RECORD: Walker, Francis. 1856. Catalogue of the homopterous insects collected at Singapore and Malacca by Mr.A.R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 1: 82-100, pls. 3-4.
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 2012. RN1
Catalogue of the Homopterous Insects collected at Singapore and Malacca by Mr. A. R. WALLACE, with Descriptions of New Species. By FRANCIS WALKER, Esq., F.L.S.
[Read May 6th, 1856.]
To carry out the object I had in view, as explained in the note to Mr. Walker's paper on the Diptera of Singapore and Malacca,
published in the first number of the "Journal of Proceedings," I have induced the same author to undertake the following Catalogue of Homopterous Insects from the same localities. The specimens were procured during the six months commencing with May and terminating with October, and are all in my collection.
3rd May, 1856.
Ord. CICADINA, Burmeister.
Gen. PLATYPLEURA, Amyot et Serv.
1. Platypleura semilucida, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 1. 20. 27.
Inhabits also Java.
Gen. DUNDUBIA, Amyot et Serv.
2. Dundubia imperatoria, Westw. Arc. Ent. ii. 13. pl. 51 (Cicada).
Inhabits also Borneo and Sumatra.
3. DUNDUBIA GUTTIGERA, n. s. Testacea, capite suprà vittis tribus angulosis, anticè annulo elliptico lineisque transversis lateralibus nigris, prothorace vittis duabus dorsalibus subparallelis nigris, mesothoracis scutello vittis quinque nigris, abdomine ferrugineo, alis vitreis; anticarum venis marginalibus apice venulisque transversis fusco-maculatis.
Testaceous. Head above with three angular black stripes, and in front with a black elliptical ringlet, which has black transverse lines on each side. Prothorax with two black dorsal nearly parallel stripes. Scutellum of the mesothorax with five black stripes, the inner pair abbreviated, the outer pair interrupted. Drums small, rounded. Abdomen ferruginous. Wings vitreous. Fore wings with a brown spot on each transverse veinlet and on the tip of each marginal vein. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 34 lines.
4. DUNDUBIA ALBIGUTTA, n. s. Viridis, ex parte testacea, capite suprà lineis duabus obliquis duabusque lateralibus transversis nigris, anticè lineis non-nullis transversis lateralibus nigris, abdomine subtùs tuberculis quatuor nigris, alis vitreis; anticis apice subfuscescentibus, guttâ costali albidâ, venulis transversis 1â et 2â fusco-maculatis.
Green, partly testaceous. Head with two black lines forming an angle in front of the ocelli which are bordered with black; a black line on each side of the fore-border; front with black transverse lines along most of the ridges on each side. Drums small, rounded. Abdomen with two black tubercles on each side beneath. Wings vitreous. Fore wings slightly clouded with brown at the tips; a whitish spot on the costa at the tip of the front areolet; 1st and 2nd transverse veinlets with brown spots. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 32 lines.
5. DUNDUBIA INTEMERATA, n. s. Testacea, alis vitreis, costâ fulvâ, venis viridibus.
Testaceous. Drums small, triangular. Wings vitreous; costa tawny; veins green; 2nd marginal areolet a little shorter than the 1st; 1st transverse veinlet oblique, hardly curved, parted from the 2nd by full thrice its length; 2nd straight, more oblique and much shorter than the 1st; 3rd nearly straight, longer than the 1st; 4th a little shorter than the 3rd and as long as the 5th, from which it is parted by about thrice its length. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 34 lines.
Gen. CICADA, Linn.
6. CICADA VIRGUNCULA, n. s. Viridis, capite parvo, abdominis basi suprà et segmentorum marginibus posticis luteis, alis vitreis, costâ venisque viridibus.
Green. Head small. Drums very small. Abdomen luteous above at the base; hind borders of the segments luteous. Wings vitreous; costa and veins green; 2nd marginal areolet much shorter than the 1st; 1st transverse veinlet straight, very oblique, parted from the 2nd by about thrice its length; 2nd upright, nearly straight, much shorter than the 1st; 3rd almost straight, as long as the 1st; 4th longer than the 3rd and as long as the 5th, from which it is parted by much less than its length. Length of the body 6½ lines; of the wings 17 lines.
Gen. HUECHYS, Amyot et Serv.
7. Huechys sanguinea, Deg. Ins. iii. 221. 18. pl. 33. f. 17 (Cicada).
Malacca. Inhabits also Java and China.
Subfam. FULGORELLÆ, Spinola.
Trib. FULGORITES, Spinola.
Subtrib. FULGOROIDES, Spinola.
Gen. HOTINUS, Amyot et Serv.
8. Hotinus subocellatus, Guérin; Delessert, Souvenirs Voy. Inde, 66. pl. 16. f. 1; Rev. Zool. 1839 (Fulgora).
Malacca. Inhabits also Nepaul.
Subtrib. LYSTROIDES, Spinola.
Gen. APHÆNA, Guérin.
9. Aphæna rosea, Guérin, Voy. Belanger, Zool. 454. pl. 3. f. 3.
Malacca. Inhabits also Sumatra.
10. Aphæna Saundersii, White, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846, xvii. 330.
Malacca. Inhabits also Hindustan and Borneo.
Subtrib. DICTYOPHOROIDES, Spinola.
11. DICTYOPHORA SPEILINEA, n. s. Viridis, capite lanceolato prasino carinis tribus suprà unâque subtùs luteis, prothorace carinis tribus prasinis dua-
busque luteis, mesothorace carinis tribus lateribusque ex parte prasinis, tibiis anticis tarsisque anterioribus fulvis, alis limpidis, venis stigmateque viridibus.
Green. Head emerald-green, with three luteous ridges above and one beneath; protuberance lanceolate, ascending, as long as the hind part of the head. Prothorax with three emerald-green ridges, the lateral pair marginal and accompanied by two luteous ridges. Mesothorax with three emerald-green ridges; sides partly emerald-green. Fore tibiæ and anterior tarsi tawny. Wings limpid; veins and stigma green, the latter occupying three areolets. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines.
Gen. CROMNA., n. g.
Dictyophorœ affinis. Caput suprà conicum, subascendens; frons lanceolata, subcarinata, marginibus vix elevatis. Antennœ breves; articulus 1us 2° multò brevior. Thorax subcarinatus. Prothorax subarcuatus. Pedes breves. Alœ latæ; anticæ areolis costalibus et marginalibus ordinariis areolisque plurimis minutis discalibus abnormibus, costâ subconvexâ, margine exteriore subquadrato, angulo interiore peracuto.
Allied to Dictyophora. Head conical above, very slightly ascending; front lanceolate, indistinctly keeled, with the margins hardly elevated. Antennæ short; 2nd joint very much shorter than the 1st. Thorax with a slight keel. Prothorax somewhat arched. Legs short. Wings broad. Fore wings with regular areolets along the costa and along the exterior border, and with very numerous minute irregular areolets over the rest of the surface; costa slightly convex, forming a slightly obtuse angle at the tip; exterior border straight, subquadrate; interior angle very acute.
12. CROMNA ACUTIPENNIS, n. s. Viridis, subtùs pallidior, capite thoraceque testaceo-vittatis, alis anticis lineâ marginali fuscâ, posticis albis.
Green, paler beneath. Head and thorax with testaceous stripes. Fore wings with a brown line extending from near the tip of the costa to one-third of the length of the hind border from the interior angle. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 10 lines.
Gen. DARADAX, n. g.
Caput lanceolatum, ascendens, lateribus elevatis; frons lanceolata, carinata. Antennæ globosæ, minimæ. Prothorax valdè arcuatus, carinatus. Mesothorax quadricarinatus. Alœ anticæ fusiformes, areolis costalibus et marginalibus plurimis ordinariis, discalibus longis.
Head lanceolate, ascending, with a ridge along each side; front lanceolate, with a middle keel; sides also ridged. Antennæ globose, very minute; bristle moderately long, very slender. Prothorax much arched, with a slight middle keel; each side forming a fusiform compartment. Mesothorax with four keels. Fore wings fusiform, with numerous parallel equidistant veinlets along the costa; discal areolets long; marginal areolets short, like those of the costa.
13. DARADAX FUSIPENNIS, n. s. Viridis, ex parte lutescens, alis anticis fusco apud marginem exteriorem guttatis, posticis albis. Green, partly lutescent. Fore wings with brown dots along the exterior border. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.
Gen. ELICA, n. g.
Caput conicum, subascendens, suprà tricarinatum; frons lanceolata, tetragona tricarinata, lateribus elevatis. Antennœ breves. Prothorax brevissimus. Mesothorax tricarinatus. Alœ anticæ latæ, venulis plurimis transversis costalibus, areolis discalibus basalibus elongatis, exterioribus abbreviatis sæpissimè hexagonis.
Head conical, slightly ascending, with three ridges above; front lanceolate, tetragonal, with three ridges, the lateral pair curved, margins also ridged. Antennæ conical; bristle about twice the length of the preceding part. Prothorax very short. Mesothorax with three keels. Fore wings broad, with numerous transverse veinlets along the costa; discal areolets elongate towards the base of the wing; those exterior more numerous, short, and generally hexagonal or pentagonal.
14. ELICA LATIPENNIS, n. s. Testacea, ex parte fulva, capite suprà thoracisque disco fuscis, alis hyalinis subtestaceis, venis fulvis, nonnullis nigris.
Testaceous, partly tawny. Head above and disk of the thorax brown. Wings hyaline, with a slight testaceous tinge; veins tawny, some of them black, forming an irregular incomplete band. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 9 lines.
Gen. ELIDIPTERA, Spinola.
15. ELIDIPTERA SMARAGDILINEA, n. s. Ferruginea, capite ex parte prasino, cornu gracili cylindrico ascendente nigro subtùs viridi, fronte angustâ, facie pectoroque nigro alboque variis, prothorace maculis tribus prasinis, mesothorace vittâ prasinâ, abdomine vittis duabus prasinis duabusque ventralibus nigris, pedibus viridi-fulvis, femoribus basi nigris, tibiis anticis apice albis, alis hyalinis vittis duabus strigâque transversâ fuscis.
Ferruginous. Head emerald-green about the eyes and on each side of the front; protuberance slender, cylindrical, ascending, black above, green beneath, about twice the length of the head above; front long and narrow; face black and white. Prothorax with an emerald-green spot in the middle and one on each side. Mesothorax with an emerald-green stripe. Pectus black and white. Abdomen with a green stripe on each side, and with a black stripe on each side beneath. Legs tawny; femora black at the base; tibiæ and tarsi partly green; fore tibiæ white towards the tips. Wings limpid. Fore wings with a narrow brown stripe along the terminal part of the costa, and with a broad brown stripe along the corresponding part of the hind border, the two stripes connected by a brown streak along the transverse veinlets. Length of the body 4½ lines; of the wings 11 lines.
Mount Ophir.
Subtrib. CIXIOIDES, Spinola.
Gen. CIXIUS, Latr.
16. CIXIUS PUSTULATUS, n. s. Fulvus, subtùs testaceus, capite viridescente, guttis duabus nigris, carinis ferrugincis, alis anticis maculis pallidioribus necnon punctis plurimis guttisque paucis nigricantibus, posticis fuscis.
Tawny, testaceous beneath. Head greenish, with a black dot on each side; ridges ferruginous. Fore wings with some paler marks and with many minute blackish dots which are accompanied by two or three larger and darker dots. Hind wings brown. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.
In this species the veinlets towards the tip of the costa and along the apical margin are more numerous than in the European Cixii.
17. CIXIUS ALBISTRIGA, n.s. Nigricans, subtùs testaceus, capite parvo, fronte angustâ fuscâ, segmentorum abdominalium marginibus posticis rufescentibus subtùs albidis, alis anticis fuscis, strigis tribus transversis costalibus subapicalibus albidis, posticis cinereis.
Blackish, testaceous beneath. Head much smaller, and with the front much narrower than in the European species; front dark brown. Hind borders of the abdominal segments reddish above, whitish beneath. Fore wings brown, with three whitish transverse streaks towards the tip of the costa. Hind wings grey. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines.
18. CIXIUS EFFERATUS, n. s. Testaceus, fronte subfusiformi, oculis magnis approximatis, abdomine fulvo, alis limpidis, venis fulvis, anticis stigmate testaceo maculisque duabus marginalibus fuscis, posticis strigâ costali apicali fuscâ.
Testaceous. Front subfusiform, attenuated in front. Eyes large, nearly contiguous on the vertex. Abdomen tawny. Wings limpid; veins tawny; stigma testaceous, with a brown spot contiguous to its tip, and opposite a smaller and paler brown spot on the interior border. Hind wings with a brown streak at the tip of the costa. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 6 lines.
Gen. EURIA, n. g.
Caput brevissimum, suprà arcuatum; frons longa, subfusiformis, carinata. Antennœ globosæ. Thorax brevissimus, carinatus, lateribus elevatis. Alœ anticæ mediocriter latæ, venis costalibus plurimis ordinariis, marginalibus multis sæpissimè furcatis, discalibus nonnullis, basalibus paucis.
Head very short, arched above. Front long, subfusiform, with a keel in the middle. Antennæ email, globose. Thorax very short, with a keel in the middle and a ridge on each side. Fore wings moderately broad, with the angles rounded; many oblique, parallel, equidistant veins along the costa; veins along the exterior border very numerous, mostly forked, divided by transverse veinlets from the much fewer veins in the next compartment, which is likewise divided by veinlets from the still fewer basal arcolets.
19. EURIA LURIDA, n. s. Fuscescens, subtùs pallidior, capite viridi carinis fulvis, alis anticis fusco-quadrifasciatis, posticis fusco-trifasciatis.
Brownish, paler beneath. Head green, with tawny ridges. Wings lurid. Fore wings with four brown bands; 1st and 2nd dilated in front; 3rd slender, curved, joined at each end to the 2nd; 4th marginal. Hind wings with three brown bands. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.
Gen. BIDIS, n. g.
Caput conicum, vix ascendens, vertice carinato, fronte perangustâ carinatâ lateribus elevatis. Antennœ filiformes; articulus 2us 1° paullò longior; setâ longissimâ. Prothorax arcuatus, brevissimus. Mesothorax tricarinatus. Alœ anticæ sat angustæ, areolis nonnullis apud costæ apicem et apud marginem exteriorem; areolæ basales longissimæ, discales elongateæ.
Head conical, hardly ascending, with a ridge above; front very long and narrow, with a middle keel; sides also ridged. Antennæ filiform; 2nd joint a little longer than the 1st; bristle about twice the length of the 2nd, and full ¾ths of the length of the body. Prothorax arched, very short. Mesothorax with three keels. Fore wings rather narrow, with marginal areolets towards the tip of the costa and along the exterior border; discal areolets elongated, less than half the length of the basal areolets.
20. BIDIS NOTIVENA, n. s., mas et fœm. Testacea, ex parte viridis, alis hyalinis, anticis subtestaceis, venis testaceis ex parte nigricantibus. Mas ex parte rufescens.
Male and female. Testaceous, partly green. Wings hyaline. Fore wings with a very slight testaceous tinge; veins testaceous, here and there blackish. Male. Partly red. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 6 lines.
Singapore and Malacca.
Trib. ISSITES, Spinola.
21. EURYBRACHYS MULTICOLOR, n. s. Lætè viridis, albo-tomentosa, thorace testaceo, abdominis lateribus posticis lætè rufis, membranis duabus apicalibus foliaceis fulvis, alis anticis nigro-guttatis, apud costam nigro-strigatis, marginibus latis subhyalinis, posticis albis, maculis nonnullis marginalibus nigris.
Bright green, with white tomentum. Thorax mostly testaceous. Abdomen bright red on each side towards the tip, which has two foliaceous tawny appendages. Fore wings nearly hyaline, with green disks, which are brightest beneath, and with several black discal dots; some little black streaks along the costa. Hind wings white, with some black marginal spots. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 22 lines.
22. EURYBRACHYS RUBRESCENS, n. s. Testacea, vertice thoraceque rufescente notatis, fronte viridi-testaceâ, pedibus roseis, alis anticis pubescentibus, basi purpureo-rufis nigro-guttatis, apices versus fulvis, fasciâ inter-mediâ marginibusque ex maximâ parte sordidè hyalinis, tuberculis duobus submarginalibus nigro-uniguttatis, posticis lacteo-albis fasciâ fuscâ
Testaceous. Head, vertex and thorax with reddish marks. Front greenish testaceous. Legs rosy red. Fore wings pubescent, slightly tuberculated, and with a black shining dot near the tip of the costa and at three-quarters of the length of the hind border, purplish red and with black dots towards the base, tawny towards the tips, with a dingy hyaline middle band and with the borders chiefly of the same hue. Hind wings milky white, with a brown band. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 18 lines.
Mount Ophir.
Subtrib. FLATOÏDES, Spinola.
Gen. FLATOÏDES, Guérin.
23. Flatoïdes tenebrosus, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt 2. 406. 7. Malacca and Singapore. Inhabits also China.
24. Flatoïdes marginalis, Walk. Cat. Homopt pt. 2. 409.10. Mount Ophir. Inhabits also Africa ?
25. FLATOÏDES DISCALIS, n. s. Nigra, fronte tricarinatâ marginibus subelevatis, segmentorum abdominalium marginibus posticis pedibusque testaceis, alis anticis nigricantibus disco guttisque quatuor limpidis, punctis marginalibus testaceis, posticis limpidis fusco-marginatis.
Black. Front much broader than long, with a slightly elevated margin, and with three slight keels. Hind borders of the abdominal segments and legs dull testaceous. Fore wings blackish, with a testaceous point on the tip of each vein; disk limpid; two limpid dots on the costa, and two towards the tip of the exterior border. Hind wings limpid with brown borders. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.
26. FLATOÏDES EMARGINATUS, n. s. Nigricans, capite pectore pedibusque testaceis, fronte carinis tribus abbreviatis, alis nigricantibus, anticis maculâ costali albo-limpidâ, incisuris duabus costalibus exterioribus, margine exteriore anticè concavo posticè dilatato.
Blackish. Head, pectus and legs dull dark testaceous; front about twice broader than long, with an elevated border, and with three short keels on the hind part. Wings blackish. Fore-wings slightly hooked; costa with two slight excavations between the tip and a white limpid spot which is beyond the middle; exterior border concave between the tip, and a conical dilatation which is in front of the middle. Hind wings slightly excavated along the exterior half of the costa. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 11 lines.
Gen. RICANIA, Germar.
27. Ricania Hemerobii, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 2. 425. 19.
Malacca. Inhabits also Ceylon.
Gen. CONNA, n. g.
Corpus sublineare. Caput thorace vix angustius, fronte depressâ, elongatâ, carinulâ mediâ, lateribus subelevatis. Prothorax arcuatus, carinatus, ver-
ticem posticum superans. Mesothorax tricarinatus. Pedes breviusculi, sat validi. Alœ latæ apice rotundatæ; anticæ areolis costalibus ordinariis, discalibus plurimis abnormibus.
Body almost linear. Head nearly as broad as the thorax; vertex much longer than broad; front flat, much longer than broad, forming a rounded angle on the middle of each side, with the borders slightly elevated and with a slight middle keel. Antennæ short; 2nd joint much shorter than the 1st; bristle not long. Prothorax keeled, arched, extending over the hind part of the vertex. Mesothorax longer than broad, with three keels. Legs rather short and stout. Wings broad, rounded at the tips. Fore wings with a row of regular areolets along the costa; discal areolets numerous, very irregular in size and shape.
28. CONNA GUTTIFERA, n. s. Testacea, capite guttis sex nigris, verticis thoracisque discis fuscescentibus, abdominis vittâ dorsali fuscâ, segmentorum marginibus posticis albidis, alis hyalinis, anticis subtestaceis guttis paucis fuscescentibus, posticarum margine ex parte fuscescente.
Testaceous. Vertex and thorax with brownish disks. Head with two black dots on each side, and four in front. Abdomen with a brown dorsal stripe; hind borders of the segments whitish. Wings hyaline. Fore wings somewhat testaceous, with a few slight brownish dots. Hind wings with a brownish tinge along part of the hind border.
Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 9 lines.
Gen. BENNA, n. g.
Corpus sat gracile. Caput carinatum, thorace paullò angustius, lateribus elevatis, fronte compressâ elongato-subfusiformi. Antennœ breviusculæ. Thorax tricarinatus. Prothorax brevissimus. Abdomen basi halteribus duobus capitatis, oviductu longo arcuato. Pedes longiusculi, sat graciles. Alœ latæ, apice rotundatæ anticæ areolis discalibus brevioribus, basalibus et marginalibus longioribus.
Body rather slender. Head a little narrower than the thorax, with a keel which extends from the back of the vertex to the rostrum; sides also ridged; front compressed, elongate-subfusiform. First and 2nd joints of the antennæ a little shorter together than the breadth of the front; bristle not long. Thorax with three ridges. Prothorax very short. Abdomen at the base with two lateral capitate appendages like the halteres of Diptera; tip terminating in a long curved oviduct. Legs rather long and slender. Wings broad, rounded at the tips. Fore wings with about twenty areolets, formed by two irregular bands of transverse veinlets; the discal areolets generally shorter than the basal and the marginal areolets.
29. BENNA CAPITULATA, fœm. Testacea, abdomine lanuginoso, alis hyalinis, anticis subtestaceis, guttâ discali nigrâ guttulisque duabus fuscis, venis fuscis, basi et apud costam testaceis, venulis transversis ex parte infuscatis, strigâ apud marginem exteriorem fuscâ, stigmate testaceo.
Female. Testaceous. Abdomen with long cottony secretions; capitate appendages with white tips. Wings hyaline. Fore wings with a very slight testaceous tinge; veins brown, testaceous towards the base and in front, with a
black basal dot, and with two smaller brown dots near the base; transverse veinlets partly clouded with brown; a brown streak along the exterior border; stigma testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines.
Gen. POCHAZIA, Amyot et Serv.
30. Pochazia fasciata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 47. 8. (Flata.)
Singapore. Inhabits also Java.
31. Pochazia fumata, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Rém. 529. 2. Flata fuscata? Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 47. 9.
Malacca and Singapore. Inhabits also Java.
32. Pochazia obscura, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 49.16. (Flata.)
Malacca. Inhabits also Hindostan.
33. POCHAZIA INTERRUPTA, n. s. Testacea, fronte elongato-subquadratâ, prothorace arcuato verticem ex parte superante, mesothorace tricarinato, alis fuscis, anticis apud marginem posticum ex parte luridis, fasciâ interruptâ fuscâ, apice testaceo-hyalino.
Testtaceous; vertex much broader than long; front elongate-subquadrate, with a slight groove in the middle. Prothorax arched, extending over part of the vertex. Mesothorax with three slight keels. Wings brown. Fore wings partly lurid towards the hind border; an interrupted band beyond the middle; the tips hyaline, slightly testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.
34. POCHAZIA COSTIMACULA, n. s. Nigra, capite pedibusque fulvis, vertice fusco margine fulvo, alis nigricantibus, anticis apud margines et apud venulas transversas luridis, maculâ costali albido-hyalinâ.
Black. Head and legs tawny; vertex brown, with a tawny border; front broader than long, with a middle keel and with an elevated margin. Wings blackish. Fore wings mostly lurid along the borders and about the transverse veinlets, and with a whitish hyaline spot on the costa beyond the middle. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.
35. POCHAZIA GRADIENS, n. s. Fulva, subtùs testacea, alis nigris, anticis apud costam fulvis.
Tawny, testaceous beneath. Head with a middle keel, and with the margins elevated. Front hardly broader than long; sides rounded. Wings blackish. Fore wings tawny along the costa. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 6 lines.
Gen. NEPHESA, Amyot et Serv.
36. Nephesa rosea, Spinola, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, viii. 400.5. (Ricania.) Flata motutina, Walk. Cat. Homopt 437. 13.
Singapore. Inhabits also Java.
Gen. FLATA, Fabr.
37. Flata obscura, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 49. 16.
Singapore. Inhabits also Hindostan.
Gen. COLOBESTHES,Amyot et Serv.
38. COLOBESTHES ALBIPLANA, n. s. Alba, alis anticis apud costam convexis, margine exteriore quadrato, angulo interiore attenuato peracuto, posticis vix acuminatis.
White. Fore wings convex in front, rectangular at the tips, straight and quadrate from thence to the interior angle which is attenuated and very acute; hind border straight. Hind wings hardly acuminated at the tips. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 22 lines.
39. COLOBESTHES MARGINATA, n. s. Viridi-alba, mesothorace vittis duabus testaceis luteo-unilineatis, alis anticis fasciâ marginali luteâ, basi subtuberculatis, apud costam convexis, margine exteriore quadrato, angulo interiore attenuato acuto.
Greenish white. Front not broader than long, with a slightly elevated border and a slight keel; sides slightly rounded. Mesothorax on each side with a testaceous stripe which includes a luteous line. Fore wings minutely tuberculate towards the base, convex in front, rectangular at the tips, straight and quadrate from thence to the hind angle which is attenuated and acute; hind border straight; a pale luteous marginal band extending from ¾ths of the length of the costa nearly to the middle of the hind border. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 18 lines.
40. Pœciloptera maculata, Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Ins. pl. 58. f. 7.
Malacca and Singapore. Inhabits also Java.
41. PœCILOPTERA LUTEIMARGO, n. s. Subtestaceo-viridis, fronte subcarinatâ lateribus subelevatis rotundatis, prothorace arcuato verticem ex parte superante, alis anticis margine exteriore subquadrato, fasciâ apicali luteâ fusco-marginatâ, posticis limpidis.
Green, with a slight testaceous tinge. Front a little longer than broad, with the border slightly elevated, and with a slight keel; sides rounded. Thorax not keeled. Prothorax nearly semicircular, extending over the vertex. Mesothorax broader than long. Fore wings subquadrate at the tips, about which there is a luteous brown-bordered band. Hind wings limpid. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.
42. PœCILOPTERA NIVEINA, n. s. Alba, P.luteimarginis structurâ, alis anticis fasciâ marginali testaceâ.
White, in structure like P. luteimargo. Fore wings with a testaceous marginal band which extends from two-thirds of the length of the costa to the base of the hind border. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.
Mount Ophir.
Gen. EUPILIS, n. g.
Fœm. Corpus subfusiforme. Caput breve, antiè rotundatum, thorace angustius; vertex depressus, bicarinatus; frons convexa, lævis; facies lanceolata, vix carinata. Antennœ globosæ. Oviductus longus, arcuatus, lanceolatus. Alœ sat augustæ; anticæ apice rotundatæ, venulis quatuor transversis costalibus. venulisque quatuor discalibus.
Female. Body subfusiform. Head nearly semicircular, narrower than the thorax; vertex depressed, with a ridge on each side; front convex, smooth; face lanceolate, hardly keeled. Antennæ globose. Abdomen terminating in a long curved lanceolate oviduct. Wings rather narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with four transverse veinlets along the costa, and with four irregular discal transverse veinlets.
43. EUPILIS ALBILINEOLA, n. s., fœ. Testacea, ex parte viridis, fronte nigrâ, maculâ fulvâ margineque testaceo, facie fasciis duabus (anteriore maculari) nigris, thorace pectoreque nigro-maculatis, abdomine fasciis nigris, alis hyalinis, venis nigris, anticis subluridis fusco quinque-strigatis, venulis transversis albidis.
Female. Testaceous, partly pale green. Front black, shining, with a tawny central spot and with a testaceous border; face with two black bands, the anterior one macular. Thorax and pectus with black spots. Abdomen with black bands. Wings hyaline, with black veins. Fore wings slightly lurid, with five brown streaks; transverse veinlets white. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 7 lines.
Fam. MEMBRACINA, Burmeister.
44. Centrotus Taurus, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn.20. 19.
Mount Ophir and Singapore. Inhabits also Hindostan, Java, the Philippine Isles, and China.
45. CENTROTUS LAMINIFER, n. s. Nigricans, scabrosus, thoracis cornubus anticis divergentibus subplanis membranaceis rufo-fuscis, postico abdomen superante, pedibus ferrugineis, alis luridis, anticis apud costam nigricantibus.
Blackish, scabrous. Thorax armed in front with two almost directly diverging nearly horizontal membranous reddish-brown horns, from each of which a keel proceeds to the tip of the hind horn, which is horizontal and extends beyond the abdomen. Legs ferruginous. Wings lurid. Fore wings blackish along the costa. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 6 lines.
46. CENTROTUS CALIGINOSUS, n. s. Niger, obscurus, brevis, robustus, densè et scitè scaber, thoracis cornubus lateralibus validis abbreviatis divergentibus obliqueè ascendentibus, cornu postico abdominis dimidium non superante, alis anticis fuscis, basi nigris, posticis limpidis.
Black, stout, short, dull, thickly and minutely scabrous. Lateral horns of
the thorax stout, diverging, obliquely ascending, shorter than the breadth of the thorax between them; hind horn horizontal, extending to half the length of the abdomen. Tarsi ferruginous. Fore wings brown, black at the base. Hind wings limpid. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 lines.
47. CENTROTUS SEMIVITREUS, n. s. Niger, crassus, brevis, nitens, subtilissimè punctatus, thorace anticè inermi angulato, cornu postico abdomen ferè adæquante, alis hyalinis, anticarum dimidio apicali nigro.
Black, thick, short, shining, very minutely punctured. Thorax unarmed in front, but angular on each side by the base of the fore wing; hind horn horizontal, extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen. Wings hyaline. Fore wings black for half the length from the tips. Length of the body 1½ line; of the wings 3½ lines.
48. CENTROTUS SEMIFASCIA, n. s. Niger, obscurus, thorace anticè inermi, cornu postico abdominis dimidium superante; alis hyalinis, anticis guttâ costali fasciâ subapicali apiceque fuscis.
Black, dull. Thorax unarmed in front; hind horn horizontal, extending to rather beyond half the length of the abdomen. Wings hyaline. Fore wings with a brown dot in front, a subapical band, and brown tips. Length of the body 1 line; of the wings 2½ lines.
Gen. MICREUNE, n. g.
Centroto affinis. Thorax anticè lanceolatus; cornu caput longè superans, apud apicem ramis duabus erectis subarcuatis armatum; cornu posticum abdominis dimidio vix brevius.
Allied to Centrotus. Thorax prolonged into a long, slender, lanceolate horn which extends far beyond the head, and has at its tip two more slender vertical slightly recurved and diverging branches. Hind part of the thorax armed with a horizontal horn which extends to near half the length of the abdomen. Wings fusiform, much like those of Centrotus.
49. MICREUNE FORMIDANDA, n. s. Nigra, thorace scabro, cornubus carinatis, segmentorum abdominalium marginibus posticis genubus tarsisque fulvis, alis anticis nigricantibus, posticis cinereis.
Black. Thorax scabrous; its horns channelled. Hind borders of the abdominal segments, knees and tarsi tawny. Fore wings blackish. Hind wings grey. Length of the body lines; of the wings lines.
Fam. CICADELLINA, Burmeister.
Trib. LÆVIPEDES, Amyot et Serv.
Subtrib. CERCOPIDES,.St. Farg. et Serv.
Gen. CERCOPIS, Fabr.
50. Cercopis tricolor, St. Farg. et Serv. Enc. Métâ. x. 604. 1.
Var. Alis anticis nigris guttis sex basalibus rufis.
Var. Black, shining. Head, thorax, scutellam towards the tip, hind borders of the abdominal segments, and tip of the abdomen, red, as are also the legs. Femora black, the four anterior red towards the tips. Fore wings with six red dots on each at the base.
Mount Ophir. Inhabits also Java.
51. Cercopis plana, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 3.653.10.
Var. Thorax nigro-bipunctatus.
Var. Scutum of the mesothorax with two black points.
Mount Ophir. Inhabits also Java.
52. Cercopis dorsimacula. Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 2. 658. 31.
Malacca. Inhabits also North Bengal.
53. Cercopis costalis, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt 2. 664. 45.
Var. Alæ anticæ guttis duabus subapicalibus rufis.
Var. Fore wings with two red subapical dots.
Inhabits also Malabar.
54. CERCOPIS RUGULOSA, n. s. Nigra, nitens, subtùs ferruginea, abdominis marginibus pedibusque rufis, femoribus vittâ nigricante, alis anticis rugulosis.
Black, shining, ferruginous beneath. Abdomen bordered with red. Legs red; a blackish band on each of the femora. Fore wings rugulose. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines.
Mount Ophir.
Nearly allied to C. viridicans, Guér., but without any tinge of green.
55. CERCOPIS DISLOCATA, n. s. Nigra, capite fasciâ verticis marginibusque anticis testaceis, thorace testaceo maculis duabus anticis nigris, alis anticis costâ testaceâ, fasciis duabus vittâque obliqueâ dislocateâ rufis.
Black. Head testaceous, black across the vertex and on each side in front. Thorax testaceous, with a black spot on each side in front. Fore wings testaceous along the costa, with two red bands, and with a red oblique stripe which extends from near the base of the wing to the hind end of the 2nd band, and is dislocated as it traverses the 1st band. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines.
56. CERCOPIS UNIFASCIA, n. s. Rufa, thoracis lateribus dilatatis, pectoris disco nigro, alis anticis fasciâ nigrâ, posticis hyalinis.
Red. Thorax dilated on each side. Disk of the pectus black. Fore wings with a black band across the middle. Hind wings hyaline. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 12 lines.
57. CERCOPIS DISCREPANS, n. s. Nigro-purpurea, subtùs nigra, alis anticis nigris maculâ. elongateâ nonnunquam divisâ rufâ.
Blackish-purple, black beneath. Fore wings black, with an elongated red spot, which is contracted in the middle, and occasionally divided. Length of the body 3-3½ lines; of the wings 8-9 lines.
Corpus subfusiforme. Caput sat magnum, thorace paullò angustius; vertex depressus; frons convexa; facies brevi-conica, lateribus impressis. Antennœ brevissimæ; seta brevis. Prothorax brevis, anticè angustior. Mesothorax subpunctatus; scutellum excavatum. Alœ angustæ, apice rotundatæ, anticæ venulis nonnullis costalibus apicalibus venisque quatuor longitudinalibus, 1â 2â que furcatis.
Body subfusiform, shining. Head rather large, a little narrower than the thorax; vertex somewhat depressed; front convex; face short-conical, impressed on each side. Antennæ very short; bristle shorter than the breadth of the head. Prothorax narrower in front, about six times broader than long. Mesothorax minutely punctured; scutellum with a fusiform depression. Wings narrow, rounded at the tips. Fore wings with four longitudinal veins; 1st springing from the middle of the costa, emitting a fork towards the tip of the costa, and ending at somewhat behind the tip of the wing; 2nd forked near the base, springing from near the base of the costa; the forks connected by a veinlet at half their length; the fore fork emitting a branch to the 1st vein; 3rd slender, springing from near the base of the costa, ending on the hind border with a veinlet which connects it with the hind fork of the 2nd vein; 4th springing from very near the base of the costa, and extending obliquely to the hind border; several oblique veinlets at the tip of the costa.
58. COLSA COSTÆSTRIGA, n. s. Nigra, subtùs testacea, prothorace scutelloque testaceis, abdomine testaceo fasciâ nigrâ, coxis femoribusque testaceis, alis limpidis, venis nigris crassis, costâ nigrâ, stigmate albido-testaceo.
Black, testaceous beneath. Prothorax and scutellum testaceous. Abdomen testaceous, with a black band. Legs black; coxæ and femora testaceous. Wings limpid; veins black, thick; costa black; stigma whitish testaceous. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 6½ lines.
Subtrib. APHROPHORIDES, Amyot et Serv.
Gen. PTYELUS, St. Farg. et Serv.
59. PTYELUS BIPARS, n. s. Testaceus, capite suprà thoraceque testaceis, pectore testaceo-bivittato, alis anticis vittâ brevi posticâ fasciâque testaceis, posticis fuscescentibus.
Black. Head above and thorax testaceous. Pectus with a testaceous stripe along each side. Fore wings with a testaceous stripe which extends along half the length of the hind border from the base, and is united to a testaceous band across the middle. Hind wings brownish. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 9 lines.
60. PTYELUS IMMUTATUS, n. s. Testaceus, capite subtùs nigricante, pectore ex parte abdomineque nigris, tibiis apice nigris, alis anticis subpubescentibus, posticis cinerascentibus.
Testaceous. Head blackish beneath and with the usual ridges. Pectus partly black. Abdomen black. Tibiæ black at the tips. Fore wings minutely
pubescent. Hind wings greyish. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 8 lines.
Subtrib. SERRIPEDES, Amyot et Serv.
Cob. TETTIGONIDES, Amyot et Serv.
Gen. TETTIGONIA, Germar.
61. Tettigonia farinosa, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 70. 41 T. brevifrons, Walk Cat. Homopt. 754. 41.— T. nigrifrons, Signoret, Ann. Soc, Ent, Fr. 3me sér. i. 671. 123. pl 21. f 14.
Malacca and Singapore. Inhabits also Java, Pulo-Pinang, and Sumatra.
M. Signoret apparently describes the male of this species as T.farinosa, and the female as T. nigrifrons.
62. Tettigonia ferruginea, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 69. 36. (Cicada.)
Singapore. Inhabits also Hindostan, Java, the Philippine Isles, and China.
63. TETTIGONIA TRIPARS, n. s. Lætè rufa subtùs ænea, capite brevi rotundato vittis duabus nigris, fronte teataceâ margine nigricante, abdomine obscureè rufo fasciis nigricantibus apice æneo, pedibus testaceis, tarsis nigris, alis anticis testaceis glaucescentibus basi rufis, posticis fuscis.
Bright red, dark æneous beneath. Head short, rounded, nearly semicircular; vertex with two black stripes; front dull testaceous, with a blackish border. Abdomen dull dark red, with blackish bands; tip æneous. Legs dark testaceous; tarsi black. Fore wings dull testaceous, with a glaucous bloom, bright red at the base. Hind wings brown. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines.
64. TETTIGONIA SUAVISSIMA, n. s. Nigra subtùs alba, capita brevi-conico vittâ guttisque duabus nigris, thoracis lateribus luteis, pectore maculis nigris, abdomine luteo maculis lateralibus fasciâ rufâ apice albo, alis anticis fuscis apices versus pallidioribus strigâ obliqueâ rufâ anticè limpidis costâ luteâ, posticis fuscis apud costam limpidis basi nigricantibus.
Nearly allied to T. semiclara, Signoret, and to T.stellata, Sign., and forming with them a distinct group in the genus. Black, white beneath. Head short-conical, rounded in front, white with a black stripe and two black dots. Thorax luteous on each side. Pectus with black spots. Abdomen luteous with black spots on each side, red towards the tip which is white. Legs white. Fore wings dark brown, paler brown with an oblique red streak towards each tip, interruptedly limpid along the costa which is luteous. Hind wings brown, limpid along the costa, blackish at the base. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines.
65. TETTIGONIA JOCOSA, n. S. Rufa subtùs alba, capite albo brevi rotundato lateribus nigris, thorace vittis quinque testaceis duabusque albis, pedibus albis, alis anticis albo-vittatis fasciâ luridâ basi testaceis apice fuscis, posticis cinereis.
Red, white beneath. Head white, short, rounded, nearly semicircular; front
black on each side. Thorax with fire testaceous stripes and with two white stripes. Legs white. Fore wings with several various white stripes, testaceous at the base, lurid towards the tips which are brown. Hind wings dark grey. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines.
Mount Ophir.
Coh. SCARIDES, Amyot et Serv.
Gen. LEDRA, Fabr.
66. LEDRA CULTELLIFERA, n. s. Testacea punctis pallidioribus, capite conico, scutello attenuato, oviductu fulvo apice nigro, alis anticis subtuberculatis, posticis limpidis.
Testaceous. Head and thorax with minute paler dots. Head conical, broader than long. Scutum about twice broader than long. Scutellum attenuated and acuminated at the tip. Oviduct tawny, with a black tip. Fore wings very minutely tuberculate. Hind wings limpid. Length of the body 6½ lines; of the wings 12 lines.
67. LEDRA CONIFERA, n. s. Fulva tuberculis pallidis, subtùs testacea, capite conico, alis anticis testaceis venis ex parte rufescentibus, posticis limpidis.
Tawny, testaceous beneath. Head and thorax thickly covered with very minute pale tubercles. Head conical, hardly broader than long. Scutum not twice broader than long. Scutellum acuminated. Fore wings testaceous, very minutely tuberculated; veins partly reddish. Hind wings limpid. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 10 lines.
68. LEDRA. NIGRILINEA, n. s. Testacea subpunctulata, capite scutique lateribus nigro marginatis, capite brevi-conico, alis posticis limpidis.
Testaceous, very minutely punctured. Head and sides of the scutum bordered with black. Head short-conical, twice broader than long. Scutum not twice broader than long. Scutellum acuminated. Hind wings limpid. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 7 lines.
Gen. PENTHIMIA, Germar.
69. PENTHIMIA CASTANEA, n. s. Ferruginea lævis nitens, capite anticè subtùsque pectoris margine antico maculisque duabus nigris, pedibus nigris, tibiis spinosissimis, alis anticis apices versus luridis maculis nigris.
Ferruginous, smooth, shining. Head black in front and beneath. Pectus black in front and with a black spot on each side behind. Legs black; tibiæ very spinose. Fore wings lurid, and with black spots towards the tips. Length of the body 2½ lines; of the wings 5 lines.
Coh. IASSIDES, Amyot et Serv.
70. Acocephalus olivaceus, Walk. Cat. Homopt. pt. 3. 846.1.
Malacca. Inhabits also the Philippine Islands.
Gen. CœLIDIA, Germar.
71. CœGUTTIVENA, n. s., fœm. Nigro-ænea, capite viridi-testaceo, verticis guttis duabus frontisque vittis duabus rufis, thorace punctis testaceis, pectore abdomineque testaceis ex parte nigris, pedibus testaceis, tibiis tarsisque apice nigris, alis anticis hyalino-bifasciatis apicibus semihyalinis venis nigris luteo-guttatis, posticis cinerascentibus.
Female. Blackish-æneous. Head greenish testaceous, with two red spots on the vertex, and with two red stripes in front. Thorax thickly covered with testaceous points. Pectus and abdomen testaceous, partly black. Legs testaceous; tips of the tibiæ and of the tarsi black. Fore wings with two hyaline bands, and with semihyaline tips; veins black, with very numerous luteous dots. Hind wings greyish. Length of the body 3½ lines; of the wings 8 lines.
72. CœLIDIA PUNCTIVENA, n. s., fœm. Nigro-ænea, capite testaceo strigis tribus abbreviatis nigris, thorace punctis testaceis, pectore et abdomine nigris ex parte testaceis, pedibus nigricantibus, alis anticis testaceo-guttatis venis luteo-guttatis, posticis cinerascentibus.
Female. Blackish-æneous. Head dull testaceous, with three short black streaks between the eyes. Thorax thickly covered with testaceous points. Pectus and abdomen black, partly testaceous. Legs blackish. Fore wings with numerous minute testaceous dots between the veins which are black, with minute luteous dots. Hind wings greyish. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 9 lines.
Ord. PHYTOPHTHIRES, Burmeister.
Fam. COCCIDÆ, Leach.
73. Monophlebus atripennis, Klug, Handb. ii. 80.
Malacca and Singapore. Inhabits also Hindostan.
Fig. 1. Eupilis albilineola, p. 93; 1a, head and rostrum seen in front; 1b, the same seen sideways; 1c, the extremity of the body seen sideways.
Fig. 2. Micreune formidanda, p. 94.
Fig. 3. Benna capitulata, p. 90; 3a, the head and rostrum seen in front; 3b, the same seen sideways; 3c, the abdomen seen beneath.
Fig. 4. Cromna acutipennis, p. 85; 4a, the head and rostrum seen in front; 4b, the same seen sideways; 4c, the abdomen seen sideways.
Fig. 5. Colobesthes marginata, p. 92; 5a, the head and rostrum seen in front; 5b, the same seen sideways; 5c, the abdomen seen sideways.
Fig. 1. Colsa costæstriga, p. 96 1a, the head and rostrum seen in front; 1b, the same seen sideways.
Fig. 2. Bidis notivena, p. 88; 2a, the head and rostrum seen in front; 2b, the same seen sideways.
Fig. 3. Conna guttifera, p. 90; 3a, the head and rostrum seen in front; 3b, the same seen sideways.
Fig. 4. Elica latipennis, p. 86; 4a, the head and rostrum seen in front 4b, the same seen sideways.
Fig. 5. Daradax fusipennis, p. 86; 5a, the head and rostrum seen in front; 5b, the same seen sideways; 5c, the extremity of the abdomen seen sideways.
Fig. 6. Euria lurida, p. 88; 6a, the head and rostrum seen in front; 6b, the same seen sideways; 6c, the extremity of the abdomen seen sideways.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online. (
File last updated 26 September, 2012