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NHM-WP10.002.[06]    Printed:    1870?--1888?   Physical Geography No 2 Examination paper, A. Physical geography of Palestine. 1 folio print, undated, without annotations. Duplicate of document 2.
NHM-WP10.002.[10]    Printed:    1870?--1888?   1 folio, print: Rugby School geographical prize examination paper January, 1881.
NHM-WP07.041    Printed:    1871--1880   7 Reviews by A. R. Wallace published in "The Academy" and "Nature" 1871-1880, in paper folder labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Reviews by A. R. Wallace | Darwins Descent of man … Academy | Mivart's lessons from Nature [Academy] | Bree (Dr) Fallacies of Darwinism", comprising: WP7/41.01 to 07
NHM-WP13    Printed:    1871--1913   Hampden, J, papers re Flat Earth controversy 1871-1913: Printed papers, pamphlets and correspondence relating to A. R. Wallace's acceptance of John Hampden's challenge in 1870 to prove the curvature of the earth by demonstrating the convexity of a body water for a wager and subsequent dispute over the result. Place: Downham Market Norfolk England Notes: See also Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Washington DC 29 Jan 1887 (WP1/17/17)
NHM-WP13.001.001    Printed:    1871   Printed pamphlet titled "Water, not convex: The Earth not a Globe! Demonstrated by Alfred R. Wallace Esq. on the 5th of March, 1870, by the old Bedford canal, near Downham Market, Norfolk." Written and published by William Carpenter, London 1871. 31 pages. Place: Norfolk England
NHM-WP13.001.010    Printed:    1871?--1871?   Printed pamphlet, undated, titled "The Universal Challenge to Unnatural Science! Twenty Reasons against Newtonianism with Geographical Proofs that the earth is an extended plane. By Ebenezer Breach, natural astronomer and poet . . ." 16 pages. The cover includes review quotes including one by "S.L.H." which is annotated with an asterisk and a note in A. R. Wallace's? hand "This was written as a joke". Notes: Dated on the basis that the wager of the curvature of the earth occurred in 1870. Other possibilities include 1885 or 1886, when John Hampden was acting against A. R. Wallace. RECORD MODIFIED 24/7/03 CLASS TITLE
NHM-WP07.043    Printed:    [1873--1911]   Mss and print on ethical issues c. 1873-1911 in paper cover labelled in WGW's? A. R. Wallace's? hand "Letters on Ethical Questions", comprising: WP7/43.01 to 06. Notes: Cover made from blue paper blank on one side and red-lined on the other with printed divisions into two geographical regions (Australian and Indian) further divided into island groups (page of a collection register?). Two items assumed to be misfiled were removed and relocated: letter to Daily News re flying machines in war (see papers on this specific topic in WP ) and reprint The Palaearctic and Nearctic . . . Mammalia and Birds" (see WP7/72 ). It is possible some or all of the papers above are not those originally in the titled cover, which may have been created by WGW, as not all are letters, but all more or less fit the category.
NHM-WP07.043.[01]    Printed:    1873   Press cutting, letter to the Editor, "Daily News" headed "The evils of the drink traffic and their remedy" annotated at the top in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "?date 1873?" and "A.R.W."
NHM-WP12.007    Printed:    1873--1874   "Mind and the Science of Energy" reprint or proof from British Quarterly Review, 1874, (by W B Carpenter?) and "The Psychology of Belief", reprint of a lecture by W B Carpenter, 1873, both sewn into a paper cover labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Carpenter (W.B.)" and titles.
NHM-WP07.042.[02]    Printed:    1874   Offprint or proof of Notices of Books from an unnamed journal (Spectator 47: 535-536 (25 April 1874: no. 2391: see Smith S 242) vol. IV, N.S., Apr 1874, pp 229- 232, containing an anonymous review of George St. Clair, "Darwinism and Design; or Creation by Evolution" (London 1873) annotated on first page in WGW's? hand in pencil "Review by A.R.W." 2 ff.
NHM-WP07.041.[03]    Printed:    1876   Press cuttings or proofs of a review by A. R. Wallace of St George Mivart, "Lessons from Nature, as manifested in Mind and Matter" (London 1876), first column annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "The Academy (May 1876)", pasted onto one side of each of 5 numbered folios of red-lined blue paper
NHM-WP08.001    Printed:    1876--1900   Four botanical pamphlets by Richard Spruce 1866-1887, three with annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand (c. 1907?), one botanical work by Matthew B Slater 1906; printed obituary notice of Spruce by Isaac Bayley Balfour 1900, with passages marked (by A. R. Wallace?) and printed memoir of George Bentham by J D Hooker, 1898. Notes: Last date based on the fact that A. R. Wallace was working on his edition of Spruce's "Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes" in 1906 and 1907.(See letters from A. R. Wallace on the subject, mainly 1907). All the pamphlets have been put into one acid-free envelope but should probably go into individual acid-free containers. PJL 15/4/03
NHM-WP08.001.001    Printed:    1876--1907   "On Anomoclada, A new genus of Hepaticae, and on its allied genera, Odontoschisma and Adelanthus. By Richard Spruce"; reprint with dark blue cover, from the Journal of Botany, 1876. 33 pages and 2 plates. The front cover is dated "(1876)" in A. R. Wallace's hand and annotated by him in ink (c.1907?) "p. 16 - Note! | Extract? in (Biog. Introduction) | p. 24. Interesting bit on distribution. Quote in latter part of introduction. I Very interesting." Passages have been cut out of pages 15-16 and 17-18, part of p. 24 is marked in blue pencil and there are marginal annotations in lead pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand on pages 23 and 32. Place: Amazon
NHM-WP07.041.[04]    Printed:    1879   Press cutting from "The Academy" 12 Apr 1879, pp. [326] -327 with a review by A. R. Wallace of an English translation (1879?) of Ernst Haeckel, "The Evolution of man: A popular exposition of the principle points of Human Ontogeny and Phylogeny"; 2 ff.
NHM-WP07.041.[05]    Printed:    1879   Press cutting from "The Academy" 19 Apr 1879, p. 351-352, annotated at the top of p 352 in WGW's? hand "Article on Haeckel | Wallace", containing part two of a review by A. R. Wallace of an English translation (1879?) of Ernst Haeckel, "The Evolution of man: A popular exposition of the principle points of Human Ontogeny and Phylogeny"; 1 f.
NHM-WP07.041.[06]    Printed:    1880   Press cuttings from "The Academy" 23 Oct 1880, one section ( from p. 294?) headed "Science. | The Emotions and Senses of Insects" a review by A. R. Wallace of A H Swinton, "Insect variety: Its Propagation and Distribution…" (London? 1880?), folded , with halves (accidentally?) glued together at the bottom, continued on large cutting, p. 295 -296
NHM-WP08.001.002    Printed:    1882--1882   "On Cephalozia (a genus of Hepaticae) its subgenera and some allied genera" by Richard Spruce. (J W Slater, Malton: Printed for the author. 1882). Paperbound octavo. pp. [i]-vi, [1]-96 plus index. There are no obvious annotations in the volume.
NHM-WP09.001.003    Printed:    1883--1893   2 printed folios apparently pages [5], [6], 7 and 8 from the proceedings? of the Tyneside Sunday Lecture Society, 1893? one headed "List of lectures delivered in previous sessions" listing titles and lecturers, covering dates 1883-1892; annotated in blue pencil in WGW's? hand "Newcastle | Dates of Lectures " and in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Tyneside Sunday Lecture Society"; lectures by A. R. Wallace marked in ink with a cross. Place: Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne and Wear England
NHM-WP13.001.009    Printed:    1885--1885   Printed announcement by John Hampden, of Balham, Surrey, of default by A R Wallace of a debt of honour. Three spaces left for the insertion of the name of the defaulter have been filled in (John Hampden's) hand with the name "A R Wallace", "A.R.W" and "A Wallace". Part of the text has been underlined and annotated in the margin in (A. R. Wallace's?) hand "? | Proofs". Place: London England Norfolk
NHM-WP13.001.013    Printed:    1885   Printed pamphlet (part?), undated, on the Flat Earth wager, 1 f headed on one side "The Most Startling Topic of the Day!" and on the other "The Following is addressed to a Member of the Royal Geographical Society … What is a Swindler?…" Notes: Formerly in unlabelled wallet of miscellaneous unrelated papers
NHM-WP13.001.008    Printed:    1886?--1886?   Printed pamphlet, 8 pages, titled "John Hampden's letter to Professor Huxley, President of the Royal Society ... Suggested by his article in the Nineteenth Century, for December, 1895, in reply to Mr. Gladstone's comments on the book of Genesis." London, 1886? Annotated in pencil on the front in (John Hampden's?) hand "A.R.W. is (two illegible words) referred to." The hand is the same as that on the printed address by Hampden to A. R. Wallace of August 1885. Some sections of the text have been marked in red pencil. Place: London England
NHM-WP14    Printed:    1886--1910   Press Cuttings c1886-1910: Miscellaneous press cuttings apparently collected by A. R. Wallace, many with annotations in his hand. WP14/1 1891-1910 and undated Press cuttings on various topics. WP14/2 c1886-1887? Press cuttings from North American papers. Notes: See also other press cuttings throughout the collection, including enclosures to letters in correspondence series WP1, letters to editors in WP12 and book reviews of and by Wallace in publications and related papers, WP6 and WP7.
