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Identifier: NHM-WP06.006.009
Date: 1886--1900
Name: Wallace Alfred Russel
Description: Sketches and proof sheets of images illustrating native American tools and implements in 'American Museums', in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social", (London 1900) vol. 2, Ch. 2; and other sketches and notes relating to America and American Museums comprising: 1-7: Original ink sketches of Indian arrowheads, pottery & other implements from the Smithsonian Museum, in ink on small squared paper sheets, marked up in blue pencil and annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand; each pasted inside a folded piece of blue-green letter paper, some with notes in his hand on the inside, numbered on the outside in blue, possibly in WGW's hand, numbers 1-7; sheets in numbers 1 and 7 have sketches on both sides. When listed enclosed in small buff envelope labelled in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Notes on sketches of H[unt] [Hunt] implements" (item 19 below). Most reproduced as figs 5-8 and 10-24 in vol 2, Ch. 2, pp. 41-52.; sketches and equivalent figures in the chapter as below: Folder 1 - fig. 7 Folder 2 - figs 5, 6, 8 and 10 Folder 3 - figs 13, 15, 16, 17 and 18 Folder 4 - fig. 12 Folder 5 - figs 11 and 14 Folder 6 - figs 19, 21 and 23 Folder 7 - figs 20, 22 and 24 ( 24 on back of sheet). 8. Proof illustration approximately 11.5 cm x 9.5 cm showing thirteen prehistoric implements (from drawings made by A. R. Wallace? at the National Museum, Washington) including one serrated obsidian spearhead labelled "California III". Annotated at the bottom in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "cf letters on cells" crossed through. Stamped on the back in red "Walker & Boutall 16 Clifford's Inn Fleet Street London" and annotated in black in an unknown hand "Wallaces Studies | 2670 | 2nd print | Novr 30/99"; reproduced as fig. 7, vol. 2, p. 42. 9. Sheet of notes on a Macmillan & co compliments slip with notes in ink and pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Twisted or Spiral cut Arrowheads" and proof illustration approximately 11.5 cm x 8 cm showing five prehistoric arrowheads (from drawings made by A. R. Wallace? at the National Museum, Washington), reproduced as fig. 9, vol. 2 p. 44. Sheet cut in half and pinned to notes when listed; the back is stamped in red with the right-hand section of the stamp "Walker & Boutall 16 Clifford's Inn Fleet Street London" and annotated in black in an unknown hand "Implements | 2670 | ny 13 1900", part of the text "Wallaces Implements | 2670 | Jany 13 1900" on the full sheet (see item 10 below.) 10. Proof illustration approximately 14 cm x 10 cm showing various prehistoric implements (from drawings made by A. R. Wallace? at the National Museum, Washington) including in the centre stone scrapers and arrowheads, marked into sections in pencil. Sheet cut in half; the back is stamped in red with the left-hand section of the stamp "Walker & Boutall 16 Clifford's Inn Fleet Street London" and annotated in black in an unknown hand "Wallace" and "Ja", part of the text "Wallaces Implements | 2670 | Jany 13 1900" on the full sheet ( see item 9 above); reproduced as figs 5, 6, 8 and 10 vol. 2 pp. 41-43. 11. Proof illustration approximately 19 cm x 14 cm showing various prehistoric implements (from drawings made by A. R. Wallace? at the National Museum, Washington) including at bottom left the stylised figure of a llama, marked into sections in pencil with annotations in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand (ink over fainter printed image of writing) crossed through in ink. The back is stamped in red "Walker & Boutall 16 Clifford's Inn Fleet Street London" and annotated in black in an unknown hand "Wallaces Implements | 2670 | Jany 13 1900"; reproduced as figs 19-24, vol. 2 pp. 49-52. 12.Proof illustration approximately 19 cm x 14 cm showing various prehistoric implements (from drawings made by A. R. Wallace? at the National Museum, Washington) including at top left stone spoons or cups viewed from above, marked into sections in pencil. The back is stamped in red "Walker & Boutall 16 Clifford's Inn Fleet Street London" and annotated in black in an unknown hand "Wallaces Implements | 2670 | Jany 13 1900"; reproduced in vol. 2 as figs 11and 12 (p 45) 13, 14 and 15 (p. 46) and 16, 17 and 18 (p. 48). 13. Notes on a small squared paper sheet approx. 8 cm x 15 cm in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink over pencil beginning " Pipes human & animal form in Ohio & Illinois", apparently notes on specimens of native implements displayed in American Museums; enclosed when listed in folder 1 of items 1-7 above. 14. Faint pencil sketches on both sides of a small squared paper sheet approx. 8 cm x 15 cm: one side showing a stone knife? captioned in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Chipped flint. Mound. Macon Co. W. Virginia" and an axe head? decorated with the figure of a man apparently killing a snake, captioned "A[r]t. Coll. Cincinnati"; the other side showing a map or geological diagram with strata? labelled "hill of Loess", "loess" and "mid. drift gravel with pebbles", captioned "W. Sioux City".15. Notes on a small squared paper sheet approx. 8 cm x 15 cm in A. R. Wallace's hand in pencil and ink beginning on one side in pencil "Leaving Clifton Forge | 7 am | (1) Lowmoor - low furnaces in rows", apparently notes of a train trip through Virginia and the views and geological features seen, with notes of time and place including 8.40 at Fort Spring at the bottom of the page and continuing increasingly illegibly overleaf where three sketches in ink,of a stone arrowhead, hoe, and gouge, headed "Occasional - N.Y. Museum" with notes, are upside down with relation to the train journey notes. Enclosed when listed in folder 1 of items 1-7 above. 16. Notes and sketches on a small squared paper sheet approx. 8 cm x 15 cm in A. R. Wallace's hand in pencil and ink beginning on one side in ink over pencil "Ruined Pueblo of Penasco Blanca"; sketches in ink overleaf, of Sioux, Utah Indian and Eskimo stone tools including knives, pick and hammer, headed "American National Museum Washington"; not reproduced in "Studies Scientific and Social". 17. Sketch of a tomahawk in ink on a small squared paper sheet approx. 8 cm x 15 cm, captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Stone tomahawk. | Modern Indian." 18. Folder made from two lined exercise-book pages, titled on the front in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Illustrations for | American Museums | Proofs &c." When listed this contained one small squared paper sheet of notes on pueblos and sketches of Sioux, Utah Indian and Eskimo stone tools headed "American National Museum Washington" (item 16 above) but no other documents or images. 19: Envelope labelled in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Notes on sketches of H[unt] implements". 20. Faint pencil outline sketch of a mountain range on a small squared paper sheet approx. 8 cm x 15 cm captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand in pencil "Alleghanes [sic, for Alleghenies i.e. Alleghany Highlands] nr Clifton Forge" with an arrow pointing out "N. Mountain"; diagrams in pencil of 5 circles, one overlapped by an irregular square, on the back; old ref WP2/16/47, possibly done on the same day as the notes mentioning Clifton Forge (item 15 above). Place: New York USA Virginia USA Washington DC USA Notes: "American Museums" was first published in "Fortnightly Review", Sep and Oct 1887. Several letters from A. R. Wallace to his family from America mention the Museums (see particularly WP1/5/12, 19 Dec 1886).
Document type: Photo


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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online (http://wallace-online.org/) National University of Singapore