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NHM-WP01.008.098    Correspondence:   Ramsay William  1911.12.31   Letter from William Ramsay to A. R. Wallace from Pulteney Hotel, Bath, 31 Dec 1911 re article in the "Daily Mail", forms sent out to Fellows of the Royal Society to be signed by those discontented with the Government Insurance Bill, cannot recall receiving one back from A. R. Wallace. Place: Bath Somerset England
NHM-WP01.008.099    Correspondence:   Ramsay William  1912.01.12   Letter from William Ramsay to A. R. Wallace, from 19 Chester Terrace, Regent's Park NW, 12 Jan 1912, re article in the "Daily Mail" on the Fellows of the Royal Society and the Government Insurance Bill, explanation of A. R. Wallace's name associated with discontent form. Place: London England
NHM-WP01.008.100    Correspondence:   Reeves E B, Allen George  1913.01.06   Postcard from Edward? B Reeves, from Norwich, 6 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace saying that the interview with A. R. Wallace published in the D.N.& L. ("The Spectre of Poverty", 6 Jan 1913) has inspired him with hope. The postcard shows a printed anti-war text titled "Moral Force Superior to Dreadnoughts | Revolution by Ridicule" by Geo Allen and E B Reeves. Place: Broadstone Dorset Norwich Norfolk England
NHM-WP01.008.101    Correspondence:   Regele? Skar?  1913.01.08   Letter from Skar? Regele?, from Pressburg (Hungary), 8 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace asking for his autograph. Stamped envelope addressed to M Russel Alfred Wallace (sic) postmarked on the front Pozony 8 and 9 Jan 1913 and on the back Bournemouth 10 Jan 1913 and Wimborne 10 Jan 1913. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Hungary Notes: Pressburg (now in Slovakia) was renamed Bratislava in 1919.
NHM-WP01.008.102    Correspondence:   Robinson Col? N?  1913.01.08   Letter from Col? N? Robinson, from Westcombe Park, London, 8 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace re an article about him in that day's "Daily Telegraph", strongly disagreeing with A. R. Wallace's apparent belief that a man's estate should be administered by the Government and that he should have no right to leave his money to his heirs. Place: Broadstone Dorset London England
NHM-WP01.008.103    Correspondence:   Rouffaer G P  1913.01.08   Letter from G P Rouffaer, from The Hague, 8 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday; praising A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago" he read while on an ethnographic expedition in Malaysia in 1911; would like to visit A. R. Wallace later in the year. Stamped envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace, postmarked on front 'Sgravenhage 8 Jan 1913 and on the back Wimborne 9 Jan 1913. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Malaya Netherlands Indies
NHM-WP01.008.104    Correspondence:   Royal Society , Foster Michael, Darwin Charles Robert,  1890.11.06   Letter from M Foster to A. R. Wallace, from the Royal Society, Burlington House (London) W, 6 Nov 1890, re award to him of the Society's Darwin Medal for his independent origination of the theory of the origin of species by natural selection. Place: London
NHM-WP01.008.105    Correspondence:   Royal Society , Rix Herbert, Darwin Charles Robert,  1890.12.02   Letter from Herbert Rix, Royal Society, Burlington House (London) W, 2 Dec 1890, to A. R. Wallace re sending him the Darwin Medal; accompanying cheque to be sent later. Place: London
NHM-WP01.008.106    Correspondence:   Ruffle William Fitch-  1913.[01].08   Letter from William Fitch-Ruffle, Southsea, 8 June (sic; error for Jan?) 1913, to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on his 90th birthday; stamped envelope postmarked Portsmouth 9 Jan 1913 addressed to Sir A. R. Wallace c/o the Psychist?(sic) Research Society, London, with forwarding address and other annotations including "W Fitch=Ruffle" in pencil on the back in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand. Place: Southsea Sussex England
NHM-WP01.008.107    Correspondence:   Russell ? Edwards-  1913.01.06   Telegram from Edwards Russell, from Arundel (West Sussex), 6 Jan 1913? to A. R. Wallace with best wishes (on his ninetieth birthday). Annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "unknown". Place: Broadstone Dorset England Sussex
NHM-WP01.008.108    Correspondence:   Russell Francis Albert Rollo  1913.01.08   Letter from Rollo, Gertrude, Margaret and John Russell to A. R. Wallace from Steep, Petersfield, Hants, 8 Jan 1913, sending congratulations and good wishes on his ninetieth birthday. Stamped envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at The Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset, postmarked on the front London 9 Jan 1913, annotated on the back in pencil in WGW's? hand "90th birthday | Rollo Russell". Place: Broadstone Dorset London England Notes: RECORD MODIFIED 28/7/03 OLD REF Family correspondence 1895-1913: WP1/19/6/6
NHM-WP01.008.109    Correspondence:   Scott D H  1913.01.08   Telegram from D?, S? and R Scott, from Oakley, Hants, 8 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday. Place: Broadstone Dorset England
NHM-WP01.008.110    Correspondence:   Scott Mrs D H  1913.01.08   Telegram from Mrs Scott (of?) Oakley, from London, 8 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday. Place: Broadstone Dorset England London Hampshire Notes: Handed in at Dover Street P.O. and apparently signed for "Mrs Scott Oakley" but annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Dr Scott . Ansd" and there is an entry in A. R. Wallace's address book for Dr. D H Scott of Oakley, Hants.
NHM-WP01.008.111    Correspondence:   Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft  1913.01.08   Telegram from the Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft (The Senckenberg Natural History Society), from Frankfurt am Main, 8 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Germany
NHM-WP01.008.112    Correspondence:   Shepheard Thomas  1913.01.08   Letter from Thomas Shepheard, from Bournemouth West, 8 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday. Place: Bournemouth Dorset Broadstone Dorset England
NHM-WP01.008.113    Correspondence:   Sherren Wilkinson, O'Connor Thomas Power  1913.01.09   Letter from Wilkinson Sherren from the Authors' Club, London, 9 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace enclosing a copy (not present) of an appreciation of A. R. Wallace written after visiting him, for "T.P's Weekly"; a short article for America is in progress. Stamped envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone, postmarked on the front London 9 Jan 1913. Place: Broadstone Dorset London England USA
NHM-WP01.008.114    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1913.01.07   Postcard showing a black and white view of Thursley from the cricket ground from Jessie Stent, from Thursley, 7 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday. Place: Broadstone Dorset Thursley Surrey England
NHM-WP01.008.115    Correspondence:   Stevens Herbert  1913.01.07   Letter from Herbert Stevens, from Morecambe, Lancs, 7 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday. Place: Broadstone Dorset Morecambe Lancashire England Amazon
NHM-WP01.008.116    Correspondence:   Still W A  1913.01.09   Letter from W A Still, Woodmancote, Near Cheltenham, 9 Jan 1913, to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on his 90th birthday. Place: Woodmancote Cheltenham Gloucestershire England
NHM-WP01.008.117    Correspondence:   Suslin?  1913.01.08   Telegram from Suslin? (American) Consul, from Southampton, 8 Jan 1913 on behalf of many Americans to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday. Place: Broadstone Dorset Southampton Hampshire England
NHM-WP01.008.118    Correspondence:   Swan Sir Joseph Wilson  1913.01.08   Telegram from Sir Joseph Swan, from Purley, Surrey, 8 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday. Place: Purley Surrey England
NHM-WP01.008.119    Correspondence:   Taylor Arnold D, Robarts Agar, Clifden Lord,  1913.01.08   Letter from Arnold D Taylor from Padstowe, North Cornwall, 8 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday, with news of Taylor's dealings with landlords and efforts to improve the housing of the poor in Padstowe, articles in "The Daily News & Leader" by Harold Spender; anecdote about a large family living in one room where the mother was giving birth and the father suffering from pleurisy, in a house surrounded by uncultivated land which could provided work and housing; Railway strike; "Knot" strike; plight of agricultural workers. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: 5 folios written on one side only; 2-5 numb
NHM-WP01.008.120    Correspondence:   Threlfall Richard, Tyndall John, Aitken John,  1899.03.21   Letter from R Threlfall to A. R. Wallace, from Edgbaston, 21 Mar 1899 re light and the blue colour of sea water, work by Tyndall and Aitken, experiments with distilled water, scattering of light by fine particles. Place: Edgbaston Birmingham West Midlands England
NHM-WP01.008.121    Correspondence:   Twidle Arthur  1913.01.07   Letter from Arthur Twidle, from Sidcup, 7 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday. Place: Broadstone Dorset Sidcup Kent England
NHM-WP01.008.122    Correspondence:   Union of London Spiritualists, Alcock Edgar Rush-  1913.01.09   Letter from Union of London Spiritualists, Muswell Hill, 9 Jan 1913, to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on his 90th birthday; signed Edgar Alcock-Rush, Hon.Sec. Place: London
NHM-WP01.008.123    Correspondence:   Wallace J E, Illustrated London News, Wallace David,  1913.01.12   Letter to The Illustrated London News from J E Wallace, from La Crosse Wis, 12 Jan 1913, asking for A. R. Wallace's address; A. R. Wallace's portrait in the magazine strongly resembles J E W's late father. See also WP1/8/124, letter to A. R. Wallace enclosing photo of father. Notes: Annotated in ink at top right in A. R. Wallace's? or WGW's? hand : "Ansd. Asked for photo of father."
NHM-WP01.008.124    Correspondence:   Wallace J E, Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace David,  1913.02.17   Letter from J E Wallace to A. R. Wallace, from La Crosse, Wisconsin USA, 17 Feb 1913, replying to A. R. Wallace's letter of Feb 2, re the possibility that the families might be related, giving details of his late father David Wallace and enclosing a photo of him. Enclosure: small sepia photo: portrait of an old bearded man seated on a chair on a lawn beside the wall of a house. He is smoking a pipe, and wearing waistcoat and watch-chain. The print is annotated on the back in two different hands: top: "David Wallace | Born Aug 14 1832 in England | Died, Dec 11. 1906 in La Crosse Wis. USA." and bottom "His son J. E. Wallace says the portrait of A. R.W. in the 'Illus. Lond. News' Sep. 28, 1912, is a better portrait of his father than any he has!" Envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset, England, with printed return address J E Wallace, Contractor, 1117 Division st, La Crosse, Wis. (Wisconsin, USA); postmarked La Crosse Wis. Feb 17, 1913, annotated in WGW's? hand in ink on the front "Photo of David Wallace said to be v. like A. R. Wallace's photo in Ill. Lond. News. Born 1832". See also WP1/8/124, letter from JEW to the "Illustrated London News". Place: Wisconsin USA
NHM-WP01.008.125    Correspondence:   Wallace William  1912.12.03   Letter from William Wallace from St Joseph's College, Darjeeling, 3 Dec 1912 to A. R. Wallace re the connection between modern theories of evolution and the ancient philosophies of the East enclosing 2 folios of TS text titled "The Eastern philosophy of person & nature". Stamped envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone postmarked Darjeeling 4 Dec 1912 on the front, annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand on the front "From Rev. William Wallace S.J. | Darjeeling | About Indian philosophy of Evolution. I Ansd., asked for seeds &c." and annotated in pencil in WGW's? hand "90th". Place: Broadstone Dorset England Darjeeling India
NHM-WP01.008.126    Correspondence:   Waters Alfred Hall  1913.01.06   Letter from Alfred Hall Waters, from Greenwich, London, 6 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace re the article "Levelling Up" in the "Daily News"; salaries of officials; poverty; alcoholism; lower death rates in Letchworth Garden City. Place: Broadstone Dorset London England
NHM-WP01.008.127    Correspondence:   Wells Maurice G  1913.01.06   Letter from schoolboy Maurice G Wells, from Leigh on Sea, 6 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday and asking for his autograph. Place: Broadstone Dorset Leigh on Sea Essex England
NHM-WP01.008.128    Correspondence:   Whitney Caspar, Humboldt Alexander von Baron  1913.01.18   Letter from Caspar Whitney from Bronxville, New York, 18 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace asking for his autograph to put into the writer's copy of a first edition of A. R. Wallace's " Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro"; the writer's own travels in South America and the Far East and two books on the same; hopes that A. R. Wallace's life will be extended for many years (from his ninetieth birthday). Place: Broadstone Dorset England New York USA
NHM-WP01.008.129    Correspondence:   Williams C S, Bertolacci ?  1913.01.06   Letter from C S Williams, from Stow Hill, Newport, 6 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace, asking for housing and employment by him; experience as clerk at the Colonial Training Homestead in Surrey; wishing A. R. Wallace a happy (ninetieth) birthday. Place: Stow Hill Newport Gwent Wales
NHM-WP01.008.131    Correspondence:   Williamson G Bell  1913.01.10   Letter from G Bell Williamson, from Brighton, Sussex, 10 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace welcoming news of A. R. Wallace's forthcoming book on wages and poverty but doubting that it will do anything to change the nature of capitalists; evils of Capitalism, global capitalist control of food, fuel, transport communication and the press; advocating armed revolution. Stamped envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Wimborne, postmarked on the front Brighton 9 Jan 1913 and on the back Wimborne 11 Jan 1913 Place: Brighton East Sussex Broadstone Dorset England
NHM-WP01.008.132    Correspondence:   Williamson G Bell  1913.01.13   Letter from G Bell Williamson, from Brighton, Sussex, 13 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace thanking him for the reply to his letter of 10 Jan 1913; Bible text; workmen voters; the evils of Capitalism; entry of the poor into the Army and its degrading effects; advocating the possession of a rifle by everyone over the age of fourteen and armed revolution. Stamped envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone Wimborne, postmarked on the front Brighton 14 Jan 1913. Annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "No Ans". Place: Brighton East Sussex Broadstone Dorset England
NHM-WP01.008.133    Correspondence:   Wiltshire F H  1911.09.24   Letter from F H Wiltshire to A. R. Wallace, from Stamford Hill, 24 Sep 1911 re death of his friend Ellis? to whom A. R. Wallace had given a copy of his autobiography "My Life" two years earlier; the sale of the book enabled the widow to pay for medical treatment for herself; Wiltshire and his son now reading it with admiration for A. R. Wallace's views on socialism, vaccination etc. Place: London
NHM-WP01.008.134    Correspondence:   Yorkshire County Union of Spiritualists and Societies , Gush William  1913.01.16   Letter from William Gush, Secretary,on behalf of the Yorkshire County Union of Spiritualists and Societies, from Huddersfield, 16 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday and on his achievements. Place: Broadstone Dorset Huddersfield Yorkshire England
NHM-WP01.008.135    Correspondence:   Yunck Oscar Albert?, Sims Thomas, Howell Florence,  1913.01.23   Part letter (last page or pages missing) from Oscar Albert? Yunck, from West Hampstead, London, 23 Jan 1913 to A. R. Wallace re his ninetieth birthday, congratulating him on reaching his centenary decade and on his achievements; mentioning the late Thomas Sims and his assistant Florence Howell. Place: Broadstone Dorset London England
NHM-WP01.008.136    Correspondence:   Waddell L A  1898.02.01   Letter from L A Waddell to A. R. Wallace from Dartmouth Park Road, Highgate NW, 1 Feb 1898, in answer to A. R. Wallace's of Jan 27th, re pigment cells in Herpes; 1 small folio of blue-green paper. Place: London Notes: This letter was mislaid in November 2003 and has been added at the end of the numerical sequence: it is therefore out of alphabetical order.
NHM-WP01.008.137    Correspondence:   Riley James Whitcomb, Law James D fl., Dickey John M, Poe Edgar Allan  1904.03.21   Letter from John M Dickey pp James Whitcomb Riley, from Indianapolis, Indiana, 21 Mar 1904, to James D Law re the poem "Leonanie", annotated in the margin in J D Law's hand in ink "Dr. A.R. Wallace's letter to J. D. Law - March 5 1904" with a letter written on the back from James D Law, London 2 Apr 1904, to A. R. Wallace. Place: England USA Notes: This letter was transferred from papers re short publications by A. R. Wallace and has been added at the end of the numerical sequence: it is therefore out of alphabetical order.
NHM-WP02.006.001.01    Correspondence:   Marchant Sir James, Wallace William Greenell  1913.12.07   Letter from J Marchant (Author of "Letters and Reminiscences", 1916) to William Greenell Wallace, from [ illegible address] London W6 on Royal Institution headed paper, 7 Dec 1913, re writing a biography of A. R. Wallace and sources of letters; enclosing a damaged (burnt) sheet (pp. 19, 20) from a printed catalogue of [antique book dealer] T. Thorp, 93 St .Martin's Lane, advertising lot 325, 14 letters of the late A. R. Wallace for £2.20, entry marked with a blue pencil cross an apparently unrelated one on Norway; Marchant has seen the letters and they are to Prof Wright; asks if WGW is in contact with him. Envelope addressed to WGW at Old Orchard postmarked London 9 Dec 1913.
NHM-WP02.006.003.01    Correspondence:   Cambridge Octavius Pickard, Wallace Violet Isabel  1913.12.15   Letter to Violet Wallace from Rev O. Pickard-Cambridge, from [Bloxworth] Rectory, Wareham, 15 Dec 1913, re the spider Friula wallacii named by him after her father A. R. Wallace, enclosing a reprint inscribed to her on the front cover; of his paper "On some new and little-known spiders" from Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 15 Dec 1896 including description and figure of F. wallacii; paper slip with instructions to Xerox letter and p. 1006 which may be in WGW's or another hand; envelope addressed to Miss Wallace at Old Orchard. Broadstone, postmarked 15 Dec 1913. Place: Wareham Dorset England Notes: In a modern (1998) envelope of unrelated miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable" when listed; paper slip enclosed in reprint in an unknown hand "Xerox only letter & p. 1006 total of 2 exposures if possible." See note to WP6/5/4 ( Proofs of A. R. Wallace's "Darwinism, an exposition....") re Xerox process and speculative dates.
NHM-WP02.006.003.06    Correspondence:   Estcourt Rowland  1914.05.05   Letter from Rowland Estcourt to William Greenell Wallace, from San Francisco, California, 5 May 1914 enclosing signed 4pp. , 4 ff. TS "Recollections of the late Dr Alfred Russell [sic] Wallace"; stamped envelope addressed to WGW postmarked San Francisco 7 May [1914]. Place: California USA
NHM-WP06.008.024.[03]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1905.07.28--1905.10.02   Stamped brown envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone (Dorset) from "The Fortnightly Review", London, postmarked 8 Sep 1905, annotated on the back in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Life | Proofs | Vol 1", which contained these proofs when listed.
NHM-WP06.008.025.[02]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1905.09.06--1905.10.02   Stamped brown envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone (Dorset) from "The Fortnightly Review", London, postmarked 14 Sep [1905], annotated on the back in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Proofs | Vol 2", which contained these proofs when listed. Notes: Individual sections and pages NOT marked with reference or section numbers because of the large number of missing pages.
NHM-WP06.008.027.[01]    Correspondence:   Shirra W L , Wallace Alfred Russel  1899.02.08--1899   Letter from W L Shirra to A. R. Wallace from Port Street Stirling (Scotland), 8 Feb 1899, with names and some details of members of a Wallace family in the Stirling area c.1748-1864; 2 ff. Place: Scotland Notes: Annotations on envelope are, in ink in Wallace, A. R. Wallace's? hand "Shirra's information" and in pencil in A. R. Wallace's?or son William's? hand "re Wallace family in Stirling" 3 folios plus envelope which enclosed both letter and note when listed.
NHM-WP06.008.027.[02]    Correspondence:   Shirra W L , Wallace Alfred Russel  1899.02.08--1899   Envelope annotated "Shirra's information I re Wallace family in Stirling" Place: Scotland Notes: Annotations on envelope are, in ink in Wallace, A. R. Wallace's? hand "Shirra's information" and in pencil in A. R. Wallace's?or son William's? hand "re Wallace family in Stirling" 3 folios plus envelope which enclosed both letter and note when listed.
NHM-WP06.008.028    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel ,Sims Thomas ,Wallace Mary Nee Webster  1904.03.02--1904   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Mr (Thomas) Sims, from Broadstone Dorset, 2 Mar 1904, thanking him for a parcel of letters, agreements, bills and drawings, noting that some of his own (A. R. Wallace's) drawings have been marked "W.G.Wallace" by his sister in error, and that two or three drawings by his brother (Herbert?) may be suitable to reproduce in his book; will offer material relating to the Webster's to his sister-in-law Mary in California; sends Thomas a cheque for £5, last book enabled him to clear a debt on the Broadstone house; asks about identity of an old house in a pencil drawing by his brother. Place: California USA Dorset England
NHM-WP06.009.001.[02]    Correspondence:   Poynting J H  1907.10.19   Letter to A. R. Wallace from J H Poynting, from Ampton Rd, Edgbaston, Birmingham 19 Oct 1907 re the last chapters, radiation and Martian canals Notes: All found when listed in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with apparently unrelated miscellanea including lists compiled by WGW of A. R. Wallace's library.
NHM-WP06.009.001.[03]    Correspondence:   Poynting J H  1907.11.01   Stamped envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace from "The Auk", Cambridge, Massachusetts USA, date illegible, annotated on the back in A. R. Wallace's? hand " Is Mars Habitable? | Author's corrected Proofs | (Prof Poynting's letter)". Notes: All found when listed in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with apparently unrelated miscellanea including lists compiled by WGW of A. R. Wallace's library.
NHM-WP06.010.005    Correspondence:   Curtis Brown & Massie ,Moffatt Yard & Co  1910.01.02?--1911.05.23   Papers re New York edtion of and payment for "The World of Life" comprising: 1. Letter from Curtis Brown & Massie to A. R. Wallace, from 5 Henrietta Street Covent Garden London 2 Jan 1910 [sic: 1911?], 1 f. TS, enclosing : 2. Memorandum of Agreement between A. R. Wallace and Moffatt Yard & Co. publishers of New York City, 20 Dec 1910, 1 f. TS, annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand; enclosure to 1. 3. Letter from Curtis Brown & Massie to A. R. Wallace, from Covent Garden 5 Apr 1911 4. Receipt dated 5 Apr 1911, re payments to him for the American edition of his book "The World of Life" 5. Letter from Curtis Brown & Massie to A. R. Wallace, from Covent Garden 23 May 1911 6. Receipt dated 23 May 1911, re payments to him for the American edition of his book "The World of Life" 7. Brown envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Agreement with Moffatt Yard & Company New York for American edition of 'The World of Life' (dated -December 20th 1910) Curtis Brown and Massie agents"; enclosing 1 and 2 when listed. 8. Brown envelope annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand with notes on the payments and commission; annotations headed "Accounts of [Moffatt]" (envelope torn) Notes: Letter from Curtis Brown and Massie 2 Jan [1910] refers to two enclosures and "the agreements"; only one is present - presumably one copy was signed and returned to the publishers. This letter and enclosure was found in box 3 of the papers and has been inserted here.
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