NHM-WP14.002    Printed:    1886--1913   Press cuttings, most from North American newspapers with a few from British papers reporting news from America; on a variety of subjects including reports of A. R. Wallace's visit and lecture tour. Notes: When listed these were among 36 cuttings in an envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace, postmarked Leeds April (19)13, annotated on the back in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Press notices of new book sent me "; the envelope and press reviews of some of his books have been transferred to series WP6, papers [re books by A. R. Wallace]; 1 from a (British?) paper 1901 on an incident in Cairo has been transferred to WP14/1; press cuttings on various topics. NOTE: Some reviews of A. R. Wallace's books have been RELOCATED and placed with papers re the particular book reviewed. All brittle, many folded many times and need larger container, some small tears.
NHM-WP14.002.018    Printed:    1886?--1887   Four marked or annotated press cuttings from American newspapers including "The Washington Post", three 1887 and one undated (1886?) with reports of A. R. Wallace's visit to America; in envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Interesting Newspaper extracts. | America 1886-7"; enclosures are separately recorded; see WP14/2/19-22. Place: USA Notes: Found loose in Box 2 and added here when listing. P J Lucas 9/6/03
NHM-WP07.042.[04]    Printed:    1887   Press cutting from "The Nation" no. 1128, pp. [121]-122, undated (1887?) , headed "The American School of Evolutionists", a review by A. R. Wallace of E D Copes, "The Origin of the Fittest: Essays on Evolution" (New York, 1887), partly pasted onto two sheets of red-lined blue paper, the second annotated in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand " A.R. Wallace | Written at Washington D.C.";
NHM-WP07.042.[05]    Printed:    1887   Press cuttings from "The Independent" 17 Mar 1887 p. 11 of A review by A. R. Wallace of E D Copes, "The Origin of the Fittest: Essays on Evolution" (New York, 1887), some passages marked in red and blue pencil, partly pasted onto two sheets of red-lined blue paper;
NHM-WP14.002.014    Printed:    1887   Undated (1887?) cutting from an (American?) newspaper headlined "A slight exaggeration", a joke allegedly quoting a begging letter received at the Paris Bureau de Bienfaisance. The reverse shows part of a (joke?) on the subject of Judges, Congress, and the prohibition of alcohol. Place: USA
NHM-WP08.001.005    Printed:    1887--1907?   "Lejeunea Holtii, A new Hepatic from Killarney" by Richard Spruce, reprint with dark blue cover, from the Journal of Botany, vol.25 (Feb 1887) pp 33-82 plus tab. 272. Passages on pp. 36, 75 and 76 are marked in blue pencil, with marginal annotations in Spruce's? hand on pp. 75 and 76. The front cover is dated "(1887)" in A. R. Wallace's? hand, annotated "Spruce | Very interesting discussion on the distribution of Hepaticae &c" in A. R. Wallace's hand, and "Marked Copy pp. 75-76" in A. R. Wallace's? or WGW's? hand. Place: Ireland Notes: Last date based on the period when A. R. Wallace was working on his edition of Spruce's Journal, and therefore the likely date of the annotations in his hand.
NHM-WP14.002.003    Printed:    1887?   Cutting from "The Times" (London), Friday (date missing), on the production-line slaughter and butchering of hogs in a Chicago meat works. Two sections pasted together. The reverse contains parts of police reports on offences committed in Soho and Pimlico (London). Place: England USA
NHM-WP14.002.004    Printed:    1887?   Undated press cutting c.1887? with no title or headline, (from a New York paper?) containing three short amusing anecdotes on human behaviour, two by "Burdette" reprinted from the "Brooklyn Eagle" and one with no by-line from the "Boston Beacon". The reverse contains part of reports on bills introduced and passed including one relating to Brooklyn Bridge (New York City). Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.005    Printed:    1887?   Cutting from a (Denver, Colorado?) paper, column 1 page 8, undated, (1887?) headlined "Forming a new party" on the formation of the American Party to be represented Colorado by Henri R Foster, outlining its political platform. Several points, including proposed control of immigration, nationalisation, land ownership and monopolies, have been marked in pencil. The reverse contains advertisements. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.009    Printed:    1887?   Undated (1887?) cutting from a (Denver, Colorado?) newspaper of a cartoon showing the head of a black boy wearing a hat with three chickens tucked into the band and the caption "Injured Innocence". The reverse shows part of a what is apparently a report on a religious conference, mentioning the Denver journal "Inter Ocean" and the Swedenborgian Church. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.010    Printed:    1887?   Undated (1887?) cutting from an (Ohio?) newspaper with the headline "Couldn't Support Him" by (or reprinted from) "Texas Colonel", a joke in dialect about an old Negro man and a political candidate. The reverse contains part of a report on a political meeting on the governorship of Ohio addressed by John A Bingham. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.011    Printed:    1887?   Undated (1887?) cutting from a (San Francisco?) newspaper headlined "Digest of Game Laws of California" giving dates on which various types of game can legally be shot. The reverse shows part of two advertisements for San Francisco hotels. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.012    Printed:    1887?   An undated (1887?) cutting (from "The Post", Washington?) a humorous poem with no by-line titled "Pay with Caire" on the subject of U.S. taxes, each line ending in word ending in "aire" e.g. "dealaire" (dealer) "liquaire" (liquor). The reverse shows part of a report on political support for Mr Cleveland. (The President, Grover Cleveland?) mentioning a Washington "Post" correspondent. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.015    Printed:    1887?   Undated (1887?) cutting from an (American?) paper with an item headed "The 'Possum" reprinted from the "Chicago Herald", with an anecdote (or joke) in dialect about an old Negro man buying an opossum. The reverse shows part of a story (obituary?) about an American (diplomat?) in China and India. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.024    Printed:    1887?   Cutting, New York Sun, undated (1887?) headlined "A Shrewd Old Panther | How he Lay for a Minnesota Hunter and Attacked Him Four Times" Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.026    Printed:    1887?   Cutting , Feb 4, no year date, (1887?) headlined on one side "Montreal's Big Carnival" with a report on the other side of A. R. Wallace's stay in Washington DC and plans for lectures. Place: Canada
NHM-WP05.001    Printed:    1888--1892   Reports of the Land Nationalisation Society 1888-1892, 2 printed pamphlets with some annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand; contents include a list headed by A. R. Wallace, President, of office-bearers and council members, and the Society's constitution and rules.
NHM-WP17.016.[01]    Printed:    1888--1888   Page approximately 24.5 cm x 15.5 cm, printed on one side only, from "Proceedings U.S. National Museum", Vol. X1, 1888. Plate XVII, black, white and grey illustration of skeleton or fossil leaves of Aralia notata and Platanus basilobata, Ward.
NHM-WP17.016.[02]    Printed:    1888--1888   Two pages each approximately 24.5 cm x 15.5 cm, (one folded folio) each page printed on one side only, from "Proceedings U.S. National Museum", Vol. X1, 1888. Plate XIX, black, white and grey illustration of skeleton or fossil leaves of Platanus basilobata, Ward and Platanus occidentalis L. (Sycamores) and Plate XXII, Aspidiophyllum trilobatum, Aspidiophyllum dentatum and Aralia digitata
NHM-WP17.016.[03]    Printed:    1888--1888   Two pages each approximately 24.5 cm x 15.5 cm, (one folded folio) each page printed on one side only, from "Proceedings U.S. National Museum", Vol. X1, 1888. Plate XX, black, white and grey illustration of skeleton or fossil leaves of Platanus occidentalis, Platanus appendiculata, and Sassafras officinale; and Plate XX1, Sassafras officinale and Sassafras cretaceum.
NHM-WP17.016.[04]    Printed:    1888--1888   Page approximately 24.5 cm x 15.5 cm, printed on one side only, from "Proceedings U.S. National Museum", Vol. X1, 1888. Plate XVIII, black, white and grey illustration of skeleton or fossil leaves of Platanus basilobata. Place: USA Notes: In envelope labelled "Photos &c for Studies" (i.e. "Studies Scientific and Social") when listed. The images are not reproduced there and no related essays seem to be included in the text.
NHM-WP12.012    Printed:    1889?--1889?   "Prohibition at Work" by "E.T.B", British Women's Temperance League Leaflet no 7, undated (c 1889) ; 1 folio (4 pages).
NHM-WP05.001.002    Printed:    1891--1892   "Report of the Land Nationalisation Society 1891-92", printed pamphlet annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "My address Criticising H Spencer's 'Justice"'; 37 pages plus text inside front and back covers.
NHM-WP14.001    Printed:    1891--1910   7 press cuttings from various papers and journals 1891-1910 and undated, on the subject of protective colouration in animals, Mark Twain, Shakespeare, cooperative smallholdings, fox-hunting in the army, and infant prodigy.
NHM-WP15.002    Printed:    1891--1906   Reprints or offprints of papers mostly on botany by John Kirk, Clement Reid, C E Larter and Eleanor Ormerod, autographed for William Mitten by the authors; extracts from proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales; Transactions of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science.
NHM-WP15.002.014    Printed:    1891   Kirk, T, "On the botany of the Antarctic islands" reprinted from the Transactions of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science vol III, 189, pp. (213)-231. Place: Antarctica Australia Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten by the author.
NHM-WP12.013    Printed:    1893   Reprint, "Animal Life in East Greenland" by H W Fielden, from The Zoologist, Feb 1893; annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "From the writer"; 1 folio print.
NHM-WP15.002.004    Printed:    1895   Reid, Clement, "The origin of Megaceros-Marl" reprinted from the Irish Naturalist, May 1895. 2 pages. Place: Ireland Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten by the author. No cover.
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore