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Identifier: NHM-WP01.003.026
Date: 1853.07.02
Name: Wallace Alfred Russel, Spruce Richard, Antony Henrique, Lima Joao Antonio de, Chagas ?, Darwin Charles Robert, Hooker Sir William Jackson, Diaz Gregorio
Description: Letter from Richard Spruce to A. R. Wallace from San Carlos del Rio Negro, 2 Jul 1853, re A. R. Wallace's shipwreck and lost specimens; threatened uprising by local Indians; plant collecting at San Jeronymo ( San Jeronimo); canoes on the Vuapes; steamers on the Amazon; Darwin and other English travellers; Chagas in prison; expected arrival of Antonio Diaz; publication of Spruce letters by Hooker; local women; plans for an expedition to the source of the Orinoco. Place: San Carlos del Rio Negro Brazil Orinoco river Notes: Letter no in contents list: 24. 2 folios, blue paper
Document type: Correspondence


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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online (http://wallace-online.org/) National University of Singapore