RECORD: Bates Henry Walter. 1874. New species of Cicindelidae. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 10 (April-May): 261-269.
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 2012. RN1
BY H. W. BATES, F.L.S., &c.
Although upwards of 800 described species of this elegant family are recorded in the Catalogue of Gemminger and von Harold, we are still far from knowing all the existing forms, as the following descriptions will testify.
Maxime elongata, ♂ parallelopipeda, obscure œnea, viridi-tincta; labro, mandibulis (apice nigris), palpis, pedibusque fulvo-testaceis, femoribus apice nigris; thorace ab angulis anticis gradatim, vix rotundatim, angustato, postice constricto; elytris grosse scabroso-punctatis, interstitiis versus basin granulatis.
Long. 13 lin. ♂ ♀.
Similar in colour to M. senegalensis, but much narrower and more cylindrical in form; the elytra in the male being quite cylindrical and in the female very elongate-oval, with much coarser sculpture and destitute of minute granulations. The thorax differs also in not being distinctly rounded in the middle of the sides; the lateral rim is not indented at the ends of the anterior groove. It agrees with M. regalis in the black tips of the inner side of the middle and posterior femora, but differs wholly from that species in general form and in the sculpture of the elytra, which is much less dense, with fewer raised granulæ, and becoming fainter towards the apex.
Ribé, near Mombas, East Africa. Taken by the Rev. Mr. Wakefield.
Angusta, elongata, fusco-nigra, subtus et ad latera vix viridi-œneo tincta, suprà sericeo subopaca; elytris passim discrete punctatis vix granulatis, apice utrinque vittula flava; antennis, labro, mandibulis (apice nigris), palpis, abdominis apice, pedibusque flavis, femoribus apice fuscis.
Long. 6—7 lin. ♂ ♀.
Closely allied to T. angustata, Chevr., but smaller and blacker, and differing in the sculpture of the elytra, which consists of rather large, mostly distinct punctures, diminishing towards the apex, and having but slight traces of raised granulæ. The apical yellow streak is narrower, and tapers anteriorly instead of being broadly rounded. The basal joints of the antennæ are tipped with black. The thorax is narrowed from the anterior angles, with scarcely any rounding, and is constricted at the base. The elytra have the elongate, parallel form of T. angustata, violacea, &c.
Chontales, Nicaragua; two examples (Thos. Belt, Esq.).
Minus elongata, nigra, supra fere opaca; oris partibus, antennis, (articulis 1—4 nigro-maculatis) pedibusque fulvo-testaceis, femoribus apice nigris; elytris ovalis (humeris sub-falcatin productis), apice conjunctim sub-acuminatis, discrete punctulatis, utrinque macula transversa, rotundata, discoidali, testaceo-rufa.
Long. 7 lin. ♂.
A much leas elongate species than O. tristis; the elytra especially being shorter and ovate in form, with prominent (rather falciform) humeral angles. The head is gradually narrowed behind the very prominent eyes; the labrum (♂) is long and narrow, leaving the mandibles uncovered throughout their entire length. The basal margin of the labrum and the tips of the mandibles are black. The thorax is small. The elytra are similar in form and sculpture to those of O. femoralis, but they are shorter, more produced and falcate at the shoulders, and more dilated at and a little beyond the middle.
The narrow, yellow labrum immediately distinguishes it from O. femoralis.
New Granada; several examples (Senor Villagomez).
C. upsilon multo major, elytris dilatatis. Viridi-ænea, vertice thoraceque læte igneo-cupreis; elytris elongato-ovatis, albis, plaga scutellari, sutura et lineolis (postice abbrevialis) utrinque duabus, exteriori bis-interrupta, viridi-cupreis; fronte corporisque lateribus subtus densissime albo-pubescentibus; thorace minus dense albo-pubescenti.
Long. 6½ lin. ♀.
Allied to C. upsilon; but the broadly rounded elytra give it a different facies, and the thorax (♀) is nearly cylindrical: the legs also are longer and slenderer. Head with very prominent eyes; moderately concave on the crown; densely strigose, and behind, rugose-punctate; the forehead and base of labrum with a dense patch of laid white hairs. Labrum yellow; moderately rounded in the middle, with three prominent and very sharp teeth. The thorax is narrowed and somewhat constricted at the base; the surface is densely and rather roughly transversely rugose. The scutellum is fiery cupreous, like the thorax and crown. The elytra have rectangular shoulders (clothed with white hairs) and are thence immediately and gradually dilated to a little before the apex, which is singly rounded, without sutural angle (♀). The surface is white, with a scutellar
patch, the sutural and lateral edges and two discoidal lines obscure greenish-cupreous; the lines terminate long before the apex, and the exterior one is twice interrupted.
Nicol Bay, West Australia; two examples (Mr. Du Boulay).
C. flexuosœ affinis, sed angustior et minus ovata; supra sericeo-viridis, lœviter cuprescens, thorace supra cupreo; elytris lunula humerali (in maculas duas distantes solutâ) fascia mediana, lunula interrupta apicali, et utrinque guttis duabus, albis.
Long. 5 lin. ♂.
Clearly distinct from C. flexuosa, the elytra being much narrower and more parallel-sided, besides wanting the second spot behind the scutellum. The character of the spots is quite different. Thus there is a round one on the shoulder, another equally round behind (nearer the disc), and three others of the same form—one at the base, one near the middle of the suture, and the third at the upper end of what would bare been the apical lunule. None of these spots assume the elongate form of those of C. flexuosa; the median fascia is similar in the two species.
Northern Persia (Dr. Millingen).
Angustula, fusco-œnea, elytris velutino-opacis atro-fusco nebulosis; gutta antica discoidali, altera ante apicem, lineolaque transversa marginali mediana, albis; capite minute strigoso; labro brevi, fusco-testaceo, antice fere recte truncato; thorace cylindrico alutaceo-opaco.
Long. 4 lin. ♂ ♀.
A small species, nearly allied to the C. Vasseletii group; having a rather narrow, cylindrical thorax, slightly rounded on the sides and narrowed behind. The colour is light brassy-brown, of a changing silky lustre, and having an ill-defined, bi-lobed, dusky patch in the middle of the elytra, over the suture. The palpi are pale, with the terminal joint only, in both pairs, brassy-green. The under-side of the body and the legs are dark brassy-green, cupreous on the episterna and femora; with the trochanters and base of tibiæ generally pitchy-red. The white marks of the elytra are very minute and variable; there is no humeral spot, and rarely a trace of apical lunule in a triangular speck on the margin, and a small dot in the situation of the anterior end of the lunule. A short transverse streak near the
margin is the only trace of the median fascia, except a speck near the suture in a straight line with it; but there is always a small spot on the anterior part of the disc. The pale parts of the elytra are covered with shallow green punctures. The aides of the breast and abdomen are thinly pubescent, and the palpi and legs have very few hairs. The abdomen is roughly punctulate.
Chontales, Nicaragua; many examples (Thos. Belt, Esq.).
Mr. Osbert Salvin has taken at Obispo, Panamá, a dark variety, with a complete, but fine, angular, median fascia.
C. cyaniventri (Chevr.) proxime affinis, at angustior et elytris multo minus irroratis, lineola utrinque recta, oblique, pone medium, alba. Elongata, infrà eyaneo-nigra, vel nigra, nitida; suprà cupreo-nigra opaca; labro albo, medio antice late rotundato; palpis nigro-cyaneis, labialibus articulis 1—2 flaxis; thorace cylindrico, lœvi, lateribus (ut capite) cupreo vittatis; elytris velutinis, dorso haud conspicue punctulatis, sed punctis paulo profundis viridibus sparsim sub-lineatim conspersis; lineola oblique utrinque mediana alba.
Long. 5 lin. ♂.
