RECORD: Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1859. Exhibition of some longicorn beetles sent from Batchian by Mr A.R. Wallace, with characters of Cerambyx aureipennis and Tmesisternus lotor. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, (new series) 5: 84.

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forming the club were much deformed, and more or less anchylosed. A second specimen was remarkable only for having one of the hind legs much smaller than the other.

Mr. Stevens exhibited a box of Coleoptera, chiefly Geodephaga, taken in the neighbourhood of Rio, by Mr. Squire.

Mr. Syme exhibited a beautiful drawing of the larva of Sphinx Convolvuli, drawn from Nature by Mrs. Syme; he also exhibited the following Lepidoptera, taken during the past season on the South Coast, viz., Leucania vitellina, Heliothis armigera, Ennomos fuscantaria and Phibalapteryx gemmaria.

Mr. Bond exhibited a fine Phycis, new to this country, taken in Dorsetshire by the Rev. Mr. Green; and a specimen of Ancylocheira fasciata, Fab., found alive in Oxford Street, in July last.

Mr. Janson exhibited a specimen of Hydrochus carinatus, Germar, a species new to the British list, one of two taken by Mr. T.P. Dossetor, at the beginning of May last, in Holme Fen, Huntingdonshire; and an example of Mycetophagus quadriguttatus, Müller (M. pubescens, Steph.), found about three weeks since, by Mr. R. M'Lachlan, in a fungus on an oak, near Beckenham, Kent, and remarked that the present individual, one in the cabinet of the late Mr. Stephens, from the neighbourhood of Portsmouth, and one taken by Mr. Waterhouse, in the corridor of the Crystal Palace, at Sydenham, in April, were the only indigenous examples of this species he had yet seen.

Mr. Stainton exhibited some specimens of Micro-Lepidoptera, collected in South Africa by Mr. Trimen, amongst which was a beautiful Neurophora, which, unlike the known species of that genus, was adorned with elegant markings; some specimens of the genus Coleophora, though in bad condition, were interesting as the first extra-European examples of that genus which had been met with.

Mr. Stainton also exhibited, on behalf of Mr. Birks, of York, a specimen of Anchocelis rufina, with an expanded tuft of hairs inserted beneath the abdomen, on the side of the third segment; a similar brush had existed on the opposite side, but had become detached whilst being microscopically examined. Mr. Stainton said it had been suggested that this was a peculiarity of the male A. rufina, and Mr. McLachlan remarked that he had noticed it in other specimens.

Mr. Trimen exhibited some apparently nondescript Coleoptera and Lepidoptera, from South Africa.

Dr. Allchin exhibited an example of Luperina Dumerilii, taken at Brighton on the 26th September last.

Mr. Pascoe exhibited some longicorn beetles sent from Batchian by Mr. A. R. Wallace, and furnished the following characters of two of the species:—


C. ater; prothorace elongato, mutico, antice angustato, disco tuberculis tribus nitidis; elytris sericeo-aurantiacis; anteunis corpore brevioribus. Long. 8 lin. Batchian.


T. oblongo-ovatus, fulvo-brunneus; capite, prothorace, elytris plagis tribus anticis, fascia post-mediana, maculisque apicalibus flavo-griseis; geniculis nigris. Long. 9 lin. Batchian.

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online. (

File last updated 26 September, 2012