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Identifier: NHM-WP01.005.006
Date: 1886.11.22
Name: Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Carter ?, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Wallace William Greenell, Mitten William
Description: Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie, from Boston, 22 Nov 1886 re receipt of her letter after a month without news; visit to Williamstown, sending plants of fern polystichum acrostichoides growing near a waterfall there and some moth cocoons for son William, moths should emerge in spring, instructions for care; stay with Dr Carter, President of the (Williamstown) College, and his daughter, invitation to return to view spring flowers; orchids including Cypripedum spectabile common; has sent gentian seeds to her papa (William MItten); fears for his voice as has a cold, will wear respirator whenever going out, to travel 100 miles to lecture tomorrow; people becoming "oppresively kind and respectful." Place: Boston Williamstown Massachusetts USA
Document type: Correspondence


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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online (http://wallace-online.org/) National University of Singapore