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WSPEC057    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Notes on the geographical distribution of the aculeate hymenoptera collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7: 109-145.   Text   Image   PDF
China. India. Philippines. Malacca. Borneo. Singapore. Gilolo. Ternate. Sumatra. Java. Waigiou. Bachian. Dory. Mysol. Celebes. Ceram. Amboyna. Martabello. Bouru. Key. Aru. Timor. Kaisaa. Australia. New Hebrides Madagascar. Africa. Europe. Alastor cognatus .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * Ischnogaster cilipennis .. .. .. * * Mellyi .. .. .. * * .. .. .. .. * nigrifrons .. .. .. .. * micans .. .. .. * * .. .. .. .. * iridipennis
WSPEC057    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Notes on the geographical distribution of the aculeate hymenoptera collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7: 109-145.   Text   Image   PDF
China. India. Philippines. Malacca. Borneo. Singapore. Gilolo. Ternate. Sumatra. Java. Waigiou. Bachian. Dory. Mysol. Celebes. Ceram. Amboyna. Martabello. Bouru. Key. Aru. Timor. Kaisaa. Australia. New Hebrides Madagascar. Africa. Europe. Vespa unicolor .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * Polybia Sumatrensis * * .. * * stigma .. .. .. .. * luctuosa .. .. .. .. * decorata .. .. .. .. * artifex .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * mathematica
WSPEC057    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Notes on the geographical distribution of the aculeate hymenoptera collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7: 109-145.   Text   Image   PDF
China. India. Philippines. Malacca. Borneo. Singapore. Gilolo. Ternate. Sumatra. Java. Waigiou. Bachian. Dory. Mysol. Celebes. Ceram. Amboyna. Martabello. Bouru. Key. Aru. Timor. Kaisaa. Australia. New Hebrides Madagascar. Africa. Europe. Megachile terminalis .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * .. .. .. .. .. .. * lateritia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * scabrosa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * .. * insularis
WSPEC057    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Notes on the geographical distribution of the aculeate hymenoptera collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7: 109-145.   Text   Image   PDF
China. India. Philippines. Malacca. Borneo. Singapore. Gilolo. Ternate. Sumatra. Java. Waigiou. Bachian. Dory. Mysol. Celebes. Ceram. Amboyna. Martabello. Bouru. Key. Aru. Timor. Kaisaa. Australia. New Hebrides Madagascar. Africa. Europe. Anthophora insularis .. .. .. .. * vigilans .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * elegans .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * * .. .. * .. .. .. * Apis zonata .. .. * .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * nigrocincta
WSPEC057    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Notes on the geographical distribution of the aculeate hymenoptera collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7: 109-145.   Text   Image   PDF
China. India. Philippines. Malacca. Borneo. Singapore. Gilolo. Ternate. Sumatra. Java. Waigiou. Bachian. Dory. Mysol. Celebes. Ceram. Amboyna. Martabello. Bouru. Key. Aru. Timor. Kaisaa. Australia. New Hebrides Madagascar. Africa. Europe. Cryptus scutellatus .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * opacus .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * spoliator .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * albopictus .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * * variegatus
WSPEC057    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Notes on the geographical distribution of the aculeate hymenoptera collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7: 109-145.   Text   Image   PDF
China. India. Philippines. Malacca. Borneo. Singapore. Gilolo. Ternate. Sumatra. Java. Waigiou. Bachian. Dory. Mysol. Celebes. Ceram. Amboyna. Martabello. Bouru. Key. Aru. Timor. Kaisaa. Australia. New Hebrides. Madagascar. Africa. Europe. Megaproctus ruficeps .. .. .. .. .. * Rhyssa mirabilis .. .. .. .. * maculipennis .. .. .. .. * fasciata .. .. .. .. * .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * vestigator .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * .. .. .. .. .. .. * nobilitator
WSPEC057    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Notes on the geographical distribution of the aculeate hymenoptera collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7: 109-145.   Text   Image   PDF
China. India. Philippines. Malacca. Borneo. Singapore. Gilolo. Ternate. Sumatra. Java. Waigiou. Bachian. Dory. Mysol. Celebes. Ceram. Amboyna. Martabello. Bouru. Key. Aru. Timor. Kaisaa. Australia. New Hebrides. Madagascar. Africa. Europe. Bracon bellicosus .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * combustus .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * tricolor .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * jaculator .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * .. .. .. * quadriceps
WSPEC004    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1863. An attempt at a classification of the Eumolpidae. Journal of Entomology, London, 2 (9): 143-163.   Text   Image   PDF
episternum. Mesosternum subquadrate, its apex dilated, obtuse. Type, Stasimus rugosus, Baly. Singapore. Stasimus may be separated from all other allied forms by its gibbous thorax, tuberculate elytra, and peculiar antenn . The single species forming the genus is a native of Singapore. Stasimus rugosus, Baly. S. oblong, subcylindrical, opake, fuscous; head rugose, closely covered with suberect paler hairs; thorax rugose, strongly gibbous in front; elytra deeply punctured, the puncturing arranged in
WSPEC057    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Notes on the geographical distribution of the aculeate hymenoptera collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7: 109-145.   Text   Image   PDF
important. To the typical genus Myrmica twenty-eight species are added: the cosmopolitan species M. molesta was found at Singapore and Celebes; it is truly a domestic species, few localities being free from it; it is conveyed in merchandise to all parts of the globe, and, apparently, propagates equally well in all latitudes. Several new genera belonging to the Myrmicid are added. One of these, Heptacondylus, was founded upon the examination of workers which are remarkable for having only seven
WSPEC058    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the islands of Mysol, Ceram, Waigiou, Bouru and Timor. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7 (25): 6-48.   Text   Image   PDF
Gen. XYLOCOPA, Latr. 1. Xylocopa perforator, Smith, Proc. Linn. Soc. vi. 61. 4.Hab. Timor; Ternate. 2. Xylocopa stuans, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 961. 53.Hab. Timor; Celebes; Java; Singapore; India. 3. Xylocopa unicolor, Smith, Proc. Linn. Soc. v. 135. 2.Hab. Bouru; Amboyna. 4. XYLOCOPA PROVIDA. X. nigra, pube nigra vestita; thorace postice pube flava decorato; alis nigro-fuscis. (Fœmina.) Flava, tibiis posticis intus nigro hirtis; alis fusco-hyalinis, apicibus nigro minute et regulariter crebre
WSPEC040    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1863. List of the Colydiidae collected in the Indian islands by Alfred R. Wallace, Esq., and descriptions of new species. Journal of Entomology, London, 2 (9): 121-143.   Text   Image   PDF
Dr. Schaum in transmitting the original specimen, I have been able to identify with the second species from Siam mentioned by Erichson. The Opatrum hispidum, Weber, the type of the genus, is unknown to me, but may possibly be identical with T. Bowringii, Woll. Chorites aspis*. Pascoe, huj. op. i. p. 115. Sarawak. Chorites latus. C. late ellipticus, niger, griseo-nigro squamatus; prothoracis lateribus integris; elytris medio elevatis vel gibbosis. Hab. Singapore. Broadly elliptic, black, with
WSPEC049    Periodical contribution:     Saunders, William Wilson. 1863. On the species of Catascopus found by Mr. Wallace in the Malay Peninsular and East Indian Islands. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 1: 455- 469,pl.XVII, XVIII.   Text   Image   PDF
by Mr. Wallace, is nearly double the size of two specimens I have examined, one from Singapore, the other from Sarawack. It is also of an uniform bright metallic-green. I cannot find, however, any characters to distinguish it as a species. [page] 46
WSPEC050    Periodical contribution:     Schaum, Hermann Rudolph. 1863. Contributions to the knowledge of the Cicindelidæ of Tropical Asia, containing descriptions of new species, a list of those hitherto described, and synonymical notes. Journal of Entomology, London, 2 (8): 57-74 [few specimens collected by Wallace, see pp. 57, 59, 60, 70].   Text   Image   PDF
. linearis, Schmidt-G. Birma. 41. C. diffracta, Schmidt-G. Birma. 42. C. fuscitarsis, Schmidt-G. Birma. 43. C. parvula, Chaud. (Bull. Mosc. 1848; Bull. 1860). Ind. or. 44. C. am na, Chaud. Ind. or. 45. C. saphyrina, Chaud. (Bull. 1850)=C. Boysii, Chaud. (Bull. 1860), var. major. Ind. bor. 46. C. maculicornis, Chaud. Simlah. 47. C. subdilatata, Chaud. Deccan. 48. C. flavicornis, Chaud. Hindostan. 49. C. chloroptera, Chaud. Singapore. 50. C. varitarsis, Chaud. Hindostan. 51. C. dolens, Chaud. (Berl
WSPEC057    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Notes on the geographical distribution of the aculeate hymenoptera collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7: 109-145.   Text   Image   PDF
and the adjacent islands; one species was discovered in Celebes. Of the genus Nomia seventeen species are recorded in the tabular list, not a single example having been previously discovered in Malacca, Singapore, Celebes, Aru, Gilolo, or Mysol. Nomada is a genus of very rare occurrence within the tropics; one species was, however, found in Ceram, and one in Timor. Four new species of Honey-Bees were discovered two in Borneo and two in Celebes. Of the genus Trigona, which is composed of the
WSPEC058    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the islands of Mysol, Ceram, Waigiou, Bouru and Timor. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7 (25): 6-48.   Text   Image   PDF
. Hab. Waigiou. Group I. SOLITARY WASPS. Fam. EUMENTD , Westw. Gen. EUMENES, Latr. 1. Eumenes Urvillei, Sauss. Mon. Gu pes Sol. i. 59. 44.Hab. Ceram; Gilolo; New Guinea. 2. Eumenes arcuatus, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 287.11.Hab. Mysol; Waigiou; Bachian; Dory; Key Island; Singapore; Siam. 3. Eumenes Praslina, Gu r. Voy. Coq. Zool. ii. 267 pl. 9. fig. 7.Hab. Ceram; Gilolo; Kaisaa; Port Praslin; Key Island; Amboyna. 4. Eumenes agilis, Smith, Proc. Linn. Soc. v. 127. 8.Hab. Ceram; Amboyna. 5. Eumenes
WSPEC004    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1863. An attempt at a classification of the Eumolpidae. Journal of Entomology, London, 2 (9): 143-163.   Text   Image   PDF
; Leprotes, Hongkong; Demotina, China, Ceylon, and the Malay archipelago; and Aulacolepis, Siam and Sumatra; together with the six following, peculiar to the Malay archipelago itself: viz., Aulexis, Piomera, Metaxis, Apolepis, to Borneo; Stasimus, to Singapore; and Lepina, to Sumatra, Java, and Pulo Penang. In North America are found (in addition to Adoxus) Xanthonia and Fidia. South America contains an equal number of species with the last, belonging to the genera Habrophora and Brevicolaspis
WSPEC040    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1863. List of the Colydiidae collected in the Indian islands by Alfred R. Wallace, Esq., and descriptions of new species. Journal of Entomology, London, 2 (9): 121-143.   Text   Image   PDF
, Macassar, and Aru; Chorites oblongus at Macassar, Ceram, and Batchian; Minthea simillima at Saylee, Ceram, and Macassar; Hyberis araneiformis at Sarawak and Singapore; Phormesa heros at Dorey and Morty; Nematidium posticum at Sarawak and Amboyna; and Dastarcus vetustus at Ceram and Batchian. The little island of Mysol furnished eight species, only one of them, Ocholissa humeralis, having being detected elsewhere. It must be observed, however, that Mr. Wallace did not trouble himself with these
WSPEC049    Periodical contribution:     Saunders, William Wilson. 1863. On the species of Catascopus found by Mr. Wallace in the Malay Peninsular and East Indian Islands. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 1: 455- 469,pl.XVII, XVIII.   Text   Image   PDF
approaches the Islands at Singapore, for eight species are found on the continent, five of which, as before observed, are common to the Islands. The genus Catascopus appears to be peculiar to the tropics or the warmer parts of the globe, and there is every reason to suppose that the number of species will be considerably augmented when the researches of naturalists have more fully made known the entomological riches of tropical India. I make this observation, for new species of Catascopus are
WSPEC049    Periodical contribution:     Saunders, William Wilson. 1863. On the species of Catascopus found by Mr. Wallace in the Malay Peninsular and East Indian Islands. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 1: 455- 469,pl.XVII, XVIII.   Text   Image   PDF
lurk beneath it can be more easily captured. The larger species found in Malacca, Borneo and Singapore used frequently to be seen coursing along the surface of some immense fallen trees, from one crack to another, their brilliant bodies glittering splendidly in the sunlight. [page] 46
WSPEC049    Periodical contribution:     Saunders, William Wilson. 1863. On the species of Catascopus found by Mr. Wallace in the Malay Peninsular and East Indian Islands. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 1: 455- 469,pl.XVII, XVIII.   Text   Image   PDF
of each elytron has nine deeply and coarsely punctate stri , nearly equally spaced, the fourth from the suture being widened and deeper, about one-third its length from the base. Legs moderate in length, stout. Length 4/10 inch. From Singapore. In the collection of Mr. Wallace, and in my own. This is a rather small species, with narrow thorax and broad elytra. It comes close to C. elegans, Chaud., from which it may be distinguished without difficulty by the shape of the thorax, which in C
WSPEC057    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Notes on the geographical distribution of the aculeate hymenoptera collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7: 109-145.   Text   Image   PDF
entomologist so eminently qualified as Mr. Wallace, the Formicid (as might be expected) constitute a very important portion, the number of species amounting to about two hundred and eighty. Of these, upwards of two hundred proved new to science. The majority of the larger species were previously known. Formica gigas of India and Malacca was found by Mr. Wallace in Singapore and Borneo. F. compressa, known as Indian, and also from China and the Philippines, is now known to inhabit Borneo; this Ant, no doubt
WSPEC057    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Notes on the geographical distribution of the aculeate hymenoptera collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7: 109-145.   Text   Image   PDF
typical genus Pompilus consists of upwards of two hundred and ninety species, fifty-six having been discovered in the Eastern Archipelago. Some species are known to have a wide distribution: P. analis of Fabricius, originally known as an Indian species, has been found in Celebes, Bachian, and Java; Agenia blanda inhabits Singapore, Borneo, Celebes, Key Island, and Ceram; Macromeris violacea is perhaps the most generally distributed insect belonging to the family; it is found in India, China
WSPEC057    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Notes on the geographical distribution of the aculeate hymenoptera collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7: 109-145.   Text   Image   PDF
be quoted; this species occurs in Northern India, in Madras, Borneo, Bachian, Dory, Mysol, and in Australia. The majority of the species belonging to the genus Rhynchium are tropical. The R. h morrhoidale, first recorded as an Indian species, has occurred in Malacca, Singapore, Java, throughout the Eastern Archipelago, and also at the Cape of Good Hope; an examination of examples from these various localities shows a great variation in the colour of the insect in different situations, and at
WSPEC058    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the islands of Mysol, Ceram, Waigiou, Bouru and Timor. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7 (25): 6-48.   Text   Image   PDF
. Ceram; Celebes; Key Island; Borneo; India; Singapore; Malacca. 2. Agenia Amalthea, Smith, Proc. Linn. Soc. iii. 155. 6.Hab. Waigiou; Aru. 3. AGENIA EUDORA. A. capite, metathorace abdomineque nigris; tho-race pedibusque sanguineis; alis anticis fascia transversa fusca. Female. Length 4 lines. Head black; the clypeus, palpi, mandibles, and antenn ferruginous. Thorax black, with the pro- and meso-thorax blood-red above; the metathorax rounded behind, transversely striated, and covered with
WSPEC058    Periodical contribution:     Smith, Frederick. 1863. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr.A. R. Wallace in the islands of Mysol, Ceram, Waigiou, Bouru and Timor. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 7 (25): 6-48.   Text   Image   PDF
spot on the intermediate and posterior cox yellow; wings brownish, with a violet and, in some lights; coppery iridescence. Abdomen: the petiole elongate, punctured, its apex with a narrow yellow margin; the following segment bordered with yellow. Hab. Bouru. Gen. RHYNCHIUM, Spin. 1. Rhynchium h morrho dale, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 259. 28.Hab. Ceram; Gilolo; Bachian; Dory; Malacca; Singapore; India. 2. Rhynchium metallicum, Sauss. Mon. Gu pes Sol. i. 114. 21.Hab. Ceram; Bachian; Sarawak; India. 3
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. Singapore. Head and prothorax black, closely and coarsely punctured, the latter with a white interrupted band anteriorly; scutellum with a yellowish pubescence; elytra shorter than in the last, and more closely punctured, deep chalybeate-blue; body beneath and four anterior legs brownishpitchy, very glossy; posterior femora and tibi chalybeate-blue, covered with long brownish hairs, their tarsi pitchy; antenn entirely brown, with a close paler pubescence. Length 3 lines. Epania pusio. E. capite
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. Macrocyrta macilenta, Chevrolat, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1858, p. 82. D. elongatus, cinereus; elytris nigris, fasciis quinque cinereis, prima indistincta basali, secunda tertiaque ad suturam connexis, quarta antice arcuata, quinta apicali. Hab. Singapore. Narrow, elongate, ashy; prothorax subcylindrical, a little rounded at the sides, with two indistinct black spots placed a little before the middle; scutellum curvilinearly triangular, a little rounded at the apex; elytra black, with five ashy
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Glossy-black, distinguished from all the other species by the smoothness and impunctuation of the elytra except at the base; in colour some specimens are entirely black, always excepting the scutellum, others are as described by M. Thomson. Length 7 9 lines.* Gnoma longitarsis. G. fusca; elytris angustatis, fulvo-irroratis, sat fortiter punctatis; tarsis anticis elongatis; antennarum articulo tertio l ve. Hab. Singapore, Sarawak. Brown, or yellowish-brown, slightly shining; head sparingly
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
centibus; elytris leviter griseo-pubescentibus, macula magna basali biloba nivea ornatis. Hab. Singapore, Sarawak, Batchian, Amboyna, Banca, Java, Timor, Flores, Dorey, (and Ceylon, Siam, India.) Pale brownish-testaceous; vertex and prothorax covered with a close ochreous pubescence; scutellum snowy-white; elytra with a delicate greyish or ochreous pubescence, a large bilobed spot composed of a close-set snowy tomentum at the apex of the scutellum, and generally two smaller spots (sometimes
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Chreonoma melanura. C. fulva; apicibus elytrorum nigro-purpureis. Hab. Singapore. Fulvous, apices of the elytra dark purple with an opaline gloss; head and prothorax without punctures, except a few on each side of the callosity posteriorly; scutellum semicircular; elytra with fine scattered punctures at the bases, none at the apex; propectus fulvous; postpectus, abdomen and posterior femora and tibi dark purple, shining, the rest of the legs fulvous, the intermediate femora brownish; antenn
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, Hist. Nat. Ins. ii. 489. G. cyaneo-chalybeata; vertice vittis duabus albis; prothorace albo, plaga magna laterali atra; elytris maculis octo apicibusque niveis. Hab. Java, Singapore. Chalybeate-blue; the front and cheeks, and two lines on the vertex, white; prothorax white, with a large black patch on each side; scutellum black at the base, the apex white; each elytron with four white spots arranged as in G. Amboynica, the apex entirely white; body beneath chalybeate, with a whitish pubescence
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
species, if it be one, is considerably more nearly allied to G. picta than any other. Length 8 9 lines. The anal processes of this species are thick and nearly contiguous. Glenea Nympha. J. Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 560. G. angusta, cyaneo-chalybeata, niveo-maculata; scutello anguste triangulari; prothorace interrupte punctato ( , ). Hab. Singapore, Amboyna?, Dorey?. Coloration similar to G. picta, but the elytra, equally narrow and slightly incurved along the sides, taper more towards the
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. vertice prothoraceque atris, hoc postice albo; elytris atris, plagis duabus ad suturam fere connexis, maculisque duabus apicalibus, albis ( , ). Hab. Singapore (and India). Head black on the vertex, becoming paler in front, the cheeks ashy-white; prothorax jet-black anteriorly, pure white posteriorly; acutellum and elytra black, a large squarish transverse patch behind the middle of each elytron, nearly meeting at the suture, and a small spot on each apex, white; body beneath with a thin whitish
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
cula laterali ante medium, alteraque quadrata pr -apicali ochraceis, c teris humerisque atris ( ). Hab. Singapore. Head and prothorax jet-black, stripe on the vertex, continuous with another on the prothorax, ochraceous; scutellum semicircular, ochraceous; elytra with a large fawn-coloured patch anteriorly, bordered at the shoulders with black, and having a triangular ochraceous spot at the side, posteriorly, but before the middle, jet-black, except a quadrangular pr -apical ochraceous spot
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Glenea Irene. G. nigra, c ruleo-vittata; vertice vittis duabus, occipite nigro; prothorace vitta mediana; elytris vittis quinque, vitta externa in fascia brevi exeunte ( ). Hab. Singapore. Black, with narrow cobalt-blue stripes; head blueish-white in front and on the cheeks, the blue predominating in two narrow stripes between the eyes but not extending to the hind-head; prothorax with a narrow median stripe, its sides blueish-white, the basal margin blue; scutellum blue at the apex; elytra
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
uniformly ashy; the punctuation of the elytra is less marked; in both the external apical spine is strongly produced. Glenea Anona. G. capite prothoraceque nigris, elytris fuscis, supra pallide ochraceo-vittatis; vertice vittis duabus, prothorace tribus, elytris quinque; horum apicibus singulis macula nivea ornatis ( ). Hab. Singapore. Head and prothorax black, the eye bordered with white, two narrow pale ochraceous lines on the vertex; prothorax with a narrow pale ochraceous median line; scutellum
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Glenea palliata. G. valde pubescens; capite prothoraceque flavo-griseis; elytris brunneis, disco vittaque laterali flavo-griseis ( ). Hab. Singapore. Covered with a close somewhat silky pubescence; head and prothorax yellowish-grey, the latter impunctate; scutellum semicircular, yellowish-grey; elytra reddish-brown, the disk and a narrow stripe on the declivous portion yellowish-grey, the apices with a nearly obsolete external spine; body beneath entirely greyish; legs testaceous; antenn brown
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Glenea Vesta. Pascoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 260, pl. xxviii. fig. 3. G. pulchella, Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2, iv. 260 (nec Hope). G. nigra; fronte, prothoracis lateribus, elytrorum basi et maculis duabus communibus sulphureis. Hab. Singapore, Sarawak, Mysol, Ceram. Black, front of the head and cheeks, sides of the prothorax, scutellum, base of the elytra, and two large patches common to both, one at the middle, the other near the apex, bright sulphur-yellow; body beneath reddish
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Oberea clara. Pascoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 265. O. fulvescens; scutello transverse scutiformi; elytris vix elongatis, pone humeros angustatis, leviter punctatis, marginibus infuscatis. Hab. Singapore. Fulvous-testaceous, inclining to a pale orange on the head and prothorax, which are very finely and sparsely punctured, the former broad and rounded in front, with a mesial groove; scutellum transversely scutiform; elytra scarcely elongate, compared to the head and prothorax as 5 to 2
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Length 8 lines. The Singapore specimen is stouter, and the striol on the prothorax are slightly different, having anteriorly a more concentric arrangement; a third specimen (or species) has a broader prothorax, with a smaller lateral spine, c. Chloridolum ceycinum. C. subangustatum, viride; prothorace maculis duabus, scutelloque nigro-cyaneis; elytris vitta suturali fere obsoleta. Hab. Singapore. Rather narrow, dark green; head closely punctured behind, lip black, mandibles green, the tips
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
cinereis, fascia secunda transversa pr mediana, ad suturam ascendente. Hab. Sarawak; Singapore (and Java). Differs from the preceding in its smaller size (4 lines) and narrower outline, the second band of the elytra not so near the middle, and more slender antenn . I refer Clytus Sappho to this species on the faith of a specimen in chevrolat's collection, but it scarcely agrees with the figure in Laporte and Gory's monograph. Only two central approximate carin . Xylotrechus decoratus. X. niger
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, and accordingly devoted most of my time to Ornithology. Many parts of the country are covered with fine forests, and ought to be very productive if well worked under favourable conditions. Singapore My chief collecting ground was at Bukittima, a Roman Catholic Mission Station in the centre of the island. Here were several patches of forest on the tops of low hills, and on one of these, about a square mile in extent, I obtained nine-tenths of my Singapore collections. A few statistics of these
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Noserius tibialis. Pascoe, l. c., pl. xxiii. fig. 4. N. testaceus; antennis, articulo basali excepto, tibiisque fuscis; prothorace utrinque minute tuberculato; elytris fere parallelis. Hab. Sarawak, Singapore. Testaceous, finely pubescent; antenn , except the scape, and tibi blackish-brown; apices of the femora pitchy, base of the first joint of the tarsi brownish; head and prothorax impunctate, the latter with a short tooth-like tubercle on each side; elytra finely punctured at the base, the
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, all covered with a delicate tomentum; body beneath, reddish-yellow, darker or brownish-testaceous on the metasternum and abdomen. Length 2 -4 lines. Tetraommatus nigriceps. T. fuscus, prothorace solo luteo. Hab. Singapore. Minutely punctured above; head, scutellum, and elytra blackish-brown, the latter and the prothorax with a sparse grayish setiform pubescence; prothorax luteous yellow, narrower than in T. callidioides; abdomen and legs dull brownish luteous; antenn with the first joints
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Hoplocerambyx aramis. J. Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 575. Hoplocerambyx relictus, Pascoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 528. H. brunneo-pubescens; fronte haud depressa; prothorace valde corrugato, rugis vix intricatis, leviter divisis. Hab. Singapore. Dark reddish-brown, with a thin delicate pubescence; front between the eyes and base of the antenn not depressed, groove above the clypeus with two large tubercles; corrugations of the prothorax irregular, but scarcely intricately arranged, and here
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
; prothorace profunde et in medio longitudinaliter bisulcato, apice paulo producto, integro. Hab. Singapore, Java (and Penang). Pale ferruginous, the elytra with a uniform opaque grayish pubescence; head sulcate between the eyes, antenn with the third joint longer than the fourth ( ); prothorax subcylindrical, the anterior and posterior margins equal in breadth, deeply corrugate, the middle with two longitudiual grooves not extending to the apex, the latter slightly produced; body beneath, with a
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Stromatium asperulum. White, Cat. Long. Brit. Mus. p. 300. S. fusco-cinnamomeum; prothorace modice transverso, linea leviter elevata mediana; elytris pustulatis. Hab. Singapore (and Hong-Kong). Brownish-cinnamon, covered with a short dense gray pubescence; prothorax moderately transverse, a slightly elevated longitudinal line on the middle of the disk; elytra punctato-pustulate, punctures setigerous; body beneath, reddish, coarsely pubescent. Length 10 11 lines. Stromatium laticolle. S. fulvo
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
lines. Very like E. lunata, Newm., but with a different prothorax, and the underparts varying in colour like shot silk. Epipedocera cruentata. Clytus cruentatus, Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2, iv. 239. E. atra; capite, prothorace, et macula magna scutellari, sanguineis. Hab. Singapore. Black; head, prothorax, and a large space round the scutellum, dark blood-red, the two former very closely punctured, the latter rugosely punctured; scutellum small, covered with a white silky pubescence; body
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. Collyrodes Lacordairii. Pascoe, l. c., pl. ii. fig. 4. C. purpureo-violaceus; elytris viridi-atris, macula pone medium obliqua, apiceque albidis; antennis pedibusque rufo-testaceis. Hab. Singapore. Dark glossy purple-violet; elytra greenish-black, closely punctured, an oblique line behind the middle, and the apices, whitish; body beneath very glossy chalybeate-blue; antenn dull reddish; legs bright reddish-testaceous. Length 6 lines. [page] 64
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
perfectly with my specimens, I have not therefore ventured to consider them as distinct. In the two species before me, the underside of the body is covered with a dense silky tomentum, which M. Lacordaire speaks of as a sorte d'enduit. Cleomenes dihammophoroides. J. Thomson, l. c. C. niger; prothorace rufo, omnino nigro-marginato. Hab. Singapore; Sarawak; Sumatra (and Mindanao).* Head black, a white line in front of each eye; prothorax rugosely and coarsely punctured, dull orange-red, the apex
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
belonging to that sex, have no vestige of it. These specimens are also furnished with a rather long vertical spine on each side of the mesosternum, close to the edge of the cotyloid cavity; they are of a pale yellow colour, and contrast strongly with the deep blue of the under surface. Noemia flavicornis. Pascoe, l. c., pl. xxii. fig. 8. N. cyanea; labro, palpis, femoribus basi, antennisque flavis. Hab. Singapore; Sarawak; Sumatra (and Penang). Deep indigo-blue, shining; lip, palpi, femora at
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
which does not always seem to me to be of generic importance, viz.: the bimucronate apices of the elytra; and there may also be added, the more strongly developed spinous sides of the prothorax. Psalanta chalybeata. (Pl. XXII. fig. 1.) Noemia chalybeata, Pascoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 509. P. cyaneo-chalybeata; elytris apicibus bimucronatis. Hab. Sarawak (and Singapore). Entirely bright steel-blue, with a slight grayish pile; head very finely and closely punctured, forming slight
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
The female has shorter antenn , shorter mandibles, and much shorter fore-legs, the anterior angles of the prothorax actuely produced, and the body manifestly broader and more convex above. The legs are pretty nearly equally denticulate in both sexes, although more scabrous in the male. Remphan Hopei. Waterhouse, Trans. Ent. Soc. i. 67, pl. viii. fig. 1. R. rufo-fuscus; elytris brunneo-fulvis, nitidis. Hab. Sarawak; Singapore. Head blackish-brown, finely granulate; prothorax chocolate-brown
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
TABLE III. LAMIID . CERAMBYCID . PRIONID . TOTAL. Penang 13 7 20 Malacca 22 10 1 33 Mount Ophir 4 1 5 Singapore 92 42 1 135 Sumatra 32 10 1 43 Java 29 9 2 40 Borneo 193 79 6 278 Macassar 30 6 2 38 Menado 26 3 1 30 Tondano 36 6 42 Sula Islands 9 9 Lombock 2 1 3 Flores 17 1 18 Timor 13 3 16 Bouru 33 10 3 46 Amboyna 32 11 2 45 Ceram 71 20 91 Banda 8 2 10 Goram 7 7 Manowolko 2 2 Matabello Isl. 5 5 Ke Islands 9 2 1 12 Morty 43 12 2 57 Gilolo 32 3 35 Ternate 21 3 1 25 Makian 8 1 9 Kaioa Islands 25 7
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
development (ibid. p. 174). On the whole I have not been struck by any special differences between the western and eastern portions of the Archipelago, so far as the Longicornia are concerned. Tmesisternus, the only exception I know, is apparently confined to the eastern portion, but the sub-family of which it is the type has representatives in Sumatra, Java, Singapore, c., as well as in New Caledonia, the New Hebrides, New Zealand, Australia, the Fiji and other Pacific Islands. With regard to the
S102    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. On the parrots of the Malayan Region, with remarks on their habits, distribution, and affinities, and the descriptions of two wew species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1864 (28 June): 272-295, 1 map.   Text   Image   PDF
probably brought from the Nicobar Islands, which I consider the western limit of the Malayan region 6. PSITTINUS. 22. PSITTINUS INCERTUS. Psittacus incertus, Shaw, Nat. Miscell. pl. 769. P. malaccensis, Lath.; Wagl. Mon. p. 630; Sw. Zool. Ill. pl. 154. Hab. Malay Peninsula, Singapore, Sumatra, and Borneo (A. R. W.). Remarks. This species is the most abundant of the Parrots of the western Malay countries. The genus has undoubted affinities to Palœornis. 7. GEOFFROYUS. 23. GEOFFROYUS PERSONATUS
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Eoporis elegans. (Pl. I. fig. 6.) E. tenuiter pubescens, cervina, brunneo-variegata; antennis, tibiis, tarsisque testaceis. Hab. Singapore, Sarawak, Batchian, Macassar, Ceram, Dorey. Thinly pubescent, pale cervine, very distinctly varied with fulvous brown, forming at the base and middle of the elytra two somewhat reticulated bands. Head slightly broader than the prothorax, rather narrower below the eyes, emarginate at the apex, the epistome and lip very short; prothorax somewhat oblong
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
two and a half times as long as the body, pale reddish-brown. Length 4 lines. schopal a tomentosa. . fere tota grisea; prothorace vix longiore quam latiore; elytris lateribus parallelis. Hab. Singapore, Macassar. Entirely covered with a rough greyish pubescence except over the numerous punctures; these are much larger and more closely placed than in the last; the prothorax is nearly equal in length and breadth if the angles be included, and the antenn are perceptibly finer, especially towards
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
the middle, the third nearly at the apex; body beneath brown, with a few greyish hairs; legs and antenn brownish testaceous, obscurely marked with darker brown. Length 2 lines. Section 2. Exocentrus mœrens. E. fuscus; elytris guttis albis oblongis ornatis, in medio et apicem versus utrinque interruptis. Hab. Singapore. Dark brown, pubescence very thin; head nearly black, the epistome aud lip testaceous, mandibles black; eyes rather large, black; prothorax small, not broader than the head, and
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
individual upon which it is founded was taken by Mr. Wallace on a leaf, with its antenn and legs stretched out. Egesina rigida. (Pl. III. fig. 12.) E. fusca; elytris griseo-variis, basi lutescentibus. Hab. Singapore. Head dark brown, with sparse greyish hairs, broad in front, with no impressed line between the antenn , and without antennary tubercles; eyes rather small in comparison with the size of the head, widely emarginate, black; prothorax dark brown, coarsely punctured, about the width of
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
posteriorly on the brown, another at the base, between a few very indistinct patches of the same colour just visible under a lens; body beneath dark brown, legs greyish-pitchy; antenn eleven-jointed, pitchy, the scape slightly curved. Length 2 lines. Eb ides exigua. E. rufo-fusca; elytris seriatim punctatis, griseo-adspersis; antennis piceis, scapo rufo-brunneo. Hab. Singapore. Reddish-brown, covered with a short coarse pile, and numerous short black set ; head bright chesnut-red in front, eyes
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, convexa, basi piloso-cristata, apice truncata, humeris productis. Pedes modice robusti; tarsi subangusti. Mesosternum antice productum. Two well-marked species compose this genus, which is quite distinct from any other in the collection. There is a curious little spine at the apex of the scape in D. semicana, but this appears to be absent in the other species. Dystasia semicana. D. brunneo-varia; capite antice albo; elytris dimidio apicali canis. Hab. Singapore. Clothed with a closely-set pile
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, the carin not prominent; body beneath and legs with a very fine and thin greyish pubescence; antenn much longer than the body, reddish-brown, very slightly fringed beneath. Length 7 lines. Planodes deterrens. P. pube grisea tectus; prothorace subtransverso, medio sub-carinato, disco plicato; elytris fusco-variegatis, sub-bifasciatis. Hab. Singapore. Covered with a short greyish pile, the elytra with dark brownish patches, two especially forming broad bands interrupted at the suture; head
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Cacia confusa. Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2, iv. 101. C. fusco-picea; capite prothoraceque griseo-pubescentibus, vittis duabus fuscis; elytris pube interrupta grisea variegatis, post medium fascia fusca, aliquando fere obsoleta. Hab. Sarawak, Singapore. Pitchy-brown; head and prothorax covered with a greyish or yellowish-grey pile, except a glabrous dark-brown stripe on each side, commencing behind the eye; scutellum rather large, traingular; elytra coarsely and irregularly punctured, with
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
simplicia. Corpus setulosum. An isolated genus differing from all others of its sub-family in its scape, which is rounded and not produced at the apex, although there is a slight approach to this structure in Ipocregyes. The habit, however, is not very different from Cacia. Another species found in Pulo Penang. Sodus verticalis. (Pl. VII. fig. 5.) S. fuscus, nitidus, setulosus, sparse griseo-pubescens; capite, vertice, antennisque basi, niveis; prothoracis basi apice haud latiori. Hab. Singapore. Dark
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. (one of the Mesosin ), but the head in that genus is very different, and somewhat resembles the Onocephalin , i. e. the antennary tubers approximate and have an upward direction. Dymascus is very distinct from anything known to me. Dymascus porosus. (Pl. VIII. fig. 7.) D. fusco-pubescens; prothorace linea mediana, elytrisque linea suturali antica maculisque ochraceo-griseis. Hab. Singapore. Pubescent, dark brown, the whole upper surface with numerous punctures; head with coarse greyish and
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
; elytris glabris, apice excepto, fortiter punctatis. Hab. Sarawak, Sumatra, Singapore. * Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 3, i. 548, pl. xxiii. fig. 6. [page] 15
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. fusca, sparse grisescente-pubescens; prothorace fere quadrato, fortiter punctato; abdominis segmento ultimo nigro; antennarum articulo quarto (apice excepto) albo. Hab. Singapore. Dark brown, the pubescence rusty, very thin and short; head with a few scattered punctures; prothorax subquadrate, its sides almost straight and parallel, the punctures crowded, impressed, and in parts nearly confluent; scutellum subtransverse, somewhat truncate behind; elytra coarsely punctured, the raised lines
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. fuscus, pube pallide griseo-ferruginea; elytris medio subtiliter pubescentibus, postice pallide griseo-ferrugineis, apicem versus macula obliqua fusca. Hab. Singapore. Possibly only a variety of S. incana, but it is decidedly a narrower form, judging from a single specimen, and the colour, instead of being uniformly either ashy-grey or brown according to the individual, is a greyish-ochre on the prothorax and posterior third of the elytra; the antenn are also distinctly annulated with pale greyish
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, which appears to be allied to Zorilispe (ante, p. 156), but the characters prothorax later. sinuatus and the elytra postice dehiscentia are not applicable to it. The species is thus described Type: Sydonia apomecynoides, Thomson. Long. 10 mill. Lat. 3 mill. Brunnea, lanugine flava vestita; antenn subpilos ; elytra maculis aliquibus nigris irregularibus suturalibus post medium sitis ornata. Singapore. [page] 22
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
; antennis articulis 3 6 basi pallidis, vel carneis. Hab. Singapore. [page] 23
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
and legs reddish-brown, with a very thin greyish pubescence; lip, palpi, and tarsi reddish-ferruginous, shining; antenn chesnut-brown, with the third to the sixth joints inclusive paler, or flesh-coloured, at the base. Length 10 lines. Peribasis pubicollis. P. nigra, pube brevi grisea induta; elytris chalybeatis, maculis numerosis fulvis; antennis ( ) articulis quarto basi et quinto (apice excepto) cinereis, ( ) articulo quinto (aliquando etiam sexto) cinereo. Hab. Singapore, Sarawak. Black, the
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
-productum, medio carinulatum. Corpus angustatum. Distinguished from Cereopsius by the form of the prothorax, the direction of the antennary tubers and the different proportions of the joints of the antenn . Amesisa consularis. (Pl. XI. fig. 2.) A. ferruginea, pube varia tecta; elytris albo-nebulosis. Hab. Singapore. Ferruginous, pubescence varied in colour and texture; head and prothorax light cinnamon-brown, the former with the face and two divergent stripes on the vertex pale miniaceous, three
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
prothorax; the lateral spine also is placed a little more behind the middle. Cereopsius sex-notatus. J. Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 556. C. sub-attenuatus, niger, pube brunnescente tectus; elytris singulis maculis quatuor albis ornatis; antennis rufescentibus. Hab. Singapore. Black, covered above with a greyish-brown pile, with four small round snowy-white spots on each elytron; head with a somewhat ashy pubescence in front; prothorax with a few remote punctures, principally in the centre; elytra slightly
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
; antennis rufescentibus, apicem versus fuscioribus. Hab. Singapore. Sub-elongate, black, elytra irregularly marbled with ashy; head and prothorax with a thin ashy pubescence, the latter with five callosities between the apex and the transverse ridge, which is also somewhat interrupted so as to present the appearance of three more callosities; scutellum triangular, ashy; elytra deeply but sparingly punctured at the base, the ashy markings more or less transversely zig-zag; body beneath and legs
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
half of most of the joints grey. Length 11 lines. The specimen here described is a female. Pharsalia duplicata. P. fusca, pube grisea et fusca variegata; antennis haud annulatis; prothorace disco parum in quali; elytris basi granulatis, latere externo biplagato, plaga una grisea altera fusca, apicibus truncatis. Hab. Singapore. Brown, pubescence greyish, with obscure brown patches; head sparsely pubescent; prothorax slightly unequal on the disk, without callosities, the centre with a glabrous
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
cristatis, postice confertim ochraceo-maculatis. Hab. Sarawak, Singapore. Brown or purplish brown, with a short interrupted fawn-coloured pubescence spotted with ochraceous; ochraceous spots round the eyes and two stripes on the vertex; prothorax impunctate anteriorly and posteriorly, the central part with small, rather distant, punctures, with one or two ochraceous stripes on each side, which are sometimes obsolete; elytra without crests at the base, rounded at the apex, varied with indefinite fawn
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
sistent. M. Thomson's description is from a female, of which he says that is more robust and shorter than the preceding. Length 12 25 lines. Batocera Thomsonii. Javet, Arch. Ent. i. 412, pl. xx. fig. 2. B. fusca, obscure griseo-pubescens; scapo ( ) basin versus rugoso; scutello elytrisque maculis 4 6, pr cipue duabus in medio maximis, niveis, apicibus truncatis, angulis spinosis, ( ) minus productis; tibiis anticis ( ) modice elongatis. Hab. Sarawak, Singapore, Penang. Dark brown, with a dull
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
; antennis articulo quinto pr cedente dimidio breviori, sex ultimis omnino grisescentibus. Hab. Sarawak, Singapore, Flores. Shortly pubescent, dark brown, thickly speckled with ochreous, especially on the elytra; head and prothorax impunctate; scutellum ochreous; elytra with a slightly curved line of shining granules at the base between the shoulder and suture; antenn with a greyish pubescence, the apices of the first, third, fourth and fifth joints, and the plume on the fourth, dark brown, the
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
nearly rounded in some individuals; antenn frequently brownishtestaceous, three times the length of the body in the males, the scape short and very considerably thicker towards the apex; intermediate and posterior femora scarcely thickened in the middle. Length 10 12 lines. Monochamus defector. M. rufo-piceus, omnino griseo-pubescens; scapo sub-cylindrico; elytris pube quali tectis, apicibus rotundatis. Hab. Singapore. Closely resembling M. fistulator, but the scape is more slender and cylindrical
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Monochamus tarsalis. M. brunneus, dense pubescens, griseatus; scapo apicem versus modice incrassato; scutello transverso; elytris fusco-irroratis, versus suturam sub-seriatim punctatis, apicibus rotundatis; femoribus medio incrassatis, tarsis cinereis. Hab. Singapore. Pale reddish-brown, having a short close dull-greyish pubescence with numerous small brown blotches on the elytra; head and prothorax sparingly punctured, the vertex impunctate; scutellum transverse, yellowish; elytra towards the
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, apices sub-truncate, with a well-marked spine at the outer angle; body beneath and legs reddish-brown, thinly pubescent; antenn testaceous, the tips of the intermediate joints brownish. Length 6 lines. There are two more very distinct species in the collection which might have entered into the old genus Monochamus, but I forbear to do more than mention their existence; one from Sarawak is much worn, the other from Singapore is only a female, and neither appears to fit into any of the genera here
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
legs with an uniform ochreous pubescence; antenn testaceous-brown. Length 10 lines, of the antenn 22 lines. Epepeotes meridianus. E. rufo-griseo-pubescens; prothorace in medio subl viusculo; elytris singulis plagis duabus triangularibus fuscis ornatis. Hab. Java, Sumatra, Singapore, Sarawak, Tondano. Brown, covered with a warm reddish-grey pubescence; head minutely punctured; prothorax, when the pubescence is not rubbed off, nearly smooth, a few slight punctures on each side of the median line
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
basi sub-cristatis, grosse et irregulariter punctatis, punctis nitido-areolatis. Hab. Singapore, Sarawak. Black, speckled with ochraceous; head and prothorax closely and coarsely punctured, the latter rather narrow or somewhat longer than broad; scutellum with a longer and more yellowish pubescence; elytra sub-crested at the base, coarsely and irregularly punctured, the punctures with glabrous black shining edges, the intervals with small patches of ochreous pubescence, here and there forming
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
brownish, the posterior tibi not ciliated on their inner margins, their tips and all the tarsi whitish; antenn black, the first three or four basal joints purplish-brown. Length 6 lines, of the antenn ( ) 13 lines. Cylindrepomus lœtus. Pascoe, loc. cit. C. niger; prothorace distincte punctato; elytris sat fortiter punctatis, fasciis tribus, basali et mediana connexis, et macula oblonga apicali, albis, apice rotundatis. Hab. Singapore. Black; vertex and disk of the prothorax ashy, the latter rather
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. Nyctimene vittata. N. fusca, pubescens, griseo-vittata; elytris apicibus extus valde acuminatis; antennis articulis nono et decimo albis. Hab. Singapore. Brown, thinly pubescent above, with greyish stripes of denser pubescence; head remotely punctured, face covered with grey hairs; prothorax also remotely punctured, with three stripes on the [page] 33
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. Serixia apicalis. Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2, iv. 45 (nec pl. xvi. fig. 3). S. nigra, prothorace elytrisque pube sericea grisescente dense indutis, horum apicibus luteis, mucronatis. Hab. Singapore. Black, prothorax and elytra covered with a dense silky greyish pubescence, having in certain lights a glaucous-greyish tint; head black, sparingly punctured, lip luteous; prothorax impunctate; elytra gradually broader posteriorly, the punctures irregular but entirely hidden by the pubescence, the apex
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
duobus basalibus fuscis, c teris fulvis, apicem versus gradatim nigricantibus. Hab. Singapore, Ceram, Batchian, Bouru, (Waigiou?). Rather dull testaceous-yellow, but varying to silvery grey in certain lights; head and prothorax nearly obsoletely punctured, the latter with the central ridge nearly equal throughout; scutellum semicircular; elytra narrow, obviously seriate-punctate; body beneath and legs testaceous; antenn more than three times as long as the body, very slender, the two basal joints
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
toto nigro. Hab. Singapore. Brownish-testaceous; the elytra, except a small portion of the base and shoulders, blackish; head with a deep vertical groove in front, each side of the groove bounded above by the antennary tuber, the lower part ending in a very strong triangular tooth directed obliquely outwards; prothorax nearly impunctate; scutellum triangular, slightly rounded at the apex; elytra finely seriate-punctate, the apices nearly rounded; body beneath blackish, the cox and anterior and
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
beneath dull testaceous, abdomen sparingly pubescent; antenn with the first three joints and the base of the fourth black, the remainder pale fulvous, gradually becoming darker towards the tip, but with the base of the eighth clear testaceous. Length 3 lines. Xyaste subminiacea. X. latior, opaca, rufa; fronte nigricante; elytris rufis, opacis, margine exteriore pone humeros fusco. Hab. Singapore. Broader than the last, pale reddish or orange, opake; head dark brown on the vertex and between the
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. 255. X. brunneo-testacea; antennarum articulis tribus basalibus, corpore infra pedibusque, nigris. Hab. Singapore (and Penang). Pale brownish-testaceous above, thinly furnished with short greyish hairs; head and prothorax with comparatively few scattered punctures, those on the elytra coarser and more numerous, arranged in well-marked lines, except towards the suture, where they are more crowded and irregular; body beneath, legs and the first three joints of the antenn black. Length 3 4 lines
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
of the tibi and the tarsi being yellowish, not black. Astathes terminata. Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2, iv. 109. A. capite prothoraceque nigris; elytris l te violaceis, parte apicali flavis; corpore infra femoribusque fusco-piceis; disco prothoracis sub-bicarinato. Hab. Singapore. Head, prothorax and scutellum black; elytra violet, the posterior half or third yellow; body beneath dark pitchy-brown; femora paler; tibi and tarsi yellowish; antenn pale yellow, [page] 35
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
6 lines. The male is unusually narrow; the violet is sometimes replaced by purple. Astathes contentiosa. A. capite prothoraceque nigris; elytris purpureis, parte apicali flavis; corpore infra femoribusque purpureo-nigris, nitidis; disco prothoracis in medio oblongo-tuberculato. Hab. Singapore. Head and prothorax black; basal half of the elytra purple, the remainder yellow, the two colours limited in an oblique direction from the middle of the suture outwards; body beneath and femora glossy
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Astathes purpurea. Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2, iv. 108. A. capite prothoraceque nigris; elytris totis purpureis; antennis tarsisque testaceis. Hab. Singapore. Head and prothorax black, the rest of the insect dark purple, except the antenn , metasternum and tarsi, which are testaceous, the former slightly pitchy at the base; prothorax with the point of its gibbosity in the middle, a large fovea in front nearly intermediate between the point and anterior border; elytra with two well marked
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
black, shining. Length 5 lines. Chreonoma albicornis. C. nigra; elytris cupreo-purpureis; antennis, basi excepta, albidis. Hab. Singapore. Black; elytra copperish-purple, shining; antenn yellowish-white, except the first two joints and the base of the third, which are black; head and prothorax nearly obsoletely punctured, the latter slightly raised in the middle; scutellum semicircular; elytra finely punctured, the apex impunctate; body beneath and legs dark chalybeate-blue, shining; antenn as long
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
with a whitish pubescence, the sides of each abdominal segment with a black patch; legs blackish, covered with a pale ashy pubescence; antenn blackish, the three basal, together with the 7th, 8th and 9th joints, whitish. Length 6 lines. Differs from the former in the colour of the elytra, the disposition and number of the spots, c. Glenea Cleome. G. nigra, vertice prothoraceque niveo-vittatis; elytris sutura maculisque duodecim niveis; femoribus luteis ( ?). Hab. Singapore. Black; cheeks, two
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
the base nearly central; body beneath with white spots. Length 9 10 lines. In coloration this differs from G. picta in having only four instead of five spots on each elytron, and from all the preceding in the form of the prothorax. It seems to be a good species, judging from the two specimens before me. Glenea voluptuosa. J. Thomson, Ess. c., p. 49. G. elongata, cyaneo-chalybeata, niveo-maculata; scutello qualiter triangulari; trochanteribus rufescentibus ( ). Hab. Singapore. Not quite so narrowly
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. fig. 4.) G. atra, prothorace postice et vitta irregulari in medio elytrorum albis; pedibus luteis, griseo-pubescentibus ( ). Hab. Singapore. Covered above with a dense jet-black tomentum; head large, the cheeks and line in front of the eye white; prothorax with a well limited pure white band posteriorly; scutellum rather narrow; elytra with an irregular stripe and a pr -apical spot, together somewhat resembling the note of interrogation on each elytron (the right-hand one reversed), the upper
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
cox , yellowish-testaceous; antenn dark fawn-coloured, the basal joint brown. Length 6 7 lines. Glenea Egeria. G. capite prothoraceque supra atris, hoc postice et lateraliter albis; scutello elytrisque dimidio basali cervinis, fascia interrupta post medium maculaque quadrata pr -apicali ochraceis, c teris nigris ( ). Hab. Singapore. Perhaps only a variety of the last, which it nearly resembles in colour, but the head is entirely black; the body, and especially the prothorax, are proportionally
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
other side; the apex of the third joint is indistinctly blotched with whitish. Length 6 lines. Glenea extensa. Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2, iv. 258. G. fusca; prothorace elytrisque basi ochraceo-quinque-vittatis, his in medio impunctatis, juxta carinam vitta ochracea indutis; antennis articulo tertio apice albo ( ). Hab. Singapore, Sarawak. Dark brown, with a black velvety pubescence; stripe on the VOL. III. THIRD SERIES, PART IV. JUNE, 1867. C C [page] 38
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore