RECORD: Walker, Francis. 1862. Catalogue of the heterocerous lepidopterous insects collected at Sarawak, in Borneo, by Mr.A.R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species (continued from page 145). Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 6: 171-198.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 2012. RN1

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Catalogue of the Heterocerous Lepidopterous Insects collected at Sarawak, in Borneo, by Mr. A. R. WALLACE, with Descriptions of New Species. By FRANCIS WALKER, Esq., F.L.S.

[Continued from page 145.]

Gen. PARASA, Moore.

Neæra, Herr. Sch.; Walk.

200. PARASA HUMERALIS, n. s. Mas. Prasina, capite antico ochraceo, thorace maculis duabus lateralibus fuscis, abdomine alisque posticis pallide testaceis, alis anticis basi ferrugineis fascia marginali ochracea.

Male. Bright leaf-green. Head ochraceous in front. Thorax with a brown spot on each side. Abdomen pale testaceous. Legs testaceous, partly ochraceous. Fore wings ferruginous at the base, with an ochraceous marginal band, which is widened towards the interior angle. Hind wings pale testaceous, with a ferruginous fringe. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 15 lines.

Closely allied to P. media and to P. Chloris.

Gen. NAROSA, Walk.

201. NAROSA VELUTINA, n. s. Mas. Ochracea, hirsuta, palpis extus nigris, antennis robustis nudis, alis anticis velutinis basi lineisque duabus flexis margineque pallidis, punctis marginalibus nigris.

Male. Dull ochraceous. Body hirsute. Palpi curved, slender, ascending, not rising higher than the vertex, black on the outer side. Antennæ simple, very stout. Fore wings velvety, rounded at the tips, pale at the base, and with two bent, undulating, pale lines; costa and exterior border also pale, slightly convex, the latter rather oblique; marginal points black. Hind wings pale. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

Closely allied to N. conspersa.

Gen. NAPREPA, Walk.

202. NAPREPA ATTACOIDES, n. s. Mas. Rufescens, capite fusco, antennis late pectinatis, thorace fasciis duabus cinereis, alis anticis apice subrotundatis, lineis quatuor denticulatis indistinctis costaque ferrugineis, gutta discali cana elongata.

Male. Reddish. Head dark brown, with a white band between the antennæ. Palpi porrect, very short. Antennæ short, broadly pectinated. Thorax with two cinereous bands. Wings ample, thinly clothed; fringe partly cinereous; under side tinged with purple. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with four indistinct denticulated ferruginous lines; costa ferruginous; discal dot hoary, elongated. Hind wings thickly clothed along the interior border. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

203. NAPREPA ALBICOLLIS, n. s. Mas. Rufescenti-cana, capite pe-


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dibusque rufescenti-ferrugineis, thorace antico albo, antennis late pectinatis, alis anticis lineis tribus lunulatis indistinctis rufescenti-ferrugineis nigro punctatis, alis posticis margine exteriore liturisque apud marginem interiorem rufescenti-ferrugineis.

Male. Reddish hoary. Head, palpi, and legs reddish ferruginous. Antennæ very short, broadly pectinated. Thorax white in front. Fore wings acute, with three indistinct reddish-ferruginous lines which are composed of lunules, and are attended with elongated black points on the veins; exterior border rather oblique. Hind wings reddish-ferruginous along the exterior border; interior border with reddish-ferruginous marks; interior angle prominent. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

204. NAPREPA ALBICEPS, n. s. Mas. Alba, antennis brevissimis late pectinatis, alis subopalinis lineis duabus denticulatis fuscis nigro punctatis, anticis striga obliqua basali plagisque duabus fuscis, posticis margine exteriore vix flexo fimbria flexa.

Male. White. Palpi extremely short. Antennæ very short, broadly pectinated. Wings slightly opaline. Fore wings slightly acute, with two double denticulated lines, which are composed of brown lunules, and are accompanied by elongated black points; a brown oblique basal streak and two brown patches, one basal, the other on the fore part of the exterior border. Hind wings with lines much like those of the fore wings, the interior one nearly obsolete; exterior border very slightly bent; fringe brown. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

Gen. SUSICA, Walk.

205. SUSICA BASALIS, n. s. Mas. Subtestaceo-cana, nitens, palpis porrectis articulo 3° conico; antennis basi late pectinatis, alis anticis argenteo-sabulosis, extus fuscis macula discali rufa nigro marginata, spatio marginali rufescenti-ochraceo, alis posticis cervinis basi canis.

Male. Hoary, shining, slightly testaceous-tinged. Palpi porrect, extending rather beyond the head; 3rd joint conical. Antennæ broadly pectinated to beyond one-third of the length. Fore wings acute, with silvery spangles, brown exteriorly, excepting the marginal space, which is reddish ochraceous; brown part oblique on the inner side, bordered on the outer side by an undulating black line, including a red, black-bordered discal spot. Hind wings fawn-colour, hoary towards the base. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 8 lines.

206. SUSICA CONGRUA, n. s. Mas. Cervina, antennis dimidio basali late pectinatis, alis anticis squamosis purpurascente tinctis nigro subconspersis linea recta obliqua ferruginea, alis posticis flavescentibus margine interiore cervino fimbriato.

Male. Fawn-colour. Palpi porrect, broad, obtuse; joints not distinguishable. Antennæ broadly pectinated to half the length. Wings broad. Fore wings squamous, hardly acute, purplish-tinged, slightly

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black-speckled; an oblique, straight, ferruginous middle line; costa straight; exterior border convex. Hind wings pale yellow, and fringed with fawn-colour along the interior border. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

Gen. BETHURA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus crassum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi robusti, erecti, pilosi, caput longe superantes, apice fasciculati. Antennæ basi late pectinatæ, apices versus serratæ. Abdomen lineare, subcarinatum, alas posticas superans. Pedes robusti, densissime fasciculati. Alæ anticæ sat angustæ, apice rotundatæ, margine exteriore perobliquo; posticæ breves.

Male. Body very stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi stout, vertical, pilose, rising high above the head, densely tufted at the tips. Antennæ broadly pectinated towards the base, serrated towards the tips. Abdomen linear, slightly keeled above, extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, most densely tufted to the tips of the tarsi. Fore wings rather narrow, somewhat rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border extremely oblique; veins very distinctly marked; 2nd inferior vein nearly twice as far from the 3rd as from the 1st. Hind wings very much shorter than the fore wings.

Allied to Scopelodes.

207. BETHURA MINAX, n. s. Mas. Rufescens, abdomine ochraceo fasciis abbreviates fasciculoque apicali nigris, alis anticis cano subconspersis, posticis pallide luteis.

Male. Reddish. Abdomen ochraceous, with abbreviated black bands; 1st and 2nd bands interrupted; apical tuft black. Wings with the fringe hoary, shining. Fore wings minutely hoary-speckled. Hind wings pale luteous. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 18 lines.

Gen. ALTHA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus crassum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi minimi. Antennæ triente basali late pectinatæ. Abdomen alas posticas superans. Pedes robusti, dense fasciculati. Alæ subvestitæ; anticæ apice rotundatæ, costa recta, margine exteriore convexo sat obliquo.

Male. Body thick. Proboscis obsolete- Palpi very minute. Antennæ broadly pectinated to a little beyond one-third of the length, simple from thence to the tips. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, thickly tufted. Wings moderately broad, thinly clothed. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border convex, rather oblique; 3rd inferior vein rather remote from the 2nd, which is very near the 1st.

208. ALTHA NIVEA, n. s. Mas. Nivea, alis anticis puncto discali punctoque marginali nigris.

Male. Pure white. Fore wings with an elongated black point at the

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base of the 1st inferior vein, and with another on the exterior border. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

Gen. DARNA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi porrecti, sat validi, caput paullo superantes; articulus 3us parvus, conicus. Antennæ breviusculæ, pectinatæ. Abdomen alas posticas non superans, fasciculo apicali sat magno. Pedes robusti, pilosi. Alae latiusculæ, breviusculæ.

Male. Body stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi porrect, moderately stout, extending a little beyond the head; 3rd joint minute, conical. Antennæ rather short, moderately pectinated. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings; apical tuft rather large. Legs stout, pilose. Wings rather broad and short. Fore wings acute; costa straight; exterior border hardly oblique; the four inferior veins approximate.

209. DARNA PLANA, n. s. Mas. Nivea, alis anticis pallidissime cervinis, dimidio postico niveo, linea exteriore e atomis nigris, alis posticis subtestaceo tinctis margine exteriore pallidissime cervino.

Male. Pure white. Fore wings very pale fawn-colour, except for half the breadth along three-fourths of the length; an exterior line composed of black speckles, parallel to the exterior border, and hardly apparent except on the costa and by the interior border. Hind wings with a very slight testaceous tinge; exterior border very pale fawn-colour. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 9 lines.

Gen. ARRHAPA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi porrecti, sat graciles, caput vix superantes; articulus 3us conicus, minimus. Antennæ subpectinatæ. Abdomen alas posticas vix superans. Pedes breviusculi, læves, sat graciles; tibiæ posticæ calcaribus duobus apicalibus, uno longissimo. Alæ latæ, non longæ; anticæ acutæ, costa subconvexa, margine exteriore recto.

Male. Body robust. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi porrect, not thick, hardly extending beyond the head; 3rd joint conical, very minute. Antennæ slightly pectinated, moderately long. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Legs rather short, not stout nor pilose; hind tibiæ with two apical spurs, one of which is very long. Wings broad, not long. Fore wings acute, slightly and transversely rugulose; costa slightly convex; exterior border straight, very slightly oblique; 3rd inferior vein very near the 2nd.

210. ARRHAPA FRONTALIS, n. s. Mas. Lateritia, capite thoraceque antico ferrugineo-fuscis, abdomine alisque posticis albidis, alis anticis

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lineis quinque undulatis transversis spatioque exteriore costali purpurascenti-fuscis, fimbria purpurascente.

Male. Brick red. Head and fore part of the thorax dark ferruginous brown. Abdomen and hind wings whitish. Fore wings with five undulating transverse purplish-brown lines; space along the exterior half of the costa and on one-third of the breadth purplish brown; fringe purplish. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

Gen. BIRTHAMA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi porrecti, subcylindrici, non pilosi, caput sat superantes, articulo 3° conico parvo. Antennæ simplices. Abdomen alas posticas non superans, fasciculo apicali minimo. Pedes breves, robusti, pilosi; tibiæ posticæ calcaribus quatuor longis. Alæ spissæ, latiusculæ, non longæ; anticæ apice rotundatæ.

Male. Body robust. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi porrect, nearly cylindrical, not pilose, extending rather far beyond the head; 3rd joint conical, minute, not more than one-fourth of the length of the 2nd. Antennæ simple, moderately long and stout. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings; apical tuft very small. Legs short, stout, pilose; hind tibiæ with four long spurs. Wings dense, rather broad, not long. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border convex, rather oblique; interior angle very much rounded; 3rd inferior vein rather remote from the 2nd.

211. BIRTHAMA OBLIQUA, n. s. Mas. Rosea, abdomine pedibusque ochraceo-rufis, alis anticis linea diffusa obliqua nigricante, alis posticis roseo-cinereis margine exteriore roseo.

Male. Rosy red. Abdomen and legs more ochraceous. Fore wings with a diffuse oblique blackish line, which extends from one-third of the length of the interior border to the tips; under side without markings. Hind wings cinereous, with a rosy tinge and with a rosy-red exterior border. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines.


Gen. DREPANA, Sch.

212. DREPANA QUADRIPUNCTATA, n. s. Mas. Testacea, antennis rufescentibus late pectinatis, alis linea exteriore subobscuriore lunulata denticulata, puncto discali nigro, alis anticis falcatis striga apicali nigra.

Male. Testaceous. Antennæ reddish, broadly pectinated. Abdomen whitish testaceous. Wings with the exterior line rather darker than the ground-hue, lunulate and denticulated, most distinct in the fore wings, where it terminates in a black apical streak; discal point black.

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Fore wings falcate, with the middle and interior lines irregular, less distinct than the exterior line; the middle line obsolete, except towards the costa. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

213. DREPANA MICACEA, n. s. Mas. Ferrugineo-ochracea, antennis latissime pectinatis, alis chalybeo conspersis linea nigra recta diffusa duplicata, fimbria apice nigra, alis anticis falcatis litura discali nigra.

Male. Ferruginous ochraceous, paler beneath. Antennæ very broadly pectinated. Wings with chalybeous spangles, and with a black diffuse double line which extends from the tips of the fore wings to beyond the middle of the interior border of the hind wings, and is single on the under side; fringe black-tipped, chalybeous-spangled. Fore wings falcate, with a black discal mark; this is most distinct on the under side, where the black line is accompanied by another slighter and less exterior line. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

Fam. BOMBYCIDÆ, Steph.


214. Gastropacha vishnou, Lefebvre, Zool. Journ. iii. 207. (Amydona prasina, Walk. Cat. Lep. 1st ser. 1417.)

Inhabits also Hindostan, Ceylon, and China.

Gen. MEGASOMA, Boisd.

215. MEGASOMA BASIMACULA, n. s. Mas. Cervina, lanuginosa, densissime vestita, capite thoraceque antico alisque anticis obscure ferrugineo-fuscis, antennis pallidis, abdominis fasciculo apicali chalybeonigro, alis anticis lineis quatuor indistinctis nigricantibus, macula basali ochracea, puncto discali albo lineaque submarginali e guttis nigris cinereo conspersis.

Male. Fawn-colour, woolly, very densely clothed, more brownish beneath. Head and fore part of the thorax dark ferruginous brown. Antennæ pale. Abdomen extending far beyond the hind wings; apical tuft chalybeous black. Fore wings dark-ferruginous brown, with a purplish tinge, and with four indistinct blackish lines; submarginal line composed of black cinereous-speckled dots, of which one on the interior border is much larger than any one of the others; a white point on the interior part of the disk, and an ochraceous spot very near the base. Hind wings very woolly. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 30 lines.

Gen. GUNDA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus crassum, lanuginosum, dense vestitum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi porrecti, gracillimi, caput non superantes. Antennæ breves, latissime pectinatæ. Pedes robusti, densissime pilosi. Alæ

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amplæ, spissæ; anticæ costa apicem versus obliqua, margine exteriore undulato; posticæ apice subtruncatæ, margine interiore dense fimbriato.

Male. Body very thick, woolly, densely clothed. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi porrect, short, very slender, not extending beyond the head. Antennæ short, very broadly pectinated. Legs stout, very densely pilose. Wings ample, dense. Fore wings with the costa deflexed towards the tips, which are rounded; exterior border undulating. Hind wings somewhat truncated at their tips; interior border densely fringed.

216. GUNDA OCHRACEA, n. s. Mas. Ochracea, alis anticis margine obscuriore, alis posticis subpallidioribus marginis interioris fimbria albida.

Male. Ochraceous. Fore wings somewhat darker along the interior border and towards the exterior border. Hind wings a little paler and brighter than the fore wings, with a whitish fringe along the interior border. Length of the body 10 (?) lines; of the wings 28 lines.

Fam. COSSIDÆ, Newm.

Gen. ZEUZERA, Latr.

217. ZEUZERA RORICYANEA, n. s. Mas. Alba, capite antico nigro, antennis ochraceis apice nigris, abdomine e guttis cyaneis quadrilineato, alis anticis cyaneo guttatis et punctatis, alis posticis guttis duabus marginalibus cyaneis.

Male. White. Head black in front. Antennæ ochraceous, broadly pectinated, black and simple towards the tips. Abdomen extending far beyond the hind wings, with four rows of metallic-blue dots. Knees and tarsi with blue marks. Fore wings with numerous bright blue points and dots on the veins. Hind wings with two connected blue dots on the exterior border, near the interior angle. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 20 lines.

Gen. DEGIA, n. g.

Mas et Fœm. Corpus robustum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi minimi. Abdomen alas posticas superans. Pedes breves, sat graciles; tibiæ posticæ quadricalcaratæ. Alæ sat angustæ; anticæ apice rotundatæ, margine exteriore perobliquo. Mas. Antennæ late pectinatæ, apice serratæ. Fœm. Antennæ serratæ.

Male and Female. Body robust. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi very minute. Abdomen extending more or less beyond the hind wings. Legs short, rather slender; hind tibiæ with four moderately long spurs. Wings rather narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border very oblique, interior angle much rounded. Male. Antennæ broadly pectinated, except towards the tips, where they are

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serrated. Female. Antennæ serrated. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings.

218. DEGIA IMPARATA, n. s. Mas et Fœm. Sordide alba, antennis maris triente apicali serratis, alis anticis strigis transversis nigricantibus sæpe interruptis.

Male and Female. Dingy white. Antennæ of the male pectinated to much beyond half the length. Abdomen of the male clothed with long hairs. Fore wings with slight, transverse, partly interrupted, blackish streaks. Length of the body 8-9 lines; of the wings 16 lines.

219. DEGIA DEFICIENS, n. s. Mas. Sordide alba, antennis maris apice serratis, alis anticis strigis transversis fuscis plus minusve interruptis.

Male. Dingy white. Antennæ pectinated nearly to the tips. Abdomen clothed with long hairs. Fore wings with many slight, transverse, more or less interrupted, brown streaks. Length of the body 4-5 lines; of the wings 12-14 lines.

This species much resembles the preceding one, but may be distinguished by its smaller size and by the different structure of the antennæ.


Gen. THYATIRA, Ochs.

220. Thyatira magniplaga, Walk. Cat. Lep. 3rd ser. 1643.



221. DIPHTHERA JUCUNDA, n. s. Fœm. Glauco-viridis, thorace fascia nigra albo marginata, abdomine punctis lateralibus nigris, alis anticis lineis quatuor integris lineaque costali flexa lituram discalem includente nigris denticulatis albo marginatis, alis posticis cinereis fusco latissime marginatis.

Female. Glaucous green. Palpi ascending, black above and at the tips; 3rd joint hardly one-third of the length of the 2nd. Thorax with a black white-bordered band. Abdomen with black points along each side. Fore wings with four denticulate black white-bordered lines; 3rd line double, including a white space; two other lines forming a loop from the costa, and enclosing the black transversely oblong white-pupilled discal mark; marginal line composed of elongated black white-bordered dots; fringe with blackish marks. Hind wings cinereous, with a very broad brown marginal band; exterior border and fringe as in the fore wings. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 16 lines.


222. ACRONYCTA RUBIGINOSA, n. s. Fœm. Rubiginoso-cinerea, abdomine pallide cinereo, alis anticis lituris costalibus fuscis striga ob-

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liqua vittaque dentata subinterrupta discalibus nigris, linea exteriore e lituris cuneatis, linea submarginali albida angulosa, punctis marginalibus nigris, alis posticis albis.

Female. Cinereous. Head, thorax, and fore wings tinged with rustcolour. Abdomen pale cinereous. Fore wings with brown marks along the costa, with a small oblique black discal streak, and with a black hindward stripe which is irregularly dentate and is almost interrupted in the middle; exterior line black, much bent, composed of cuneiform marks; submarginal line whitish, deeply zigzag; marginal points blackish. Hind wings white, slightly cinereous along the exterior border. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 20 lines.


Gen. LEUCANIA, Hübn.

223. LEUCANIA HAMIFERA, n. s. Mas et Fœm. Pallide cinereo-cervina, alis punctis marginalibus nigris, alis anticis nigro subconspersis costa albida vitta discali alba strigam albam hamatam includente, alis posticis basi margineque interiore albis.

Male and Female. Pale cinereous fawn-colour. Abdomen whitish towards the base. Wings with black marginal points. Fore wings thinly and minutely black speckled, whitish along the costa, with a darker fawn-coloured discal stripe which includes a white lanceolate hooked streak, the latter continued by a whitish slender line to the exterior border; 3rd inferior vein black-speckled. Hind wings white towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 16–18 lines.

224. LEUCANIA ROSEILINEA, n. s. Mas. Pallide testacea, alis anticis roseo strigatis, linea discali alba, puncto posteriore nigro, litura discali fusca diffusa, linea exteriore punctulari punctisque marginalibus nigris, alis posticis albis punctis marginalibus fuscescentibus.

Male. Pale testaceous. Abdomen whitish towards the base. Fore wings with dull rosy streaks between the veins; the latter with white lines, of which one in the disk is more conspicuous than the others, and has on its hinder side a black point formed by confluent speckles, and terminates in a diffuse brown mark at the base of the 1st and 2nd inferior veins; exterior line curved, composed of blackish points; marginal points black, minute. Hind wings white; marginal points brownish, indistinct. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

225. LEUCANIA SIMILLIMA, n. s. Mas. Pallide testacea, alis anticis fuscescente strigatis, linea discali alba, striga basali nigra, litura discali exteriore fusca, linea exteriore punctulari punctisque marginalibus nigris, alis posticis albis.

Male. Pale testaceous. Abdomen paler than the thorax. Fore wings

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with indistinct brownish streaks between the veins, the latter with white lines as in the preceding species; discal line accompanied along its hinder side towards the base by a short, slight, black line, and contiguous in front at its tip to a diffuse brown mark; exterior line, marginal points, and hind wings as in the preceding species. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 15 lines.

This species very closely resembles L. roseilinea, and there may be connecting links between them; the chief difference is in the discal brown mark, which is not beyond but in front of the end of the white line.

226. LEUCANIA ? ABBREVIATA, n. s. Mas. Pallide testacea, antennis subsetulosis subpubescentibus, abdomine longiusculo, alis breviusculis latiusculis, alis anticis acutis lineis interioribus ferrugineis vix conspicuis, linea submarginali valde interrupta e guttis nigricantibus.

Male. Pale testaceous. Palpi not rising so high as the vertex; 2nd joint curved; 3rd lanceolate, less than half the length of the 2nd. Antennæ minutely setulose and pubescent. Abdomen rather long, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs rather slender; spurs very long. Wings short, rather broad. Fore wings acute, with some indistinct ferruginous lines towards the base, and with a very incomplete submarginal line composed of blackish cinereous dots; costa straight; exterior border very slightly convex, rather oblique. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

Gen. NONAGRIA, Ochs.

227. NONAGRIA SETICORNIS, n. s. Fœm. Murina, corpore subtus albido, palpis ascendentibus articulo 3° parvo, antennis subpubescentibus subsetulosis, alis anticis latiusculis fusco conspersis apice rotundatis, lineis duabus fuscis denticulatis subundulatis, linea submargiginali punctisque marginalibus nigricantibus, fimbria albida, alis posticis fuscis.

Female. Mouse-colour. Body whitish beneath. Palpi ascending, slightly curved, not rising higher than the vertex; 3rd joint conical, minute, less than one-fourth of the length of the 2nd. Antennæ minutely pubescent and setulose. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings; hind borders of the segments and tip white. Wings rather broad, not long. Fore wings rounded at the tips, brownspeckled; interior and exterior lines brown, slender, denticulated, slightly undulating; submarginal line and marginal points blackish; fringe whitish; costa slightly convex; exterior border convex, rather oblique. Hind wings brown. Length of the body 6½ lines; of the wings 14 lines.

This species may form a new genus.

Gen. BESSARA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus crassum. Proboscis distincta. Palpi oblique ascenden

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tes, verticem non superantes, articulo 3° parvo conico. Antennœ subpubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes breviusculi, sat graciles, femoribus tibiisque late fimbriatis, calcaribus quatuor longis. Alœ latiusculæ, breviusculæ; anticæ apice rectangulatæ, margine exteriore non obliquo.

Male. Body very stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi obliquely ascending, not rising so high as the vertex; 3rd joint conical, about onefourth of the length of the 2nd. Antennæ minutely pubescent. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs rather short and slender; femora and tibiæ broadly fringed; hind tibiæ with four long spurs. Wings broad, rather short. Fore wings acutely rectangular, costa quite straight; exterior border hardly convex, not oblique.

228. BESSARA QUADRATIPENNIS, n. s. Mas. Cinereo-rufescens, pectore albo, alis roseo fimbriatis, alis anticis lineis duabus cinereis angulosis indistinctis, linea submarginali e lituris fuscis, punctis marginalibus nigricantibus, alis posticis cinereo-fuscis, marginis interioris fimbria longa albida.

Male. Cinereous reddish. Pectus white, shining. Abdomen cinereous. Wings with a rosy fringe. Fore wings with the interior and exterior lines cinereous, zigzag, very indistinct; submarginal line composed of brown marks; marginal points blackish, indistinct. Hind wings cinereous brown; interior border fringed with long whitish hairs. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 16 lines.

Gen. DIDIGUA, n. g.

Fœm. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis distincta. Palpi ascendentes, articulo 2° subarcuato, 3° minimo. Antennœ subsetulosæ. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes læves, breviusculi, sat robusti; tibiæ posticæ calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alœ latiusculæ, non longæ; anticæ apice rotundatæ, costa perparum convexa, margine exteriore subconvexo.

Female. Body moderately stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi ascending, not rising so high as the vertex; 2nd joint slightly curved; 3rd joint conical, very minute, less than one-sixth of the length of the 2nd. Antennæ very minutely setulose. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather short and stout; hind tibiæ with four very long spurs. Wings rather broad, not long. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa very slightly convex; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique.

229. DIDIGUA PURPUREOSCRIPTA, n. s. Fœm. Fuscescenti-cinerea, corpore subtus albido, alis anticis lineis tribus purpurascentibus diffusis undulatis, linea 2a subduplicata, disco subtus nigricante, alis posticis cyaneo-fuscis.

Female. Brownish cinereous. Body whitish beneath. Fore wings

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with the interior, exterior, and submarginal lines purplish, diffuse, undulating; exterior line indistinctly double on the exterior side, the supplementary line very diffuse; under side with a blackish disk. Hind wings brown, mostly tinged with metallic blue. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 14 lines.


Gen. BELCIANA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis distincta. Palpi longiusculi, oblique ascendentes; articulus 2us crassus; 3us linearis, gracilis, 2° dimidio longior. Antennœ nudæ. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes validi, dense fimbriati; tibiæ posticæ calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alœ amplæ; anticæ acutæ, costa recta, margine exteriore convexo.

Male. Body stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi obliquely ascending, rather long; 2nd joint thick; 3rd linear, slender, much shorter than the 2nd. Antennæ simple. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs stout; femora and tibiæ densely fringed; hind tibiæ with four very long spurs. Wings ample. Fore wings acute; costa straight; exterior border convex, moderately oblique.

230. Belciana biformis, Walk. Cat. Lep. 3rd ser. 1671 (Dandaca).

Gen. ZIGERA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis brevissima. Palpi compressi, vix arcuati, verticem paullo superantes; articulus 3us lanceolatus, 2A dimidio fere longior. Antennœ subpubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas non superans, fasciculo apicali parvo. Pedes breviusculi; genua intermedia penicillata; tibiæ posticæ calcaribus quatuor longis. Alœ latæ, non longæ; anticæ vix acutæ, costa recta, margine exteriore subconvexo.

Male. Body robust. Proboscis very short. Palpi ascending, compressed, very slightly curved, rising rather higher than the vertex; 3rd joint lanceolate, full half the length of the 2nd. Antennæ very minutely pubescent. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings; apical tuft small. Legs rather short, moderately stout; middle knees with a fan-shaped tuft of hairs; hind tibiæ with four long spurs. Wings broad, not long. Fore wings hardly acute; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, very slightly oblique.

This genus has some likeness to Aquis, but hardly associates with any of the established families of Noctuites.

231. ZIGERA ORBIFERA, n. s. Mas. Ochracea, alis punctis marginalibus nigris elongatis duplicatis, alis anticis nigricante substrigatis lineis duabus arcuatis albis, spatio intermedio fusco albo-consperso lituram

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atram includente, linea submarginali nigricante diffusa indeterminata, alis posticis fasciis nonnullis undulatis nigricantibus fasciaque media albida.

Male. Ochraceous; under side and legs paler. Tuft on the middle knees ochraceous. Wings with black double elongated marginal points. Fore wings diffusedly and indistinctly blackish-streaked, with two transverse curved white lines which are nearest to each other on the costa and on the interior border; space between the lines containing nearly half the surface of the wing, brown, white-speckled, including a transverse deep-black discal mark; submarginal line blackish, diffuse, very incomplete. Hind wings with some diffuse undulating black or blackish bands, and with a more diffuse whitish middle band. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

Gen. BEANA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis distincta. Palpi verticem non superantes; articulus 2us subarcuatus; 3us linearis, apice rotundatus, 2i dimidio non longior. Antennæ subsetulosæ. Abdomen alas posticas vix superans; fasciculus apicalis parvus. Pedes robusti; femora fimbriata; femora antica penicillata; tibiæ posticæ calcaribus quatuor longis. Alæ anticæ apice rectangulatæ, costa recta, margine exteriore subconvexo subdentato.

Male. Body stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi ascending, not rising higher than the vertex; 2nd joint slightly curved; 3rd linear, rounded at the tip, about half the length of the 2nd. Antennæ minutely setulose. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings; apical tuft small. Legs stout; femora fringed; fore femora with a penicillate tuft of long hairs; hind tibiæ with four long spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings rectangular at the tips; costa straight; exterior border minutely dentate, slightly convex and oblique

232. BEANA POLYCHROMA, n. s. Mas. Cinerea, alis anticis æneis viridescentibus nigro conspersis, lineis interiore et submarginali nigris, 1a undulata; 2a interrupta et dilatata, fascia latissima spatioque costali apicali albidis, alis posticis pallide cinereis, fascia margineque exteriore obscurioribus.

Male. Cinereous. Fore wings æneous, with various iridescent tints; speckles and markings black; markings chiefly consisting of the interior and submarginal lines, of which the first is undulating, and the 2nd is here and there interrupted and dilated; a very broad whitish band, much straitened in front; an oblong whitish space along the apical part of the costa, containing a brown spot and part of the submarginal line. Hind wings pale cinereous; a band and the exterior border darker. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 18 lines.

Gen. URBONA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi graciles, breves,

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verticem paullo superantes; articulus 2us vix arcuatus; 3us lanceolatus, 2i dimidio longior. Antennæ subpubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans, apicem versus subcompressum; fasciculus apicalis deflexus. Pedes validi, læves; tibiæ posticæ calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alæ anticæ apice subrotundatæ.

Male. Body stout. Proboscis short. Palpi slender, smooth, rising a little higher than the vertex; 2nd joint hardly curved; 3rd lanceolate, more than half the length of the 2nd. Antennæ very minutely pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings, slightly compressed towards the tip; apical tuft diverging. Legs stout, smooth; hind tibiæ with four very long spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border convex, rather oblique.

233. URBONA SUBLINEATA, n. s. Mas. Alba, subtus obscure cinerea, alis anticis nigricante subconspersis, linea obliqua indistincta alba fusco submarginata, punctis marginalibus nigris, alis posticis obscure cinereis.

Male. Whitish, dark cinereous beneath. Fore wings minutely and irregularly blackish-speckled, with an indistinct white slightly brownbordered line, which extends from the tips to the base of the interior border; marginal points black, minute. Hind wings dark cinereous. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

Fam. APAMIDÆ, Guen.

Gen. SAVARA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus robustum. Antennæ subpectinatæ. Abdomen alas posticas superans. Pedes robusti, longiusculi; tibiæ posticæ quadricalcaratæ, calcari uno apicali longissimo. Alæ longiusculæ; anticæ acutæ, costa recta, margine exteriore subconvexo.

Male. Body robust. Antennæ slightly and equally pectinated. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, rather long; hind tibiæ with four spurs; one of the apical spurs very long. Wings rather long, moderately broad. Fore wings acute; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique; interior angle much rounded.

Allied to Nephelodes.

234. SAVARA CONTRARIA, n. s. Mas. Rufescenti-cervina, subtus cinerea, alis anticis lineis duabus obscurioribus undulatis valde indistinctis, linea submarginali e guttis elongatis nigricantibus reniformi pallida punctis duobus adhuc pallidioribus, alis posticis fuscis.

Male. Reddish fawn-colour. Abdomen and underside mostly cinereous. Fore wings with two darker, undulating, very indistinct transverse lines, and with a submarginal line of elongated blackish dots; reniform mark a little paler than the ground-hue, indicated also by two

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still paler points. Hind wings brown. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 16 lines.


235. DIPTERYGIA VAGIVITTA, n. s. Mas. Fusca, cinereo subconspersa, alis anticis lunulis transversis lineisque exterioribus abbreviatis nigris indistinctis, costa apicali albo punctata, vitta postica alba informi nigro marginata, fimbria albido notata, alis posticis pallidioribus, fimbria albida fusco interlineata.

Male. Brown, slightly cinereous-speckled. Abdomen cinereous. Fore wings with transverse lunules and with short exterior lines black, indistinct; some white points along the apical part of the costa, and some whitish marks on the fringe; an irregular white partly black-bordered stripe along the interior border. Hind wings paler brown; fringe whitish, interlined with brown. Length of the body 7-8 lines; of the wings 16-18 lines.

This species has a remarkable resemblance to the European D. Pinastri, but does not agree with it in several characters, of which the most conspicuous is the different outline of the pale part about the interior angle of the fore wings.

Gen. PRODENIA, Guén.

236. Prodenia infecta, Walk. Cat. Lep. 3rd ser. i. 96.

Inhabits also Hindostan.

237. PRODENIA RECLUSA, n. s. Fœm. Pallide cinereo-testacea, alis anticis atomis lineolisque nonnullis transversis arcuatis nigricantibus, gutta discali nigra, alis posticis albidis.

Female. Pale cinereous testaceous. Abdomen pale cinereous. Fore wings diffusedly and indistinctly blackish-speckled, some of the speckles forming very indistinct transverse curved lines, of which one is exterior and more conspicuous than the others; discal dot black. Hind wings whitish. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

Gen. MAMESTRA, Ochs.

238. MAMESTRA PRODITA, n. s. Mas. Nigricanti-cinerea, palpis vix arcuatis articulo 3° minimo, abdomine cristis nigricantibus, alis anticis lineis variis nigris angulosis indistinctis, orbiculari et reniformi albidis, hac annulum nigrum includente, alis posticis albido-cinereis fusco late marginatis.

Male. Blackish cinereous. Palpi ascending, very slightly curved; 3rd joint conical, not one-sixth of the length of the 2nd. Abdomen cinereous, with blackish crests. Fore wings with various transverse zigzag indistinct black lines; orbicular and reniform marks whitish, nearly round, the latter including a black ringlet. Hind wings whitish


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cinereous, with a broad brown border. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

This species very closely resembles M. Brassicæ.

239. MAMESTRA ALBISPARSA, n. s. Mas. Nigricanti-cinerea, palporum articulo 3° longiconico, antennis subpubescentibus, abdomine alas posticas superante, pedibus densissime pilosis, alis anticis lineis nigris undulatis indistinctis, reniformi alba nigro pupillata et marginata, striga exteriore obliqua alba, linea submarginali alba denticulata, punctis marginalibus nigris.

Male. Blackish cinereous. Third joint of the palpi elongate-conical, less than one-fourth of the length of the 2nd. Antennæ very minutely pubescent. Abdomen cinereous, extending beyond the hind wings. Legs very densely clothed. Fore wings with indistinct transverse black undulating lines; reniform mark white, obliquely oblong, blackpupilled and bordered, contiguous to an oblique white streak, which is about twice its length; submarginal line white, denticulated; marginal points black. Hind wings cinereous; marginal line brown. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 18 lines.

Fam. NOCTUIDÆ, Guén.

Gen. AGROTIS, Ochs.

240. AGROTIS INCONCLUSA, n. s. Mas. Rufescenti-cinerea, palporum articulo 2° lato subarcuato, 3° minimo, antennis subpectinatis apice nudis, abdomine fasciculo apicali spisso, tarsis basi tibiisque late fimbriatis, alis anticis nigro conspersis rufescente subnotatis, lineis duabus fuscis, 1a angulata subdenticulata, 2a obliqua denticulata, fascia exteriore fuscescente lineam e lunulis albidis includente, puncto discali punctisque duobus basalibus nigris.

Male. Reddish cinereous. Palpi ascending; 2nd joint broad, slightly curved; 3rd conical, extremely minute. Antennæ slightly pectinated, bare towards the tips. Abdomen with a large dense apical tuft. Tarsi towards the base, and tibiæ, broadly fringed. Wings with black marginal points. Fore wings indistinctly reddish-mottled, minutely blackspeckled; interior and exterior lines brown, remote from each other; the 1st angular, slightly denticulated; the 2nd oblique, regularly denticulated, having along its outer side a brownish band, including a whitish line, composed of lunules, and along its inner side a row of brown points; a black discal point and two black points very near the base, one of them on the costa. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 18 lines.

241. AGROTIS INFIXA, n. s. Mas. Cinerea, palporum articulo 2° vix arcuato, 3° longiconico, antennis serratis pubescentibus, thorace fascia fuscescente, abdomine fasciculo apicali parvo, pedibus subpilosis, alis anticis lineis tribus angulosis lituraque basali necnon orbiculari et reniformi fuscis, alis posticis albidis.

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Male. Cinereous. Head, thorax, and fore wings slightly tinged with wood-colour. Palpi ascending; 2nd joint hardly stout, very slightly curved; 3rd elongate-conical, hardly one-fourth of the length of the 2nd. Antennæ stout, serrated; the teeth pubescent. Thorax with a brownish band. Abdomen with a small apical tuft. Legs slightly pilose, not fringed. Wings with black marginal points. Fore wings with a brown basal mark; interior, exterior, and submarginal lines brown, slight, zigzag, the latter accompanied by a cinereous line; orbicular and reniform marks brown, irregular. Hind wings whitish. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 16 lines.


Gen. THALATHA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis distincta. Palpi ascendentes, sat graciles, subarcuati, ad frontem applicati; articulus 3us lanceolatus, 2i dimidio brevior. Antennœ nudæ. Abdomen cristatum, alas posticas vix superans. Pedes breviusculi, sat validi; tibiæ subfimbriatæ. Alœ anticæ apice subrotundatæ, costa recta, margine exteriore convexo.

Male. Body stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi rather slender, ascending, slightly curved, applied to the front; 3rd joint lanceolate, less than half the length of the 2nd. Antennæ simple. Abdomen crested, hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Legs rather short and stout; tibiæ slightly fringed; hind tibiæ with four long spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border convex, slightly oblique.

242. Thalatha sinens, Walk. Cat. Lep. 3rd ser. 746 (Orthosia).

Var. Fore wings with an irregular angular olive-coloured band, whose hind part is very oblique.

Gen. BARBESOLA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis distincta, Palpi porrecti, compressi, caput superantes; articulus 2us latus; 3us minimus. Antennœ longæ, graciles, vix pubescentes. Abdomen subcarinatum, alas posticas vix superans, fasciculo apicali parvo compresso. Pedes validi; tibiæ intermediæ penicillatæ. Alœ anticæ apice rotundatæ, costa recta, margine exteriore convexo.

Male. Body stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi porrect, compressed, extending beyond the head; 2nd joint broad; 3rd extremely minute. Antennæ long, slender, very minutely pubescent. Abdomen slightly keeled, hardly extending beyond the hind wings; apical tuft small compressed. Legs stout; tibiæ dilated; middle tibiæ furnished at the base with a fan-shaped tuft of hairs which equal the tibiæ in length; hind tibiæ with four spurs of moderate length. Wings moderately broad; fringe long. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border convex, moderately oblique.


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243. BARBESOLA DEFIXA, n. s. Mas. Cervina, cinereo iridescente suffusa, alis anticis nigro conspersis, lineis duabus indeterminatis, reniformi e atomis nigris, gutta basali nigra, lunulis marginalibus fuscis alis posticis æneo tinctis.

Male. Fawn-colour. Head, thorax, and fore wings slightly iridescent or suffused with dove-colour. Fore wings with irregular black speckles, some of which indicate very incompletely the interior and exterior lines, and form the nearly round reniform mark; a black dot near the base; marginal lunules brown. Hind wings with an æncous tinge. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

Gen. DABARITA, Walk.

244. Dabarita subtilis, Walk. Cat. Lep., 3rd ser. 478.

Inhabits also Hindostan.

Gen. CHORA, n. g.

Fœm. Corpus crassum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi ascendentes, verticem non superantes; articulus 2us subarcuatus; 3us minimus. Antennœ glabræ. Abdomen depressum, alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes breves, robusti; tarsi spinosi. Alœ latiusculæ; anticæ rectangulatæ, costa basi convexa, margine exteriore subflexo.

Female. Body very stout. Proboscis short. Palpi ascending, not rising higher than the vertex; 2nd joint slightly curved; 3rd extremely minute. Antennæ bare. Abdomen somewhat depressed, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs short, stout; tarsi spinose; hind tibiæ with four long spurs. Wings rather broad. Fore wings rectangular, but hardly acute at the tips; costa convex towards the base; exterior border slightly bent in the middle, oblique hindward.

Allied to Dabarita.

245. CHORA REPANDENS, n. s. Fœm. Obscure rufescenti-fusca, subtus rufescens, alis anticis cinereo-purpurascente suffusis, linea interiore subdenticulata vix obliqua, linea exteriore recta cinerea fusco marginata non obliqua, disco subtus nigricante, alis posticis æneo fuscis.

Female. Dark-reddish brown, cinereous beneath. Abdomen mouse-colour, reddish along each side and at the tip, brighter red towards the tip beneath. Fore wings mostly suffused with purplish cinereous; this hue is intersected by a nearly upright, slightly denticulated interior line; exterior line straight, upright, cinereous, bordered with brown on the outer side; under side blackish, red towards the exterior border and along the costa. Hind wings æneous brown, red beneath. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 18 lines.

246. CHORA CURVIFERA, n. s. Fœm. Ochraceo-rufa, corpore subtus albo, alis anticis puncto maculaque exteriore discalibus e atomis nigris,

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linea exteriore nigra duplicata subarcuata non obliqua, alis posticis pallidioribus.

Female. Ochraceous red. Body white beneath. Fore wings with a discal point and a large exterior discal spot composed of confluent black speckles; a more exterior, upright, double, very slightly curved black line. Hind wings much paler, whitish towards the base and along the interior border. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 20 lines.

Gen. CELÆNA; Steph.

247. CELÆNA? OBSTRUCTA, n. s. Mas. Rufescenti-cinerea, palpis ascendentibus articulo 3° lanceolato, antennis subpubescentibus, alis anticis rufescentibus, lineis tribus fuscescentibus angulosis indistinctis, macula basali concava vitrea, reniformi e annulis duobus connexis albidis, punctis marginalibus nigris, alis posticis linea subtus fusca exteriore denticulata.

Male. Reddish cinereous, slightly iridescent. Palpi ascending; 3rd joint lanceolate, less than half the length of the 2nd. Antennæ minutely pubescent. Abdomen and hind wings brownish cinereous; the former tapering, extending a little beyond the hind wings, with a long apical tuft. Legs rather slender; hind tibiæ with four very long spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings mostly reddish; interior, exterior, and submarginal lines brownish, zigzag, indistinct; a concave, vitreous, but not hyaline spot in the disk near the base; reniform mark forming two whitish connected ringlets; costa with some whitish points near the tip; marginal points black. Hind wings beneath with a brown denticulated exterior line. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 12 lines.


Gen. AMYNA, Guén.

248. AMYNA? SUBTRACTA, n.s. Fusca, subtus cinerea, pedibus nigro conspersis, alis anticis lineis tribus obscure fuscis denticulatis vix conspicuis, reniformi ex annulo cinereo, punctis tribus posterioribus albis, alis posticis fimbria ex parte alba.

Brown, mostly cinereous beneath. Head wanting. Legs black-speckled; hind tibiæ with one spur of each pair very long. Fore wings with the interior, exterior, and submarginal lines dark brown, denticulated, very indistinct; reniform mark forming a cinereous subcostal ringlet, behind which there are three white points. Hind wings, with the fringe of the exterior border, white in front and towards the interior angle; under side with a blackish discal dot, and with blackish points accompanying a lunulate brown exterior line. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines.

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Fam. HADENIDÆ, Guén.

Gen. DIANTHœCIA, Boisd.

249. DIANTHœCIA SCRIPTIPLENA, n. s. Fœm. Obscure fusca, palpis porrectis, alis anticis lineis albidis et cervinis undulatis aut denticulatis, gutta discali alba elongata, striga marginali obliqua testacea, lunulis marginalibus nigris, strigis subtus albidis submarginalibus.

Female. Dark brown. Palpi porrect; 3rd joint of the palpi elongate-conical, about one-third of the length of the 2nd. Abdomen, hind wings, and underside cinereous brown. Fore wings with whitish and fawn-coloured transverse lines; interior lines deeply undulating; exterior lines denticulated; a white elongated discal dot; an oblique testaceous marginal streak; marginal lunules black; under side with a brown denticulated exterior line (which is continued on the hind wings) and with whitish submarginal streaks. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 18 lines.

Gen. OBANA, n. g.

Fœm. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi porrecti, caput superantes; articulus 2us latiusculus; 3us lanceolatus, 2i dimidio brevior. Antennœ nudæ. Abdomen carinatum, alas posticas non superans. Pedes sat validi. Alœ margine exteriore antico subexcavato; anticæ subrotundatæ, costa recta, margine interiore fasciculo ciliari.

Female. Body moderately stout. Proboscis short. Palpi porrect, extending rather beyond the head; 2nd joint rather broad; 3rd lanceolate, less than half the length of the 2nd. Antennæ simple. Abdomen keeled, not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs moderately stout; hind tibiæ with one of the apical spurs very long. Wings moderately broad; exterior border slightly excavated in front. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border rather oblique hindward; interior border fringed opposite the exterior line.

Allied to Dianthœcia.

250. OBANA PULCHRILINEA, n. s. Fœm. Obscure ochracea, subtus cinerea, alis anticis nigro-fuscis, linea argentea duplicata serpentina, dimidio basali obscure ochraceo, striga marginali alba obliqua, linea submarginali argentea interrupta nigro marginata, alis posticis cupreofuscis.

Female. Head and thorax dark ochraceous. Abdomen and underside cinereous. Fore wings blackish brown, adorned with a double very meandering silvery line; nearly half the basal half obliquely dark ochraceous; an oblique white streak on the middle of the exterior border; submarginal line silvery, interrupted, bordered with black. Hind wings cupreous brown, with a cinereous shining fringe. Length of the body 4½ lines; of the wings 12 lines.

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Gen. HADENA, Treit.

251. HADENA DUPLICILINEA, n. s. Fœm. Rufescenti-fusca, palpis erectis articulo 3° lineari longissimo, alis vix denticulatis, alis anticis lineis quatuor undulatis (duabus duplicatis) lituris costalibus lunulisque marginalibus nigris, spatio marginali albido consperso, alis posticis fuscis cinereo lineatis, lunulis marginalibus fuscis albido marginatis.

Female. Dark-reddish brown. Abdomen and underside paler. Pal unusually long, rising a little above the head; 3rd joint linear, nearly as long as the 2nd. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Hind tibiæ with very long spurs. Wings moderately broad; exterior border hardly dentated. Fore wings with black costal marks, with white points near the tip of the costa, with black marginal lunules, and with four irregular undulating black lines; interior and exterior lines double; space about the exterior border irregularly and interruptedly whitish-speckled. Hind wings brown, with some cinereous lines, of which the submarginal one is most distinct; marginal lunules brown, whitish-bordered, Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

Gen. ANCARA, Walk.

252. Ancara replicans, Walk. Cat. Lep. 3rd ser. 1715.

253. Ancara obliterans, Walk. Cat. Lep. 3rd ser. 1715.

254. ANCARA PUNCTIPLAGA, n.s. Fœm. Obscure ferrugineo-fusca, antennis subpectinatis, alis anticis plaga postica discali lituris costalibus lineisque interruptis lunulisque marginalibus nigris, plaga subcostali exteriore magna cervina puncta dua nigra includente, alis posticis fuscescenti-cinereis.

Female. Dark ferruginous brown. Palpi rising a little higher than the vertex; 3rd joint linear, rounded at the tip, about half the length of the 2nd. Antennæ very minutely pectinated. Abdomen and hind wings brownish cinereous, the latter with a black discal spot on the under side. Fore wings with black marks along the costa, and with interrupted black lines which are composed of lunules; a black patch in the disk hindward near the base, and a larger exterior fawn-coloured patch near the costa, the latter containing two black points; marginal lunules black. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 20 lines.

Gen. DATA, n. g.

Fœm. Corpus robustum. Proboscis distincta. Palpi validi, oblique ascendentes, verticem non superantes; articulus 3us linearis, 2i dimidio non longior. Antennæ glabræ. Abdomen alas posticas superans. Pedes validi, densissime pilosi; tibiæ posticæ calcaribus quatuor lon-

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gissimis. Alæ anticæ apice subrotundatæ, costa recta, margine exteriore convexo.

Female. Body robust. Proboscis distinct. Palpi stout, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex; 3rd joint linear, rounded at the tip, about half the length of the 2nd. Antennæ smooth. Abdomen extending somewhat behind the hind wings. Legs stout; posterior femora and tibiæ most densely clothed; hind tibiæ with four very long spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border convex, dentated.

Allied to Ancara.

255. DATA THALPOPHILOIDES, n. s. Fœm. Obscure rufescenti-fusca, abdomine pallide flavo apicem versus rufescenti-fusco, alis anticis fasciis nebulosis nigricantibus, lineis tribus albidis undulatis, spatio marginali glaucescente consperso, puncto discali albo, alis posticis pallide flavis margine latissimo ferrugineo.

Female. Deep reddish brown, paler beneath. Abdomen pale yellow, reddish brown towards the tip. Fore wings with blackish-mottled bands; basal, interior, and exterior lines whitish, more or less undulating; marginal space speckled with bluish white; discal point shining white; three white points near the tip of the costa; fringe with a pale line opposite each vein. Hind wings pale yellow, with a very broad ferruginous border. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 18 lines.

Gen. BARASA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi verticem superantes, vix arcuati; articulus 3us linearis, 2° vix brevior. Antennæ subsetulosæ, subpubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes sat validi; tibiæ posticæ calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alæ anticæ apice rotundatæ, costa recta, margine exteriore convexo, margine interiore fasciculato.

Male. Body rather stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi ascending, rather long, hardly curved, rising higher than the vertex; 3rd joint linear, rounded at the tip, nearly as long as the 2nd. Antennæ minutely setulose and pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs rather stout; hind tibiæ with four very long spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border convex, moderately oblique; interior border with a tuft of very long hairs.

256. BARASA ACRONYCTOIDES, n. s. Mas. Alba, subtus cinerea, thorace fascia cinerea, alis anticis cinereo ex parte tinctis, lineis duabus nigris, la incompleta angulata, 2a undulata denticulata, linea submarginali nigricante angulosa, punctis marginalibus nigris, lituris duabus costalibus duabusque discalibus nigricantibus.

Male. White, cinereous beneath. Thorax squamous, with a cinereous

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band. Abdomen slightly cinereous, tinged with æneous. Fore wings partly tinged with cinereous; this hue mostly towards the tips; interior and exterior lines black; the 1st very incomplete, forming an acute angle; the 2nd undulating and denticulated; submarginal line blackish, deeply zigzag; marginal points black; fringe with brown marks; costa with two blackish marks, one at the base, the other before the middle, each of them separated by a narrow interval from a blackish mark in the disk. Hind wings slightly iridescent. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 16 lines.

Gen. CÆDESA, n. g.

Fœm. Corpus robustum. Proboscis distincta. Palpi lati, compressi, oblique ascendentes; articulus 3us longiconicus, 2i dimidio non longior. Antennæ glabræ. Abdomen longiconicum, alas posticas perpaullo superans. Pedes breves, validi; tibiæ posteriores densissime pilosæ; tibiæ posticæ quadricalcaratæ. Alæ anticæ vix acutæ, costa recta, margine exteriore convexo perobliquo.

Female. Body stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi broad, compressed, obliquely ascending; 3rd joint elongate-conical, about half the length and breadth of the 2nd. Antennæ smooth. Abdomen elongate-conical, extending very little beyond the hind wings. Legs short, stout; posterior tibiæ very thickly pilose; hind tibiæ with four long stout spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings hardly acute; costa straight; exterior border convex, very oblique.

Allied to Polia.

257. CÆDESA AGROPOIDES, n. s. Fœm. Olivaceo-viridis, palpis nigris, thorace abdomineque nigro conspersis, alis anticis lineis octo nigris undulatis dentatis, orbiculari magna annulari, reniformi nigro pupillata albo marginata, linea submarginali albo ex parte marginata strigas duas nigras emittente, alis posticis fuscis basi albis.

Female. Olive-green, cinereous beneath. Palpi mostly black. Thorax and abdomen black-speckled. Tibiæ black at the base and at the tips; tarsi black, with white bands. Wings with a black-marked fringe. Fore wings with eight undulating and dentate black lines; space between the 1st line and the 2nd, and between the 7th line and the 8th, broader than that between any two of the other lines; middle part with black speckles, some of which are confluent; orbicular mark forming a large ringlet; reniform mark of the usual shape, black-pupilled, white-bordered; submarginal line partly bordered with white, emitting two broad black streaks to the exterior border. Hind wings brown, white towards the base. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

Gen. SERIA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi parvi, angulati.

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Antennæ contortæ, dilatatæ, spatulatæ, apice serratæ. Abdomen alas posticas vix superans. Pedes validi; tibiæ posticæ pilis longissimis dense vestitæ. Alæ anticæ sat angustæ, apice subrotundatæ, costa recta; margine exteriore perobliquo.

Male. Body moderately stout. Head with a prominent acute frontal tuft. Proboscis short. Palpi small; 2nd joint obliquely ascending; 3rd porrect, less than half the length of the 2nd, with which it forms a slight angle. Antennæ somewhat spiral, dilated from the base to one-third of the length, beyond which they are more dilated and somewhat cup-shaped; apical part serrate. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout; hind tibiæ thickly clothed with very long hairs; spurs of moderate length. Wings rather narrow. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border very oblique. This genus seems to connect the Hadenidæ with some of the genera of the Herminidæ.

258. SERIA CYATHICORNIS, n. s. Mas. Rufescens, antennis ex parte nigris, alis anticis lineis tribus indistinctis denticulatis nigricantibus, linea submarginali e guttis nigricantibus, reniformi ex annulis duobus connexis cinereis, alis posticis æneo-fuscis.

Male. Reddish, with a cinereous tinge beneath. Antennæ with the cup-shaped part black. Fore wings with three indistinct blackish denticulated lines; submarginal line formed of blackish dots; reniform mark composed of two cinereous connected ringlets with blackish disks, the fore one much smaller than the hind one. Hind wings æneous brown; fringe cinereous, shining. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 6 lines.

Gen. NEBRISSA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus crassum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi erecti; articulus 3us conicus, parvus. Antennæ vix crenulatæ. Abdomen depressum, alas posticas superans, fasciculo apicali compresso. Pedes validi, pilosi. Alæ anticæ apice rotundatæ, costa recta, margine exteriore vix obliquo.

Male. Body thick. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi erect, rising as high as the vertex; 3rd joint conical, less than one-fourth of the length of the 2nd. Antennæ very minutely crenulate. Abdomen depressed, extending somewhat behind the hind wings; apical tuft compressed. Legs stout, pilose; hind tibiæ with one spur in each pair full twice the length of the other. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border very slightly convex, hardly oblique.

This genus hardly belongs to the Hadenidæ.

259. NEBRISSA BIMACULA, n. s. Mas. Cinereo-albida, subiridescens, palpis extus fuscis, alis anticis nigro subconspersis, lineis tribus den-

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ticulatis incompletis puncto discali lineaque submarginali nigris, macula submarginali nigricante, spatio marginali subrufescente.

Male. Cinereous whitish, slightly iridescent. Second joint of the palpi brown on the outer side. Fore wings thinly black-speckled; basal, interior, and exterior lines black, denticulated, slender, incomplete; a black discal point representing the orbicular mark; submarginal line composed of black points, contiguous to a large blackish spot; marginal space with a reddish tinge; marginal points black. Hind wings more whitish. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

Fam. XYLINIDÆ, Guén.

Gen. XYLINA, Ochs.

260. XYLINA CALIDA, n. s. Fœm. Ferrugineo-rufa, palpis ascendentibus articulo 3° parvo, alis anticis lineis interruptis punctularibus punctisque marginalibus nigris, fimbria nigricante notata, vitta apud marginem interiorem nigra interrupta, alis posticis cupreo-fuscis.

Female. Ferruginous red, paler beneath. Palpi obliquely ascending; 3rd joint elongate-conical, full one-fourth of the length of the 2nd. Abdomen reddish cinereous, keeled. Fore wings with the black transverse lines much interrupted, mostly composed of elongated points; marginal points black; fringe with blackish marks; an irregular and interrupted black stripe along the interior border. Hind wings cupreous brown; fringe with a cinereous tinge; under side with a rather large dark-brown discal spot. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 16 lines.

261. XYLINA? LATIVITTA, n. S. Fœm. Cinerea, sat gracilis, palporum articulo 3° longo, alis anticis sublignicoloribus apice rotundatis, vitta lata fusca albo marginata, costa vix convexa, alis posticis fusco pallido late marginatis.

Female. Cinereous, rather slender. Body and fore wings tinged with wood-colour. Third joint of the palpi nearly as long as the 2nd. Abdomen keeled. Wings broadly fringed. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips; costa hardly convex, with some blackish points; exterior border moderately oblique; a broad brown middle stripe extending along the whole length, bordered in front by a white line. Hind wings broadly and diffusedly bordered with pale brown. Length of the body 4½ lines; of the wings 10 lines.

262. XYLINA PERVERSA, n. s. Mas. Albida, fusco conspersa, antennis pubescentibus, tibiis fimbriatis, alis anticis ex parte sublignicoloribus, strigis duabus parvis discalibus lunulisque marginalibus nigris, his albido marginatis, fimbria nigricante albo notata, alis posticis cinereo-fuscis.

Male. Whitish. Head, thorax, and fore wings speckled with brown. Palpi slightly ascending; 2nd joint broad, pilose; 3rd conical, not

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more than one-fourth of the length of the 2nd. Antennæ distinctly pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Tibiæ fringed; hind tibiæ with four long spurs. Fore wings tinged here and there with pale wood-colour; speckles in some parts confluent; two short black discal streaks; marginal lunules black, whitish-bordered; fringe blackish, with a white mark opposite each lunule. Hind wings cinereous brown. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines.


Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi longi, subangulati; articulus 3us linearis, 2° brevior. Antennæ validæ, longæ, glabræ. Abdomen longum, subcristatum, alas posticas valde superans. Pedes validi; tibiæ fimbriatæ. Alæ elongatæ; anticæ apice rotundatæ, costa recta, margine exteriore perobliquo, margine interiore extus subexcavato.

Male. Body robust. Proboscis short. Palpi long; 2nd joint obliquely ascending; 3rd more porrect, linear, shorter than the 2nd, with which it forms a slight angle. Antennæ stout, long, simple. Abdomen long, lanceolate, keeled, slightly crested, extending much beyond the hind wings. Legs stout; tibiæ fringed; hind tibiæ with four long spurs. Wings elongate. Fore wings much rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, extremely oblique, interior border slightly excavated exteriorly.

263. BATRACHARTA OBLIQUA, n. S. Mas. Lignicolor, thorace nigricante, alis anticis vitta nigricante lanceolata, spatio discali exteriore ferrugineo nebuloso, alis posticis pallide fuscis, macula discali subtus nigricante.

Male. Wood-colour. Thorax blackish, except in front. Fore wings with a blackish cinereous-varied stripe, which occupies the whole of the base, and tapers irregularly to four-fifths of the length of the costa, whence it is continued in an irregular dentate line along the tips and along the interior border; exterior discal space clouded with ferruginous. Hind wings pale brown; under side cinereous, with a large blackish discal spot. Length of the body 9½ lines; of the wings 20 lines.


Gen. ARIOLA, Walk.

264. Ariola cœlisigna, Walk. Cat. Lep. 3rd ser. 768.

Inhabits also Ceylon.

265. Ariola dilectissima, Walk. Cat. Lep. 3rd ser. 1751.

266. ARIOLA CONTINUA, n. s. Fœm. Alba, palpis extus nigricantibus, abdomine longissimo subcervino, alis anticis dimidio antico nigro-viridi lineis nigris denticulatis, alis posticis æneo-fuscis.

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Female. White. Palpi blackish on the outer side; 2nd joint slightly curved; 3rd lanceolate, a little shorter than the 2nd. Abdomen with a pale fawn-coloured tinge, extending for half its length beyond the hind wings. Fore wings blackish green in front, with denticulated black lines; the dark part widening from the base to the exterior border, where it nearly extends to the interior angle. Hind wings æneous brown. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

267. ARIOLA INCLUDENS, n. s. Mas. Alba, thorace fascia nigro-viridi, abdomine longissimo subtestaceo, alis anticis nigro-viridibus, vittis duabus albis ex parte connexis, 1a undulata, 2a informi marginali, alis posticis fuscis.

Male. White. Palpi like those of A. continua. Thorax with a blackish-green band. Abdomen slightly testaceous, very long, extending for more than half its length beyond the hind wings. Fore wings blackish green, with two partly connected white stripes; 1st stripe undulating, along the hinder part of the disk; 2nd stripe irregular, along the interior border. Hind wings brown. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

268. ARIOLA DEFLEXA, n. s. Mas et Fœm. ? Alba, thorace fœminæ postico nigro-viridi, alis anticis nigro-viridibus, spatio basali obliquo albo (fœm. nigro-viridi plagiato), lineis duabus indistinctis denticulatis nigris albo notatis, costa subconvexa, alis posticis cinereo-fuscis.

Male. White. Palpi blackish, cinereous in front. Thorax partly with an ochraceous tinge. Abdomen cinereous, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings blackish green; basal part obliquely white, partly tinged with ochraceous; a black discal point and some traces of two black denticulated white-marked lines, one exterior, the other submarginal; costa slightly convex. Hind wings cinereous brown. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 11 lines.

Female. Thorax blackish green, except in front. Basal white part of the fore wings with a blackish-green disk. Length of the body 4½ lines; of the wings 11 lines.

Gen. DIGBA, n. g.

Mas. Corpus sat gracile. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi porrecti, caput vix superantes, articulo 3° minimo. Antennæ vix pubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas vix superans. Pedes validi, breves; tibiæ posticæ calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alæ anticæ apice subrotundatæ.

Male. Body rather slender. Proboscis distinct. Palpi porrect, hardly extending beyond the head; 3rd joint extremely minute. Antennæ with scarcely perceptible pubescence. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, smooth, not long; hind tibiæ with four long spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter slightly oblique.

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269. DIGBA UNINOTATA, n. s. Mas. Luteo-viridis, subtus alba, abdomine albo-viridi, alis anticis annulo discali purpurascente incompleto, alis posticis albis semihyalinis.

Male. Luteous green, white beneath. Abdomen whitish green. Fore wings with an incomplete purplish discal ringlet. Hind wings white, semihyaline, iridescent. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

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File last updated 26 September, 2012