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Identifier: NHM-WP01.003.053
Date: 1861.12.22
Name: Wallace Alfred Russel, Silk George C, Fechter Charles Albert, Money? ?, Blondin
Description: Letter from A. R. Wallace to George Silk, from Lobo Raman, Sumatra, 22 Dec 1861, continued Singapore, 20 Jan 1862, re plans to return to England; GS's preoccupation with politics; A. R. Wallace;s paper on New Guinea Native Trade, Blondin, Mr Fechter; "Great Expectations"; wet season in Sumatra; jungle animals; monkey behaviour; Malay language and customs; Mony's? book on Java; Dutch and British colonial government; GS's siblings; Marriage, desirable qualities in a wife. Place: Lobo Raman Sumatra Java Netherlands Indies India Notes: Letter no in contents list: 51. Five folios
Document type: Correspondence


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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online (http://wallace-online.org/) National University of Singapore