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NHM-WP07.106.[06]    Printed:    1909.04.08   Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 6. Press cutting from "The Daily News" [sic, not Daily Mail] , 8 Apr 1909, letter to the Editor by A. R. Wallace headed "Aerial Fleets"
NHM-WP07.106.[07]    Printed:    1909.02.17?   Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 7. Press cutting from "The Daily News" c 17 Feb (1909?), letter to the Editor by Chas. Jarrott Feb 16 headed "Empire of the Air | The Dirigible Airship In War"
NHM-WP07.108.[02]    Printed:    1909.01.27--1909   press cutting, letter to the Editor of "The Times" dated Feb 12, from John Massie, re A. R. Wallace's letter in the Times on the subject
NHM-WP07.110    Printed:    1910.11.20   "Evolution Cant Explain the Soul" by "Prof. A. R. Wallace"; press cutting, I folio newsprint, from "The World Magazine" (USA), 20 Nov 1910 pp. 7-8, article on p. 7 so headed, apparently suggesting that A. R. Wallace accepted creationism, illustrations include A. R. Wallace portrait. Notes: this article is not listed in Smith's bibliography of A. R. Wallace's works.
NHM-WP07.111.[03]    Printed:    1911.12.29--1912.01.25   "Dr Russel Wallace on Insurance Act", press cutting from "The Chronicle" letter to the Editor from A. R. Wallace on the Insurance Act, annotated with date in his hand. And "B1" in pencil. Notes: See also WP1/8/39, letter from W A Davidson on the subject Dec 1911. Smith: S691. Dr. Russel Wallace on Insurance Act [letter]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 15581: 4d (25 Jan 1912)
NHM-WP07.117    Printed:    1860.07.00--1860   "Note on the Habits of Scolytidae and Bostrichidae" by A. R. Wallace, offprint or page proofs pp. [1] -3, from the"Transactions of the Entomological Society" vol. V, N.S. part VI (July 1860) Notes: MISSING? This description was part of old record WP4/27 and was not found as a new record when checking the DB for errors after final listing, 3 Feb 2004. Ref. No. has been assigned at end of sequence as location of document is impossible to determine without physically going through boxes, which there is not time to do at this stage. Note made in Nov 2003 indicates it was moved to new series WP7 for listing; it was probably missed during numbering and should be somewhere there, probably inserted into another document.
NHM-WP08.001.004    Printed:    1887.02.00--1887   Reprint, "Lejeunea holtii, a new hepatic from Killarney" by Richard Spruce; reprint with dark blue cover, from "Journal of Botany" vol. 25, Feb 1887, pp. 33-82, with annotations on last page in Spruce's hand and on at least one other in A. R. Wallace's hand; annotated on the cover "From the Author" and in A. R. Wallace's hand "Very interesting discussion on Dispersal…".
NHM-WP08.001.007    Printed:    1898.12.00--1898   "Obituary notice of George Bentham" by J D Hooker, Dec 1898, reprint from the "Annals of Botany vol. XII (1898) with contents and index page of the journal inserted; annotated on cover in A. R. Wallace's? hand include "Flora Hongkongensis = Spruce Collection"
NHM-WP08.002.002    Printed:    1894.02.00--1894   Obituary of Richard Spruce by G. Stabler, print from the ["Journal of the] Botanical Society of Edinburgh" Feb 1894, pp 99-109, annotated on front in ink "To Dr A. R. Wallace F.R.S. with G. Stabler's compliments" with annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink and some passages marked in blue pencil.
NHM-WP09.006.001    Printed:    1909.01.22   "The World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism" abstract of a lecture by A. R. Wallace, reprint or offprint from the "Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain" report of the weekly evening meeting of 22 Jan 1909, pp. [1]- 7.
NHM-WP10.002.[01]    Printed:    1870.01.00   Physical Geography No 1 Examination paper. A. Configuration of the earth.1 folio print, undated, with annotations including, at the top, "1st Proof Mar 1/70".
NHM-WP11.003.[01]    Printed:    1909.02.12   "Charles Darwin | (by H. N. Braislford)" press cutting re Darwin from "The Daily News", 12 Feb 1909.
NHM-WP11.003.[02]    Printed:    1909.02.12   "Charles Robert Darwin", press cutting from the "Nottingham [?]" No. 115, Literary Supplement, without by-line, several passages marked in ink.
NHM-WP11.003.[03]    Printed:    1909.02.12   "Two Notable Centenaries | Darwin and Lincoln" press cutting from "The Daily News" 12 Feb 1909 " memoirs with no byline of both men including photo of the statue at the NHM of Darwin seated.
NHM-WP12.002    Printed:    1866.08.27   "Lecture on Insular Floras" by J D Hooker, print, BAAS, Nottingham 27 Aug 1866, 12 pp, signed in ink on the cover by A. R. Wallace and annotated in pencil in his hand "Kerguelen's Cabbage p. 8".
NHM-WP12.003.003    Printed:    1857.01.05--1857   Pascoe, Francis P, "On New Genera and Species of Longicorn Coleoptera. Part II", read 5 Jan 1857; from the Transactions of the Entomological Society, vol. IV, N.S., part IV; including descriptions of beetles collected by A. R. Wallace in Malacca and Borneo.Illustrated reprint with coloured illustrations, 24 pages plus plates 22 and 23. Place: Borneo Malacca Malaya
NHM-WP12.003.004    Printed:    1859.02.00--1859   Pascoe, Francis P, "On New Genera and Species of Longicorn Coleoptera. Part IV", from the Transactions of the Entomological Society, vol. V, N.S., part I. (Feb 1859). Undated reprint, 50 pages; including descriptions of beetles collected by A. R. Wallace in the Aru islands. Place: Aru Islands Netherlands Indies
NHM-WP12.003.007    Printed:    1871.03.00--1871   Pascoe, Francis P, "Catalogue of Zygopinae, a subfamily of Curculonidae, found by Mr. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago", reprint from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for March 1871, 34 pages plus plates XV and XVI from S.4, vol. 7. Place: Netherlands Indies
NHM-WP12.003.008    Printed:    1871.03.00--1871   Pascoe, Francis P, "Catalogue of Zygopinae, a subfamily of Curculonidae, found by Mr. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago", reprint from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for March 1871, 34 pages plus plates XV and XVI from S.4, vol. 7. Notes: See WP12/3/7; another copy.
NHM-WP12.010    Printed:    1882.07.00   Printed poem "An Idealist Jelly-Fish" by Grant Allen, undated, (1882?) 1 folio apparently from a book or proof. Notes: Listed as "An Ideal [sic] Jelly-fish. Popular Science Monthly, 21 (July 1882), 426. Reprinted as ‘The First Idealist,’ The Lower Slopes (1894)" on The Grant Allen Website checklist ( When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print. Torn in half
NHM-WP12.011    Printed:    1889.09.23--1889.11.17   "Theories of Heredity" by E B Poulton, printed pamphlet, 14 pp and diagram, annotated on the front cover in Poulton's hand "With the Author's kind regards | Nov 17/1889".
NHM-WP12.017    Printed:    1902.12.00   "A sketch of the life and labours of Sir William Jackson Hooker | With portrait", by J D Hooker, reprinted from "The Annals of Botany, vol. XVI, no LXIV, Dec 1902, pp. [ix] - xc; uncut, cover loose, front cover annotated in J D Hookers hand "A.R. Wallace … with the author's kind regards". Notes: In modern envelope labelled in Richard W's hand "1923 Obit | Articles in entomological Soc Proceedings | Profile W J Hooker | Mans Place in Universe A Reply" when listed. Envelope discarded. Covers loose, very foxed
NHM-WP12.021    Printed:    1905.08.10   "On Drawings of fishes of the Rio Negro", by C. Tate Regan, Reprint from the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1905, vol. I., pp 189-190.
NHM-WP12.022    Printed:    1905.08.10--1905   "On Drawings of fishes of the Rio Negro", by C. Tate Regan, reprint, 10 Aug 1905, from the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1905, vol. I., pp 189-190, two genus names on p. 190 underlined in blue pencil.
NHM-WP12.028    Printed:    1908.08.00   "Florissant; a Miocene Pompeii" by T D A Cockerell, reprint from The Popular Science Monthly, vol. LXXIV , Aug 1908 Notes: Cover loose, front and back pages stained
NHM-WP12.031    Printed:    1910.12.08   "Evolution | Darwinian and Spencerian | The Herbert Spencer Lecture…by Raphael Meldola F.R.S" Printed pamphlet with dark blue cover, pp [3] - 39 with Appendix p. [40] containing extracts from letters by A. R. Wallace and J D Hooker, both 1910; Clarendon Press Oxford 1910, dedicated in ink on the title page "To Dr. A. R. Wallace, O.M. from his friend & disciple the lecturer. Dec. 10/10" and annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand.
