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WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
quinque, una communi suturali, una basali abbreviata, tertia humerali longiore, et maculis quatuor duabus medianis, alteris pr -apicalibus ( ). Hab. Batchian, Singapore. Black, striped and spotted with pale ashy; cheeks whitish, two stripes on the vertex, five on the prothorax and five on the elytra, including the sutural, the humeral stripe extending from the shoulder to within one-fourth of the apex, the intermediate commencing from a broad spot at the base and extending to above a third of
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
striped with white; legs luteous; antenn reddish-brown. Length 5 lines. In colour and form recalling G. Anona, but obviously more nearly allied to the following. Glenea algebraica. Stibara algebraica, J. Thomson, Arch. Ent. i. 144. G. fusca, vitta lata ochracea a vertice ad apices elytrorum, vitta humerali nulla ( , ). Hab. Sarawak, Singapore. Dark brown, a broad well-marked ochraceous stripe extending from the vertex to the apices of the elytra and terminating at the outer spine, the front
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
elytra spreads out at the base so as to touch the shoulders, and the legs are darker: there is only one example; how far, therefore, some of these characters may be permanent must be left for future observation. Length 4 lines. Glenea discoidalis. G. fusca, vertice prothoraceque vitta mediana ochracea; elytris disco fulvo-brunneis, antennis apicem versus albis ( ). Hab. Singapore. Dark brown, stripe on the vertex and prothorax ochraceous; cheeks and front ashy; scutellum sub-scutiform, ochraceous
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
sex in circulo ordinatis, vitta brevi laterali pone medium et macula rotundata pr -apicali, vitta suturali nulla. Hab. Singapore. Fulvous-brown, striped and spotted with yellow; two stripes on the vertex, front and cheeks yellowish, the former with a brown central spot; prothorax with three stripes; scutellum semicircular, yellow; elytra with six large round spots on their basal half, arranged in a circle, three on each side, behind them a short stripe, and near the apex a round spot; body
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, lateraliter tuberculato; elytris basi excepta nigris, in medio macula communi elongata grisea. Hab. Sumatra, Singapore. Reddish-testaceous; head and prothorax finely punctured, the latter strongly constricted behind, causing on each side a very prominent fold; scutellum subtriangular, rounded behind; elytra with the discal carina very prominent, the testaceous gradually passing into black a little behind the base, and marked in the middle with a large oblong silvery-grey spot united at the
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
nigris ornatis. Hab. Singapore. Ashy; head and prothorax finely punctured, the former a little broader than the latter; scutellum semicircular; elytra narrow and somewhat elongate, the sides straight and gradually but slightly receding from the base to the apex, irregularly punctured, the deflexed sides, a -shaped mark before and a broad band behind the middle, black, the outer spine at the apex produced; body beneath pale ashy, legs darker, with the bases of the femora, palpi, and upper lip
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Daphisia pulchella. (Pl. XV. fig. 6.) D. alba, interrupte nigro-fasciata; antennis pedibusque pallide luteis. Hab. Singapore. Coarsely and closely pubescent, white, banded or spotted with black; a large spot above the upper lip, four forming an interrupted band across the middle of the prothorax, three arranged at equidistant intervals on the elytra but interrupted-at the suture, and two smaller spots on each side the scutellum, the middle and anterior bands connected at the sides, the black
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
; femoribus anticis rufescentibus; oculis magnis. Hab. Singapore. Somewhat narrower proportionally than the last; the prothorax in the male very considerably narrower than the head, the antenn longer than the body in both sexes, the lower lobe of the eye very large and prominent, and the anterior femora reddish; posterior legs extending to the middle of the fourth segment. Length 7 lines. Oberea gracillima. (Pl. XVI. fig. 9.) O. linearis, nigra; capite, prothorace, basi elytrorum et scutello [page
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
pubescent, with a few stiffish set intermixed, but without any trace of punctures, the last four segments entirely black; antenn blackish, as long as the body. Length 8 lines. Resembles the last, but the abdomen is impunctate, with its last four segments black. Oberea Necydaloides. O. angustata, fulvescens, elytris pone humeros infuscatis, ad suturam excavatis; antennis nigris. Hab. Singapore. Narrowly linear, elongate, fulvescent, the elytra brownish towards the apex; head rather flattish in
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
segmentis secundo tertioque nigris exceptis, fulvescente; antennis corpore fere duplo longioribus. Hab. Singapore, Sumatra. The coloration, except of the abdomen, almost precisely resembling the last, but narrower, and the prothorax considerably longer, especially in the Sumatran example; the antenn are also nearly twice the length of the body, while in the preceding they are not more than half as long again as the body. Length 6 lines. Oberea l tifica. O. angustata, rufo-fulvescens; elytris
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
lines. The narrowest and most nearly linear species of the genus. Oberea limbata. O. linearis; capite prothoraceque cervinis, fronte rubescente; elytris brunneo-testaceis, nigro-marginatis; femoribus totis luteis; abdomine unicolore. Hab. Singapore, Sarawak. Narrow, linear; head and prothorax closely covered with a VOL. III. THIRD SERIES, PART IV. JUNE, 1867. F F [page] 43
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
fulvous, postpectus and abdomen blackish, with a thin greyish pubescence; antenn as long as the body, black, the seventh joint testaceous. Length 5 lines. Oberea pr dita. O. angustata, linearis, fulvescens; elytris elongatis, apicem versus infuscatis; antennis totis nigris; pedibus anticis luteis, postpectore abdomineque nigrescentibus, pube argentea tectis. Hab. Sumatra, Sarawak, Singapore. Narrowly linear, dull fulvous, elytra towards the apex deepen [page] 43
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
elytris post medium maculis duabus rotundatis, apicibus oblique truncatis, extus anguste productis. Hab. Singapore. Brown, with a close grey pubescence, the upper surface with numerous black punctures and a few oblong indistinct tawny spots, each elytron behind the middle with a very distinct round patch, nearly midway between the suture and margin; head with two glabrous brown patches on the vertex; prothorax entirely pubescent, with about six small tawny spots on the disk; scutellum yellow
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
less intricate and flexuous than in the preceding; elytra rather narrow, not very silky, the external angle at the apex produced into a strong and prominent spine; body beneath, glossy brown, covered with a fine gray pile; posterior legs not elongate; antenn very long. Length 14 lines; of the antenn 36 lines. Prothorax without a smooth space. Neocerambyx Alexis. N. fuscus, griseo-pubescens; prothorace omnino corrugato; elytris obscure griseo-sericeis, apicibus bispinosis. Hab. Sarawak, Singapore
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
probably nearest to Dymasius. Elydnus amictus (Pl. XX. fig. 1). E. fuscescens, elytris pube sericea omnino tectis, in medio rufescentibus, ad latera griseis, sutura haud producta. Hab. Sarawak, Singapore. Brownish, the elytra with a silky pubescence, grayish at the sides, tinged with reddish in the middle, and having a striped appearance according to the light; head with an opaque pubescence on the front, silky behind the eyes; prothorax blackish, irregularly corrugate, a broad slightly pubescent
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. fig. 7. D. ( ) brunneus, griseo-sericeo-pubescens; antennis ciliatis, articulo tertio duobus sequentibus quali. Hab. Sarawak, Singapore (and Penang). Reddish brown; head and prothorax dark brown, with a silky grayish pubescence; the latter with the transverse corrugations interrupted by six somewhat glossy, indented, glabrous stripes; elytra silky gray with dark patches, [page] 52
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
fulvescenti-pubescens; prothorace disco toto longitudinaliter costato; elytris fortiter punctatis, lateribus plaga triangulari nuda fusca ornatis. Hab. Singapore. Dark brown, inclining to purplish, with a grayish-fulvous pubescence in parts; head mostly pubescent; prothorax slightly longer than broad, well rounded at the sides, and pubescent, the disk entirely occupied by ten perfectly glabrous cost ; elytra elongate, a little incurved at the sides and dilated behind, * M. Lacordaire (l. c., note
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
tuberculato; elytris fusco-fasciatis. Hab. Singapore. Pale grayish ferruginous, covered with a fine soft silky pubescence; head and prothorax dark reddish-brown, the former with a transverse and somewhat triangular impression above the clypeus, the latter with a small distinct post-median tubercle on each side, the disk slightly irregular, with two nodes a little before the middle; elytra not broader than the prothorax in the male, each with two oblique brown irregular bands, one before, the other
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
; prothorace subcylindrico, utrinque paulo rotundato. Hab. Singapore (and Philippine Islands). Black, shining, with scattered white adpressed hairs, more numerous on the head and prothorax, the latter subcylindrical, narrowed at the apex, the sides slightly rounded; scutellum covered with a dense whitish pubescence; elytra blueish-black in certain lights, coarsely and closely punctured, the punctures gradually smaller posteriorly; body beneath, dark brown, shining, clothed with long hairs; legs
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
; body beneath covered with a varying silvery pubescence; legs black, shining; antenn black, with the eighth (except at the base) ninth and tenth joints white. Length 8 lines. Leptura femorata L. nigra; elytris basi indistincte flavo-variegatis et fascia pr apicali citrina ornatis; antennis articulis 8 (basi excepta) 9 et 10 albis; femoribus (apice excepto) sanguineis. Hab. Singapore. Black, subnitid, covered with a short stiffish pubescence; head rugose, frontal groove extending to the lip
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. Lacordaire has described as the male, differs in its shorter antenn , longer and less dilated basal joint of the anterior tarsi, the considerably longer and cylindrical form of the same joint of the intermediate tarsi, and the last segment of the abdomen cylindrical, not longer than the preceding one. Ocalemia vigilans. Pascoe, lib. cit. p. 265, pl. xxvi. fig. 3. O. nigra, prothorace iridescente-chalybeato; elytris singulis flavo-trimaculatis. Hab. Singapore, Sarawak. Black, shining; prothorax
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
and succeeding joints as far as the tenth strongly dilated, principally on one side. Length 7 lines. Ephies lepturoides. E. angustatus, niger; prothorace flavo-brunneo; elytris (apice excepto) rufis; coxis femoribusque basi albescentibus; antennis subcylindricis. Hab. Singapore. Narrow, black, opaque; prothorax with a pale fulvousbrown, somewhat silky, pubescence; elytra dull reddish, [page] 56
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
singaporensis. Odontocera? Singaporensis, J. Thomson, Arch. Ent. i. 124. E. capite prothoraceque nigris; antennis brunneis, articulis duobus basalibus rufis; elytris chalybeatis vel nigro-viridibus; femoribus posticis testaceo-annulatis. Hab. Sarawak; Singapore. Head and prothorax black, opaque, roughly punctured; [page] 56
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, prothorace flavo; elytris nitidis, pone medium sat subito angustioribus; antennis articulis 9 et 10 flavis, ultimo nigro. Hab. Singapore. Head black, shining; prothorax reddish-yellow, glossy, the tubercles strongly developed; scutellum transverse, broadly truncate at the apex with the angles rounded; elytra glossy black, except a triangular straw-coloured stripe on the sutural margin; body beneath glossy brown, the propectus yellow; legs black, shining; femora testaceous at the base, the posterior very
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
elytra it would require another section for its reception. Elytra short, not subulate. Merionœda brachyptera. ( .) M. fulva, antennis (articulo basali excepto) fuscis; elytris abbreviatis, apicibus infuscatis. Hab. Sarawak; Singapore. Fulvous-yellow; eyes rather small, not approximate above: head and prothorax finely tomentose, the latter [page] 57
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
also black, and the prothorax is strongly punctured. P. crocata, Pasc. (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 514) is a much longer insect than the one described below, the elytral carin feeble, the posterior femora with a considerably longer peduncle, the colour paler, and the whole prothorax uniformly orange. Plutonesthes amœna. P. nigra, pilosa; prothorace pone apicem elytrisque sericeo-aurantiacis, his apice nigro-chalybeatis; metasterno abdomineque cyaneis, nitidissimis. Hab. Singapore. Black, with
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
my collection have the antenn longer than the body, and much less dilated, and the basal segment of the abdomen not nearly so large relatively to the other segments; hence they are probably males. Prothema humeralis. Blemmya humeralis, Pascoe, lib. cit. p. 99; Sigeum humerale, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 523, pl. xli. fig 2. P. atra; elytris albo-fasciatis et lineatis, apicibus albidis; corpore infra argenteo-pubescente. Hab. Singapore (and Penang). Black, opaque, closely punctured above
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
transverse prothorax, c. Chloridolum Thomsoni. Callichroma Thomsoni, Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2, v. 24. C. subangustatum, aureo-viride; prothorace medio cyaneo-chalybeato; scutello viridi, modice et crebre punctato; elytris distincte oblique vittatis. Hab. Sarawak; Singapore. Rather narrow, golden-green; vertex granulately punctured, upper lip glossy black, mandibles golden-green, the tips black, palpi testaceous, the last joint black; prothorax oblong, finely and intricately striolate at the sides
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
within, c. There is one species of each section in the collection. Leontium punctigerum. L. angustum, viride; pedibus quatuor posticis cyaneis; prothorace utrinque obtuse tuberculato, supra creberrime punctato; articulis antennarum 5 10 apice spinosulis. Hab. Singapore. [page] 59
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, fasciisque duabus flavescentibus. Hab. Singapore. Black; head rather small; prothorax dull ashy, with a black median band, curved behind and straight in front; scutellum semicircular, white; elytra with a narrow yellowish line, beginning beneath the scutellum, descending to near the middle, then curving upwards and terminating near the shoulder, a little before the middle a narrow slightly arched band, and another broader one midway between it and the apex, yellowish; body beneath ashy, the
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, fascia postica cinerea; elytris fasciis quatuor, basali et apicali indistinctis, secunda obliqua, tertia angusta, cinereo-albis. Hab. Macassar; Singapore; Sarawak. Black; head and prothorax dull ashy-black, the latter oblong-ovate with a narrow ashy band near the base, less distinct in the middle, whitish at the sides; scutellum whitish; elytra a little broader than the prothorax, truncate at the apex, with four ashy-white bands, the basal and apical indistinct, the second oblique, forming with
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
conjunctis. Hab. Singapore; Sarawak; Batchian; Kaioa; Bouru; Ternate; Ceram; Amboyna; Aru (and Philippine Islands, New Guinea and Queensland). Grayish-black; prothorax rounded, with the sides ashy, the dark central part forming a subcruciform figure; elytra with five yellowish bands, the three basal connected along the suture, the fifth apical and oblique; body beneath black, a spot on each side of the mesothorax, another on the epipleura of the metathorax, and one on each side of the three basal
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
A very distinct genus, the type of which, as M. Lacordaire observes, has a very striking resemblance to Tricondyla among the Cicindelid . A second species has been described by M. Chevrolat, from the Philippines. Sclethrus amœnus. Ibidion amœnum, Gory, Mag. de Zool. 1833, No. 58, pl. 58; Sclethrus amœnus, Newman, The Entom. i. 247. S. niger; prothorace postice elytrisque dimidio basali purpureis, subnitidis, illo maculis sex, his duabus et lineis transversis duabus c ruleis. Hab. Singapore
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, which have also an enclosed oblique spot at the base of each elytron. Demonax salutarius. D. cinereus; prothorace oblongo-ovato; elytris nigris, fasciis quatuor cinereis, prima et secunda connexis maculas duas oblongas ad suturam conjunctas includentibus, tertia transverse triangulari, quarta sat lata. Hab. Ceram; Singapore. Scarcely elongate, ashy; head slightly transverse in front; prothorax oblong-ovate, with two black spots placed nearly in the middle; scutellum curvilinearly triangular
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
metasternum and last three abdominal segments blackish; legs dark grayish-ashy; antenn dark at the base, paler outwards. Length 5 lines. Demonax viverra. Clytus viverra, Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2, iv. 240. D. elongatus, cinereus; prothorace oblongo-ovato, nigro-bimaculato; elytris nigris, fasciis quatuor cinereis, prima basali, secunda sagittiformi, tertia triangulari, quarta apicali lata. Hab. Singapore; Sarawak; Batchian; Morty; Waigiou; Ceram. Elongate, ashy; head rather broad
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
produced spine at the outer angle; body beneath ashy, smoky along the middle; legs black, tarsi paler, basal joint of the posterior twice as long as the rest together; antenn much shorter than the body ( ), whitish, the four basal joints reddish-brown. Length 6 lines. Demonax cumulosus. D. paulo elongatus; prothorace oblongo-ovato, grisescenti; elytris fasciis quatuor cinereis, tribus basalibus ad suturam connexis, secunda crescentiformi, tertia triangulari. Hab. Singapore. Slightly elongate
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, nitidissimus; elytris subparallelis, basi haud spinosis. Hab. Singapore. Pitchy-black, smooth and shining; head as broad as the prothorax, the latter gradually narrower posteriorly to the constriction, not rounded at the sides, which are anteriorly in a line with the head; scutellum minute; elytra nearly parallel, broadly constricted near the middle, the apex of each with a little tuft of white hairs; antenn and legs with a reddish-tinge, especially the clavate portion of the femora. Length 3
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
male sex. I am unable to say anything certain upon this point in regard to either species, each of which, I believe, is represented by only a single example. Epianthe funesta. E. nigrescens, pedibus anticis luteis. Hab. Singapore. Blackish, closely punctured above; head with a tinge of greenish, mandibles dark brownish-red, the tips black; antenn reddish-black, extending a little beyond the middle of the elytra; prothorax dead black, a line of white pubescence in the basal groove on each side
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. ( ) coccineus; medio prothoracis (aliquando), apicibus elytrorum, antennisque nigris, his paulo dilatatis. Hab. Sarawak; Singapore; Sumatra (and India, Java, c.) Head in the male very large, the upper lip deeply bilobed, the mandibles elongate, slender and strongly bidentate at the apex; reddish ferruginous above, the elytra pale pubescent; scutellum black; femora glossy ferruginous; tibi and tarsi black; antenn with the scape and second joint ferruginous, the rest black; body beneath pubescent with a
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. Wallace are apparently females. Euryclea cardinalis. Eurycephalus cardinalis, J. Thomson, Essai c., p. 211. E. atra, capite prothoraceque rubris, elytris pallide flavescentibus, postice atris. Hab. Singapore; Sarawak. Opaque above; head and prothorax brick-red, closely punctured; scutellum and the posterior third of the elytra black, the anterior two-thirds pale yellowish-ochre, finely punctured; beneath, head and propectus red, metathorax, abdomen, legs, and antenn , black and shining. Length
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, albilineatus; lineis longitudinalibus, una transversa in medio elytrorum excepta. Hab. Sumatra; Singapore. Black, with four very distinct pure white lines extending from the head nearly to the middle of the elytra, then a slightly irregular transverse line exactly midway between the base and apex, behind this another longitudinal line, and sometimes a second near the suture, terminating at the apex; body beneath black, shining, with a broad white stripe from the cheek to the end of the abdomen; tibi
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
INDO-MALAYA. CELEBES. TIMOR. Malaya Celebes TABLE I. Penang Malacca Mt. Ophir Singapore Sumatra Java Borneo Macassar Menado Tondano Sula Islands Lombock Flores Timor LAMIID Acanthocinin 1 3 4 3 Exocentrin 3 1 12 2 1 2 1 2 1 Niphonin 1 3 6 1 1 3 Mesosin 2 4 12 1 28 2 3 1 1 Apomecynin 1 2 5 4 4 31 2 4 14 4 3 1 Dorcadionin 1 2 1 1 Hypselomin 4 8 14 1 Lamiin 2 6 11 5 13 28 8 6 6 3 1 5 5 Onocephalin 1 Hippopsin 1 2 Saperdin 1 6 2 1 12 1 1 1 Astathein 1 1 6 3 1 7 1 1 1 1 Phytœciin 5 1 36 13 7 46 10
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Driopea Clytina. Pascoe, l. c., p. 244; pl. xxv. fig. 2. D. cinereo-pubescens, nigro-notata; prothorace utrinque dentato, cinereo; elytris subtrigonatis. Hab. Singapore. Pubescence ashy, with patches of black; prothorax uniformly ashy; elytra with a black patch at the base extending more than half-way down the suture, the lower part expanding into a band directly across them, shoulder black, a triangular patch of the same colour on each side towards the apex. Head narrower than the prothorax
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
fusca. Hab. Singapore, Sarawak. Dark brown, with an interrupted greyish-yellow pile; head and prothorax rather finely punctured; the latter transverse and its punctures surrounded by the naked derm, these portions sometimes confluent and forming black irregular patches; this occurs also on the elytra, but here the principal patch takes the form of a broad curved band behind the shoulders, sometimes another distinct but irregular band towards the apex, bordered or not by a fine line of yellow
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
Cacia capito. C. fusca, pube grisea tecta; elytris basi callosis, fasciis duabus indistinctis glabris fuscis. Hab. Singapore. Dark brown, with a grey pubescence; head nearly as broad as the prothorax, with a coarse grey pile in front; prothorax subtransverse, a rather deep sulcation towards the apex, punctures large and scattered; scutellum small, triangular; elytra broadest at the shoulders, gradually receding to the apex, the base with a short slightly raised callus, crowned by three or four
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
than in any species of Cacia. My original specimen was much worn. These insects were taken flying in the jungle. Ipocregyes Newmanni. (Pl. VII. fig. 2.) Cacia Newmanni, Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2, iv. 102. I. fusca, subtiliter grisescente-pubescens; prothorace humerisque linea obliqua alba; elytris post medium fascia curvata nigra, antice albo-marginata. Hab. Singapore, Sarawak. Brown, with a very thin and fine greyish or yellowish-grey pubescence; a white line commencing on the prothorax
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, judging from the few specimens before me, there is a little discrepancy. Samia albidorsalis. (Pl. VIII. fig. 6.) S. albescente-pubescens; elytrorum dimidio basali fuscescente. Hab. Sarawak, Singapore. Chesnut-brown, with a short, thickish, greyish-white pubescence; head slightly blotched with brown; lip very short, fulvous; palpi ferruginous; prothorax slightly constricted above towards the apex, two well marked tuberosities on the disc, the side slightly toothed anteriorly; scutellum triangular
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. Soc. 1856, p. 410. A. pube tenuissima et densissima vestita; capite, prothorace, elytrisque lineis albis subobliquis numerosis dispositis. Hab. Sarawak, Singapore. Covered with a very fine and dense dark brown pubescence, marked with slightly oblique, narrow, white stripes; on the head the white predominates, but there are four dark stripes between the antenn , and one below each eye; on the prothorax there are eight, and they are less pubescent than the white portion, the two central stripes
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
-irroratis guttisque albis ornatis; antennis, tibiis, tarsisque albo-annulatis. Hab. Singapore. Black and shining, with a very short and thin ashy pubescence; head with a uniform sparse ashy or greyish pile; prothorax speckled with black, and having an angular projection on each side anteriorly; scutellum subtriangular, its apex rounded; elytra with numerous small black spots, and about thirteen pure white ones, three of these being on the suture and common to both elytra; body beneath glossy
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
oculis per latera prothoracis elytrorumque usque ad medium horum, ibique transversim ad suturam currente, alteraque semilunari subapicali instructa. Hab. Singapore. Black, somewhat glossy, moderately punctured; a pure white line, composed of closely set hairs, commencing behind the eye, is continued over the prothorax and elytra at the sides to the middle of the latter, where it curves inwards and joins its fellow at the suture; behind this, but not quite at the apex, a crescent-shaped line, from
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
; perhaps, indeed, it might have been better ranged with the Apomecynin . I have only seen a single example, apparently a male, which, according to Mr. Wallace's note, was found under fallen timber. Diexia punctigera. (Pl. VII. fig. 1.) D. fusca, vage hirsuta, supra fortiter punctata, lineis griseopubescentibus ornata. Hab. Singapore. Dark brown, somewhat glossy, with scattered erect hairs, otherwise nearly glabrous, except the head and certain greyish pubescent lines on the prothorax and elytra
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
-lanuginosa; elytris ante medium fascia grisea indistincta. Hab. Singapore. Ferruginous, shining, with a thin yellowish-brown woolly pubescence; head, prothorax, and first three or four joints of the antenn , clothed with coarse brownish and grey hairs intermixed, rest of the antenn with a finer pubescence, dark brown, the bases of the joints pale-greyish white; prothorax transverse, much narrower in front, with large distant punctures; scutellum transverse; elytra thinly pubescent, coarsely punctured
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
dilatati. Prosternum muticum. Mesosternum elevatum, antice paulo productum. Abdomen segmentis tribus intermediis breviorbus. L lida antennata. (Pl. XV. fig. 1.) L. fusca, tomentosa; prothorace elytrisque flavido-vittatis; antennis articulo ultimo (apice excepto) niveo. Hab. Singapore. Dark brown, covered with a roughish tomentum varied with stripes of pale lemon-yellow; head whitish in front, with a yellow patch behind the eye; prothorax about equal in length and breadth, finely punctured, with
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
nigrescentibus, pube cinerascente tectis ( ). Hab. Singapore. Head jet black, the cheeks and two stripes on the vertex white; disk of the prothorax jet black with a white central stripe, the side white with a dark patch (probably in some individuals there may be two white stripes, as in the preceding); scutellum white at the apex; elytra black, slightly tinged with brassy, each with four white spots, the second largest and nearly median, the first intermediate between it and the base, the fourth
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
shortness of its antenn G. leucospilota, Westw. (Colobothea), has the same robust form, but is considerably shorter, and bright green with white spots on the elytra. It is from Manilla. Glenea Juno. J. Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 560. G. valida, nigro- vel cyaneo-chalybeata, niveo-maculata; scutello elongato-triangulari; elytris basi dilatatis, sutura in medio alba. Hab. Singapore, Sarawak. Stouter than any of the preceding, with the elytra much shorter in proportion to the length, and
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
, argenteo-piloso. Hab. Singapore. Dark brown, head, prothorax, and base of the elytra fulvous; [page] 42
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
8 lines. Apices of the elytra obliquely truncate, the sutural angle mucronate. Oberea strigosa. O. angustissima, sublinearis, nigra; capite, prothorace, humeris, et femoribus anticis brunneo-rubris; abdomine nigro, basi argentea; pedibus posticis elongatis. Hab. Sumatra, Singapore. Very narrow, broader at the shoulders, otherwise nearly linear, black; head, prothorax, shoulders and anterior femora brownish-red; abdomen and legs black, the two basal segments, except the hind part of the sides of
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
to the west are Trachelophora curvicollis is in Sumatra and Java, and Mulciber biguttatus in Singapore. To the south we know only of three species in the vast Australian region Temnosternus planiusculus, T. dissimilis and Anastetha raripila; in New Caledonia and the Feejee Islands we find the genera Spintheria, Blapsilon, Enicodes, Buprestomorpha, Leptonota and Crinosoma; in New Zealand, Tetrorea, Natomorpha and Coptomma and in the Philippines, Ichthyodes, Urocalymma and Demodes. They probably
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
520 Coleoptera). I collected for about two months in Singapore, a week of which was spent at Pulo Ubim, on the northern side of the island, and a poor locality. That the collecting ground was not nearly exhausted is proved by the fact, that on going to the same spot again in 1856, I obtained in eighteen days eighteen new species of Longicorns. My success was due to several favourable circumstances. The patch of forest I collected in was on tolerably level ground, with a moist soil, the trees
WSPEC046    Periodical contribution:     Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne. 1864-1869. Longicornia Malayana; or, a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidæ, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 3: 1-712, 24 pl.   Text   Image   PDF
. Batchian. I spent six months in Batchian, and worked steadily all the time, yet I did not obtain as many species as in Singapore in two months. I impute this to a real deficiency of species in the Eastern compared with the [page] 69
WSPEC029    Periodical contribution:     Hewitson, William Chapman. 1865. A list of diurnal lepidoptera collected by MR. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 8: 143-149.   Text   Image   PDF
SOSPITA SAVITRI (Abisara Savitri), Felder, Wien. Ent. Monats. Band iv. p. 397. Sospita Susa, Hewitson, Ex. But. vol. ii. pl. 46. fig. 2. Sumatra; Singapore. Gen. TAXILA, Doubleday. TAXILA DRUPADI. Emesis Drupadi, Horsfield, Cat. Lep. E. I. C. Museum, pl. 2. figs. 3, 3a. Malacca; Sumatra; Singapore. TAXILA ORPHNA, , Hewitson, Ex. But. vol. ii. pl. 45. fig. 7. Emesis Orphna, Boisduval, Sp. Gen. Lep. pl. 21. fig. 4. Female. Above rufous-brown; anterior wing with the outer half carmine, crossed
WSPEC125    Periodical contribution:     Candèze, M.E. 1865. Élatérides nouveaux (part 1). Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires publiés par l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 17: 1-63   Text   PDF
LAT RITES (suite). Elater coccineus Indes orientales. Megapenthes opaculus Cuba. taeniatus corrosus. Bengale. agrotus Cambodje. linearis Darjeeling. junceus Manille. agriotides Nouvelle-Guin e. apicatus Swan-River. rufipes Ad la de. Melanoxanthus bifaciatus. Malacca. epitrotus Singapore. vittatus Born o. guttulatus quadrillum flavangulus cuneatus physorhinulus Ceylan. dolosus inflexus litura signatus cobrella Hindoustan. albofasciatus. Ceylan. subcylindricus Batchian. quadrinotatus C l bes
WSPEC125    Periodical contribution:     Candèze, M.E. 1865. Élatérides nouveaux (part 1). Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires publiés par l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 17: 1-63   Text   PDF
CRYPTOHYPNITES. Monadicus brunnipennis Cayenne. Cryptohypnus squamifer Para. Bruckii Pyr n es. Fasciatus Born o. CARDIOPHORITES. Coptoslethus guttatus. Cap. Cardiophorus carduelis Singapore. obliquus Ceylan. basilaris Cap. signatus Californie. aptopoides Mexique. Floridae. Floride. soricinus Birman. chloroticus. Ovaherero. Walbergii Cafrerie. damara. Ovaherero. spissus Coromandel. Helferi Birman nothus Japon. Cardiotarsus ciliatus Born o. crocipes Cap. Triplonychus fulvus Para. cingulatus V n
WSPEC125    Periodical contribution:     Candèze, M.E. 1865. Élatérides nouveaux (part 1). Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires publiés par l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 17: 1-63   Text   PDF
DICR PIDIITES (suite). Sphenomerus brunneus Siam. Singhalenus Horsfieldii Poonah. Elius umbilicatus Singapore. Anoplischius clavus. Cayenne. ruficeps Cuba. EUDACTYLITES. Eudactylus alboguttatus Cayenne. Grandinii Mexique. Melanthoides latimanus Grand-Bassam. Pachyderes apicalis Malacca. MONOCR PIDIITES. Monocrepidius sericeus Cayenne. umbraculatus Nouvelle-Guin e. fasciatus Born o. Aeolus bifasciatus Rio-Janeiro. stolatus Caracas. Heteroderes atlanticus A ores. pusillus Nouvelle-Guin e
S109    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. List of the land shells Collected by Mr. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago, with descriptions of the new species by Mr. Henry Adams. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1865: 405-416, pl. 21.   Text   Image   PDF
.). 8. NANINA WALLACEI, Pfr. Hab. Macassar (Celebes) (Wall.). 9. NANINA LUCTUOSA, Beck. Hab. Ceram; Goram; Batchian (Wall.). Brown-black variety, Aru Islands (Wall.). Remark. On foliage. 10. NANINA IGNESCENS, Pfr. Hab. Batchian (Wall.). Pale and brown varieties. Remark. Found on foliage. 11. NANINA TUMENS, Desh. Hab. Timor (Wall.). 12. HEMIPLECTA HUMPHREYSIANA, Lea. Hab. Singapore (Wall.). 13. HEMIPLECTA SCHUMACHERIANA, Pfr. Hab. Borneo (Wall.). 14. HEMIPLECTA PEASEANA, Pfr. Hab. Bouru; Timor
WSPEC093    Periodical contribution:     Adams, Henry. 1865. List of the land shells collected by Mr. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago, with descriptions of the new species by Mr. Henry Adams. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1865 April 25: 405-411, pl.XXI.   Text   Image   PDF
) (Wall.). 8. NANINA WALLACEI, Pfr. Hab. Macassar (Celebes) (Wall.). 9. NANINA LUCTUOSA, Beck. Hab. Ceram; Goram; Batchian (Wall.). Brown-black variety, Aru Islands (Wall.). Remark. On foliage. 10. NANINA IGNESCENS, Pfr. Hab. Batchian (Wall.). Pale and brown varieties. Remark. Found on foliage. 11. NANINA TUMENS, Desh. Hab. Timor (Wall.). 12. HEMIPLECTA HUMPHREYSIANA, Lea. Hab. Singapore (Wall.). 13. HEMIPLECTA SCHUMACHERIANA, Pfr. Hab. Borneo (Wall.). 14. HEMIPLECTA PEASEANA, Pfr. Hab. Bouru; Timor
WSPEC029    Periodical contribution:     Hewitson, William Chapman. 1865. A list of diurnal lepidoptera collected by MR. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 8: 143-149.   Text   Image   PDF
Gen. RAGADIA, Westwood. RAGADIA CRISIA, H bner, Zutr. figs. 675, 676. Sumatra; Java; Sarawak; Singapore. Gen. ERITES, Boisduval. ERITES MADURA, Horsfield, Cat. Lep. E. I. C. p. 5. figs. 8, 8 a. Var. Male and female. With five ocelli on the anterior wing, one large and four small. Sumatra; Singapore. Var. Male and female. With the five ocelli of the anterior wing small and of equal size. Singapore; Sarawak. This genus differs very slightly from Euptychia. Gen. MYCALESIS, H bner. MYCALESIS
S109    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. List of the land shells Collected by Mr. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago, with descriptions of the new species by Mr. Henry Adams. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1865: 405-416, pl. 21.   Text   Image   PDF
. Sarawak (Borneo) (Wall.). Remark. Among fallen leaves in the mountain forests. 25. ? RYSSOTA REGALIS, Bens. Hab. Borneo (Wall.). Remark. Found in the swamps of Nipa-palm. 26. ? RYSSOTA JANUS, Chem. Hab. Malacca (Wall.). 27. ? RYSSOTA NASUTA, Met. Hab. Borneo (Wall.). HELICIDæ. HELICELLINæ. 28. TROCHOMORPHA LYCHNIA, Bens. Hab. Malacca (Wall.); Singapore (Bens.). Remark. Found on rotten trunks. 29. TROCHOMORPHA CONICOIDES, Met. Hab. Borneo (Wall.). Remark. Found on rotten trunks. 30. TROCHOMORPHA
WSPEC093    Periodical contribution:     Adams, Henry. 1865. List of the land shells collected by Mr. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago, with descriptions of the new species by Mr. Henry Adams. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1865 April 25: 405-411, pl.XXI.   Text   Image   PDF
. RYSSOTA BROOKEI, Ad. Reeve. Hab. Sarawak (Borneo) (Wall.). Remark. Among fallen leaves in the mountain forests. 25. ? RYSSOTA REGALIS, Bens. Hab. Borneo (Wall.). Remark. Found in the swamps of Nipa-palm. 26. ? RYSSOTA JANUS, Chem. Hab. Malacca (Wall.). 27. ? RYSSOTA NASUTA, Met. Hab. Borneo (Wall.). HELICID . HELICELLIN . 28. TROCHOMORPHA LYCHNIA, Bens. Hab. Malacca (Wall.); Singapore (Bens.). Remark. Found on rotten trunks. 29. TROCHOMORPHA CONICOIDES, Met. Hab. Borneo (Wall.). Remark. Found on
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
fulvis, extrorsum nigris. Long. 2 lin. Hab. Singapore. Head distantly punctured, epistome much broader than long, sides rounded and converging backwards, apical border obsolete, middle portion of the anterior margin broadly subangulate-emarginate, surface more coarsely and closely punctured than the front; antenn filiform, six outer joints black. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long; sides nearly straight and parallel at the base, thence obliquely rounded and converging to the apex; above
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
27. Colaspoides parvula, n. sp. Breviter ovata, convexa, postice paullo attenuata, pallide fulvopicea, nitida; pedibus antennisque obscure fulvis; thorace tenuiter remote punctato; elytris subcrebre seriatim punctatis; mandibulis nigris. Long. 1 lin. Hab. Singapore. Head smooth, impunctate; epistome much longer than broad, lanceolate, its apex very acute, sides sinuate in front, not distinctly separated from the rest of the face, the sutural lines being only visible under a strong lens
S096    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. On the phenomena of variation and geographical distribution as illustrated by the Papilionidæ of the Malayan Region. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 25 (part I): 1-71, pls.1-8.   Text   Image   PDF
♀. Upper side of a browner colour; two orange-brown ocelli at the anal angle. Under side: the lunules and ocelli all larger; the two intermediate ones entirely absent, as in the male. Expanse of wings 5½–5¾ inches. Hab. Macassar, Menado (Celebes) (Wall.). 58. PAPILIO ISWARA, White.P. Iswara, White, Entom. 1842, p. 280; Doub. and Hew. Gen. of Diurn. Lep. pl. 2. f. 1 (♀). Hab. Penang, Malacca, Singapore, Borneo (♂, ♀) (Wall.). 59. PAPILIO HYSTASPES, Felder.P. Hystaspes, Feld. Lep. Nov. Philipp
S096    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. On the phenomena of variation and geographical distribution as illustrated by the Papilionidæ of the Malayan Region. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 25 (part I): 1-71, pls.1-8.   Text   Image   PDF
78. PAPILIO GODARTII, Montrouzier.P. Godartii, Montr. Ann. Soc. d' Agric. de Lyon, 1856, p. 394. Hab. Woodlark Island.Remark.—Closely allied to the last; perhaps a variation only. k. Demolion group. 79. PAPILIO DEMOLION, Cramer.P. Demolion, Cr. Pap. Ex. t. 89. f. A, B; P. Cresphontes, Fabr.; Boisd. Gén. Lép. p. 220. Hab. Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Singapore (Wall.), Moulmein (Brit. Mus.). 80. PAPILIO GIGON, n. s. Tab. VII. fig. 6 (♀). P. Gigon, List of Papilionidæ in Brit. Mus. p. 27 (no
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
cyaneis. Hab. Java, Sumatra, Singapore; var. B, Penang, Tringanee, Siam; var. C, Borneo. 2. Aspidolopha imperialis, n. sp. Oblonga, crassa, subcylindrica, fulva, nitida, subtus dense aureosericea; mandibularum apice antennisque (his basi exceptis) nigris, fronte, scutello, elytrorumque fasciis duabus latis, harum prim baseos, communi, basi fulvo-binotat , margine postico utrinque profunde emarginat , secund vix pone medium posit , utrinque abbreviat , obscure c ruleis. (Fœm.) Var. A. Elytrorum
WSPEC125    Periodical contribution:     Candèze, M.E. 1865. Élatérides nouveaux (part 1). Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires publiés par l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 17: 1-63   Text   PDF
mill. Singapore. J'en poss de un exemplaire que m'a donn M. le comte de Castelnau. ANOPLISCHIUS CLAVUS. Castaneus, nitidus, parce sat longe pilosus; antennis modice elongatis; prothorace trapeziformi, sparsim punctato; elytris prothorace triplo longioribus, conicis, apice acuminatis, punctato-substriatis. Long. 18, lat. 4 mil. Cayenne. Mus e de Stockholm. L'A. clavus appartient la m me section que l'haematomus et esp ces voisines. [page 23
WSPEC125    Periodical contribution:     Candèze, M.E. 1865. Élatérides nouveaux (part 1). Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires publiés par l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 17: 1-63   Text   PDF
, acutis, carinatis; elytris attenuatis, punctato-substriatis, interstitiis rugose punctatis, plaga basali rufo-testacea; pedibus flavo-rufis. Long. 8-10, lat. 2 -2 mill. Var. a. Plaga elytrorum obsolete. Var. b. Rufescens, elytris saepe rufo-testaceis. Singapore. MELANOXANTHUS VITTATUS. Brunneus, concinne flavo-pubes-cens; prothorace latitudine paulo longiore, convexo, crebrius punctato, postice canaliculato; elytris attenuatis, punctato-sub-striatis, interstitiis rugose punctatis, plaga basali
WSPEC125    Periodical contribution:     Candèze, M.E. 1865. Élatérides nouveaux (part 1). Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires publiés par l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 17: 1-63   Text   PDF
Canaries, ainsi qu'on l'a cru jusqu'ici. Nul doute que d'autres esp ces, de diff rentes parties du continent africain, ne viennent par la suite s'adjoindre celle-ci. CARDIOPHORUS CARDUELIS. Niger, pubescens; prothorace rufo, inaequaliter punctato, punctis majoribus umbilicatis; elytris a basi attenuatis, punctato-substriatis, fascia arcuata antica al-teraque transversa ultra medium luteis; pedibus nigris. Long. 8, lat. 1 mill. Singapore. Voisin de l'anaticus, mais plus grand, la fascie ant rieure
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
vix transversim impressis, tenuiter punctato-striatis, striis ad apicem distinctis, interspatiis planis, apice obsolete convexiusculis. Long. 4 lin. Hab. Singapore. Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, the latter prominent, deeply notched; face triangular; antenn filiform, nearly three-fourths the length of the body. Thorax scarcely broader than long; its sides moderately constricted; above smooth, a longitudinal space down the middle impressed with a number of very fine punctures; just in
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
elytris planis, mediocriter punctato-striatis, interstitiis subtilissime alutaceis, postice elevatis. (Lacordaire.) Long. 2 lin. Hab. Singapore; also Bengal, China. My specimens of this insect differ somewhat from the one from Bengal (which I have not seen) described in Lacordaire's work; mine have the abdomen almost, in one case, entirely black in one specimen, also, the anterior legs are piceous; in all, the anterior half of the elytra is distinctly rugulose, and the basilar space is bounded
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
B. Subelongata, parallela. Crioceris crassicornis, Oliv. Ent. vi. p. 731, 6, pl. i. fig. 6. Crioceris castanea, Lac. Mon. Phyt. i. p. 564. Crioceris omophloides, Lac., ibid. a. Corpore nigro, elytris rufo-fulvis aut rufis. b. Corpore nigro aut piceo; capite, thorace elytrisque obscure fulvis. Hab. Borneo, Malacca (Singapore), Java, Amboina, Manilla, Bouro; also Ceylon, Siam, the whole continent of India, China. This insect is one of the most abundant and widely spread in the present genus
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
, extus ramulum perpendiculare fere ad basin emittente, fasci que lat subapicali utrinque abbreviat , flavis. Long. 2 lin. Hab. Singapore. Head rather longer than in the last species; a large triangular space on either side between the eyes, separating the epistome and front, finely rugose and covered with fine adpressed whitish sericeous hairs; epistome and front nearly smooth, shining, glabrous; three or four lower joints of antenn pale fulvous beneath. Thorax nearly three times as broad as
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
forms by the gibbous thorax, tuberculated elytra, and peculiar antenn . 1. Stasimus rugosus, Baly. (Pl. IV. fig. 2.) Journ. of Entom. ii. p. 150. Oblongus, subcylindricus, opacus, fuscus; thorace rugoso, dorso ante medium gibboso; elytris profunde punctatis, punctis in striis irregulariter dispositis, interspatiis incrassatis, hic illic tuberculis verrucosis instructis. Long. 2 lin. Hab. Singapore. Head rugose, closely covered with suberect pale hairs, epistome transverse, triangular, its surface
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
the scutellum; apical border of thorax obscure fulvous. Elytra closely and coarsely punctured, obsoletely depressed below the basilar space. 2. Aulexis Wallacei, n. sp. (Pl. IV. fig. 5.) Elongata, parallela, fusco-fulva, nitida, pilis suberectis concoloribus dense vestita; capite (antennis labroque exceptis) thoraceque nigris, pilis griseis obsitis, hoc utrinque pone medium oblique excavato. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Sarawak, Singapore, Penang, Tondano. [page] 8
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
, pilis squamiformibus adpressis concoloribus dense vestitus, supra nigro-setosus; labro antennarumque basi fulvis, his extrorsum piceis; capite thoraceque crebre rugoso-punctatis; elytris profunde punctatis, punctis marginis substriatim dispositis. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Singapore. Body above closely covered with adpressed squamiform cupreous pubescence, intermixed with which are numerous long erect black hairs. Head rugose-punctate, anterior border of epistome angulate-emarginate; antenn more than half
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
dilatat , nigr ; frontis margine antico utrinque sinuato, medio rotundato-producto, angulis lateralibus obtusis. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Singapore. VOL. IV. THIRD SERIES, PART II. JULY, 1867. K [page] 11
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
; thorace remote subtenuiter punctato; elytris viridi- neis, viridi-c ruleo-limbatis, infra basin sat profunde excavatis, punctato-striatis, striis confuse bifariam dispositis, interspatiis apice elevatis, intra marginem exteriorem costatis; antennis clav sat valde dilatat , obscure purpure ; frontis margine antico truncato, medio angulato-producto, utrinque sinuato. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Singapore. This insect is so nearly allied to C. fraternus, (differing chiefly in the form of the lower border
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
fulvis, clav sat late dilatat , purpureo-nigr ; frontis margine antico obtuse angulato, angulis lateralibus distinctis. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Singapore. Head coarsely punctured, front impressed in the middle with [page] 12
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
7. Colaspoides simillima, n. sp. Anguste oblonga aut oblonga, parallela, convexa, cuprea, nitida, subtus piceo-cuprea; antennis nigris, his basi, labro palpisque obscure fulvis; thorace subcrebre punctato; elytris intra marginem lateralem longitudinaliter excavatis, infra basin transversim excavatis, subfortiter subseriatim punctatis, interspatiis planis. Var. A. Elytrorum striis minus distinctis. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Malacca, Tringanee. Var. A, Singapore. Smaller and less elongate than C. cuprea
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
, sulcatis, interspatiis costatis, punctis disco exteriori confusis, interspatiis incrassatis, irregulariter reticulatis. Long. 2 lin. Hab. Malacca, Singapore. Head distantly punctured, front impressed with a short longitudinal groove; epistome wedge-shaped, sides straight and converging backwards, apical border obsolete; middle of anterior margin subangulate-emarginate; surface coarsely and irregularly punctured; supra-orbital groove deeply impressed, its lower [page] 14
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
margin, contract as they approach the apex into single rows, the interspaces between them being thickened and forming indistinct cost . 26. Colaspoides picea, n. sp. Oblonga, convexa, pallide picea, nitida; femorum apicibus tibiisque obscurioribus; thorace tenuiter punctato; elytris confuse seriatim punctatis. Long. 1 lin. Hab. Singapore. Head smooth, nearly impunctate; epistome not longer than broad, sides rounded, apical margin obsolete, anterior border concave-emarginate; surface distinctly
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
medium l vibus, convexiusculis, ad apicem subcostatis; sutur antice discique maculis subelevatis nonnullis purpureo-cupreis. Long. 2 lin. Hab. Borneo, Singapore. Head coarsely punctured, convex; face between the eyes impressed with a short longitudinal groove; anterior edge of epistome angularly notched; antenn shorter than half the length of the body, entirely black. Thorax transversely convex; sides rounded, slightly converging from behind the middle to the apex; upper surface closely
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
integris, ante medium sat fortiter, pone medium tenuiter punctatis, interspatiis planis; femoribus subtus dente minuto armatis. Long. 1 lin. Hab. Singapore. Head moderately exserted, very remotely punctured; epistome forming a single piece with the front, its anterior border concave-emarginate, angles of the notch produced, acute; encarp separated from the front by a deep groove; front itself impressed in the middle with a short longitudinal groove; antenn slender, filiform, nearly equal to the body
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
prope suturam obsolete convexiusculis, disco intermedio planis, prope marginem exteriorem costatis; femoribus incrassatis, muticis; tarsis fulvis. Long. 1 lin. Hab. Singapore. Head short, coarsely punctured; anterior border of epistome concave-emarginate; labrum black; antenn filiform, black, fulvous at the base; encarp thickened, separated from the front by a shallow groove. Thorax nearly twice as broad at the base as long; sides rounded and converging from base to apex; above transversely
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
, nitidum, subtus (cum antennis) nigro-piceum; antennarum basi, tibiis tarsisque pallide rufo-piceis; thorace crebre foveolato-punctato; elytris thorace vix latioribus, infra basin non excavatis, profunde fovcolato-striatis, interspatiis subcostatis; femoribus subtus dente brevi armatis. Long. 2 lin. Hab. Singapore. Head prominent, coarsely and deeply punctured, interspaces on either side the vertex indistinctly reticulate-strigose, those on the lower part of the front obsoletely transversely
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
. Ovata, convexa, postice attenuata, subtus (cum capite et antennis) pallide picea, nitida, supra nigro-picea; thorace sparse hic illic tenuiter punc ato; elytris subfortiter punctato-striatis, striis bifariam dispositis, interspatiis ad latera costatis; tibiis intermediis extus ad apicem emarginatis. Long. 1 lin. Hab. Singapore. Head flat, nearly impunctate; anterior border of the epistome angularly notched; jaws black; antenn rather more than half the length of the body, pale fulvous. Thorax
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
. cit. Elongata, fulvo-flava, nitida; antennis, genibus, abdomineque nigris, hoc flavo-marginato; thorace fusco-notato; elytris fuscis vel piceis, utrisque pustulis pallide fulvis octo vel novem ornatis. Var. A. Thoracis maculis obsoletis. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Pulo-Penang, Malacca, Singapore; also Ceylon, Australia. Thorax transversely convex; sides straight and parallel behind [page] 28
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
, convexa, nigro-c rulea, nitida; thoracis lateribus, pectore, abdominis limbo, elytrisque rufis; thorace basi crebre, disco sparse punctato; elytris punctato-striatis, striis pone medium confusis, sutur ad apicem et infra basin dilatat , fasciisque latis undulatis duabus, un ante, alter pone medium positis, nigro-cyaneis. Var. A. Line suturali in medio interrupt . Long. 4 lin. Hab. Java, Singapore, Malacca, Timor. Similar in form to P. cyanipes; thorax more closely punctured at the base; anterior
WSPEC008    Periodical contribution:     Baly, Joseph Sugar. 1865. Phytophaga Malayana. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, (series 3) 4: 1-300. .   Text   Image   PDF
. Flava, thorace nigro-quinque-notato, elytris cyaneo-maculatis. Var. A. Thoracis maculis plus minusve obsoletis. Var. B. Thorace toto nigro. Long. 5 lin. Hab. Java, Singapore; also Siam, China. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides slightly diverging from base to apex; surface somewhat irregularly punctured on the sides, smooth on the disk, marked with five black spots, a small one on either side near the middle of the lateral margin, a lunulate one on either side the middle disk, and the fifth
WSPEC029    Periodical contribution:     Hewitson, William Chapman. 1865. A list of diurnal lepidoptera collected by MR. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 8: 143-149.   Text   Image   PDF
. iii. figs. 7, 8. Mysol. SOSPITA ECHERIUS, Stoll, pl. 31. figs. 1, 1a, 1b. Macassar. Var. Male. Much larger and darker, the bands on the wings scarcely seen. Female with the transverse bands of the anterior wing broader, whiter, and nearer together. Menado. Var. S. (Abisara) Kausambi, Felder, Wien. Ent, Monats, Band iv. p. 397. Malacca; Sumatra; Singapore; Sarawak. There is a great difference in size between large examples of S. Echerius and S. Kausambi, but there is no other distinction. [page] 14
S096    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. On the phenomena of variation and geographical distribution as illustrated by the Papilionidæ of the Malayan Region. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 25 (part I): 1-71, pls.1-8.   Text   Image   PDF
been applied to this species having been preoccupied, I have named it after the first describer. 95. PAPILIO LEUCOTHOË, Westwood.P. Leucothoë, Westw. Arc. Ent. pl. 79. f. 3; P. Xenocles, var., Brit. Mus. List of Pap. Hab. Singapore, Malacca (Wall.), N. India. 96. PAPILIO MACAREUS, Godart.P. Macareus, Godt. Enc. Méth. ix. pl. 76; Horsf. Desc. Cat. Lep. E. I. C. pl. 5. f. 1; Boisd. Sp. Gén. Lép. p. 374. P. striatus, Zink. Beitr. Ins. Java, t. 14. f. 5. Hab. Malaeea (Wall.), Java (Horsfield
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