In fresh examples the elytra are dark cupreous, opaque and velvety, except on the sides where line scattered punctures are visible. The oblique white line is sometimes reduced to one or two linear specks; it is well developed, however, in three out of five of my specimens, all males; in one there are the rudiments of an apical lunule.
Chontales, Nicaragua (Thos. Belt, Esq.).
The allied Mexican C. papillosa is found also at Chontales, besides C. Mexicana, Klug, C. carthagena, Dej., C. calochroïdes, Motsch., C. hydrophoba, Chevr., and C. obliquans, Chaud.
CICINDELA WALLACEI, Chaudoir, Cat. Cicind., p. 27.
C. niveicinctœ (Chevr.) proxime affinis, at magis clongata, obscure viridi-cuprea, elytris (♀) apice ad suturam vix conjunction emarginatis, sutura breviter spinosa, margine albo laterali ante et post medium late interrupto. Long. 5¾ lin. ♀.
A species named (but not described) in the catalogue of the Baron de Chaudoir. The elytra, as in C. niveicincta, have on each a rounded mirror-like spot on the anterior part of the disc.
Celebes (Wallace).
C. morioni (Klug) formâ similis. Nigra, suprà opaca, elytris marginibus anguste cupreis sub-nitidis, minute granulatis, lunula humerali et apicali, fasciaque valde flexuosa mediana, albis; capite post oculos vix angustato; labro (♀) medio convexo, antice producto fortiter tridentato, angulis rectis, albo; thorace capite paulo angustiori, subtiliter rugoso, marginibus albo-tomentosis.
Long. 4¼ lin. ♀.
Allied to C. morio and acompsa, but anterior angles of the labrum nearly rectangular and elytra finely granulated. The palpi have the terminal joints only brassy-black. The head is very finely sculptured, with distinct striæ only on and near the orbits; it is not much narrowed behind the eyes, and not much broader than the cylindrical thorax. The white markings of the elytra are indistinct, except the apical lunule, which forms a conspicuous white apical border, of equal width from the suture to the curve at the exterior angle. The under-side of the body is densely clothed with white pubescence. The trochanters are red.
Macas, Equador; two examples (Mr. Buckley).
C. gracili (Pallas) affinis. Gracilis, viridescenti-nigra; suprà sericeo-opaca; elytris macula magna discoidali pone medium alteraque exteriori-apicali testaceo-albis.
Long. 4½ lin. ♂.
Similar in form to the Siberian C. gracilis, but the shoulders of the elytra more rectangular. The surface of the elytra is similar in texture, and the white spot forming the anterior part of the apical lunule is of the same form; but there is no dilated marginal spot at the median fascia, and on the other hand there is a large spot on the disc at the termination of the fascia. The cylindrical thorax is short and narrow. The labrum (♂) is notched in the middle of its front edge, with a tooth in the middle of the notch.
Hong Kong.
This is possibly the undescribed C. mandarina of Chaudoir's catalogue.
C. placidœ (Schaum) proxime affinis; differt capite grossissime striato, vertice et thorace rugoso-punctatis; cœulea, suprà opaca; labro magno, cœruleo, apice testaceo-flavo, medio unidentato; elytris dimidio basali granulato-punctalis, macula marginali post humerum, linea mediana recta cum lineola marginali conjuncta, margineque apicali tenui, albis.
Long. 4 lin. ♀.
Form of body as in C. placida, but with more slender legs, clearer reddish-testaceous, and elytra not clouded with dark blue. The chief distinction, however, resides in the sculpture of the thorax and crown of the head, which are smooth in C. placida, and roughened, with rather coarse, irregular rugæ in C. delicata; the striæ of the sides of the head are also much broader and coarser. The white marks on the elytra are slender, and in the same situation as in C. placida; but the median fascia is not flexuous but straight and oblique, and is joined to a white marginal line. The apical lunule is interrupted; there being an isolated speck in the situation of the anterior end, and a narrow, white, apical margin. The humeral angle is reddish. It differs from the allied C. pupillata in the broader and more rounded thorax and in colour.
