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NHM-WP15.002.005    Printed:    1895   Reid, Clement, "On charred pine-wood from Dorset peat mosses" reprinted from the Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, vol. XVI, pp. 14-16, 1895. Place: Dorset England Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten by the author.
NHM-WP15.002.006    Printed:    1896   Reid, Clement, "The early Neolithic kitchen-midden and tufaceous deposit at Blashenwell, near Corfe Castle" reprinted from the Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, vol. XVII, pp. 67-75, 1896. Place: Dorset England Notes: Sent to William Mitten by the author - see WP1/14/18
NHM-WP15.002.007    Printed:    1896   Sir John Evans, Miss E Morse, Clement Reid, E P Ridley and H N Ridley, "The relation of Palaeolithic man to the Glacial epoch. Report of the Committee ... appointed to ascertain by excavation at Hoxne the relations of the Palaeolithic deposits to the boulder clay, and to the deposits with arctic and temperate plants." Printed report from the British Association meeting, Liverpool 1896, section C. 16 pages with diagrams including a fold-out diagram of geological strata at Hoxne brickyard. Sent to William Mitten by Clement Reid. Place: Hoxne Suffolk England
NHM-WP02.002    Printed:    1898--1913   Interviews and biographical print pre November 1913: Press cuttings and other print copies of journalist's interviews with and opinions of A. R. Wallace, 1898-1913, from British and American newspapers and journals.
NHM-WP07.043.[04]    Printed:    1898   "Spiritualism and Social Duty" by A. R. Wallace; pamphlet, reprint from "Light" of his address to the International Congress of Spiritualists, 23 Jun 1898. See WP7/81 for another copy.
NHM-WP07.043.[05]    Printed:    1898   "Justice, not Charity, as the fundamental principle of social reform" small pamphlet printed for private circulation, 14 pp plus front and back matter.
NHM-WP07.043.[06]    Printed:    1898   "New Thoughts on Evolution, being the views of [A. R. Wallace] as gathered in an interview by Harold Begbie", re the possibility of Creation not being inconsistent with Evolution; reprint from "The Daily Chronicle", small pamphlet with red cover, no date (originally published in the Daily Chronicle Nov 1910, see Shermer p. 388)
NHM-WP07.056.[01]    Printed:    [1898]   Printed [page proofs?] of "Mr Wallace on Physiological Selection" by George J Romanes, pp. [1]-18, annotated at top of first page in WGW's? hand in pencil "Duplicate sent to Author" and in ink "Private & Confidential"; marginal notes and underlining in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand; Both (056.01 and 056.02) in a folder made from a 1908 envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace from the RS, labelled on back in A. R. Wallace's (and WGW's?) hand "Wallace and Romanes. | Physiological selection" (See also corrected proofs of a review by T D A Cockerell, 1898, of a book on Darwinism by G J Romanes, in WP12). Notes: Although the work by Romanes is obviously NOT strictly in this category the two papers obviously belong together and so have been put here. Smith bibliog: S389. Romanes Versus Darwin. An Episode in the History of the Evolution Theory. Fortnightly Review 40 (n.s.; 46, o.s.): 300-316 (1 Sept. 1886: no. 237, n.s.).
NHM-WP07.056.[02]    Printed:    [1898]   Printed [page proofs?] of "Romanes versus Darwin. An episode in the history of evolution and its theory", by A. R. Wallace, pp. [300] - 316.[S389: Fortnightly Review 40 (n.s.; 46, o.s.): 300-316 (1 Sept. 1886: no. 237, n.s.)] . Both (056.01 and 056.02) in a folder made from a 1908 envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace from the RS, labelled on back in A. R. Wallace's (and WGW's?) hand "Wallace and Romanes. | Physiological selection" (See also corrected proofs of a review by T D A Cockerell, 1898, of a book on Darwinism by G J Romanes, in WP12). Notes: Although the work by Romanes is obviously NOT strictly in this category the two papers obviously belong together and so have been put here. Smith bibliog: S389. Romanes Versus Darwin. An Episode in the History of the Evolution Theory. Fortnightly Review 40 (n.s.; 46, o.s.): 300-316 (1 Sept. 1886: no. 237, n.s.).
NHM-WP12.015    Printed:    1898   Reprint, "Eleventh Lecture | The Elimination of the Unfit as illustrated by the introduced sparrow, Passer domesticus" by Hermon C Bumpus 1898; annotated by A. R. Wallace. Notes: Source for Bumpus:
NHM-WP12.004    Printed:    1898?   Reprint of the appendix to Herbert Spencer, (1864, 67, second edn 1898-99) "Principles of Biology", consisting of a letter originally written by him on alleged spontaneous generation to the North American Review in Dec 1868: reprint undated, c 1898? some marking in blue pencil and a marginal comment in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand.
NHM-WP07.084.[01]    Printed:    1899   Copies of three numbers of the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1899 and loose front and back cover without inner pages, of a duplicate, comprising: 1. "Journal of the Society for Psychical Research" no CLVI Vol IX, Feb 1899, front cover signed by A. R. Wallace and annotated in his hand "Wallace on Podmore" containing long letter pp. 22-30 by A. R. Wallace on Frank Podmore and poltergeists. Notes: All covers are in extremely poor condition, fragile and acidic with crumbling edges.
NHM-WP07.084.[02]    Printed:    1899   Copies of three numbers of the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1899 and loose front and back cover without inner pages, of a duplicate, comprising: 2. "Journal of the Society for Psychical Research" no CLVII Vol IX, March 1899, front cover signed by A. R. Wallace and annotated in his hand " Podmore's replyÂ…", containing "Clairvoyance and Poltergeists", letter to the Editor by Frank Podmore in reply to A. R. Wallace, pp. 37-45, with pencil markings and comments in A. R. Wallace's hand in text and margins. Notes: All covers are in extremely poor condition, fragile and acidic with crumbling edges.
NHM-WP07.084.[03]    Printed:    1899   Copies of three numbers of the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1899 and loose front and back cover without inner pages, of a duplicate, comprising: 3. "Journal of the Society for Psychical Research" no CLVIII Vol IX, April 1899, front cover signed by A. R. Wallace and annotated in his hand "Reply to Mr Podmore's replyÂ…", containing "Clairvoyance and Poltergeists", letter to the Editor by A. R. Wallace pp. 56-57. Notes: All covers are in extremely poor condition, fragile and acidic with crumbling edges.
NHM-WP07.084.[04]    Printed:    1899   Copies of three numbers of the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1899 and loose front and back cover without inner pages, of a duplicate, comprising: 4. Loose front and back covers of a copy of the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, No CLVI, Vol. IX, Feb, 1899, annotated on the front cover at the top in ink A. R. Wallace's hand "p. 22- (31?) Mr. Wallace reply to Mr. Podmore. | Duplicate. | Numerous cases of Clairvoyance, and Disturbances of various kinds" ; the inside back cover includes notices of forthcoming meetings, including the reading of a paper by Mary H Kingsley on apparitions in West Africa on Friday, 10 Mar . Notes: All covers are in extremely poor condition, fragile and acidic with crumbling edges.
NHM-WP12.016    Printed:    1900   "The Shame of the Nineteenth Century", by Wilfred Scawen Blunt; small pamphlet, with some passages marked and signature and annotation "Fine!" in A. R. Wallace's hand on front.
NHM-WP08.002.003    Printed:    1900--1907?   Obituary notice of Richard Spruce by Isaac Bayley Balfour. Offprint from the Annals of Botany, vol. XIV no. LVI, Dec 1900. pp. [1]-4 with signed portrait of Spruce reproduced facing p.[1]. Front cover annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Obituary notice of Richard Spruce by Dr. Isaac Bayley Balfour F.R.S. &c &c (Keeper of the Edinburgh Botanic Garden) | With Portrait | in the 'Annals of Botany' | Clarendon Press, Oxford." Notes: Last date based on the period when A. R. Wallace was working on his edition of Spruce's Journal, and therefore the likely date of the annotations in his hand.
NHM-WP12.018    Printed:    1904--1904   Benjamin Harrison, pamphlet "An Outline of the History of the Eolithic Flint Implements" (Kent, 1904), annotated in ink on front cover "Dr A. Russel Wallace | with the authors compts."; twenty-two pages; approx 2 cm x 14 cm. Place: Kent England
NHM-WP12.019    Printed:    1904   "Les Notions Physiques fondamentales selon Spencer" by Thomas Tommasina, reprint from "Comptes rendus du IIme Congrés intern, de Philosphie (Geneva, 1904) annotated on the front cover "á Sir [sic] A. R. Wallace | Homage trés respectueux de l'auteur | Thomas Tommasina", with some annotations in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand in the text.
NHM-WP12.020    Printed:    1905   "Materialism" by James Crichton Browne, pamphlet, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London 1905, text annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand.
NHM-WP08.001.006    Printed:    1906--1906   "An Account of the Mosses and Hepatics of the North Riding of Yorkshire" (Hull 1906) by Matthew B Slater, reprinted from J G Baker, "North Yorkshire," part 33 of "Transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union" 1906; pp [i-xiv, [1]-671; list on first title page in A. R. Wallace's? hand of pages on which Spruce specimens appear and crosses against their description in the text; 23 cm x 15 cm; annotated on the front cover in ink "With Compts and best regards from M.B.S." Place: Yorkshire England
NHM-WP15.003    Printed:    1906--1907   Printed Obituaries and memoirs of William Mitten 1906 and 1907, by W B Hemsley, E M Holmes and W E Nicholson
NHM-WP12.023    Printed:    1906?   "Co-operative Emigration", undated press cutting (1906?), letter to the Editor from E A Phipson commenting on A. R. Wallace's views on the subject.
NHM-WP01.001.138    Printed:    [1907]   Undated and untitled newspaper cutting approximately 7cm x 7cm with the by-line "X.Y.Z.", a joke about a Judge and a black thief, marked in the right hand margin with vertical pencil-lines. Probably an enclosure to his letter to William of 18 Mar 1909. Place: Dorset England Notes: Probably an enclosure to his letter of 18 Mar 1909 (see WP1/1/147) and placed within it. Annotated [WP1/1/138] [Encl to Mar 18, 1909?] in pencil by PJL, 2002
NHM-WP15.003.002    Printed:    1907   Obituary of William Mitten by E M Holmes, reprinted from The South-Eastern Naturalist 1907 in The Transactions of the South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, 1907. Includes photographic portrait of Mitten standing, bearded, wearing a tweed suit and velvet smoking cap, holding a plant and magnifying glass, with a rose hedge in the background. (First copy of 2).
NHM-WP15.003.003    Printed:    1907   Obituary of William Mitten by E M Holmes, reprinted from The South-Eastern Naturalist 1907 in The Transactions of the South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, 1907. Includes photographic portrait of Mitten standing, bearded, wearing a tweed suit and velvet smoking cap, holding a plant and magnifying glass, with a rose hedge in the background. (Copy 2 of 2)
NHM-WP07.102.003    Printed:    1908   Journal "The Socialist Review: A Monthly Review of Modern Thought", vol. 1 no 4, Jun 1908 (The Independent Labour Party, London); including "The Remedy for Unemployment - I" by A. R. Wallace, pp. 310-320, approx 24.5 cm x 15.5 cm with red cover; signed on the front cover, top right, Alfred R Wallace. Notes: See Old ref WP2/24, containing part 2
NHM-WP12.026    Printed:    1908   Press cutting, re the faults of socialism, n.d., marked up in blue, of part (no end or beginning) of a letter to the Editor?; in envelope annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink "Letter in Clarion for April 3d 1908 | From a noncon. Minister. | Stating objections to 'Socialism' very well & clearly - but all answered in 'Bellamy' | Revd S. Skelborn, Mt Pleasant, Congregational Church - Glossop."
NHM-WP12.027    Printed:    1908   "The New Church Magazine", no 320, August, 1908 , including "William Allingham's Diary" by George Trobridge and "Modern Spiritualism" by H. Stanley Redgrove, both with markings and marginal annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand; annotated in pencil on front cover in an unknown hand (WGW's?) "See pp. 352-5-6"; a page marker between pp. 356 and 357 is marked in pencil in the same? hand "Xerox only 352-357 (3 exposures)". Notes: See note to WP6/5/4 (Proofs of ARW’s "Darwinism, an exposition....") re Xerox process and speculative dates.
NHM-WP02.005    Printed:    1909--1988   Biographical Miscellanea: Miscellaneous press cuttings, print and mss relating to the life of A. R. Wallace comprising an astrological chart of his character 1909, a printed subscription form for a memorial fund 1916 and a 1988 press notice of the 75th anniversary of his death.
NHM-WP11.005    Printed:    1909   Order of the Proceedings at the Darwin Celebration, Cambridge 1909; "Order of the Proceedings at the Darwin Celebration held at Cambridge June 22- June 24 1909, with a Sketch of Darwin's Life." (CUP, Cambridge 1909); bound printed book approx 27 cm x 21 cm with Cambridge University coat of arms on the cover and illustrations including portraits of Charles Darwin;
NHM-WP12.029    Printed:    [1909]   "Charles Darwin's Earliest Doubts Concerning the Immutability of Species" by John W Judd, 3 undated proof sheets annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Proof of Judd's article in 'Nature' on Darwin's early views on species & Evolution". Notes: Possibly written for centenary c 1909, cites Darwin, Francis & A.C. Seward eds., More letters of Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London, John Murray, 1903
NHM-WP07.102.006    Printed:    1909?   Small pamphlet, Pass On Pamphlets No. 8, Alfred R Wallace, "The Remedy for Unemployment", (The Clarion Press, London); 24 pages; approx 18 cm x 12 cm; undated, c 1909; modified reprint of the article of the same title printed in two parts in "The Socialist Review", June (pp. 310-20) and July (pp. 390-400) 1908. See also letter to the editor of the Clarion from Skelborn (old ref WP3/41). Place: London England Notes: Enclosed in envelope annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand on one side "The Remedy for Unemployment | Criticisms &c." and on the other "The Remedy for Unemployment, WP7/102/7, when listed.
NHM-WP06.010.004    Printed:    1911--1912   Stamped envelope printed with scissors-shaped advertising logo of the Press Clippings Bureau, Boston, addressed to Alfred Russell (sic) Wallace, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne, Dorset, England, postmarked Boston (USA) 26 Feb 1912, containing six 1911 press cuttings of reviews of A. R. Wallace's book "The World of Life" comprising: WP6.10/004.1 to 6 Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[01]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts from the "Times", Denver, Colorado, 29 Mar 1911 of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[02]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from the Boston "Transcript" 29 Mar 1911. The attachment is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "A very good & careful review". Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[03]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from the Louisville, Kentucky "Courier Journal" 17 Jun 1911; annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "A very good & fair review". Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[04]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from the Chicago, Illinois "Post" 11 Aug 1911, headlined "Fifty Years After" and including a portrait of Wallace. The attachment is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "A monists vague ideas." Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[05]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from "New York American" 16 Sep 1911.The attachment is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "Good". Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[06]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from the Chicago, Illinois "Tribune", 13 Nov 1911. The attachment is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand " A fairly good notice". Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP02.003    Printed:    1913--1947   Obituaries and Memoirs of Alfred Russel Wallace: Obituaries, death notices, descriptions of his funeral and memoirs of A. R. Wallace and some related papers, 1913-1947, mostly press cuttings with some entire magazines and reprints, from UK newspapers and spiritualist and scientific journals and a few from the USA and other countries, including cuttings from one Swiss and several UK press-cutting agencies with the original envelopes; all or most marked up (by WGW?) in blue pencil; note of A. R. Wallace's illness and time of death by William Greenell Wallace dated 7 Nov 1913, on headed paper without addressee; rough design in ink by WGW? for inscription on gravestone. Notes: Almost all brittle, dirty, crumbling or heavily folded. Scattered throughout all four boxes in which the collection arrived. Pieces WP2/3/2-12 are mostly full sheets from broadsheet newspapers and were in a cover made from boards of a damaged blue foolscap size notebook when listed; cover discarded; pieces WP2/3/13-34 were in a large white modern envelope addressed A King Esq Modus engineering; envelope destroyed; most of the remainder were in a document wallet containing other, unrelated material.
NHM-WP12.032    Printed:    1913   "Continuity", BAAS Birmingham 1913, Presidents address by Sir Oliver J Lodge, printed pamphlet without cover, pp. [1]-40, annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand with passages marked in blue pencil.
NHM-WP07.113    Printed:    1913?   Print, page proof? or press cutting pp. 223 -224 of "The Young Man", undated, headed on p. 223 "Is Britain on the Down Grade?" including a letter to the Editor by A. R. Wallace re a (letter?) by William Clarke on the subject of morals.
NHM-WP02.006.004.01    Printed:    [1916]   Printed advance notice, undated, of the forthcoming publication of James Marchant, "A. R. Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences" (March 1916. Cassell & Co. Ltd., London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne) decorated with a small engraving or woodcut portrait of A. R. Wallace and including order form.
NHM-WP16.002.001    Printed:    1917--1918   Printed pamphlet, "Return | British Museum 1918" HMSO May 1918, financial report including lists of significant donations 1917; reports on p. 22 of the donation in 1917 to the BMNH of two Ms notebooks in A. R. Wallace's hand on specimens, "chiefly insects" collected in the Malay Archipelago. Place: Malaya Notes: P. 22 reports on the donation in 1917 to the BMNH of two Ms notebooks in A. R. Wallace's hand on specimens, "chiefly insects" collected in the Malay Archipelago.
NHM-WP16.002.042    Printed:    1917   Sixtieth Annual Report of the Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery, 1916-1917, (HMSO 1917) 7pp. , annotated on the cover in pencil in WGW's hand "Re A.R.W | See p. 6"; W G Wallace Esq. and Miss Wallace are listed on p. 6 among donors of photographs and engravings on p. 6 and the entry marked by a blue pencilled cross and annotation in lead pencil in WGW's hand "Photos of A.R.W."
NHM-WP02.003.038    Printed:    1923   "Obituary Notice of A. R. Wallace (with portrait )" by E B P (E B Poulton) Printed pamphlet, reprinted from the "Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. Vol. 95 (1923) (The centenary of A. R. Wallace's birth). Notes: In modern envelope labelled in Richard W's hand "1923 Obit | Articles in entomological Soc Proceedings | Profile W J Hooker | Mans Place in Universe A Reply" when listed. Envelope discarded.
NHM-WP17.009    Printed:    undated   Printed cartoon captioned "The meeting of the Zoological Society, Hanover Square. (After a drawing by Harry Furniss. By Permission of the Proprietors of 'Punch')"; undated, from an unnamed publication, caricaturing various men including Richard Owen and W H Flower? Notes: Dates based on when Harry Furniss began working for "Punch" (the 1880's) and the date of publication of Scherren, Henry. 1905. "The Zoological Society of London: A Sketch of Its Foundation ...", an illustration from which is on the back of the cartoon. Found when listed in a Large envelope labelled in Richard W's? hand "Illustrations of Palm trees" containing printed illustrations of palm trees and an undated and unnamed watercolour of azaleas.
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore