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Identifier: NHM-WP07.043
Date: [1873--1911]
Name: Wallace Alfred Russel
Description: Mss and print on ethical issues c. 1873-1911 in paper cover labelled in WGW's? A. R. Wallace's? hand "Letters on Ethical Questions", comprising: WP7/43.01 to 06. Notes: Cover made from blue paper blank on one side and red-lined on the other with printed divisions into two geographical regions (Australian and Indian) further divided into island groups (page of a collection register?). Two items assumed to be misfiled were removed and relocated: letter to Daily News re flying machines in war (see papers on this specific topic in WP ) and reprint The Palaearctic and Nearctic . . . Mammalia and Birds" (see WP7/72 ). It is possible some or all of the papers above are not those originally in the titled cover, which may have been created by WGW, as not all are letters, but all more or less fit the category.
Document type: Printed


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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online (http://wallace-online.org/) National University of Singapore