RECORD: Walker, Francis. 1859. Catalogue of the heterocerous lepidopterous insects collected at Malacca by Mr.A.R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 3: 196-198.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by AEL Data 6.2012. RN1

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Gen. STALAGMIA, Guénée.

56. Stalagmia guttaria, Guér. Icon. Regn. Anim. Ins. pl.90 (Phalæna).

Catalogue of the Heterocerous Lepidopterous Insects collected at Malacca by Mr. A. R. WALLACE, with Descriptions of New Species. By FRANCIS WALKER.

Fam. SPHINGIDÆ, Leach.

Gen. MACROGLOSSA, Ochsenheimer.

1. Macroglossa Passalus, Drury, Exot. Ins. ii. 52, pl. 29. f. 2(Sphinx).
Inhabits also Hindostan and Java.

2. Macroglossa corythus, Boisd. MSS.; Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. viii. 92.14.
Inhabits also Hindostan, Ceylon, and Java.

Fam. AGARISTIDÆ, Swainson.

Gen. EUSEMIA, Dalman.

3. Eusemia maculatrix, Westw. (See Singapore Sp. No. 2.)

4. Eusemia mollis, Walk. (See Singapore Sp. No. 3.)

5. EUSEMIA SUBDIVES, n. s. Mas. Atra, antennis subpectinatis, abdomine fasciis luteis, alis anticis fascia exteriore recta non obliqua testacea; posticis ochraceis atro marginatis.

Male. Deep black. Antennæ slightly pectinated, slightly hooked at the tips. Abdomen with a luteous band on the hind border of each segment. Fore wings with an upright, straight, testaceous exterior band, which does not extend to the interior border. Hind wings bright ochraceous, with a deep black border, which is irregular on the inner side and is joined in front to a black spot, the latter, on the under side, containing a white curved line. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 28 lines.

Fam. LITHOSIIDÆ, Stephens.

Gen. NYCTEMERA, Hübner.

6. Nyctemera tripunctaria, Linn. Syst. Nat. 864. 226 (Geometra).
Inhabits also Hindostan and China.

Gen. EUSCHEMA, Hübner.

7. Euschema subrepleta, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xi. 406. 3.
Inhabits also Ceylon and Borneo.

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Fam. LIPARIDÆ, Boisduval.


8. Pantana bicolor, Walk. (See Singapore Sp. No. 17.)


Gen. CAREA, Walk.

9. Carea varipes, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. x. 475.

Fam. HYBLÆIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. HYBLÆA, Fabr.

10. Hyblæa tortricoides, Guén. Noct. ii. 391.
Inhabits also Borneo.

11. Hyblæa erycinoides, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xv. 1792.

Fam. PHYLLODIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. LYGNIODES, Guénée.

12. Lygniodes endoleuca, Guén. (See Singapore Sp. No. 30.)

Fam. OPHIUSIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. OPHIUSA, Ochsenheimer.

13. Ophiusa fulvotænia, Guén. Noct. iii. 272. 1710.
Inhabits also Hindostan, Ceylon, Java, and Sumatra.

Fam. THERMESIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. COTUZA, Walk.

14. COTUZA CONFIRMATA, n. s. Mas. Cinereo-ferruginea, robusta, dense vestita, subtus alba; palpis latis compressis oblique ascendentibus; articulo tertio minimo, antennis plus dimidio basali subpectinatis, alis linea media recta perobliqua nigro-fusca antice angulosa et retracta, linea exteriore e denticulis nigrofuscis albido terminatis, fimbria apice alba, alis anticis subhamatis, linea interiore nigrofusca undulata orbiculari nigra punctiformi, reniformi et litura costali albis nigro marginatis.

Male. Cinereous-ferruginous, stout, densely pilose, white beneath. Palpi broad, compressed, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the head; third joint obtuse, extremely short. Antennæ slightly pectinated to nearly two-thirds of the length, bare from thence to the tips. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs white;

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tibiæ ferruginous above. Wings ample; a blackish brown, straight, very oblique line, which is zigzag, and retracted towards the costa of the fore wings; exterior line composed of blackish-brown, very acute, whitish-pointed angles; fringe white exteriorly. Fore wings slightly hooked, with an interior undulating blackish-brown line; orbicular mark black, punctiform; reniform white, black-bordered, forming a triangular spot and an anterior point; a small exterior white costa, with mark. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 28 lines.

Fam. ACIDALIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. ZANCLOPTERYX, Herr.-Schæff.

15. Zanclopteryx saponaria, Herr.-Schæff. ( See Singapore Species, No. 54.)

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