RECORD: Walker, Francis. 1856. Catalogue of the homopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo by Mr. A.R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 1: 141-175.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 2012. RN2

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Catalogue of the Homopterous Insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo, by Mr. A. R. WALLACE, with Descriptions of New Species. By FRANCIS WALKER, Esq., F.L.S. &c.

[Read January 20th, 1857.]

Ord. CICADINA, Burmeister.


Gen. PLATYPLEURA, Amyot et Serv.

1. Platypleura semilucida, Walk. See Page 83.

Gen. TACUA, Amyot et Serv.

2. Tacus speciosa, Illiger (Tettigonia).
Inhabits also Hindostan.

Gen. DUNDUBIA, Amyot et Serv.

3. Dundubia immacula, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 1. 50.
Inhabits also Tenasserim.

4. Dundubia phæophila, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 1. 52.
Inhabits also Corea.

5. Dundubia Thalia, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 1. 72.

6. Dundubia intemerata, Walk. See p. 84.

7. DUNDUBIA DECEM, n. s., fœm. Ferrugineo-lutea lata, mesothoracis scuto viridi, scutello fasciâ latâ interruptâ nigricante, abdominis segmentis nigro marginatis, tibiis suprà tarsisque nigris, alis vitreis; anticarum areolis marginalibus fuscescente vittatis, venis viridibus nigro variis, venis transversis apice venulisque transversis nigricante maculatis.
Female. Ferruginous luteous, broad. Scutum of the mesothorax green; scutellum with a broad diffuse blackish band consisting of four parts, and with the apical ridges partly black. Hind borders of the abdominal segments, tibiæ above and tarsi black. Wings vitreous. Fore wings with an indistinct pale brown streak on each marginal areolet; veins green, partly black; transverse veinlets and tips of the marginal veins clouded with blackish-brown. Length of the body 18 lines; of the wings 58 lines.

8. DUNDUBIA DUARUM, n. s., mas. Fulva, capite vittis tribus angulosis fasciâque anticâ prothorace vittis quatuor mesothoracis scuto vittis duabus scutelloque vittis quinque nigris, tympanis abdominis apicem attingentibus apices versus nigris, abdominis segmentis testaceo aut viridi marginatis, pedibus nigro variis, alis vitreis, anticarum venis nigris ex parte rufescentibus, venulis transversis 1â et 2â nigricante maculatis.
Male. Tawny. Head above with three angular black stripes, and in front with a black band. Prothorax with four black stripes, which are dilated in front. Scutum of the mesothorax green, with a black stripe on each side; scutellum with five black stripes, the inner pair interrupted, the outer pair broad.


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Opercula green; drums black towards the tips and along the inner border, extending to the tip of the abdomen. Legs testaceous, femora and tibiæ striped with black; tarsi black; hind tarsi testaceous. Wings vitreous. Fore wings green at the base; veins black, reddish along the costa and towards the base; 1st and 2nd transverse veinlets clouded with blackish-brown. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 46 lines.

Gen. FIDICINA, Amyot et Serv.

9. Fidicina Aquila, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 1. 84.
Inhabits also Corea.

Gen. HUECHYS, Amyot et Serv.

10. Huechys splendidula, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 42. 49.
Inhabits also Hindostan and Java.

11. HUECHYS FACIALIS, n. s., mas. Atra, fronte facie mesothoracisque maculis duabus testaceis, pectoris maculis duabus et segmentorum abdominalium marginibus rufis, alis anticis fuscis, posticis subcinereis.
Male. Deep black, shining. Front and face testaceous. Scutellum of the mesothorax with a very large testaceous spot on each side. Pectus with a red spot on each side. Hind borders of the abdominal segments red. Fore wings brown. Hind wings slightly greyish. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 22 lines.


Subfam. FULGORELLÆ, Spinola.

Trib. FULGORITES, Spinola.

Subtrib. FULGOROIDES, Spinola.

Gen. HOTINUS, Amyot et Serv.

12. Hotinus Sultana, White, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1847, 83; Ann. Nat. Hist. XX. 204.

13. HOTINUS INTRICATUS, n. s., mas. Ferrugineus, rostro ascendente albo punctato apice luteo corpore vix breviore, abdomine nigro segmentorum marginibus viridibus, tibiis tarsisque nigris, alis anticis viridi-venosis fasciis interioribus testaceis, maculis exterioribus luteis, posticis lætè cyaneo-viridibus, margine latissimo purpurascente nigro.
Male. Ferruginous. Rostrum slightly curved and ascending, sprinkled with white flecks, rounded and luteous at the tip, a little shorter than the body. Abdomen black; hind borders of the segments green. Tibiæ and tarsi black. Fore wings black, with three testaceous interior bands, and with twelve exterior luteous spots; 3rd band interrupted; veins green, brighter on the interior part than on the exterior part, where they are differently arranged. Hind wings bright bluish-green, with very broad purplish-black borders. Length of the body without the rostrum 11 lines; of the wings 33 lines.
This species is closely allied to H. maculatus, Oliv., but in the latter species

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the rostrum is wholly black and more slender at the tip; the fore wings have green spots and no bands, and the blue part of the hind wings extends more towards the borders in front and less so hindward.

14. HOTINUS CULTELLATUS, n. s., mas. Pallidè viridis, rostro compresso subascendente corporis ferè longitudine, abdomine testaceo, alis anticis guttis nonnullis testaceis fusco marginatis, posticis luteis.
Male. Pale green. Rostrum compressed, keeled, hardly ascending, acuminated at the tip, testaceous above, a little shorter than the body. Abdomen and legs testaceous. Fore wings with a few testaceous brown-bordered dots of various size. Hind wings luteous. Length of the body without the rostrum 8 lines; of the wings 28 lines.

Subtrib. LYSTROIDES, Spinola.

Gen. APHÆNA, Guérin.

15. Aphæna scutellaris, White, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 330.

16. Aphæna Saundersii, White. See page 84.

17. Aphæna basirufa, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 2. 278.
It differs slightly from the three Silhet specimens in the British Museum, which are exactly alike.

18. APHÆNA SATURATA, n. s., mas. Nigra, thoracis lateribus ferrugineis, alis anticis viridi-nigris e lineâ transversâ arcuatâ lutescente in areas duas divisis, areâ interiore longiore semicirculis rufescentibus ornatâ, exteriore subrotundâ creberrimè luteo-venosis, posticis lineâ rectâ divisis, marginis interioris dimidio basali flavo plagiato.
Male. Black. Ferruginous piceous, black beneath. Wings greenish-black, divided into two areas by a transverse line, which is curved and pale luteous in the fore wings, straight and rather darker in the hind wings; interior area longer than the other one, adorned in the fore wings with various little luteous half-ringlets which are accompanied by dots, in the hind wings with partly green veins, and with a yellow patch towards the base of the interior border; exterior area nearly round, most thickly crowded with luteous veins; a glaucous bloom covering the interior area on the under side, and forming a semicircle on the exterior one. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 30 lines.
This species and A. rosea, Guér., are closely allied in structure and in the disposition of the colours, and are distinguished from the two preceding species by their much more ample wings.

19. APHÆNA VERIS-AMOR, n. s., mas et fœm. Nigra, facie pedibusque ferrugineis, abdomine rufo, alis anticis saturatè et lætissimè viridibus, costâ lineâ arcuatâ exteriore maculâque basali flavis, subtùs tomento albo variis, posticis niveis apice fulvis.
Male and Female. Black. Face and legs ferruginous. Abdomen red. Fore wings intensely grass-green, with the costa, a basal spot, a few dots in the disk, and an exterior curved transverse line yellow; tips tawny; under side with various marks of white tomentum, which also appears on


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the costa above at the base. Hind wings snow-white, with tawny tips. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 26 lines.
This species has narrow fore wings like A. scutellaris, but belongs to a distinct group.

20. APHÆNA UNIFORMIS, n. s., fœm. Fusca, capite thorace antico pedibusque fulvis, alis fulvo venosis, anticis basi nigris fasciâ contiguâ flavâ.
Female. Brown. Head, fore part of the thorax and legs tawny. Abdominal segments with red borders. Wings with tawny veins. Fore wings narrow, black at the base, near which there is a yellow band. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 22 lines.
This species will form a fourth group in the genus. The veins of the fore wings have the same structure over the whole surface.

Subtrib. DICTYOPHOROIDES, Spinola.


21. Dictyophora speilinea, Walk. See page 84.

22. DICTYOPHORA SPEICARINA, n. s., mas. Testacea, capite thoraceque viridi carinatis, capite lanceolato tricarinato subascendente apice fusco, thorace septem-carinato, tibiis tarsisque rufis, alis hyalinis venis fulvis apice fusco nebulosis, stigmate fulvo.
Male. Testaceous. Head and thorax with green keels. Head lanceolate, very slightly ascending, with three ridges, brown at the tip, as long as the breadth of the thorax. Thorax with seven ridges, three dorsal and four lateral. Tibiæ and tarsi red. Wings hyaline; veins and stigma tawny; apical transverse veinlets clouded with brown. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

Gen. LEUSABA, n. g.

Dictyophoræ affinis. Caput arcuatum, breve, vertice marginato, fronte planâ longi-subquadratâ anticè latiore, facie lanceolatâ fronte paullò breviore. Prothorax marginatus, valdè arcuatus, margine postico excavato et intùs angulato. Mesothorax tricarinatus. Pedes longi. Alæ anticæ extùs latiores, areolis basalibus longissimis, discalibus et marginalibus brevioribus, venis marginalibus nonnullis furcatis, venulis transversis costalibus et submarginalibus nullis.
Allied to Dictyophora. Head short, arched; vertex with an elevated border, about four times broader than long; front smooth, subquadrate, much longer than broad, slightly widening in front, with two indistinct furrows which converge forwards; face lanceolate, a little shorter than the front. Prothorax much arched, with an elevated border, excavated and much arched on the hind side. Mesothorax with three keels. Legs long. Fore wings widening towards the tips; five basal areolets very long; six discal areolets a little longer than the marginal areolets, the latter numerous, and four of them forked; no transverse costal or submarginal veinlets.

23. LEUSABA MARGINALIS, n. s., mas. Viridis, capitis thoracisque marginibus et carinis ex maximâ parte testaceis, thorace guttis nonnullis nigro-fuscis,

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alis hyalinis, anticis apud marginem exteriorem fuscis, venis nigris basi fulvis, stigmate fusco.
Male. Green. Borders and keels of the head and of the thorax for the most part testaceous. Thorax with a few blackish-brown dots. Wings hyaline. Fore wings brown along the exterior border; veins black, tawny towards the base; stigma brown. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

Gen. ISPORISA, n. g.

Leusabæ affinis. Caput breve, valdè arcuatum, vertice posticè excavato et marginato, fronte facieque marginatis et medio carinatis, fronte subquadratâ anticè latiore, facie trigonâ. Thorax brevis. Prothorax et mesothorax tricarinati, carinis lateralibus valdè obliquis. Alæ anticæ angustæ, areolis basalibus longissimis, discalibus et marginalibus brevioribus, venis marginalibus simplicibus, venulis transversis costalibus nonullis exterioribus, submarginalibus nullis.
Allied to Leusaba. Head short, much arched; vertex with three angles in front; hind part excavated, and with an elevated border; front and face with elevated borders and with a middle keel; front subquadrate, a little longer than broad, slightly widening in front, its sides indistinctly concave; face triangular, a little broader and longer than the front. Thorax short. Prothorax and mesothorax with three keels, the lateral pair very oblique. Wings narrow. Fore wings with the five basal areolets very long; six discal areolets hardly longer than the marginal areolets, which are rather more numerous; all the latter are simple, and form a continuous row with the few very oblique exterior costal veinlets; no submarginal veinlets.

24. ISPORISA APICALIS, n. s., fœm. Viridis, capite thorace pectoreque nigro maculatis, abdomine nigro, segmentorum marginibus posticis viridibus, pedibus nigro notatis, alis subluridis, anticis apice fuscis, venis nigris basi fulvis, stigmate nullo.
Female. Green. Head with three black spots in front of the vertex; front and face with reddish borders, each with two black spots. Prothorax and mesothorax with a black dot on each side. Pectus with black spots. Abdomen black; hind borders of the segments green. Legs marked with black. Wings slightly lurid. Fore wings with brown tips; veins black, tawny towards the base; no stigma. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

Gen. EPORA, n. g.

Dictyophoræ affinis. Caput tricarinatum, suprà transversum; vertex conicus; frons longissima, linearis; facies brevior, lanceolata. Prothorax quadricarinatus, valdè arcuatus. Mesothorax tricarinatus. Pedes longiusculi. Alæ anticæ sat angustæ, areolis basalibus longissimis, longitudinis bis trientem occupantibus, discalibus et marginalibus subæqualibus, venulis transversis costalibus obliquis parallelis, submarginalibus nullis.
Allied to Dictyophora. Head with three keels, transverse above; vertex conical; front very long, with parallel sides; face lanceolate, much shorter than the front. Prothorax much arched, with four keels. Mesothorax with three keels.

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Legs rather long. Fore wings rather narrow; basal areolets as long as two-thirds of the length of the wing; marginal areolets a little longer than the discal areolets, all of them simple; transverse costal veinlets oblique, parallel except towards the tip.

25. EPORA SUBTILIS, n. s., mas et fœm. Viridis (mas) aut testacea (fœm.), alis hyalinis, venis viridibus, stigmate nullo.
Male and Female. Green (male) or testaceous (female). Wings hyaline; veins green; no stigma. Length of the body 2½–3 lines; of the wings 6–7 lines.

Gen. DARADAX, Walk.

26. DARADAX ACRIS, n. s., mas. Viridis, mesothorace tricarinato, abdomine albo-tomentoso, alis anticis fuscescente marginatis, posticis albis.
Male. Green. Head much longer than broad; vertex and front lanceolate, with a keel in the middle and one on each side. Mesothorax with 3 keels. Abdomen with whitish tomentum. Fore wings with brownish borders. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.


Gen. CIXIUS, Latr.

27. Cixius pustulatus, Walk. See page 87.

28. CIXIUS FERREUS, n. s., mas. C. efferato valdè affinis. Ferrugineus, fronte facieque subcarinatis, pedibus fulvis, alis subcinereis, anticis maculâ discali interiore guttâque costali exteriore fuscis, venis fulvis.
Male. Very nearly allied to C. efferatus. Ferruginous. Head convex between the eyes; front and face with a slight middle keel; front much broader than long; face lanceolate, much longer than the front. Abdomen with the apical appendages much developed. Legs tawny. Wings slightly greyish. Fore wings slightly greyish, with a brown spot in the disk before the middle, and with a brown dot on the costa near the tip; veins tawny. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

29. CIXIUS DIFFINIS, n. s. Fuscus, subtùs testaceus, fronte perangustâ, thorace vittâ dorsali fusiformi interlineatâ stramineâ, pedibus testaceis, alis fuscis, anticis fasciis duabus interruptis guttisque nonnullis pallidè viridibus.
Brown, testaceous beneath. Head narrow; vertex slightly concave; front very long and narrow, with three keels. Thorax with a fusiform straw-coloured dorsal stripe, divided longitudinally by a brown line. Legs testaceous. Wings brown. Fore wings with two pale green bands, and with a few pale green dots, of which the largest is on the costa near the tip; 1st band quite interrupted; 2nd slightly interrupted. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

30. CIXIUS GUTTIFER, n. s., fœm. Testaceus, capite suprà subquadrato subtùs lanceolato, pectore guttis duabus anticis lateralibus nigris, alis anticis

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Pallidè testaceis subhyalinis nigro triguttatis, venis testaceis, posticis cinereis, venis nigricantibus.
Female. Testaceous. Head with elevated borders; vertex subquadrate; front and face with a middle keel; front full thrice longer than broad, slightly increasing in breadth towards the face, which is lanceolate and shorter than the front. Pectus with a black dot on each side in front. Fore wings pale testaceous, nearly hyaline, with a slightly darker spot near the tip of the costa, and with three black dots which form a curved line in the disk; veins testaceous. Hind wings grey with black veins. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.

31. CIXIUS ÆQUUS, n. s., mas. Testaceus rufo varius, albido tomentosus, capite toto valdè angusto lateribus valdè elevatis, alis cinereis, anticarum venulis transversis costalibus duabus, exterioribus paucis.
Male. Testaceous, with some red marks, slightly covered with whitish tomentum. Vertex, front and face very narrow; their borders much elevated. Wings greyish, with two oblique costal veinlets, and with a few discal exterior veinlets. Length of the body 2–2½ lines; of the wings 6–7 lines.

32. CIXIUS PERPLEXUS, n. s., mas. Niger, capitis lateribus elevatis carinâque testaceis, fronte testaceo conspersâ, vertice perangusto, abdominis segmentis testaceo marginatis, pedibus testaceis, alis anticis cervinis fusco conspersis, costâ margineque interiore pallidioribus guttis nigro-fuscis magis determinatis, posticis nigricantibus.
Male. Black. Head with testaceous elevated borders; vertex very narrow; front and face forming an elongated fusiform compartment with a testaceous keel and testaceous marks. Hind borders of the abdominal segments and legs testaceous. Fore wings fawn colour, sprinkled with brown, paler towards the tips; costa and interior border pale testaceous, with blackish-brown dots. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines.

33. CIXIUS INCLINATUS, n. s., mas. Niger, capitis lateribus elevatis carinâque testaceis, vertice perangusto, frontis lateribus nigro punctatis, abdominis segmentis testaceo marginatis, pedibus testaceis, alis anticis testaceis fusco conspersis et nebulosis, stigmate obscuriore, posticis cinereis.
Male. Black: like the preceding species in structure. Borders of the head and middle keel testaceous; borders of the front with minute black dots. Borders of the abdominal segments and legs testaceous. Fore wings testaceous, sprinkled and clouded with brown; stigma darker. Hind wings grey. Length of the body 1¼ line; of the wings 3½ lines.

34. CIXIUS SIMPLEX, n. s., mas. Niger, carinis pedibusque piceis, thorace tricarinato, abdomine subtùs testaceo, apice albo densè floccoso, alis cinereohyalinis, venis nigris, stigmate fusco.
Male. Black. Ridges of the head and of the thorax, and legs piceous. Head with the borders much elevated; vertex subquadrate, a little narrower in front; front and face together fusiform, with a rather deep keel. Prothorax extremely short. Mesothorax with three parallel keels. Abdomen

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testaceous beneath; tip thickly covered with white flecks. Wings hyaline, slightly cinereous; veins black; exterior transverse veinlets and tips of the apical veins of the fore wings clouded with brown; stigma brown. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.

35. CIXIUS VILIS, n. s., fœm. Niger, frontis lateribus femoribusque fulvis, thorace tricarinato, segmentorum abdominalium marginibus albidis, tibiis tarsisque testaceis, alis hyalinis apice fuscis, venis nigris basi fulvis, stigmate sordidè testaceo posticè nigro.
Female. Black. Head with elevated borders; vertex very narrow; front with tawny sides, forming with the face a fusiform compartment which has a middle ridge. Prothorax extremely short. Mesothorax with three parallel keels. Segments of the abdomen with whitish borders. Legs testaceous; femora tawny. Wings hyaline, slightly greyish, with brown tips; veins black, tawny at the base; stigma dingy testaceous, black hindward. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines.

36. CIXIUS MODICUS, n. s., mas. Testaceus, capite suprà angusto subtùs fusiformi, thoracis disco abdomineque suprà fuscis, thorace tricarinato, alis subhyalinis; anticis fusco vix trifasciatis apice fuscescentibus, venis nigris basi testaceis.
Male. Testaceous. Head with elevated borders; vertex narrow; front and face together fusiform with a middle ridge. Mesothorax with three parallel keels; its disk brown. Abdomen above brown; hind borders of the segments testaceous. Wings nearly hyaline; fore wings with three slender and very incomplete brown bands; tips brownish; veins black, testaceous at the base. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines.

37. CIXIUS NEXUS, n. s., fœm. Testaceus, capite subtùs perangusto, abdomine nigro marginibus testaceis, alis hyalinis, anticis testaceo fasciatis, fasciis interioribus nigricante marginatis exterioribus fusco nebulosis.
Female. Closely allied to C. Meander, Walk. Testaceous. Head with elevated borders, slightly ascending and conical above; front and face very narrow. Abdomen black; hind borders of the segments testaceous. Wings hyaline. Fore wings with irregular testaceous bands, of which the interior have incomplete blackish borders, and the exterior are partly clouded with brown; veins testaceous. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4½ lines.

38. CIXIUS DESPECTUS, n. s., fœm. Nigricans, carinis abdomine subtùs pedibusque testaceis, alis cinereo-hyalinis, anticis latis, fasciis plurimis transversis intùs nigricantibus extùs fuscis, venis nonnullis marginalibus furcatis.
Female. Blackish. Ridges of the head, abdomen beneath and legs testaceous. Head slightly conical and ascending above; front and face together almost lanceolate, with a rather high middle keel. Wings hyaline, slightly cinereous; fore wings broad, with several slender and interrupted bands, which are blackish towards the base and brown towards the exterior border; veins testaceous. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines.

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This and some of the following species differ slightly from the typical Cixii in the veins of the wings, but hardly sufficiently to form new genera.

39. CIXIUS DEDUCTUS, n. s., fœm. Piceus, capitis marginibus pedibusque testaceis, vertice subquadrato, fronte breviusculâ, facie lanceolatâ, alis subcinereis, anticarum venis marginalibus apice venulisque transversis infuscatis, margine exteriore albo punctato.
Female. Piceous. Head with elevated testaceous borders; vertex short; front and face with a testaceous keel, the former short, the latter lanceolate. Legs testaceous. Wings greyish; veins of the fore wings black, punctured with testaceous; transverse veinlets and tips of the marginal veins clouded with brown; a row of whitish dots along the exterior border. Length of the body 1½ line; of the wings 4 lines.

40. CIXIUS MUNITUS, n. s., fœm. Ferruginosus, capite perangusto lateribus elevatis nigro guttatis, alis fuscis, anticis chalybeo-cinereo quinque-fasciatis.—Var. Fronte facieque nigris.
Female. Ferruginous. Vertex, front and face very narrow, with elevated black dotted borders. Wings brown; fore wings with five incomplete grey bands, which are shining and have a chalybeous tinge; veins black, ferruginous towards the base.—Var. Front and face black, with ferruginous borders. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5½ lines.

41. CIXIUS TRAHENS, n. s., mas. Niger, subtùs ferrugineus, capite perangusto lateribus elevatis, pedibus ferrugineis, alis nigricantibus, venis nigris.
Male. Black, ferruginous beneath. Vertex, front and face very narrow, with elevated borders. Legs ferruginous. Wings blackish; veins black. Length of the body 1½ line; of the wings 4 lines.

42. CIXIUS PALLENS, n. s., mas. Testaceus, capite sat lato, vertice brevi, fronte longi-subquadratâ, facie lanceolatâ, alis hyalinis, anticis subtestaceis, venis pallidis, areolis basalibus longissimis, discalibus nullis, marginalibus sat longis.
Male. Testaceous. Head moderately broad, with elevated borders; vertex very short; front and face with a middle keel, the former elongate-quadrate, the latter lanceolate. Wings hyaline, with pale veins; fore wings with a slight testaceous tinge, and with only one row of transverse veinlets; basal areolets very long; marginal areolets moderately long, some of their veins forked. Length of the body 1¼ line; of the wings 4 lines.

43. CIXIUS FINITUS, n. s., fœm. Testaceus, capite thorace pedibusque testaceis, vertice transverso, fronte longi-subquadratâ, facie lanceolatâ, alis nigro-fuscis albo guttatis, anticis latis, venulis transversis vix ullis, venis marginalibus versus costam flexis.
Female. Testaceous. Head with an elevated border; vertex transverse; front and face with a very slight keel; front elongate-subquadrate; face lanceolate. Wings blackish-brown, with several whitish hyaline spots in the disk and along the exterior border; fore wings broad; veins black, ferruginous at the base, mostly simple; subcostal marginal veins curved; only one transverse veinlet. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 6 lines.

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44. CIXIUS DILECTUS, n. s., mas et fœm. Testaceus, C. finiti structurâ, alis hyalinis, anticis latis fusco subfasciatis, venis nigris basi testaceis.
Like C. finitus and C. nexus in structure. Male and Female. Testaceous. Wings quite hyaline; veins black, testaceous at the base; fore wings broad, with some irregular and incomplete pale brown bands. Length of the body 1¼ line; of the wings 4 lines.

45. CIXIUS DOTATUS, n. s., mas et fœm. Nigricans, facie pectore pedibusque albidis, alis fuscis, anticis basi fasciâ latâ interiore maculis quinque exterioribus apiceque hyalinis, stigmate fusco, posticis basi latè hyalinis.
Male and Female. Blackish. Face, pectus and legs whitish. Vertex short; front and face with a middle keel; front elongate-subquadrate, with whitish elevated borders; face lanceolate. Wings brown; fore wings with the base, a broad band, five exterior dots and the tips hyaline; veins black, several of them forked; one row of transverse veinlets; stigma black; hind wings hyaline for nearly one-third of the length from the base. Length of the body 1 line; of the wings 3½ lines.

46. CIXIUS INSUETUE, n. s., mas. Testaceus, fronte facieque longis perangustis, alis hyalinis albo tomentosis, venis albis.
Male. Testaceous. Head with an elevated border, transverse above; front and face long and very narrow, with a slight middle keel. Wings hyaline, but thickly covered with white tomentum; veins white, much like those of C. dilectus in structure. Length of the body ¾ line; of the wings 3 lines.

Gen. BIDIS, Walk.

47. BIDIS PICTULA, n. s., mas et fœm. Viridis rufo nigroque vittata, verticis apice, pectoris maculis duabus abdomineque nigris, alis hyalinis, anticis strigâ apicali guttisque marginalibus fuscis, venis nigris albo fasciatis.
Male and Female. Green, with red and black stripes. Head with much elevated borders; vertex narrow in front, black at the tip; front and face narrow and very long, with red disks. Antennæ long, filiform; 2nd joint much longer than the 1st; seta much longer than the 2nd joint. Pectus with two black spots. Abdomen black. Wings hyaline, with brown marks along the borders, and with a brown streak which extends from two-thirds of the length to the tip; veins black, with white bands. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.

48. BIDIS PUNCTIFRONS, n. s., mas et fœm. Testacea rufo vittata, fronte nigro punctatâ, thoracis carinis pallidioribus, alis subhyalinis, anticis guttis marginalibus strigâque apicali dilatatâ fuscis, venis nigris testaceo fasciatis.
Male and Female. Testaceous, with red stripes, in structure like B. pictula. Front with three rows of black transverse dots; face with black dots at the base. Thorax with three brown stripes. Wings nearly hyaline; fore wings with marginal brown dots, and with an irregular brown streak, which is dilated towards the tip of the wing; veins black, with testaceous bands. Length of the body 3–3¼ lines; of the wings 7–7½ lines.

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49. BIDIS CONTIGUA, n. s., mas. Testacea, rufo vittata, fronte nigro punctatâ, alis subhyalinis, anticis vittâ posticâ nigrâ, venis testaceis.
Male. Testaceous: in structure like B. pictula. Head and thorax with red stripes. Front with three rows of black transverse dots. Prothorax with black dots on each side. Mesothorax with three pale brown stripes. Wings nearly hyaline; fore wings with a black stripe along the interior border; veins testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.

Gen. OSTAMA, n. g.

Caput breve; vertex subquadratus lateribus subelevatis; frons plana, longisubquadrata, anticè latior; facies lanceolata. Antennæ longiusculæ, filiformes; articulus 2us 1° non longior; seta brevis. Mesothorax tricarinatus. Alarum anticarum areolæ basales marginalibus multò longiores; venæ marginales plurimæ, nonnullæ furcatæ.
Head short; vertex subquadrate, with elevated borders; front smooth, elongate-subquadrate; face lanceolate, a little shorter than the front. Antennæ filiform, rather long; 2nd joint as long as the 1st; seta short. Mesothorax with three slight parallel keels. Fore wings with a row of transverse veinlets which divides the basal veins from the marginal veins, the former nearly twice the length of the latter, which are rather numerous, and some of them forked.

50. OSTAMA JUNCTA, n. s., mas. Ferruginea subtùs nigra, abdominis dorso tibiisque rufis, alis anticis fuscis testaceo conspersis, apices versus hyalinis vittâ arcuatâ strigâque nigro-fuscis, posticis cinereis.
Male. Ferruginous, black beneath. Borders of the thorax testaceous. Abdomen above and tibiæ red. Fore wings brown, with numerous testaceous punctures; part beyond the transverse veinlets hyaline, with a curved stripe and a streak of a blackish-brown hue; hind wings grey. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

Gen. ERANA, n. g.

Caput lateribus elevatis carinâque media; vertex subconicus; frons subquadrata, faciem versus latior; facies lanceolata. Antennæ longæ, validæ, filiformes; articulus 1us brevis; 2us longus; seta nulla. Mesothorax carinis tribus parallelis. Alarum anticarum areolæ basales discalibus et marginalibus triplò longiores; venulæ transversæ costales paucæ perobliquæ.
Head with elevated borders and with a middle keel; vertex nearly conical; front elongate-subquadrate, broader towards the face which is lanceolate. Antennæ elongated, stout, filiform; 1st joint short; 2nd long; no arista. Mesothorax with three parallel keels. Fore wings with the basal areolets full thrice longer than the discal and marginal areolets together; the marginal areolets as long as discal areolets and not more numerous; costal transverse veinlets few and very oblique.

51. ERANA OPEROSA, fœm. Ferruginea; alis anticis apud venas chalybeo notatis, posticis nigricantibus.
Female. Ferruginous. Fore wings with chalybeous spangles on the veins; hind wings blackish. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 6 lines.

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Gen. RHOTALA, n. g.

Caput suprà conicum, lateribus elevatis, fronte facieque planis, elongatia, punctulatis. Antennæ breviusculæ, filiformes; articulus 2us 10 longior; arista longa, gracilis. Prothorax sat magnus; areâ mediâ conicâ, tricarinatâ. Alæ anticæ areolis basalibus longissimis, venulis transversis plurimis exterioribus nonnullisque costalibus.
Vertex conical, with elevated borders; front and face forming a fusiform compartment which is flat and punctured. Antennæ cylindrical, rather short; arista long, slender. Prothorax well developed; middle part conical, with three keels. Fore wings with very long basal areolets, and with several transverse veinlets on the marginal areolets; exterior part of the costa with some oblique parallel veinlets.

52. RHOTALA DELINEATA, n. s., mas et fœm. Testacea, vertice thorace alisque anticis crebrè ferrugineo conspersis, fronte facie pectoreque nigris, pedibus ferrugineis nigro variis, anticis testaceo fasciatis, alis posticis nigricantibus.
Male and Female. Testaceous. Vertex, thorax and fore wings thickly covered with ferruginous dots. Fore wings with three short black streaks forming an oblique transverse line. Head beneath and pectus black. Legs ferruginous, with black marks; fore legs with testaceous bands. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

Trib. ISSITERS, Spinola.

Gen. Issus,Fabr.

53. ISSUS PRÆCEDENS, n. s., fœm. Piceus, capitis lateribus elevatis, vertice longi-subquadrato, fronte anticè dilatatâ testaceâ, pectore pedibusque testaceo notatis, alis anticis nitentibus testaceo subobaoletè guttatis, posticis nigricantibus.
Nearly allied to I. sinensis. Female. Piceous. Head with elevated borders; vertex elongate-subquadrate; front broader and testaceous in front. Pectus and legs with testaceous marks. Fore wings shining, with indistinct testaceous dots. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines.

54. ISSUS COMPOSITUS, n. s., mas. Obscurè testaceus, capite thorace alisque anticis nigro confertissimè conspersis, capitis lateribus elevatis, vertice transverso, fronte tricarinatâ, alis anticis latis plagâ nigrâ submarginali, angulo interiore acuto, posticis cinereis.—Var. Alis anticis pallidioribus plagâ nullâ.
Male. Dull testaceous. Head, thorax and fore wings thickly sprinkled with black. Head with elevated borders; vertex transverse; front with three keels, slightly broader in front. Legs with a few black marks. Fore wings broad, with a black patch near the interior border; interior angle prominent, almost acute; hind wings grey.—Var. Fore wings paler, with no black patch. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

55. ISSUS RETRACTUS, n. s., mas. Piceus latus, capitis lateribus elevatis fulvis, vertice transverso, fronte latâ, carinâ mediâ subobsoletâ carinâque

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transversâ posticâ, facie, mesothoracis disco pedibusque fulvis, alis anticis non angulatis, posticis nigro-cinereis.
Male. Piceous, broad. Head with elevated tawny borders; vertex much broader than long; front hardly longer than broad, very slightly broader in front, with a slight middle keel and a more distinct transverse keel towards the vertex; face, disk of the mesothorax and legs tawny. Fore wings not angular, conical towards the tips; hind wings blackish grey, with many transverse veinlets. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines.

56. ISSUS FURTIVUS, n. s., fœm. Cervinus, capitis lateribus elevatis, vertice subquadrato, fronte anticè latiore lateribus tuberculatis concavis carinâ mediâ subobsoletâ, alis anticis fusco variis non angulatis, posticis nigrocinereis.
Female. Fawn-colour. Head with elevated borders; vertex a little longer than broad, indented behind with a corresponding angle in front; front elongate-subquadrate, broader towards the face, with concave minutely tuberculated sides and with a nearly obsolete middle keel. Fore wings with various brown marks, not angular; hind wings blackish-grey. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 5 lines.

57. ISSUS PATULUS, mas. Piceo-ferrugineus, capite testaceo, marginibus elevatis, vertice parvo quadrato, fronte longâ carinatâ anticè latiore, pedibus fulvis, alis posticis nigro-cinereis.
Male. Pitchy ferruginous. Head testaceous, with elevated borders; vertex small, quadrate; front more than twice longer than broad, a little broader towards the face, with a distinct middle keel. Legs tawny. Hind wings blackish-brown. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 5 lines.

58. ISSUS INERS, mas. Piceo-ferrugineus, capite fulvo lateribus testaceis, marginibus elevatis, fronte longâ carinatâ anticè dilatatâ, pedibus fulvis, alis posticis nigro-cinereis.
Male. Pitchy ferruginous. Head tawny, with elevated borders; sides testaceous; vertex small, quadrate, dilated towards the face, with a distinct middle keel. Legs tawny. Hind wings blackish-grey. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 5 lines.

59. ISSUS GRAVIS, n. s., mas. Ferrugineus, capitis marginibus elevatis, vertice conico, fronte carinatâ obconicâ, facie transversâ disco nigricante, alis anticis venulis transversis nullis, posticis subhyalinis, venis venulisque perpaucis.
Male. Ferruginous. Head with elevated borders; vertex conical, with a brown mark on each side; front obconical, with a distinct middle ridge and a slight oblique ridge on each side; face transverse, blackish, with a testaceous border. Legs tawny, with some ferruginous marks. Fore wings with no transverse veinlets; hind wings subhyaline, with very few veins and veinlets. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines.

60. ISSUE ARCTATUS, n. s., fœm. Ferrugineus, capitis marginibus elevatis, vertice transverso, fronte carinatâ subquadratâ anticè latiore, facie carinatâ brevi-lanceolatâ, pedibus testaceis, alis posticis cinereis.
Female. Ferruginous. Head with elevated borders; vertex much broader

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than long; front a little longer than broad, slightly wider in front, with a slight keel; face keeled, short-lanceolate. Legs testaceous. Hind wings grey. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.

61. ISSUS SOBRINUS, n. s., mas. Fulvus, capitis lateribus albidis, marginibus elevatis, vertice transverso minimo, fronte longâ carinatâ anticè latiore, facie lanceolatâ carinatâ, alis posticis nigro-cinereis.
Male. Tawny. Head with whitish sides and elevated borders; vertex transverse, very small; front twice longer than broad, slightly widening in front, with a distinct keel; face keeled, lanceolate. Hind wings blackishgrey. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines.

62. ISSUE OVALIS, n. s., mas. Sordidè testaceus, capite latissimo lateribus elevatis, vertice transverso punctis duobus nigris, fronte transversâ carinatâ, alis anticis plagâ costali sordidè albidâ, posticis nigro-cinereis.
Male. Dingy testaceous. Head very broad; vertex, front and face transverse, with elevated borders; vertex twice broader than long, with a minute black dot on each side in front; front and face with a slight keel, the former a little broader than long, the latter lanceolate. Fore wings with a dingy whitish patch by the middle of the costa; hind wings blackish-grey. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines.

63. ISSUE LITEROSUS, n. s., mas. Testaceus, capitis marginibus elevatis, vertice transverso, fronte quadratâ carinatâ, carinâ transversâ guttisque duabus posticis, facie lanceolatâ, alis anticis nigro plagiatis, posticis fuscocinereis.
Male. Testaceous. Head with elevated borders; vertex much broader than long; front subquadrate, with a slight middle keel, and a more distinct transverse keel near the vertex, where there is a black dot on each side; face lanceolate. Fore wings with a few black patches; hind wings brownishgrey. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines.

64. ISSUS LINEATUS, n. s., mas. Testaceus nigro varius, capitis marginibus elevatis, vertice conico depresso, fronte longâ subcarinatâ anticè latiore, facie lanceolatâ, abdominis dorso rufo, segmentis testaceo marginatis, alis testaceo reticulatis, anticis nigro-fuscis, posticis rufescentibus.
Male. Testaceous, with black marks. Head with elevated borders; vertex conical, depressed, with a black spot on each side; front twice longer than broad, with a slight middle keel, much wider towards the face which is lanceolate. Abdomen red above; hind borders of the segments testaceous. Wings with testaceous veins and veinlets, the latter numerous; fore wings blackish-brown; hind wings reddish. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

Gen. HIRACIA, n. g.

Corpus ellipticum, convexum. caput marginibus vix elevatis; vertex conicus, tricarinatus; frons faciesque carinis tribus vix conspicuis, hæc lanceolata, illa obeonica anticè excavata. Prothorax transversus, quinque-carinatus, anticè angustior. Mesothorax trigonus, tricarinatus, apice acutus. Alæ anticæ venis venulisque transversis plurimis elevatis, apice acuminatæ

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Body elliptical, convex. Head with the borders hardly elevated; vertex conical, with three distinct keels; front and face with three indistinct keels, the former obconical, excavated next the face, which is lanceolate. Prothorax full twice broader than long, narrower in front, with five keels. Mesothorax triangular, acuminated, with three keels. Fore wings acuminated, with numerous rugulose veins and transverse veinlets.

65. HIRACIA IGNAVA, n. s., fœm. Cervina, verticis apice nigro, pedibus et alis anticis nigro guttatis, alis posticis nigricantibus.
Female. Fawn-colour. Vertex black at the tip. Legs and fore wings with a few black dots. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines.


66. HEMISPHÆRIUS NIGER, n. s., mas et fœm. Niger nitens subtùs fulvescens aut testaceus, alis anticis confertissimè crobratis, posticis nigrocinereis.
Male and Female. Black, shining, tawny or testaceous beneath. Fore wings thickly covered with minute punctures; hind wings blackish-grey. Length of the body 1–1¼ line; of the wings 3–3¼ lines.

67. HEMISPHÆRIUS TYPICUS, n. s., mas. Testaceus, alis anticis fusco bifasciatis, fasciâ 2â arcuatâ, posticis subcinereis.
Male. Testaceous. Fore wings with two brown bands, the hind one undulating; hind wings greyish. Length of the body 1 line; of the wings 3 lines.

68. HEMISPHÆRIUS TORPIDUS, n. s., mas. Testaceus nitens, alis anticis confertissimè cribratis, posticis subcinereis.
Male. Testaceous, shining. Fore wings thickly covered with very minute punctures; hind wings greyish. Length of the body ¾–1 line; of the wings 2½–3 lines.


69. Eurybrachys insignis, Westw. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1842, 119; Hope, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 134. 27. pl. 12. f. 9.
Inhabits also Manilla. E. multicolor, p.88, may be a variety of this species.

70. EURYBRACHYS CONSERTA, n. s., fœm. Testacea, capite truncato-conico, fronte obconicâ subcarinatâ sulco antico transverso, facie basi sulcatâ, prothorace vittis duabus obliquis nigris, alis anticis reticulatis nigro variis costâ dilatatâ, posticis albis.
Closely allied to E. tuberculosa? Female. Testaceous. Head above truncate-conical; front obconical, with a short keel behind and with a transverse furrow in front; face lanceolate, with a short furrow behind. Prothorax with two black oblique stripes. Fore wings with various black marks, reticulated with numerous transverse veinlets, slightly tuberculated; costa dilated, with very numerous transverse veinlets; hind wings white. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 16 lines.

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71. EURYBRACHYS VETUSTA, n. s., fœm. Viridescens subtùs testacea, capite truncato-conico, fronte obconicâ carinatâ, facie carinatâ, mesothorace fusco notato, alis anticis reticulatis, posticis subcinereis.
Female. Pale dull green, testaceous beneath. Head above truncate-conical; front elongate-obeonical, with a keel, which does not extend to the fore border; face lanceolate, with a keel in front. Mesothorax with some brown marks on each side. Fore wings reticulated with numerous trans-verse veinlets, slightly tuberculated; costa slightly dilated, with very numerous transverse veinlets; hind wings pale greyish. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

72. EURYBRACHYS INTERCEPTA, n. s., mas. Pallidè viridis subtùs testacea, capite brevi-conico subtùs lanceolato plano lateribus elevatis, alis anticis strigâ basali guttisque duabus apud marginis interioris apicem nigris, posticis albidis.
Male. Pale green, testaceous beneath. Head above short-conical; front and face together lanceolate and with elevated borders, but not keeled. Fore wings with a black basal streak and with two black dots near the end of the interior border. Hind wings whitish. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 9 lines.

73. EURYBRACHYS SURRECTA, n. s., mas. Pallidè cervina subtùs pallidè testacea, capite lateribus elevatis, vertice conico carinato, fronte facieque planis, illâ lineari, alis anticis maculâ basali guttisque duabus discalibus exterioribus nigris, costâ undulatâ, posticis albis.
Male. Pale fawn-colour, pale testaceous beneath. Head with elevated borders; vertex conical, with a middle keel; front and face not keeled, the former linear. Fore wings with a black basal spot, and with two black discal dots; costa undulating; hind wings white. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 9 lines.

Subtrib. FLATOÏDES, Spinola.

Gen. FLATOÏDES, Guérin.

74. Flatoïdes guttatus, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 2. 408. 9.
Inhabits also China.

75. Flatoïdes marginalis, Walk. See page 89.

76. Flatoïdes discalis, Walk. See page 89.

77. FLATOÏDES VETERATOR, n. s., mas. Niger, capite thoracisque lateribus testaceis, alis anticis apud margines nitentibus, fasciâ interiore plagâque exteriore cinereis, guttâ discali atrâ, posticis nigro-cupreis.
Male. Black. Head and sides of the thorax testaceous. Fore wings shining about the borders, with an inner cinereous band, and an outer cinereous patch, the latter including a deep black dot. Hind wings blackish cupreous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

78. FLATOÏDES POSTERUS, n. s., mas. Piceus, pedibus fulvis, alis nigri-cantibus, anticis apud marginem interiorem nigro-fuscis, fasciâ brevi anticâ strigisque duabus marginalibus hyalinis.
Male. Piceous. Legs tawny. Wings blackish; fore wings blackish-brown

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about the interior border, with a hyaline band extending from the middle of the costa to the disk, and with a two marginal hyaline streaks. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

79. FLATOÏDES LIMITABIS, n. s., mas. Piceus subtùs testacens, alis anticis apud margines nitentibus, plagâ cinereâ maculâque nigrâ discalibus, maculâ costali albâ.
Male. Piceous; under side and legs testaceous. Thorax with three keels. Fore wings shining about the borders; middle of the disk cinereous, and including a black spot; a white spot on the middle of the costa. Length of the body 3–4 lines; of the wings 8–10 lines.

80. FLATOÏDES STUPIDUS, n. s., fœm. Fulvus subtùs testaceus, alis nigroæneis, apud margines nitentibus, anticis guttis duabus (unâ costali, alterâ subcostali) albidis, subapicali nigrâ.
Female. Tawny, testaceous beneath. Wings blackish æneous, shining about the borders; fore wings with a black subapical dot, with two indistinct whitish dots, one costal, the other subcostal. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.
This species and the preceding and F. veterator are very closely allied.

Gen. RICANIA, Germar.

81. RICANIA OSMYLOIDES, n. s., mas. Testacea, capite thoraceque nigro maculatis, alis hyalinis, anticis maculis marginalibus fasciisque duabus incompletis nigris, stigmate albido, posticis nigro marginatis.
Male. Testaceous, Vertex arched, with two black stripes; front with five black stripes, the middle one and the exterior pair shortened in front; four spots in front and the borders also black; face with a black stripe. Prothorax with two black stripes; mesothorax with eight black spots. Wings hyaline, with two incomplete black bands; veins black; fore wings with black marginal spots, and with a whitish stigma; hind wings with black borders. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

82. RICANIA SUBACTA, n. s., fœm. Testacea, fronte carinatâ, abdominis apice nigro nitido, alis hyalinis nigro-venosis, anticis stigmate nigro.
Female. Testaceous. Head with elevated borders; vertex arched; front with a middle keel. Abdomen black and shining at the tip. Wings hyaline; veins black; fore wings with a black stigma. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

Gen. BENNA, Walk.

83. BENNA CANESCENS, n. s., mas et fœm. Testacea, capitis marginibus elevatis, fronte facieque perangustis, halteribus apice albis. alis subcinereis, anticis guttâ basali nigrâ, stigmate albido.
Male and Female. Testaceous. Head with elevated borders; front and face very narrow. Halteres with white tips. Wings very pale cinereous; veins blackish, testaceous at the base; fore wings with a black basal dot and with a whitish stigma, their transverse veinlets fewer than those of B. capitulata. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.


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84. BENNA CLARESCENS, n. s., mas. Testacea, halteribus apice albis, alis subcinereis, anticis extùs albido lituratis, fasciâ interiore fuscâ.
Male. Testaceous; like the preceding species in structure. Haltares with white tips. Wings greyish; fore wings with a brown band before the middle, and with exterior whitish marks; veins testaceous. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

85. BENNA PRÆSTANS, n. s., fœm. Ferruginea subtùs fulva, alis subhyalinis, anticis triente basali ferrugineâ fusco marginatâ.
Female. Ferruginous, tawny beneath; like the two preceding species in structure. Wings nearly hyaline; third part from the base of the fore wings ferruginous with a brown border; veins testaceous. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

Gen. SERIDA, n. g.

Caput subascendens, lateribus elevatis angulum acutum utrinque fingentibus; vertex linearis; frons angusta, carinata, anticè dilatata; facies lanceolata, subcarinata. Thorax tricarinatus. Alæ anticæ angulis rotundatis, venulis costalibus venisque marginalibus plurimis.
Head slightly ascending, with elevated borders, forming a slightly acute angle on each side in front of the vertex which is linear; front narrow, with a distinct keel, widening towards the face which is lanceolate, and has a slight keel. Thorax with three slight keels. Fore wings moderately broad, with rounded angles; marginal veins and costal veinlets very numerous, the latter oblique and parallel.

86. SERIDA LATENS, n. s., mas. Fulva, frontis lateribus basi prothoraceque nigro guttatis, alis anticis guttis paucis discalibus costâ lineisque transversis exterioribus nigricantibus, apice cinereo-hyalinis lineolis duabus obliquis nigricantibus.
Male. Tawny. Sides of the front at the base and prothorax with black dots. Fore wings with the costa, some discal spots, and some exterior transverse lines blackish; tips cinereous hyaline, with two short oppositely oblique black lines. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

87. SERIDA FERVENS, n. s., mas. Fulva, fronte viridi sat latâ, marginibus carinâque fulvis, alis spice fuscis, anticis fusco bifasciatis.
Male. Tawny. Front green, moderately broad, with the borders and the keel tawny. Wings with brown tips; fore wings with two brown bands, one near the base, the other oblique irregular and beyond the middle. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.
This species differs much in the structure of the front from S. latens, which is the type of the genus.

Gen. PARICANA, n. g.

Caput læve, planum; vertex brevis; frons longi-subquadrata; facies lanceolata. Antennæ aristâ longâ gracili. Thorax tricarinatus. Alæ anticæ apice latæ rotundatæ, areolis mediis et marginalibus longitudine subæqualibus.
Head smooth, not keeled nor with elevated borders; vertex short; front

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elongate-subquadrate; face lanceolate. Antennæ with a long and slender arista. Thorax with three keels. Fore wings broad and rounded towards the tips; basal areolets about half the length of the wing; middle and apical areolets of nearly equal length; a few oblique costal transverse veinlets beyond the middle.

88. PARICANA DILATIPENNIS, n. s., fœm. Testacea, fronte facie apice pectorisque fasciâ nigris, alis hyalinis, anticis fasciis duabus (unâ basali, alterâ mediâ) fuscis.
Female. Testaceous. Head shining; front and tip of the face black. Pectus with a black band. Wings hyaline; veins black, tawny at the base; fore wings with a black band near the base and another across the middle. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

Gen. NICERTA, n. g.

Corpus gracile. Caput compressum, perangustum; vertex lateribus valdè elevatis; frons cultriformis; facies lanceolata. Antennæ articulo 2° longo, cylindrico. Alæ angustæ; anticæ venis paucis, venulis nonnullis transversis exterioribus posterioribus.
Body slender. Head much compressed, very narrow; vertex with the borders much elevated; front forming an acute edge; face lanceolate. Antennæ with the 2nd joint long and cylindrical. Wings narrow; fore wings with few veins; hind part beyond the middle with some transverse veinlets.

89. NICERTA SUBMENTIENS, n. s., mas. Albida, oculis fulvis, alis albo-hyalinis, venis albis.
Male. Whitish. Eyes tawny. Wings whitish hyaline; veins white. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.

90. NICERTA FLAMMULA, n. s. Lætè et saturatè rosea, tarsis albidis.
Very bright rosy-red. Tarsi whitish. Length of the body 1½ line; of the wings 5 lines.

91.NICERTA FERVENS, n. s., Testacea, capite elongato strigis rufis, alis anticis rufis hyalino guttatis, posticis hyalinis.
Testaceous. Head much elongated, conical when viewed laterally, streaked with red. Fore wings red, with very numerous hyaline spots. Hind wings hyaline. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

Gen. EUCARPIA, n. g.

Caput breve, marginibus valdè elevatis; vertex transversus, subquadratus; frons et facies carinatæ, hæc lanceolata, illa subquadrata. Thorax brevis, bicarinatus. Pedes breves, tenues. Alæ angustæ; anticæ areolis discalibus perpaucis, marginalibus plurimis.
Head short, with the borders much elevated; vertex and front subquadrate, the former transverse; front and face keeled, the latter lanceolate. Thorax short; scutum with two parallel keels. Legs short, slender. Wings narrow. Fore wings slightly widening from the base to the tips which are rounded; discal areolets very few; marginal areolets large, numerous.

92. EUCARPIA UNIVITTA, n. s. Ferruginea subtùs testacea, capitis thoracisque


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carinis pedibusque testaceis, alis anticis fuscis, disco margineque tenui flavis, posticis cinereo-hyalinis.
Ferruginous, testaceous beneath. Borders and keels of the head and of the thorax and legs testaceous. Fore wings brown; the middle of the disk and a slender stripe along the border yellow. Hind wings greyis hyaline. Length of the body 1¼ line; of the wings 4 lines.

Gen. RHOTANA, n. g.

Capitis vertex cultriformis; frons trigona; facies lanceolata. Prothorax brevissimus. Mesothorax carinis duabus vix conspicuis, lateribus elevatis. Alæ latæ; anticæ venis venulisque transversis paucis.
Vertex of the head forming a sharp edge; front triangular, acuminated towards the vertex; face lanceolate. Prothorax very short. Mesothorax with elevated borders and with two indistinct keels. Wings broad; fore wings with a few veins, some of which are forked, and with only one line of transverse veinlets.

93. RHOTANA LATIPENNIS, n. s., mas. Testacea, capitis margine rufo, alis hyalinis, anticis cervino nebulosis maculâ posticâ subapicali nigrâ, posticis maculâ magnâ apicali nigrâ.
Male. Testaceous. Head red along the edge. Wings hyaline; veins testaceous; fore wings slightly clouded with fawn-colour, with a black posterior subapical spot; hind wings with a large black apical spot. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines.

Gen. POCHAZIA, Amyot et Serv.

94. Pochazia fumata, Amyot. See page 91.

95. POCHAZIA CONVERGENS, n. s., mas. Nigra, fronte latissima, abdominis apice albo floccoso, alis anticis vittâ discali arcuatâ hyalinâ, posticis hyalinis ex parte nigro marginatis.
Male. Black. Front very broad. Abdomen with white flecks at the tip. Fore wings with a curved hyaline discal stripe which is attenuated at each end; hind wings hyaline, bordered with black except along the costa and at the tips. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 15 lines.

Gen. NEPHESA, Amyot et Serv.

96. NEPHESA GRATA, n. s. Pallidè viridis, pedibus testaceis, alis anticis purpureo marginatis angulo exteriore rotundato interiore acutiore, posticis albis.
Pale green. Legs testaceous. Fore wings with narrow purple borders; apical angle rounded; interior one rectangular, well defined; hind wings white. Length of the body 4–5 lines; of the wings 12–14 lines.

97. NEPHESA GUTTULARIS, n. s. Pallidè testacea, alis albis, anticis nigro guttatis angulo exteriore rotundato interiore subobtuso.
Pale testaceous. Wings white; fore wings with about eighteen black dots; apical angle rounded, interior one slightly obtuse. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

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98. NEPHESA VOLENS, n. s. Pallidè testacea, alis anticis subobsoletè luteo marginatis angulo exteriore rotundato interiore subobtuso, posticis albis.
Pale testaceous. Fore wings indistinctly bordered with luteous; apical angle rounded; interior one slightly obtuse. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 9 lines.

99. NEPHESA LUTEA, n. s. Lutea, alis anticis angulo exteriore valdè rotundato interiore producto acuto, posticis albis.
Luteous. Fore wings with fewer veins than those of the three preceding species; apical angle very much rounded; interior one produced, acute. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

100. Nephesa marginella, Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Ins. pl. 58. f. 6. texte, 359 (Ricania).
Inhabits also Cochin China.
The acute front of this species distinguishes it from every other in the genus.

101. NEPHESA DEDUCTA, n. s. Viridis, alis anticis luteo marginatis, angulis rotundatis, posticis albis.
Green. Fore wings with luteous borders; apical angle much rounded; interior one slightly rounded. Hind wings white. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

102. NEPHESA TRIPARS, n. s., mas. Viridis subtùs pallida, alis anticis deflexis luteo marginatis angulo exteriore rotundato interiore vix rotundato, posticis albis.
Male. Green, pale green beneath. Fore wings with luteous borders; apical angle rounded; interior one almost rectangular, hardly rounded. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 11 lines.
The fore wings of this species are deflexed in repose, not vertical as in the other species of the genus.

Gen. FLATA, Fabr.

103. Flata obscura, Fabr. See page 92.

Gen. COLOBESTHES, Amyot et Serv.

104. Colobesthes albiplana, Walk. See page 92.


105. Pœciloptera circulata, Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. texte, 361.
Inhabits also Java.

106. Pœciloptera maculata, Guér. See page 92.
Var. More like the Java specimens than those from Malacca, but differing from both.

107. PœCILOPTERA RORIDA, n. s., mas. Testacea subtùs albida, alis anticis subfuscis albo guttatis, vittâ undulatâ pallidissimè purpurascente, margine interiore albido punctato, posticis albis.
Male. Testaceous, whitish beneath. Abdomen and hind wings white. Fore

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wings very pale brown, with many minute white dots, and with a forked, much curved, very pale purplish stripe which includes a spot, and is inter-rupted along the exterior border; interior border darker, with white points towards the base. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 20 lines.

108. PœCILOPTERA DEPLANA, n. s., mas. Pallidè testacea, capite angusto lateribus elevatis, antennis tibiis tarsisque anticis nigris, alis albis, anticis lineis tribus exterioribus nigris fasciisque duabus arcustis (unâ submarginali, alterâ marginali) fuscis.
Male. Pale testaceous. Head narrow, with the borders much elevated. Antennæ, fore tibiæ and fore tarsi black. Wings white. Fore wings pale testaceous at the base, with three exterior black lines, of which two are by the interior border, and the third is discal, angular, and much longer than the others; two pale brown curved bands, one submarginal, parallel to the other which is marginal. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

Gen. FICARASA, n. g.

Caput lateribus elevatis; vertex arcuatus; frons subcarinata; lateribus angulatis; facies lanceolata. Prothorax valdè arcuatus. Mesothorax tricarinatus. Alæ anticæ areolis basalibus longissimis, mediis et marginalibus subæqualibus, venulis plurimis transversis costalibus et exterioribus plurimis.
Head with elevated borders; vertex transverse, arched; front elongate, with a slight middle keel, with a slight groove along each side, and with very obtusely angular borders; face lanceolate. Fore wings rather narrow, rounded towards the tips; basal areolets more than half the length of the wing; marginal areolets very little longer than the middle areolets, several of which are forked; costal veinlets and exterior veinlets numerous, the former oblique and parallel.

109. FICARASA PALLIDA, n. s., mas. Pallidè testacea, alis hyalinis, venis testaceo-albidis.
Male. Pale testaceous. Wings hyaline; veins whitish testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

Gen. EUPILIS, Walk.

110. Eupilis albilineola, Walk. See page 93, where the length of the wings is erroneously stated to be 7 instead of 12 lines.

111. EUPILIS HEBES, n. s., mas et fœm. Testacea, fronte maculis duabus posticis vittâque nigris, vertice thoraceque nigro guttatis, alis subcinereis, venis ferrugineis.
Male and Female. Testaceous. Vertex with two black dots; front with two black spots towards the vertex, and with a black stripe which extends to the face. Thorax with a few black dots. Wings very slightly greyish; veins ferruginous. Length of the body 3–4 lines; of the wings 8–10 lines.

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Fam. MEMBRACINA, Burmeister.


112. Centrotus Taurus, Fabr. See page 93.

113. CENTROTUS SUBSIMILIS, n. s., Fœm. Niger obscurus, thorace scabro gibboso, cornubus lateralibus rectis acutis, cornu postico abdominis apicem superante, scutello pectorisque maculis duabus albidis, alis subluridis, costâ venisque nigris.
Female. Black. Thorax scabrous, elevated; lateral horns acute, extending at right angles to the body; scutellum, and a spot on each side of the pectus whitish. Wings slightly lurid; costa and veins black. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.
Very nearly allied to C. Taurus, from which it is distinguished by its shorter, straight, and horizontal lateral horns.

114. Centrotus laminifer, Walk. See page 93.
Exceeding in size the specimen from Malacca.

115. Centrotus vicarius, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 2. 605.
Inhabits also Java.

116. CENTROTUS LIMBATUS, n. s. Niger, thoracis vittis tribus, abdomine subtùs pedibusque albidis, cornubus lateralibus parvis, cornu postico abdominis apicem vix attingente.
Black. Thorax with three white stripes which are united in front and behind; the lateral pair curved, including the lateral horns, and dilated at the base of the hind horn; lateral horns acute, as long as half the space between them; hind horn extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen, which is whitish beneath. Legs whitish. Wings greyish hyaline, with black veins. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 8 lines.

117. CENTROTUS LATIMARGO, n. s. Ater, thoracis cornubus lateralibus latis planis acuminatis bicarinatis, cornu postico abdominis apicem non attingente, tarsis posticis albidis, alis testaceo-hyalinis, anticis apud costam latè nigris.
Deep black, scabrous. Lateral horns of the thorax broad, flat, acuminated, with two ridges, slightly inclined backward, each as long as the space between them; hind horn extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen. Hind tarsi whitish. Wings testaceous hyaline. Fore wings with a broad black costal stripe. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.
Nearly allied to C. Assamensis, Fairm.

118. CENTROTUS DENSUS, n. s., mas. Niger obscurus scabrosus, thoracis cornubus lateralibus acuminatis carinatis subascendentibus, cornu postico abdominis apicem superante, scutello maculis dusbus albidis, alis posticis cinereo-hyalinis.
Male. Black, dull, scabrous, stout. Lateral horns of the thorax acute, ridged, obliquely ascending, each a little shorter than the space between them; hind horn extending a little beyond the tip of the abdomen; scutellum

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with a whitish spot on each side. Hind wings greyish hyaline. Length of the body 2¾ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

119. CENTROTUS VARIPES, n. s., fœm. Niger obscurus scabrosus, thorace carinato, cornubus lateralibus acuminatis carinatis subrecurvis, cornu postico brevi, tibiis tarsisque posterioribus albidis, his apice nigris, alis subcinereo-hyalinis, anticis costâ nigrâ.
Female. Black, dull, scabrose. Thorax with a slight keel; lateral horns acute, ridged, slightly curved backward and ascending, each as long as the space between them. Hind tibiæ and hind tarsi whitish, the latter black towards the tips. Wings hyaline, slightly cinereous; veins black; costa of the fore wings black for two-thirds of the length from the base. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 6 lines.

120. Centrotus caliginosus, Walk. See page 93.

121. CENTROTUS CICADIFORMIS, n. s., fœm. Niger obscurus scabrosus, thoracis cornubus lateralibus subobsoletis, cornu postico nullo, abdominis apice suprà pedibusque fulvis, alis subcinereo-hyalinis, anticis costâ basique nigris.
Female. Black, dull, scabrous. Lateral horns of the thorax almost obsolete; no hind horn. Abdomen tawny towards the base above. Legs tawny. Wings hyaline, slightly greyish; veins black; fore wings black at the base and along the costa. Length of the body 1¾ line; of the wings 4 lines.

122. CENTROTUS CONSOCIUS, n. s., fœm. Niger obscurus punctulatus, thorace anticè inermi, cornu postico abdominis dimidium superante, pedibus fulvescentibus, alis hyalinis, anticis basi fasciis duabus maculâque subapicali nigris.
Female. Black, dull, minutely punctured. Thorax unarmed in front; hind horn extending to a little beyond half the length of the abdomen. Lega dingy tawny. Wings hyaline; veins pale; fore wings with the base, two irregular bands, and a subapical spot black. Length of the body 1 line; of the wings 2½ lines.
Very nearly allied to C. semifascia, Walk.

Gen. MICREUNE, Walk.

123. Micreune formidanda, Walk. See page 94.

124. MICREUNE METUENDA, n. s., mas et fœm. Atra, thoracis maculis duabus lateralibus posticis testaceis, cornu erecto spinis duabus lateralibus acutis subarcuatis, cornu postico abdominis apicem superante, alis cinereo-hyalinis, venis nigris.
Male and Female. Deep black. Thorax with a testaceous spot on each side hindward; the erect horn armed with two acute, horizontal, slightly curved spines; hind horn extending a little beyond the tip of the abdomen. Wings cinereous hyaline; veins black. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines.
C. dama, Germar, and C. gazella, Hoffm., probably belong to this genus.

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Trib. LÆVIPEDES, Amyot et Serv.

Subtrib. CERCOPIDES, St. Farg. et Serv.

Gen. CERCOPIS, Fabr.

125. Cercopis tricolor, St. Farg. See page 94.

126. Cercopis submaculata, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 3. 657. 27.
Inhabits also Java.

127. Cercopis flavifascia, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 3. 654. 16.
Inhabits also Java.

128. Cercopis costalis, Walk. See page 95.
The marks on the thorax and on the fore wings are occasionally white.

129. Cercopis dorsimacula, Walk. See page 95.

130. Cercopis rugulosa, Walk. See page 95.

131. CERCOPIS SEMIPARDALIS, n. s. Cuprea pubescens, abdomine subtùs rufo nigro maculato, pedibus rufis, alis anticis fulvis nigro maculatis apice cupreis, posticis cinereis.
Cupreous, pubescent. Abdomen beneath red, with black spots. Legs reddish. Fore wings tawny, with nine black spots; apical third part cupreous. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

132. CERCOPIS DELINEATA, n. s., fœm. Nigro-cyanea pubescens, capitis vittâ thoracisque fasciâ posticâ flavis, pedibus rufis, alis anticis purpureocupreis luteo trivittatis, posticis cinereis.
Female. Blackish, pubescent. Head with a lanceolate yellow stripe in front. Scutum with a curved yellow band. Abdomen tawny beneath. Legs red. Fore wings purplish cupreous, with three luteous bands, one along the basal part of the interior border, the other two at right angles to the costa. Hind wings grey. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

133.CERCOPIS SEMIROSEA, n. s. Rufo-lutea, alis anticis testaceis basi costâque rufescentibus apice roseis, posticis albidis.
Reddish luteous. Fore wings testaceous, rosy towards the tips, reddish at the base and along the costa. Hind wings whitish. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

134. CERCOPIS UNDULIFERA, n. s., fœm. Nigra, frontis maculâ thoracis fasciâ et alarum anticarum lineis duabus transversis undulatis testaceis, tibiis tarsisque fulvescentibus, alis posticis cinereis.
Female. Black. Vertex piceous, with a testaceous border; front with a testaceous spot behind. Thorax with a broad testaceous band. Tibiæ and tarsi dark tawny. Fore wings with two undulating transverse testaceous lines. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

135. CERCOPIS SUBDOLENS, n. s. Rufa, capite pectore pedibusque nigris, femoribus tibiisque posticis rufis, alis posticis cinereis.
Red. Head, pectus and legs black. Hind femora and hind tibiæ red. Hind wings grey. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 6 lines.

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Subtrib. APHROPHORIDES, Amyot et Serv.

Gen. PTYELUS, St. Farg. et Serv.

136. Ptyelus amplus. Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 3. 706. 11.
Inhabits also Java.

137. PTYELUS INEFFECTUS, n. s., fœm. Piceus, tibiis posticis fulvis, alis anticis lineâ transversâ angulosâ subobsoletâ fulvâ, posticis nigro-cinereis.
Female. Piceous. Pectus with a tawny spot on each side. Hind tibiæ dull tawny. Fore wings with an indistinct transverse zigzag tawny line-Hind wings blackish-grey. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 8 lines.

Gen. AMARUSA, n. g.

Corpus longum. Caput breve, arcuatum, lateribus vix brevioribus; frons sulcis transversis. Scutum anticè impressum, margine pestico excavato; scutellum oblanceolatum. Pedes brevissimi. Alæ longi-fusiformes.
Body long. Head short, convex in front, concave behind, hardly longer in the middle than on each side; its breadth more than four times its length. Scutum impressed in front; middle part of the hind border excavated; scutellum oblanceolate. Legs very short. Wings elongate-fusiform.

138. AMARUSA PICEA, n. s. Nigra, capite suprà thoraceque obscurè fulvis, thorace maculis duabus lateralibus piceis, alis anticis piceis, posticis nigrocinereis.
Black. Head above and thorax dark tawny. Thorax with a piceous spot on each side. Fore wings piceous. Hind wings blackish-grey. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines.


139. PERINOIA EXCLAMANS, n. s., fœm. Fusca, capite suprà thoraceque testaceo septem-vittatis, capite subtùs pectoreque testaceo bivittatis, alis anticis nigro-fuscis vittis tribus basalibus duabusque apicalibus maculisque quatuor intermediis testaceis, posticis cinereis.
Female. Brown. Head above and scutum with seven testaceous stripes which extend to the scutum and to the interior base of the fore wings. Head beneath and pectus with a testaceous stripe on each side. Fore wings blackish-brown, pale brown like the thorax at the interior base, with three basal and two apical testaceous stripes, and with four intermediate elongated testaceous spots. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 8 lines.

140. PERINOIA SIGNIFERA, n. s., fœm. Nigra, capite suprà thoraceque testaceis cervino sex-vittatis, capite subtùs pectoreque testaceo bivittatis, pedibus testaceis, alis anticis margine interiore vittâ basali arcuatâ vittisque duabus apicalibus testaceis, posticis cinereis.
Female. Black, narrower than the preceding species, and with a more conical head. Head above and thorax testaceous, with six fawn-coloured stripes

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which extend to the scutum and to the interior border of the fore wings. Head beneath and pectus with a testaceous stripe on each side. Legs testaceous. Fore wings with the interior border, a curved basal stripe, and two apical stripes testaceous. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines.

141. PERINOIA EXPRESSA, n. s., fœm. Nigra, capite subtùs pectoreque albido bivittatis, ventre pedibusque obscurè fulvis, alis anticis maculis duabus strigâque exteriore subarcuatâ albido-testaceis, posticis cinereis.
Female. Black. Head piceous above; under side and pectus with a whitish stripe on each side. Abdomen beneath and legs dark tawny. Fore wings with two whitish testaceous spots, and with an exterior somewhat paler slightly curved streak which joins the costa and extends nearly to the tip of the wing. Hind wings blackish-grey. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 8 lines.

Subtrib. SERRIPEDES, Amyot et Serv.

Coh. TETTIGONIDES, Amyot et Serv.

Gen. TETTIGONIA, Germar.

142. Tettigonia farinosa, Fabr. See page 97.

143. Tettigonia ferruginea, Fabr. See page 97.

144. Tettigonia suavissima, Walk. See page 97.

145. TETTIGONIA ELONGATA, n. s. Fulva Subtùs testacea, capitis disco fasciisque duabus anticis necnon scuti maculâ anticâ margineque postico scutellique disco nigris, abdomine nigro, margine fasciisque subtùs rufis, pedibus albidis, tibiis tarsisque apice nigris, alis anticis ferrugineis basi fulvo nigro glaucoque maculatis apice posticisque nigricantibus.
Tawny, testaceous beneath. Disk of the head and two bands beneath, a spot in front of the scutum and its hind border, and the disk of the scutellum black. Abdomen black; under side with red bands and a red border. Legs whitish; tips of the tibiæ and of the tarsi black. Fore wings ferruginous, blackish towards the tips, with three spots at the base; 1st spot tawny, 2nd black, 3rd glaucous. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

146. TETTIGONIA LINEOLATA, n. s. Glauco-nigra, capite subtùs fasciis duabus flavis, pectoris abdominisque lateribus flavis, ventre subtùs fasciâ posticâ flavâ apice albo, pedibus piceis, anticis flavo variis, alis posticis basi cinereis.
Black, with a glaucous tinge. Head beneath with two yellow bands. Pectus and abdomen yellow along each side; the latter with a yellow band near the tip, which is white. Legs piceous; fore legs marked with yellow. Hind wings cinereous hyaline towards the base. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

147. TETTIGONIA ANGULARIS, n. s. Nigra albo tomentosa subtùs picea,

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thorace cupreo, vittis obscurioribus guttisque albis, margine antico nigro, alis anticis cupreo-rufis apice cinereis, posticis nigro-cinereis.
Black, with whitish tomentum, piceous beneath. Thorax cupreous, with darker stripes and with white dots, black along the fore border. Fore wings cupreous red, grey towards the tips, with a dotted pale lilac band at the base. Hind wings blackish-grey. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

148. TETTIGONIA INVADENS, n. s., fœm. Ochracea, tibiis anticis intùs nigro lineatis, alis anticis apice posticisque cupreo-cinereis.
Female. Ochraceous. Fore tibiæ with a black line on the inner side. Fore wings at the tips and hind wings cupreous-cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

149. TETTIGONIA SCITIPENNIS, n. s., mas. Lætè flava, subtùs nigra, abdomine nigro apice albido, pedibus flavis, alis anticis maculis quatuor fasciâque exteriore nigris, apice cinereis, posticis nigro-cupreis apice cinereis.
Male. Bright yellow, black beneath. Abdomen black, whitish at the tip. Legs yellow. Fore wings with four black spots and with an exterior black band, grey at the tips. Hind wings blackish-cupreous, with grey tips. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 8 lines.

150. TETTIGONIA LEPIDIPENNIS, mas. Flava, thorace ochraceo-vittato, abdomine pedibusque albidis, alis anticis æneo-testaceis subhyalinis, maculis quinque elongatis ochraceis, posticis albo-hyalinis.
Male. Yellow. Thorax with an ochraceous stripe. Abdomen and legs whitish. Fore wings æneous testaceous, subhyaline, with five elongated irregular ochraceous spots, the subapical one indistinct. Hind wings white, hyaline. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

151. TETTIGONIA EBURNEA, n. s., mas et fœm. Albida, capite conico, alis lacteo-albis.
Male and Female. Whitish. Vertex of the head conical. Wings milk-white. Length of the body 2¾ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

152. TETTIGONIA SIGNIFERA, n. s. Æneo-cinerea, capitis maculis quatuor, thoracis vittis duabus alisque anticis vittâ interruptâ rufis, alis posticis cinereis.
Æneous-cinereous. Head conical, with four red stripes. Thorax with two red stripes and a red dot on the hind border between them. Fore wings with a red stripe composed of five streaks. Hind wings greyish-hyaline. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

153. TETTIGONIA POLITA, n. s. Ochracea subtùs albido-flava, capite guttis septem thoraceque duabus atris, alis anticis nigris costâ testaceâ margine interiore ochraceo, posticis nigricantibus.
Ochraceous, whitish-yellow beneath. Head with seven black dots, three in front and four behind. Thorax with two black dots. Fore wings black; costa testaceous; interior border ochraceous. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 5 lines.

154. TETTIGONIA GLABRA, n. s. Testacea, capite guttis dusbus lateralibus

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nigris, thorace fulvo, abdomine nigro, alis anticis cupreis, guttis duabus marginalibus testaceis, posticis nigro-cinereis.
Testaceous. Head with a minute black dot on each side near the eye. Thorax tawny. Abdomen black. Fore wings cupreous, shining, with two elongated testaceous dots; one on the costa, opposite to the other which is on the interior border. Hind wings blackish-grey. Length of the body 2¾ lines; of the wings 6 lines.

155. TETTIGONIA INCLINANS, n. s. Cuprea, capite pedibusque testaceis, capite subtùs vittis duabus rufis, abodmine nigro, alis posticis nigricantibus.
Cupreous. Head testaceous; front with two red stripes. Abdomen black. Legs testaceous. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 2¾ lines; of the wings 6 lines.

156. TETTIGONIA DIFFICILIS, n. s. Nigro-ænea subtùs testacea, capitis fasciâ interruptâ thoracis vittis duabus angulatis scutellique guttis ochraceis, pedibus testaceis, alis cinereo-hyalinis, anticis nigricante guttatis.
Blackish-æneous, testaceous beneath. Head with an interrupted ochraceous band. Scutum with an angular ochraceous stripe on each side; scutellum with ochraceous dots. Legs testaceous. Wings greyish-hyaline; fore wings with a blackish dot on each areolet. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines.

Coh. SCARIDES, Amyot et Serv.

Gen. LEDRA, Fabr.

157. LEDRA TUBERCULIFRONS, n. s., fœm. Ferruginosa, capite lato tuberculato, scuto quadricarinato, alis cinereo-subhyalinis, anticis ferrugineo variis tuberculis duobus nigris, areolis plurimis.
Female. Ferruginous, paler beneath. Head short-conical, tuberculated, slightly keeled, much broader than long, with a short oblique ridge on each side behind. Scutum transverse subquadrate, with four keels. Wings cinereous-hyaline; fore wings varied with ferruginous, slightly tuberculated at the base, and with two more distinct black tubercles in the disk; areolets irregular and very numerous. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 10 lines.

158. LEDRA DILATIFRONS, n. s., fœm. Obscurè ferruginea confertissimè punctata subtùs nigra, capite latissimo subtùs anticè testaceo, facie flavâ, scuto quadrirugoso, femoribus apice tibiisque albidis, alis posticis cinereis.
Female. Dark ferruginous, very thickly punctured, black beneath. Head and thorax with a slight middle keel. Head a little broader than the thorax, twice broader than long, very obtusely angular in front; disk on each side with an impression containing a black forked line; under side testaceous along the fore border; face yellow. Scutum more than twice broader than long, a little broader in front, with four broad ridges. Legs black; femora towards the tips, tibiæ and posterior tarsi whitish. Fore wings with ridged veins. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

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159. LEDRA TENUIFRONS, n. s., mas. Cervina albido varia subtùs albido-testacea, capite transverso brevi-conico, angulis tribus anticis perobtusis, scuto anticè convexo maculis duabus lateralibus fuscis, scutello maculis duabus fuscis nitidis, abdomine suprà pallidè luteo, alis hyalinis, anticis cervino-venosis basi cervinis punctulatis, posticis nigro-venosis.
Male. Fawn-colour, whitish testaceous beneath. Head and thorax partly whitish. Head very thin, with a slight keel, nearly twice broader than long, with three very obtuse angles in front. Scutum convex and with a brown spot on each side in front; scutellum with a brown shining spot on each side. Abdomen pale luteous above. Legs whitish. Fore wings hyaline, with fawn-coloured veins, fawn-coloured and punctured at the base. Hind wings with black veins. Length of the body 4½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

160. LEDRA LONGIFRONS, n. s., fœm. Ferruginea subtùs sordidè albido-testacea, capite thorace alisque anticis apud costam testaceo guttatis, capite longi-conico, scuto anticè convexo, abdomine longo, suturis chalybeo-albidis nitentibus, alis anticis vittâ discali apicibusque subhyalinis, posticis hyalinis nigro-venosis.
Female. Ferruginous, dingy whitish testaceous beneath. Head, thorax and fore wings along two-thirds of the costa with testaceous dots. Head elongate-conical, rather broader than long, with an almost obsolete keel. Scutum convex in front. Sutures of the abdomen chalybeous-white, shining; tip testaceous. Legs whitish. Fore wings with a discal stripe and with the apical third part nearly hyaline. Hind wings hyaline, with black veins. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

161. LEDRA CONICIFRONS, n. s. Pallidè fulva subtùs sordidè albido-testacea, capite thorace alisque anticis confertissimè punctulatis, capite conico, scuto anticè convexo, pedibus albidis, alis anticis testaceis, apicibus posticisque hyalinis.
Pale tawny, dingy whitish testaceous beneath. Head, thorax and fore wings along two-thirds of the length very thickly and minutely punctured. Head and scutum with an indistinct keel; head conical, a little shorter than that of the preceding species; scutum convex in front. Legs whitish. Fore wings testaceous, hyaline towards the tips; veins testaceous. Hind wings hyaline, with black veins. Length of the body 4½ lines; of the wings 8 lines.

162. LEDRA PLANIFRONS, n. s., mas. Testaceo-viridis subobsoletè punctulata subtùs viridi-alba, capite scutoque ferrugineo marginatis, illo brevi, hujus lateribus angulatis, abdomine pallidè rufo, pedibus albidis, alis posticis albido-hyalinis venis albis.
Male. Testaceous-green, very minutely punctured, greenish-white beneath. Head and scutum with a ferruginous border. Head rounded in front, full thrice broader than long, indistinctly keeled. Seutum hardly convex in front, slightly concave behind, with a distinct angle on each side. Abdomen pale red. Legs whitish. Fore wings more green than the thorax. Hind wings whitish-hyaline, with white veins. Length of the body 4½ lines; of the wings 8 lines.

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163. LEDRA ARCUATIFRONS, n. s. Pallidè viridis subobsoletè punctulata subtùs albida, capite conico, scuto anticè non convexo posticè vix concavo, pedibus albidis, alis posticis albo-hyalinis venis albis.
Pale green, whitish beneath. Head and scutum with an almost obsolete furrow. Head conical, very much broader than long. Scutum not convex in front, very slightly concave behind. Legs whitish. Fore wings greyish towards the tips; hind wings whitish-hyaline, with white veins. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 7½ lines.

164. LEDRA RANIFRONS, n. s., mas. Ferruginea, capite subtùs abdomineque rufis, thorace fasciâ posticâ viridi piceo marginatâ, pectore pedibusque testaceis, alis anticis fulvis, margine postico viridi strigâ exteriore fuscâ, posticis cinereis.
Male. Ferruginous. Head short-conical, much more than twice broader than long, red beneath. Scutum hardly convex in front, green along the hind border, and with an intermediate transverse piceous line. Pectus and legs testaceous. Abdomen red. Fore wings tawny, green along the hind border, and with a brown streak towards the tip which is paler. Hind wings cinereous, with black veins. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines.

165. LEDRA OBTUSIFRONS, n. s., fœm. Viridis lata subtùs testacea, capite brevi subtùs ferrugineo, scutello fusco, alis anticis lineâ basali aream pallidam includente fasciâque subapicali fuscis, posticis hyalinis nigro-venosis.
Female. Green, broad, testaceous beneath. Head much more than twice broader than long, rounded in front, ferruginous beneath. Scutum hardly convex in front and as little concave behind; scutellum brown. Fore wings with a brown basal line including a pale space along the hind border, and with a brown subapical band. Hind wings hyaline, with black veins. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 5 lines.

166. LEDRA TRUNCATIFRONS, n. s., mas. Picea lata punctulata subtùs nigra, capite perbrevi, abdomine basi pedibusque testaceis, alis anticis apice pallidioribus, posticis cinereis nigro-venosis.
Male. Piceous, broad, black beneath. Head, thorax and fore wings very minutely punctured. Head about four times broader than long. Scutum short. Abdomen at the base and legs testaceous. Fore wings paler at the tips. Hind wings greyish-hyaline, with black veins. Length of the body 1½ line; of the wings 3 lines.

Gen. EPICLINES, Amyot et Serv.

167. EPICLINES OBLIQUA, n. s. Viridis subtùs testacea, capite conico, scuto fasciis duabus anticis rufis posticè fusco, scutello et alarum anticarum margine postico basi vittâque discali obliquâ luteis, alis posticis cinereo-hyalinis nigro-venosis.
Green, testaceous beneath. Head conical, indistinctly keeled, nearly twice broader than long. Scutum obtusely angular on each side, with two red bands in front, brown along the hind border. Scutellum luteous. Fore wings luteous along the hind border towards the base, and with an oblique

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luteous band which extends from the base of the costa to nearly two-thirds of the length of the hind border. Hind wings cinereous-hyaline, with black veins. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

Gen. ISACA, n. g.

Corpus breve. Caput transversum, convexum; frons transversa; facies transversa, trigona. Antennæ brevissimæ arista gracillima, corporis dimidio longior. Pedes anteriores breves; postici longi, tibiis spinosissimis. Alæ sat angustæ, venis paucis.
Body short. Head transverse, convex; vertex short; front and face transverse, the latter triangular. Antennæ very short; arista very slender, more than half the length of the body. Anterior legs short; hind legs long; their tibiæ very spinose. Wings rather narrow, with few veins.

168. ISACA BIPARS, n. s. Nigra nitens glabra, facie pectore abdomine pedibusque albidis, alis hyalinis, anticis strigâ latâ basali fasciâque latissimâ exteriore nigro-fuscis, posticis disco nigro-fusco.
Black, shining, smooth. Face, pectus, abdomen and legs whitish. Wings hyaline. Fore wings with a broad blackish-brown basal streak, and with a very broad exterior blackish-brown band. Hind wings with a blackish-brown disk. Length of the body 1½ line; of the wings 4 lines.

Coh IASSIDES, Amyot et Serv.


169. Acocephalus olivaceus, Walk. See page 98.

170. Acocephalus stramineus, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 3. 847. 2.
Inhabits also Java.

171. ACOCEPHALUS DISCIGUTTA, n. s., mas. Testacea brevis, abdominis dorso nigro, alis anticis albis fusco reticulatis, maculâ discali nigrâ, plagâ posticâ testaceâ, posticis hyalinis albo-venosis.
Male. Testaceous, short. Abdomen black above. Fore wings white, with brown transverse marks which are most frequent at the tips; a black discal spot and a posterior testaceous patch. Hind wings quite hyaline, with white veins. Length of the body 1½ line; of the wings 3 lines.

Gen. CœLIDIA, Germar.

172. CœLIDIA DIRIGENS, n. s., fœm. Fusca subtùs alba, vertice albo anticè nigro, capite subtùs fasciis ferrugineis, scuto albo consperso, abdomine nigro-vario, tibiis tarsisque apice albis, alis anticis maculis nigris albisque, venis albo punctatis.
Female. Brown, white beneath. Vertex white, black along the fore border; front with three ferruginous bands. Scutum sprinkled with white. Abdomen varied with black. Tibiæ and tarsi with black tips. Fore wings slightly mottled, with black costal spots, and with white hyaline discal spots; veins with white dots. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.

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173. CœLIDIA PARDALIS, n. s. Fulva subtùs testacea, fronte facieque vittis duabus rufis, alis anticis fuscis maculis variis luridis, posticis cinereis.
Tawny, testaceous beneath. Front and face with two red stripes. Fore wings brown, with lurid spots of various size and shape. Hind wings grey. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines.

174. CœLIDIA ALBISIGNA, n. s. Nigra, capite albido, facie nigrâ, abdominis segmentis albido marginatis, tibiis anterioribus albidis, alis anticis nigro-fuscis, guttis plurimis luridis maculis quatuor marginalibus albis, posticis cinereis.
Black. Head whitish; face black. Segments of the abdomen with whitish borders. Tarsi whitish, with black tips; anterior tarsi whitish; hind tibiæ partly whitish. Fore wings with several lurid dots, with two irregular white spots on the costa, and with two more on the interior border. Hind wings grey. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 5 lines.

175. CœLIDIA CUPRARIA, n. s., fœm. Testacea, capite subtùs fulvo bivittato, pectore plagis quatuor nigris, alis anticis nigro-cupreis costâ testaceâ, posticis nigro-cinereis.
Female. Testaceous. Front and face with two tawny stripes. Pectus black; segments with testaceous borders. Legs tawny. Fore wings blackish-cupreous; costa testaceous. Hind wings blackish-grey. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 8 lines.


Group 1. Arista brevis. Arista short.

176. Bythoscopus ferrugineus, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 3. 865. 31.
Inhabits also Java.

177. BYTHOSCOPUS TESTACEUS, n. s., mas. Luteo-testaceus nitens subtùs pallidè testaceus, capite brevi, thorace subpunctulato, abdominis segmentis rufo marginatis apice rufo, alis anticis apice cinereo-hyalinis, posticis nigro-cupreis.
Male. Luteous-testaceous, shining, pale testaceous beneath. Head very little longer in the middle than on each side. Thorax very minutely punctured. Abdominal segments with red borders; tip red. Fore wings greyish-hyaline towards the tips. Hind wings blackish-cupreous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

178. BYTHOSCOPUS METALLICUS, n. s., fœm. Cupreus subtùs ferrugineus, capite fulvo brevissimo latissimo, vertice scutoque anticè testaceis, illius margine antico nigro, alis anticis fasciâ maculâque exteriore discali albido-hyalinis, posticis nigro-cinereis.
Female. Cupreous; ferruginous beneath. Head tawny, very short and broad; vertex with a black line along the fore border which is testaceous. Scutum testaceous in front. Fore wings with a whitish-hyaline band, and with an exterior discal spot of the same hue. Hind wings blackish-grey. Length of the body 4½ lines; of the wings 9 lines.

179. BYTHOSCOPUS LATERALIS, n. s. Cupreus subtùs fulvus, capite brevi-


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conico lineâ anticâ transversâ nigrâ, alis anticis apices versus cinereo-notatis, strigis duabus costalibus hyalinis, posticis nigro-cinereis.
Cupreous, tawny beneath. Head short-conical, rather longer than in most species of the genus; vertex with a transverse black line in front. Fore wings towards the tips with some cinereous marks and with two more distinct hyaline costal streaks. Hind wings blackish-grey. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 lines.

180. BYTHOSCOPUS CEPHALOTES, n. s. Pallidè flavus, capitis diseo testaceo, punctis duobus anticis nigris, strigis duabus subtùs facieque nigris, abdomine testaceo, alis anticis fulvis, margine postico basi pallidè flavo, posticis einereo-hyalinis.
Pale yellow. Head testaceous in the disk above, with two minute black dots in front, and with two black streaks towards the face, which is also black. Abdomen testaceous. Fore wings tawny, pale yellow at the base of the hind border. Hind wings greyish-hyaline. Length of the body 1¼ line; of the wings 3 lines.

Group 2. Arista perlonga. Arista very long.

181. BYTHOSCOPUS BIARCUATUS, n. s., fœm. Albido-testaceus, vertice scutoque lineâ transversâ arcuatâ rufâ, alis anticis maculis duabus costalibus exterioribus apiceque fuscis, posticis subhyalinis pallido-venosis.
Female. Whitish-testaceous. Head arched, about four times broader than long, a little more convex in front than concave behind. Vertex and scutum each with a transverse red arched line. Arista about three-fourths of the length of the body. Fore wings with brown tips, and with two exterior brown costal spots. Hind wings nearly hyaline, with brown tips. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 5½ lines.

182. BYTHOSCOPUS LÆTISIGNA, n. s., mas. et fœm. Cinereo-cupreus subtùs cinereus, capitis lineâ anticâ thoracis fasciâ anticâ interruptâ arcuatâ maculisque posticis ochraceis, tibiis anticis ochraceis, alis cupreo-hyalinis, anticis costâ ochraceâ maculis duabus exterioribus costalibus apiceque nigro-fuscis.
Male and Female. Cupreous, with a cinereous tinge; cinereous beneath. Head with an ochraceous line in front of the vertex. Arista about half the length of the body. Thorax with an arched interrupted ochraceous band and some hinder ochraceous spots. Fore tibiæ and tips of the fore femora ochraceous. Wings cupreous-hyaline. Fore wings with the costa and the interior border ochraceous, with two exterior blackish-brown costal lines, with blackish-brown tips, and with a blackish-brown dot by the interior border. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.

183. BYTHOSCOPUS NIGRILINEA, n. s. Æneo-fulvus, capite lineis duabus transversis nigris, alis anticis æneo-luridis, guttis tribus apud marginm posticum nigris.
Æneous-tawny. Head with two black transverse lines. Arista a little more than half the length of the body. Wings lurid, with an æneous tinge; interior border of the fore wings with three black dots. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 6 lines.

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184. BYTHOSCOPUS IGNICANS, n. s. Ochraceus subtùs testaceus, scutello albo, alis anticis guttis discalibus maculisque marginalibus albis, maculis apicalibus fuscis, posticis cinereis.
Ochraceous, testaceous beneath. Arista longer than the body. Scutellum white. Legs testaceous. Fore wings with white brown-bordered discal dots, and with some white spots on the costa and on the interior border; disks of the exterior areolets brown. Hind wings grey. Length of the body 1¾ line; of the wings 4 lines.

DESCRIPTION OF PLATE VI., illustrating New Genera of Bornean Diptera, described in Mr. WALKER'S Memoir, pp. 105–136.


Fig. 1. Culcua simulans, magnified, p. 109: 1 a, the head seen sideways; 1 b, the antenna more strongly magnified.
Fig. 2. Evaza bipars, magnified, p. 109: 2 a, the head seen sideways, showing the large facets of the eyes; 2 b, the antenna.
Fig. 3. Citibæna aurata, magnified, p. 124, showing the spinose posterior femora: 3 a, the head seen in front; 3 b, the same seen sideways; 3 c, the antenna.
Fig. 4. Baryterocera inclusa, magnified, p. 123; 4 a, the head seen sideways; 4 b, the same seen in front; 4 c, the antenna.
Fig. 5. Gauzania devecta, magnified, p. 130, showing the large middle legs: 5 a, the head seen in front; 5 b, the same seen sideways; 5 c, the antenna.

ILLUSTRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF PLATES VII. & VIII. of Bornean Homoptera, described in the foregoing Paper.


Fig. 1. Leusaba marginalis, p. 144: 1 a, the head and prothorax seen sideways.
Fig. 2. Isporisa apicalis, p. 145: 2 a, the head and prothorax seen sideways.
Fig. 3. Epora subtilis, p. 146: 3 a, the head and prothorax seen sideways.
Fig. 4. Ostama juncta, p. 151: 4 a, upper wing; 4 b, face seen in front.
Fig. 5. Erana operosa, p. 151: 5 a, upper wing 5 b, face seen in front.
Fig. 6. Rhotala delineata, p. 152: 6 a, the head and prothorax seen sideways.
Fig. 7. Hiracia ignava, p. 155: 7 a, the head and prothorax seen sideways 7 b, the fore and hind wings expanded.
Fig. 8. Lerida fervens, p. 158: 8 a, head and prothorax seen sideways.


Fig. 1. Paricana dilatipennis, p. 159: 1 a, head and prothorax seen sideways.
Fig. 2. Rhotana latipennis, p. 160: 2 a, head and prothorax seen sideways.
Fig. 3. Eucarpia univitta, p. 159: 3 a, head and prothorax seen sideways.
Fig. 4. Ficarasa pallida, p. 162: 4 a, head and prothorax seen sideways.
Fig. 5. Nicerta submentiens, p. 159: 5 a, head and prothorax seen sideways; 5 b, hind leg.
Fig. 6. Amarusa picea, p. 166: 6 a, face seen in front.
Fig. 7. Isaca bipars, p. 172: 7 a, face seen in front.


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