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Results 751-800 of 831 for « +(documenttype:Correspondence) +type:item »
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NHM-WP16.002.053    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Penniman Thomas Kenneth  1949.09.22--1949   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 22 Sep 1949 re offer of a betel box; signed T K Penniman; annotated by WGW. Place: Oxford
NHM-WP16.002.054    Correspondence:   Pitt Rivers Museum, Penniman Thomas Kenneth  1949.10.08--1949   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 8 Oct 1949 re receipt of a box for holding lime used in betel chewing; literature on soapstone carving; signed T K Penniman. Place: Oxford
NHM-WP16.002.056    Correspondence:   Royal Botanic Gardens Kew , Prain Sir David  1917.07.31--1917   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the 31 Jul 1917, signed D Prain, with thanks for A. R. Wallace specimens for the Museum; notes on the back in WGW's hand re specimens of Curare poison. Place: Amazon London
NHM-WP16.002.057    Correspondence:   Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Hill Arthur William, Spruce Richard  1934.01.24--1934   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 24 Jan 1934, signed Arthur Hill, re donation to the Linnean Society by WGW of Richard Spruce notebook containing a list of botanical excursions 1841 and 1836. Place: London
NHM-WP16.002.058    Correspondence:   Royal Geographical Society  1931.08.13--1931   Letter to Miss Walalce (Violet Wallace) from the Royal Geographical Society, Kensington Gore, London 13 Aug 1931 signed Arthur R Hinks, re her brother's letter, her moving house and her offer to donate to the Society a large armchair once used by A. R. Wallace; offer accepted with thanks; 2ff annotated in faint pencil on the back of f.2 in VIW's? hand with list of household items. Place: London
NHM-WP16.002.059    Correspondence:   Royal Society ,Dale Sir Henry Hallett, Meldola Raphael  1935.07.25--1935   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Royal Society, London 25 Jul 1935 signed H H Dale, Secretary, accepting offer of a revolving bookstand originally given to A. R. Wallace by professor Meldola; annotated on the back by WGW Place: London
NHM-WP16.002.060    Correspondence:   Royal Society , Winckworth Ronald, Wallace Violet Isabel  1935.08.02--1935   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Royal Society, London 2 Aug 1935, signed R Winckworth, Assistant Secretary, re receipt of revolving bookstand and noting WGW's wish that his sister Violet's name be associated with his in any formal thanks. Place: London
NHM-WP16.002.061    Correspondence:   Royal Society , Spruce Richard  1942.10.02--1942   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Royal Society, London, 2 Oct 1942, with thanks for donation of sketches and notes by Richard Spruce; annotated in pencil by WGW "Sketches of scenery, Indians & Rock markings. | W.G.W." Place: Amazon
NHM-WP16.002.062    Correspondence:   University Museum Oxford , Turner G E S, Wallace Violet Isabel  1945.05.04?--1946?   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the University Museum, Oxford, 4 May 1945 [sic], signed G E S Turner, assistant Secretary, accepting offer of trapdoor spider's nest; donation of Caribbean celt to the Pitt Rivers Museum; annotated in pencil by WGW on the front "Spider's nest sent | May 13th 1946 [sic]" and on the back in ink "A very large trapdoor spider's nest from S. Africa with spider. | Given to V.I.W." followed by a list of [Negs?] including Birds of Paradise, in pencil.
NHM-WP16.002.063    Correspondence:   University Museum Oxford , Turner G E S , Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford , Penniman Thomas Kenneth  1946.12.05   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the University Museum Oxford, signed G E S Turner, 5 Dec 1946, re offer to donate a collection of eoliths and examples of flint-knapping by Benjamin Harrison; Mr Penniman of the Pitt Rivers Museum in the ethnological department, would be happy to accept; annotated in pencil by WGW "Wrote Dec 7th - to post on 9th - (Monday) | Two boxes of Harrison flints | & Several letters re same."
NHM-WP16.003.001    Correspondence:   Richis? T H,  1914.04.22   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from T H Richis?, Kitwells, Shenley, Herts., 22 Apr 1914, re letter from Mr Cockerell informing him his offer of £200 for A. R. Wallace's library has been accepted; asks WGW to put him in touch with the Public Trustee to complete sale; preferred arrangement for removal of books. Place: Shenley Hertfordshire Notes: In large green envelope with top removed, labelled in Mrs R W's? hand " A.R.W | Letter from British Museum re A. R. Wallace [sale] | Sale of A. R. Wallace's library" with one sheet listing some of A. R. Wallace's books, duplicate of p. 3 of a longer list (See WP16/3/2) and a Helvetia 50 [Swiss centimes?] stamp postmarked "10.12.80 -18". MISSING 6 Nov 2003. Envelope discarded 2003.
NHM-WP16.004.001    Correspondence:   British Museum (Natural History) , Parker Hampton Wildman, Fraser F C, Rosenberg William Frederik Henry, Kinnear Norman Boyd  1949.09.28   Letter to Colonel C F Fraser, Bournemouth, from H W Parker, BMNH, London 28 Sep 1949, re Fraser's enquiry about the sale and value of bird of paradise skins collected by A. R. Wallace; BMNH alread has an adequate collection, suggests trying a dealer such as Rosenberg; annotated by WGW. Place: Bournemouth Dorset England London England
NHM-WP16.004.002    Correspondence:   British Museum (Natural History), Usher Harold Bench  1949.11.10   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from H Bench Usher, BMNH Bird Section, London 10 Nov 1949 re sale of A. R. Wallace's Bird of Paradise skins; BMNH has no sale catalogue available, suggests WGW advertise in the Museums Journal; annotated by WGW. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.004.003    Correspondence:   University Museum Oxford , Hardy Sir Alister Clavering, Tucker Mr  1949.10.21   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from A C Hardy, Dept of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, University Museum, Oxford, 21 Oct 1949, re the sale of skins of Birds of Paradise collected by A. R. Wallace; Mr Tucker, curator of birds, is ill and unavailable, Hardy feels skins probably not wanted, but would like to know asking price. Place: Oxford
NHM-WP16.004.005    Correspondence:   University Museum of Zoology Cambridge , Parrington Francis Rex  1949.12.02   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from F R Parrington, Director, University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, 2 Dec 1949, offering to purchase 5 skins of Birds of Paradise collected by A. R. Wallace if in good condition; asks to examine them; annotated in ink and pencil by WGW. Place: Cambridge
NHM-WP16.004.006    Correspondence:   University Museum of Zoology Cambridge, Parrington Francis Rex  1950.02.02   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from F R Parrington, Director, University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, 2 Feb 1950, re safe arrival of skins of Birds of Paradise collected by A. R. Wallace; skins in good condition and will purchase, enclosing £10 cheque in payment; annotated by WGW. Place: Cambridge
NHM-WP18.014    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert  1913.01.07   Empty envelope with 2 cent USA postage stamp, postmarked Chicago Jan 7 1913, addressed in an unknown hand to "Hon. 'Lord?' Dr Alfred Russell [sic] Wallace | famous pre-Darwin, scientist, explorer | London, I England", re-addressed in another hand to Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Chicago USA Notes: Formerly in Wallace Family Correspondence 1835-1893: WP1/3. Not in contents list.
NHM-WP18.015    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1899.04.10   Stamped envelope annotated on front in red pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Gunpowder Storage" and in blue pencil "1878-1882", addressed to A. R. Wallace at Parkstone, postmarked 10 Apr 1899, containing when listed an unrelated press cutting from the "Glasgow Herald" 1881 ( a review of A. R. Wallace's "Island Life" : see WP6/4/3) Notes: For papers on gunpowder storage presumably once filed in this envelope see WP7/52
NHM-WP18.016    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert  1871.03.24   Empty envelope addressed to "A. R. Wallace | Holly House | Barking I E.", possibly in Charles Darwin's hand, annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand " March 24 1871? |About "Man" &c! | good | & my 2nd Ed. Nat. Select." The stamp has been cut out. Date stamped Down, Kent, Mr 24 71, Barking Mar 24 71 and Beckenham Mar 24 71. Place: Barking London England Notes: Formerly in Wallace Family Correspondence 1835-1893: WP1/3. Not entered on contents list
NHM-WP18.017    Correspondence:   Sims Frances nee Wallace  1904.02.23   Envelope, cut in half, addressed [Alf]red Russel Wallace, Broadstone, Dorset, postmark Feb 23 '04 (1904); annotated on the back in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand in ink "Letters from A.R.W. to Mrs. Sims (Fanny) 1883 and 1888" and in pencil, (in A. R. Wallace's hand?) "War Crim Proc 28th March 54/". Notes: See separate records WP1/3/80, WP1/3/82 and WP1/3/84 for description of the letters previously enclosed.
NHM-WP18.025    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1897.05.00   Envelope, large buff, addressed to A. R. Wallace at Parkstone, postmarked Chester May 24 1897 and Bath May 25 1897, annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "3 old lectures, full MSS & Spiritualism at San Francisco | 'If man die shall he live again"'; in Emma Bennett's hand "Emma's note 22/07/02 | 1 If a man die | 2 New book on Socialism | 3 Eternalism a theory of infinite justice" and blue pencil (in WGW's?) " Lectures and Diagrams" containing when listed 3 mss in A. R. Wallace's hand titled ""If a man die shall he live again" (WP9/5/1); "Eternalism, a theory of infinite justice" (WP7/87); and "New Book on Socialism"(WP7/71); there were no diagrams contained. Notes: Contained Ms "New Book on Socialism", a published review (see WP7/71) when listed.
NHM-WP15.001    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1853--1906   Correspondence 1853-1906 comprising a letter from W H Harvey to J D Hooker re Mitten and letters to William Mitten from A. R. Wallace and Clement Reid; from Mitten to his daughter (Annie Mitten/ Wallace?) and from C E Larter to Mitten's daughter (Flora?), mostly on botanical subjects.
NHM-Ms_140f    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1854--1856   Photocopies of letters to Stevens (from Cambridge University Library)
NHM-WP01.003.064    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Thomas, Sims Frances née Wallace,  [1856]   Part-letter (last 2 pages) from A. R. Wallace to Thomas or Fanny Sims, initialled A. R. Wallace, from Singapore? 1856? ; re transmission and payment for "Home News"; (Sims's) advertisements for photographic portraits on enamel opal glass and paper; insects and box of heavy clothes sent home; plan to visit California; funny Chinese pictures. Place: California USA Singapore Malaya Notes: Not listed in contents. One folio. First page(s) of text missing. Addressee unknown
NHM-WP01.003.072    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1858]   Annotated list (part letter?) initialled by A. R. Wallace and in his hand, headed " Insects of the Eastern Archipelago, collected by A R Wallace from May 1, 1854 to January 1st 1858" , with generic names, specimens totals and locations where collected; a paragraph including "I surpass you considerably in the number of species" is written on one side - possible part of a letter to H W Bates. Place: Amboyna Malaya Aru Islands Netherlands Indies Borneo Macassar Celebes Malacca Singapore Notes: Not entered on contents list. Loose note (destroyed) written by E.B. c. 2002 "Insects of the Eastern Archipelago. 1 sheet may belong to a bigger volume?" RECORD MODIFIED 12/10/03: FIRST DATE CORRECTED from 1854.01.01. Probably part of a letter to H W Bates, possibly 1858.01.04 (WP1/3/41)
NHM-WP12.035.[01]    Correspondence:   Kingsley Charles  1863   Envelope annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "C Kingsley - believed he was, in youth 'possessed by a Devil"'
NHM-WP01.008    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1870--1913   Miscellaneous Correspondence 1870-1913 A-Z: 136 Letters, telegrams and postcards to A. R. Wallace and a few by him, to and from miscellaneous correspondents 1870-1913, some with enclosures including one photograph. The letters are arranged alphabetically by author in the case of letters to A. R. Wallace and by correspondent within the same series in the case of letters from him. The bulk of the letters is dated 1911-1913 congratulating A. R. Wallace on reaching or approaching his 90th birthday and/or reacting to an interview with him in the newspapers at the time or criticising of his latest books; other topics include the award of his Order of Merit, poverty and unemployment, and some scientific subjects. The file includes letters from scientists, scientific societies, spiritualist societies, corporate bodies, members of the public and family friends. Notes: The bulk of the letters were in a taped cardboard book folder annotated in WGW's hand "Not wanted" (old ref WP1/18); 23 letters from a brown cardboard box in the form of a book, titled "Letters" on spine, first listed as item WP2/1 (former item title Correspondence 1849-1913); approximately 25 letters in a box file of unrelated material (old ref WP3/39) from original box 3 (as numbered in the rough box list supplied when listing began) and a few from box 4, have been incorporated.
NHM-WP01.008.130    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1870--1913   Letter from E (Charles?) Williams to Mr Wallace (A. R. Wallace?) from (Queens?), on paper headed High Bank, Addiscombe, Croydon, Friday (no month or year), re proposed visit to Wallace on Sunday afternoon. Place: Croydon Surrey England Notes: Mr Williams, spiritualist Medium? See Raby p. 190 - but no dates. Post 1870?s. The letter was folded around 3 photos of a house and grounds labelled "W.J. Stillman" (see separate record WP17/12) but no mention is made of them in the letter.
NHM-WP13.001.011    Correspondence:   Carpenter William, Wallace Alfred Russel, Hampden John  1871   Letter paper printed with the address Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne, with "Spiritualism | Wallace v. Carpenter | Hampden's & Flat-Earth Experiments - I &c. &c. " written on the first page in A. R. Wallace's? hand in ink. Place: Dorset Norfolk England Notes: This was found loose among unrelated papers in WP1 and has been inserted here - it is presumably a file title page for the item.
NHM-WP01.003.081    Correspondence:   Sims Frances née Wallace, Wilson Mrs née Greenell, Sims Thomas, Hatch Phoebe, Montgomery RobertHatch Phoebe, Montgomery Robert  [1872--1874]   Envelope containing a letter and ms notes. The envelope is annotated (by A. R. Wallace?) in ink "letter with no place, or date, or name | one description of wonderful caverns - Old Hatch mentioned " and in pencil beneath "old" deleted: " Phoebe Hatch aet 15!". Contents: 1: letter on mourning paper, signed "X", from Derwent Villa, Sydenham Road North, (Cheltenham?) May, (no day or year date), to Mrs Sims (A. R. Wallace's sister Fanny), thanking her for her kind letter and likenesses of A. R. Wallace and aunt (Wilson?); describing the writer's step-daughter Mrs York and her children and reminiscing about childhood times at Dulwich. Annotated in pencil (by A. R. Wallace?) "?1872-74". 2: One folio folded headed "My description continued", apparently part of a letter, in blue ink in an unknown hand, describing (limestone?) caves with underground lakes visited by the writer and old Mr Hatch; mentioning Hatch's daughter Phoebe, Mr Sims and Mrs Cole. 3: Ms in black ink in an unknown hand, one folded folio headed "Robert Montgomery" on the right and "1842" on the other, with notes on the life and poetry of Robert Montgomery and, under "1842", the role of major poets including Wordsworth in procuring funding to build a church (near Cardiff Castle?). Place: Cardiff Wales Cheltenham Gloucestershire En
NHM-WP01.004    Correspondence:   Wallace Annie née Mitten  1879--1903   Letters to Annie Mitten/Wallace: 13 letters and 2 postcards from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie, from Britain and Europe 1879-1903; 2 letters to Annie from Arabella B Buckley 1883. See also letters from A. R. Wallace to Annie Wallace in letters from America and Canada, WP1/5 Notes: The letters by A. R. Wallace were removed from general correspondence initially listed with ref WP1/19 including those in subject files labelled in WGW's? hand, almost certainly selected by or for James Marchant for use in writing "A. R. Wallace - Letters and Reminiscences" ( London 1916). The letters by Arabella Buckley were removed from a brown cardboard box in the form of a book, titled "Letters" on spine, containing various apparently unrelated letters and other papers (old ref WP2/1).
NHM-WP01.004.001    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel?  [1879]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Waldron Edge, Croydon, Tuesday evening, annotated in pencil in an unknown hand "May 1879", re mild weather; son William's cough; visit from George Silk, playing chess, visiting Stevens to play billiards; primula japonicus; reaction of kitten to new surroundings; asks for a letter from Violet. Place: Croydon England Notes: RECORD MODIFIED 22/7/03, 22/8/03, 15/9/03. OLD REF. WP1/19/2/1 and later WP1/21/1. This letter when received was in a paper folder labelled in WGW's? hand "General - domestic &c" with one to William; these were almost certainly selected by or for James Marchant for use in writing "A. R. Wallace - Letters and Reminiscences" ( London 1916) and have been relocated.
NHM-WP07.055    Correspondence:   Price Bonamy, Mallet Sir Louis  1879   Correspondence with J? Bonamy Price on Free Trade, Reciprocity and Louis Mallet, numbers 1-6 in cardboard cover with spine title "G Gray Birds of Aru Is New Guinea" in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand, labelled on front in blue pencil in WGW's? hand "Reciprocity &c Bonamy Price", comprising: WP7/55.01 to 07. Notes: In Large modern envelope labelled in R Wallace's hand "Correspondence with Myers Typed copies | Obits | Reciprocity Correspondence | Notes (for 'My Life'?)" with draft letter re Waterlow Park (but no obits) when listed- envelope discarded. Smith: S312. A Few Words in Reply to Mr. Lowe. Nineteenth Century 6: 179-181 (July 1879: no. 29).
NHM-WP02.006.003.03    Correspondence:   Myers F W H, Wallace William Greenell, Marchant Sir James  1881--1916   CC of a letter from W G Wallace (signed by him) to [James] Marchant, from Boscombe 8 Jun 1916, sending copies of letters given to WGW by Mrs Myers and asking that they not be published; Carbon copies of 18 letters, apparently re spiritualism from A. R. Wallace to F W H Myers 1881-1895, from Pen-y-bryn, St Peter's Rd. Croydon 30 Jan 1881, (1), Frith Hill Godalming 21 Dec 1883- 28 Jun 1888 (6), and Parkstone, Dorset, 22 Sep 1889 - 17 Nov 1895 (11), bundle annotated on back of last page in blue pencil in WGW's? Marchant's? hand "Copies A. R. Wallace letters to F W H Myers". Notes: In Large modern envelope labelled in R Wallace's hand "Correspondence with Myers Typed copies | Obits | Reciprocity Correspondence | Notes (for 'My Life'?)" with other papers (but no obits) - see old refs WP4/12, 13 & 14- when listed. Envelope discarded.
NHM-WP07.052.[01]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1882   Envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Godalming, postmarked from The Admiralty, 22 July 1882, annotated in blue in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's ? Hand "Storage of Gunpowder", containing pieces 1-4 and 6 when listed
NHM-WP01.005    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1886--1887   Letters from the USA and Canada: 37 letters and one postscript from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie, children William and Violet, father-in-law William Mitten and sister Fanny (Mrs Sims) from the USA, 1886-1887, some with original envelopes, one with enclosed press cuttings; sketch map of Niagara Falls probably an enclosure to a letter to Violet; 5 small envelopes of press cuttings from American and Canadian Newspapers, and one rough note. Many letters and press cuttings contain passages underlined or marked in red or blue pencil. Place: USA Canada Notes: Pieces were out of date sequence but with no obvious logical arrangement and have been placed in date order. Letters have been briefly listed but NOT yet all read for content . The letters were wrapped in part of a 1916 envelope addressed to WGW and a torn sheet of paper partly printed with local council minutes, both annotated; these have been transferred to more appropriate series. See also WP14/2, press cuttings from North American papers.
NHM-WP18.008    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1888]--[1914]   Small cream envelope approximately 14 cm x 8cm, empty, annotated on the back in pencil in WGW's? hand "Newhaven | Anecdotes Marsh" and on the front in Annie Wallace's? A. R. Wallace's? hand in ink "A. R. Wallace's letters from U.S.A. 1886-1887 | & some press cuttings" with "Wanted" written in pencil above in the same hand? and "Copied WGW | Aug/15" written in pencil below in WGW's? hand. Place: Newhaven Connecticut USA Notes: Speculative dates based on possibility that original contents were collected together byARW after he returned from the USA, and date WGW might have been collecting material for Marchant.
NHM-WP01.001    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace William Greenell, Sharpe Mr, Campbell John Douglas Sutherland  1889--1911   Letters to William Greenell Wallace (Approximately 180 letters, some with enclosures, and 2 postcards, from Alfred Russel Wallace to his son William Wallace. Enclosures include letters, sketch maps and plans, and a press-cutting. There is also 1 sheet of lined paper folded and written on two sides in an unknown hand with notes on the contents of some of the letters (see WP1/1/152). Letters from Alfred Russel Wallace are typically addressed "My dear Willie" or "My dear Will" and typically signed "your affectionate Papa". Letters are generally in date order though some added later are out of sequence including 52 letters previously loose or arranged by subject, almost certainly by or for James Marchant c. 1915; these records have been put in date order at the end of the sequence, see WP1/1/153-201. Notes: The letters were in a small, non-archival box when delivered to the Museum. Only the label, which may have some historical value, has been kept. See old ref WP1/1/139. The letters have been placed in acid-free folders as a bundle. Many letters were numbered by Mrs Richard Wallace some time in the 1990s, roughly in date order. These numbers have been noted here. To assist locating and listing, I have numbered ALL the pieces in pencil IN BRACKETS, on the top right hand front corner where possible. The old and new numbers do not necessarily coincide. There is one blank record (WP1/1/88) P J Lucas, December 2002 and July 2003).
NHM-WP01.002    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet  1889--1905   Letters to Violet Wallace: 130 letters or part-letters, some with enclosures, from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, 1889-1905 and undated, one (10 Oct 1897) with an addendum by her mother Annie Wallace, most from Corfe View, Parkstone, Dorset, and addressed "my dear Violet" from "Your affectionate father" or "Your affectionate Papa". Notes: The bundle was in rough date order before listing and has been rearranged into accurate date order as far as possible. Letters with incomplete dates (e.g. "Sunday" have been kept with letters next to them in the original bundle. Each letter numbered sequentially in pencil in square brackets by PJL, 2002, from the earliest May 16, 1889 [1]
NHM-WP01.002.005    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet  [1889]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Godalming, Sunday morning (1889?) re A. R. Wallace marking exam papers; Violet's expenses and studies; family matters. Place: Dorset England Notes: Dated on basis of original position in bundle, date doubtful.
NHM-WP06.012    Correspondence:   Prior Richard Chandler Alexander, Benson Margaret, Meyer Adolf , Weir John Jenner  1889--1899   Readers’ correspondence and related papers: 12 letters 1889-1899 from readers of books by A. R. Wallace, most annotated in his hand, and related papers, comprising:. 1. Letter from Frederick Simon, London 15 May 1899. 2. Letter from R C A Prior, London 1 Jun 1889. 3. Letter from J? Muswell? Seale?, Bedford, 3 Oct 1889, 4 ff.. 4. Letter from Miss Margaret Benson, Croydon, 30 Jan 1890, 3 ff. 5. Letter from E B Titchener, Oxford, 27 Jan 1890 enclosing 9 pages of specific corrections, on A. R. Wallace's books 'Darwinism…' (1889) and 'Natural Selection and tropical nature: Essays..' (1891) particularly on subject of sexual selection; some annotations in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand; rough plans of a house in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand on back of letter. 6. Letter from James Sibree, London, 3 Mar 1892. 7. Letter from A B Meyer, Dresden, 6 Nov 1892. 8. Letter from J Jenner Weir, Beckenham, Kent, 30 Dec 1892, 2 ff. 9. Letter from Charles M Woodford, Epsom, 3 Jan 1893, 2 ff. 10. Letter from J Jenner Weir, Beckenham, Kent, 22 Jan 1893. 11. Letter from J S Martin, Trichinopoly, Ceylon, 13 Sep 1896. 12. W Storrs Fox, Bakewell, 21 Jan 1899. 13. Press cutting, undated, by Alexander H Japp on A. R. Wallace's views on sexual selection headlined "Bird-songs, bird-mating and other mating" from magazine or magazine section titled "Out and Home", pp. 27-30, 2 ff. 14. Undated note (1890?) in A. R. Wallace's hand beginning "Darwinism p. 285 | Miss Benson of Addington park, Croydon, informs me..." 15. Undated note in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "patterns that cannot be due to sexual selection" with notes on patterns of shells, larvae and Actinozoa Notes: Only names already in the Idealist database name authority file at 23 Dec 2003 have been entered in the name fields.
NHM-WP01.002.016    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Harris Mr?  [1890]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset Thursday morning (1890?) re bill for book binding; flowers sent from France by Harris; national stocks of coal and dispute between colliery owners and miners. Place: Dorset England Notes: Dated on basis of original position in bundle, date doubtful. Annotated in pencil on an unknown hand " Harris | Coal Strike"
NHM-WP01.002.017    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell,  [1890]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Corfe View, Parkstone, Dorset Sunday (1890?) re Violet's studies and effort to obtain a hedgehog for teaching purposes; damage to William's eyes in a laboratory accident; A. R. Wallace's thoughts on the publication "Why does man Exist"; Violet's illegible writing. Place: Dorset England Notes: A strip of paper from the letter to which this is a reply is pasted onto the last page and contains the text " give a [critism] [criticism?] lesson on". Dated on basis of original position in bundle, date doubtful. Annotated in an unknown hand "Book | Why does man Exist".
NHM-WP01.008.075    Correspondence:   London County Council  [1890]   Undated (1890?) draft letter in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "To the London County Council | Waterlow Park" re proposed improvements to the park, heavily corrected 3 folios (10 numbered pages) exercise book paper, signed. Place: London Notes: Waterlow Park was given by the owner in 1889 and opened to the public in 1890. Source:
NHM-WP01.002.022    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Thompson Darcy, Backhouse Mr, Fisher Mrs, Butler Samuel  [1892]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from High-Force Hotel, Middleton-in-Teesdale, Sunday morning (1892?) re A. R. Wallace's lecture in Dundee; visit to York; family members, enclosing letters (not present); (Samuel) Butler and Darwinism. Place: Dorset England Notes: Annotated in an unknown hand in blue pencil "-92". Dated on basis of this annotation, but date doubtful.
NHM-WP01.002.023    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Lubbock John  [1892]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset, Tuesday evening (1892?) re A. R. Wallace's lecture tour; gardening; Violet's lessons on seeds, sending book by Lubbock. Place: Dorset England York Newcastle Darlington Durham Notes: Annotated in an unknown hand in blue pencil "-92". Dated on basis of this annotation, but date doubtful.
NHM-WP01.003    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1893--1904   Wallace Family Correspondence 1835-1893: Letters, 1835-1893, to and from A R Wallace and other members of his family and friends, with related papers. Letters 1835-1869 were filed together when listed in a ring binder with a contents list in an unknown hand (WGW's?) headed "Old letters to and from A. R. Wallace and other members of his family". Some undated letters and fragments which were at the back of the binder are not included in this contents list. The list is preceded by notes on A. R. Wallace's whereabouts at various dates. Correspondents include H W Bates, G Silk, Richard Spruce and members of Wallace's family. Letters are arranged by date except for a few later letters found among apparently unrelated papers, which have been added out of sequence at the end of the list. Place: Amazon Malaya Notes: The Contents list is of 58 letters, 1835-1869, on 3 folios each written on one side only in an unknown hand. Each letter in the Contents list is numbered and gives author, correspondent and month and year date. They are in chronological order with the exception of one outlier at the end of the list. Some undated letters and fragments which were at the back of the binder are not included in this contents list. Almost all letters have markings (underlining, brackets, or deletions) mostly in blue pencil, possibly by A. R. Wallace but possibly by his son or daughter, by James Marchant, or another. Because these are so common they have not been noted except where apparently related to annotations or where deletion obscures text.When acquired by the NHM these papers were in a maroon "Perry & Co" brand cardboard spring binder 28cm x 23.5 cm, with letters in individual (glassine?) envelopes.There were also loose notes made by NHM staff who have handled the material (personal information from Emma Bennett, assistant Librarian, General Library, Nov. 2002). Individual letters and pages have been removed from the album and placed in acid-free melinex folders or envelopes for protection. NB THE LARGEST FOUND IS NOT BIG ENOUGH FOR ALL UNFOLDED LETTERS. Some of the letters are in extremely poor condition, torn, with sections missing, dirty and foxed. The folios on which the contents are listed are brittle and foxed. Loose notes have been destroyed but as an aid to the staff who wrote them replaced with the same text written on acid free paper. The contents are also noted in the records of the pieces to which they refer. I recommend destruction of the album and glassine envelopes, as of virtually no historical value. The album is lined with an extremely acidic, brittle cardboard and the glassine envelopes are dirty and in most cases too small to hold the unfolded letters. At present they are in the large grey phase box labelled in pencil "WP1/3, together with the disbound letters. P J Lucas, 17/12/02 .Notes associated with the letters were written by Emma Bennett, assistant librarian NHM (identified by her) except in one case where a note was written by Sandra Knapp, botanist, NHM, author of "Footsteps in the Forest", on Wallace. Her hand was also identified by Emma. PJL 19/12/02. RECORD MODIFIED 13/10/03: A separate acid free envelope of papers was inserted between the album covers and is labelled "Listed as ' 6 sheets of notes relating to Darwin comments on island life'. Possibly by Darwin?". This is in fact seven folios of comments on A. R. Wallace's "Island Life" in Charles Darwin's hand; it has been relocated to Papers re publications: books by A. R. Wallace: 'Island Life': WP6/4 in new series WP6.
NHM-WP01.002.132    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Mitten William, Fisher Mrs  [1896]   Post-script to a letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, (from Parkstone, Dorset?) undated, 1896? re proposed visit to Barnstaple area, North Devon, rather than Switzerland "next year". Place: Devon Dorset England Notes: Written on a small folded sheet of white paper. Addressee obvious from context. Originally dated 1905? based on position in bundle, but references to A. R. Wallace's holiday in North Devon in 1897, in letter to Violet dated 11 Jun 1897 (WP1/2/ 90) make 1896 more likely.
NHM-WP04.003.003    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Kelly ?  [1897--1900]   Stamped envelope approximately 12.5 cm x 9.9 cm addressed to Dr A R Wallace, Parkstone, Dorset, postmarked Bradford 2 Sep 1900 and annotated on the front in A. R. Wallace's hand "Kelly's photos of Corfe View." Place: Parkstone Dorset England Notes: Four small photographic prints were contained in the envelope when received: two identical images of Wallace's house "Corfe View" , one of his house "Old Orchard" and one of a building bearing the sign "Free Library". These were firstly recorded separately as (Old REFS) WP2/10, 11, 12 and 13. A reproduction of the photo of the Free Library, Neath, designed by A. R. Wallace 1847 faces p. 246, vol. 1 of "My Life"; the print has been transferred to New Series/Item WP6/8, papers re A. R. Wallace's autobiography.
NHM-WP02.006.003.02    Correspondence:   Macdonald E? Miss  1898--1914   Letter from Miss E? Macdonald to Violet Wallace from Broomhill, Sheffield 19 Jan 1914 enclosing copies in Miss Macdonald's hand of seven letters from A. R. Wallace to her, 1898-1912, may have time to copy more later in the term; envelope addressed in Miss Macdonald's hand to Violet Wallace, Old Orchard Broadstone, Dorset, stamped, postmarked Sheffield 20 Jan 1914; annotated on the front in ink in another hand (WGW's?) "A.R.W. to Miss Macdonald". Copy letters comprise: 1898.01.23 From Parkstone, Dorset 23 Jan 1898 thanking her for a gift of shortbread on his birthday, which he unfortunately cannot eat but others will appreciate. 1906.12.25 From Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset) 25 Dec 1906 thanking her for gift of an almanack and wishing her a happy new year 1908.02.21 From Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset) 21 Feb 1908 thanking her for the new year gift of an almanack; apologies for lateness, due to not knowing where she went for her holidays; weather; his daughter Violet's lack of work. 1908.12.26 From Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne 26 Dec 1908 thanking her for her Christmas present; description of his investiture with Order of Merit at home by the King's equerry Colonel Legge; intends to wear it once in public at a lecture he is to give at the Royal Institution "on the world of life" on 22 Jan 1909, offers tickets for herself and a friend. 1909.02.28 From Old Orchard Broadstone Wimborne (Dorset) 28 Feb 1909 re a press cutting sent by her on the spiritualist medium consulted by (Abraham) Lincoln; an American book recently published on Lincoln's spiritualism. 1911.12.24 From Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset 24 Dec 1911 thanking her for the gift of a book by G K Chesterton; A. R. Wallace's and Chesterton's appreciation of Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre"; Christmas greetings. 1912.12.26 From Old Orchard Broadstone Dorset 26 Dec 1912 thanking her for the gift of a book; has just finished writing "Social Environment and Moral Purpose" which he thinks will interest her; quotes from a 1905 postcard re fate of nations in the new year Place: Sheffield Yorkshire England Notes: Although the copies were made c 1914 the first date in each case has been recorded as the date of the original letter. These were sent to Violet after her father's death, and were probably provided to assist James Marchant in writing "Letters and Reminiscences..." (1916); and have been included in this series on that assumption. At first listing they were among apparently unrelated papers in original box 2.
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