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NHM-WP14.002.022    Printed:    1887.02.17   Press cutting headlined "Are there any great men?", annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Washington Post. Feby 17th 1887" and with text of the piece continued in his hand at the bottom margin. Place: USA Notes: Enclosed in envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "interesting extracts America 1886-7" when listed.
NHM-WP14.002.025    Printed:    1887.03.17   Cutting, unnamed Pennsylvania? paper 17 Mar 1887 headlined "Multiplex Personality" re the phenomenon of split personalities, with details of a Pennsylvania case and others and of scientific investigators. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.027    Printed:    1885.03.01   Reprint or proof sheet? from the Boston "Sunday Herald" 1 Mar 1885, headed "Mrs Isabella Hooker | A sketch of her plan for conversational receptions" Place: USA Notes: Record of original position in boxes lost, but probably with American press cuttings in old WP2/41
NHM-WP15.002.001    Printed:    1892.01.26   Reid, Clement, "On the natural history of isolated ponds" reprinted from the Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, vol. V, pp. 273-286, read 26 Jan 1892. Annotated in ink on the cover "W. Mitten, Esq ALS from the author". Place: Norfolk England
NHM-WP15.002.002    Printed:    1892.05.00   Reid, Clement, "On the Pleistocene deposits of the Sussex coast" reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for May 1892, vol. XLVIII, pp 344- 361. Annotated in ink on the cover "W. Mitten, Esqr. ALS from the author". Place: Sussex England
NHM-WP15.002.003    Printed:    1893.08.00   Reid, Clement, "A fossiliferous pleistocene deposit at Stone, on the Hampshire coast" reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for August 1893, vol. XLIX pp. (326)-328. Place: England Hampshire Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten by the author. No cover.
NHM-WP15.002.008    Printed:    1896.08.00   Reid, Clement "The Eocene deposits of Dorset" reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for August 1896, vol. LII, pp 490-495. See WP15/1/4, letter Reid to Mitten, 8 Sep 1896. Place: Dorset England Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten by the author, probably with WP1/14/17 of the same date.
NHM-WP15.002.009    Printed:    1897.02.00   Reid, Clement, "Supplementary note (February, 1897) on the worked-flints from Blashenwell, near Corfe Castle" reprinted? from the Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 1897? Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten by the author (see WP15/2/5 and WP15/1/4) and may originally have been enclosed with WP15/2/6.
NHM-WP15.002.010    Printed:    1897.03.04   Reid, Clement, "The Palaeolithic deposits at Hitchin and their relation to the glacial epoch" reprinted from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol 61, read 4 Mar 1897, Annotated in ink on the cover "W. Mitten, Esqure with the writer's compts. & thanks". Place: England Hertfordshire
NHM-WP15.002.011    Printed:    1897.08.00   Reid, Clement, "Pleistocene plants from Casewick, Shacklewell, and Grays" reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for August 1897, vol. LIII, pp. (463)-464. Place: England Essex Lincolnshire Middlesex Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten
NHM-WP15.002.012    Printed:    1898.05.00   Reid, Clement, "The Eocene deposits of Devon" reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for May 1898, vol. LIV pp. 234-236. Annotated on the front cover in ink "W. Mitten Esqure with the writer's kind regards". Place: Devon England
NHM-WP15.002.013    Printed:    1898.06.00   Reid, Clement, "Further contributions to the geological history of the British flora" reprinted from the Annals of Botany, vol. XII, no XLVI, June 1898. Annotated in ink on the cover "W. Mitten, Esq (letters missing at tear) with the writer's kind regards" and in pencil in another hand "28 Jermyn St London S W". Place: Britain
NHM-WP15.002.015    Printed:    1899.08.21   Barnes, Charles R, "The progress and problems of plant physiology," address to section G (Botany) of the forty-eighth annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Columbus, Ohio, 21 August 1899. (Easton, PA., 1899). 26 pages. Annotated in ink on the front cover "With the compliments of C R Barnes." Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten.
NHM-WP15.002.016    Printed:    1895.07.03   Kirk, T, "The displacement of species in New Zealand" reprinted from Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, vol. XXVIII, 1896. Presidential address to the Wellington Philosophical Society, 3 Jul 1895. 27 pages. Annotated "from the author" in ink on the cover under a section which has been cut out (some words possibly missing) and in ink in a different? hand on the title page "William Mitten Esq. A.L.S. &c". Place: New Zealand
NHM-WP15.002.017    Printed:    1906.07.00   Larter, C E, "Some Cryptogams of the botanical districts of Braunton and Sherwill, North Devon". Reprinted from The Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art, 1906 - xxxviii. pp. 270-293. Sent to Miss Mitten (Flora Mitten?) by the author. Place: Devon England
NHM-WP15.002.018    Printed:    1894.03.28   Notice, reprint or proof, 8 pages uncut, "Linnean Society of New South Wales. Abstract of Proceedings, March 28th, 1894" including a report on the annual general meeting of March 28, 1894 chaired by professor T W E David, lists of office bearers, papers read at the monthly meeting on the same date, donations received, and exhibits. Place: Australia Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten.
NHM-WP15.002.019    Printed:    1894.04.25   Notice or reprint, 8 pages, "Linnean Society of New South Wales. Abstract of Proceedings, April 25th 1894" including a report on the adjourned annual general meeting of April 25th, 1894 chaired by professor T W E David, papers read at the monthly meeting on the same date, and exhibits. Place: Australia Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten
NHM-WP15.002.020    Printed:    1894.05.30   Notice or reprint, 8 pages, "Linnean Society of New South Wales. Abstract of Proceedings, May 30th 1894" including a report on the monthly meeting of May 30th 1894 chaired by professor T W E David, papers read and exhibits. Place: Australia Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten
NHM-WP15.002.021    Printed:    1897.08.00   Printed pamphlet, "The House Sparrow (passer domesticus, Linnaeus)" by Eleanor A Ormerod and W B Tegetmeier, (London, August 1897) on the diet and behaviour of sparrows. 8 Pages. Annotated "With kind remembrances" in ink on the first page. Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten but possibly to A R Wallace.
NHM-WP15.003.001    Printed:    1906.10.00   Obituary of William Mitten by W Botting Hemsley, reprinted from the Journal of Botany, October 1906. Includes photographic portrait of Mitten standing, bearded, wearing a tweed suit and velvet smoking cap, holding a plant and magnifying glass, with a rose hedge in the background.
NHM-WP15.003.004    Printed:    1907.01.10   Obituary of William Mitten by William Edward Nicholson, with bibliography, reprinted from The Bryologist, 10 Jan 1907. Titled "William Mitten a sketch with bibliography". Includes photographic portrait of Mitten standing, bearded, wearing a tweed suit and velvet smoking cap, holding a plant and magnifying glass, with a rose hedge in the background, with acknowledgements to James Britten and the Journal of Botany, Oct 1906.
NHM-WP16.001.004    Printed:    1929.06.07--1929   Cutting annotated in pencil in WGW?s hand "Times June 7th/29" headlined "Darwin Memorial | Opening of Down House Today" reporting on the opening of Darwin's former home, Down House, opened to the public at a ceremony arranged by the British Association. Place: Kent England
NHM-WP16.001.056    Printed:    1917.04.09--1917   Obituary notice of Raphael Meldola, with portrait, by E B Poulton, reprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Society 1917, pp. [i] - xxxvii, annotated on front cover in Poulton's hand "W.G. Wallace | with the kind regards of E.B. Poulton | April 9/1917 | Oxford ". Place: Oxford England
NHM-WP16.001.057    Printed:    1925.05.09--1925.07.04   "Thomas Henry Huxley by Prof. E.B. Poulton F.R.S.", reprint pp [1]-16, from "Nature" 9 May 1925; text of the Centenary Lecture at Imperial College of Science and Technology given by Poulton on 4 May 1925, annotated on front cover in Poulton's hand " W.G. Wallace, with kindest regards from the author | July 4/1925". Place: Oxford England
NHM-WP16.001.061    Printed:    1931.12.02--1931   Print, "Extracts from the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London" 4 Feb - 2 Dec, 1931, vol. VI, 1931, pp [1]-67, annotated in Poulton's hand "With kind regards from E B Poulton. pp. 57, 60" including on p. 60 "Wallace and Bates on the Amazon" reporting on Prof Poulton's remarks on two letters sent by Herbert Bates from the Amazon to the Wallace family and lent to him by W G Wallace. See letter from Poulton to WGW in 28 Jul 1932, to which this was probably an enclosure. Place: Amazon Oxford England Notes: p. 57 includes descriptions of butterflies collected in Fiji by Hubert W Simmonds and their attraction to the plant Tournefortia argentea.
NHM-WP16.001.063    Printed:    1934.11.22?--1934   Obituary of Sir Edward Poulton, undated (22 Nov 1934?) press cutting annotated in William Greenell Wallace's? hand "Times | Nov 22d" Place: Oxford England
NHM-WP16.002.052    Printed:    1948.07.31--1948   Report of the Curator of the Pitt Rivers Museum, Department of Ethnology, for the year ending 31 July 1948 University of Oxford, 11pp; annotated on the front in WGW's hand? "p. 8", marked in pencil in the margin of p. 8 next to the notice of a donation by W G Wallace of American stone implements collected by his father.
NHM-WP12    Printed:    [1790]--1914   Reprints, press cuttings, and ms copies of short works by author's other than A R Wallace, given to or apparently collected by him, including poems, scientific papers and letters to the editor, on a variety of subjects including botany, geology, politics and religion; many with annotations in his hand; and related papers including correspondence. Notes: Attempts to sort the papers by either date or author were frustrated by lack of one or the other or both. Most authors and likely dates have been found and added after listing, so the list is in no particular order.
NHM-WP12.001    Printed:    [1790]   "What constitutes a State", poem, copy in A. R. Wallace's hand of verses apparently from "Ode in Imitation of Alceus" by Sir William Jones (1746-1794) - original c. 1790s?. Notes: Title found from quotations, various websites, but date not found.
NHM-WP07.003    Printed:    1855   Reprint "On the Law which has regulated the introduction of new species" by A. R. Wallace from "Annals and Mag, Nat Hist Sept 1855, 14 pp. pamphlet annotated on front in A. R. Wallace's hand with title and "Only Copy left".
NHM-WP12.003    Printed:    1857--1871   Papers by Francis P Pascoe describing coleoptera species collected by A. R. Wallace; six reprint or offprints dated from 1857-1871 including 2 copies of "Catalogue of Zygopinae, a subfamily of Curculonidae, Found by Mr. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago" (1871) one of which was an probably enclosure to letter to WGW from F P Pascoe (Junior?) c 1913 ( See WP12/3/1); letter from F P Pascoe (Junior?) to WGW, 1913? ; annotated envelope. Notes: The following loose note in pencil in Richard Wallace's hand was stuck beneath the string tying all but one of these reprints and envelope when listed: "New Species Coll. A. R. Wallace described Pascoe | Cephalozia R Spruce | Hepaticae R Spruce | Precis (French) Spruce I On Anomoclada " | Yorkshire Mosses & Hepatics Slater". See WP8, papers re Richard Spruce and "Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes".
NHM-WP07.009    Printed:    1858   "On the tendency of species to form varieties; and on the perpetuation of varieties and species by natural means of selection. by Charles Darwin… and Alfred Wallace… Communicated by Sir Charles Lyell… and J. D. Hooker…" from The Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society for August 1858 (read 1 July 1858); final proof or reprint sewn into brown paper cover labelled in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Species | Darwin ^ Wallace"; pp. [1]-62 with correction and additions in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink and a note on the back flyleaf in pencil in his hand, beginning "1860. Feb | After reading Mr Darwin's admirable work 'On the Origin of Species'…" Place: Ternate Moluccas Netherlands Indies Notes: When listed this was in an acid free envelope labelled in pencil by NHM library staff c2000 "1858 Lin. Soc. Paper | species - Darwin/Wallace | Box 3 Box file" .
NHM-WP07.020    Printed:    1862?--1863.01.13   "List of Birds Collected in the island of Bouru…" by A. R. Wallace, offprint or page proofs, pp [1]-20, only partly cut, from "Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London" 13 Jan 1863, annotated faintly in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Read 1862"[sic].
NHM-WP12.003.005    Printed:    1863   Pascoe, Francis P, "List of the Colydiidae collected in the Indian Islands by Alfred R. Wallace Esq., and descriptions of new species"; offprint from the Journal of Entomology, vol. II, no. IX, 1863, pp. [121]-143 and plate VIII Place: Netherlands Indies
NHM-WP12.003.006    Printed:    1863   Pascoe, Francis P, "List of the Colydiidae collected in the Indian Islands by Alfred R. Wallace Esq., and descriptions of new species"; offprint from the Journal of Entomology, vol. II, no. IX, 1863, pp. [121]-143 and plate VIII; annotated on the cover in an unknown hand (Pascoes?) "Colydiidae of Wallace". Place: Netherlands Indies
NHM-WP12.035.[02]    Printed:    1863   "Natural Theology", reprint or tract quoting a previously unpublished May 15, 1863 letter by Kingsley reprinted from the "Daily Graphic", re Darwinism and black moods; undated, 1 small folio, contained in envelope no 1 above when listed
NHM-WP07.032    Printed:    1864--1865   "On the Varieties of Man in the Malay Archipelago" by A. R. Wallace, offprint or proof in green paper cover of a paper read 26 Jan 1864, pp. [196] -215, with deletions in pencil and another printed section pasted onto part of p. 214; titled on front in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Man in the Malay Archipelago" with "1864" added in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand; from Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London 3 (n.s.): 196-215 (1865), see Smith S82. Place: Malaya
NHM-WP07.033    Printed:    1864--1865   "On the Varieties of Man in the Malay Archipelago" by A. R. Wallace, offprint in green paper cover of a paper read 26 Jan 1864, pp. [196]-215, annotated on front of first page in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "From Transactions of the Ethnological Society. 1865 (Vol. 3)" and on the front cover "Alfred R Wallace | Man in the Malay Archipelago"; "1865" has been added in blue pencil in his or WGW's hand.
