RECORD: Walker, Francis. 1859. Catalogue of the heterocerous lepidoptera collected at Singapore by Mr.A.R. Wallace. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 3: 183-196.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 2012. RN1

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Catalogue of the Heterocerous Lepidoptera collected at Singapore by Mr. A. R. WALLACE, with Descriptions of New Species.


[Read Feb. 17, 1859.]

Fam. URANIIDÆ, Westwood.

Gen. NYCTALEMON, Dalman.

1. Nyctalemon Hector, White, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. vii. 1771.

Inhabits also Borneo.

Fam. AGARISTIDÆ, Swainson.

Gen. EUSEMIA, Dalman.

2. Eusemia maculatrix, Westwood, Cat. Orient. Ent. 67, pl. 33. f. 1. Inhabits also Hindostan and Java.

3. Eusemia mollis, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. vii. 1774. Inhabits also Hindostan.

Fam. ZYGÆNIDÆ, Leach.

Gen. SYNTOMIS, Illiger.

4. SYNTOMIS ANNOSA, n. s. Fœm. Cinereo-fusca; capite, antennis apice, humeris abdominisque maculis lateralibus albis; alis maculis quatuor vitreis.

Female. Cinereous brown. Head white. Antennæ serrated, white towards the tips. Thorax with a large white spot on each side in front. Abdomen somewhat compressed towards the base, with white spots along each side. Wings long, with the discal areolets from the base to beyond the middle mostly vitreous, but having the veins bordered with brown. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 22 lines.

5. SYNTOMIS CHLOROLEUCA, n. s. Fœm. Nigro-viridis; fronte, antennis apice, humeris abdominisque fasciis duabus dorsalibus fasci-

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isque ventralibus albis; alis purpureo-nigris, anticis maculis quatuor vitreis, posticis macula una vitrea.

Female. Blackish-green. Front, antennæ towards the tips, and two humeral spots white. Antennæ simple. Abdomen with a white band at the base, and with another on the fifth segment, and with white ventral bands. Wings purplish-black; fore wings with four vitreous spots; the fore one of the interior pair not one-third of the size of the hind one, which is very long; the fore one of the exterior pair much narrower than the hind one, and accompanied at its inner end by an elongated vitreous point; hind wings with an elongated vitreous spot. Length of the body 4½ lines; of the wings 12 lines.

6. SYNTOMIS XANTHOMELA, n. s. Mas. Nigra; fronte, thoracis margine antico abdominisque fasciis ochraceis; antennis apice albis, abdominis fasciculo pallide cinereo; alis anticis maculis quinque vitreis, posticis maculis duabus vitreis.

Male. Black. Front, fore borders of the thorax and hind borders of the abdominal segments ochraceous; dorsal tuft pale cinereous, rather large. Antennæ simple, white towards the tips. Fore wings with five vitreous spots, of which the basal one is small and round, and the other four large and elongated; the exterior pair intersected by the black veins. Hind wings with two vitreous spots, of which one is basal and the other discal. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 9 lines.


Gen. NYCTEMERA, Hübner.

7. NYCTEMERA MUNDIPICTA, n. s. Mas et Fœm. Fusca; capite thoraceque albo vittatis; abdomine albo guttis dorsalibus fuscis; alis anticis basi albo venosis, fascia exteriore obliqua postice abbreviata alba, posticis albis fusco marginatis. Fœm. Thorace fascia postica lutea, abdomine fusco fasciis albis; alis anticis fascia latiore vix abbreviata.

Male. Brown. Head and thorax with white lines. Antennæ moderately pectinated. Pectus with black spots, luteous on each side. Abdomen white, with brown dorsal dots; tip luteous. Legs white. Fore wings with white veins towards the base, and with an exterior oblique white band, which is narrower hindward, and ends at some distance from the interior border. Hind wings white, with a broad brown border. Female? Larger. Antennæ slightly pectinated. Thorax with a slight luteous band in front, and another hindward. Abdomen brown, with a white band on the hind border of each segment; under side white, with brown spots along each side. Fore wings with the band much broader, hardly straightened hindward, and ending very near the interior border. Length of the body 5—6 lines; of the wings 16—20 lines.

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Gen. CYCLOSIA, Hübner.

8. CYCLOSIA SUBMACULANS, n. S. Mas. Nigra, velutina, squamis nonnullis cyaneis, subtus albo cyaneoque fasciata; alis anticis purpureo-nigris, punctis paucis exterioribus, alis posticis fuscis, punctis submarginalibus albis; alis quatuor subtus fuscis, guttis exterioribus et submarginalibus albis.

Male. Black, with a few metallic blue specks, and with metallic bluish-white pectoral spots and ventral bands. Antennæ slightly pectinated. Wings velvety, rather long, brown beneath, with an exterior and a submarginal row of white dots; fore wings purplish-black, with a few exterior and submarginal white points; hind wings brown, with submarginal white points. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 28 lines.

9. CYCLOSIA NIVIPETENS, n. s. Mas. Cinereo-nigra; antennis cyaneo-nigris subpectinatis; alis anticis fascia lata submarginali alba.

Male. Cinereous-black. Antennæ bluish-black. Fore wings with a broad, submarginal, upright, white band, which is much narrower hindward, and is intersected by the black veins. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 22 lines.

Gen. PIDORUS, Walk.

10. PIDORUS CONSTRICTUS, n. s. Mas. Cyaneo-niger, subtus testaceus; antennis pectinatis corpore vix brevioribus; thoracis margine antico coccineo; alis angustis, anticis fascia exteriore subrecta subobliqua flavo-alba, posticis cinereo-nigris.

Male. Bluish-black, testaceous beneath. Antennæ moderately pectinated, hardly shorter than the body. Thorax crimson along the fore border. Wings narrow, somewhat testaceous beneath towards the base; fore wings with a slightly oblique, hardly curved, yellowish-white exterior band; hind wings cinereous-black. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 16 lines.

Gen. HYPSA, Hübner.

11. Hypsa silvandra, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. 155, pl. 369. f. D (Phalæna). Inhabits also Hindostan, China, and Australia.

12. Hypsa egens, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. 11. 453. 12. Inhabits also Hindostan and Java.

Gen. SETINA, Schranck.

13. SETINA BIPUNCTATA, n. s. Mas. Flava; alis anticis punctis duobus basalibus guttaque discali nigris.

Male. Yellow, closely allied to S. apicalis (Cat. Lep. Het. 521). Fore wings black along the costa towards the base, where there are two

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black points; a small black dot at the tip of the discal areolet. Hind wings a little paler than the fore wings. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

Gen. BIZONE, Walk.

14. Bizone hamata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. 88. 5493.

Inhabits also China.

Gen. DEIOPEIA, Stephens.

15. DEIOPEIA DETRACTA, n. s. Fœm. Pallide lutea; thorace guttis nigris; alis sat angustis nigro guttatis, fimbria pallida nitente; alis anticis nigro transverse quadristrigatis.

Female. Pale luteous. Thorax with six black dots. Wings narrower than in the other species of this genus, with black dots, of which the most part are towards the exterior border, where they form two irregular lines, and are somewhat confluent on the under side; fringe whitish, shining. Fore wings with four short transverse various black streaks, of which the first and the second form an interrupted line. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines.

Gen. DARANTASIA, n. g.

Fœm. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis distincta. Palpi porrecti, breves, caput non superantes; articulus tertius longiconicus, acutus, secundi dimidio non longior. Antennæ setaceæ, simplices, gracillimæ. Abdomen subconicum, alas posticas superans; sexualia sat magna. Pedes breves, nudi, sat validi, calcaribus robustis sat longis. Alœ breviusculæ, sat angustæ; anticæ apud costam convexæ, apice rotundatæ, margine exteriore perobliquo.

Allied to Lemyra (Cat. Lep. Het. vii. 1690).

Female. Body rather stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi porrect, short, not extending beyond the head; third joint elongateconical, acute, about half the length of the second. Antennæ setaceous, simple, very slender, full half the length of the body. Abdomen nearly conical, extending somewhat beyond the hind wings; anal appendages rather large. Legs short, bare, rather stout; spurs stout, rather long. Wings rather short and narrow; fore wings convex along the costa, rounded at the tips, extremely oblique along the exterior border.

16. DARANTASIA CUNEIPLENA, n. s. Mas. Nigra; corpore subtus, capite, thoracis fasciis duabus anticis maculaque postica abdominisque fasciis posticis luteis; pedibus luteis, tibiis supra nigris; alis anticis luteo octo-strigatis, posticis luteo strigatis.

Male. Black, mostly luteous beneath. Head luteous. Thorax with two luteous bands in front, and with a luteous spot hindward. Abdomen with luteous bands hindward. Legs luteous; tibiæ black above. Fore wings with eight wedge-shaped luteous streaks, of

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which three are near the base, two subcostal, two hindward, and one submarginal and transverse. Hind wings with three luteous streaks, of which the first and second are connected exteriorly, and the third is short, broad, and submarginal. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 8 lines.

Fam. LIPABIDÆ, Boisduval.

Gen. ARTAXA, Walk.

17. ARTAXA VARIANS, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. iv. 796. Inhabits also West Africa, Hindostan, and China.

Gen. PANTANA, Walk.

18. PANTANA BICOLOR, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. iv. 820.

Note.P. dispar, a native of Hindostan, and P. ampla, a native of China, may be varieties of this species.

Fam. NOTODONTIDÆ, Stephens.

Gen. DARABITTA, n. g.

Fœm. Corpus vix robustum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi longiusculi, oblique ascendentes, non pilosi. Antennœ validæ, subcompressæ, breviusculæ, simplices. Abdomen conicum, alas posticas non superans. Pedes squamosi, læves, breviusculi, sat graciles, calcaribus longis. Alœ latiusculæ, non longæ; anticæ apud costam rectæ, apice subrotundatæ, margine exteriore vix convexo.

This genus hardly belongs to the Notodontidœ; but its precise situation seems to be uncertain. Female. Body hardly stout. Proboscis short. Palpi rather long and slender, not pilose, obliquely ascending, rising a little higher than the vertex; third joint elongate-conical, less than half the length of the second. Antennæ stout, bare, slightly compressed, little longer than the thorax; joints few. Abdomen conical, not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs squamous, smooth, rather short and slender; spurs long. Wings rather broad, not long: fore wings straight along the costa, slightly rounded at the tips; exterior border hardly convex, very slightly oblique.

19. DARABITTA STRIGICOSTA, n. s. Fœm. Rufa, vix cinerascens; alis anticis linea submarginali e punctis nigris, lineolis tribus costalibus obliquis albis, prima angulata, secunda tertiaque connexis.

Female. Red, with a slight cinereous tinge, more cinereous beneath. Antennæ pale. Fore wings with three white oblique costal streaks; first streak forming an outward angle; second connected in the disk with the third, which is oblique in the contrary direction; a row of submarginal black points. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

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Fam. LIMACODIDÆ, Duponchel.

Gen. MIRESA, Walk.

20. MIRESA CURVIFERA, n. s. Mas. Rufa, crassa, brevis; antennis late pectinatis; alis anticis linea exteriore arcuata nivea, spatio contiguo exteriore obscuriore.

Male. Red, thick, short. Palpi porrect, extending a little beyond the head. Antennæ shorter than the thorax, broadly pectinated except towards the tips. Abdomen short, obtuse, not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs short. Wings not broad. Fore wings straight along the costa, rounded at the tips, darker on the exterior side of a curved transverse bright white line, which is somewhat beyond the middle; exterior border rather oblique. Hind wings a little paler than the fore wings. Length of the body 4½ lines; of the wings 12 lines.


Gen. ATTACUS, Linn.

21. ATTACUS ATLAS, Linn. Syst. Nat. 808. Inhabits also Hindostan, Ceylon, China, and Borneo.


Gen. BOMBYX, Linn.

22. BOMBYX SUBNOTATA. Mas. Ferruginea, crassa; antennis late pectinatis; abdominis apice laminis lateralibus fimbriatis; alis anticis margine exteriore subundulato subexciso, macula subtus costali subapicali flava.

Male. Ferruginous, thick, pilose. Mouth obsolete. Antennæ broadly pectinated. Abdomen much more slender than the thorax, not extending beyond the hind wings; anal lateral appendages fringed. Legs short, stout. Fore wings rounded at the tips, extremely oblique along the exterior border, which is slightly angular in the middle and slightly excavated on each side; under side with a yellow costal spot near the tip. Hind wings with the interior border densely fringed towards the tip. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 16 lines.

Fam. LEUCANIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. MYTHIMNA, Hübner.

23. MYTHIMNA INDUCENS, n. s. Fœm. Lateritio-rufa, subtus albida; palporum articulo tertio brevissimo; abdomine rufescenti-cano; alarum anticarum puncto discali nigro, lineis duabus nigricantibus subarcuatis indistinctis, alis posticis rufescenti-canis.

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Female. Brick-red colour, mostly whitish beneath. Palpi obliquely ascending, not rising to the height of the vertex; third joint extremely small, less than one-sixth of the length of the second. Abdomen reddish-hoary, extending but little beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, squamous; spurs moderately long. Fore wings very slightly convex along the costa, rectangular at the tips; exterior border slightly oblique, nearly straight; two slender, indistinct, slightly curved, blackish lines, having between them a more distinct black discal point. Hind wings reddish-hoary, the reddish tinge most prevalent towards the exterior border. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 18 lines.


Gen. ANOMIS, Hübner.

24. ANOMIS MUTILATA, n. s. Mas. Rufa, robusta, subtus rufescenticinerea; palpis longis subascendentibus; abdomine latiusculo; alarum anticarum lineis tribus indistinctis angulosis nigricantibus, orbiculari alba punctiformi, margine exteriore postico perobliquo subexcavato.

Male. Red, stout, reddish cinereous beneath. Palpi long, obliquely ascending; third joint slender, linear, obtuse at the tip, a little shorter than the second. Antennæ stout, with extremely short setæ. Abdomen rather broad, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings with three blackish, indistinct, slightly diffuse, zigzag lines, which are slightly bordered hindward with pale yellow; orbicular mark white, punctiform; exterior border slightly angular, hardly oblique, and slightly truncated on the fore half, extremely oblique, and with two slight excavations on the hind half; fringe partly white. Hind wings not paler than the fore wings. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 18 lines.

Gen. THALATTA, Walk.

25. Thalatta aurigutta, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xv. 1793.


Gen. BRIARDA, Walk.

26. BRIARDA PLAGIFERA, n. s. Mas. Ferrugineo-cinerea; capite thoraceque antico nigricantibus; tibiis ciliatis; alis sat angustis subdenticulatis, anticarum fascia basali, macula discali maculaque costali exteriore nigricantibus, lineis exteriore et submarginali fuscis duplicatis denticulatis subnebulosis; alis posticis pallide cinereis, semihyalinis, fusco latissime marginatis.

Male. Cinereous, tinged with ferruginous. Head and fore part of the thorax blackish. Palpi obliquely ascending; third joint linear, conical

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at the tip, about half the length of the second. Antennæ hardly setose. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs rather stout; tibiæ fringed; spurs very long. Wings rather narrow, slightly denticulated. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, very oblique along the exterior border; a blackish band near the base, abbreviated hindward; a large blackish spot on the reniform mark, and a diffuse blackish spot near the tip of the costa; exterior and submarginal lines brown, double, denticulated, with the space along their borders somewhat clouded. Hind wings pale cinereous, semi-hyaline, with very broad brown borders. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 22 lines.

Fam. CATEPHIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. STEIRIA, Walk.

27. STEIRIA PHRYGANEOIDES, n. s. Mas. Pallide cinerea, rufescente conspersa; palpis longis vix ascendentibus; alis sat angustis denticulatis; alarum anticarum squamis nonnullis nigris fuscisque, marginibus exteriore et interiore non conspersis, reniformi magna; alis posticis pallide cinereis, fusco late marginatis.

Male. Pale cinereous, thickly speckled with ferruginous red. Palpi long, hardly ascending, almost straight; third joint linear, obtuse at the tip, rather shorter than the second. Antennæ bare. Abdomen conical, extending rather beyond the hind wings; apical tuft small. Legs rather long and slender, almost bare; spurs very long. Wings rather narrow; exterior border denticulated. Fore wings with the speckles mostly confluent in the disk, mostly wanting along the interior and exterior borders; several black and brown speckles, some of which border the large reniform mark. Hind wings pale cinereous, with a broad brown border. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 20 lines.

Fam. OPHIDERIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. OPHIDERES, Boisduval.

28. Ophideres Salaminia, Cram. Pap. Exot. 71. 117, pl. 174. fig. A.
Inhabits also Hindostan, Ceylon, Java, and China.

29. Ophideres discrepans, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xiii. 1227.

30. Ophideres smaragdipicta, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xiii. 1229.

Fam. PHYLLODIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. LYGNIODES, Guénée.

31. Lygniodes endoleuca, Guén, Noct. iii. 124.
Inhabits also Java.

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Fam. EREBIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. SYPNA, Guénée.

32. Sypua subsignata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xiv. 1261.


Gen. PATULA, Guénée.

33. Patula macrops, Linn. Syst. Nat. 225 (Noctua).
Inhabits also West and South Africa, Madagascar, Hindostan, and Ceylon.

Gen. ARGIVA, Hübner.

34. Argiva hieroglyphica, Drury, Ins. Exot. 11. 3, pl. 2. f. 1 (Noctua).
Inhabits also Madagascar, Hindostan, and Ceylon.

Fam. OPHIUSIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. CÆCILA, Walk.

35. Cæcila complexa, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xv. 1825.

Gen. OPHISMA, Guénée.

36. Ophisma Umminia, Cram. Pap. Exot. 111. 137, pl. 267. f. 7 (Noctua).
Inhabits also Java and Sumatra.

Gen. ACHÆA, Hübner.

37. Achæa mercatoria, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 111. 2, 62. 175. (Noctua). Inhabits also Hindostan and Java.

Fam. THERMESIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. THERMESIA, Hübner.

34. THERMESIA? RECUSATA, n. s. Mas. Rufescenti-cinerea, robusta, nigricante conspersa, capite thoraceque antico fuscis; palpis longissimis ascendentibus subarcuatis; antennis subsetosis, alis linea exteriore recta obliqua nigricante extus diffusa, linea interiore tenui subarcuata nigricante, linea submarginali e punctis lineaque marginali nigris.

Male. Reddish cinereous, stout, with blackish speckles. Head and fore part of the thorax brown. Frontal tuft acute. Palpi very long, slightly curved, nearly vertical; third joint linear, acute, shorter than the second. Antennæ slightly setose. Abdomen hardly extending


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beyond the hind wings. Wings with the speekles here and there confluent; lines blackish; interior line slender, slightly curved; exterior line straight, oblique, diffuse on the outer side, extending almost to the tips of the fore wings; submarginal line represented by points; marginal line slightly undulating. Fore wings rectangular at the tips; exterior border slightly bent; its fore part not oblique; orbicular and reniform marks indistinct. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines.

Gen. HYPERNARIA, Guénée.

39. HYPERNARIA DIFFUNDENS, n. s. FœM. Cinerea, robusta, fusco couspersa; palporum articulo secundo extus fusco, tertio aciculari longissimo, alarum lineis interiore et exteriore vagis dentatis lineaque media recta sat obliqua squamis fuscis, punctis marginalibus atris, alis anticis acutis, orbiculari punctiformi atra, litura reniformi angusta fusco marginata extus excavata.

Female. Cinereous, stout, speckled with brown. Palpi very slightly curved; second joint brown on the outer side; third acicular, a little shorter than the second. Antennæ minutely setose. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Wings with the interior and exterior lines angulose, diffuse, composed of brown speckles; middle line more oblique, straight, slender, double, obsolete towards the costa of the fore wings, bordered with diffuse angular streaks of brown speckles; marginal points deep black. Fore wings acute; orbicular mark black, punctiform; reniform narrow, brown, bordered, excavated on the outer side; exterior border slightly convex. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 22 lines.

Gen. UGIA, Walk.

40. Ugia disjungens, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xv. 1860.

Fam. PLATYDIDÆ, Guénée

Gen. MASCA, Walk.

41. Masca abactalis, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xvi. 9.

Fam. HYPENIDÆ, Herr.-Schœffer.

Gen. HYPENA, Schranck.

42. Hypena ruralis, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xvi. 65.
Inhabits also Ceylon.


43. Macna pomalis, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xvi. 78.

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Gen. MARGARODES, Guénée.

44. Margarodes Amphitritalis, Guén. Delt. et Pyral. 307,327.
Inhabits also Hindostan.

Gen. NEURINA, Guénée.

45. Neurina Procopialis, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. 152, pl. 368. f. E. (Phalæna Pyralis Procopia.)
Inhabits also Hindostan and Java.

Fam. ENNOMIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. BULONGA, n. g.

Corpus gracile. Proboscis brevissima. Palpi breves, porrecti, angulati. Antennœ simplices. Abdomen conicum. Pedes graciles, nudi, calcaribus non longis, tibiis anticis brevissimis. Alœ sat latæ anticæ acutæ, margine exteriore sat obliquo; posticæ abdomen superantes.

Body slender. Proboscis very short. Palpi as long as the breadth of the head; second joint obliquely ascending; third porrect, rather shorter than the second, with which it forms an obtuse angle. Antennæ simply filiform. Abdomen conical. Legs slender, bare; spurs rather short; fore tibiæ very short. Wings rather broad; fore wings rectangular at the tips; costa hardly convex; exterior border rather oblique. Hind wings with the interior angle prominent, acute.

46. BULONGA SCHISTACEARIA, n. s. Fœm. Glauco-cinerea, alis nitentibus, linea marginali nigra fimbria interlineata, anticis fusco quadrilineatis, posticis trilineatis.

Female. Glaucous-cinereous, paler beneath. Head and palpi reddish. Wings shining; marginal line black; fringe pale cinereous, including a darker line. Fore wings with four straight oblique brown lines; second line broader than the first, apparent also on the hind wings; third narrower and darker than the others, blackish, and still more distinct on the hind wings, where it is bordered with whitish on the outer side; fourth more indistinct than the others, still more indistinct on the hind wings. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines.


Gen. DARISTANE, n. g.

Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis brevissima. Palpi validi, breves, obtusi, oblique ascendentes; articulus tertius minimus. Antennœ setaceæ, simplices. Abdomen conicum, alas posticas non superans.


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Pedes validi, breviusculi; tibiæ anticæ brevissimæ, posteriores latissimæ, calcaribus longis. Alæ breviusculæ, sat latæ; anticæ acutæ.

Male. Body robust. Proboscis very short. Palpi short, stout, obtuse, obliquely ascending; third joint very small. Antennæ setaceous, simple. Abdomen conical, not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, rather short; tibiæ pilose; fore tibiæ very short; posterior tibiæ very broad, especially the middle pair. Wings rather short, moderately broad. Fore wings straight along the costa, acutely rectangular at the tips; exterior border rather oblique.

47. DARISTANE TIBIARIA, n. s. Mas. Cinerea, nitens, alis nigro conspersis, fascia media rufescente non bene determinata, anticis costa albida nigro punctata.

Male. Cinereous, shining, a little paler beneath. Wings speckled with black; an indistinct oblique reddish middle band; costa of the fore wings whitish, with black points. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

Fam. PALYADÆ, Guénée.

Gen. EUMELEA, Duncan.

48. Eumelea Rosaliata, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. 152, pl. 368. f. F. (Phalæna Geometra Rosalia.)

Inhabits also Amboyna.

Fam. EPHYRIDÆ,Guénée.

Gen. EPHYRA, Duponchel.

49. EPHYRA QUADRISTRIARIA, n. s. Fœm. Rufescens, subtus flava, alis flavis rufescente conspersis, fascia exteriore perobliqua rufescente, anticis acutis, lituris duabus costalibus obliquis fuscis.

Female. Reddish, yellow beneath. Proboscis short. Palpi short, slightly ascending; third joint linear, obtuse, a little shorter than the second. Antennæ short, stout, setaceous. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs bare, rather long and slender; spurs long. Wings yellow, with reddish speckles, and with a straight reddish band, which extends from beyond the middle of the interior border of the hind wings to the tips of the fore wings. Fore wings acute, with two oblique brown costal marks; exterior border rather oblique. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

Gen. ANISODES, Guénée.

50. ANISODES EXPUNCTARIA, n. s. Fœm. Luteo-cervina, palpis longis angulatis, antennis breviusculis, alis ferrugineo subconspersis, linea media fusca undulata valde indistincta, lineis interiore et exteriore e punctis nigris, punctis marginalibus nigris.

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Female. Pale luteous fawn colour. Proboscis short. Palpi long, slightly decumbent; third joint a little shorter than the second, with which it forms an obtuse angle. Antennæ simple, short. Wings minutely and indistinctly sprinkled with ferruginous; a brown, diffuse, undulating, very indistinct middle line, which is obsolete in the hind wings; interior and exterior lines indicated by widely separated black points; marginal points black. Fore wings rectangular at the tips; exterior border slightly oblique. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

Fam. ACIDALIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. SYNEGIA, Guénée.

51 Synegia botydaria, Guén. Uran. et Phal. i. 423. 694.
Inhabits also Borneo.

Gen. DRAPETODES, Guénée.

52. Drapetodes mitaria, Guén. Uran. et Phal. i. 424. 695.
Inhabits also Hindostan.

Gen. TIMANDRA, Duponchel.

53. TIMANDRA AJAIA, n. s. Mas. Glaucescenti-cinerea; antennis setosis, alis linea perobliqua fusca antice abbreviata, linea marginali nigra, anticis valde acutis, reniformi tenui fusca.

Male. Cinereous, with a glaucous tinge. Proboscis short. Palpi very short, obliquely ascending; third joint extremely small. Antennæ setose, somewhat shorter than the body. Wings with a straight, very oblique, brown line, which extends from the middle of the interior border of the hind wings towards the tip of the fore wings, on approaching which it is obsolete; marginal line black. Fore wings very acute; exterior border extremely oblique; reniform mark brown, very slender. Hind wings extending beyond the abdomen. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 17 lines.

Gen. ZANCLOPTERYX, Herr.-Schœffer.

54. Zanclopteryx saponaria, Herr.-Schœffer, Guén. Uran. et Phal. 11.16, 915.
Inhabits also Ceylon.

Fam. MICEONIDÆ, Guénée.

Gen. MICRONIA, Guénée.

55. Micronia rectinervata, Guén. Uran. et Phal. 11. 27, 933.

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Gen. STALAGMIA, Guénée.

56. Stalagmia guttaria, Guér. Icon. Regn. Anim. Ins. pl. 90 (Phalæna).

Catalogue of the Heterocerous Lepidopterous Insects collected at Malacca by Mr. A. R. WALLACE, with Descriptions of New Species. By FRANCIS WALKER.

Fam. SPHINGIDÆ, Leach.

Gen. MACROGLOSSA, Ochsenheimer.

1. Macroglossa Passalus, Drury, Exot. Ins. ii. 52, pl. 29. f. 2 (Sphinx).
Inhabits also Hindostan and Java.

2. Macroglossa corythus, Boisd. MSS.; Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. viii. 92. 14.
Inhabits also Hindostan, Ceylon, and Java.

Fam. AGARISTIDÆ, Swainson.

Gen. EUSEMIA, Dalman.

3. Eusemia maculatrix, Westw. (See Singapore Sp. No. 2.)

4. Eusemia mollis, Walk. (See Singapore Sp. No. 3.)

5. EUSEMIA SUBDIVES, n. s. Mas. Atra, antennis subpectinatis, abdomine fasciis luteis, alis anticis fascia exteriore recta non obliqua testacea; posticis ochraceis atro marginatis.

Male. Deep black. Antennæ slightly pectinated, slightly hooked at the tips. Abdomen with a luteous band on the hind border of each segment. Fore wings with an upright, straight, testaceous exterior band, which does not extend to the interior border. Hind wings bright ochraceous, with a deep black border, which is irregular on the inner side and is joined in front to a black spot, the latter, on the under side, containing a white curved line. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 28 lines.

Fam. LITHOSIIDÆ, Stephens.

Gen. NYCTEMERA, Hübner.

6. Nyctemera tripunctaria, Linn. Syst. Nat. 864. 226 (Geometra).
Inhabits also Hindostan and China.

Gen. EUSCHEMA, Hübner.

7. Euschema subrepleta, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xi. 406. 3.
Inhabits also Ceylon and Borneo.

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online. (

File last updated 26 September, 2012