New Guinea (Wallace).
Ad sectionem C. biramosœ pertinet. Elongata, convexa, cupreonigra, oris partibus nigro-œneis, mandibulis basi igneis; labro antice paulo producto ♂ et ♀ unidentato; thorace rotundato, pronoti sutura laterali dorsum versus sita; elytris oblongis, apice obtuse conjunctim rotundatis, suprà lævibus, alutaceis, punctis perpaucis versus basin; pedibus elongatis, unguibus longissimis.
Long. 4—6 lin. ♂ ♀.
A strange looking species, having the heavy build of the African Megacephalœ; it is, however, nearly allied to C. biramosa, but more convex and with the lateral suture of the pronotum moved still further towards the disc, leaving exposed the very convex flanks of the pro-thorax. The head is nearly of the same shape, scarcely depressed between the eyes; it is finely sculptured, and has very few longitudinal striæ. The labrum, like the palpi, is black, transverse quadrate in form, with broadly dentate anterior margin. The thorax is very finely sculptured, and hairless. The elytra are obtusely rounded at the apex; the sutural angle not prominent; the surface uniformly alutaceous, but with scattered fine punctures near the base, and a row of concolorous larger punctures parallel to the suture. The body is nearly glabrous underneath.
In the ♀ the antepenultimate ventral segment is advanced in a large lobe in the middle, nearly covering the penultimate.
The antennæ are short, filiform, the terminal joints being much abbreviated.
Yemen, many examples.
♂ pedum quatuor anticorum tarsi articulis tribus dilatatis: Labrum maxime elongatum, dentis quinque validis instructum.
This genus is founded on an Indian species having the remarkable character in the ♂ of dilated tarsi to the four anterior legs. In this respect it agrees with Heptadonta, having the dilated joints of the same form and same dense hairy vestiture beneath. But the labrum differs in being extremely elongated (as long as in Oxycheila) even in the ♂, with only five very strong, almost claw-like, teeth. The thorax differs also in being very email, strongly constricted in front and behind, with much rounded central portions. The elytra are covered with strong vermiculate rugæ. The general form of body is that of the S. American Odontocheilœ, or rather the Pentacomiœ. The tarsi are not grooved.
Elongata, gracilis, suprà herbaceo-viridis, subaureo-micans, passim rugulosa; subtus viridi-œneo splendens, lateribus igneo-œneis, nudis; labro flavo-testaceo, vitta mediana viridi; pedibus testaceo-fulvis, elytris utrinque guttis marginalibus tribus albis.
Long. 6¼ lin. ♂.
The head is deeply concave between the eyes, and finely striated over its whole upper surface. The labrum quite covers the mandibles except their apices; the palpi are pale testaceous, with the terminal joints only a little darker. The thorax is closely and irregularly wrinkled, chiefly in a transverse direction. The white spots of the elytra are situated—one at the humeral angle, a second in the middle of the side, and the third at the external apical angle; none of them touch the margin. The body beneath is destitute of pubescence, but the coxæ have a patch of white hairs.
Gracilis, cylindrica, suprà elytris œqualibus, creberrime grossius punctatis, haud rugulosis, cupreis, marginibus cyaneis guttis tribus parvis albis; subtus pedibusque cyancis, femoribus basi piceo-rufis, trochanteribus posticis nigris.
Long. 5½ lin. ♂ ♀.
Similar in form to O. margineguttata, but a little more elongate, the cylindrical thorax without constriction, and the elytra evenly convex without depressions. The labrum is rather elongate (especially in
the ♀) and 7-toothed, blue, with reddish borders. The basal joints of the antennæ are blue. The head is more roughly sculptured than in O. margineguttata, and the striæ visible in the centre. The transverse striæ of the thorax are very distinct; the hind border is igneous-coppery; the disc on each side purplish and duller. The elytra are coppery, changing with the play of light, with the margins bluish; the lateral spots are very small, especially the humeral and apical, the latter sometimes wanting. The surface is densely covered with larger punctures than usual, not running into rugæ. The whole under surface is glossy dark blue and glabrous. The legs are also dark blue, except the reddish extreme bases of the femora. The two terminal joints of the maxillary palpi and the terminal one of the labials are black, but in some examples the under-side of the penultimate joint of the labial palpi is also black.
Obispo, Isthmus of Panama. Several specimens taken by Mr. Osbert Salvin.
Gracilis, valde elongata, suprà obscure cuprea, antennarum articulo primo rufo-testaceo; elytris angustis, suprà œqualibus, creberrime grossius punctatis, margine cyaneo; guttis tribus albis; subtus nigro-cyanea, pedibus cœrulescenti-piceis, femoribus basi flavo-testaceis.
Long. 5¾ lin. ♂ ♀.
The head and thorax are shorter in proportion to the elytra than in any of the allied species, and the elytra are destitute of the depressions which exist in O. margineguttata. The scape of the antennæ is pale reddish-testaceous, and the joints 2—4 are pitchy-black, with a slight bluish tint. The labrum is dull green, with reddish borders. In colour the species agree with marginilabris, Erichs., but, according to the description, that species has an oblique depression on the elytra, and transverse 5-toothed labrum; it is therefore a Phyllodroma. O. rufiscapis has an elongate 7-toothed labrum in both sexes. The thorax is short and cylindrical; dull in colour, with a coppery stripe on each side, and no coppery lustre on the hind margins. The elytra are dullish brown-coppery, with violet margins edged with golden-green; the marginal white spots small, especially the humeral one; their surface is covered with punctures, so close that their interstices rise as minute sharp tubercles; but there are no transverse rugæ.
Macas, Equador; several examples (Mr. Buckley).
O. Cayennensi formá similis, at pedibus posticis multo gracilioribus, abdomineque (ut corpus subtus totum) nigro-cyaneo. Suprà obscure cuprea; labro et palpis nigris, illo macula laterali rufescenti; antennis basi cyaneo-nigris; pedibus saturate viridi-œneis, femoribus piceo-violaceis, trochanteribus posticis nigro-œneis; thorace cylindrico, angustiori, subgrosse transversim strigoso, cuprescenti; elytris sub-grosse creberrime punctatis, obscure cupreis, lateribus cyaneis et auratis lœvioribus, gutta alba mediana solùm distincta.
Long. 7¼ lin. ♀.
In size and general form, as also in the evenly convex, coarsely punctured elytra, resembles the O. Cayennensis group; from which it differs in the slender posterior legs (especially tibiæ), the black abdomen, and wholly metallic legs.
Chontales, Nicaragua; one example (Mr. Thos. Belt).
T. Batesii (Thoms.) simillimus; at multo major, elytrisque apice sinuato-truncatis, suturâ longe productâ. Suprà capite thoraceque œneis politis, elytris castaneo-rufis plaga magna mediana nigra, tubere transverso pallido includenti, apiceque pallide-testaceo; labro (♀) antice lato, octo-dentato.
Long. 5 lin. ♀.
The labrum (♀) differs from that of T. Batesii in being broader on the fore margin and having eight teeth, T. Batesii having only seven teeth. The teeth differ somewhat in form, the exterior one on each side of the front row of six being longer and sharper than the intermediate four; whereas in T. Batesii the live anterior teeth are quite uniform. The large marginal tooth is also more acute and more separated from the body of the labrum. The elytra have the same configuration of surface, large tubercular elevations at the base, followed by a depression, and then by a transverse, rather oblique, pale swelling; but the apex is entirely different, being sharply sinuate-truncate (emarginate) on each side, with the suture prolonged into a long, strong tooth. The legs are testaceous-tawny, the abdomen a little darker, the whole under-side of head and thorax black. The head and thorax are glossy æneous, not cyaneous.
Northern Borneo; three examples; ♀.
Bartholomew Road, Kentish Town, N.W.:
March, 1874.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online. (
File last updated 26 September, 2012