro-piceous. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides straight and nearly parallel from the base to behind the middle, thence rounded and converging to the apex, all the angles armed with a small acute tooth; about the middle of the border is a small notch, which is more or less defined in different specimens, sometimes being entirely obsolete. Elytra broadly oblong, parallel, moderately impressed below the basilar space; the striæ strongly impressed on the basal half of the disk, almost entirely obsolete on the hinder portion.

7. Rhyparida nigripennis, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 10.

Subelongata, convexa, pallide rufo-picea, nitida; antennis nigris, basi fulvis; elytris nigris, infra basin vix transversim impressis, striis sat fortiter punctatis, ante medium obsolete sulcatis, pone medium minus fortiter impressis; femoribus inermibus.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

Head minutely punctured; epistome scarcely broader than long, distinctly separated from the front, its apical sutures being entire, upper angle obtuse; from its apex a short longitudinal groove runs upwards on the face; lateral margins nearly straight, slightly converging backwards, anterior border with its middle portion deeply concave-emarginate, the angles of the notch produced, acute; surface coarsely punctured; antennæ slender, filiform. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides rounded, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex, all the angles armed with a small tooth; surface somewhat irregularly but not coarsely punctured. Elytra oblong, parallel,

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very slightly excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly punctured on the anterior half of the surface, distinctly but rather less strongly impressed on the hinder disk, sulcate on the anterior disk, their interspaces slightly convex. Legs obscure fulvous, more or less stained with piceous.

8. Rhyparida fasciata, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 10.

Anguste oblonga, convexa, rufo-fulva; abdomine rufo-piceo; antennis extrorsum, pectore, femoribus apice, tibiis, tarsis elytrisque nigris; his infra basin obsolete transversim impressis, fasciâ latâ communi prope medium rufo-fulvâ ornatâ; femoribus inermibus.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Head smooth, impunctate, lower portion of the face impressed with an ill-defined longitudinal groove, which runs upwards from the apex of the epistome; the latter not distinctly separated from the front, the apical sutures being obsolete; anterior margin deeply concave-emarginate, the angles of the emargination produced, acute; surface slightly concave, smooth, impunctate; antennæ slender, nearly equal to the body in length, five basal joints fulvous, the rest black. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long, sides regularly rounded, scarcely converging in front, all the angles armed with a short tooth; surface smooth, impunctate. Elytra oblong, parallel, feebly excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly and rather coarsely punctured in front, punctures smaller and less deeply impressed on the middle disk, almost entirely obsolete on the hinder third of the elytra; interspaces plane.

9. Rhyparida basalis, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, obscure rufo-fulva, nitida; abdomine nigro-piceo, fulvo-marginato; pectore elytrisque nigris; his infra basin obsolete impressis, sat fortiter punctato-striatis; striis ad apicem distinctis, ante medium vix sulcatis, interspatiis leviter convexiusculis, utrisque basi maculâ parvâ rufo-fulvâ ornatis; pedibus antennisque fulvis, his extrorsum nigro-piceis; femoribus inermibus.

Var. A. Corpore toto obscure fulvo.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Head smooth, plane, impunctate; epistome not separated from the front, the apical sutures being entirely obsolete; anterior

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border deeply concave-emarginate, either side of the notch produced into a short but distinct tooth; antennæ very slender, nearly equal to the body in length, lower half pale fulvous, outer half fuscous, base of joints fulvous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, sides rounded and converging from base to apex, more quickly converging in front, all the angles armed with a small tubercle; surface smooth, impunctate, subopaque. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, broadly oblong, parallel, very indistinctly impressed below the basilar space, strongly punctate-striate, the striæ visible to the apex, obsoletely sulcate in front, interspaces very slightly convex; on the basal margin of each elytron is placed a small transverse oblong spot.

10. Rhyparida semipunctata, n. sp.

Late oblonga, rufo-fulva, nitida; abdomine nigro-piceo; thorace elytris fere æquilato, minute subcrebre punctato; antennis elytrisque nigris; illis basi fulvis, his infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, striis ante medium sat fortiter punctatis, leviter sulcatis, pone medium indistinctis, ad apicem omnino deletis; femoribus subtus dente parvo instructis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Batchian.

Head minutely granulose, finely and remotely punctured; lower portion of the front impressed with a longitudinal groove, which runs upwards from the apex of the epistome; the latter not longer than broad, separated from the front by a faint suture; apical angle obtuse, sides nearly straight, converging backwards; anterior border concave-emarginate, angles of the emargination slightly produced, obtuse; surface more distinctly punctured than the front; jaws pitchy-black; antennæ nigro-piceous, two or three basal joints pale fulvous. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides rounded, diverging at the base, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex, hinder angles armed with an obtuse tooth; surface distinctly and somewhat closely punctured. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, parallel, broadly impressed transversely below the basilar space, longitudinally impressed within the humeral callus, the latter moderately prominent; striæ strongly punctured in front, the puncturing very fine before the middle, entirely obsolete near the apex; interspaces plane.

11. Rhyparida puncticollis, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga, rufo-fulva, nitida; antennis obscure fulvis; abdomine nigro-piceo; thorace distincte subcrebre punctato;

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elytris thorace multo latioribus, nigris, intra callum humerale et infra basin leviter excavatis, striis sat fortiter punctatis, postice perparum minus fortiter impressis, interspatiis planis; femoribus subtus dente parvo armatis.

Long. 1½ — 2 lin.

Hab. Menado, Tondano.

Head distinctly but very distantly punctured; epistome not separated from the front, the apical sutures being entirely obsolete; sides straight and scarcely converging backwards, the whole anterior margin very slightly and broadly angulate-emarginate, surface more coarsely and closely punctured than the front; antennæ obscure fulvous; eyes large, prominent. Thorax half as broad again as long, sides rounded, obliquely converging from below the middle to the apex, hinder angles armed with an obtuse tooth; above transversely convex, almost subcylindrical in front, strongly and somewhat closely punctured. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, convex, feebly impressed below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter moderately prominent; surface strongly punctured, the striæ entire, rather less strongly punctured towards the apex; interspaces plane.

This insect, from its narrow thorax, has much the aspect of a Nodostoma.

12. Rhyparida Pascoei, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 10.

Oblongo-ovata, convexa, pallide piceo-fulva, nitida; antennis (basi exceptâ) abdomineque piceis; elytris nigris, infra basin non excavatis, striis sulcatis, tenuiter punctatis, ad apicem distinctis, interspatiis convexiusculis; femoribus subtus dente parvo armatis.

Var. A. Elytris nigris, utrisque vittâ fulvâ latâ sublaterali postice ampliatâ ornatis.

Rhyparida dorsata, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 8.

Var. B. Corpore flavo, elytris piceis, ad latera obscure fulvis.

Var. C. Corpore nigro-piceo, femoribus (apice excepto) elytrisque obscure fulvo-piceis.

Var. D. Corpore fulvo.

Rhyparida fulva, Baly, Desc. &c., p. 11.

Long. 2—2½ lin.

Hab. Macassar.

Head subremotely punctured, the punctures more crowded on the vertex; epistome much longer than broad, depressed at its

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apex, not distinctly separated from the front, the apical sutures being almost entirely obsolete; sides straight, obliquely converging from base to apex; anterior border slightly concave-emarginate; surface punctured in a similar manner to the front; antennæ black, three lower joints pale fulvous; upper border of the encarpæ separated from the front by a deep groove, which extends obliquely upwards along the upper border of the eye. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, sides rounded, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex, all the angles armed with an obtuse tooth; surface distinctly impressed with shallow punctures. Scutellum nearly as broad as long, apex obtuse angled. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, not excavated below the basilar space, sulcate-striate, the striæ very finely punctured, entire; interspaces convex, somewhat flatter towards the apex; apical border narrowly edged with piceous. Thighs armed beneath with a small tooth.

13. Rhyparida labiata, n. sp.

Breviter oblonga, convexa, pallide picea, nitida; capite thoraceque rufo-fulvis; elytris cyaneis, thorace vix latioribus, infra basin non transversim impressis, striis fortiter punctatis, leviter sulcatis, ad apicem distinctis, interspatiis leviter convexiusculis; epistomate transverso, brevi, margine antico late concavo-emarginato, medio in laminam brevem late truncatam antrorsum producto; femoribus nigro-piceis, subtus dente brevi armatis, anticis incrassatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Northern part of New Guinea.

Head large, very short, transverse; front smooth, impunctate, upper edge of the encarpæ separated from the front by a deep groove, which runs obliquely upwards along the upper border of the eye; epistome very short, not distinguishable from the front, all the sutures being entirely obsolete, its anterior margin deeply and broadly concave-emarginate, the middle third of the border produced anteriorly into a short broad truncate process or plate; labrum large, broad, its anterior border obtusely notched; jaws black; antennæ black, three basal joints pale fulvous. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long, sides regularly rounded, all the angles armed with a small tubercle; surface transversely convex, impunctate. Elytra scarcely wider than the thorax, rather more than twice its length, parallel, not impressed below the basilar space, strongly punctured, the striæ entire, sulcate in front, the interspaces slightly convex.

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In the peculiar form of the epistome this remarkable species stands alone.

14. Rhyparida fulviceps, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 10.

Oblonga, convexa, nigro-picea, nitida; capite thoracisque marginibus antico et basali fulvis; antennis (basi fulvâ exceptâ) fuscis; thorace distincte punctato; elytris thorace multo latioribus, infra basin late transversim excavatis; striis sat fortiter punctatis, integris, punctis apicem versus minus fortiter impressis, interspatiis planis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1¾ lin.

Hab. Tondano.

Head remotely punctured; epistome not separated from the front, the apical sutures being entirely obsolete, lateral sutures indistinct, straight and parallel, anterior border slightly concave-emarginate; jaws nigro-piceous; antennæ nigro-piceous, three or four lower joints pale fulvous. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long, sides rounded, obliquely converging from a short distance before the base to the apex; upper surface strongly and transversely convex, deeply but not coarsely punctured. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, broadly but feebly excavated below the basilar space, longitudinally impressed within the humeral callus, the latter subprominent; surface strongly and coarsely punctured, the striæ entire, much less strongly and more finely punctured towards the apex; interspaces plane.

15. Rhyparida femorata, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 11.

Subelongata, convexa, parallela, subtus piceo-violacea, metallico vix micans; femoribus inermibus, obscure rufis; antennis fuscis, basi fulvis; capite thoraceque cæruleo-æneis, hoc subremote tenuiter punctato; elytris thorace vix latioribus, cupreis, intra callum humerale distincte, infra basin obsolete impressis; striis integris, ante medium fortiter, ad apicem tenuissime impressis; interspatiis planis.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. Northern part of New Guinea.

Head finely granulose, rather deeply punctured, lower portion of the front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove, which runs upwards from the apex of the epistome; the latter distinctly

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longer than broad, apical sutures entire, apical angle acute, sides straight and parallel, slightly rounded and converging at the apex; anterior border deeply concave-emarginate, angles of the emargination produced, obtuse; surface slightly depressed; antennæ slender, filiform, three lower joints obscure fulvous, the rest black; labrum fulvous; jaws black. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, sides rounded and converging from base to apex, all the angles armed with an obtuse tubercle; above transversely convex, distinctly but not very closely punctured. Scutellum scarcely broader than long, smooth, impressed near the apex with a distinct fovea. Elytra slightly broader than the thorax, parallel; upper surface obsoletely impressed below the basilar space, distinctly sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter subprominent; striæ entire, coarsely and deeply punctured in front, finely punctured on the hinder disk; interspaces plane, finely and somewhat closely punctured; on the suture is a faint violaceous line, surface on the lateral margin also with a violaceous reflexion.

16. Rhyparida nigroænea, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 9.

Anguste oblonga, convexa, nitida, subtus nigro-picea, nitore violaceo-æneo vix induta; thorace elytrisque nigro-æneis, illo distincte sed tenuiter punctato; his thorace distincte latioribus, parallelis, infra basin leviter et intra callum humerale magis fortiter impressis; striis integris, ante medium sat fortiter, pone medium tenuissime punctatis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Southern part of New Guinea.

Head granulose, coarsely punctured; epistome longer than broad, distinctly separated from the front, the apical sutures entire, sides straight and parallel, slightly rounded and converging at the apex; anterior border deeply concave-emarginate, the angles of the emargination produced, obtuse; surface slightly depressed, punctured in a similar way to the front, the latter impressed with a short deep longitudinal groove, which runs upwards from the apex of the epistome; antennæ slender, three or four basal joints obscure fulvous, the rest nigro-piceous. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides rounded, and converging from base to apex, all the angles thickened; above transversely convex, sides obliquely deflexed in front; surface minutely granulose, coarsely


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and irregularly but not very closely punctured. Scutellum longer than broad, minutely granulose. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, not excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly punctured, entire, the punctures rather less deep towards the apex; interspaces plane, very finely and somewhat distantly punctured.

R. nigroænea is shorter and broader than the last species; the elytra are broader in relation to the thorax.

17. Rhyparida purpurea, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, nitida, metallico-purpurea, subtus nigra; thorace elytrorum latitudini fere æquali, distincte sed minus crebre punctato; elytris infra basin vix excavatis, striis integris, antice sat profunde, postice minus fortiter punctatis; interspatiis præsertim ad apicem convexiusculis, ad latera magis elevatis, convexis; femoribus muticis.

Var. A. Thorace viridi-metallico.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

Head granulose, finely but distinctly punctured; epistome entirely separated from the front, the apical sutures deeply impressed; wedge-shaped, longer than broad, sides converging backwards; anterior border slightly concave-emarginate; surface deeply but not closely punctured; lower portion of front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove, which runs upwards from the apex of the epistome; labrum fulvous; jaws black; eyes small, short; antennæ black, four lower joints fulvous, third and fourth stained above with piceous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex; upper surface transversely convex, minutely granulose, impressed with moderately large but shallow round punctures. Scutellum semiovate, its apex obtusely angular. Elytra broader than the thorax, subparallel, very indistinctly excavated below the basilar space; striæ entire, strongly punctured; interspaces slightly convex, thickened and more convex on the outer disk.

18. Rhyparida fraternalis, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, subtus piceo-nigra, supra saturate cærulea, viridi-micans, nitida; antennis nigris, basi fulvis; thorace sparse hic illic punctato; elytris infra basin obsolete depressis, intra callum humerale sulcatis, striis integris, sat profunde punctatis, subsulcatis, pone medium tenuiter punc-

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tatis, minus distinctis; interspatiis leviter convexiusculis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2¾ lin.

Hab. Northern part of New Guinea.

Head minutely granulose, very finely and very remotely punctured; face narrowed between the eyes, impressed in the middle with a longitudinal groove, which runs upwards from the apex of the epistome; the latter much longer than broad, not separated from the front, its apical sutures being entirely obsolete; sides straight, slightly converging backwards; anterior border moderately concave-emarginate; surface remotely punctured; labrum piceo-fulvous, its anterior margin deeply notched; jaws black; eyes larger than in R. purpurea; antennæ black, three lower joints obscure fulvous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex; anterior angles acute, subtuberculate; hinder angles thickened; surface very minutely granulose, very sparingly impressed here and there with small but deep punctures. Scutellum rather longer than broad, semiovate, its apex acute. Elytra similar in form to those of R. purpurea; punctures placed more distantly on the striæ, larger and more deeply impressed in front, finer behind the middle than in that species, the interspaces less convex.

R. fraternalis differs also from R. purpurea in the sparingly punctured thorax, the different form of the epistome, and in the narrow space between the eyes.

19. Rhyparida scutellata, n. sp.

Subelongata, convexa, viridi-cærulea, nitida; corpore subtus, scutello antennisque pallide rufo-piceis, his basi fulvis; thorace sat fortiter, subremote punctato; elytris thorace multo latioribus, parallelis, infra basin obsolete excavatis, striis integris, ante medium fortiter, pone medium subtenuiter punctatis, interspatiis planis, minute sed subremote punctatis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Waigiou.

Head remotely granulose, finely and remotely punctured; front impressed with a longitudinal groove; apex of epistome continuous with and on the same plane with the front, the apical sutures being entirely obsolete; sides of epistome straight and parallel; anterior border slightly angulate-emarginate; labrum fulvous;

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jaws nigro-piceous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex; hinder angles subtuberculate; surface subremotely impressed with round shallow punctures, irregular in size, largest on the sides and base, smaller on the anterior disk. Scutellum rufo-piceous, semiovate, its apex subacute. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, obsoletely excavated below the basilar space, deeply sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter subprominent; striæ entire; interspaces plane, very finely and subremotely punctured.

20. Rhyparida submetallica, n. sp.

Subelongata, convexa, nigra, nitida; abdomine nigro-piceo; thorace fortiter punctato; elytris obscure nigro-æneis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, striis sulcatis, distincte punctatis, apicem versus fere obsoletis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2¾ lin.

Hab. Tondano.

Head minutely granulose on the vertex, finely but not closely punctured; epistome longer than broad, subcuneiform, the apical suture obsolete for a short space in the middle; anterior border trisinuate, the middle notch concave, broad; surface subrugose-punctate; the usual longitudinal groove on the front obsolete; labrum and jaws nigro-piceous; antennæ slender, two lower joints obscure fulvous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides regularly rounded, obliquely converging in front, all the angles armed with a stout obtuse tooth; surface coarsely and irregularly punctured. Scutellum semiovate, its apex subacute. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, slightly but distinctly excavated below the basilar space, longitudinally impressed within the humeral callus, the latter subprominent; striæ sulcate in front, somewhat strongly punctured, on the hinder disk they become less distinct, and are nearly lost towards the apex; interspaces in front distinctly convex, gradually flattened as they approach the apex.

21. Rhyparida impressicollis, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, subtus piceo-fulva, nitida, supra piceo-cuprea; antennis fuscis, basi fulvis; thorace fortiter subcrebre punctato; elytris violaceo-æneis, cupreis, infra basin

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non excavatis; striis integris, sulcatis, sat fortiter punctatis; interspatiis convexiusculis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2⅔ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Head granulose, coarsely punctured; front impressed with the usual longitudinal groove, which runs upwards nearly to the vertex; epistome broader than long, not separated from the front, the apical sutures being obsolete; sides slightly rounded, and converging backwards; anterior border very slightly concave-emarginate; labrum and base of jaws fulvous, apical half of the latter black; eyes large; lower half of antennæ pale fulvous, outer half fuscous. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, obliquely converging from the middle to the apex; all the angles obsoletely tuberculate; surface minutely granulose, coarsely and somewhat closely punctured. Scutellum obscure fulvous, scarcely longer than broad, its apex subacute. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, similar in form and punctuation to R. purpurea (ante, p. 174).

The single specimen from which the above description is drawn up is immature, and the coloration may differ somewhat in a fully-developed individual; the broad epistome and coarsely punctured thorax will, however, always separate it from its allies.

22. Rhyparida cupreata, n. sp.

Elongata, convexa, nigro-picea, nitida, supra cuprea; tarsis pallidis; antennis nigris, basi fulvis; thorace elytrorum latitudini fere æquali, subcrebre punctato; elytris infra basin non excavatis; striis integris, sulcatis, fortiter punctatis; interspatiis convexiusculis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Southern part of New Guinea.

Head coarsely punctured, vertex swollen; epistome scarcely broader than long, pentagonal, separated from the front, the apical sutures being entire; apical angle acute, produced upwards on the front into a deep longitudinal groove; sides straight and parallel, middle of anterior border moderately concave-emarginate; surface rather more coarsely punctured than the front; labrum and four lower joints of antennæ fulvous; jaws black. Thorax scarcely more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, and converging from base to apex, very slightly sinuate just behind the middle, all the angles thickened; transversely convex

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above, sides obliquely deflexed in front, surface coarsely and somewhat closely punctured. Scutellum not longer than broad, broadly semiovate, its apex subacute. Elytra slightly broader than the thorax, parallel, not excavated below the basilar space; striæ deeply punctured, the punctures of equal depth and size up to the apex.

R. cupreata may be known from the preceding by its narrower and more parallel form.

23. Rhyparida mœsta, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, nigra, nitida; antennis basi fulvis; thorace disco leviter sed distincte, ad latera sat fortiter punctato; elytris obscure nigro-purpureis, infra basin vix excavatis; striis integris, ante medium sat fortiter, pone medium minus profunde punctatis; interspatiis obsolete convexiusculis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Northern part of New Guinea.

Head granulose, coarsely punctured; epistome distinctly separated from the front, semiovate, the lateral sutures ill-defined; middle of anterior border deeply concave-emarginate; labrum and two lower joints of antennæ obscure fulvous. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, all the angles thickened; surface finely but distinctly punctured on the disk, more strongly punctured on the sides, very minutely granulose. Scutellum scarcely broader than long, broadly semiovate; its apex broadly rounded. Elytra broader than the thorax, subparallel, scarcely excavated below the basilar space, longitudinally sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter subprominent; striæ strongly punctured in front, sulcate, less deeply punctured behind the middle; interspaces slightly convex, less distinctly so behind the middle.

24. Rhyparida laticollis, n. sp.

Late oblonga, nigra, nitida, subtus obscure nigro-picea; thorace elytrorum latitudini æquali, subcrebre punctato; elytris infra basin non excavatis; striis ante medium distincte subfortiter punctatis, leviter sulcatis; interspatiis obsolete convexiusculis; striis pone medium minus distinctis, apicem versus fere deletis; interspatiis planis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head granulose, finely but distinctly punctured; lower portion

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of the front impressed with a longitudinal groove, which runs upwards from the apex of the epistome; the latter entirely separated from the front, pentagonal, apical angle nearly rectangular, apex acute; sides straight, and very slightly converging backwards; anterior border concave-emarginate, angles of the concavity acute, slightly produced; surface more coarsely punctured than the front; antennæ and labrum entirely black. Thorax equal in breadth to the elytra; sides rounded, converging in front; anterior angles obsolete, hinder angles tuberculate; surface deeply impressed with large round punctures. Scutellum as broad at the base as long, semiovate; sides converging backwards; apex rounded. Elytra parallel, not excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly punctured in front, subsulcate, the interspaces minutely but not closely punctured, slightly but distinctly convex; behind the middle the striæ are much less deeply punctured and very fine, and near the apex the punctures are visible only under a lens; on the hinder disk the interspaces gradually flatten and become plane before their termination.

The shorter body, broadly dilated thorax, and entirely black colour above, will at once distinguish this species from its congeners.

25. Rhyparida picea, n. sp.

Subelongata, convexa, nigro-picea, nitida; pedibus obscure rufo-piceis; antennis basi rufo-fulvis; thorace sparse hic illic sat profunde punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, parallelis, infra basin vix transversim excavatis; striis integris, ante medium sat fortiter punctatis, leviter sulcatis; interspatiis convexiusculis, punctis pone medium minus fortiter impressis, apicem versus fere deletis; interspatiis fere planis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Southern part of New Guinea.

Head very finely granulose, finely punctured; epistome entirely separated from the front, pentagonal, scarcely longer than broad, apical angle acute; sides straight and parallel in front, slightly converging near the apex; middle of anterior border deeply concave-emarginate, angles of the emargination produced, obtuse; surface deeply impressed with large punctures; lower portion of the front impressed with a deep groove, which runs upwards from the epistome; a broad line, running along the inner and upper margin of the eye, together with the labrum, rufo-piceous; anterior border

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of the labrum feebly trilobate; four lower joints of antennæ obscure fulvous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex; anterior angles armed with an obtuse tooth, hinder angles tuberculate; surface finely granulose, sparingly impressed here and there with large deep punctures. Scutellum scarcely longer than broad; sides converging towards the apex, which is subacute. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, scarcely excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly punctured and subsulcate on the anterior disk, the punctures gradually becoming finer posteriorly until they are almost obsolete near the apex; interspaces finely punctured, slightly but distinctly convex in front, plane on the hinder disk.

26. Rhyparida inconstans, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 10.

Oblonga, convexa, subnitida; thorace subcrebre punctato; elytris thorace paullo latioribus, parallelis, infra basin leviter transversim excavatis; striis integris, sat fortiter punctatis, vix sulcatis, pone medium minus fortiter punctatis; interspatiis obsolete convexiusculis, prope suturam fere planis; femoribus muticis.

Var. A. Corpore rufo-fulvo; elytris nigro-piceis, apice late rufo-fulvo.

Var. B. Corpore toto fusco-fulvo.

Var. C. Corpore piceo; pedibus obscure rufis.

Long. 3—3½ lin.

Hab. Batchian, Ternate.

Head granulose, finely punctured; epistome entirely separated from the front, scarcely broader than long, pentagonal; postero-lateral angles rounded; sides straight and parallel, slightly rounded near the apex; anterior border deeply concave-emarginate, produced on either side of the excavation into a short tooth; surface punctured in a similar manner to the front, the latter impressed with the usual longitudinal groove; labrum and antennæ obscure rufo-fulvous; jaws black. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides nearly straight and parallel at the base, rounded and converging from the middle to the apex; hinder angles thickened, anterior produced into a short obtuse tooth; surface granulose, distinctly and somewhat closely punctured. Scutellum broadly semiovate, its apex rounded. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, very feebly excavated below the basilar

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space, distinctly impressed within the humeral callus, the latter subprominent; striæ subsulcate, entire, coarsely and deeply punctured in front, less deeply impressed behind the middle; interspaces slightly convex, transversely rugulose below the basilar space, plane near the hinder half of the suture.

Broader and more coarsely punctured on the elytra than R. picea; very variable in colour.

27. Rhyparida frontalis, n. sp.

Late oblonga, convexa, piceo-nigra, nitida; labro fronteque rufo-piceis; antennis basi fulvis; thorace sat crebre punctato; elytris thorace paullo latioribus, parallelis, infra basin obsolete impressis; striis integris, fortiter punctatis, punctis pone medium minus fortiter impressis, apicem versus fere obsoletis; interspatiis antice convexiusculis, pone medium planis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2⅓ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Head granulose; front rufo-piceous, very minutely and remotely punctured, its lower portion impressed with the usual groove; epistome nearly black, rather longer than broad, pentagonal, its apical angle acute; sides straight and parallel; anterior margin deeply concave-emarginate in the middle, angles of the notch slightly produced, obtuse; surface more strongly punctured than the front; labrum pale rufo-piceous, its anterior border notched; inner border of the eyes almost entire; basal half of the antennæ pale fulvous; jaws black. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides diverging at the extreme base, thence rounded and obliquely converging to the apex; hinder angles tuberculate, anterior rounded, obsolete; surface finely punctured on the disk, more strongly punctured on the sides; middle portion of anterior border obscure rufo-piceous. Scutellum obscure rufo-piceous, scarcely broader at the base than long, broadly semiovate; apex obsoletely angular. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, subparallel, very indistinctly excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly and deeply punctured on the anterior disk, distinctly sulcate; on the hinder disk they gradually become more finely punctured, and are nearly lost at the apex; interspaces convex in front, plane behind the middle.

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28. Rhyparida sordida, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 10.

Late oblonga, convexa, piceo-nigra, nitida; antennis piceo-fulvis; capite pedibusque pallide rufo-piceis; thorace subfortiter punctato; interspatiis ad latera reticulato-strigosis; elytris thoracis basi vix latioribus, infra basin leviter excavatis; striis ante medium fortiter punctatis, interspatiis convexiusculis; striis pone medium tenuiter punctatis, prope apicem fere deletis, interspatiis planis; femoribus muticis.

Var. A. Pedibus piceo-nigris.

Long. 2¼—2½ lin.

Hab. Batchian, Ternate.

Head granulose, finely and distantly punctured; epistome separated from the front, broader than long, apical angle subacute, postero-lateral angles rounded; sides straight and parallel; middle of the anterior border broadly concave-emarginate, angles of the emargination slightly produced, subacute; surface impressed near the apex with a few deep punctures; basal joints of antennæ paler than the rest; labrum rufo-fulvous, its anterior border slightly notched; jaws black. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging from behind the middle to the apex; anterior angles rounded, obsolete, hinder angles thickened; surface coarsely and somewhat closely punctured; interspaces on the sides thickened, closely reticulate-strigose; the middle of the anterior border rufo-piceous. Scutellum longer than broad, semiovate. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, similar in form and punctuation to R. frontalis, the only difference being that the punctures in front are fewer and less deeply impressed, the interspaces being at the same time flatter and less convex; apex of the elytra sometimes stained with rufo-piceous. The broader epistome, more coarsely punctured thorax, and longer scutellum, also serve to separate it from the above-named species.


Rhyparida variabilis, n. sp.

Late oblongo-ovata, convexa, piceo-fulva, nitida; antennis (basi fulvâ exceptâ) fuscis; thorace elytrorum latitudini æquali, tenuiter punctato; elytris infra basin transversim excavatis; striis ante medium distincte impressis, pone medium fere deletis; interspatiis planis; femoribus subtus dente minuto armatis.

Var. A. Elytris totis piceo-fulvis.

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Var. B. Elytris piceo-fulvis, plagâ communi nigro-piceâ prope medium suturæ ornatis.

Var. C. Elytris totis nigris.

Long. 1¾—2¼ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Head granulose; front impressed with the usual longitudinal groove, impunctate; epistome distinctly longer than broad, pentagonal, the apical sutures ill-defined, apical angle obtuse; sides straight, slightly converging backwards; middle of the anterior border broadly concave-emarginate, angles of the notch acute, scarcely produced; surface remotely punctured; jaws rufo-piceous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded at the base, obliquely converging and slightly rounded from behind the middle to the apex; anterior angles rounded, obsolete, hinder angles tuberculate; surface finely but not closely punctured. Scutellum scarcely longer than broad, broadly semiovate. Elytra not broader than the thorax, parallel, somewhat deeply excavated below the basilar space, longitudinally sulcate within the humeral callus; striæ strongly and coarsely punctured on the transverse depression, more finely punctured on the basilar space, which appears very slightly thickened, puncturing very fine and nearly obsolete towards the apex; interspaces plane.

Broader and more finely punctured than R. frontalis, the elytra more strongly excavated below the basilar space.

30. Rhyparida tibialis, n. sp.

Oblonga, parallela, convexa, picea, nitida; facie pedibusque pallide rufo- aut fulvo-piceis; antennis obscure fulvis; thorace elytrorum latitudini æquali, distincte punctato; elytris parallelis, infra basin leviter excavatis; striis integris, ante medium sat fortiter punctatis, obsolete sulcatis, punctis infra medium distinctis; interspatiis antice obsolete convexiusculis, pone medium planis; femoribus subtus unidentatis.

Mas.—Femoribus incrassatis, tibiis anticis compresso-dilatatis.

Long. 2¼ lin.

Hab. Mysol.

Head smooth, subopake; epistome separated from the front, scarcely longer than broad, pentagonal; sides nearly straight, parallel, apical angle acute; anterior border with its middle broadly concave-emarginate, angles of the notch subacute; surface distinctly but remotely punctured; antennæ pale fulvous, slender,

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nearly equal to the body in length. Thorax equal in breadth to the elytra, slightly broader in the ♂; sides rounded, converging from the middle to the apex, apical angle obsolete, hinder angle armed with a small obtuse tooth; surface distinctly punctured. Scutellum scarcely longer than broad, semiovate. Elytra parallel, very indistinctly excavated below the basilar space, distinctly sulcate within the humeral callus; striæ entire, coarsely punctured, the punctures less strongly impressed, although distinct, towards the apex; interspaces plane. The lower two-thirds of the anterior tibiæ flattened and dilated in the ♂.

Near R. frontalis, but smaller and more parallel than that species; the ♂ is easily separated by the broader thorax and dilated anterior tibiæ.

31. Rhyparida approximata, n. sp.

Oblonga, parallela, convexa, nigro-picea; femoribus basi fronteque rufo-piceis; antennis pallide fulvis, extrorsum fuscis; thorace elytrorum latitudini æquali, disco subremote tenuiter, ad latera magis fortiter subcrebre punctato; elytris parallelis, infra basin leviter excavatis; striis integris, sat fortiter punctatis, punctis prope apicem minus fortiter impressis; interspatiis ante medium obsolete convexiusculis, apicem versus planis; femoribus subtus dente parvo armatis.

Long. 2⅓ lin.

Hab. Mysol.

Head very minutely punctured, subopake; epistome scarcely broader than long, distinctly separated from the front, pentagonal, apical angle obtuse; sides straight and nearly parallel; anterior border slightly concave-emarginate, angles of the notch not produced, obtuse; surface distinctly punctured, nigro-piceous; front and labrum rufo-piceous; antennæ pale fulvous, apex dark fuscous. Thorax equal in breadth to the elytra; sides rounded, converging from the middle to the apex, apical angle obtuse, nearly obsolete; surface distinctly and somewhat closely punctured on the sides, finely punctured on the disk. Scutellum as broad as long, broadly semiovate. Elytra parallel, broadly and very slightly excavated below the basilar space, strongly sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter subprominent; striæ entire, strongly punctured in front, sulcate, the interspaces obsoletely convex, thickened and subcostate near the lateral border; on the hinder portion of the elytra the punctures, although distinct, are much less strongly impressed, and the interspaces plane.

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Longer and narrower than R. frontalis; the thorax more finely punctured.

32. Rhyparida obsoleta, n. sp.

Late oblongo-ovata, convexa, piceo-fulva, nitida; antennis flavis, mandibulis piceis; thorace elytrorum latitudini fere æquali, disco magis tenuiter, ad latera subfortiter punctato; elytris infra basin leviter excavatis; striis integris, ante medium obsolete sulcatis, sat profunde impressis, punctis pone medium minus distinctis; interspatiis remote tenuissime punctatis, antice obsolete convexiusculis, pone medium planis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Head distinctly punctured; front impressed with a short longitudinal groove; epistome forming a single piece with the front, all the sutures being entirely wanting, its anterior border very slightly concave-emarginate, the angles of the notch not produced, very obtuse; antennæ two-thirds the length of the body, very indistinctly thickened towards the apex; jaws black. Thorax as broad as the elytra; sides nearly straight and parallel at the base, obliquely rounded and converging from behind the middle to the apex; the anterior angles rounded, obsolete, the hinder rectangular; surface closely punctured on the sides, less closely on the disk. Scutellum as broad at the base as long, subtrigonate, sides rounded. Elytra subparallel, broadly but very slightly excavated below the basilar space; striæ distinctly and somewhat deeply punctured in front, interspaces obsoletely convex; finely punctured behind the middle, interspaces plane.

The plane distinctly-punctured front, and the total absence of sutural lines between it and the epistome, will at once distinguish this species from its allies.

33. Rhyparida geniculata, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. i. p. 288.

Anguste oblonga, convexa, nigra, subnitida; capite, scutello, corporeque subtus, obscure piceis; abdomine, antennis pedibusque fulvis, illis extrorsum fuscis, his genibus, tibiis anticis extus, tarsisque piceis; elytrorum striis subsulcatis, interspatiis paullo convexis; femoribus simplicibus.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

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Head finely and subremotely punctured; epistome nigro-piceous, distinctly separated from the front, as broad as long; sides straight and parallel, apical angle very obtuse; anterior margin deeply concave-emarginate, angles of the emargination produced, acute; surface indistinctly concave, more deeply punctured than the front; antennæ slender, filiform, rather shorter than the body. Thorax nearly twice as broad at the base as long; sides rounded, narrowed in front, strongly deflexed at the anterior angles, all the angles armed with a minute tooth; above moderately convex, impressed on either side with a small but distinct fovea, the rest of the surface smooth, nearly impunctate. Scutellum semiovate. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong, scarcely narrowed behind, apex acutely rounded; above convex, obsoletely excavated transversely below the basilar space; the striæ entire, strongly punctured, distinctly sulcate, their interspaces slightly rounded. Legs fulvous, all the knees and the outer edge of the front pair of tibiæ dark piceous, hinder tibiæ stained with pale piceous; tarsi pale piceous.

34. Rhyparida Aruensis, n. sp.

Subelongata, picea, nitida; antennis pedibusque fulvis, illis extrorsum, his genibus infuscatis; thorace subopaco, fere impunctato; elytris thorace paullo latioribus, infra basin vix excavatis; striis integris, leviter sulcatis, sat profunde punctatis, punctis apicem versus minus fortiter impressis; femoribus muticis.

Var. A. Corpore obscure fulvo, pedibus flavis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Aru Islands, New Guinea.

Front impunctate, its lower end impressed with a very short longitudinal groove; epistome broader than long, not separated from the front, the apical sutures being entirely obsolete; sides rounded, parallel; anterior border broadly concave-emarginate, angles of emargination produced, subacute; surface impressed with large deep punctures; labrum and antennæ fulvous, the latter slender, their outer half fuscous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, nearly parallel at the base, all the angles armed with an obtuse tubercle; surface subnitidous, very minutely punctured. Scutellum broader at the base than long; apex obtusely angled, extreme apex acute. Elytra broader than the thorax, very faintly excavated below the basilar space; striæ entire, strongly punctured in front, less

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deeply punctured posteriorly, subsulcate; the interspaces obsoletely convex.

R. Aruensis resembles R. femorata (ante, p. 172), but may be at once known by its much more finely punctured thorax.

35. Rhyparida confusa, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, piceo-fulva, nitida; thorace hic illic subfortiter punctato; elytris thorace paullo latioribus, subparallelis, infra basin paullo excavatis; striis ante medium sat fortiter punctatis, modice sulcatis, interspatiis convexiusculis; striis pone medium minus fortiter punctatis, iis disci centralis apicem versus confusis, interspatiis planis, punctis piceis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 3—3½ lin.

Hab. Ceram, Gilolo, Batchian.

Front slightly swollen, minutely but distinctly punctured, its lower end impressed with a deep longitudinal groove; epistome distinctly separated from the front, longer than broad, pentagonal, the apical angle acute; sides straight and parallel; anterior margin broadly concave-emarginate, angles of the notch obtuse, moderately produced; surface deeply punctured; jaws black. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, all the angles tuberculate; surface slightly unequal in some specimens, irregularly but not closely punctured. Scutellum longer than broad, semiovate. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, broadly oblong, subparallel, distinctly but slightly excavated below the basilar space; striæ piceo-punctate, strongly impressed and subsulcate in front, less deeply punctured posteriorly; on the middle disk, near its apex, the striæ become confused and irregular; interspaces on the anterior two-thirds of the surface slightly convex, plane on the hinder third.

The irregular punctuation of the apex of the elytra in this species will distinguish it from its allies.

36. Rhyparida instabilis, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga, subovalis, convexa, pallide rufo-picea, nitida; elytris, basi exceptâ, nigro-piceis; thorace subcrebre sed minus irregulariter punctato, utrinque unifoveolato; elytris infra basin distincte excavatis; striis distinctis, ante medium fortiter punctatis, sulcatis, interspatiis convexiusculis; pone

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medium minus fortiter punctatis, interspatiis fere planis; femoribus muticis.

Var. A. Thorace elytrisque totis nigro-piceis.

Var. B. Corpore pallide piceo-fulvo.

Long. 2½—3¼ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Var. B, Mysol.

Front smooth, nitidous, impunctate, its lower portion impressed with a short longitudinal groove; epistome scarcely longer than broad, distinctly separated from the front, the apical angle very obtuse; sides slightly rounded, nearly parallel; anterior border deeply subangulate-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, acute; surface irregularly but not closely punctured; jaws black. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, nearly parallel at the extreme base, all the angles armed with an obtuse tooth; surface irregularly but not very closely or coarsely punctured. Scutellum slightly broader at the base than long, subtrigonate, the sides rounded. Elytra broader than the thorax, the sides being very slightly oval, subparallel, distinctly excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly impressed in front, subsulcate, the interspaces slightly convex; posteriorly less deeply punctured, the interspaces nearly plane.

Similar in form to R. inconstans (ante, p. 180); the elytra less coarsely punctured; the puncturing of the epistome coarser and more distant.

37. Rhyparida intermedia, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga, parallela, convexa, pallide picea, nitida; antennis, basi exceptâ, fuscis; thorace elytrorum latitudini æquali, nitido, tenuiter sed distincte punctato; elytris infra basin leviter excavatis; striis integris, antice sulcatis, sat fortiter punctatis, interspatiis convexiusculis; punctis pone medium minus fortiter impressis, apicem versus fere deletis, interspatiis planis; femoribus obscure fulvis, subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 2⅔ lin.

Hab. Waigiou.

Front finely granulose, opake, impressed with the usual longitudinal groove; epistome distinctly separated from the front, scarcely longer than broad, pentagonal, apical angle acute; sides straight and parallel; anterior border broadly concave-emarginate, angles of the notch scarcely produced, very obtuse;

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surface slightly irregular, finely but deeply punctured; jaws black; labrum obscure fulvous; antennæ pale fulvous, their outer half fuscous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex; apical angle obtuse, unarmed, hinder angle armed with a short obtuse tooth; surface finely but deeply punctured. Scutellum scarcely broader at the base than long, broadly semiovate. Elytra not broader than the thorax, parallel, very feebly excavated below the basilar space; striæ entire, strongly punctured and subsulcate in front, the puncturing finer below the middle, nearly obsolete near the apex; interspaces slightly convex in front, plane on the hinder disk; the punctures dark piceous.

This species agrees in size with R. Aruensis (ante, p. 186) and its allies; in the form of the thorax, and in the absence of tubercles on its anterior angles, with R. tibialis (ante, p. 183) and allied forms.

38. Rhyparida fulvipes, n. sp.

Subelongata, convexa, picea, nitida; antennis, elytrorum apice pedibusque obscure fulvis; thorace elytris fere æquilato, sat fortiter punctato; elytris lateribus fere parallelis, infra basin non excavatis; striis integris, leviter sulcatis, sat profunde punctatis, interspatiis convexiusculis, iis ad latera subcostatis; femoribus paullo incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 2⅔ lin.

Hab. Ké.

Head short, broad; front distinctly and somewhat closely punctured, its lower end impressed with a very short longitudinal groove, which runs upwards from the apex of the epistome; the latter much broader than long, distinctly separated from the front, pentagonal; sides rounded and converging backwards, the postero-lateral angles obsolete; anterior border broadly concave-emarginate, each angle of the notch produced into a short subacute tooth; surface concave, deeply punctured; labrum fulvous; jaws black. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long; sides regularly rounded, scarcely converging in front, all the angles tuberculate; surface deeply but not very closely punctured. Scutellum longer than broad, narrowly semiovate. Elytra slightly broader than the thorax, subparallel, not excavated below the basilar space; striæ entire, subsulcate, strongly punctured, the punctures of nearly equal depth up to the apex; interspaces very slightly convex. Thighs unarmed.


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This species is very similar in the form both of the body and epistome to R. pulchella (ante, p. 165); it is possible that it may be a local variety of that insect.

39. Rhyparida suspecta, n. sp.

Subelongata, convexa, piceo-fulva, nitida; antennis extrorsum genibusque infuscatis; thorace disco inæquali, ad latera irregulariter sed leviter punctato; elytris infra basin obsolete transversim impressis, striis integris, ante medium sat fortiter, pone medium minus profunde punctatis, interspatiis obsolete convexiusculis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Mysol.

Front very minutely punctured, impressed at its lower end with a short deep longitudinal groove; epistome not longer than broad, pentagonal, not entirely separated from the front, the apical sutures, although deeply impressed, being more or less interrupted; sides straight and parallel, anterior border deeply and somewhat broadly concave-emarginate, angles of the emargination produced, acute; surface coarsely and deeply but distantly punctured; jaws black. Thorax scarcely more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging in front, all the angles tuberculate; surface very slightly unequal, distinctly punctured, the punctures fine on the disk, coarser and deeper on the sides, congregated here and there into irregular patches. Scutellum scarcely longer than broad, subpentagonal, sides obliquely converging backwards. Elytra broader than the thorax, nearly parallel, narrowly oblong, slightly but somewhat broadly excavated below the basilar space; striæ entire, slightly sulcate, in front deeply punctured, and the interspaces slightly convex; posteriorly the striæ are less strongly punctured, and the interspaces obsoletely convex.

Narrower than R. fulvipes; the sides of the thorax more regularly rounded, the striæ on the elytra more regular near the apex.

40. Rhyparida placida, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, piceo-fulva, subnitida; thorace subopaco, sub lente minutissime punctato; elytris infra basin vix excavatis; striis integris, sat fortiter punctatis, subsulcatis, punctis pone medium minus fortiter impressis; interspatiis

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leviter convexiusculis; femoribus subtus dente minuto armatis.

Long. 2⅓ lin.

Hab. Ké.

Head granulose, lower portion of front impressed with a shallow longitudinal groove; epistome rather longer than broad, pentagonal, not distinctly separated from the front, the apical sutures being replaced by an interrupted row of punctures; sides straight and parallel, anterior border deeply concave-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, obtuse; surface remotely punctured; jaws nigro-piceous; eyes deeply notched. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex, all the angles armed with an obtuse tooth; finely granulose, remotely impressed with minute punctures, which are only visible under a lens. Scutellum as broad at the base as long, its apex obtuse. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, oblong, very slightly excavated below the basilar space; surface nitidous, minutely granulose; striæ entire, subsulcate, more finely punctured below the middle; interspaces slightly convex.

41. Rhyparida separata, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga, convexa, parallela, pallide piceo-fulva, nitida; pectore, abdomine, antennis extrorsum, genibusque nigro-piceis; thorace elytris fere æquilato, subcrebre punctato, disco piceo; elytris nigris, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis; striis ante medium distincte punctatis, punctis pone medium minutis, apicem versus deletis; interspatiis planis; femoribus subtus dente minuto armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Batchian.

Head granulose, lower portion of front impressed with a longitudinal groove; epistome distinctly separated from the front, pentagonal, the apical angle very obtuse, sides straight, and converging backwards; anterior border broadly but slightly concave-emarginate, the angles of the notch scarcely produced, very obtuse; jaws black; inner border of the eyes very slightly emarginate. Thorax scarcely more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging from behind the middle to the apex; anterior angles obsolete, posterior tuberculate; upper surface very minutely granulose, rather closely and somewhat coarsely punctured; disk broadly stained with piceous; lateral border slightly

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dilated. Scutellum as broad as long, subtrigonate, sides towards the apex rounded. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, oblong, parallel, slightly excavated below the basilar space; striæ somewhat strongly and deeply punctured in front, very finely punctured behind the middle, those on the middle disk entirely obsolete near the apex; interspaces plane; on the inner disk below the basilar space are a few very indistinct transverse rugæ.

Narrower and more parallel than R. variabilis (ante, p. 182); the thorax similar in shape, but more strongly punctured.

42. Rhyparida distincta, n. sp.

Elongata, convexa, fulva, nitida; capite thoraceque pallide piceis, hoc subcrebre sat fortiter punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis; striis integris, antice sat fortiter, postice minus fortiter punctatis; interspatiis planis; pedibus subelongatis, femoribus subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 2¼ lin.

Hab. Tondano.

Head distinctly but distantly punctured; epistome not separated from the front, the apical sutures obsolete, longer than broad, wedge-shaped, sides straight, anterior border broadly and very slightly concave-emarginate, angles of the notch very slightly produced; apex of jaws black. Thorax one half as broad again as long; sides rounded, converging in front, all the angles armed with an obtuse tooth; above almost subcylindrical, strongly punctured, the punctures on the sides crowded and much coarser. Scutellum longer than broad, sides subsinuate, apex obtuse. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, excavated within the humeral callus and below the basilar space; striæ entire, somewhat strongly punctured in front, less deeply but distinctly punctured behind the middle; interspaces plane.

Very similar in form to R. puncticollis (ante, p. 169); differing in colour, the thorax more closely and not quite as coarsely punctured.

43. Rhyparida diversa, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, piceo-fulva, nitida; femoribus apice, tibiis tarsisque nigris; antennis extrorsum infuscatis; thorace tenuiter subremote punctato; elytris infra basin non excavatis, striis integris, pone medium minus fortiter punctatis,

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antice sulcatis; interspatiis ante medium convexiusculis, postice planis; femoribus subtus dente minuto armatis.

Long. 2⅓ lin.

Hab. Tondano.

Head smooth, nearly impunctate, lower portion of front impressed with a faint longitudinal groove; epistome separated from the front, longer than broad, wedge-shaped; anterior border moderately concave-emarginate, angles of the notch scarcely produced, obtuse; surface finely but subremotely punctured; jaws black; antennæ nearly equal to the body in length, outer two-thirds dark fuscous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging from the middle to the apex, all the angles armed with a small obtuse tooth; surface minutely and remotely punctured. Scutellum longer than broad. Elytra broader than the thorax, broadly oblong, not impressed below the basilar space; striæ entire, somewhat deeply punctured and sulcate in front, the interspaces moderately convex; on the hinder disk the striæ more finely punctured, and the interspaces plane.

44. Rhyparida amabilis, n. sp.

Subelongata, parallela, pallide fulva, subnitida; mandibulis nigris; thorace opaco, sub lente minute sed remote punctato; elytris thorace vix latioribus, infra basin non excavatis, minute granulosis; striis integris, pone medium minus fortiter punctatis-ante medium leviter sulcatis; interspatiis antice leviter convexiusculis; femoribus subtus dente minuto armatis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Northern part of New Guinea.

Head granulose; vertex swollen, convex, its upper part furnished with a longitudinal ridge; lower portion impressed with a short longitudinal groove; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its surface more strongly punctured than the latter; anterior border broadly concave-emarginate, angles of the notch slightly produced, obtuse. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex, all the angles armed with an obtuse tubercle; above granulose, very finely and remotely punctured. Scutellum oblong, its apex subangulate. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, parallel, not excavated below the basilar space; striæ entire, less strongly punctured behind the middle; interspaces in front slightly convex.

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45. Rhyparida inconspicua, n. sp.

Subelongata, parallela, pallide fulva, subnitida; mandibulis nigris; thorace opaco, granuloso, impunctato; elytris infra basin obsolete depressis; striis integris, pone medium minus fortiter punctatis, punctis infuscatis; interspatiis ante medium obsolete convexiusculis; margine laterali abdominisque basi piceis; femoribus subtus dente minuto armatis.

Long. 2⅓ lin.

Hab. Sulu Islands, New Guinea.

Head very finely granulose, impunctate, lower portion of front impressed with a very faint longitudinal fovea; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border concave-emarginate, slightly produced, subacute. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging from the middle to the apex, all the angles armed with an obtuse tooth; surface granulose, impunctate. Scutellum scarcely longer than broad, its apex rounded, obsoletely angled. Elytra very faintly excavated below the basilar space, punctured as in the preceding species; surface subnitidous, very finely granulose.

Very closely related to R. amabilis, of which it is possibly a variety; the thorax more regularly rounded.

46. Rhyparida fulvescens, n. sp.

Elongata, convexa, fulva, nitida; antennis flavis; thorace subnitido, hic illic sparse punctato; elytris thorace paullo latioribus, parallelis, convexis, infra basin leviter transversim excavatis; striis integris, sulcatis, fortiter punctatis; interspatiis convexis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Gilolo.

Head granulose, front impunctate, its lower portion impressed with the usual longitudinal groove; epistome not distinctly separated from the front, the apical sutures being ill defined, longer than broad, pentagonal; sides slightly converging backwards; anterior border broadly concave-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, obtuse; surface slightly depressed, deeply and coarsely but not closely punctured; jaws rufo-piceous, their apex black. Thorax twice as broad a long; sides slightly rounded and nearly parallel at the base, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex; anterior angles produced into an obtuse tooth, hinder angles tuberculate; above granulose, impressed here and

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there with deep punctures; apical portion of the lateral margin piceous. Scutellum broadly lanceolate-ovate. Elytra broader than the thorax, subparallel, broadly but slightly excavated below the basilar space, thickened laterally just within the outer border; striæ entire, deeply punctured, sulcate; interspaces moderately convex.

Not dissimilar in form to R. picea (ante, p. 179), but smaller than that species, differently coloured, the elytra more distinctly excavated below the base.

47. Rhyparida opacicollis.
Rhyparida impuncticollis, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 11.

Oblonga, convexa, fulva, nitida; thorace elytris fere æquilato, opaco, lateribus sub lente minute punctato, disco impunctato; elytris subnitidis, infra basin vix excavatis; striis integris, sat fortiter punctatis, ante medium subsulcatis, interspatiis convexiusculis; punctis pone medium minus fortiter impressis, interspatiis fere planis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2⅔ lin.

Hab. Batchian.

Head granulose, front impunctate, lower portion impressed with a fine longitudinal groove; epistome longer than broad, not separated from the front, the apical sutures obsolete; sides straight and parallel, anterior margin deeply subangulate-emarginate, angles of the notch scarcely produced, very obtuse; surface remotely punctured; eyes piceous, their inner edge deeply emarginate; jaws piceous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded and diverging from the base to behind the middle, thence obliquely converging to the apex, all the angles tuberculate; upper surface opake, granulose, very minutely and remotely punctured on the sides. Scutellum longer than broad, semiovate. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, parallel, finely granulose, nitidous, very faintly excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly piceo-punctate, subsulcate in front and along the suture, the interspaces slightly but distinctly convex; behind the middle the punctures are finer and the interspaces plane.

I have thought it best to change the name of this insect, as the one, impuncticollis, originally given by me to the species, is, I find on closer examination, inaccurate.

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48. Rhyparida brunnea, n. sp.

Subelongata, parallela, brunnea, nitida; antennis, pectore pedibusque obscure fulvis; femoribus et tibiis apice tarsisque piceis; thorace elytris æquilato, granuloso, disco tenuiter subcrebre punctato; elytris infra basin late transversim excavatis; striis infra basin sat fortiter punctatis, punctis pone medium minus distinctis, apicem versus fere deletis; spatio basilari paullo elevato, minus fortiter punctato; interspatiis planis, nitidissimis; femoribus subtus dente minuto armatis.

Mas.—Tibiis anticis compresso-dilatatis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Batchian.

Head granulose, very finely and remotely punctured, lower portion of front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove; epistome longer than broad, scarcely separated from the front, the apical sutures being ill defined, apical angle obtuse; sides slightly rounded, anterior border broadly concave-emarginate, angles of the notch obtuse, not produced; jaws black; antennæ slender, equal to the body in length. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, slightly converging in front; anterior angles obsolete, hinder armed with an obtuse tooth; above moderately convex, finely granulose, disk impressed with fine but distinct punctures. Scutellum longer than broad, its apex round. Elytra subparallel, slightly flattened on the disk, swollen laterally just within the outer margin, strongly and broadly excavated below the basilar space, longitudinally sulcate within the humeral callus; basilar space slightly thickened; striæ somewhat strongly punctured below the base, finely punctured on the basilar space and behind the middle, nearly obsolete near the apex; interspaces plane.

The anterior tibiæ in the ♂ are dilated as in the same sex in R. tibialis (ante, p. 183). The larger size, the entirely different sculpture of the elytra, and the difference in form of epistome, will separate it from that species.

49. Rhyparida Javanensis, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga, parallela, nigro-picea, nitida; capite piceo-fulvo; antennis pedibusque obscure flavis; thorace elytris æquilato, subcrebre punctato; elytris parallelis, apice piceo-fulvis, infra basin non excavatis; striis integris, ante medium

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sat fortiter punctatis, pone medium minus distinctis, apicem versus fere deletis; interspatiis antice obsolete convexiusculis, postice planis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Java.

Head finely granulose, minutely and distantly punctured; lower portion of front impressed with the usual longitudinal groove; epistome not longer than broad, not separated from the front, the sutural angles obsolete; sides straight and parallel; anterior margin concave-emarginate, angles of the notch not produced, very obtuse; surface more strongly punctured than the front; jaws black; eyes prominent. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging from the middle to the apex, apical angle obsolete, hinder angle armed with an obtuse tooth; surface nitidous, somewhat closely punctured. Scutellum longer than broad, semiovate. Elytra not broader than the thorax, parallel, not excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly punctured on the anterior disk, more finely punctured posteriorly, nearly obsolete towards the apex; interspaces obsoletely convex in front, plane posteriorly.

Nearly allied in form to R. tibialis (ante, p. 183); separated from that species by the shorter epistome and by the absence of sutural lines between it and the front; the single specimen from which I have drawn the above description is a ⁀, the ♂ I do not know.

50. Rhyparida obliterata, n. sp.

Elongata, parallela, nigro-picea, nitida; antennis flavis; tarsis piceo-fulvis; thorace elytris æquilato, tenuiter punctato; elytris parallelis, infra basin leviter excavatis; striis ante medium distincte punctatis, pone medium indistinctis, apicem versus deletis, 9no ad 12mum fere omnino obliteratis; interspatiis planis; femoribus dente parvo armatis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Java.

Head granulose, lower portion of front impressed with a longitudinal groove; epistome separated from the front, longer than broad, subcampanulate, anterior border broadly concave-emarginate; jaws black; labrum fulvous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex; anterior angles obsolete, hinder angles armed with a subacute tooth; above transversely convex, sides

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obliquely deflexed in front; surface finely but distinctly punctured. Scutellum slightly broader at the base than long, its apex obsoletely angled. Elytra oblong, convex, impressed below the basilar space; striæ impressed on the anterior disk with round shallow punctures, on the hinder disk they are indistinct, and before reaching the apex of the elytron entirely obsolete; the ninth to the twelfth striæ are ill defined and entirely obsolete below the middle of the disk; interspaces plane.

Smaller and narrower than the preceding insect, and the elytra are differently punctured.

51. Rhyparida tumifrons, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, picea, nitida; vertice tumido, convexo; thorace subcrebre punctato, obsolete strigoso-reticulato; elytris thorace vix latioribus, infra basin non excavatis; striis integris, ante medium leviter sulcatis, sat fortiter punctatis, punctis pone medium minus fortiter impressis; interspatiis antice leviter convexiusculis, postice planis; femoribus subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Vertex swollen, convex; whole surface of head granulose, covered with shallow oblong punctures, middle of front just above the eyes impressed with a shallow longitudinal fovea; epistome on the same plane and forming a single piece with the front, the apical sutures being entirely wanting; its anterior border moderately concave-emarginate, angles of the notch not produced; jaws black. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides rounded and converging from base to apex, anterior angles obsolete, hinder angles tuberculate; surface covered with coarse punctures, interspaces indistinctly reticulate-strigose. Scutellum scarcely longer than broad, its apex distinctly angular. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, not excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly punctured, slightly sulcate on the anterior disk, the interspaces obsoletely convex; behind the middle the punctures are finer, and the interspaces plane.

The swollen head, and obliquely deflexed sides of the thorax in front, will serve to separate this species from its allies; viz., those in which the thorax is broad and has its anterior angles obsolete.

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52. Rhyparida sulcicollis, n. sp.

Subelongata, convexa, obscure picea, nitida; capite pedibusque piceo-fulvis; antennis extrorsum infuscatis; thorace opaco, subremote tenuiter punctato, ante apicem transversim sulcato; elytris basi et apice piceo-fulvis, thorace vix latioribus, postice vix attenuatis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, spatio basilari paullo incrassato; striis apicem versus et supra spatium basilare minus fortiter punctatis, minus distinctis, interspatiis planis; femoribus subtus dente brevi armatis.

Ling. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Sulu Islands, New Guinea.

Head opake, lower portion of front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove; epistome separated from the front, sides converging backwards, anterior border broadly concave-emarginate, angles of the notch slightly produced; jaws black. Thorax stained at base and apex with obscure fulvous, twice as broad at the base as long, sides rounded, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex; anterior angles obsolete, hinder angles armed with an obtuse tooth; above transversely convex at the base, sides obliquely deflexed in front; surface opake, impressed with a distant very finely impressed puncturing; just behind the anterior border is a deep but ill-defined transverse groove, which extends entirely across the surface of the thorax, but is less distinct on the middle of the disk. Scutellum subtrigonate, its apex rounded. Elytra sculptured as in R. brunnea (ante, p. 196).

53. Rhyparida bipustulata, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, læte purpurea, nitida; antennis flavis, extrorsum fuscis; thorace sub lente minute et remote punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, convexis, infra basin non excavatis; striis integris, subfortiter punctatis, interspatiis planis; utrisque plagâ transversâ, ante medium positâ, ornatis; femoribus subtus dente minuto armatis; tarsis obscure piceis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Waigiou.

Head irregularly wrinkled, minutely granulose, very finely and distantly punctured; lower portion of front impressed with a broad but shallow longitudinal groove; epistome forming a single

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piece with the front, its anterior border broadly concave-emarginate. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex; anterior angles nearly obsolete, hinder angles armed with an obtuse tooth; surface very finely granulose, minutely and distantly punctured. Scutellum broadly semiovate, its apex subangulate. Elytra broader than the thorax, convex, not excavated below the basilar space; striæ entire, the puncturing continued of nearly equal depth to the apex; interspaces plane, very faintly convex anteriorly.

54. Rhyparida picta, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, piceo-fulva, nitida; antennis (basi exceptâ) nigris; abdomine, pedibus anticis, femoribusque quatuor posticis piceis; elytris thorace multo latioribus, infra basin excavatis, striis integris, basi et apicem versus minus fortiter impressis; nigro-piceis, basi et apice pallidioribus, utrisque plagâ humerali fulvâ ornatis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1¼ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Head smooth, impunctate; frontal groove obsolete; epistome much longer than broad, wedge-shaped, not entirely separated from the front, the extreme apical suture obsolete; anterior border concave-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, obtuse; apex of jaws black; antennæ slightly but distinctly thickened towards the apex, two basal joints pale fulvous. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long; sides regularly rounded, all the angles tuberculate; surface smooth, impunctate. Elytra nitidous, deeply excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus; piceous, paler at the extreme base and at the apex, each elytron with a subtrigonate fulvous patch, which commences on the humeral callus and extends downwards as far as the middle of the disk, its inner edge oblique, deeply concave-emarginate; basilar space slightly thickened, the punctures covering its surface as well as those towards the apex of the elytron very fine and indistinct.

55. Rhyparida Wallacei, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga, convexa, piceo-fulva, nitida; thorace tenuiter subremote punctato, utrinque plagâ obsoletâ piceâ instructo; elytris oblongis, thorace latioribus, infra basin vix impressis;

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striis integris, sulcatis, interspatiis convexis; suturâ vittulisque nonnullis piceis; femoribus subtus dente parvo armatis.

Long. 2⅔ lin.

Hab. Sarawak.

Head finely punctured; epistome broader than long, distinctly separated from the front, pentagonal, sides slightly converging backwards; anterior border trisinuate, angles of the medial notch acute, scarcely produced; surface more coarsely punctured than the front; lower end of the latter impressed with a deep longitudinal groove; eyes and apex of jaws black. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long; sides rounded, scarcely converging in front, middle of lateral border faintly sinuate; surface nitidous, finely but not closely punctured, stained on either side of the disk with a faint ill-defined piceous patch. Scutellum longer than broad, semiovate. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong, parallel, slightly excavated below the basilar space; striæ entire, sulcate, somewhat strongly punctured, the interspaces convex; a sutural stripe, a marginal vitta abbreviated above and below, a central vitta which occupies the middle third of the fifth and sixth interspaces, and two short vittæ, one placed on the humeral callus, the other halfway between the latter and the suture, piceous.

56. Rhyparida vittipennis, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 9.

Anguste oblonga, convexa, subtus nigro-picea, nitida, supra piceo-fulva; thoracis plagis duabus, elytrorumque suturâ, lineâ marginali vittâque disci ad basin abrupte dilatatâ, ante apicem desinente, nigro-piceis; elytris infra basin obsolete transversim impressis; striis sulcatis, interspatiis elevatis, subcostatis; femoribus subtus dente parvo armatis.

Long. 2⅔ lin.

Hab. Flores.

Head granulose, upper portion rugose; sides straight, converging backwards; anterior border trigonate; front impressed with a longitudinal groove, which runs upwards from the apex of the epistome; antennæ pale fulvous, their apex fuscous. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long; sides regularly rounded, scarcely narrowed in front, all the angles armed with a short

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obtuse tooth; upper surface moderately convex, subremotely punctured; the piceous patches, which are placed one on either side, and are attached to the basal and lateral borders, cover nearly the whole surface of the disk, leaving only a longitudinal space down the middle, together with the anterior margin, free. Scutellum nigro-piceous. Elytra sulcate-striate, the sulci distinctly punctured, interspaces smooth, very remotely impressed with fine punctures, visible only under a lens; humeral callus slightly prominent.

57. Rhyparida limbata, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 9.

Oblonga, convexa, fusco-fulva, subnitida; scutello, thorace utrinque maculâ, genibusque piceis; elytris nigro-piceo-limbatis, limbo exteriore ante apicem angustato, striis sulcatis, interspatiis convexiusculis; femoribus muticis.

Var. A. Elytrorum limbo suturali dilatato; thorace fasciâ interruptâ piceâ.

Var. B. Corpore toto pallide fulvo.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head distantly punctured; epistome more closely punctured than the front, campanuliform, sutural line separating its apex from the front obsolete; anterior border slightly subangulate-emarginate. Thorax transverse, twice as broad as long; sides nearly straight and very slightly diverging from the base to behind the middle, thence regularly rounded and converging to the apex; surface somewhat irregularly punctured. Scutellum longer than broad. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, very faintly excavated below the basilar space; striæ deeply sulcate, finely punctured, the punctures oblong, interspaces convex; humeral callus moderately prominent.

58. Rhyparida Horsfieldii, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, fulva, nitida; capite (antennis exceptis) thoraceque pallide rufo-piceis, hoc sat fortiter subcrebre punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, ovatis, infra basin excavatis; striis integris, piceo-punctatis, punctis ante medium sat fortiter, pone medium minus fortiter impressis, apicem

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versus fere deletis; interspatiis fere planis; femoribus anticis spinâ acutâ, posticis dente parvo armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Java.

Head deeply and closely punctured on either side the upper part of the front, lower portion of the front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove, supra-ocular grooves deeply excavated; epistome not separated at its apex from the front, longer than broad, wedge-shaped, anterior border slightly concave-emarginate, surface coarsely rugose-punctate; apex of jaws black. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, subangulate behind the middle, thence obliquely converging to the apex, all the angles tuberculate; above transversely convex, sides obliquely deflexed in front; surface nitidous, finely granulose, impressed with coarse punctures, lateral margin slightly dilated, piceous. Scutellum scarcely longer than broad, trigonate, sides rounded. Elytra broader than the thorax, subovate, nitidous, slightly excavated below the basilar space; striæ entire, piceo-punetate, punctures large and deeply impressed on the anterior disk, more finely impressed below the middle, very fine and nearly invisible towards the apex; interspaces plane, very faintly convex on the anterior disk.

59. Rhyparida sulcata, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 8.

Oblonga, convexa, nitida, pallide rufo- aut fulvo-picea; thorace fortiter crebre punctato, longitudinaliter elevato-strigoso, strigis inter se reticulatis; elytris obscure fulvis, infra basin obsolete transversim depressis, sulcato-striatis; striis fortiter punctatis, punctis piceis; interspatiis lævibus, convexis; pedibus antennarumque basi obscure fulvis; femoribus subtus dente minuto armatis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head coarsely punctured; epistome not separated from the front, its anterior border armed with two short obtuse teeth, their interspaces concave; antennæ slender, filiform; eyes prominent, bounded above by a deep groove, which runs obliquely downwards on the face to join the apex of the lateral border of the epistome. Thorax rather broader than long; sides diverging for a short distance from their base, then obliquely converging and

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slightly rounded to the apex; upper surface transversely convex, sides obliquely deflexed in front, closely covered with irregular longitudinal raised strigæ, which anastomose freely with one another, each interstice occupied by a single row of distinct somewhat deeply impressed punctures. Scutellum oblong, its apex obtuse. The elytra appear to vary considerably in colour; usually on the basilar space is an ill-defined fulvous patch; in other specimens the whole surface is fulvous, with the suture and some small patches on the disk piceous; striæ entire, sulcate, interspaces convex.

60. Rhyparida Amboinensis, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, obscure picea, nitida; antennis fulvis; thorace elytris fere æquilato, fere impunctato; elytris parallelis, infra basin non excavatis; striis integris, sat fortiter punctatis, punctis pone medium minus fortiter impressis; interspatiis planis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Amboina.

Head granulose, nearly impunctate; frontal groove obsolete; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its surface concave, deeply punctured, anterior margin deeply rotundate-emarginate, angles of the emargination produced, subacute; labrum and antennæ fulvous; jaws black. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long; sides nearly straight and parallel behind the middle, obliquely rounded and converging from the middle to the apex, all the angles armed with a small tooth; transversely convex above, sides obliquely deflexed in front; surface shining, very sparingly and very remotely punctured. Elytra oblong-ovate, slightly excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus; striæ strongly punctured, entire, the punctures rather less strongly impressed behind the middle.

The form of the epistome will separate this species from its allies.

61. Rhyparida nucea, n. sp.

Elongata, picea, subnitida; thorace subcylindrico, fortiter punctato; elytris opacis, thorace multo latioribus, oblongis, infra basin excavatis; striis sulcatis, fortiter punctatis, pone apicem

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minus fortiter impressis; interspatiis convexis, prope apicem fere planis; femoribus subtus dente acuto armatis.

Long. 1¾ lin.

Hab. Sulu Islands, New Guinea.

Head granulose, coarsely and deeply but not closely punctured; vertex rufo-fulvous, swollen, convex, impressed in the middle with a large fovea, from the lower end of which runs a short longitudinal groove; epistome obscure piceous, not separated from the front, the apical sutures obsolete, sides straight, converging backwards, anterior border broadly concave-emarginate, edges of the notch slightly produced, subacute; eyes prominent, their inner edges very slightly emarginate; jaws black; antennæ fuscous, two lower joints flavous. Thorax nearly half as broad again as long; sides diverging for a short distance at the base, thence obliquely converging and slightly rounded to the apex; anterior angles subtuberculate, hinder angles armed with an obtuse tooth; above subcylindrical, sides obliquely deflexed from behind the middle to the apex; surface deeply and closely punctured on the sides, punctures on the disk finer and less crowded. Scutellum longer than broad, its apex rounded. Elytra much broader than the thorax, opake, closely granulose, broadly excavated below the basilar space, the latter slightly thickened; striæ sulcate, strongly punctured, sulci less deeply impressed and more finely punctured behind the middle; interspaces convex, flattened towards the apex; suture narrowly edged with nigro-piceous.

The form of the thorax in this insect closely approaches that of R. sumptuosa, the first species in the genus (ante, p. 163).

62. Rhyparida elevata, n. sp.

Subquadrato-ovata, valde convexa, rufo-picea, purpureo-tincta, nitida; antennis fuscis, basi pallide fulvis; epistomate elevato; thorace impunctato; elytris purpureis, thorace latioribus, parallelis, infra basin vix excavatis; striis integris, sat fortiter punctatis, leviter sulcatis; interspatiis leviter convexiusculis; femoribus incrassatis, dente valido armatis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Waigiou.

Head smooth, impunctate, the middle of the front above the eyes with a short longitudinal ridge; epistome raised above the level of the front, not separated at its apex from the latter,


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broader in front than long, subcampanulate, its anterior border concave-emarginate; five lower joints of the antennæ pale fulvous, the third to the fifth stained with fuscous, the remaining joints entirely fuscous; apical half of jaws black. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging in front, anterior angles nearly obsolete, hinder angles armed with an obtuse tooth; surface smooth, impunctate. Scutellum scarcely broader than long, subtrigonate, the apex broadly rounded. Elytra broader than the thorax, convex, very slightly excavated below the basilar space, longitudinally sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ strongly punctured, entire, the punctures of equal depth to the apex; interspaces slightly convex.

63. Rhyparida trilineata, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 9.

Elongata (♂), subelongata (⁀), convexa, pallide picea, nitida; thorace supra et infra pectoreque piceis; elytris infra basin vix excavatis, thorace latioribus, fere parallelis (♂), postice attenuatis (⁀); striis ante medium fortiter punctatis, pone medium minus distinctis, apicem versus fere deletis; interspatiis ante medium leviter convexiusculis; vittâ suturali, basi angustatâ, alterâque marginali, postice abbreviatis, piceis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 3—4 lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

Head prominent; front distinctly but not very closely punctured, its lower end impressed with the usual longitudinal groove; epistome longer than broad, distinctly separated from the front, pentagonal, apical angle acute; sides straight, slightly converging backwards, anterior border deeply concave-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, obtuse; surface more coarsely and deeply punctured than the front; jaws nigro-piceous; antennæ slender, entirely filiform. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, nearly parallel at the extreme base, all the angles armed with an obtuse tooth; above transversely convex, sides in front in the ⁀ strongly and obliquely deflexed; surface subopake, granulose, coarsely but not very closely punctured. Scutellum longer than broad, semilanceolate-ovate. Elytra broader than the thorax, subparallel in the ♂, obcuneiform in the ⁀, faintly excavated below the basilar space, longitudinally impressed within the humeral

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callus, the latter subprominent; striæ strongly punctured in front, more finely punctured posteriorly, nearly obsolete near the apex; interspaces nearly plane, minutely but not closely punctured.

64. Rhyparida dimidiatipennis, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 8.

Elongata, convexa, fusco-fulva, subopaca, elytrorum dimidio postico lineâque marginali anticâ nigris, genibus infuscatis; elytrorum striis subsulcatis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2½—3 lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

Head exserted; forehead convex, very finely punctured, lower portion of front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove; epistome separated from the front, longer than broad, apical angle acute; sides nearly straight and parallel, slightly converging at the apex; anterior border deeply concave-emarginate, angles of the notch produced each into a subacute tooth; surface depressed towards the apex, more coarsely punctured than the front; jaws nigro-piceous; eyes prominent. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long; sides nearly straight and parallel at the base, thence obliquely converging and rounded to the apex, all the angles armed with a small tooth; above transversely convex; sides obliquely deflexed in front; surface nearly impunctate. Scutellum pentagonal. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, not excavated below the basilar space; striæ entire, obsoletely sulcate, the interspaces very slightly convex.

65. Rhyparida laterivittata, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, piceo-fulva, nitida; vertice pectoreque nigropiceis; antennis pedibusque pallide fulvis; thorace granuloso, hic illic sparse punctato, disco piceo; elytris thorace latioribus, infra basin et intra callum humerale leviter excavatis; striis distincte punctatis, punctis pone medium tenuiter impressis; utrisque vittâ latâ laterali nigro-piceâ, ante apicem abbreviatâ, infra basin intus fere ad suturam productâ, basi fulvo-notatâ; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Mysol.

Head prominent, finely granulose, distantly punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its surface concave,

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its anterior border deeply concave-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, obtuse, centre of front impressed with a faint longitudinal groove; jaws black. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex; anterior angles obsoletely, hinder distinctly tuberculate; above transversely convex, sides obliquely deflexed in front; surface finely granulose, impressed here and there with a few deep punctures; disk, together with the extreme outer edge of the lateral border, nigro-piceous. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong-subovate, excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ entire, more finely punctured towards the apex; interspaces plane, obsoletely convex on the inner disk in front; on the outer border of each elytron is a broad nigro-piceous vitta, which extends from the base nearly to the apex; at its basal end it is more or less marked with fulvous; a short distance below the base it sends a broad ramus inwards nearly to the suture, and just before its apex it is again produced inwards, although not so far as before.

66. Rhyparida parvula, n. sp.

Oblonga, convexa, fulva, nitida; thorace impunctato; elytris thorace latioribus, infra basin excavatis; striis infra basin distincte punctatis, basi ipsâ et apicem versus omnino deletis; femoribus subtus dente parvo armatis.

Long. 1—1⅓ lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

Head smooth, impunctate; epistome wedge-shaped, forming a single piece with the front, anterior border concave-emarginate, angles of the notch slightly produced, very obtuse; longitudinal groove on front obsolete; jaws piceous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, scarcely converging in front; hinder angles armed with a subacute tooth, anterior tuberculate; surface shining, impunctate, lateral border narrowly edged with piceous. Scutellum longer than broad, subtrigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; basilar space also thickened, impunctate; striæ distinctly punctured below the basilar space and on the middle disk, below the latter the puncturing becomes very fine and is entirely lost towards the apex; a single stria next the suture is entire and sulcate.

This species at first sight has greatly the aspect of Nodostoma læve (post, p. 220).

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67. Rhyparida pinguis, n. sp.

Breviter ovata, convexa, piceo-fulva, nitida; thorace fere impunctato; elytris thorace latioribus, late ovatis, infra basin leviter depressis; striis integris, sulcatis, tenuiter punctatis; femoribus (præsertim anticis) incrassatis, anticis spinâ validâ, posticis spinâ parvâ armatis, intermediis muticis.

Long. 2⅓ lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head smooth, impunctate, lower portion of the front impressed with a shallow longitudinal groove; epistome separated from the front, narrowly wedge-shaped, anterior border moderately concave-emarginate, angles of the notch not produced, very obtuse; jaws nigro-piceous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging from the middle to the apex, all the angles armed with an obtuse tooth; surface transversely convex, nearly impunctate. Scutellum subpentagonal, impressed towards the apex with a large shallow fovea. Elytra much broader than the thorax, broadly oval, very faintly impressed below the basilar space, sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter slightly thickened; striæ entire, sulcate, finely punctured; interspaces convex.

This insect may be known from all otber species of the genus by its broadly ovate form.

68. Rhyparida ovalis, n. sp.

Ovalis, convexa, piceo-fulva, nitida; thorace elytris angustiori, minute et remote punctato; elytris late ovalibus, infra basin leviter excavatis, callo humerali incrassato; striis integris, sulcatis, tenuiter punctatis, interspatiis convexis; femoribus anticis subtus dente acuto armatis.

Long. 2¼ lin.

Hab. Sumatra.

Epistome separated from the front, wedge-shaped, its anterior border broadly concave-emarginate; lower portion of the front impressed with the usual longitudinal groove; jaws black. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, nearly parallel at the extreme base, all the angles armed with a small obtuse tooth; surface minutely and sparingly punctured. Elytra similar in form and sculpture to those of R. pinguis.

Smaller than R. pinguis; thorax narrower.

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69. Rhyparida Celebensis, n. sp.

Subelongata, convexa, picea, nitida; thorace subcrebre punctato, utrinque nigro-piceo-maculato; elytris thorace multo latioribus, oblongis, infra basin excavatis; striis ante medium distincte, pone medium tenuissime punctatis, interspatiis planis, suturâ calloque humerali nigro-piceis; femoribus subtus dente acuto armatis; femoribus tibiisque basi obscure fulvis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head moderately prominent, upper part of vertex nigro-piceous, surface impressed with shallow oblong punctures; lower portion of front impressed with a faint longitudinal groove; epistome not separated at its apex from the front, semiovate, anterior border very faintly subangulate-emarginate; jaws nigro-piceous; basal joints of antennæ fulvous. Thorax half as broad again as long; sides rounded, converging from behind the middle to the apex, all the angles tuberculate; upper surface transversely convex at the base, sides obliquely deflexed in front; minutely granulose, strongly and closely punctured on the sides, the interspaces elevatereticulate; disk more finely and less closely punctured. Scutellum oblong, its apex rounded. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, broadly excavated below the basilar space, distinctly sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ entire, distinctly punctured on the anterior disk, very finely punctured and only visible with a lens behind the middle; interspaces plane.

70. Rhyparida lateralis, n. sp.

Elongata, convexa, picea, nitida; antennis extrorsum fuscis; thorace longitudine vix latiori, subcylindrico, lateribus antice declivibus; elytris thorace multo latioribus, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis; striis sat fortiter punctatis, apicem versus tenuissime punctatis, fere deletis; interspatiis planis; utrisque costâ sublaterali latâ interruptâ, a callo humerali fere ad medium elytri extensâ, instructis; femoribus posterioribus subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Manilla.

Head prominent, finely granulose, distinctly but distantly punctured, more closely punctured on the epistome, the latter in

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the same plane and forming a single piece with the front, apical sutures entirely obsolete, the lateral very indistinct; middle portion of anterior margin concave-emarginate, angles of the notch slightly produced, obtuse; jaws nigro-piceous; basal joints of antennæ fulvous. Thorax half as broad again as long; sides rounded, slightly converging in front, all the angles tuberculate; above very convex, sides deflexed in front; surface strongly but not closely punctured, the puncturing finer near the middle of the anterior border. Scutellum longer than broad, semiovate. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, broadly excavated below the basilar space, longitudinally sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened, prominent; basilar space slightly thickened; striæ strongly punctured on the anterior disk, finely punctured on the basilar space and on the hinder disk, nearly obsolete towards the apex; on the anterior outer disk is a strongly-raised tuberculate and more or less interrupted ridge, extending from the humeral callus to the middle of the elytron, its hinder portion being slightly flexuous, and becoming gradually lost in the general surface of the disk.

71. Rhyparida angulicollis, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga, parallela, convexa, pallide fulva, nitida; thorace elytris fere æquilato, lateribus angulatis, dorso rude sub-remote punctato; elytris oblongis, infra basin obsolete excavatis; striis integris, sulcatis; interspatiis convexiusculis, iis prope marginem lateralem subcostatis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Eastern portion of Ceram.

Head moderately prominent, coarsely punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border subangulate-emarginate; jaws piceous; eyes prominent, entire; antennæ two-thirds the length of the body. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides angled just behind the middle, narrowly edged with piceous; upper surface coarsely punctured. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, parallel, very faintly impressed below the basilar space; striæ sulcate, strongly punctured; interspaces slightly convex, those near the lateral border thickened.

The species before us is the only instance known to me of a distinctly angular thorax in the genus Rhyparida.

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Genus NODOSTOMA, Motsch.
Col. Sibérie Orient. p. 176.

Corpus ovatum, oblongum aut elongatum, convexum. Caput perpendiculare; antennis filiformibus, rarius subincrassatis. Thorax plerumque transversus, convexus, rarius subcylindricus; lateribus marginatis, angulatis aut rotundatis. Elytra punctato-striata, plerumque thorace latiora. Pedes mediocres aut subelongati, rarius longissimi; femoribus incrassatis, basi sæpe attenuatis, muticis aut subtus dente acuto armatis; tibiis posticis quatuor extus ante apicem emarginatis; unguiculis appendiculatis. Episterna antica trigonata; sulcis inter prosternum et episterna obsoletis.

The only constant differential character between the present and the preceding genus is the appendiculated claw; although (with few exceptions) there is a general difference in form, difficult to describe in words, which renders it easy at first sight to separate the species belonging to the two genera.

The species at present known of Nodostoma are entirely Asiatic.

I. Elytra punctate-striate.

A. Antennæ subincrassate or subfiliform, joints compressed; body fulvous.

1. Nodostoma nigricorne, Baly.
(N. nigricornis), Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 13.

Subelongatum, convexum, fulvum, nitidum; antennis subfiliformibus, nigris (basi exceptâ), articulo ultimo apice albo; tibiis tarsisque piceis; thorace transverso, subremote punctato; elytris oblongis, infra basin leviter transversim excavatis, punctato-striatis, punctis pone medium minus fortiter impressis, interspatiis subremote tenuiter punctatis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2¼ lin.

Hab. Tondano.

Head short, impressed here and there with large deep punctures; front impressed with a longitudinal groove; epistome not separated from the front, broader than long, its anterior border concave-emarginate, angles of the notch slightly produced, obtuse;

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jaws piceous, their apex black; antennæ nearly two-thirds the length of the body, seven outer joints compressed and dilated, four basal joints cylindrical, pale fulvous; eyes prominent, nearly entire. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging from behind the middle to the apex; anterior angles tuberculate, hinder armed with a subacute tooth; surface subremotely punctured. Elytra oblong, broader than the thorax, slightly impressed below the basilar space, distinctly sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; surface distinctly punctate-striate; striæ less strongly punctured towards the apex; interspaces finely and remotely punctured.

2. Nodostoma trivittatum, n. sp.

Breviter ovatum, valde convexum, fulvum, nitidum; antennis robustis, basi fulvis, apice albidis; thorace remote subtenuiter punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, convexis, infra basin non excavatis, distincte sed tenuiter punctato-striatis, interspatiis minute subremote punctatis, lineâ suturali limboque laterali nigris; femoribus muticis; tarsis piceis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head short; centre of front impressed with a short longitudinal groove; vertex nearly impunctate, lower portion of face remotely punctured; epistome broader than long, its apex continuous with the front, sides straight, converging backwards, anterior border concave-emarginate; antennæ robust, half the length of the body, seven outer joints thickened and slightly compressed, three lower joints fulvous, tenth piceous, eleventh white. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, all the angles tuberculate; surface distinctly but remotely punctured. Scutellum elongate-trigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, convex, finely but distinctly punctured; interspaces very finely punctured. Legs robust.

3. Nodostoma apicale, n. sp.

Ovatum, valde convexum, obscure fulvum, nitidum; pedibus rufo-piceis; antennis robustis, nigris, basi fulvis, apice albidis; thorace subtenuiter remote punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, convexis, infra basin non excavatis, sat fortiter

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punctato-striatis, interspatiis tenuiter subremote punctatis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head short, distantly punctured; centre of front impressed with a short longitudinal groove; epistome broader than long, continuous at its apex with the front, sides straight and nearly parallel, anterior border concave-emarginate, angles of the notch scarcely produced, obtuse, anterior portion of surface obliquely deflexed; antennæ similar in form to those of N. trivittatum, three lower joints obscure fulvous, tenth black; jaws nigro-piceous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging in front; anterior angles subtuberculate, hinder angles armed with an obtuse tooth; upper surface finely and distinctly but remotely punctured. Scutellum narrow, elongate-trigonate, its apex slightly produced, subacute. Elytra similar in form to those of N. trivittatum; the striæ more strongly punctured.

4. Nodostoma proximum, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, fulvum, nitidum; antennis robustis, subfiliformibus, nigris, basi fulvis, articulo ultimo albo; thorace sub lente tenuissime remote punctato; elytris convexis, thorace latioribus, tenuiter punctato-striatis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head moderately exserted; epistome wedge-shaped, forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border broadly concave-emarginate, angles of the emargination slightly produced, obtuse; extreme upper portion of vertex closely covered with large oblong punctures; antennæ half the length of the body, seven upper joints thickened and slightly compressed, increasing in width near the apex. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, all the angles tuberculate; upper surface very minutely and sparingly punctured. Scutellum narrowly semiovate, its apex subacute. Elytra broadly oblong, convex, not excavated below the basilar space, finely punctatestriate.

Smaller, narrower and more parallel than either of the two preceding species; elytra more finely punctured.

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B. Antennæ slender, filiform, joints cylindrical; body smooth, elongate or narrowly oblong, non-metallic.

a. Legs very long; thighs very slender at the base (Basilepta, mihi, olim).

5. Nodostoma longipes, Baly.

Basilepta longipes, Baly, Journ. of Entom. i. p. 23, pl. i. fig. 1.

Subelongatum, valde convexum, nitidum, supra obscure viridiæneum; pedibus elytrorumque tuberculo obscure piceis, corpore subtus antennisque (harum basi fulvâ exceptâ) nigropiceis; thorace antice gibboso, lateribus angulatis; femoribus longissimis, basi valde attenuatis, posterioribus subtus dente acuto armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Subelongate, very convex, nitidous, above obscure metallic-green; body beneath and the antennæ (the fulvous base of the latter excepted) obscure pitchy-black; a large shining circular protuberance on the basilar space of each elytron, together with the legs, piceous; attenuated base of four posterior thighs obscure fulvous. Head smooth above, forehead with a longitudinal groove; lower portion of face deeply punctured; antennæ slender, filiform, longer than the body, three basal joints obscure fulvous. Thorax rather longer than broad; sides produced and angled just behind their middle, their hinder portion sinuate; above transverse, convex, gradually thickened and gibbose towards the apex; surface deeply rugose-punctate, interstices irregularly thickened; gibbose portion nearly impunctate. Scutellum subtrigonate. Elytra much broader at the base than the thorax, nearly three times the length, slightly narrowed behind, convex; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctate striæ, the first abbreviated; on the posterior half nearly all the striæ become obsolete, whilst on the epipleura are two short additional rows, making the total number across that portion of the surface thirteen; humeral callus elevated into a short oblique compressed ridge; on the basilar space is a distinctly raised circular piceous protuberance, its circumference bounded by an indistinct circular groove, the surface smooth and shining, impunctate. Body beneath obscure nigro-piceous; legs piceous, elongate, basal half of thighs slender, filiform, apical half flask-shaped, two posterior

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pairs armed towards their apex beneath with a fine acute tooth, basal half of the same thighs obscure fulvous; all the legs sparingly covered with long silky hairs.

6. Nodostoma Wallacei, n. sp.

Elongatum, convexum, æneo-piceum, nitidum; thorace rude rugoso-punctato, lateribus pone medium angulatis, dente acuto armatis; elytris thorace latioribus, oblongis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, hoc in cretam obliquam elevato; fortiter punctato-striatis, interspatiis costatis, disco exteriori ante medium rude elevato-reticulatis; pedibus longissimis, piceis, femoribus quatuor posticis basi obscure fulvis, subtus dente parvo instructis.

Var. A. Corpore pallide piceo.

Long. 2½—3 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head subelongate, coarsely, deeply and irregularly punctured; epistome wedge-shaped, not separated at its apex from the front; lower portion of the front impressed with a deep longitudinal groove; antennæ slender, fuscous, three or four basal joints fulvous, more or less stained above with fuscous; eyes prominent. Thorax scarcely longer than broad; sides angled just behind the middle, the angle itself produced into a short acute tooth; anterior angles acute, hinder armed with an obtuse tooth; upper surface coarsely and deeply punctured; interspaces irregularly thickened; just behind the anterior border is a deep groove, which extends entirely across the thorax. Scutellum longer than broad, trigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra much broader than the thorax, oblong.

b. Legs elongate or subelongate.

7. Nodostoma elegantulum, n. sp.

Elongatum, convexum, viridi-metallicum; antennis pedibusque nigro-piceis, his æneo-micantibus; femoribus basi labroque fulvis; thorace subremote fortiter punctato; elytris thorace paullo latioribus, oblongis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, fortiter punctato-striatis, striis pone medium fere deletis; pedibus sat elongatis; femoribus basi attenuatis, anticis subtus angulatis, quatuor posticis subtus dente acuto armatis.

Long. 2⅓ lin.

Hab. Celebes.

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Head coarsely but not closely punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border broadly concave-emarginate. Thorax about half as broad again as long; sides rounded, slightly converging in front, all the angles armed with a subacute tooth; above transversely convex, coarsely and irregularly but somewhat remotely punctured. Scutellum rather longer than broad, semiovate. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong.

8. Nodostoma Cumingii, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 14.

Elongatum, valde convexum, viridi-æneum, nitido-piceum; antennis nigris, basi fulvis; thorace subremote punctato, lateribus rotundatis, medio obsolete angulatis; elytris infra basin late transversim excavatis et plagâ violaceo-metallicâ notatis, humeris prominulis, fortiter punctato-striatis, striis supra spatium basilare minus fortiter impressis, pone medium fere deletis; pedibus modice elongatis, piceo-æneis; femoribus (apice excepto) rufis, subtus dente acuto armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Manilla.

Head distinctly punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border broadly concave-emarginate, sides straight and parallel; eyes prominent. Thorax rather more than half as broad again as long; sides rounded, nearly straight and parallel at the base, converging in front, very indistinctly angled in the middle; upper surface deeply and coarsely but not closely punctured, bounded within the anterior border by a shallow transverse groove, which extends entirely across the thorax. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong, deeply excavated below the basilar space, distinctly sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; surface deeply and strongly punctate-striate; striæ less strongly punctured on the basilar space, which is slightly thickened, very finely punctured and indistinct on the hinder disk; on the transverse excavation, below the basilar space, is a small violaceous patch.

9. Nodostoma pallidum, Baly.
(N. pallida), Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 13.

Elongatum, convexum, pallide fulvum, nitidum; thorace profunde excavato-punctato, ante apicem constricto, lateribus

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subangulatis, piceo-marginatis; elytris thorace latioribus, oblongis, postice vix attenuatis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, hoc elevato; sat fortiter punctato-striatis, striis prope suturam sulcatis, iis disci exterioris ad apicem fere deletis, vittâ humerali margineque laterali basi piceis; pedibus elongatis; femoribus basi attenuatis, subtus dente brevi armatis, posticis intus ante apicem piceo-maculatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head triangular, sparingly impressed with large deep punctures; epistome not separated at its apex from the front, wedge-shaped; front impressed with a longitudinal groove; jaws piceous; eyes large, prominent; antennæ longer than the body, their outer half fuscous. Thorax not longer than broad; sides distinctly angled immediately behind the middle, all the angles slightly produced, acute; upper surface more or less closely covered with large deep foveolate punctures; just behind the anterior border is a deeply sulcate groove, the surface of which is impressed with a single row of punctures. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong, parallel, impressed below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter elevated, oblique; strongly punctate-striate, the punctures on the middle disk less strongly impressed towards the apex; striæ near the suture sulcate; basilar space thickened, more finely punctured than the surrounding surface.

10. Nodostoma laterale, n. sp.

Elongatum, convexum, fulvum, nitidum; thorace latitudine vix longiori, dorso convexo, vix pone apicem transversim constricto, lateribus medio angulatis, piceo-marginatis, profunde foveolato-punctatis, disco impunctato; elytris thorace latioribus, oblongis, parallelis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, hoc elevato, obliquo; sat fortiter punctato-striatis, striis pone medium tenuiter punctatis; utrisque suturâ basi, margine laterali ante medium, callo humerali, punctoque pone medium disci posito, piceis; pedibus elongatis; femoribus basi attenuatis, subtus dente brevi armatis.

Var. A. Elytrorum signaturis plus minusve obsoletis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Very nearly allied to N. pallidum, distinguished from that species by the smoother, less strongly punctured face, the longer

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thorax, the impunctate disk of the latter, together with the less strongly punctured hinder disk of the elytra; in form and in all other characters it agrees with the former species.

11. Nodostoma humerale, n. sp.

Elongatum, convexum, pallide fulvum, nitidum; thorace transverso, lateribus pone medium angulatis, dorso prope apicem transversim sulcato, disco hic illic profunde punctato; elytris thorace multo latioribus, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, hoc elevato, obliquo; sat fortiter punctato-striatis, striis ante medium leviter sulcatis, pone medium minus fortiter impressis, interspatiis convexiusculis, punctis piceis; utrisque margine laterali, vittâ brevi basali suturali, plagâque humerali subtrigonatâ, intus emarginatâ, piceis; pedibus elongatis; femoribus basi attenuatis, anticis muticis, quatuor posticis subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head moderately exserted, smooth; epistome wedge-shaped, not separated at its apex from the front, impressed on either side towards the apex with a few deep piceous punctures, anterior border broadly concave-emarginate; front impressed in the middle with a shallow longitudinal groove; encarpæ separated from the front by a piceous groove, which runs upwards on the upper border of the eyes; jaws black; antennæ slender, outer half pale piceous. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long; sides distinctly angled behind the middle, thence obliquely converging towards the apex, more quickly converging just before reaching the anterior angle, the latter armed with an obtuse tooth, hinder angles also toothed; upper surface transversely convex; anterior and basal surface smooth, impunctate, middle portion impressed with a large broad band of deep punctures, which extends entirely across the thorax; just behind the anterior border is a sulcate groove, the surface of which is impressed with a single row of punctures; lateral margin nigro-piceous. Scutellum subelongate-trigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ entire, rather strongly punctured and subsulcate in front, the punctures piceous; behind the middle the striæ are not sulcate, more finely punctured, and the interspaces plane; the humeral patch extends from the shoulder nearly

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to the middle of the disk, its lower extremity is dilated and produced inwards half-way across the inner disk.

12. Nodostoma læve, n. sp.

Elongatum, convexum, pallide flavum, nitidum; thorace fere impunctato, lateribus rotundatis, vittâ brevi disci limboque angusto pallide piceis; elytris infra basin excavatis, humeris elevatis, tenuissime punctato-striatis, punctis limboque pallide piceis, utrisque maculâ infra basin limboque laterali basi saturate piceis; pedibus subelongatis, subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head exserted, coarsely punctured on the vertex, which is piceous; front smooth, nearly impunctate, impressed in the centre with a short longitudinal groove; epistome wedge-shaped, not separated at the apex from the front, anterior border broadly subangulate-emarginate; encarpæ separated from the front by a deep piceous groove, which runs upwards along the upper border of the eye; jaws piceous, their apex black; outer half of antennæ fulvous. Thorax one third as broad again as long, sides rounded, scarcely converging in front, slightly sinuate just before the middle, all the angles tuberculate; transversely convex above, very remotely impressed with a few minute punctures on the disk; just behind the anterior border is a transverse groove, extending entirely across the thorax, its surface impressed with a single row of punctures; a short vitta on the central disk, the transverse groove and the extreme base of the thorax, pale piceous. Scutellum elongate-trigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, excavated below the basilar space, and slightly within the humeral callus, the latter thickened, oblique; basilar space slightly elevated; surface very finely striate-punctate, the punctures piceous, visible only under a strong lens, with the exception of those placed on the subbasal excavation, which are more strongly impressed. Thighs stained near the apex with piceous.

13. Nodostoma Bohemani, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 14.

Elongatum, convexum, pallide fulvum, nitidum; thorace impunctato, lateribus rotundatis; elytris thorace latioribus,

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infra basin et intra callum humerale sat profunde excavatis, tenuiter punctato-striatis, striis pone medium fere deletis; lineâ suturali ante apicem abbreviatâ, limbis basali et laterali (hoc pone medium obsoleto), callo humerali punctoque submarginali pone medium posito, nigris; pedibus elongatis, femoribus subtus dente brevi armatis.

Var. A. Elytrorum signaturis plus minusve obsoletis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head moderately exserted, smooth, impunctate; epistome wedge-shaped, not separated at its apex from the front, anterior border subangulate-emarginate; middle of front impressed with a short longitudinal fovea; encarpæ separated from the front by a single row of punctures; eyes large, prominent, their inner edge sinuate; jaws nigro-piceous. Thorax half as broad again as long; sides moderately rounded, slightly sinuate in the middle, all the angles tuberculate; upper surface smooth, impunctate; the anterior margin bounded within by a deeply sulcate groove which extends entirely across the thorax. Scutellum trigonate, its apex rounded. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong, slightly narrowed posteriorly, excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter prominent; striæ finely punctured, nearly obsolete towards the apex.

14. Nodostoma placidum, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, pallide flavum, nitidum; antennis (basi exceptâ) fuscis; thorace transverso, elytris fere æquilato, lateribus rotundatis, pone medium obsolete angulatis, hinc ad apicem obliquis, tenuiter remote punctato, pone apicem transversim sulcato, margine apicali piceo; elytris parallelis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, hoc elevato; utrisque infra basin plagâ pallide piceâ maculatis; striis sat fortiter punctatis, interspatiis convexiusculis, striis apicem versus fere deletis, interspatiis planis; pedibus subelongatis, femoribus subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head slightly exserted; vertex convex, nearly impunctate, a few punctures being visible on either side above the eyes, on the lower portion of the front and on the epistome; the latter wedge-shaped, not separated at its apex from the front, its anterior border


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slightly angulate-emarginate; jaws piceous; eyes prominent, ovate, their inner border slightly sinuate. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides obsoletely angular behind the middle, obliquely diverging at the base, thence obliquely converging and slightly rounded to the apex, apical angles armed with a subacute tooth; upper surface finely and distantly punctured, lateral border slightly dilated; the anterior border bounded within by a transverse groove which extends entirely across the thorax; anterior border piceous. Scutellum trigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, parallel, excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter prominent; striæ somewhat strongly punctured, slightly sulcate, the interspaces convex; on the hinder third of the surface the striæ are nearly obsolete, and the interspaces plane; on the subbasilar excavation is a small pale piceous patch.

15. Nodostoma piceomaculatum, n. sp.

Elongatum, convexum, pallide fulvum, nitidum; thorace elytris fere æquilato, lateribus rotundatis, pone medium obsolete angulatis, dorso subremote fortiter punctato, margine apicali punctisque duobus disci piceis; elytris parallelis, infra basin et intra callum humerale fortiter excavatis; striis integris, antice sulcatis, sat fortiter punctatis, interspatiis convexiusculis, punctis postice minus fortiter impressis, interspatiis planis; utrisque lineâ suturali maculisque parvis tribus basalibus piceis ornatis; femoribus subtus dente acuto armatis, posticis ante apicem fusco-maculatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head smooth, nearly impunctate; epistome wedge-shaped, its apex not separated from the front, anterior border subangulate-emarginate; encarpæ separated from the front by a shallow groove; jaws nigro-piceous; eyes black, their inner edge sinuate; outer half of antennæ stained with piceous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, obtusely angled behind the middle, thence obliquely converging and slightly rounded to the apex; anterior and posterior angles each armed with an obtuse tooth; above transversely convex, remotely impressed with deep punctures; the anterior border bounded within by a deep transverse groove which extends entirely across the thorax, its surface impressed with a row of indistinct punctures; two small spots on either side of the disk, together with the anterior margin,

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piceous; hinder border also narrowly stained with piceous. Scutellum longer than broad, trigonate, piceo-fulvous. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, parallel, deeply excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ entire, strongly punctured and sulcate in front, the interspaces convex; behind the middle the punctures are less deeply impressed, and the interspaces plane; each elytron with a narrow piceous sutural line, and three small markings, piceous; viz., one on the basilar space, another submarginal, placed just below the shoulder, and a third, transverse, situated on the subbasilar excavation, and sending a branch upwards between the humeral callus and basilar space. Anterior pair of thighs strongly thickened.

c. Legs of normal length.

16. Nodostoma cylindricum, Baly.
(N. cylindrica), Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 13.

Elongatum, angustatum, subcylindricum, flavo-fulvum, nitidum; elytrorum maculâ subapicali nigro-piceâ; thorace subremote punctato; elytris striato-punctatis, interspatiis planis; femoribus anticis dente brevi armatis.

Long. 2¾ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head rather broad, moderately exserted, nitidous, impressed here and there with large deep punctures, which are more crowded on the epistome than on the front; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior margin subangulate-emarginate; eyes oblong, black, their inner edge slightly sinuate; jaws piceous, their apex black; antennæ filiform. Thorax slightly broader than long; sides nearly straight and parallel at the base, thence rounded and converging to the apex, all the angles tuberculate; surface deeply and remotely punctured, the punctures rather more crowded at the base and sides. Scutellum elongate-trigonate, its apex obtusely truncate. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, narrowly oblong, faintly impressed below the basilar space; humeral callus thickened; striæ entire, rather less strongly punctured towards the apex.

The narrow subcylindrical form will distinguish this species from its allies.

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17. Nodostoma Javanense, n. sp.

Elongatum, angustatum, convexum, nigrum, nitidum; capite, thorace pedibusque rufo-fulvis; antennis, basi exceptis, nigris; thorace subremote punctato, lateribus pone medium angulatis; elytris thorace latioribus, parallelis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis; striis ante medium sat fortiter punctatis, subsulcatis, interspatiis convexiusculis; striis pone medium minus fortiter punctatis, interspatiis planis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Java.

Head exserted, deeply punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border subangulate-emarginate; encarpæ not separated from the front; jaws and antennæ black, four lower joints of the latter fulvous. Thorax half as broad again as long; sides distinctly angled behind the middle, thence obliquely converging to the apex; upper surface coarsely but subremotely punctured. Elytra broader than the thorax, narrowly oblong, parallel, excavated below the base and within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ entire, deeply punctured and subsulcate in front, the interspaces slightly convex; behind the middle they are less deeply punctured, and the interspaces plane.

18. Nodostoma gralum, n. sp.

Subelongatum, convexum, nigro-piceum, nitidum; antennis, pedibus elytrisque fulvis, his thorace multo latioribus, infra basin excavatis; striis sat fortiter punctatis, integris; punctis, lineâ suturali alterâque laterali, hac medio intus dilatatâ, piceis; thorace longitudine vix latiori, lateribus pone medium distincte angulatis, dorso subremote punctato; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head prominent, coarsely punctured; interspaces on either side of the vertex reticulate-strigose; lower portion of the front impressed with a longitudinal groove; epistome wedge-shaped, continuous with the front, anterior margin angulate-emarginate. Thorax scarcely broader than long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, distinctly angled behind the middle, the angle itself slightly produced; above deeply but remotely punctured, sides

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obliquely deflexed in front. Scutellum trigonate. Elytra much broader than the thorax, oblong, excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter prominent; striæ strongly punctured, entire, the puncturing finer near the apex.

19. Nodostoma nigripes, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 12.

Subelongatum, convexum, rufo-fulvum, nitidum; pedibus antennisque (harum basi exceptâ) nigris; thorace tenuiter remote punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, oblongis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, hoc elevato, in medio transversim depresso; striis integris, tenuiter punctatis; femoribus subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Sumatra.

Head slightly prominent, rather short, distantly punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border concave-emarginate, angles of the emargination produced, subacute; front impressed just above the eyes with a short longitudinal fovea; jaws nigro-piceous; antennæ robust, gradually thickened towards the apex, two basal joints fulvous. Thorax about one third as broad again as long; sides regularly rounded, not converging in front, all the angles armed with a subacute tooth; surface smooth and shining, remotely punctured. Scutellum longer than broad, its apex obtuse. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong, deeply excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter strongly thickened, divided across the middle by a deep transverse depression; striæ entire, finely punctured, punctures rather more strongly impressed on the excavated portion of the surface.

20. Nodostoma pictum, n. sp.

Anguste oblongum, convexum, pallide piceum, nitidum; antennis pedibusque fulvis, supra fulvo-piceis; thorace sat profunde punctato, lateribus pone medium obsolete angulatis, nigro-piceo-marginatis; elytris fulvis, infra basin excavatis; striis sat fortiter punctatis, sulcatis, interspatiis convexis; callo humerali elevato, postice in costam elevatam prolongato; lineâ suturali infra basin dilatatâ, margine late-

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rali, plagâ humerali fasciâque latâ pone medium, marginem lateralem attingente, disco interiori abbreviatâ, nigro-piceis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1⅓ lin.

Hab. Aru Islands, New Guinea.

Head coarsely but not closely punctured; epistome not separated from the front. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, obsoletely angled behind the middle, obliquely converging thence to the apex, hinder angles tuberculate; surface coarsely and deeply punctured on the sides, more finely punctured on the disk; lateral border nigro-piceous; basal margin broadly stained in the middle with piceous. Scutellum trigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra oblong-ovate, excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly punctured, entire, sulcate, interspaces slightly convex; humeral callus thickened, its lower end lost in an elevated costa, which runs downwards nearly to the apex of the elytron.

21. Nodostoma armatum, n. sp.

Anguste oblongum, convexum, pallide fulvo-piceum, nitidum, antennis (basi fulvâ exceptâ) elytrorumque suturâ et limbo inflexo nigris; thorace fortiter subremote punctato, lateribus pone medium angulatis; elytris fulvis, infra basin non excavatis, sat fortiter punctato-striatis; striis ante medium leviter sulcatis, interspatiis convexiusculis; striis pone medium tenuiter punctatis, interspatiis planis; pedibus fulvis, non elongatis, femoribus subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head scarcely exserted; front forming a single piece with the epistome, the anterior border of the latter concave-emarginate; surface of face impunctate, with the exception of a patch of deep punctures placed on either side close to the middle of the eye; on the middle of the front is a short longitudinal fovea; eyes prominent, their inner border sinuate; jaws piceous, their apex black; antennæ filiform, robust, black, three basal joints fulvous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides angled behind the middle, the angle itself acute; anterior and posterior angles each armed with an obtuse tooth; upper surface coarsely and deeply but not very closely punctured. Scutellum oblong, its apex obtuse. Elytra parallel, not excavated below the base; striæ distinctly punctured, subsulcate, the interspaces convex; behind the middle the

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striæ become very finely punctured, and the interspaces plane; the extreme sutural and lateral margins, together with the inflexed limb, black.

22. Nodostoma piceum, n. sp.

Subelongatum, convexum, piceum, nitidum; antennis pedibusque fulvis, genibus piceis; thorace profunde subcrebre punctato, subcylindrico, lateribus pone medium angulatis, dorso profunde subcrebre punctato; elytris oblongis, thorace multo latioribus, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, spatio basilari paullo elevato, fere impunctato; striis infra basin fortiter punctatis, pone medium minus distinctis, apicem versus omnino deletis; utrisque apicem versus pallide rufo-piceis, plagâque latâ basali transversâ fulvâ ornatis; femoribus subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head exserted, rufo-piceous, coarsely but not closely punctured; epistome wedge-shaped, its apex not separated from the front, anterior border angulate-emarginate; jaws black. Thorax as broad as long; sides angled just behind the middle, in front of the angles slightly rounded and converging to the apex; anterior and posterior angles each armed with an obtuse tooth; above subcylindrical, deeply, coarsely and closely punctured; middle portion of anterior border broadly rufo-piceous. Scutellum elongate-trigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra much broader than the thorax, oblong, deeply excavated below the basilar space, the latter thickened, nearly impunctate; within the humeral callus is a deeply sulcate stria, the callus itself prominent; striæ below the basilar space and on the surrounding space coarsely punctured, punctures finely impressed on the middle disk, entirely lost towards the apex; hinder third rufo-piceous; at the base is a large transverse fulvous patch which entirely covers the basilar space.

23. Nodostoma bipustulatum, n. sp.

Subelongatum, convexum, pallide piceum, nitidum; antennis pedibusque obscure fulvis; thorace lateribus rotundatis, pone medium obsolete angulatis, disco subfortiter remote, ad latera profundius subcrebre, punctato; elytris oblongis, thorace paullo latioribus, infra basin et intra callum humerale

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excavatis, hoc elevato; spatio basilari paullo incrassato, fere impunctato; striis pone basin sat fortiter punctatis, punctis pone medium indistinctis, apicem versus fere obsoletis; utrisque plagâ magnâ basali, spatium basilare amplectente, fulvâ ornatis; femoribus subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head deeply and irregularly punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front; eyes prominent, their inner edge sinuate. Thorax scarcely broader than long; sides slightly but distinctly angled behind the middle, in front obliquely converging and slightly rounded to the apex; above convex, sides obliquely deflexed in front, coarsely punctured, more finely and less closely punctured on the disk. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, broadly oblong, excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter prominent; striæ distinctly punctured in front, very finely punctured and nearly obsolete behind the middle; basilar space slightly thickened, nearly impunctate, its surface covered with a large fulvous patch.

24. Nodostoma fulvipes, n. sp.

Subelongatum, convexum, obscure piceum, nitidum; antennis pedibusque fulvis; thorace sat profunde remote punctato, lateribus pone medium angulatis; elytris thorace latioribus, oblongis, infra basin excavatis, intra callum humerale sulcatis, hoc incrassato, postice in costam obliquam producto; striis pone medium fere obsoletis, ante medium punctis magnis fortiter impressis; spatio basilari paullo elevato, minus fortiter punctato; femoribus muticis, dente minuto armatis.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. Northern part of New Guinea; Sulu Islands.

Head slightly exserted, strongly punctured; middle of the front impressed with a faint longitudinal groove; epistome wedge-shaped, not separated at its apex from the front, its anterior border concave-emarginate, the border itself narrowly reflexed; encarpæ separated from the front by a deep groove; eyes prominent, nearly entire. Thorax more than half as broad again as long; sides obtusely angled behind the middle, thence to the apex obliquely narrowed and slightly rounded; upper surface strongly and remotely punctured on the disk, more closely and still more strongly punctured on the sides. Scutellum longer

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than broad, trigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra oblong, broadly excavated below the basilar space, longitudinally sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened, its lower extremity produced downwards into a short elevated costa, which runs obliquely downwards and outwards to the lateral border; striæ impressed with large round punctures, which, deep and distinct on the anterior disk, become very shallow behind the middle, and are nearly lost towards the apex; basilar space thickened, nearly impunctate.

This species bears some resemblance to Rhyparida lateralis (ante, p. 210).

C. Antennæ filiform or subfiliform; body elongate or subelongate, metallic.

25. Nodostoma tuberculatum, n. sp.

Elongatum, convexum, viridi-metallicum; antennis nigris; tibiis, tarsis elytrisque viridi-cæruleis; his anguste viridi-limbatis, infra basin sat profunde excavatis, utrisque ad humeros irregulariter tuberculatis, callo humerali elevato; striis fortiter punctatis, leviter sulcatis; interspatiis obsolete convexiusculis.

Long. 2½—3 lin.

Hab. Tondano.

Head slightly prominent; face plane; surface irregular, coarsely punctured; middle of the front impressed with a faint longitudinal line; epistome not separated from the front, its anterior border angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch each produced into a broad subacute tooth; encarpæ separated from the front by a grooved line, the surface of the latter impressed with a single row of punctures; eyes oblong, subprominent, nearly entire; antennæ black, with a purplish reflexion, basal joints stained with metallic-green above, piceous beneath; jaws black; labrum nigro-piceous. Thorax more than half as broad again as long; sides rounded, obsoletely angled behind the middle, thence to the apex obliquely converging, very slightly angled just before the middle; surface shining, subremotely impressed with deep punctures; just behind the anterior border is a deep transverse sulcation. Scutellum longer than broad, subpentagonal, sides converging. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong, deeply excavated below the basilar space, longitudinally sulcate within the humeral callus, the

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latter elevated into an oblique ridge; just below the callus is a transverse curved ridge, concave upwards, thickened at its inner end, but gradually diminishing in thickness as it approaches the outer border; a short distance below is a stout obtuse tubercle, still lower is a longitudinal ridge, which runs parallel to the lateral border of the thorax, and becomes gradually lost below the middle of the elytron; striæ slightly sulcate, entire, distinctly punctured, the punctures placed somewhat irregularly; interspaces very remotely and distantly punctured, obsoletely convex; basilar space slightly thickened, nearly as strongly punctured as the rest of the anterior disk, interspace on its outer margin raised, costate.

26. Nodostoma lateripunctatum, n. sp.

Subelongatum, convexum, viridi-metallicum, nitidum; antennis nigris; thorace lateribus rotundatis, foveolatis, disci medio subremote punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, oblongis, parallelis, infra basin late excavatis; striis integris, ante medium sat fortiter, pone medium tenuiter punctatis, interspatiis planis; femoribus subtus dente minuto armatis.

Long. 1¾ lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head moderately exserted, very remotely punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border concave-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, acute; encarpæ separated from the front by a deep groove; front itself impressed in the middle with a short longitudinal groove; antennæ slender, filiform, nearly equal to the body in length; labrum fulvous. Thorax two-thirds as broad again as long; sides obtusely rounded, very indistinctly angled behind the middle; hinder angles tuberculate, anterior unarmed; upper surface transversely convex, almost subcylindrical, impressed just behind the anterior border with a distinct transverse groove; a narrow space in the middle subremotely impressed with small but deep punctures; sides closely covered with large round deeply excavated punctures. Scutellum longer than broad, semiovate. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong, excavated below the basilar space; striæ deeply and strongly punctured before the middle, very finely punctured towards the apex; interspaces plane. Thighs moderately thickened, armed beneath with a very minute tooth.

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27. Nodostoma cupripenne, n. sp.

Elongatum, convexum, obscure æneum, nitidum; antennis tarsisque obscure fulvis; thorace subremote punctato, lateribus rotundatis, in medio angulatis; elytris cupreis, thorace vix latioribus, oblongis, parallelis, infra basin non excavatis, fortiter punctato-striatis, striis pone medium indistinctis, interspatiis planis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Front slightly convex, deeply and irregularly but not very closely punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border trisinuate; jaws rufo-piceous, the apex black. Thorax twice as broad as long; lateral border slightly dilated, its middle distinctly angled; surface deeply and coarsely but subremotely punctured. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, oblong, parallel, not excavated below the basilar space; on the outer disk in front are a few faint transverse wrinkles; striæ strongly punctured in front, indistinct behind the middle, nearly obsolete towards the apex.

28. Nodostoma cupreatum, n. sp.

Subelongatum, convexum, fusco-æneum, nitidum, supra cupreum; antennis subfiliformibus, nigris, basi fulvis; thorace fortiter subremote punctato, lateribus paullo dilatatis, rotundatis, in medio distincte angulatis; elytris thorace paullo latioribus, oblongis, infra basin vix excavatis, striis integris, fortiter punctatis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head remotely punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border subangulate-emarginate; middle of the front impressed with a faint longitudinal groove; encarpæ separated from the front by a deep longitudinal groove; labrum obscure fulvous; jaws piceous, their apex black; antennæ subfiliform, half the length of the body, seven outer joints slightly compressed, black, four lower joints obscure fulvous. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, distinctly angled in the middle; anterior and posterior angles each armed with an obtuse tooth; lateral border narrowly dilated; upper surface deeply but subremotely punctured. Scutellum broadly

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semiovate. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, oblong, very slightly excavated below the basilar space; striæ entire, strongly punctured, more finely punctured below the middle; interspaces plane. Thighs thickened.

D. Antennæ subfiliform, seven outer joints compressed and moderately dilated; body ovate, metallic.

29. Nodostoma aureocupreum, n. sp.

Breviter ovatum, valde convexum, cæruleo-nigrum, nitidum; pedibus cæruleis, viridi-micantibus; supra aureo-cupreum, nitidissimum, metasterno, thoracis lateribus inferioribus elytrorumque limbo inflexo viridibus; thorace subremote punctato, lateribus in medio obsolete angulatis; elytris thorace vix latioribus, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, sat fortiter punctato-striatis, striis integris, interspatiis planis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head short, broad, subremotely punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border angulate-emarginate, sides of the notch produced, obtuse; encarpæ thickened, separated from the front by a deep groove; middle of front impressed with a short longitudinal groove; labrum fulvous; jaws nigro-piceous; eyes prominent, their inner border slightly sinuate; antennæ subfiliform, half the length of the body, seven outer joints compressed and gradually dilated to the apex, outer half of apical joint white. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, obtusely angled in the middle; anterior and posterior angles armed each with an obtuse tooth; upper surface subremotely punctured, transversely convex, sides deflexed in front. Elytra slightly broader than the thorax, subquadrate-ovate, distinctly excavated below the basilar space, humeral callus thickened; striæ distinctly punctured, interspaces plane. Thighs moderately thickened.

E. Antennæ filiform or subfiliform; body ovate or oblong, rarely nonmetallic.

30. Nodostoma rufum, Clark.

Rhyparida rufa, Clark, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Feb. 1865.

Oblongum, valde convexum, rufo-testaceum, nitidum; antennis rufo-fulvis, corporis longitudini fere æqualibus, filiformi-

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bus, articulis compressis, intermediis vix dilatatis; thorace hic illic fortiter subremote punctato, lateribus rotundatis, pone medium angulatis; elytris thorace latioribus, convexis, infra basin leviter excavatis, intra callum humerale sulcatis, hoc incrassato; striis integris, fortiter punctatis, interspatiis planis; margine exteriori ad apicem paullo dilatato; femoribus incrassatis, subtus dente parvo armatis.

Var. A. Elytris rufo-testaceis, apice nigris.

Var. B. Elytris nigris, plagâ magnâ communi basali rufo-testaceâ.

Var. C. Elytris totis nigris.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang.

Head remotely and irregularly punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch slightly produced, subacute; middle of the front impressed with a faint longitudinal groove; jaws piceous, their apex black; antennæ nearly equal to the body in length, eight outer joints closely clothed with adpressed concolorous hairs, the second and third joints short, equal, the fourth and following compressed and very slightly dilated, the joints after the sixth very slightly diminishing in width towards the apex. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, angled behind the middle, notched just in front of the hinder angle; upper surface deeply but remotely punctured, the punctures irregularly scattered over the whole disk; just behind the anterior margin is a transverse groove, its surface impressed with a single row of deep punctures. Scutellum nearly twice as long as broad, sides converging backwards. Elytra much broader than the thorax; sides nearly parallel; apex broadly rounded; the hinder portion of the lateral border very narrowly dilated; convex, very slightly excavated below the basilar space, sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ entire, strongly punctured, interspaces plane. Thighs incrassate.

31. Nodostoma atripenne, Clark.

Rhyparida atripennis, Clark, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Feb. 1865.

Oblongum, convexum, rufo-fulvum, nitidum; antennis pallide fulvis, corpore vix longioribus, filiformibus, articulis compressis; thorace hic illic fortiter subremote punctato, lateribus paullo rotundatis, a basi ad apicem convergentibus; elytris

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nigris, thorace latioribus, parallelis, apice late rotundatis, convexis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, limbo laterali paullo dilatato; striis integris, fortiter punctatis, interspatiis planis; femoribus incrassatis, subtus dente parvo armatis.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang.

Head moderately exserted, coarsely but distantly punctured; epistome wedge-shaped, continuous at its apex with the front, its anterior border subangulate-emarginate, angles of the notch not produced, obtuse, surface more closely punctured than the front; encarpæ not separated from the front; jaws rufo-piceous, the apex black; antennæ slightly longer than the body, filiform, eight outer joints compressed, closely clothed with concolorous hairs. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long; sides moderately rounded, obliquely converging from base to apex, all the angles tuberculate; surface deeply and coarsely but not closely punctured, the punctures irregularly scattered over the whole disk; just behind the anterior border is a transverse groove. Scutellum elongate, subtrigonate. Elytra black, much broader than the thorax, broadly oblong, lateral border very narrowly dilated; above convex, rather deeply excavated below the basilar space, longitudinally sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ entire, strongly punctured; interspaces plane, sparingly impressed with very minute punctures.

32. Nodostoma collare, n. sp.

Breviter oblongo-ovatum, valde convexum, nigrum, nitidum; capite (antennis subfiliformibus exceptis) et thorace rufis; hoc remote punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, quadrato-ovatis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, hoc elevato; striis integris, tenuiter punctatis, punctis apicem versus tenuissime impressis; femoribus basi scutelloque rufo-piceis; illis incrassatis, subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head smooth and shining, very finely and sparingly punctured; epistome much longer than broad, forming a single piece at its apex with the front, sides nearly parallel, slightly rounded, converging towards the apex, anterior border angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch slightly produced, subacute; encarpæ sepa-

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rated from the front by a shallow sutural groove; antennæ two-thirds the length of the body, subfiliform, seven outer joints slightly compressed and thickened, three or four lower joints rufo-piceous; jaws piceous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex; hinder angles tuberculate; disk sparingly impressed with deep punctures, which are irregularly scattered over the whole surface; just behind the anterior border is a transverse groore, which extends entirely across the thorax. Scutellum scarcely longer than broad, rufo-piceous. Elytra broader than the thorax, convex, slightly excavated below the basilar space; humeral callus slightly thickened; striæ entire, finely punctured; interspaces plane, distantly impressed with very minute punctures; lateral border narrowly dilated.

33. Nodostoma æneipenne, n. sp.

Ovatum, valde convexum, rufo-fulvum, nitidum; antennis filiformibus, nigris (basi exceptâ); genibus, tibiis tarsisque nigro-piceis; thorace transverso, lateribus paullo ante basin abrupte angulatis, hinc ad apicem oblique convergentibus, dorso sat profunde subremote punctato; elytris æneis, thorace paullo latioribus, convexis, margine laterali paullo dilatato; infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis; striis integris, ante medium (præsertim ad latera) profunde punctatis, punctis pone medium minus fortiter impressis; femoribus incrassatis, subtus dente acuto armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Malacca (Mount Ophir).

Head slightly exserted, short, remotely impressed with large deep punctures; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border deeply angulate-emarginate; encarpæ slightly thickened, not distinctly separated from the front; jaws black, their middle portion rufo-piceous; antennæ filiform, rather more than half the length of the body, four lower joints obscure fulvous, third joint nearly twice the length of the second. Thorax at the base more than twice as broad as long; sides with the lateral border very narrowly dilated, abruptly angled just in front of the base, thence obliquely converging to the apex; anterior and posterior angles tuberculate; surface subremotely impressed with large deep punctures, which are irregularly scattered over the disk; just behind the anterior border is a deep transverse groove, the surface of which is impressed with a single row of transversely

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oblong punctures. Scutellum longer than broad, subpentagonal. Elytra slightly broader than the thorax, their lateral margin narrowly dilated, convex, excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ entire, deeply and strongly punctured on the anterior disk, more especially towards the outer border; behind the middle and on the basilar space the punctures are smaller and less deeply impressed.

34. Nodostoma viride, n. sp.

Breviter ovatum, valde convexum, viridi-metallicum, nitidum, supra æneo-micans, antennis nigris, abdomine cæruleoæneo; thorace subremote fortiter punctato, punctis hic illic irregulariter congregatis, lateribus rotundatis; elytris thorace paullo latioribus, limbo exteriori paullo dilatato, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, sat fortiter punctatostriatis, striis integris, pone medium minus fortiter punctatis, interspatiis obsolete convexiusculis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Sumatra.

Head distantly punctured; epistome longer than broad, forming a single piece at its apex with the front, sides nearly straight and parallel, anterior border deeply angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, acute; labrum metallic-green; encarpæ not distinctly separated from the front; middle of the front impressed with an oblong fovea; antennæ half the length of the body, moderately robust, black, four basal joints glabrous, nitidous, the rest opake, clothed with adpressed hairs. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, very indistinctly angled behind the middle, anterior and posterior angles tuberculate; surface impressed with deep punctures, which are irregularly congregated in patches over the surface. Scutellum as broad at the base as long, subpentagonal, its apex impressed with a small fovea. Elytra slightly broader than the thorax, subquadrate-ovate, their outer limb narrowly dilated; above convex, excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter thickened, the basilar space also slightly raised; striæ entire, strongly punctured, the puncturing rather less strongly impressed below the middle and on the basilar space; interspaces obsoletely convex. Thighs incrassate.

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35. Nodostoma æneomicans, n. sp.

Ovatum, valde convexum, viridi-metallicum, supra æneo-micans, nitidum; abdomine nigro-æneo; antennis nigris, basi fulvis; thorace sat fortiter subremote punctato, lateribus fere rectis, oblique convergentibus; elytris thorace paullo latioribus, limbo exteriori paullo incrassato, infra basin leviter excavatis, fortiter punctato-striatis, striis leviter sulcatis, pone medium minus fortiter impressis, interspatiis obsolete convexiusculis, tenuissime remote punctatis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Malacca.

Head deeply inserted in the thorax, distantly punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border deeply angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, acute; encarpæ separated from the front by a shallow groove; labrum nigro-piceous; jaws black. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long; sides nearly straight, obliquely converging from base to apex; upper surface subremotely impressed with large round punctures; just behind the anterior border is a deep transverse groove. Scutellum broader than long, subpentagonal. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, convex, lateral border narrowly dilated; excavated below the basilar space, slightly sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ very slightly sulcate, strongly and coarsely punctured on the anterior disk, more finely punctured behind the middle; the interspaces slightly convex.

36. Nodostoma nitidum, n. sp.

Oblongo-ovatum, viridi-metallicum, supra æneo-micans, nitidum; antennis nigris, basi fulvis; thorace tenuiter subremote punctato, lateribus rotundatis, paullo dilatatis, in medio obsolete angulatis; elytris thorace latioribus, infra basin leviter excavatis, striis integris, distincte punctatis, interspatiis planis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Sarawak.

Head short, very slightly exserted, distinctly but remotely punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border concave-emarginate, angles of the notch not produced, very obtuse; encarpæ separated from the front by a dis-


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tinct groove; middle of the front impressed with a short but deep longitudinal groove; labrum rufous; jaws nigro-piceous; antennæ rather more than half the length of the body, seven outer joints compressed and thickened, gradually but slightly dilated toward the apex of the antennæ, terminal joint ovate, four lower joints obscure fulvous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, very obtusely angled in the middle, lateral border narrowly dilated, anterior and posterior angles tuberculate; upper surface transversely convex; sides obliquely deflexed in front, distinctly but subremotely punctured. Scutellum broader than long, sub-pentagonal. Elytra slightly broader than the thorax, convex, slightly excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ entire, distinctly but somewhat finely punctured; the interspaces plane; lateral margin narrowly dilated.

37. Nodostoma basale, n. sp.

Ovatum, valde convexum, viridi-metallicum, nitidum; pedibus cyaneo-æneis; antennis filiformibus, (basi piceâ exceptâ) nigris; thorace subremote punctato, cretâ brevi basali elevatâ instructo, lateribus rotundatis, a basi ad apicem convergentibus; elytris thorace latioribus, convexis, breviter oblongis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis; striis integris, sat fortiter punctatis, punctis in spatio basilari et pone medium magis tenuiter impressis; interspatiis obsolete convexiusculis; margine laterali anguste dilatato; femoribus incrassatis, subtus dente minuto armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Java.

Very similar in coloration and sculpturing to N. viride (ante, p. 236); body narrower and more parallel; head rather more closely and more irregularly punctured; middle of front slightly convex; labrum notched as in the above-named species; sides of thorax less rounded, middle portion nearly straight; placed on the centre of the basal margin is a short strongly-raised longitudinal ridge. Thighs armed beneath with a very minute tooth.

38. Nodostoma viridiæneum, Baly.

(N. viridiænea), Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 12.

Oblongum, convexum, viridi-æneum, nitidum, subtus obscure nigro-cæruleum; pedibus viridi-micantibus; thorace sat cre-

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bre profunde punctato, interstitiis irregulariter elevato-strigosis; elytris infra basin et intra callum humerale sat profunde excavatis, fortiter punctato-striatis, striis antice sulcatis, apicem versus minus distincte punctatis, interspatiis convexiusculis; femoribus inermibus.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Tondano.

Head slightly elongate, very coarsely punctured; anterior margin of epistome deeply and broadly angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch acute; labrum black; antennæ slender, nigro-piceous, four or five basal joints obscure fulvous, stained above with piceous; jaws rather prominent, black. Thorax nearly twice as broad at the base as long; sides rounded at the extreme base, thence obliquely converging to the apex; surface transversely convex, covered with numerous irregularly reticulating long elevated strigæ, their interspaces impressed with large deep punctures; just behind the anterior margin is a transverse groove. Elytra broadly oblong, punctate-striate, the striæ deeply punctured, distinctly sulcate in front, more finely punctured posteriorly; basilar space bounded externally and below by a deep groove; humeral callus thickened, divided transversely by a deep punctate groove.

39. Nodostoma nigroæneum, n. sp.

Ovatum, convexum, nigrum, nitidum, supra obscure æneo-nigrum; pedibus cæruleo-æneo-tinctis; antennis filiformibus, nigris, basi pallide piceis; thorace subcrebre profunde punctato, interspatiis ad latera elevato-reticulatis, lateribus rotundatis, a basi ad apicem convergentibus; elytris thorace latioribus, breviter oblongis, convexis, margine laterali paullo incrassatis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis; striis leviter sulcatis, ante medium fortiter, pone medium magis tenuiter punctatis, interspatiis leviter convexiusculis; femoribus incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Tondano.

Head coarsely and deeply punctured; anterior margin of epistome angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch subacute; antennæ filiform, more than half the length of the body, four lower joints pale piceous; jaws slightly prominent, black; labrum black, its anterior border fulvous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides

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rounded, converging from behind the middle to the apex; anterior angles acute, posterior angles armed with an obtuse tooth; surface covered with large deep punctures, interspaces on the sides elevate-reticulate. Scutellum longer than broad, semiovate, sides converging from before backwards. Elytra similar in form and sculpturing to N. viridiæneum.

Very nearly allied to N. viridiæneum, and possibly a variety of that species; sides of thorax more regularly rounded, disk less closely covered with raised reticulations.

40. Nodostoma strigicolle, n. sp.

Oblongo-ovatum, convexum, nigrum, nitidum; antennis filiformibus, basi fulvis; thorace elevato-strigoso-reticulato, interspatiis profunde punctatis, lateribus rotundatis, a basi ad apicem convergentibus; elytris late oblongis, convexis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis; striis ante medium sulcatis, sat fortiter punctatis, interspatiis convexis, pone medium tenuiter punctatis, interspatiis fere planis; femoribus incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head coarsely rugose-punctate; anterior border of epistome angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch subacute; jaws prominent; antennæ more than half the length of the body, filiform, three basal joints obscure fulvous, basal joints stained above with piceous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, middle third very slightly sinuate; all the angles armed with an obtuse tooth; surface closely covered with coarse raised reticulations, the interspaces deeply punctured; just behind the anterior border is a transverse sulcation, extending over the entire surface. Scutellum longer than broad, pentagonal, sides parallel. Elytra broader than the thorax, lateral border very slightly dilated, convex, excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ entire, sulcate and strongly punctured on the anterior disk, finely punctured and very obsoletely sulcate behind the middle; interspaces convex in front, nearly plane posteriorly.

41. Nodostoma foveicolle, Baly.

(N. foveicollis), Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 12.

Oblongum, convexum, nigrum, nitidum; antennis filiformibus, basi obscure fulvis; thorace crebre foveolato-punctato, in-

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terspatiis elevato-reticulatis, ad latera reticulato-strigosis, lateribus rotundatis, a basi ad apicem convergentibus; elytris thorace latioribus, breviter oblongis, convexis, infra basin excavatis; striis sulcatis, sulcis pone medium minus fortiter impressis, vermiculato-punctatis, interspatiis ante medium convexis, pone medium convexiusculis; femoribus modice incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 1¾ lin.

Hab. Tondano.

Head coarsely and irregularly punctured; anterior border of epistome subangulate-emarginate, angles of the notch acute; labrum and jaws piceous; antennæ filiform, three-fourths the length of the body, two lower joints fulvous, the basal stained above with piceous, third and fourth joints piceous. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging from behind the middle to the apex; upper surface closely covered with large deeply-impressed punctures, interspaces coarsely elevate-reticulate, reticulate-strigate on the sides; just behind the anterior border is a transverse sulcation, extending entirely across the surface. Scutellum pentagonal, the apical angle indistinct. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, broadly oblong, excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ sulcate, sulci less deeply impressed behind the middle, vermiculate-punctate; interspaces raised and convex in front, very slightly convex behind the middle.

42. Nodostoma piceipes, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, cyaneo-æneum, nitidum; antennis fulvis, pedibus rufo-piceis; thorace lateribus rotundatis, a basi ad apicem rotundatis, fortiter subremote punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, subquadrato-oblongo, margine laterali paullo dilatatis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis; striis sat fortiter punctatis, leviter sulcatis, punctis ad apicem minus fortiter impressis; interspatiis prope suturam et ad marginem lateralem convexis; femoribus (præsertim anticis) incrassatis, subtus dente minuto armatis, intermediis muticis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Salwatty).

Head coarsely and deeply but not very closely punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border

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angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch moderately produced, obtuse, stained with pale piceous; labrum broad fulvous; jaws nigro-piceous; antennæ nearly equal to the body in length, filiform, pale fulvous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging from just before the base to the apex, all the angles tuberculate; surface impressed with large deep punctures; just behind the anterior border is a transverse groove. Scutellum trigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra broader than the thorax, subquadrate-oblong, convex, lateral border narrowly dilated; excavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter thickened, impressed below its middle with a transverse groove; from the lower extremity of the callus a distinct costa runs parallel to the outer border, and is gradually lost below the middle of the elytron; striæ strongly punctured, sulcate for the anterior two-thirds of their course, rather more finely punctured towards the apex; interspaces slightly convex, plane posteriorly. Front pair of thighs stained on their apical half with piceous.

43. Nodostoma pulchellum, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, viridi-æneum, nitidum, subtus (pectore excepto) nigrum; pedibus obscure cæruleo-æneis, viridi-tinctis; thorace lateribus rotundatis, pone medium angulatis, profunde punctato, interspatiis ad latera et in disci medio elevato-reticulatis; elytris thorace latioribus, subquadrato-oblongis, margine laterali paullo dilatato, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, fortiter punctato-striatis, interspatiis leviter convexiusculis, striis ad latera profunde punctatis, interspatiis fere costatis; femoribus incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. New Guinea, Waigiou.

Head coarsely punctured, clothed with whitish adpressed hairs; anterior border of epistome subangulate-emarginate; labrum metallic-green; jaws black; antennæ black, basal half obscure fulvous, basal joint stained above with metallic-green. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, distinctly angled behind the middle, coarsely and deeply punctured, interspaces on the sides and middle disk elevate-reticulate; just behind the anterior border is a shallow transverse groove. Scutellum longer than broad, subpentagonal. Elytra much broader than the thorax, subquadrate-oblong, lateral border distinctly dilated; convex, ex-

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cavated below the basilar space and within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ strongly and coarsely punctured, less strongly punctured behind the middle, striæ on the outer disk sulcate, the interspaces thickened, those on the inner disk and towards the apex nearly plane; basilar space slightly thickened, more finely punctured than the succeeding portion of the anterior disk.

44. Nodostoma affine, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, nigrum, nitidum, pedibus viridi-metallicis, supra viridi-metallicum, æneo-micans; antennis filiformibus, nigris, basi fulvis, articulo basali supra viridi-tincto; thorace in disci medio subremote et tenuiter, ad latera crebre et profunde punctato, lateribus rotundatis, a basi ad apicem convergentibus; elytris thorace latioribus, subquadrato-oblongis, margine laterali distincte dilatato, convexis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis; striis fortiter punctatis, interspatiis fere planis, striis ad latera magis fortiter et profunde impressis, interspatiis elevatis, spatio basilari paullo elevato, minus fortiter punctato; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1—1¼ lin.

Hab. Aru Islands, New Guinea.

Very similar in form and coloration to N. pulchellum. Head finely granulose; labrum fulvous, not metallic; sides of the thorax rounded, not angulate; its upper surface much more finely punctured on the disk, interspaces not thickened.

45. Nodostoma evanescens, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 13.

Oblongum, convexum, nigrum, nitidum; thorace profunde punctato, basi et lateribus viridi-metallicis; elytris thorace latioribus, parallelis, infra basin excavatis, fortiter punctatostriatis, lineâ suturali, limbo laterali dilatato, fasciâque arcuatâ infra basin positâ, viridi-metallicis; femoribus muticis.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

Head coarsely punctured; anterior border of epistome angulate-emarginate; labrum black; antennæ about half the length of the body, moderately robust, black, four lower joints piceous beneath. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging in front, angulate just behind the middle, the angle slightly pro-

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duced into a very short acute tooth; above very convex, very coarsely and deeply punctured, interspaces on the sides elevatereticulate. Scutellum metallic-green, longer than broad, semiovate, its sides converging backwards. Elytra much broader than the thorax, subquadrate-oblong, convex, lateral border distinctly dilated; excavated below the basilar space, sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ strongly punctured, sulcate, impressed with large raised foveolate punctures on the outer disk in front, interspaces towards the outer border thickened; basilar space slightly thickened, more finely punctured than the rest of the anterior disk; the sutural and outer borders, a transverse slightly-curved band placed on the subbasilar depression, together with a patch on the upper part of the humeral callus, bright metallic-green.

46. Nodostoma scabrosum, Baly.
(N. scabrosa), Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 12.

Breviter oblongum, convexum, piceum, subnitidum; thorace transverso, lateribus pone medium angulatis, rugoso-punctato; elytris infra basin transversim excavatis, rugoso-punctatis, valde elevato-costatis, costis alternis disci minus distincte elevatis, irregulariter vermiculatis, costis disci exterioris in medio interruptis; femoribus subtus obsolete spinosis, anticis basi, quatuor posticis fere totis, elytrorumque vittis nonnullis, supra costas ante medium positis, pallide fulvo-piceis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head slightly exserted, coarsely punctured; vertex piceous; front impressed between the eyes with a short longitudinal groove, obscure fulvous, more or less stained with piceous; anterior margin of epistome wedge-shaped, subangulate-emarginate; encarpæ separated from the front by a deeply punctured groove; labrum piceo-fulvous; jaws black; antennæ slender, filiform, nearly equal to the body in length, two lower joints fulvous, the rest black. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides angled behind the middle, thence obliquely converging to the apex, anterior and posterior angles each armed with an obtuse tooth; upper surface transversely convex, obliquely excavated on either side of the middle disk, coarsely rugose-punctate, interspaces irregularly thickened; anterior border bounded within by a deep transverse

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groove. Scutellum scarcely longer than broad, trigonate, its apex obtuse; surface thickened, smooth and shining, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, subquadrate-oblong, their apex broadly rounded; convex, excavated below the basilar space, punctate-striate, humeral callus thickened; striæ sulcate, rather strongly punctured in front, less deeply punctured behind the middle, interspaces thickened, every alternate one on the inner two-thirds of the disk, and each one on the outer third, forming a broad longitudinal costa, those on the outer disk interrupted in the middle of their course, the remaining interspaces much broken up by deep foveæ, and irregularly vermiculate; on the anterior disk, placed on the costæ, are four or five short fulvous vittæ.

47. Nodostoma tibiale, n. sp.

Breviter ovatum, convexum, nigrum; tibiis (basi exceptâ) tarsisque piceo-fulvis; supra obscure viridi-æneum, antennis nigris; thorace lateribus rotundatis, disco subremote, ad latera crebre profunde punctato, interspatiis ad latera elevato-reticulatis; elytris thorace latioribus, quadrato-oblongis, convexis, margine laterali paullo dilatato, infra basin leviter excavatis, intra callum humerale sulcatis, callo elevato; striis fortiter punctatis, integris, sulcatis, interspatiis convexis, iis prope marginem elevatis; femoribus incrassatis, subtus muticis.

Long. 1⅓ lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head remotely punctured; front impressed with a longitudinal groove; epistome wedge-shaped, its anterior border slightly angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch obtuse; antennæ filiform, slender, black, four basal joints obscure fulvous, stained with piceo-æneous above. Thorax twice as broad at the base as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex; upper surface coarsely and deeply but subremotely punctured on the disk, sides closely covered with large deep punctures, interspaces on the sides elevate-reticulate; just behind the anterior margin is a shallow transverse groove. Scutellum as broad as long, semiovate, its apex subacute. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, apex broadly rounded, lateral border narrowly dilated; convex, slightly excavated below the basilar space, deeply sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ strongly punctured,

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sulcate, interspaces convex, those on the outer disk thickened. Anterior thighs strongly thickened.

48. Nodostoma imperiale, n. sp.

Breviter ovatum, convexum, viridi-cyaneum, nitidum; abdomine nigro-cæruleo; antennis filiformibus, nigris, basi fulvis; thorace lateribus rotundatis, disco subremote profunde punctato, lateribus profunde et crebre punctatis, interspatiis elevato-reticulatis; elytris purpureis, thorace latioribus, convexis, infra basin leviter excavatis; striis integris, minus fortiter punctatis, obsolete sulcatis, interspatiis fere planis; femoribus incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Sumatra.

Head short, coarsely and distantly punctured, the punctures scattered irregularly over the surface; anterior border of epistome concave-emarginate, angles of the notch produced each into a subacute tooth; encarpæ separated from the front by a single row of deep punctures; labrum nigro-piceous; jaws black; antennæ half the length of the body, four lower joints fulvous, stained with piceous above. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging from base to apex, angles tuberculate; surface impressed just behind the anterior border with a shallow transverse groove, disk deeply and coarsely but subremotely punctured; sides closely and deeply punctured, interspaces on the sides elevate-reticulate. Elytra broader than the thorax, subquadrate-oblong, apex broadly rounded, lateral margin narrowly dilated; convex, slightly excavated below the basilar space, longitudinally sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ distinctly but not coarsely punctured, entire, very faintly sulcate, punctures placed somewhat irregularly on the striæ; interspaces nearly plane, obsoletely wrinkled.

49. Nodostoma castaneum, n. sp.

Breviter ovatum, valde convexum, castaneum, nitidum; antennis nigris, basi et apice obscure fulvis; thorace lateribus rotundatis, antice paullo convergentibus, tenuissime remote punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, subquadrato-oblongis, convexis, margine laterali paullo dilatato, infra basin excavatis, intra callum humerale sulcatis, hoc incrassato; striis integris,

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tenuiter punctatis, punctis infra basin magnis, profundius impressis, interspatiis planis; femoribus modice incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head short, finely and remotely punctured; epistome not separated from the front, its lower half coarsely and closely punctured, anterior border subangulate-emarginate; jaws black; encarpæ separated from the front by a punctured groove; antennæ filiform, more than half the length of the body, five lower joints obscure fulvous, two outer joints yellowish-white. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging in front, all the angles tuberculate; upper surface with its anterior border bounded within by a transverse groove, very minutely and distantly punctured. Scutellum semiovate, its apex very obtuse. Elytra broader than the thorax, similar in form to those of N. imperiale, finely punctured, the punctures on the subbasilar depression, and along the suture in front, larger and more deeply impressed; interspaces plane.

50. Nodostoma anthracinum, n. sp.

Breviter oblongum, ovatum, convexum, cæruleo-nigrum, nitidum; thorace lateribus rotundatis, a basi ad apicem convergentibus, profunde punctato, punctis in disci medio hic illic sparse congregatis, ad latera crebre dispositis, interspatiis elevato-reticulatis; elytris thorace latioribus, convexis, margine laterali paullo dilatatis, infra basin late excavatis; striis integris, sat fortiter punctatis, punctis striarum intermediarum minus fortiter impressis; interspatiis prope suturam obsolete convexiusculis, disco intermedio planis, prope marginem exteriorem costatis; femoribus incrassatis, muticis; tarsis fulvis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head short, coarsely punctured; anterior border of epistome concave-emarginate; labrum black; antennæ filiform, black, fulvous at the base; encarpæ thickened, separated from the front by a shallow groove. Thorax nearly twice as broad at the base as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex; above transversely convex, sides deflexed in front, deeply punctured, punctures distant on the middle disk, larger and crowded on the sides, interspaces on the sides elevate-reticulate. Scutellum

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scarcely longer than broad, sides parallel, apical angle very obtuse. Elytra broader than the thorax, subquadrate-ovate, lateral margin narrowly dilated; convex, slightly excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly punctured, slightly sulcate on the disk, deeply sulcate near the lateral margin, interspaces very slightly convex, those on the outer disk broadly costate.

51. Nodostoma nigrum, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, nigrum, nitidum; antennis basi fulvis; thorace subconico, subremote punctato; elytris convexis, thorace latioribus, margine laterali paullo dilatato, infra basin leviter sed late excavatis, callo humerali incrassato, spatio basilari paullo elevato; striis integris, subfortiter punctatis, interspatiis leviter convexiusculis; femoribus modice incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Malacca.

Head short, deeply buried in the thorax, coarsely and irregularly punctured; anterior border of epistome angulate-emarginate; labrum black; eyes large, not prominent, their inner edge very slightly sinuate; antennæ filiform, rather more than half the length of the body, four lower joints fulvous, two basal joints stained above with piceous; third joint equal in length to the two preceding united. Thorax scarcely broader than long, subconic; sides straight, converging from base to apex; above subcylindrical, anterior margin bordered within by a transverse groove; surface deeply and subremotely punctured. Scutellum semiovate, its apex rounded. Elytra broader than the thorax, subquadrate-oblong, lateral border narrowly dilated; convex, faintly excavated below the basilar space; striæ slightly but distinctly sulcate, somewhat finely punctured; interspaces slightly convex.

52. Nodostoma nigritum, n. sp.

Breviter ovatum, valde convexum, nigrum, nitidum; antennis nigro-piceis, basi fulvis; thorace lateribus rotundatis, a basi ad apicem convergentibus, disco remote, ad latera profunde et crebre punctato, interspatiis disci lævibus, ad latera elevato-reticulatis; elytris thorace latioribus, subquadrato-ovatis, postice paullo attenuatis, limbo laterali anguste dilatato, con-

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vexis, infra basin leviter excavatis; striis integris, antice fortiter, postice subtenuiter punctatis; interspatiis leviter convexiusculis, ad latera subcostatis; femoribus incrassatis, muticis; tarsis piceis.

Long. 1 ¼ lin.

Hab. Malacca.

Head short, deeply punctured; anterior border of epistome deeply angulate-emarginate; eyes not prominent; encarpæ slightly thickened, not distinctly separated from the front; labrum black; antennæ filiform, nearly equal to the body in length. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded and moderately converging from base to apex; upper surface deeply and coarsely punctured, punctures subremote on the disk, crowded on the sides, interspaces on the sides elevate-reticulate. Scutellum subpentagonal. Elytra broader than the thorax, broadly oblong-ovate, convex, outer border very narrowly dilated; slightly excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly punctured, slightly sulcate, interspaces obsoletely convex.

53. Nodosloma purpureipenne, n. sp.

Breviter oblongum, valde convexum, nigrum, nitidum, supra viridi-metallicum; thorace lateribus rotundatis, a basi ad apicem convergentibus, dorso sat fortiter remote punctato, punctis hic illic irregulariter congregatis; elytris læte purpureis, limbo inflexo viridi-metallico, thorace latioribus, convexis, margine laterali paullo dilatato, infra basin leviter sed late excavatis; striis integris, sat fortiter punctatis, interspatiis planis: femoribus incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 1⅓ lin.

Hab. Malacca (Mount Ophir).

Head short, smooth, impressed very distantly with a few fine but distinct punctures; epistome much longer than broad, sides nearly parallel, scarcely converging backwards; anterior border angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, acute; encarpæ separated from the front by a shallow groove; labrum and jaws black; antennæ filiform, black, four lower joints obscure fulvous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging from the base to the apex, nearly straight and parallel at the base, all the angles thickened; surface deeply but remotely punctured, the punctures scattered here and there over the whole disk; just behind the anterior border is a shallow transverse

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groove. Scutellum subpentagonal, sides converging backwards. Elytra broader than the thorax, their apex broadly rounded, convex, lateral border narrowly dilated; excavated below the basilar space, sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; striæ rather finely punctured, very feebly sulcate, interspaces obsoletely convex, striæ on the inner disk and on the basilar space more finely punctured; sutural and basal margins narrowly edged with metallic-green.

54. Nodostoma Amboinense, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, nigrum, nitidum, supra obscure viridiæneum; pedibus obscure piceis; thorace remote punctato, lateribus rotundatis, paullo ante basin ad apicem convergentibus; elytris thorace latioribus, late oblongis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis; striis sat fortiter punctatis, punctis apicem versus minus fortiter impressis, interspatiis planis, ad latera elevatis; femoribus incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Amboina.

Head slightly convex, rather distantly punctured, middle of the front impressed with a short longitudinal groove; anterior border of epistome angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch pale piceous; labrum and base of antennæ fulvous, the latter filiform; encarpæ separated from the front by a distinct sutural groove. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, nearly parallel at the extreme base, then quickly converging to the apex; surface remotely punctured; anterior margin bordered within by a deep transverse groove. Elytra broader than the thorax, broadly oblong, lateral border narrowly dilated; excavated below the basilar space, sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened, basilar space also slightly thickened; striæ entire, strongly punctured and sulcate on the anterior disk, more deeply sulcate on the sides, the interspaces between the lateral striæ thickened; basilar space finely punctured.

55. Nodostoma pallidipes, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, nigrum, nitidum, supra viridi-cyaneum; antennis basi pedibusque fulvis; thorace lateribus rotundatis, tenuiter remote punctato; elytris thorace latioribus,

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infra basin leviter excavatis, fortiter punctato-striatis, striis pone medium minus fortiter punctatis, interspatiis fere planis; femoribus modice incrassatis, muticis.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Front very finely and remotely punctured, its middle portion impressed with a short longitudinal groove; epistome coarsely punctured, its anterior border subangulate-emarginate, angles of the notch slightly produced, obtuse; jaws piceous, their apex black; antennæ three-fourths the length of the body, filiform, six lower joints pale fulvous, the rest black; encarpæ separated from the front by a distinct groove. Thorax half as broad again as long; sides rounded, converging in front, nearly straight and parallel behind the middle; above transversely convex, sides obliquely deflexed in front, surface remotely impressed with shallow punctures. Scutellum semiovate. Elytra broader than the thorax, faintly excavated below the basilar space; striæ strongly punctured, more finely punctured below the middle, interspaces nearly plane, very faintly convex on the anterior disk and along the suture.

56. Nodostoma viridiornatum, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, nigrum, nitidum; antennis basi piceis; femoribus extrorsum, scutello thoraceque viridi-æneis; hoc lateribus rotundatis, disco remote, lateribus magis crebre punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, breviter oblongis, margine laterali paullo dilatato, infra basin excavatis; striis integris, tenuiter punctatis, infra humeros profundius punctatis, interspatiis planis; lineâ suturali, margine laterali plagâque humerali viridi-metallicis; femoribus modice incrassatis, muticis.

Var. A. Thorace nigro, basi viridi-metallico.

Long. 1⅓ lin.

Hab. Batchian.

Head slightly prominent, finely but distinctly punctured, interspaces on either side the vertex obliquely elevate-strigose; anterior border of epistome angulate-emarginate, the border itself, together with the slightly-raised encarpæ, metallic-green; antennæ nearly two-thirds the length of the body, filiform, four lower joints obscure fulvous, stained above with piceous. Thorax half as broad again as long; sides nearly straight and parallel at the base, rounded and converging from behind the middle to the apex;

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anterior border bounded within by a deep transverse groove; surface of disk remotely punctured, punctures more crowded and somewhat coarser on the sides. Scutellum thickened, subpentagonal. Elytra much broader than the thorax, broadly oblong, convex, lateral border narrowly dilated, excavated below the basilar space, the latter slightly thickened; longitudinally sulcate within the humeral callus, the callus itself prominent; striæ entire, finely punctured, impressed with larger deeper punctures on the anterior disk below the shoulders; interspaces plane.

Very similar in colour to N. evanescen (ante, p. 243), but the thorax is much less strongly punctured, and entirely metallic-green.

57. Nodosloma costatum, Baly.
(N. costata), Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 12.

Breviter oblongum, convexum, subtus piceum; abdomine pedibusque fulvis; supra fulvum, antennis extrorsum nigris; thoracis plagis duabus, elytrorumque margine exteriori, suturâ vittisque interruptis disci piceis; thorace subremote punctato, lateribus pone medium angulatis; elytris thorace latioribus, infra basin transversim excavatis, striis integris, sulcatis, fortiter punctatis, interspatiis valde et late costatis; femoribus subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head moderately exserted, front swollen, finely and distantly punctured, its lower part impressed with a deep longitudinal groove, more coarsely and closely punctured; epistome wedgeshaped, its surface coarsely punctured, its anterior border slightly concave; antennæ slender, filiform, nearly equal to the body in length, four lower joints fulvous, the rest black; eyes prominent, their inner border distinctly sinuate, their upper edge bordered by a deep groove, which is prolonged obliquely downwards and inwards along the upper edge of the epistome; jaws black. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides obtusely angled behind the middle, thence obliquely converging to the apex; anterior angles tuberculate, hinder armed with an obtuse tooth; above transversely convex, anterior margin bordered within by a deep transverse groove; surface subremotely impressed with large deep punctures. Scutellum trigonate, its apex rounded. Elytra broader than the thorax, broadly oblong, deeply excavated below the basilar space; humeral callus prominent; striæ deeply sulcate,

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somewhat strongly punctured, interspaces thickened, broadly costate.

58. Nodostoma frontale, n. sp.

Late oblongum, convexum, nigrum, supra purpureum; capite piceo-fulvo, facie inferiori piceâ, antennis extrorsum mandibulisque nigris; thorace remote punctato, lateribus ante basin angulatis, hinc ad apicem oblique convergentibus; elytris thorace vix latioribus, subquadrato-ovatis, margine laterali paullo dilatato, convexis, infra basin excavatis, intra callum humerale sulcatis, striis integris, antice sat fortiter, pone medium magis tenuiter punctatis, interspatiis obsolete convexiusculis; femoribus incrassatis, subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Malacca.

Head slightly prominent, coarsely but not closely punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border angulate-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, acute; encarpæ not separated from the front; labrum fulvous; eyes sub-prominent; antennæ rather more than half the length of the body, filiform, four basal joints fulvous, stained above with piceous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides dilated and obtusely angled just before the base, thence obliquely converging to the apex; above transversely convex, sides obliquely deflexed in front; anterior border abruptly constricted; surface finely and remotely punctured. Scutellum subpentagonal. Elytra slightly broader than the thorax, convex, excavated below the basilar space, sulcate within the humeral callus, the latter thickened; basilar space also raised; striæ entire, less deeply punctured towards the apex; interspaces slightly convex.

59. Nodosloma diversipes, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, nigrum, nitidum, femoribus nigro-piceis, tibiis, tarsis antennisque pallide fulvis; supra nigro-æneum; thorace lateribus rotundatis, profunde punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, infra basin excavatis, striis fortiter punctatis, sulcatis, punctis apicem versus minus fortiter impressis, interspatiis elevatis.

Long. ¾—1 lin.

Hab. Mysol.


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Head prominent, deeply but not closely punctured; anterior margin slightly subangulate-emarginate; labrum and antennæ fulvous, the latter filiform. Thorax half as broad again as long; sides rounded, converging in front, surface deeply punctured, sides obliquely deflexed in front. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, excavated below the basilar space.

II. Elytra foveolate-striate.

60. Nodostoma Jansoni, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 13.

Elongatum, subcylindricum, viridi-metallicum, nitidum, subtus (cum antennis) nigro-piceum; antennarum basi, tibiis tarsisque pallide rufo-piceis; thorace crebre foveolato-punctato; elytris thorace vix latioribus, infra basin non excavatis, profunde fovcolato-striatis, interspatiis subcostatis; femoribus subtus dente brevi armatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head prominent, coarsely and deeply punctured, interspaces on either side the vertex indistinctly reticulate-strigose, those on the lower part of the front obsoletely transversely wrinkled; middle of the front impressed with a short longitudinal groove; epistome broader than long, its anterior border slightly concave-emarginate; labrum fulvous; jaws black; antennæ filiform; eyes prominent, inner border sinuate. Thorax half as broad again as long; sides rounded, converging in front, very faintly angled behind the middle; upper surface closely covered with large round deeply-impressed punctures; anterior border bounded within by a deep transverse groove. Seutellum semiovate. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, parallel, not excavated below the basilar space; closely covered with large round deeply-impressed foveæ arranged in longitudinal rows; interspaces between the rows thickened, subcostate. Legs subclongate.

Genus STETHOTES, n. g.

Corpus ovatum, valde convexum. Caput modice exsertum; vertice plerumque tumido, utrinque super oculum sæpe

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excavato; antennis filiformibus, apicem versus perparum incrassatis; oculis prominentibus. Thorax elytris angustior, conicus aut subconicus, dorso subcylindricus, margine antico utrinque sinuato, margine laterali fere obsoleto, margine inflexo fere perpendiculari. Elytra thorace latiora, postice plus minusve attenuata, convexa, punctato-striata. Pedes sub-elongati, robusti; femoribus incrassatis, basi attenuatis, subtus dente acuto armatis; tibiis quatuor posticis extus ante apicem emarginatis; unguiculis bifidis. Episterna antica trigonata vel cuneiformia, sæpe in medio longitudinaliter elevata; sulcis inter episterna et prosternum obsoletis.

The present genus differs from Rhyparida and Nodostoma in the form of the thorax; in Stethotes the lateral border of the thorax is nearly obsolete, being indicated only by a raised sutural line; the side beneath, or ora, is nearly perpendicular, and forms, conjointly with the anterior episternum, a more or less distinct longitudinal ridge, the edge of which runs perpendicularly downwards.

A. Head deeply excavated on either side above the eye.

1. Slethotes elegantula, Baly. (Pl. V.* fig. 2.)
Pyropida elegantula, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 15.

Ovata, postice attenuata, valde convexa, nigro-ænea, nitidissima; antennis nigris, basi fulvis; vertice tumido, crebre impressostrigoso; thorace longitudine latitudini æquali, sat profunde punctato; elytris cæruleo-nigris, thorace multo latioribus, a basi apicem versus angustatis, humeris prominulis, striis sat fortiter punctatis; episterno antico in medio non elevato, introrsum oblique spectante.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Amboina.

Vertex swollen, broadly excavated on either side above the eye, closely punctured and impresso-strigose; lower portion of the front concave; epistome not longer than broad, sides straight, obliquely converging backwards, anterior border slightly concave-emarginate; labrum and three basal joins of the antennæ fulvous. Thorax one-fourth as broad again at the base as long;

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sides nearly straight, obliquely converging from base to apex; anterior angles acute, anterior margin deeply sinuate on either side; subconic, sides strongly deflexed in front, surface finely and subremotely punctured. Elytra much broader at the base than the thorax, converging backwards, apex rounded; humeral callus prominent; surface regularly punctate-striate, interspaces plane; on the outer margin the striæ are sulcate, and the interspaces thickened.

2. Slethotes nigrocærulea, Baly.
Pyropida nigrocærulea, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 16.

Ovata, postice attenuata, valde convexa, nigro-cærulea, nitida, antennis nigris, basi fulvis; thorace conico, subremote punctato; elytris fortiter punctato-striatis; pedibus modice elongatis.

Long. 2¾ lin.

Hab. Ceram.

Smaller and rather narrower than the last species; thorax rather broader; in all other characters precisely similar. Possibly only a local variety of S. elegantula.

3. Stethotes apicicornis, n. sp.

Ovata, valde convexa, nigra, nitida, tibiis tarsisque rufo-piceis, supra læte purpurea; antennis subfiliformibus, fulvis, articulis intermediis nigris, tribus ultimis albis; thorace latitudine paullo latiori, subconico, tenuiter remote punctato; elytris late oblongo-ovatis, distincte sed tenuiter punctato-striatis; episternis anticis non longitudinaliter elevatis.

Long. 1⅔ lin.

Hab. Aru Islands.

Head blueish-green, middle portion broadly excavated on either side above the eye, slightly swollen, distinctly but not very closely punctured; antennæ rather more than half the length of the body, slightly dilated and compressed towards the apex, five lower joints fulvous, the sixth to the eighth black, three upper joints white. Thorax slightly broader at the base than long, subconic; surface very remotely and finely punctured. Elytra broader than the thorax, scarcely narrowed posteriorly, their apex broadly rounded, surface finely but distinctly punctate-striate.

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4. Stethotes lateralis, Baly.

Pyropida lateralis, Baly, Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 15.

Anguste ovata, valde convexa, postice attenuata, nigra, nitida, antennis basi fulvis; thorace conico, fortiter punctato; elytris postice attenuatis, fortiter punctato-striatis; episternis anticis longitudinaliter elevatis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Aru Islands), Borneo.

Upper portion of the front not swollen, broadly excavated on either side above the eye, middle portion obliquely impresso-strigose on either side, the strigæ closely punctured; lower portion, together with the epistome, deeply but not closely punctured; labrum and four lower joints of antennæ fulvous. Thorax about a fourth as broad again as long; sides nearly straight, converging from base to apex; anterior border deeply sinuate on either side; above subcylindrical, rather finely punctured on the disk, more deeply and coarsely punctured on the sides. Scutellum much longer than broad, lanceolate, its apex acute. Elytra much broader than the thorax, narrowed from the base towards the apex; humeral callus prominent; surface deeply punctate-striate.

5. Stethotes consimilis, n. sp.

Anguste ovata vel ovata, valde convexa, cæruleo-nigra, nitida, antennis fulvis, extrorsum piceis; thorace conico, tenuiter punctato; elytris postice attenuatis, fortiter punctato-striatis; episternis anticis longitudinaliter elevatis.

Long. 1½—1⅔ lin.

Hab. Batchian, Bouru.

Very similar in size and punctuation to the last species; vertex tinctly swollen, more closely impresso-strigose, its lower portion more sparingly punctured; antennæ piceous, their lower half fulvous. Thorax more finely and distantly punctured.

6. Stethotes longicollis, n. sp.

Ovata, valde convexa, nigra, nitida, antennis piceis, basi obscure fulvis; thorace latitudine vix longiori, tenuiter remote punctato; elytris postice attenuatis, fortiter punctato-striatis;

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pedibus subelongatis, cæruleo-nigris; episternis anticis longitudinaliter elevatis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Java.

Head similarly punctured to S. consimilis; upper portion of the front rather less swollen, its surface more coarsely strigose; epistome rather more closely punctured. Thorax scarcely longer than broad, conic, finely and remotely punctured. Elytra half as long again as the thorax, strongly punctate-striate. Legs longer than in any of the allied species.

This species may be known from its congeners by the form of the elytra, which are shorter in relation to the thorax than in any other species.

B. Head not excavated above the eyes; upper and inner border of the eyes bounded by a sulcate groove.

7. Stethotes tarsata, n. sp.

Elongato-ovata, valde convexa, nigra, nitida, tarsis antennisque piceis, his basi fulvis; thorace conico, disci medio fere impunctato, ad latera subcrebre punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, postice attenuatis, fortiter punctato-striatis; episternis anticis longitudinaliter elevatis.

Long. 1 ½ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Vertex swollen, obliquely strigose on either side, strigæ nitidous, impunctate; epistome wedge-shaped, deeply punctured; encarpæ smooth, impunctate; upper and inner border of the eye bounded by a deep groove, which at its lower extremity runs downwards and inwards along the upper border of the encarpa; labrum fulvous; antennæ dark piceous, three lower joints fulvous. Thorax scarcely broader at the base than long, conic, the middle of the disk smooth, nearly impunctate, sides rather closely punctured. Elytra much broader than the thorax, tapering from the base towards the apex; surface strongly punctate-striate.

8. Stethotes nigritula, n. sp.

Ovata, valde convexa, postice attenuata, nigra, nitida; antennis piceis, basi fulvis; pedibus subelongatis, cæruleo-nigris; tho-

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race remote sat fortiter punctato; elytris postice paullo attenuatis, sat profunde punctato-striatis; episternis anticis in medio non elevatis.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Vertex granulose, opake, lower portion of the front nitidous, distantly punctured; eye bordered on its upper and inner margin by a deeply sulcate groove, which extends downwards and inwards along the upper edge of the encarpa; four lower joints of antennæ fulvous. Thorax at the base scarcely broader than long, conic; sides obliquely converging from base to apex, very slightly rounded; surface somewhat finely and distantly punctured on the disk, deeply impressed with round punctures on the sides. Elytra much broader than the thorax, twice its length, scarcely narrowed towards the apex, convex, deeply punctate-striate.

9. Stethotes atra, n. sp.

Ovata, valde convexa, nigra, nitida, antennis piceis, basi fulvis; thorace transverso, subconico, sat remote fortiter punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, postice attenuatis, sat profunde punctato-striatis; pedibus modice elongatis, nigro-purpureis; episternis anticis in medio non elevatis.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Head distinctly but not very closely punctured, the punctures distantly placed on the epistome and lower portion of the front, the extreme upper part of the vertex impresso-strigose; epistome forming a single piece with the front; inner and upper margin of the eye bordered by a deep groove, which at its lower end runs obliquely downwards and inwards for a short distance along the upper edge of the encarpa. Thorax distinctly broader than long, subconic; sides slightly rounded, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex; surface coarsely but remotely punctured. Elytra broader than the thorax, twice its length, tapering towards the apex, convex, striæ deeply punctured, puncturing rather finer towards the apex.

Genus NODINA, Motsch.
Etudes Ent. vii. p. 108.

Corpus breviter ovatum, valde convexum. Caput breve, thorace profunde immersum; antennis filiformibus, dimidio corporis

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paullo longioribus, articulo primo incrassato, secundo paullo incrassato; oculis non prominentibus. Thorax transversus, basi elytris fere æquilatus, lateribus rotundato-angustatis, haud angulatis. Elytra convexa, infra basin non excavata, regulariter punctato-striata. Pedes mediocres; femoribus muticis; tibiis quatuor posticis extus ante apicem emarginatis; unguiculis appendiculatis. Episterna antica trigonata, sulcis inter episterna et prosternum obsoletis.

Nodina is very closely related to Nodostoma; it agrees in nearly all its structural characters, but differs so completely in habit that it is impossible to merge the two genera into one.

1. Nodina gigas, n. sp.

Late ovata, convexa, nigra, nitida, antennis basi fulvis; thorace tenuiter sat remote punctato; elytris sat fortiter punctatostriatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head flat, distantly punctured; the extreme upper part of the vertex coarsely impresso-strigose; antennæ robust, half the length of the body, four lower joints fulvous, stained above with piceous. Thorax more than twice as broad at the base as long; sides quickly rounded and converging from base to apex; above transversely convex, sides obliquely deflexed in front; surface distantly impressed with round shallow punctures. Elytra slightly narrowed towards the apex, rather strongly but not coarsely punctate-striate.

This species may be at once known by its large size and entirely black colour.

2. Nodina fulvipes, n. sp.

Breviter ovata, postice paullo attenuata, valde convexa, nitida, subtus picea, pedibus rufo-fulvis, supra cupreo-ænea; antennis basi fulvis, extrorsum pallide piceis; thorace lateribus rotundatis, a basi ad apicem convergentibus, dorso transversim convexo, lateribus antice oblique deflexis, distincte sub-remote punctato; elytris punctato-striatis.

Long. 1—1¼ lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Front remotely punctured; anterior border of epistome angu-

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late-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, acute; jaws black; antennæ half the length of the body, robust, four or five lower joints fulvous, the rest piceous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, converging from base to apex, more quickly converging before the middle; upper surface transversely convex at the base, sides obliquely deflexed from behind the middle to the apex; the disk distinctly but subremotely punctured, the sides rather more closely punctured. Elytra not broader than the base of the thorax, slightly narrowed towards the apex, convex, distinctly punctate-striate, the punctures of nearly equal size to the apex; striæ on the outer disk scarcely more coarsely punctured than the others, interspaces plane. Notch on the hinder pair of tibiæ nearly obsolete.

3. Nodina separata, n. sp.

Ovata, valde convexa, subtus nigro-picea, nitida, pedibus rufopiceis, supra cæruleo-ænea, antennis fulvis, extrorsum nigris; thorace lateribus a basi ad medium fere rectis, parallelis, hinc ad apicem rotundato-convergentibus, dorso transversim convexo, lateribus ante medium oblique deflexis, distincte punctato; elytris ad apicem non angustatis, subfortiter punctato-striatis, punctis ad apicem distinctis.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Rather more parallel and slightly less convex than the preceding species; front slightly more convex, the extreme vertex more closely punctured; sides of the thorax not converging from the base, but straight and parallel on their basal half; upper surface rather more strongly and closely punctured, sides less broadly deflexed in front; hinder pair of tibiæ distinctly notched at the apex.

4. Nodina minuta, n. sp.

Ovata, valde convexa, piceo-cuprea, supra cuprea, nitida, antennis pedibusque fulvis; thorace lateribus rotundatis, a basi ad apicem convergentibus, dorso subfortiter punctato, lateribus pone medium ad apicem oblique deflexis; elytris subfortiter punctato-striatis, striis ad latera sulcatis, interspatiis elevatis.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. Sulu Islands.

Face distantly punctured, upper portion of the front slightly

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convex; lower margin of the epistome subangulate-emarginate, angles of the notch subacute; labrum and antennæ fulvous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex, more quickly converging before the middle; above transversely convex at the base, sides obliquely converging from just behind the middle to the apex; surface rather strongly but not closely punctured. Elytra rather strongly punctate-striate; striæ near the outer border more coarsely punctured, sulcate, their interspaces thickened.

5. Nodina Ceramensis, n. sp.

Breviter ovata, valde convexa, subtus nigra, pedibus fulvo-piceis, supra cupreo-ænea, nitida, antennis nigro-piceis, basi fulvis; thorace lateribus basi fere rectis, parallelis, a medio ad apicem rotundato-convergentibus, dorso subremote punctato, lateribus antice oblique deflexis; elytris subfortiter punctatostriatis, striis ad latera magis fortiter impressis, apicem versus fere obsoletis.

Long. 1 lin.

Hab. Ceram.

Broadly ovate, rather more parallel than N. fulvipes; the thorax similar in form to that of N. separata, but the body shorter than in that insect.

Journ. of Entom. i. p. 282.

Corpus subelongatum aut elongatum, subcylindricum. Caput in thorace usque ad oculos insertum; facie perpendiculari; epistomate male definito; antennis gracilibus, subfiliformibus, articulis secundo et tertio longitudine fere æqualibus; labro transverso; mandibulis apice dentatis; labio subconico, mento antice concavo, ligulâ basi obtuse angulatâ; palparum articulo ultimo ovato; oculis prominulis, intus vix emarginatis. Thorax subcylindricus, lateribus marginatis, sæpe angulatis. Elytra oblonga, parallela, crebre punctata, interstitiis plerumque in strigas transversas elevatis. Pedes modice robusti, simplices; tarsorum articulo basali duobus sequentibus breviori; unguiculis appendiculatis. Prosternum subelongatum, lateribus concavis, in medio dentatis; episterno antico cuneiformi, apice late truncato, angulo exteriori ad angulum anticum

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thoracis non producto; sulcis inter prosternum et episterna obsoletis.

1. Dermorhytis ænea, Wiedemann. (Pl. V.* fig. 7.)

Cryptocephalus æneus, Wied. in Germ. Mag. d. Ent. iv. p. 182.

Elongata, subcylindrica, cupreo-ænea, nitida, antennis extrorsum nigris; thorace profunde et crebre punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, a basi apicem versus subparallelis, apice attenuatis, subcrebre fortiter punctatis, interspatiis transversim elevato-strigosis, apicem versus prope suturam elevatovittatis.

Long. 3½—4 lin.

Hab. Java.

Head coarsely rugose-punctate; labrum rufo-fulvous; anterior border of epistome angulate-emarginate; five outer joints of antennæ slightly dilated, black, six lower joints fulvous. Thorax one third as broad again as long; sides rounded, scarcely converging in front, slightly sinuate in the middle, anterior angles produced, their extreme apex obtuse; surface closely covered with deep round punctures. Scutellum rather broader than long, sides diverging backwards, apex broadly rounded, basal half closely punctured. Elytra broader than the thorax, slightly tapering from the base backwards; surface coarsely punctured, interspaces forming irregular raised transverse strigæ which extend across the inner disk to the suture; towards the apex near the suture are three or four raised longitudinal vittæ.

The elytra are rather broader, less parallel, and more coarsely punctured than in D. elegans (post, p. 264).

2. Dermorhytis Philippinensis, n. sp.

Elongata, subcylindrica, viridi-cærulea, nitida, supra viridiænea; thorace tenuiter subremote punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, disco interiori tenuiter punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis confuse dispositis, disco exteriori magis fortiter in-ordinatim punctatis, interspatiis elevatis, irregulariter transversim strigosis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Philippine Islands.

Head finely but not closely punctured, front slightly swollen, its lower end just above the apex of the epistome furnished with a broad ill-defined obtuse tubercle; epistome more closely and coarsely punctured than the front, its sides obliquely rounded and

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converging to the apex; anterior border angulate-emarginate; antennæ, labrum and jaws black. Thorax about half as broad again as long; sides slightly rounded, subparallel at the base, slightly converging in front; anterior angles produced, armed with an obtuse tooth, hinder angles slightly produced, acute; upper surface transversely convex, almost subcylindrical, finely and distinctly but subremotely punctured. Scutellum as broad as long. Elytra broader than the thorax, nearly parallel, scarcely narrowed towards the apex; surface finely punctured on the inner disk; punctures, after leaving the extreme base, arranged somewhat irregularly in double rows, interspaces plane; puncturing on the outer disk stronger and irregular; interspaces, the extreme lateral surface and apex excepted, covered with raised coarse irregular transverse strigæ.

3. Dermorhytis elegans, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 8.

Elongata, subcylindrica, viridi- aut purpureo-metallica, nitida; antennis extrorsum nigro-purpureis, articulis quinque ultimis compressis, modice dilatatis; thorace subcrebre punctato; elytris disco exteriori ante apicem longitudinaliter elevatis, subcrebre punctatis, punctis indistincte subseriatim dispositis, interstitiis transversim elevato-strigosis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Malay Peninsula.

Head broad, front slightly convex, rather more finely punctured than the epistome, the latter broader than long, closely covered with large round punctures, its anterior border bilobate. Thorax broader than long; sides very slightly rounded, nearly parallel, anterior angles produced, acute; above subcylindrical, somewhat closely covered with large ovate punctures. Scutellum rather broader than long, sides diverging backwards, apex broadly rounded. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, slightly attenuated towards their apex, subcylindrical, coarsely punctured, the punctures indistinctly arranged in irregular striæ, interspaces plane on the inner third of the disk, raised on the outer two-thirds, and forming coarse irregular transverse strigæ.

4. Dermorhytis apicalis, n. sp.

Elongata, subcylindrica, nigra, nitida, supra cuprea aut viridicyanea; antennis nigris, articulis duobus ultimis albidis;

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thorace sat fortiter subcrebre punctato, utrinque oblique excavato; elytris thorace latioribus, apicem versus paullo attenuatis, fortiter substriatim punctatis, interspatiis transversim elevato-strigosis, apicem versus prope suturam longitudinaliter costatis.

Var. A. Antennis totis nigris.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head coarsely punctured, the upper portion slightly swollen; the lower end of the front furnished with an obtuse slightly-elevated tubercle, the lower border of the epistome very slightly angulate-emarginate; labrum, jaws and antennæ black, five upper joints of the latter less dilated than in any of the former species, last two joints sometimes dirty-white. Thorax one-third as broad again at the base as long; sides slightly rounded, obliquely converging from the base to the apex; anterior angles produced into a slightly oblique subacute tooth, hinder angles acute; surface transversely convex, sides obliquely deflexed in front, obliquely excavated on either side the disk, coarsely and somewhat closely punctured, interspaces on the sides thickened and irregularly reticulate. Scutellum scarcely broader than long, semiovate. Elytra broader than the thorax, subparallel, tapering towards the apex, strongly punctured, punctures on the inner disk and near the apex arranged irregularly in longitudinal striæ; interspaces thickened and forming irregular transverse strigæ, and on the inner disk near its apex forming longitudinal costæ.

5. Dermorhytis piceipes, n. sp.

Elongata, subcylindrica, viridi-ænea, nitida, pedibus piceofulvis, tarsis antennisque nigris, his basi fulvis; thorace sat fortiter crebre punctato, lateribus leviter rotundatis, in medio obsolete emarginatis; elytris sat fortiter punctatis, punctis prope suturam striatim dispositis, interspatiis (iis infra medium disco interiori exceptis) elevatis, strigas transversas elevatas formantibus, apicem versus prope suturam longitudinaliter costatis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Java.

Head coarsely rugose-punctate; labrum fulvous, its middle portion stained with nigro-piceous; antennæ nearly three-fourths the length of the body, slender, seven outer joints black, five upper joints very slightly dilated. Thorax about one-third as broad again

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as long; sides subparallel, slightly rounded, obsoletely emarginate in the middle, anterior angles produced, acute; surface distinctly punctured on the disk, more coarsely and closely punctured on the sides. Scutellum broadly semiovate. Elytra broader than the thorax, nearly parallel, slightly narrowed towards the apex, subcylindrical, more strongly punctured than the thorax, interspaces over the surface (the lower half of the inner disk excepted) covered with coarse strongly-raised irregularly-reticulating transverse strigæ; on the inner disk near its apex are several longitudinal costæ.

Genus GELOPTERA, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. i. p. 283.

Corpus oblongum, convexum. Caput perpendiculare, thorace ad marginem posteriorem oculorum immersum; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus aut subfiliformibus, articulo primo incrassato, secundo brevi, tertio illo fere duplo longiore, quarto adhuc paulio longiore; mandibulis apice bifidis; mento transverse, apice concavo; oculis subprominulis, subreniformibns. Thorax transversus, marginatus. Scutellum transversum, subpentagonum. Elytra parallela, apice rotundata, dorso sæpe tuberculata. Pedes modice robusti, simplices; unguiculis appendiculatis. Prosternum latitudine longius, lateribus concavis, in medio non aut vix dentatis; episterno antico subtrigonato, lateribus concavis, apice late truncato aut obtuso, angulo exteriori ad angulum anticum thoracis extenso; sulcis inter prosternum et episterna obsoletis. Mesosternum transversum, apice obsolete angulato.

1. Geloptera eximia, n. sp.

Elongata, valde convexa, dorso subcylindrica, æneo-viridis, nitida, antennis piceo-fulvis, extrorsum nigris; thorace subcrebre punctato; elytris tenuiter aciculato-punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis confuse dispositis, interspatiis irregulariter impresso-strigosis, infra humeros irregulariter elevato-strigosis, utrisque disco exteriori seriebus nonnullis longitudinalibus tuberculorum, apicem versus obsoletis; pedibus fusco-æneis, tarsis nigris.

Var. A. Corpore toto fusco-æneo.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head broad, closely punctured, sparingly clothed with very

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short sericeous hairs; epistome transverse; antennæ rather more than half the length of the body, four lower joints obscure fulvous, more or less stained with piceous, the rest black; labrum obscure fulvous; jaws black. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long; sides rounded, slightly concave and nearly parallel at the base, all the angles acute; surface sparingly clothed on the sides with very short silvery hairs; convex, finely punctured on the disk, more closely and coarsely punctured on the sides. Scutellum broadly semiovate. Elytra broader than the thorax, tapering towards the apex, humeral callus prominent; surface finely impressed with aciculate punctures, irregularly arranged in double longitudinal rows; interspaces finely but not closely elevate-reticulate below the humeral callus; on the outer disk are placed three or four longitudinal rows of irregular tubercles, which become gradually lost below the middle; near the apex the interspaces between the double rows of punctures are faintly thickened. Body beneath densely clothed with silvery sericeous hairs.

2. Geloptera purpurata, n. sp.

Elongata, valde convexa, dorso subcylindrica, viridi-metallica, pedibus rufo-piceis, femoribus apice æneis, tarsis nigris; supra purpureo-cærulea, antennis nigris, basi obscure fulvis; thorace subcrebre punctato, argenteo-sericeo; elytris sparse argenteo-sericeis, aciculato-punctatis, punctis in striis bifariis confuse dispositis; interspatiis leviter et irregulariter impresso-strigosis, disco exteriori elevato-reticulatis.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head very closely rugose-punctate, clothed with adpressed silvery hairs; front impressed with a longitudinal groove; epistome broader than long, pentagonal; labrum fulvous; jaws black; five or six lower joints of the antennæ obscure fulvous, more or less stained with æneous, five upper joints scarcely thickened, black; eyes not prominent. Thorax half as broad again as long; sides rounded, nearly straight and parallel at the base, all the angles armed with an acute tooth; surface convex, somewhat closely punctured, clothed with adpressed silvery hairs. Scutellum broadly semiovate, its apex metallic-green. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, scarcely narrowed posteriorly; upper surface sparingly clothed with very fine sericeous hairs, impressed with fine aciculate punctures which are irregularly arranged in

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double longitudinal rows; interspaces finely but subremotely wrinkled; on the outer disk below the humeral callus they form coarse irregularly-raised reticulations; extreme lateral margin, together with that of the thorax, metallic-green. Body beneath closely clothed with white sericeous hairs.

Genus AULACIA, n. g.

Corpus ovatum, valde convexum, postice plerumque attenuatum. Caput thorace profunde insertum; antennis filiformibus. Thorax transversus, basi elytrorum latitudini æqualis, lateribus marginatis, rotundato-convergentibus. Elytra postice attenuata, irregulariter punctato-striata. Pedes mediocres; femoribus paullo incrassatis, muticis; tibiis intermediis interdum extus ad apicem emarginatis; unguiculis appendiculatis. Episterna antica sulco profundo a prosterno separata, angulo interno libero.

Aulacia bears the same relation to Colaspoides that Nodina does to Nodostoma; in structural characters it agrees with Colaspoides, in habit and size with Nodina.

1. Aulacia diversa, n. sp.

Ovata, convexa, postice attenuata, subtus (cum capite et antennis) pallide picea, nitida, supra nigro-picea; thorace sparse hic illic tenuiter punc ato; elytris subfortiter punctato-striatis, striis bifariam dispositis, interspatiis ad latera costatis; tibiis intermediis extus ad apicem emarginatis.

Long. 1½ lin.

Hab. Singapore.

Head flat, nearly impunctate; anterior border of the epistome angularly notched; jaws black; antennæ rather more than half the length of the body, pale fulvous. Thorax at the base twice as broad as long; sides rounded, very quickly converging from base to apex; surface very remotely and finely punctured. Elytra somewhat strongly punctate-striate; striæ arranged in double rows on the inner disk, single on the outer disk, the interspaces between the single rows costate.

2. Aulacia fulviceps, n. sp.

Ovata, postice attenuata, nigro-picea, nitida, supra piceo-ænea; capite pedibusque piceo-fulvis; thorace subcrebre punctato;

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elytris punctato-striatis, striis bifariam dispositis, interspatiis planis, ad latera costatis; tibiis intermediis extus ad apicem non emarginatis.

Long. ⅘ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Front smooth, impressed in the middle with a longitudinal groove; upper and inner margin of the eyes bordered by a deeply sulcate groove, the lower end of which is produced obliquely inwards across the upper border of the encarpa to the epistome; the latter wedge-shaped, its anterior border nearly truncate, surface towards the upper end impressed with a few deep punctures; jaws black. Thorax somewhat closely punctured. Elytra distinctly punctate-striate, the punctures arranged in double rows on the inner two-thirds of the disk, in single on the outer third; the interspaces between the single rows costate.

3. Aulacia femorata, n. sp.

Ovata, convexa, nigro-picea, nitida, antennis nigris, basi fulvis; capite femoribusque rufis, tibiis tarsisque piceis; thorace subremote subtenuiter punctato; elytris distincte punctatostriatis, striis disco interiori bifariam dispositis, interspatiis ad latera costatis; tibiis intermediis extus ad apicem non emarginatis.

Long. 1⅓ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Vertex finely but distinctly punctured; middle of the front impressed with a longitudinal groove; epistome wedge-shaped, its anterior border nearly truncate, upper half of surface closely and coarsely punctured; upper and inner margins of the eye bordered by a deeply sulcate groove, the lower end of which runs obliquely downwards and inwards to the apex of the epistome; jaws black; antennæ black, base fulvous. Thorax finely and subremotely punctured, interspaces impressed with very minute punctures, visible only under a lens. Elytra distinctly punctatestriate; striæ arranged on the inner disk in double rows, on the outer disk in single, their interspaces costate. Legs piceous; thighs, their base and apex excepted, rufous.

4. Aulacia bipustulata, n. sp.

Breviter ovata, postice non attenuata, valde convexa, rufo- aut piceo-fulva, nitida, pedibus antennisque fulvis; thorace re-


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motissime punctato, lateribus rotundato-convergentibus; elytris distincte punctato-striatis, striis disco interno bifariam dispositis, nigris, utrisque plagâ magnâ rotundatâ rufo-fulvâ ornatis; tibiis intermediis extus ante apicem emarginatis.

Long. 1⅓ lin.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

Head smooth, impunctate; epistome much longer than broad, sides nearly straight and parallel in front, obliquely converging towards the apex, anterior border very slightly emarginate; upper and inner margins of the eye bordered by a deeply sulcate groove, the lower extremity of which is produced obliquely downwards and inwards, but only extends half-way across the upper border of the encarpa; antennæ slender, nearly equal to the body in length, pale fulvous, apical joints black; jaws black. Thorax shining, impunctate. Elytra distinctly and somewhat closely punctate-striate, the striæ on the inner disk approximating in pairs. Base of thighs piceous.

Genus COLASPOSOMA, Laporte.
Silb. Rev. Ent. i. p. 22.

Corpus oblongum aut anguste oblongum, convexum, metallicum, subtus pube sericeâ vestitum. Caput thorace insertum, perpendiculare; mento angulato-inciso; antennis filiformibus. Thorax transversus, marginatus. Elytra confuse vel sub-striatim punctata. Pedes robusti; femoribus plerumque muticis; tibiis anticis in ♂ sæpe intus curvatis, ad apicem incrassatis, quatuor posticis extus ad apicem non emarginatis; unguiculis bifidis. Episterna antica cuneiformia, sulcis inter prosternum et episterna sæpe obsoletis.

1. Colasposoma inconstans, Baly.
Desc. New Gen. and Spec. Phyt. p. 14.

Oblongum, convexum, metallicum, nitidum, labro, ore, antennis, unguibusque nigris; capite crebre punctato, fronte in medio longitudinaliter canaliculatâ, utrinque oblique elevato-strigosâ; thorace longitudine duplo latiore, lateribus rotundatis, angulis omnibus dente obtuso armatis, dorso subcrebre punctato; elytris thorace paullo latioribus, irregulariter sub-

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seriatim punctatis, extus infra basin late transversim depressis et irregulariter elevato-strigosis.

Var. A. Corpore viridi-metallico.

Var. B. Corpore viridi-metallico; elytris aureis.

Var. C. Corpore purpureo; elytris cupreo-aureis, viridi-marginatis.

Long. 3½—4 lin.

Hab. Celebes.

Head coarsely and closely punctured; middle of the front impressed with a short longitudinal groove, interspaces thickened obliquely, elevate-strigate on either side the front; anterior border of the epistome angulate-emarginate; antennæ two-thirds the length of the body, black, basal joints stained with piceous. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides rounded, scarcely converging in front, all the angles armed with a small obtuse tooth; surface somewhat closely and irregularly punctured, puncturing coarser on the sides, on either side is a shallow ill-defined excavated space. Scutellum longer than broad, semiovate. Elytra broader than the thorax, broadly oblong, parallel, their apex broadly rounded; above convex, excavated below the shoulder, surface covered with distinct punctures, arranged in irregular rows; interspaces on the outer disk below the shoulder coarsely raised, and forming irregular transverse strigæ.

2. Colasposoma Cumingii, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, obscure viridi-æneum, nitidum, supra viridi-metallicum, ore antennisque nigris; fronte subtumidâ, tuberculo oblongo margine inferiori instructâ; thorace distincte minus crebre punctato; elytris thorace paullo latioribus, irregulariter subseriatim punctatis, infra humeros late excavatis et irregulariter elevato-strigosis.

Var. A. Corpore viridi-æneo; elytris æneis aut roseo-æneis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Philippine Islands.

Head more finely and less closely punctured than in the last species; front swollen, sides of its upper portion obliquely elevatestrigate, lower border furnished with an oblong tubercle; upper border of epistome coarsely impresso-strigose; basal joint of antennæ stained above with cupreous. Thorax more finely and less closely punctured than in C. inconstans. Elytra less regularly punctured, the raised strigæ on the shoulder more irregular.

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3. Colasposoma distinctum, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, viridi-metallicum aut cupreum, nitidum, antennis nigris, basi piceis, labro obscure fulvo; fronte dense rugoso-punctatâ, interspatiis elevato-reticulatis; thorace lateribus regulariter rotundatis, crebre punctato, interspatiis ad latera elevato-reticulatis; elytris thorace latioribus, ante medium subfortiter, pone medium magis tenuiter subseriatim punctatis, infra humeros et infra basin excavatis, interspatiis minus distincte elevato-strigosis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Coup.

Head closely rugose-punctate; interspaces closely elevate-reticulate. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides regularly rounded; surface very closely punctured, more especially on the sides, where the interspaces are thickened and irregularly reticulating. Elytra more finely punctured on their hinder half; excavation below the humeral callus extending inwards to the suture.

4. Colasposoma nitidum, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, cupreum, nitidum, ore antennisque nigris, his basi cæruleo-nigris; fronte crebre punctatâ, utrinque elevato-strigosâ, epistomate rugoso-punctato; thorace lateribus rotundatis, a basi ad apicem convergentibus, rude subcrebre punctato, lateribus crebre irregulariter punctatis; elytris fortiter subseriatim punctatis, infra humeros excavatis, interspatiis disci exterioris elevato-reticulatis.

Long. 2½—3 lin.

Hab. Coup.

Head very closely and coarsely punctured, an oblong space just above the apex of the epistome smooth, impunctate; sides of the upper portion of the front obliquely elevate-strigose; antennæ three-fourths the length of the body, their lower half nitidous, steel-blue. Thorax very coarsely, closely and irregularly punctured on the sides, less closely punctured on the middle disk. Elytra strongly punctured, the punctures of equal strength to the apex, outer half of disk covered with coarse irregular waived reticulations; the punctures towards the apex of the inner disk arranged in slightly sulcate longitudinal striæ.

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5. Colasposoma mutabile, n. sp.

Oblongum, convexum, viridi-metallicum, æneum aut purpureo-metallicum, antennis (basi exceptâ) nigris; capite fortiter punctato, interspatiis elevato-strigosis, fronte antice tuberculo parvo, et supra tuberculum foveâ parvâ instructâ; thorace lateribus regulariter rotundatis, minus crebre punctato; elytris subseriatim punctatis, infra humeros leviter excavatis, elevato-strigosis.

Var. A. Elytris viridi-aureis, utrisque plagâ magnâ trigonatâ purpureâ, infra basin positâ, ornatis.

Long. 3—3½ lin.

Hab. Java, Borneo, Malacca, Timor.

Head deeply punctured, puncturing subremote on the middle of the front, sides obliquely elevate-strigate; epistome longer than broad, sides nearly straight and parallel, surface more closely punctured than the front, coarsely rugose-punctate; at its apex is a distinctly-raised but ill-defined tubercle, immediately above which on the front is an oblong excavation. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides regularly rounded, scarcely converging in front; surface deeply but not very closely punctured on the disk, sides more closely punctured; interspaces near the lateral border thickened, elevate-reticulate. Elytra broader than the thorax, subquadrate-oblong, convex, excavated below the humeral callus, somewhat strongly punctured; the punctures irregularly arranged in longitudinal striæ; interspaces below the shoulder elevate-reticulate.

6. Colasposoma nigriventre, n. sp.

Anguste oblongum, viridi-metallicum, nitidum, abdomine antennisque nigris; capite fortiter punctato, vertice utrinque elevato-strigoso, epistomate apice lineâ elevatâ lævi instructo; thorace lateribus regulariter rotundatis, ad latera crebre, disco minus crebre punctato; elytris thorace latioribus, subseriatim punctatis, striis apicem versus prope suturam sulcatis, infra humeros late excavatis, irregulariter elevato-strigosis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang.

Head short, deeply punctured, puncturing subremote in the middle of the front, closer on the sides; interspaces on the sides

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obliquely elevate-strigose; epistome pentagonal, coarsely and closely rugose-punctate at its apex, middle of the apical surface furnished with a broad slightly-raised, impunctate, longitudinal ridge, lower two-thirds of the disk more finely and less closely punctured; labrum and jaws black. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long, sides regularly rounded, slightly but distinctly converging in front; surface less coarsely and less closely punctured than in the preceding species; interspaces on the sides irregularly wrinkled. Elytra slightly broader than the thorax, subquadrate-oblong, convex, broadly but slightly excavated below the humeral callus, somewhat strongly punctured, punctures irregularly arranged in longitudinal striæ; interspaces near the suture thickened and subcostate at the apex, those on the outer disk behind the shoulder thickened, elevate-reticulate.

7. Colasposoma propinquum, n. sp.

Anguste oblongum, convexum, viridi-æneum aut cupreum, nitidum, antennis nigris, labro obscure piceo-fulvo; capite fortiter et crebre punctato, elevato-reticulato, fronte ad latera elevato-strigosâ, epistomate apice cretâ elevatâ vel tuberculo oblongo instructo; thorace lateribus rotundatis, antice convergentibus, subcrebre punctato; elytris subseriatim punctatis, infra basin et intra callum humerale excavatis, disco exteriori infra humeros elevato-strigosis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Borneo.

Head deeply punctured, interspaces thickened, irregularly elevate-reticulate; front elevate-strigose on either side, epistome scarcely longer than broad, sides nearly straight and parallel, upper portion of the surface very coarsely rugose, raised in the middle into a short oblong ridge or tubercle. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long, sides rounded, converging in front, upper surface transversely convex, sides obliquely deflexed in front, closely punctured; disk on either side just in front of the base distinctly excavated. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, subquadrate-oblong, convex, broadly excavated below the humeral callus; strongly punctured, striæ irregularly arranged in longitudinal rows, interspaces below the shoulder coarsely elevate-reticulate.

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8. Colasposoma splendidum, Fabr.

Eumolpus splendidus, Fabr. Syst. El. i. p. 420.
? E. metallicus, Fabr. loc. cit. (Amboina).

Late oblongum, convexum, viridi-metallicum aut æneum, infra viridi-æneum; capite fortiter punctato, fronte utrinque elevato-strigosâ, in medio longitudinaliter sulcatâ, epistomate apice tuberculo obtuso instructo; thorace lateribus rotundatis, disco subremote, ad latera crebrius punctato; elytris confuse, apicem versus subseriatim punctatis, interspatiis impresso-reticulatis, infra humeros excavatis, irregulariter elevato-reticulatis, intra marginem lateralem costatis; femoribus anticis incrassatis, subtus obsolete unidentatis.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. Tringanee, Java, Celebes.

Head deeply punctured, sides obliquely elevate-strigose; middle of the front longitudinally sulcate; epistome pentagonal, rather longer than broad, upper portion of its surface coarsely rugose-punctate, the punctures in front placed in irregular rows, apex with a distinct tubercle; jaws and labrum black. Thorax three times as broad as long, sides regularly rounded; surface rather remotely punctured on the disk, sides more closely punctured. Scutellum impressed with remote punctures. Elytra rather broader and more strongly punctured than the thorax, the punctures confused on the anterior disk, irregularly arranged in longitudinal rows towards the apex; interspaces finely and rather minutely and remotely punctured, loosely impresso-reticulate, thickened and irregularly reticulate below the humeral callus, costate within the lateral margin.

9. Colasposoma rugulosum, n. sp.

Anguste oblongum, convexum, cupreum, nitidum, corpore subtus antennisque fulvo-piceis, his extrorsum nigris; capite rugoso-punctato; thorace lateribus rotundatis, antice convergentibus, dorso utrinque excavato, crebre punctato; elytris thorace paullo latioribus, parallelis, sat crebre confuse substriatim punctatis, interspatiis disci exterioris rude elevato-reticulatis.

Var. A. Corpore subtus cupreo.

Long. 2⅔ lin.

Hab. Malacca.

This species may be known from its congeners by its narrow

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form and by the very coarse raised reticulations of the outer disk of the elytra. Head closely punctured; labrum fulvous.

The two following species are unknown to me:—

10. Colasposoma æneoviride, Clark.
Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., February, 1865.

"C. parallelum, latum, robustum, breve, punctatum, nitidum, æneoviride: caput ad frontem longitudinaliter depressum, fortiter punctatum: thorax transversus, ad latera juxta frontem valde depressus, lateribus subrectis, versus apicem paulum contractis, marginatis, basi etiam subsinuata, marginata; thorax fortiter punctatus: scutellum subcordiforme, læve, viridi-æneum: elytra subparallela, robusta, humeris prominulis, lateribus vix versus apicem contractis, marginatis; elytra punctato-striata; puncta minuta, satis crebra, confuse (sed versus apicem in striis vix æqualibus) ordinantur: antennæ rufo-fuscæ: pedes nigri, tibiis tarsisque rufo-fuscis: corpus subtus nigrum.

Long. corp. lin. 4½; lat. lin. 2.

Hab. Pulo-Penang." (Clark.)

11. Colasposoma metallicum, Clark.
Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., February, 1865

"C. breve, robustum, ovale, nitidum, fortiter et crebre punctatum, æneo-metallicum: caput verticale, punctis confertis: thorax transversus, lateribus subrotundatis, marginatis, angulis anterioribus compressis, margine anteriore transverso, postico sinuato; ad mediam basin fovea minuta longitudinalis apparet; thorax punctatus, punctis minutis inordinatis sat confertis: scutellum subcordiforme, paucis punctis ornatum: elytra brevia, robusta, ad apicem late rotundata, marginibus paulum sinuatis (humeri ob depressionem obliquam post-humeralem satis extant), punctata; puncta haud thoracis puncta magnitudine æquant, sed magna, præsertim juxta margines (qui rugosi apparent), et conferta, juxta apicem striis disponuntur: corpus subtus, pedes et antennæ nigra.

Long. corp. lin. 3; lat. lin. 2.

C. metallicum is a smaller insect than C. æneoviride; the punctures differ in the two species in size, and the antennæ and legs in colour.

Hab. Pulo-Penang." (Clark.)

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Eumolpus dentipes, Fabr. Syst. El. i. p. 450 (nec Oliv.), from Amboina, is probably a Colaspoides.

The two following species are also unknown to me; they belong in all probability either to Rhyparida or Nodostoma—Typophorus proper being entirely American.

Typophorus nigronotatus, Boh.
Eugenies Resa, Insekter, p. 163.

"Oblongo-ovatus, rufo-testaceus, nitidus; antennis extrorsum nigro-fuscis; prothorace parce punctulato, dorso maculis duabus oblongis nigris notato; elytris mediocriter punctato-striatis, striis apicem versus subtilioribus, sutura, fascia pone medium communi utrinque abbreviata, maculaque basali elongata singuli, nigris; femoribus posterioribus subtus dentatis.

Long. 2—2½; lat. 1¼—1⅓ millim.

Var. A. Signaturis prothoracis elytrorumque dilutioribus, ferrugineis, harum fascia postica interdum deficiente.

Patria: Java.

Caput rotundatum, convexum, rufo-testaceum, nitidum, subtiliter minus crebre punctulatum, inter oculos canalicula tenui transversa insculptum. Oculi rotundati, convexi, nigri. Antennæ longitudine dimidii corporis, flavo-testaceæ, extrorsum sensim incrassatæ, articulis quinque ultimis nigro-fuscis. Prothorax longitudine vix latior, apice utrinque leviter sinuatus, medio nonnihil rotundato-productus, basi parum profunde bisinuatus, lateribus tenuiter marginatus, pone apicem modice rotundato-ampliatus, angulis anticis deflexis, subobtusis, posticis rotundatis; superne convexus, rufo-testaceus, nitidus, parce punctulatus, maculis duabus oblongis nigris ornatus. Scutellum subtriangulare, rufo-ferrugineum, nitidum, breve. Elytra antice subtruncata, prothorace dimidio latiora at illo plus duplo longiora, humeris rotundatis, callo suprahumerali parum elevato, obtuso; lateribus vix ampliata, apice conjunctim rotundata, superne convexa, postice declivia, rufo-testacea, nitida, mediocriter minus crebre punctato-striata, striis apicem versus subtilioribus, sutura, fascia pone medium transversa communi, utrinque nonnihil obliqua, valde abbreviata, maculaque singuli basali elongata, nigris vel ferrugineis. Corpus subtus rufo-testaceum, nitidum, subtiliter crebre punctulatum. Pedes rufo-testacei, nitidi; femoribus incrassatis, posterioribus subtus dente brevi acuto armatis; tibiis posterioribus extus ante apicem emarginatis." (Boheman.)

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Typophorus ruficeps, Boh.
Eugenies Resa, Insekter, p. 162.

"Breviter ovatus, convexus, niger, nitidus; antennis basi pedibusque flavo-testaceis; capite subtiliter crebre punctulato, inter oculos transversim canaliculato, rufo-testaceo; prothorace creberrime punctulato, margine apicali rufescente; elytris confertim punctato-striatis, interstitiis angustis, leviter convexis.

Long. 2½; lat. 1½ millim.

Patria: Java.

Caput sat magnum, subrotundatum, parum convexum, rufo-testaceum, subnitidum, crebre punctulatum, inter oculos transversim tenuiter canaliculatum. Palpi flavo-testacei. Oculi rotundati, convexi, nigri. Antennæ longitudine fere dimidii corporis, nigræ, articulis quinque basalibus testaceis, tribus ultimis modice incrassatis. Prothorax longitudine parum latior, apice truncatus, basi leviter rotundatus, lateribus non marginatis, ultra medium sensim rotundato-ampliatis, dein basin versus nonnihil angustatis; angulis anticis obtusis, posticis rotundatis; superne convexus, creberrime punctulatus, niger, subnitidus, antice anguste indeterminate rufescenti-marginatus. Scutellum subquadratum, nigrum, parum nitidum, subtiliter crebre punctulatum. Elytra antice truncata, prothorace duplo latiora, quam lata nonnihil longiora, humeris rotundatis, callo suprahumerali modice elevato, obtuso; lateribus pone basin leviter sinuata, dein perparum rotundato-ampliata, apice conjunctim rotundata; superne convexa, postice declivia, tota nigra, subnitida, crebre mediocriter punctato-striata, interstitiis angustis, leviter convexis, impunctatis. Corpus subtus nigrum, subnitidum, punctulatum. Pedes flavo-testacei, nitidi, parce breviter pubescentes." (Boheman.)

Fam. CHRYSOMELIDÆ, Lacordaire.
Genus PAROPSIS, Oliv.

Entom. v. p. 597 (1807); Baly, Journ. of Ent. ii. p. 291.
Notoclea, Marsham, Linn. Trans. ix. p. 284 (1808).

Corpus ovatum, oblongum aut rotundatum, valde convexum. Antennæ filiformes aut subfiliformes, dimidio corporis plerumque longiores. Palpi maxillares securiformes. Thorax transversus, antice late emarginatus, lateribus rotundato-

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dilatatis, integris vel rarius emarginatis. Elytra confuse punctata aut punctato-striata, limbo laterali plus minusve dilatato. Pedes robusti; tibiis apice oblique incisis, interdum ante apicem angulato-dilatatis, pulvillis lineâ glabrâ plus minusve longitudinaliter divisis; unguiculis unidentatis. Prosternum elevatum.

Mas.—Tarsorum anticorum quatuor articulo basali plus minusve dilatato, pulvillis integris.

Fœm.—Tarsorum anticorum quatuor articulo basali non dilatato.

A. Elytra irregularly punctured.

1. Paropsis ioptera, n. sp.

Rotundato-ovata, valde convexa, pallide fulva, nitida; elytris metallico-violaceis, disco pallidioribus; antennis extrorsum nigro-fuscis.

Long. 5 lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey), Mysol.

Thorax three times as broad as long, sides rounded at the base, thence obliquely converging to the apex, anterior angles rounded; surface finely and subremotely punctured on the disk, more closely and coarsely punctured on the sides; anterior portion of the disk also closely punctured, but the puncturing equally fine with that of the disk. Elytra broader than the thorax, sides nearly parallel, slightly dilated backwards, apex broadly rounded; surface more distinctly punctured than the thorax, punctures indistinctly arranged in irregular striæ, lateral margin moderately dilated, very slightly reflexed; limb metallic, violaceous, disk usually much paler, rufo-violaceous.

B. Elytra regularly punctate-striate.

2. Paropsis nigripicta, n. sp.

Late ovata, valde convexa, fulva, nitida; thorace utrinque intra latus leviter excavato, disco tenuiter ad latera varioloso-punctato; elytris regulariter punctato-striatis, fasciâ latâ basali, maculâ magnâ rotundatâ suturam includente, fasciâque communi pone medium, extrorsum abbreviatâ, postice supra suturam fere ad apicem extensâ, nigris.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Aru Islands, New Guinea.

Thorax nearly four times as broad as long, sides broadly

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rounded at the base, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex, slightly excavated near the lateral border, finely variolose-punctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, sides below the base subparallel, apex broadly rounded; surface finely but regularly punctate-striate, lateral margin moderately dilated, deeply punctured.

3. Paropsis Wallacei, n. sp.

Rotundato-ovata, sat valde convexa, fulva, nitida, antennis apice nigris; thorace utrinque intra marginem excavato, tenuiter minus crebre punctato; elytris regulariter punctato-striatis, plagâ magnâ trigonatâ communi a basi fere ad apicem extensâ nigrâ instructis.

Long. 4½—5 lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Head very finely and indistinctly punctured. Thorax nearly four times as broad as long, sides rounded at the base, thence obliquely converging to the apex, apical angle subacute; surface finely punctured, irregularly excavated on either side within the lateral border, surface of the excavations faintly wrinkled. Elytra broader than the thorax, sides rounded, apex broadly rounded; surface strongly punctate-striate, lateral margin somewhat broadly dilated, deeply punctured; nearly the whole back of the elytra is covered by a large triangular patch, which, stretching at its base from shoulder to shoulder, gradually narrows and terminates in an acute point on the suture at a short distance from the apex.

4. Paropsis 5-maculata, n. sp.

Late ovata, sat valde convexa, fulva, nitida; thorace utrinque excavato, disco tenuiter, ad latera rude punctato; elytris regulariter punctato-striatis, plagâ communi trigonatâ basali, maculâ oblongâ humerali, plagâque magnâ pone medium, nigris.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Batchian.

Head finely punctured. Thorax nearly four times as broad as long, sides rounded, obliquely converging from behind the middle to the apex, anterior angle subacute; surface excavated and coarsely punctured on the sides, finely and less closely punctured on the disk. Elytra scarcely broader at the base than the thorax, sides oval, apex broadly rounded, surface regularly and somewhat deeply punctate-striate; lateral border moderately dilated, deeply punctured.

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Voy. au Pôle Sud, Zool. iv. p. 328.

Phyllophila, Stål, Öfv. k. Vet. Akad. Förh., 1857, p. 59.

Corpus elongatum, subparallelum, convexum, metallicum aut non metallicum. Caput modice exsertum; antennis filiformibus, dimidio corporis longitudine æqualibus, apicem versus leviter incrassatis, articulo primo incrassato, secundo brevi; palpis ovatis, articulo ultimo conico. Thorax transverso-quadratus vel quadratus, elytris angustior. Elytra oblongo-ovata vel oblonga, punctato-striata. Pedes modice robusti; unguiculis unidentatis.

1. Chalcolampra 10-pustulata, Baly. (Pl. V.* fig. 3.)
Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd ser. i. p. 619.

Anguste subelongata, convexa, parallela, nitida, capite thoraceque rufo-fulvis; antennis extrorsum, pectore, abdomine, scutello elytrisque nigris; horum maculis 10 pedibusque flavis, tarsis piceis.

Var. A. Thoracis disco piceo.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Batchian.

Head short, impressed on the front with several irregular foveæ antennæ half the length of the body. Thorax finely punctured. Elytra distinctly punctate-striate on the inner disk, the outer disk irregularly punctured, each with five large yellow patches, the first four ovate, placed in two parallel rows, one just below the base, the other scarcely below the middle; the fifth patch is transverse and subapical.

2. Chalcolampra 18-guttata, Fabr.

Chrysomela 18-guttata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. I. i. p. 322.

Phyllocharis 18-guttata, Boisd. Voy. de l'Astrol. p. 575.

Phyllophila 16-pustulata, Stål, loc. cit.

Elongata, fulvo-flava, nitida; antennis, genibus, abdomineque nigris, hoc flavo-marginato; thorace fusco-notato; elytris fuscis vel piceis, utrisque pustulis pallide fulvis octo vel novem ornatis.

Var. A. Thoracis maculis obsoletis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Pulo-Penang, Malacca, Singapore; also Ceylon, Australia.

Thorax transversely convex; sides straight and parallel behind

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the middle, rounded and converging in front; surface smooth, very minutely punctured. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong, nearly parallel, regularly punctate-striate; the surface of each covered with nine large oval pale fulvous spots, the first eight placed two and two in four transverse rows; the ninth, which stands alone at the apex, is often obsolete.

Ephem. Ent. p. 20.

Corpus anguste oblongum aut elongatum, parallelum, convexum. Caput modice exsertum; antennis robustis, articulo basali subgloboso, duobus vel tribus proximis monili-formibus, æqualibus, cæteris submoniliformibus aut subfili-formibus; palpis maxillaribus brevibus, ovatis, articulis brevibus, basali minuto, secundo tertioque elevatis, hoc incrassato, ultimo conico, obtuso, rarius acuto. Thorax transversim quadratus, lateribus incrassatis, intus impresso-marginatis. Elytra thorace vix latiora, plerumque punctato-striata. Pedes modice robusti; unguiculis unidentatis.

1. Phyllocharis cyanipes, Fabr.

Chrysomela cyanipes, Fabr. Syst. Ent. i. p. 320; Syst. El. i. p. 436; Oliv. Ent. v. p. 541, pl. iv. fig. 50.

Chrysomela sinuata, Oliv. Ent. v. p. 543, pl. vii. fig. 100.

Phyllocharis sinuata, Boisd. Voy. de l'Astrol. p. 573.

Phyllocharis cyanitarsis, Cuv. Reg. Anim. pl. lxxiii. fig. 1.

Phyllocharis cyanipes, Homb. & Jacq. Voy. au Pôle Sud, Zool. iv. p. 330, pl. xviii. fig. 18; Dalman, Ephem. Ent. p. 21.

Oblonga, rufa, nitida; antennis, pedibus, fasciisque duabus elytrorum cyaneis.

Var. A. Elytris punctis posticeque cyaneis.

Long. 3¼—4½ lin.

Hab. Amboina; also Australia.

Oblong, shining red. Face deeply impressed; antennæ deep blue. Thorax narrowly margined, twice as broad as long, rather wider in front; the sides nearly parallel, slightly convex anteriorly, front margin concave, anterior angles subacute; surface convex, swollen in front, smooth, on the disk are a few indistinct punc-

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tures, and a few coarse punctures are also placed along the extreme base; on either side of the base is a shallow punctured fovea; the posterior margin blue-black in the centre. Scutellum smooth, blue. Elytra nearly four times the length of the thorax, apex obtusely rounded, their sides more nearly parallel than in P. cyanicornis (Fabr.), slightly excavated behind the shoulders; surface irregularly punctured, the punctures less distinct towards the apex, disposed in irregular striæ near the suture; just before the middle is a broad, deep blue, flexuose, transverse band, from which a broad process passes upwards along the suture to the base; below the middle is a second band, from which a narrower process runs downwards to the apex. Beneath deep blue, sides and apex of the abdomen red.

The Var. A is the original cyanipes of Fabricius, and the typical form is the sinuata of Olivier.

2. Phyllocharis undulata, Fabr.
Chrysomela undulata, Fabr. Syst. El. i. p. 438.

Elongata, parallela, convexa, nigro-cærulea, nitida; thoracis lateribus, pectore, abdominis limbo, elytrisque rufis; thorace basi crebre, disco sparse punctato; elytris punctato-striatis, striis pone medium confusis, suturâ ad apicem et infra basin dilatatâ, fasciisque latis undulatis duabus, unâ ante, alterâ pone medium positis, nigro-cyaneis.

Var. A. Lineâ suturali in medio interruptâ.

Long. 4½ lin.

Hab. Java, Singapore, Malacca, Timor.

Similar in form to P. cyanipes; thorax more closely punctured at the base; anterior half of elytra more regularly punctate-striate. Head rufous; antennæ nearly half the length of the body, blue-black. Thorax transversely depressed at the base, the depressed portion closely covered with distinct punctures.

3. Phyllocharis violaceipennis, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. i. p. 292.

Elongata, postice paullo angustata, rufo-testacea, nitida; elytris violaceo-cupreis, nitidissimis; antennis nigris.

Long. 2¼ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Elongate, slightly narrowed behind, shining rufo-testaceous;

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elytra violet-copper; antennæ black. Head shining, impunctate; epistome separated from the face by an angular groove, the apex of which is rounded; antennæ two-thirds the length of the body, robust, four basal joints shining, pitchy beneath. Thorax twice as broad as long; apex slightly concave-emarginate; sides straight and subparallel, narrowed and rounded in front, apex of anterior angles subacute; above transversely convex, surface smooth and shining, very remotely punctured, sides near the base impressed with numerous large round punctures. Scutellum semiovate, rufo-piceous. Elytra broader than the thorax, narrowly subovate, slightly narrowed posteriorly, the apex itself subacutely rounded; above convex, sinuate on the sides below the shoulder; each elytron impressed with eleven rows of fine but deep punctures, the first row abbreviated; interspaces distantly impressed with fine but distinct punctures, which are often arranged in a single row down the centre of each interspace. Beneath shining rufo-testaceous, palpi pale piceous.

4. Phyllocharis bicincta, Guérin.
Voy. de la Coquille, ii. p. 145; Icon. du Règne Anim. pl. xlix. fig. 3.

Phyllocharis immaculicollis, Blanch. Voy. au Pôle Sud, Zool. iv. p. 331, pl. xviii. fig. 19.

Elongata, rufo-testacea, nitida, antennis nigro-cyaneis, scutello nigro; elytris thorace latioribus, punctato-striatis, postice confuse punctatis, fasciis duabus latis, unâ basali, alterâ pone medium positâ, nigro-cyaneis; pedibus, pectore, abdomineque nigro-cyaneis, hoc apice rufo.

Long. 5 lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Thorax transverse, impunctate, transversely depressed along the basal margin; sides nearly straight, rounded and converging in front. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, punctate-striate on the anterior disk, irregularly punctured below the middle; the basal band occupying the anterior third of the elytra, the posterior band equally broad, occupying nearly the whole of the hinder disk.

5. Phyllocharis apicalis, Baly.
Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd ser. i. p. 617.

Elongata, parallela, convexa, cæruleo-nigra, nitida; elytris ob-

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scure cæruleis, horum apice, capite, thorace abdomineque (hujus disco excepto) rufo-fulvis; antennis nigris.

Long. 5½ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Elongate, convex, parallel, blue-black, nitidous; head, thorax, limb and apical segments of abdomen, together with the posterior third of the elytra, rufo-fulvous; the remaining portion of the latter obscure metallic-blue. Head smooth, epistome depressed, separated from the face by an angular groove, just above the apex of which is a large deep fovea, from which a longitudinal groove runs upwards to the vertex; antennæ rather longer than half the body, black. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long, moderately convex, smooth, impunctate, with the exception of four parallel foveæ placed two together on either side the disk. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, the sides parallel, apex subacutely rounded; above convex, shoulders slightly prominent, excavated and concave on the outer side below the shoulder; each elytron impressed with about ten indistinct rows of punctures, the first very short; the rows are entirely lost on the posterior third of the surface, which is irregularly punctured; the spaces between the striæ (more especially on the outer disk) are impressed with punctures equal in depth and size to those belonging to the rows themselves, rendering the latter still more difficult to define; the species, however, doubtless varies greatly in the force and depth of the punctation, one of my specimens being more deeply impressed than the other; in the same specimen the thorax is transversely excavated on either side at the base.

6. Phyllocharis Wallacei, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. i. p. 292.

Elongata, metallico-cærulea, nitida; thorace pedibusque chaly-beis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Batchian.

Elongate, dark shining metallic blue, thorax and legs bright steel-blue. Head smooth and shining, impunctate; epistome separated from the face by a deeply impressed angular groove, from the apex of which a shallow curved groove runs obliquely upwards on either side to the upper portion of the eye; labrum piceous, its outer edge obscure fulvous, its surface sparingly covered with coarse white hairs; antennæ robust, scarcely more than half the length


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of the body, four basal joints glabrous, shining, the rest opake, covered with short black pubescence. Thorax twice as broad as long; apex slightly concave-emarginate; sides nearly straight and subparallel, narrowed and rounded in front, apex of anterior angle obtuse; above convex, smooth and shining, sparingly impressed here and there with a few deep punctures. Scutellum smooth and shining, semiovate. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong-ovate, sides slightly oval; apex subacutely rounded; above convex, deeply punctate-striate, punctures regularly but some-what distantly placed on the striæ; interspaces smooth and shining, impunctate.

7. Phyllocharis viridiænea, n. sp.

Elongata, parallela, convexa, viridi-ænea, nitida, antennis nigro-cæruleis, abdomine rufo-fulvo; thorace lateribus basi rectis, vix ante medium apicem versus rotundato-angustatis, disco fere impunctato, lateribus subcrebre punctato.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. Ceram.

Thorax twice as broad as long, sides straight and parallel behind the middle, rounded and converging in front; sides distinctly punctured, disk impunctate. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, subparallel, narrowed towards the apex; regularly punctate-striate. Antennæ nearly two-thirds the length of the body.

8. Phyllocharis abdominalis, n. sp.

Elongata, parallela, purpurea, nitida, abdomine rufo-fulvo; thorace transverso, lateribus fere rectis, viridi-æneo, sub-tenuiter subremote punctato; elytris regulariter punctato-striatis; tibiis tarsisque obscure rufo-piceis.

Long. 2½ lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Head remotely punctured, metallic-green; antennæ robust, two-thirds the length of the body, blue-black. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides straight and parallel, scarcely converging at the apex; surface subremotely impressed with fine but distinct punctures, which are scattered nearly equally over the whole disk. Elytra broader than the thorax, subparallel, slightly narrowed near the apex; regularly punctate-striate.

This species may be known from the last by the straight sides

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of the thorax and by the punctures being scattered more equally over its surface.

Genus ÆSERNIA, Stål.
Öfvers. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Förh. 1860, p. 455.

Corpus elongatum. Caput modice exsertum; antennis filiformibus; palpis maxillaribus articulo ultimo penultimo breviore, minore, truncato. Thorax transversus, elytris angustior, lateribus intus excavato-marginatis. Elytra thorace latiora, parallela, punctato-striata, postice sæpe confuse punctata. Pedes robusti; unguiculis muticis. Prosternum valde elevatum, antice angustatum, postice marginatum, mesosterno æquialtum. Mesosternum brevissimum, angulatum.

1. Æsernia magnifica, Baly.
Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd ser. i. p. 618.

Elongata, convexa, viridi-ænea, nitida; abdomine fusco-fulvo, elytrorum dimidio postico fulvo; thorace medio longitudinaliter canaliculato, lateribus intus profunde excavatis et punctatis; elytris punctato-striatis, striis sulcatis, pone medium obsoletis.

Long. 12½ lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

Elongate, convex, subparallel, shining metallic green. Head fusco-violaceous, vertex metallic green; antennæ purplish black; vertex impressed with a deep longitudinal groove, which runs downwards as far as the semicircular groove separating the epistome from the face. Thorax transverse, twice as broad at the base as long, sides nearly straight, gradually narrowed from the base to the apex, more quickly narrowed immediately behind the latter; anterior angles produced, subacute, anterior margin concave; upper surface very slightly convex, middle of the disk impressed with a longitudinal groove; surface smooth, impressed towards the sides with shallow foveæ; immediately within the lateral border is a large, deep, irregular excavation, extending the whole length of the side, its surface deeply impressed with large round punctures; colour bright metallic green, with a faint brassy tinge. Elytra broader than the thorax, subparallel in front, but at the same time slightly increasing in width from the base to the end of the second third; thence to the apex they are obliquely narrowed, the apex itself being slightly reflexed and subacute;

X 2

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upper surface convex, impressed below the shoulders with three or four nearly obsolete foveæ; each elytron with eleven distinctly-punctured sulcate striæ, the first very short, all the others terminating just below the middle of the elytron; posterior two-fifths of the surface fulvous, irregularly punctured.

2. Æsernia regalis, Baly.
Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd ser. i. p. 618.

Elongata, convexa, supra fulva, nitida, verticis plagâ elytrisque viridi-metallicis, his margine angusto, plagâ humerali fasciâque latâ flexuosâ, vix pone medium positâ, fulvis; antennis nigro-æneis; thorace transverso-quadrato, lateribus longitudinaliter sulcato; subtus ænea, prothorace abdominisque apice fulvis; femoribus anticis basi et infra rufo-piceis.

Long. 9 lin.

Hab. Aru Islands.

Elongate, subparallel, convex, bright shining fulvous above, a large patch on the vertex, and the elytra, bright metallic green; these latter with a narrow line on their outer margin, a patch on the shoulder and a broad transverse flexuose band immediately behind their middle, fulvous; antennæ nigro-æneous, two basal joints fulvous beneath. Head smooth, impunctate, face impressed between the eyes with a large deep triangular fovea, divided in the centre by a longitudinal groove, which extends upwards on the vertex; epistome distantly punctured; apex of jaws obscure æneous; antennæ rather longer than half the body. Thorax twice as broad as long; apical border regularly concave-emarginate; sides subparallel, subsinuate, narrowed in front, anterior angles submucronate, their apex obtuse; above smooth and shining, impunctate, sides impressed just within their outer border with several deep foveæ, which are more or less confluent, and form a deep longitudinal fossa, which extends nearly from the base to the apex of the thorax. Scutellum subtrigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra rather broader than the thorax; sides subparallel, slightly sinuate below the shoulders, indistinctly dilated behind their middle; apex angustate-rotundate; above convex, each elytron with eleven regular rows of distinct punctures, the outer one placed on the extreme lateral edge, the first abbreviated a short distance from its base, the others irregular below their middle, and entirely lost on the apical third of the surface, which is smooth and nearly free from punctures; on the disk below the shoulders are three short transverse deeply impressed fossæ,

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and along the outer border are placed several others, longitudinal, the surface of all being deeply punctured.

3. Æsernia Whitei, Baly. (Pl. V.* fig. 6.)
Journ. of Entom. i. p. 293.

Elongata, convexa, subparallela, metallico-viridis, nitida; capite (plagâ magnâ frontali exceptâ), thorace infra, mesocoxis, trochanteribus, femoribus infra abdominisque apice, rufo-fulvis; antennis nigro-cæruleis, articulo basali subtus fulvo; thorace læte viridi-æneo, apice lateribusque rufo-fulvo marginato; elytris sat fortiter punctato-striatis, striis apicem versus fere deletis, utrisque infra basin transversim sulcatis foveisque nonnullis impressis, metallico-viridibus, purpureo-micantibus, fasciâ transversâ vix pone medium utrinque abbreviatâ fulvâ, instructis.

Long. 7—9 lin.

Hab. New Guinea, Waigiou.

Elongate, subparallel, moderately convex. Head impressed between the eyes with a large triangular fovea; antennæ filiform, two-thirds the length of the body. Thorax about a third as broad again at the base as long, narrowed from base to apex, apical margin concave, sides straight, obliquely narrowed at the apex; above smooth and shining, middle of the disk impressed with a faint longitudinal line; just within the outer border are a number of deep irregular excavations, the surfaces of which are deeply punctured; the green colour of the disk varies greatly in extent in different individuals, in some covering nearly the whole thorax, in others occupying only the centre of the disk, the rest of the surface being rufo-fulvous. Elytra scarcely broader than the base of the thorax, sides subparallel, apex subacutely rounded; surface of each impressed with eleven rows of punctures, the first abbreviated; on the basal half the striæ are well marked and deeply punctured, on the apical half they become faint, confused, and nearly obsolete.

4. Æsernia splendida, Boisd.
Promechus splendidus, Boisd. Voy. de l'Astrol. p. 575.

Phyllocharis splendida, Blanch. Voy. au Pôle Sud, Zool. iv. p. 332, pl. xix. fig. 2.

Elongata, parallela, convexa, aurea, micans, ore ferrugineo, antennis cyaneis, basi ferrugineis; thorace nitido, lateribus intus profunde excavato-punctatis; elytris thorace latioribus,

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striato-punctatis, aureo-viridibus, postice cyaneis, apice testaceis; pedibus viridibus, abdomine apice testaceo.

Long. 7—9 lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

Front stained with metallic-green, impressed with a large deep excavation, down the middle of which runs a longitudinal groove; antennæ half the length of the body, two lower joints rufo-fulvous, stained above with metallic-green. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides straight, slightly converging from base to apex, more quickly converging at the extreme apex, sides bordered within by a broad, deep, very coarsely and irregularly excavated longitudinal space; disk smooth, impunctate. Elytra metallic-green, broader than the thorax, parallel, convex, irregularly foveolate below the basilar space, punctate-striate; hinder third of the surface irregularly punctured, metallic-blue; the extreme apex testaceous. Abdomen rufo-testaceous, more or less stained at its base with piceous.

5. Æsernia splendens, Guérin.

Phyllocharis splendens, Guérin, Voy. de la Coquille, ii. p. 244; Icon. Règ. Anim. Ins. pl. xlix. fig. 4; Blanch. Voy. au Pôle Sud, Zool. iv. p. 333, pl. xix. fig. 3.

Elongata, parallela, convexa, subtus obscure ænea, nitida, abdominis apice femoribusque basi rufo-testaceis; capite testaceo-fulvo, sæpe aureo-tincto, antennis nigris; thorace viridi-æneo vel aureo, lateribus intus profunde excavato-punctatis, disco lævi; elytris thorace latioribus, parallelis, apicem versus vix ampliatis, convexis, infra basin et prope medium transversim foveolatis, punctato-striatis, pone medium tenuiter confuse punctatis, viridi-æneis, dimidio postico fulvo.

Var. A. Elytris viridi-æneis, apice extremo fulvo.

Long. 6—10 lin.

Hab. New Guinea, Salwatty.

Head and thorax similar in form and sculpture to the preceding species, with the exception of a short longitudinal groove, which is placed just in front of the middle of the basal margin of the thorax. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel in the ♂, slightly dilated posteriorly in the ⁀; anterior disk regularly punctate-striate, hinder disk finely and irregularly punctured; on the anterior disk, just below the basilar space, is a broad transverse row of deeply excavated foveæ, extending from the outer border two-

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thirds across the disk; a second shorter row is placed on the outer disk just before its middle, whilst a third, still shorter, is placed on the middle of the inner disk; the fulvous colour varies greatly in extent; it usually occupies the hinder half of the surface; in other cases it is confined to the extreme apex, and every intermediate degree occurs between the two extremes.

Trans. Ent. Soc. 2nd ser. iii. p. 251.

Corpus oblongum aut elongatum, convexum, parallelum. Caput modice exsertum; antennis filiformibus, apicem versus interdum leviter incrassatis, dimidii corporis longitudine vel paullo longioribus; palpis maxillaribus clavatis, articulo ultimo truncato. Thorax transversus, lateribus non incrassatis. Elytra thorace latiora, parallela, convexa, regulariter punctato-striata. Pedes mediocres; tibiis simplicibus; unguiculis unidentatis.

1. Stethomela scintillans, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. i. p. 294.

Subelongata, convexa, nitida, obscure rufo-picea, æneo-micans, supra æneo-cuprea, antennis extrorsum nigris, pedibus obscure rufis, genibus cupreis; thorace transverso, disco irregulariter subremote, lateribus subcrebre viridi-æneo-punctato; elytris punctato-striatis, punctis viridi-æneis.

Long. 5 lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Oblong, convex; face deeply impressed between the eyes, lower portion distinctly punctured; vertex remotely covered with minute punctures. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, apex deeply concave; sides nearly straight, narrowed from base to apex, rounded in front; posterior angles slightly produced; surface covered with moderate-sized but deep punctures, which have a strong brassy-green reflexion. Each elytron impressed with eleven rows of similar punctures, the first abbreviated; the punctures on each stria irregularly arranged in a single line.

2. Stethomela consimilis, n. sp.

Subelongata, parallela, convexa, subtus pallide rufo-picea, supra

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cuprea, nitida; thorace transverso, irregulariter punctato; elytris irregulariter punctato-striatis, punctis concoloribus.

Long. 5 lin.

Hab. Amboina, Ceram.

Very closely related to S. scintillans, and possibly a local variety of that insect. Head rufo-piceous; antennæ pale rufo-fulvous; thorax rather less closely punctured on the sides than in S. scintillans, the puncturing as well as that on the elytra concolorous with the general surface.

3. Stethomela grandis, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga, convexa, cuprea, nitida; tibiis (basi excepta) tarsisque rufo-fulvis; antennis basi fulvis, articulis intermediis nigris, tribus ultimis sordide albidis; thorace tenuiter hic illic sparse punctato; elytris oblongis, thorace latioribus, convexis, infra humeros foveolatis, distincte punctato-striatis.

Long. 6 lin.

Hab. New Guinea (Dorey).

Thorax finely and sparingly punctured, punctures irregularly congregated over the whole surface. Elytra oblong, parallel, outer disk transversely excavated below the shoulder, impressed with several large oblong foveæ; surface distinctly punctate-striate.

Much larger than S. scintillans; thorax more finely and distantly punctured.

4. Stethomela œneipennis, Baly.
Journ. of Entom. i. p. 293.

Anguste oblonga, convexa, rufa, nitida; palpis antennisque flavis, his articulis intermediis nigris; elytris viridi-æneis, punctato-striatis, lateribus infra humeros trifoveolatis.

Long. 4 lin.

Hab. Batchian.

Oblong, convex, shining rufous; labrum, palpi and antennæ yellowish-white, the latter with the fifth and three following joints black; elytra punctate-striate, bright metallic-green. Head shining, impunctate; clypeus separated from the face by a very deeply impressed angular groove, from the apex of which a short deeply grooved line runs upwards on the face; jaws deeply punctate, their apex black; antennæ slender, filiform. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long; apex slightly concave-emarginate; sides

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rotundate-angustate in front, more quickly narrowed at the apex, nearly straight and parallel behind, anterior and posterior angles slightly produced, acute; above moderately convex, smooth and shining, sparingly impressed with fine but distinct punctures; sides near the anterior angles obsoletely excavated; extreme lateral and basal margins indistinctly edged with piceous. Scutellum semiovate, smooth and shining. Elytra broader than the thorax, nearly twice as long as broad, nitidous, bright metallic-green; sides subparallel, apex regularly rounded; above convex, each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated, outer row placed on the extreme lateral margin, subsulcate; striæ towards their apex much more finely impressed, nearly obsolete; interspaces smooth and shining, impunctate; each elytron also impressed with two deep foveæ placed transversely immediately below the shoulder, the outer one on the lateral border larger and deeper than the other, which is ovate and placed in the middle of the disk; on the outer margin beyond its middle are also several indistinct foveæ.

5. Stethomela variabilis, Baly. (Pl. V.* fig. 8.)
Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd ser. i. p. 622.

Anguste oblonga, convexa, rufo-fulva, nitida, capite abdomineque (hujus segmento apicali excepto) piceis, antennis nigris; elytris purpureis, fasciâ latâ transversâ prope medium rufo-fulvâ.

Var. A. Elytris rufo-fulvis, fasciâ latâ basali et singulis plagâ magnâ subapicali purpureis; abdomine rufo-fulvo.

Var. B. Capite rufo-fulvo, elytris (basi prætermissâ) purpureis.

Long. 4—5 lin.

Hab. Mysol.

Oblong, convex, parallel, very variable in markings and colour. Head smooth; epistome separated from the face by a deep transverse groove, from the middle of which a short longitudinal grooved line runs upwards on the face; antennæ more than half the length of the body, black, the two basal joints fulvous beneath; epistome fulvous. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long; sides straight and parallel, narrowed and rounded in front; anterior angles subacute, anterior margin concave; above moderately convex, smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, sides parallel, their apex regularly rounded, each elytron impressed with eleven rows of distinct punctures,

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the outer one placed on the lateral border, entire, the one nearest the suture very short, the others all terminating about the commencement of the hinder third of the elytron, which is very smooth and impunctate; the seventh stria from the suture becomes irregular and confused just before its termination. A line on the anterior surface of the apical half of the thighs, together with a similar stripe extending along the whole front edge of the tibiæ, piceous.

6. Stethomela quadripustulata, n. sp.

Elongata, pallide piceo-rufa, nitida, antennis fulvis, extrorsum fuscis; thorace irregulariter hic illic tenuiter punctato; elytris thorace vix latioribus, parallelis, regulariter punctato-striatis, obscure castaneis, utrisque pustulis magnis duabus fulvis, unâ ante medium transversâ, alterâ prope apicem irregulari, ornatis.

Long. 3¾ lin.

Hab. Mysol.

Head broad; epistome separated from the face by an angular groove, longitudinal groove on the front nearly obsolete. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long; sides nearly straight and parallel behind the middle, thence obliquely rounded and converging to the apex; surface finely punctured, punctures irregularly congregated here and there over the whole surface. Elytra oblong, parallel, very irregularly punctate-striate interspaces smooth, impunctate.

Genus AUGOMELA, Baly.
Trans. Ent. Soc. 2nd ser. iii. p. 253.

Corpus rotundato-ovatum vel ovatum, convexum. Caput modice exsertum; antennis dimidio corporis brevioribus, subincrassatis, articulis 2—4 filiformibus, cæteris ad apicem gradatim incrassatis, compressis; palpis maxillaribus clavatis, apice truncatis. Thorax transversus. Elytra thorace latiora, punctato-striata. Pedes mediocres; tibiis simplicibus; unguiculis unidentatis. Prosternum carinatum, basi bilobatum, antice obtuse truncatum vel in dentem obtusum productum.

1. Augomela dives, Baly.
Trans. Ent. Soc. 2nd ser. v. p. 157.

Late ovata, convexa, aureo-ænea, nitidissima, lineâ verticali,

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thoracis limbo angusto, basi dilatato, et elytrorum suturâ, margine laterali, lineâ transversâ ante medium utrinque abbreviatâ, vittâque posticâ disco exteriori positâ, nitidocæruleis; subtus nitido-purpurea, abdomine pedibusque auro-maculatis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

Broadly ovate, convex, bright golden-green; a longitudinal line on the vertex, the narrow limb of the thorax, dilated at the basal margin, the extreme outer border of the elytra, the suture, a transverse line in front and a short vitta behind near the outer margin, bright metallic-blue; these markings are all more or less bordered with metallic-green. Head smooth, face separated from the clypeus by a deep transverse groove, front with a longitudinal grooved line, which runs downwards to the middle of the transverse groove; antennæ bluish-black, the basal joint and the under surface of the two or three following joints fulvous. Thorax more than twice as broad as long; sides rounded, narrowed in front, nearly straight behind; surface very faintly and minutely punctured; remotely scattered here and there are some deep but fine punctures. Scutellum purple. Elytra convex, smooth and shining; sides transversely impressed below the shoulder; each elytron with eleven regular rows of punctures, the first abbreviated; the suture, the extreme outer border, a transverse band in front, commencing at the outer extremity of the transverse depression and extending inwards as far as the third stria from the suture, and a short vitta behind the middle, placed on the outer disk, bright metallic-blue. Beneath bright purple, legs and abdomen marked with coppery-gold.

This beautiful species, which was not taken by Mr. Wallace during his expedition to New Guinea, is the only insect of the genus found, according to my present knowledge, in the Malay Archipelago.

Fauna Suecica, p. 160.

Corpus oblongum, anguste oblongum aut ovatum, convexum, plerumque metallicum. Caput modice exsertum; antennis filiformibus aut subfiliformibus, articulo primo incrassato, secundo brevi, tertio elongato, quinque ultimis leviter compressis, apicem versus vix incrassatis; palpis maxillaribus clavatis, articulo ultimo truncato. Thorax transversus, lateribus incrassatis, plerumque intus excavato-marginatis.

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Elytra punctato-striata aut confuse punctata. Pedes modice robusti; unguiculis simplicibus. Prosternum non carinatum.

1. Chrysomela stictica, Stâl.
Öfv. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Förh. 1857, p. 59.

Ovalis, obscure ænea, subtus chalybeo-micans; labri marginibus testaceis; capite parcissime punctato; thorace disco parce, sat rude, latera versus intra marginem densius impresso-punctato; elytris seriatim irregulariter remote subimpresso-punctatis.

Long. 3½—4½ lin.

Hab. Java, Pulo-Penang.

Epistome separated from the front by a deep semioval groove, from the middle of which a deeply impressed longitudinal line runs upwards to the vertex. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, sides nearly straight and slightly diverging from the base to before the middle, thence rounded and converging to the apex; disk very distantly impressed with large round punctures, sides thickened, bordered within by a longitudinal depression, covered but not very closely with large foveolate punctures. Elytra broadly oblong, broader than the thorax, convex, impressed with large foveolate punctures, arranged very irregularly and distantly in six double longitudinal rows; interspaces smooth, impunctate.

Trans. Ent. Soc. 2nd ser. iii. p. 258.

Corpus rotundatum aut rotundato-ovatum, valde convexum. Caput thorace valde insertum, breve; antennis subincrassatis, dimidio corporis brevioribus, robustis, articulo basali clavato, tribus proximis filiformibus, cæteris ad apicem gradatim incrassatis, compresso-dilatatis; palpis maxillaribus ovatis, articulo primo minuto, secundo tertioque clavatis, penultimo leviter incrassato, ultimo præcedenti æquali, truncato. Thorax transversus, antice late excavatus, sæpe utrinque sinuatus. Elytra thorace plerumque latiora, rotundato-ovata, limbo inflexo dilatato; convexa, regulariter punctato-striata. Pedes breves, robusti; tarsorum quatuor anticorum articuli basalis pulvillo ♂ integro, ⁀ longitudinaliter diviso; unguiculis muticis.

1. Chalcomela intermedia, n. sp.

Ovato-rotundata, valde convexa, picea, nitida, pedibus (tibiis

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tarsisque intermediis exceptis) pallide rufo-piceis; antennis basi fulvis, articulis intermediis nigris, tribus ultimis albidis; epistomate thoraceque rufo-fulvis, hoc sparse hic illic punctato; elytris regulariter punctato-striatis, cupreo-violaceis.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Mysol, Ceram.

Antennæ compressed and broadly dilated towards the apex. Palpi swollen. Thorax three times as broad as long, sides nearly straight and parallel, converging at the apex; surface nearly impunctate. Elytra strongly punctate-striate. Outer border of the abdomen pale piceous.

2. Chalcomela rubripustulata, n. sp.

Rotundata, valde convexa, semiglobosa, cuprea, nitida, violaceomicans, subtus rufo-picea; thorace cæruleo-æneo, subcrebre punctato; elytris regulariter punctato-striatis, utrisque maculis rotundatis duabus magnis rufis, unâ basali, alterâ infra medium positâ, ornatis.

Long. 3—3½ lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

Antennæ rufo-fulvous. Thorax four times as broad as long, sides rounded at the base, obliquely converging from before the base to the apex, more quickly narrowed at the extreme apex, surface somewhat closely punctured. Elytra rather strongly punctate-striate.

3. Chalcomela nigripennis, n. sp.

Ovata, valde convexa, pallide rufo-picea, nitida, antennis sub-incrassatis, fulvo-albis, articulis intermediis nigris; thorace antice concavo-emarginato, disco tenuiter punctato; elytris nigris, basi thorace latioribus, postice leviter attenuatis, regulariter punctato-striatis.

Long. 2 lin.

Hab. Waigiou.

Thorax more than three times as broad as long, sides rounded and converging from base to apex; anterior margin regularly concave-emarginate, not sinuate at the sides. Scutellum piceous. Elytra broader at the base than the thorax, shoulders rounded, sides slightly but distinctly narrowed towards the apex; upper surface regularly punctate-striate; interspaces very minutely punctured.

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Genus AGASTA, Hope.
Coleop. Man. iii. p. 177.

Corpus ovatum, convexum. Caput parvum; antennis thorace paullo longioribus, articulo basali incrassato, secundo brevi, tertio elongato, sequentibus gradatim crassioribus; palpis maxillaribus brevibus, articulo primo minimo, secundo multo crassiori, tertio quartoque rhombiformibus. Thorax transversus. Elytra elongato-quadrata, confuse punctata. Pedes simplices; unguiculis muticis.

1. Agasta formosa, Hope.
Coleop. Man. iii. p. 177, pl. ii. fig. 3.

Flava, thorace nigro-quinque-notato, elytris cyaneo-maculatis.

Var. A. Thoracis maculis plus minusve obsoletis.

Var. B. Thorace toto nigro.

Long. 5 lin.

Hab. Java, Singapore; also Siam, China.

Thorax twice as broad as long, sides slightly diverging from base to apex; surface somewhat irregularly punctured on the sides, smooth on the disk, marked with five black spots, a small one on either side near the middle of the lateral margin, a lunulate one on either side the middle disk, and the fifth clavate, longitudinal, placed behind the others just in front of the scutellum. Elytra much broader than the thorax, oblong-ovate, irregularly punctured, each with eight blue-black spots, viz., two at the base, one of which is large and covers the humeral callus, the other small, on the outer border; two just before the middle of the disk, both large, one subtriangular, near the suture, the second transversely oblong, attached to the lateral margin; one nearly round, on the middle of the disk; two placed transversely and slightly obliquely behind the middle, the first near the suture, either round or subtriangular, the second transverse, on the outer border; the eighth, round or subtrigonate, is situated on the middle disk just before its apex.

Genus PLAGIODERA, Redtenb.
Faun. Austr. p. 553.

Corpus oblongum, modice convexum. Caput modice exsertum; antennis dimidio corporis brevioribus, subfiliformibus; palpis maxillaribus gracilibus, articulis cylindricis. Thorax transversus. Elytra thorace latiora, confuse aut striatim punctata, limbo inflexo concavo. Pedes mediocres, simplices; un-

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guiculis muticis. Prosternum postice lobatum. Episterna postica pone medium intus ampliata.

1. Plagiodera marginata, n. sp.

Anguste oblonga, modice convexa, pallide fulva, nitida, antennis extrorsum nigro-fuscis; thorace transverso, lateribus leviter rotundatis, antice angustatis, angulo antico rotundato, disco lævi, minute et remote punctato; elytris oblongis, thorace latioribus, convexis, dorso deplanatis, subfortiter striatim punctatis, margine laterali incrassato, nigro-piceis, late fulvomarginatis.

Long. 3½ lin.

Hab. New Guinea.

Thorax three times as broad as long, sides rounded, converging from the middle to the apex, surface shining, very minutely punctured. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong, slightly flattened on the back; lateral border thickened.

2. Plagiodera pallida, n. sp.

Anguste ovalis, convexa, flava, nitida, antennis basi exceptâ nigris; thorace tenuissime punctato; elytris tenuiter striatim punctatis, margine laterali incrassato.

Long. 3 lin.

Hab. Amboina.

Antennæ scarcely longer than the head and thorax, subincrassate, four lower joints flavous, the rest black. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long, sides rounded and converging from base to apex, anterior border concave-emarginate, anterior angles subacute; surface very minutely but irregularly punctured. Elytra much broader than the thorax, ovate, finely punctured; the punctures arranged, although rather indistinctly, in double longitudinal rows.


Fig. 1. Crioceris semipunctata 29
2. „ ornata 28
3. Lema pectoralis 9
4. „ militaris 15
5. „ monstrosa 16
6. Temnaspis Westwoodii 41
7. Crioceris Clarkii 33
8. Brachydactyla discoidea 39

[page] 300

Fig. 1. Cryptocephalus colon 69
2. Aspidolopha Buquetii 50
3. Chlamys Wallacei 58
4. Gynandrophthalma Malayana 51
5. Dioryctus grandis 64
6. Clythra distinguenda 47
7. Titubœa delectabilis 45
8. „ Laportei 44
Fig. 1. Melixanthus (?) bimaculicollis 65
2. Cadmus squamulosus 67
3. Cryptocephalus Wallacei 74
4. „ suspectus 73
5. Cadmus Chlamyoides 66
6. Bucharis (n. g.), thorax, & c. 61
7. Loxopleurus lætus 77
8. Bucharis Suffriani 62
9. Cadmus submetallescens 68
Fig. 1. Aoria Bowringii 79
2. Stasimus rugosus 80
3. Piomera brachialis 83
4. Metaxis sellata 84
5. Aulexis Wallacei 81
6. Lepina inconspicua 92
7. Apolepis aspera 91
8. Demotina ornata 90
Fig. 1. Aulacolepis decorata 93
2. Pachnephorus vitticollis 95
3. Bromius evanescens 97
4. Chrysochus pulcher 134
5. Corynodes monstrosus, ♂∫ 100
6. „ „, ♀∫
7. „ trilobatus 129
8. Scelodonta Curculionoides 155
Fig. 1. Rhyparida Lorquinii 166
2. Stethotes elegantula 255
3. Chalcolampra 10-pustulata 281
4. Chrysopida Attelaboides 159
5. Rhyparida sumptuosa 163
6. Æsernia Whitei 289
7. Dermorhytis ænea 263
8. Stethomela variabilis 293

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