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S447    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. A remarkable book on the habits of animals. Nature 45 (1172): 553-556.   Text   Image   PDF
S447a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. Letter [to Annie Besant, dated 31 March 1892]. Lucifer 10 (56): 94.   Text   Image
S448    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. Correction in "Island Life". Nature 46 (1177): 56.   Text   Image   PDF
S449    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. Remarks [on receiving the Royal Medal for the Encouragement of Geographical Science and Discovery]. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London & Monthly Record of Geography (new monthly series) 14 (7): 485-486.   Text   Image
S450    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. Presidential address. Report of the Land Nationalisation Society 1891-92: 15-26.   Text   Image
S451    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. Spiritualism. In: Chambers's Encyclopædia (new ed., 10 vols., London & Edinburgh: William & Robert Chambers), vol. 9: 645-649.   Text   Image
S452    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. Psychography in the presence of Mr. Keeler. Psychical Review 1 (1): 16-18.   Text   Image
S453    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. The permanence of the great oceanic basins. Natural Science 1 (6): 418-426.   Text   Image
S454    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. Why I voted for Mr. Gladstone, IV. Nineteenth Century 32 (186): 182-185.   Text   Image
S455    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. Our molten globe. Fortnightly Review (n.s.) 52: 572-584.   Text   Image
S456    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. An ancient glacial epoch in Australia. Nature 47 (1203): 55-56.   Text   Image   PDF
S457    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. The permanence of ocean basins. Natural Science 1 (9): 717-718.   Text   Image
S458    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. The earth's age. Nature 47 (1208): 175.   Text   Image   PDF
S459    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1892. Note on sexual selection. Natural Science 1 (10): 749-750.   Text   Image
S460    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The earth's age. Nature 47 (1210): 227.   Text   Image   PDF
S461    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Man and evolution. Nature 47 (1217): 385-386.   Text   Image   PDF
S462    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The glacier theory of alpine lakes. Nature 47 (1219): 437-438.   Text   Image   PDF
S463    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Reveries of a naturalist. Nature 47 (1221): 483-484.   Text   Image   PDF
S464    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Inaccessible valleys: a study in physical geography. Nineteenth Century 33 (193): 391-404.   Text   Image
S465    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Note on Mr. Jukes-Browne's paper. Natural Science 2 (13): 193-194.   Text   Image
S466.1    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The social quagmire and the way out of it, I. The farmers. Farmers Arena 7 (40): 395-410.   Text   Image
S466.2    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The social quagmire and the way out of it, II. Wage-workers. Farmers Arena 7 (41): 525-542.   Text   Image
S467    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The late Mr. S. J. Davey's experiments. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 6 (98): 33-36.   Text   Image
S468.1    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Are individually acquired characters inherited? I. Fortnightly Review (n.s.) 53 (316): 490-498   Text   Image
S468.2    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Are individually acquired characters inherited? II. Fortnightly Review 53 (317): 655-668.   Text   Image
S469    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Mr. H.O. Forbes's discoveries in the Chatham Islands. Nature 48 (1228): 27-28.   Text   Image   PDF
S470    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Reason versus instinct. Nature 48 (1230): 73-74.   Text   Image   PDF
S472    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The glacier theory of alpine lakes. Nature 48 (1235): 198.   Text   Image   PDF
S473    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The non-inheritance of acquired characters. Nature 48 (1238): 267.   Text   Image   PDF
S474    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The response to the appeal. Borderland 1 (1): 17.   Text   Image
S475    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The Bacon-Shakespeare case. Verdict No. I. Arena 8 (44): 222-225.   Text   Image
S476    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Prenatal influences on character. Nature 48 (1243): 389-390.   Text   Image   PDF
S477    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Habits of South African animals. Nature 48 (1243): 390-391.   Text   Image   PDF
S478    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Notes on the growth of opinion as to obscure psychical phenomena during the last fifty years. Religio-Philosophical Journal (Chicago) (n.s.) 4 (no.15): 229-230.   Text   Image
S479a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Letter [to Parliament on postal service charges]. In: The Parliamentary Debates, Authorised Edition. Fourth Series: Volume 17 [5 September 1893 through 22 September 1893]. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, column 1685 (19 September 1893).   Text
S480    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The supposed glaciation of Brazil. Nature 48 (1251): 589-590.   Text   Image   PDF
S481.1    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The ice age and its work, I. Erratic blocks and ice-sheets. Fortnightly Review 54 (323): 616-633.   Text   Image
S481.2    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The ice age and its work, II. Erosion of lake basins. Fortnightly Review 54 (324): 750-774 .   Text   Image
S482    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The recent glaciation of Tasmania. Nature 49 (1253): 3-4.   Text   Image   PDF
S482a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Footpaths along railways. Letter from Dr. A. Russel Wallace. Leeds Mercury No. 17346 (8 November): 3.   Text
S483    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The programme of land nationalisers. Land and Labour No. 50: 1-2.   Text   Image
S484    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Sir Henry H. Howorth on "Geology in nubibus". Nature 49 (1255): 52.   Text   Image   PDF
S485    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Recognition marks. Nature 49 (1255): 53.   Text   Image   PDF
S486    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Geology in nubibus. Nature 49 (1257): 101.   Text   Image   PDF
S486a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The problem of the unemployed. Daily Chronicle No. 9921 (26 December): 7.   Text   Image
S487    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. The origin of lake basins. Nature 49 (1261): 197.   Text   Image   PDF
S488    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Preface. In: Kew, Harry Wallis. 1893. The dispersal of shells: an inquiry into the means of dispersal possessed by fresh-water and land mollusca. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. ((International Scientific Series, vol. LXXV), pp. v-viii.   Text   Image
S488a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1887. Letter [to J.F. Snyder, dated 4 March 1887]. In: Snyder, J.F. 1893. The Ohio Llama. Archaeologist (Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society) 1 (12): 240.   Text
S489    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1894. The origin of lake basins. Nature 49 (1262): 220-221.   Text   Image   PDF
S490    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1894. Why does man exist? Borderland 1 (3): 272.   Text   Image
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore