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Identifier: NHM-WP01.008.027
Date: 1904.01.08
Name: Brown Robert, Wallace Alfred Russel, Lang Andrew, Kavanah ?
Description: Letter from Robert Brown Jnr to A. R. Wallace from Hull, 8 Jan 1904, enclosing a sheet headed "Remarks", re the origin of speech and Brown's paper on it, occult imitation, Socratic Dialogue on Language in Jowett's "Plato", Andrew Lang and the application of totemistic principles to historical names; returning A. R. Wallace's paper on "Speech" (not present). The "remarks" are notes with associated page numbers, (possibly pages in A. R. Wallace's paper?). Place: Hull Humberside England
Document type: Correspondence


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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online (http://wallace-online.org/) National University of Singapore