NHM-WP12.033    Printed:    1913.04.00   "Mimicry, Mutation and Mendelism" by E B Poulton, reprint with photographic plates showing butterflies, from "Bedrock" Vol. II, no. 1, Apr 1913, pp. 42-56.
NHM-WP12.034    Printed:    1914.01   "The Biologist's Problem" by T D A Cockerell, reprinted from "Popular Science Monthly" Jan 1914 Notes: From Colorado. No annotations or dedication - may have been sent before Cockerell knew of A. R. Wallace's death in Nov 1913, or sent to WGW
NHM-WP13.001.002    Printed:    1871.11.00--1871   Printed pamphlet by A. R. Wallace titled "Reply to Mr. Hampden's Charges against Mr. Wallace" London, November 1871. 8 pages. Copy 1 of 4. Place: London England Norfolk
NHM-WP13.001.003    Printed:    1871.11.00--1871   Printed pamphlet by A. R. Wallace titled "Reply to Mr. Hampden's Charges against Mr. Wallace" London, November 1871. 8 pages. Copy 2 of 4. Place: London England Norfolk Notes: Pamphlet 2 of 4.
NHM-WP13.001.004    Printed:    1871.11.00--1871   Printed pamphlet by A. R. Wallace titled "Reply to Mr. Hampden's Charges against Mr. Wallace" London, November 1871. 8 pages. Copy 3 of 4. Place: London England Norfolk
NHM-WP13.001.005    Printed:    1871.11.00--1871   Printed pamphlet by A. R. Wallace titled "Reply to Mr. Hampden's Charges against Mr. Wallace" London, November 1871. 8 pages. Copy 4 of 4. Page 8 is marked with an asterisk in ink next to the word "indictment" and annotated at the foot of the page in A. R. Wallace's hand with a note beginning "Since then I have criminally indicted him". Place: London England Norfolk
NHM-WP13.001.006    Printed:    1885.08.00--1885   Printed pamphlet. 1 folio, headed "Second issue of 500 | To A.R. Wallace, of Nutwood Cottage, Frith Hill, Godalming, Surrey", by John Hampden, Balham (London) August 1885, charging A. R. Wallace with cheating in their (1870) wager re the curvature of the earth. Annotated in the front left margin in (John Hampden's?) hand "These are being [presently] circulated among all the clergy, magistrates, journalists, and private families in the county of Surrey. J. H". Place: Godalming Surrey England Notes: The initials at the end of the annotation could be J.W. (J H Walsh?) J.H. (John Hampden) or J.M., but the writing appears to be John Hampden's. The pamphlet is described in box list as "Hampden's Accusation."
NHM-WP13.001.007    Printed:    1885.12.00--1885   Printed pamphlet, 8 pages on one folio, partly cut (or torn), headed "For distribution at the Exhibition of Geographical Appliances, 53, Great Marlborough Street, Regent Street, December 1885", including advertisements for publications on the flat-earth theory, and an article by John Hampden on the failure of geography and physics teaching in England, headed "To be - or to seem? To know - or think we know? Are we not living in an age of shams?". Place: London England
NHM-WP13.001.012    Printed:    1885.08.18   Printed pamphlet. 1 folio, headed "To A.R. Wallace, of Nutwood Cottage, Frith Hill, Godalming, Surrey", by John Hampden, Balham (London) August 1885, charging A. R. Wallace with cheating in their (1870) wager re the curvature of the earth. Annotated in ink in the bottom right corner on the first page "RW 18.8.85"; two minor corrections in pencil on the second page. Place: Godalming Surrey England Notes: Found in box 3 with unrelated papers and inserted here. See WP13/1/6 for another copy.
NHM-WP14.001.001    Printed:    1891.12.21   Letter to the editor of "Nature", by "H.W.", 21 Dec 1891, headed "On the attitudes of the zebra during sleep, and their influence on the protective value of its stripes." Notes: In an envelope of unrelated miscellanea including accounts of expenditure at Old Orchard when listed.
NHM-WP14.001.002    Printed:    1901.06.08   Cutting from the "Daily News" (London) dated in A. R. Wallace's hand August 6th 1901, of a letter to the editor from Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, from Beaulieu, Hants, 4 Aug 1901 headlined "Fox-hunting near Cairo. | Trespass and Assault. | An Extraordinary Incident" re an incident involving regiments of the Cairo army garrison being assaulted by Blunt's servants while fox-hunting on his property near Cairo in his absence, supporting his servants action and deploring the behaviour of the 11th Hussars. The reverse shows items including a reports on the Earl's Court Exhibition and part of the latest mail and steamship news. Place: Egypt
NHM-WP14.001.003    Printed:    1905.04.17   Letter to the editor of "The Daily News" from George Bernard Shaw, 17 Apr 1905 re G K Chesterton's criticism of Shaw's lecture on Shakespeare. Notes: Found loose in original box 2 when listed.
NHM-WP14.001.004    Printed:    1908.10.09?   Cutting from "The Daily News" 9 Oct 190[8?] re allotments, smallholdings and self-sufficiency; Salvation Army's view. Notes: Found loose in original box 2 when listed. The Salvation Army began a smallholding scheme at Boxted in 1908: Source:
NHM-WP14.001.005    Printed:    1910.04.21?   Undated obituary (April 1910?) of Samuel Clemens headlined "Mark Twain" from an unknown paper. Notes: When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
NHM-WP14.001.006    Printed:    1910.04.21?   Cutting from " The Daily News", undated, [1910?] "Love and Humour | Mark Twain's Gentle Side", an obituary or memoir of Twain (Samuel Lanhorne Clemens) Place: USA Notes: Found loose in original box 2 when listed. Clemens died 21 April 1910.
NHM-WP14.002.002    Printed:    1887.10.24   Cutting from "The Times " (London) 24 Oct 1887 with part of a report on Pullman sleeping cars on trains in America, annotated a the top in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Pullman Cars". The reverse consists of Police reports from Mansion House and Bow Street (London, magistrates courts). Place: England USA
NHM-WP14.002.006    Printed:    1887.01.00?   Undated cutting (Jan 1887?) from a (Montreal?) paper with a brief biography of A. R. Wallace announcing that he "is to make Washington his headquarters" and plans to make observations in California. The reverse includes part of a report dated Montreal, Feb. 4 headlined "Montreal's Big Carnival". Place: Canada USA
NHM-WP14.002.007    Printed:    1887.02.24   Cutting from "The Post", Washington, 24 Feb 1887, headlined "The New Labor Party. | Its principles outlined in a concise platform." The headline has been marked in red pencil. The reverse includes advertisements and a report on a Pensions Bill. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.008    Printed:    1887.03.00?   Cutting from an untitled, (The Times, New York?) undated (March 1887?) newspaper headlined "Before Dawn" with no by-line, on Psychology, the soul, mesmerism and the supernatural. The reverse contains part of a report on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, mentioning the "Times". Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.013    Printed:    1887.01.00?   Undated (Jan 1887?) cutting from a (New York?) newspaper headlined "The Blizzard. | Thirty-five below Zero in Central New York" reporting on cold weather with Fahrenheit minimum temperatures registered in January at various locations in New York and Massachusetts including the Mohawk Valley, Hudson, Boston and Springfield. The reverse show parts of advertisements for houses in New York. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.016    Printed:    1887.05.00?   Undated (May 1887?) cutting form a (New York?) newspaper, no headline, with a short anecdote (ironic?) on the advantages of living in Harper county (Kansas). The margin is marked with a large asterisk in red pencil over lead pencil. The reverse shows part of a market report on New York stocks for May 6. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.019    Printed:    1887.02.06   Press cutting from the Washington "Post" Sunday Feb 6 1887, headlined "Important Trifles", reporting on society affairs including a piece which has been marked in blue pencil, on A. R. Wallace. Place: USA Notes: Enclosed in envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "interesting extracts America 1886-7" when listed.
NHM-WP14.002.020    Printed:    1887.02.00?   Press cutting from the "Republican"? Feb 7? 1887? headlined "Not Ripe for Socialism", re a lecture by A. R. Wallace at the Columbian University (Washington, D.C). Place: USA Notes: Enclosed in envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "interesting extracts America 1886-7" when listed.
NHM-WP14.002.021    Printed:    1887.02.05?   Press cutting from an untitled Washington D.C. newspaper Feb? 5, 1887 headlined "Society. | Reception to Prof. Wallace." reporting on a reception at the residence of Stilson Hutchins, with guest list. Place: USA Notes: Enclosed in envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "interesting extracts America 1886-7" when listed.
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore