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Results 401-413 of 413 for « +searchid:ws** +type:item »
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WSPEC302    Periodical contribution:     Evenhuis, N. L. 1988. Review of the genus Brachyanax (Diptera: Bombyliidae), with a revised key to species. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 28: 65-70.   PDF
WSPEC285    Periodical contribution:     Cassola, Fabio. 1991. Studi sui Cicindelidi, LXIII. I Cicindelidae (Coleoptera) dell'Isola di Sulawesi, Indonesia. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria" 88: 481-614.   PDF
WSPEC328    Periodical contribution:     McAlpine, D.D. 1994. Review of the species of Achias (Diptera: Platystomatidae). Invertebrate Taxonomy 8: 117-281.   PDF
WSPEC200    Periodical contribution:     Hoek Ostende, L.W. van den, Dekker, R.W.R.J. & Keijl, G.O. 1997. Type-specimens of birds in the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden. Part 1. Non-Passerines. NNM Technical Bulletin 1: 1-248   PDF
WSPEC286    Periodical contribution:     Baker, D.B. 2001. Alfred Russel Wallace’s record of his consignments to Samuel Stevens, 1854-1861. Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden 75 (16): 251-341.   PDF
WSPEC287    Periodical contribution:     Polaszek, Andrew & Cranbrook, Earl of. 2006. Insect species described from Alfred Russel Wallace's Sarawak collections. Malayan Nature Journal 57 (4): 433-462.   PDF
WSPEC354    Periodical contribution:     Cranbrook, Earl of. 2008. “Alfred Wallace, Field Collector”. In Natural Selection and Beyond: The Intellectual Legacy of Alfred Russel Wallace, ed. C.H. Smith and G. Beccaloni. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. ix–xix.
WSPEC288    Periodical contribution:     Mlikovsky, Jiri. 2010. Types of birds in the collections of the Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland. Part 4: Varia, addenda and conclusions. Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series 179 (6): 47-92.   PDF
WSPEC237    Periodical contribution:     Gorjón, Sergio P. & Aparecide de Jesus, Maria. 2012. Some new species and new records of corticioid fungi (Basidiomycota) from the Brazilian Amazon. Phytotaxa 67: 38-54.   PDF
WSPEC300    Periodical contribution:     Freeman, S., Sharon, M., Maymon, M., Mendel, Z., Protasov, A., Aoki, T., Eskalen, A. & O'Donnell, K. 2013. Fusarium euwallaceae sp. nov.—a symbiotic fungus of Euwallacea sp., an invasive ambrosia beetle in Israel and California. Mycologia 105 (6): 1595–1606.   PDF
WSPEC265    Periodical contribution:     Valerio, Alejandro A., Austin, Andrew D., Masner, Lubomir & Johnson, Norman F. 2013. Systematics of Old World Odontacolus Kieffer s.l. (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae s.l.): parasitoids of spider eggs [description of Odontacolus wallacei]. ZooKeys 314: 1-151.   PDF
WSPEC151    Periodical contribution:     Cicuzza, Daniele. 2014. A rediscovery of Alfred Russel Wallace's fern collection from Borneo at the Cambridge University Herbarium. Notes & Records, the Royal Society Journal of the History of Science. Online ahead of print, doi:10.1098/rsnr.2014.0035: 1-10
WSPEC241    Periodical contribution:     Heatubun, Charlie D., Zona, Scott & Baker, William J. 2014. Three new genera of arecoid palm (Arecaceae) from eastern Malesia. Kew Bulletin 69: 9525 (pp.1-18).   PDF
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore