RECORD: Verloren, M.C. 1860. [Report of a visit to London]. Verslag van den zestienden Algemeene Vergadering der Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging gehouden bij Leiden den 4de Augustus 1860. [Report on the 16th General Meeting of the Dutch Entomological Society held near Leiden on 4 August 1860]: 30-39.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed and translated by Kees Rookmaaker 4.2013.

[pages 30-9]

The following search terms have been highlighted: brookiana ornithoptera 

Verslag van den zestienden Algemeene Vergadering der Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging gehouden bij Leiden den 4de Augustus 1860. [Report on the 16th General Meeting of the Dutch Entomological Society held near Leiden on 4 August 1860.]

pp. 30-39

M.C. Verloren on his visit to England to attend the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Oxford.

p. 36

Meets Mr. Moore, the curator of the zoological collection of the East India House. In the report of this meeting he says that "in London people can see a large number of specimens, which during the past few years were collected in our East Indian possessions by the English naturalist Wallace."

p. 37

The speaker spent a day at the house of Mr. Hewitson at Oatlands Park near Walton, about 5 hours from London. This gentleman has one of the most beautiful and most extensive collections of diurnal butterflies in existence, consisting of 3358 species in 9146 specimens. The collection of Boisduval in Paris, hitherto thought to be the richest, includes only 2890 species of diurnal butterflies. The speaker was fascinated by some curious varieties of hermaphrodites. ...

p. [38]

Both Mr Hewitson and Mr Smith at the British Museum showed the Speaker, as a great rarity, some examples of Ornithoptera Brookiana, Wallace, which butterflies were sent by Wallace from Sumatra, and were named and described by him in Illustrations of new Species of Exotic Butterflies, selected chiefly from the Collections of W. Saunders and W.C. Hewitson. By W.C. Hewitson. London, John van Voorst, Vol. I. 1856. This is the same butterfly species, which recently was described and illustrated by our chairman [S.C. Snellen van Vollenhoven] under the name of Papilio Trogon, v. Voll.

Papilio trogon was first described in: Snellen van Vollengoven, M. 1860. Description d'une nouvelle espèce de lépidoptère du genre Papilio, suivie d'une énumeration des espèces de ce genre, qui se trouvent au Musée Royal des Pays-Bas à Leide. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 3: 67-89, plate 6.

This name is now used for the Sumatra subspecies of this butterfly: Trogonoptera brookiana trogon Van Vollenhoven, 1860. [Kees Rookmaaker]

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File last updated 25 April, 2013