NHM-WP07.030    Printed:    1865--1866   "On the Progress of Civilisation in Northern Celebes" by A. R. Wallace, offprint with green cover, pp. [1] - 10), of a paper read at the Ethnological Society of London meeting of 24 Jan.1865, (from "Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London" 4 (n.s.): 61-70 (1866) - see Smith S104 ); titled on cover in A. R. Wallace's hand with "1865" added in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand. Place: Celebes Netherlands Indies
NHM-WP08.001.003    Printed:    [1866]   "Précis D'un Voyage D'Exploration Botanique dans L' Amérique Equitoriale, pour servir d'introduction provisoire à son ouvrage sur les Hepatiques de L'Amazone et Des Andes, par Richard Spruce." pp [1]-20. Offprint from Révue Bryologique, Aug 1866, no 3. In French. Annotated faintly in pencil on the top right of the cover, in Richard Spruce's hand "A. R. Wallace | Souvenir d' amitié | de l'auteur." Extensively underlined in ink, lead and red pencil throughout, particularly place-names; a few marginal annotations in ink and pencil in Spruce's hand. Place: Amazon Andes South America
NHM-WP12.005    Printed:    1869   Pamphlet "British Association for the Advancement of Science. Exeter Change for the British Lions. Edited by Snug the Joiner" [J C Brough] (London 1869); satirical history, papers and address to the President of the BAAS, including "The Development Hypothesis ... by General Fitz Müddler" pp. 10-12, with a passage on page 12 describing Wallace ("Mr Darwin's alter ego") marked by a pencil line in the margin; 30 pages; approx 12 cm x 15cm; pages 19-22 inclusive have been cut out. Notes: A pencilled list of items in box 2 possibly in Richard Wallace's hand (not EB) was found loose near this work: placed in an envelope marked [for Richard Wallace 12 June] in the box containing old ref WP2/25 onwards. PJL 3/6/2003
NHM-WP10.001.[01]    Printed:    1870--1879?   Printed examination paper, Physical Geography elementary, advanced and honours, examiner Professor Ansted. 1873.
NHM-WP10.001.[02]    Printed:    1870--1879?   Printed examination paper, Physical Geography elementary, advanced and honours, examiner Professor Ansted. 1876.
NHM-WP10.001.[03]    Printed:    1870--1879?   Part of a printed examination paper, ( physical geography) advanced, pasted onto a folio with notes in A. R. Wallace's hand written on the back.The paper is dated in pencil and the notes in ink: 1876.
NHM-WP10.001.[05]    Printed:    1870--1879?   Part of a printed examination paper, ( physical geography) elementary, pasted onto a sheet of card apparently torn from the cover of a book. Annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand. Undated.
NHM-WP10.001.[08]    Printed:    1870--1879?   Printed examination paper, Physical Geography elementary, advanced and honours, examiners Professor John W Judd and J Norman Lockyer Esq., 1879, containing four sheets of copies in A. R. Wallace's hand of candidates' answers to some of the questions in the paper.
NHM-WP10.002.[02]    Printed:    1870?--1888?   Physical Geography No 2 Examination paper, A. Physical geography of Palestine. 1 folio print, undated, with annotations including, at the top, "Marks".
NHM-WP10.002.[03]    Printed:    1870?--1888?   Physical Geography No 2 Examination paper. Physical geography of India. 1 folio print, undated, with annotations including, at the top, "First Proof Mar 1/70".
NHM-WP10.002.[04]    Printed:    1870?--1888?   Physical Geography No 1 Examination paper. A. Configuration of the earth. 1 folio print, undated, with annotations including, at the top, "Marks." This is NOT a duplicate of the first document, each having different questions.
NHM-WP10.002.[05]    Printed:    1870?--1888?   Physical Geography No 1 Examination paper. A. Configuration of the earth. 1 folio print, undated, without annotations. This is a duplicate of document 2 in the list.
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore