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Results 1251-1300 of 1775 for « +manuscript:true +type:item »
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NHM-WP19.06b    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Leaves. "Cugorowan Leaves hard dark green, alternate ovate acute exstipulate with parallel veins curving up at margin often cross vein between. Branch dicompound congent? like with line at ends. Gen 3 inc long, bark rough longitudially centred trunk cyclindical, slightly buttressed at base 150-200 ft".
NHM-WP19.07a    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Tree, "Sarawak Mar. 55/"
NHM-WP19.08    Figure:    1855   Sketch of Tall Tree. "stem partially taller in proportion to the branching head".
NHM-WP19.10a    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Forest tree
NHM-WP19.10b    Figure:    1855   Pencil drawing of flowers. "Leaves ovate acute smooth without stipules. Crowded but whorled? at end of petals".
NHM-WP19.11    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Palm tree
NHM-WP19.14a    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Tree with creepers. "Si Munjon"
NHM-WP19.14b    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Leaves on tree branch. "Helemedan? Dyak" "tree section when cut at 7 feet from the ground" "Leaves alternate ovate smooth thin without stipules, boughs much branched, leaves crowded. Bark thin rather smooth, whitish surface crumbling off, stem much furrowed and angular. Deeply butressed - 200-250 feet"
NHM-WP19.15b    Figure:    1855   Watercolour of a flower. "Anonaceae ?annona" "a fruit showing the atalked carpels - pale yellow" " An allied sp. flower pale buff, fruit pale green subacid" "Leaves alternate without stipules, ovate acute - no dots or marginal waves, curved veins. Flower deep orange - in twos 30 degrees near the stem. Some trees are and more crowded with flowers than shown on the other side. Colour most intense and brillant orange"
NHM-WP19.18a    Figure:    1855   Sketches of Gonystylus tree fruit "Bua ramin. (Dyak)" "base", "vertical section of seed with large fleshy red arillus", "This arillus is much eaten by the orang utan. Leaves alternate without stipules ovate entire acute, coriaceous with parallel curved veins & minute dots.", "? Euphorbiaceous"
NHM-WP19.18b    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Tree
NHM-WP19.19a    Figure:    1855   Sketch of Tree in "Si Munjon"
NHM-WP19.19b    Figure:    1855   Drawings of leaves and fruit. "Lunquon" "Fruit roundish oval with two elongate oval seeds in pulp. Outer shell hard" "Leaves pinnate alternate in a bunch at the end of the branchlets. Leaflets opp. ovate smooth, 2 -3 in long. Trunk rather short, above much waved & twisted branchlets very numberous and much contorted. bark very smooth. Stem bustressed"
NHM-WP19.21a    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Areca gracilis
NHM-WP19.21b    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Areca gracilis. "leaflets slightly narrow..... sets of 3-4, comb like species"
NHM-WP01.003.064    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Thomas, Sims Frances née Wallace,  [1856]   Part-letter (last 2 pages) from A. R. Wallace to Thomas or Fanny Sims, initialled A. R. Wallace, from Singapore? 1856? ; re transmission and payment for "Home News"; (Sims's) advertisements for photographic portraits on enamel opal glass and paper; insects and box of heavy clothes sent home; plan to visit California; funny Chinese pictures. Place: California USA Singapore Malaya Notes: Not listed in contents. One folio. First page(s) of text missing. Addressee unknown
NHM-WP03.002    Note:    [1856]   Sketch book containing pencil sketches in an unknown hand (A. R. Wallace? HEW?) including a scene of [Chinese?] and western men [sailors? dancing? in a clearing in front of palm trees and huts, [Church?] ruins [in Wales?], portraits (copies, including Byron? - has over the top the quote "Look on his feature and behold his mind …", "Napoleon Buonaparte" - hand looks like A. R. Wallace's - and George III, Jane Austen? Nelson? And Beethoven? ); portrait of a child writing by candle light; landscapes, decorative details of buildings. Book approx 18.5 cm x 14 cm with pink and grey marbled paper cover sewn on without spine, about 20 pages, most with protective tissue interleaved.
NHM-WP01.003.062    Note:    [1856]   Undated MS in ink and pencil A. R. Wallace's hand, headed "The Chinaman at Singapore" with brief notes re the typical Chinese merchant, shopkeeper, planter and coolie, and Kling (Chettiar) tradesmen.   Text   Image
NHM-WP18.004.002    Note:    [1856]--[1862]   Rough undated note in pencil listing (biography categories? aspects of the study and practice of entomology?) including "Friends (photos)" "Correspondents" "Books -Societies" "cleaning-repinning and carding" and "Distribution - knowing where species come from". Possibly in A. R. Wallace's early hand but doubtful. Notes: First date based on letter to H W Bates from A. R. Wallace in 1856 including discussion of need to record location of species collected
NHM-WP19.16    Figure:    1856--1860   Ink and pencil sketch "Sugar Palm. Celebes"   Image
NHM-WP19.09    Figure:    1856   Pencil sketch of "Harrow, used by the natives of Macassar, Celebes."
NHM-WP12.003    Printed:    1857--1871   Papers by Francis P Pascoe describing coleoptera species collected by A. R. Wallace; six reprint or offprints dated from 1857-1871 including 2 copies of "Catalogue of Zygopinae, a subfamily of Curculonidae, Found by Mr. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago" (1871) one of which was an probably enclosure to letter to WGW from F P Pascoe (Junior?) c 1913 ( See WP12/3/1); letter from F P Pascoe (Junior?) to WGW, 1913? ; annotated envelope. Notes: The following loose note in pencil in Richard Wallace's hand was stuck beneath the string tying all but one of these reprints and envelope when listed: "New Species Coll. A. R. Wallace described Pascoe | Cephalozia R Spruce | Hepaticae R Spruce | Precis (French) Spruce I On Anomoclada " | Yorkshire Mosses & Hepatics Slater". See WP8, papers re Richard Spruce and "Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes".
NHM-WP19.17a    Figure:    1857   Ink and pencil sketch of Dobbo, Aru   Image
BM-AN807666001    Miscellaneous:    1858   Wooden float for turtle spear, carved in the form of a bird. Length 27 cm. Obtained by A.R. Wallace at Batanta, Raja Ampat Islands, New Guinea. Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father …in 1859".
BM-As1935,1014.10    Miscellaneous:    1858   Woman's belt (waist) made of cane, rattan. Obtained by A.R.Wallace in Seram. Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father …in 1859".
BM-Oc1935,1014.1    Miscellaneous:    1858   Figure (with 'shield'), korwar, made of wood, height 13 inches. Obtained by A.R.Wallace in Dorey, New Guinea. Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father …in 1859".
BM-Oc1935,1014.2    Miscellaneous:    1858   Figure, korwar, made of wood. Obtained by A.R.Wallace in Dorey, New Guinea. Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father …in 1859".
BM-Oc1935,1014.3    Miscellaneous:    1858   Figure, korwar, made of wood. Obtained by A.R.Wallace in Dorey, New Guinea. Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father …in 1859".
BM-Oc1935,1014.4    Miscellaneous:    1858   Stick (with figure), charm made of wood, cotton cloth, vegetable fibre. Obtained at Dorey, New Guinea by A.R. Wallace. Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father 1859".
BM-Oc1935,1014.5    Miscellaneous:    1858   Wooden spoon, the handle ornamented & terminating in a human figure, length 26 cm. Collected by A.R. Wallace in Dorey, New Guinea. Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father …in 1859".
BM-Oc1935,1014.6    Miscellaneous:    1858   Shield (for korvar figure) made of wood. Collected at Dorey, New Guinea. Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father …in 1859".
BM-Oc1935,1014.7    Miscellaneous:    1858   Beater (for clay) made of wood. Obtained by A.R. Wallace in Dorey, New Guinea. This object has an ornate pattern carved onto three surfaces. This is not a beater (ie not used to shape the pot) but is used to impress designs onto the surface of the pot (see Wallace). Figd in A.R. Wallace's, "Malay Archipelago" (1869), Vol. II, p.324. Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father 1859".
BM-Oc1935,1014.8    Miscellaneous:    1858   Scoop made of coconut shell. Obtained by A.R. Wallace at Dorey, New Guinea. Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father …in 1859". Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father …in 1859".
NHM-WP01.003.072    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1858]   Annotated list (part letter?) initialled by A. R. Wallace and in his hand, headed " Insects of the Eastern Archipelago, collected by A R Wallace from May 1, 1854 to January 1st 1858" , with generic names, specimens totals and locations where collected; a paragraph including "I surpass you considerably in the number of species" is written on one side - possible part of a letter to H W Bates. Place: Amboyna Malaya Aru Islands Netherlands Indies Borneo Macassar Celebes Malacca Singapore Notes: Not entered on contents list. Loose note (destroyed) written by E.B. c. 2002 "Insects of the Eastern Archipelago. 1 sheet may belong to a bigger volume?" RECORD MODIFIED 12/10/03: FIRST DATE CORRECTED from 1854.01.01. Probably part of a letter to H W Bates, possibly 1858.01.04 (WP1/3/41)
NHM-WP07.009    Printed:    1858   "On the tendency of species to form varieties; and on the perpetuation of varieties and species by natural means of selection. by Charles Darwin… and Alfred Wallace… Communicated by Sir Charles Lyell… and J. D. Hooker…" from The Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society for August 1858 (read 1 July 1858); final proof or reprint sewn into brown paper cover labelled in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Species | Darwin ^ Wallace"; pp. [1]-62 with correction and additions in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink and a note on the back flyleaf in pencil in his hand, beginning "1860. Feb | After reading Mr Darwin's admirable work 'On the Origin of Species'…" Place: Ternate Moluccas Netherlands Indies Notes: When listed this was in an acid free envelope labelled in pencil by NHM library staff c2000 "1858 Lin. Soc. Paper | species - Darwin/Wallace | Box 3 Box file" .
NHM-WP19.12a    Figure:    1858   Pencil sketch of "Ternate Tidore March Motir"   Image
CUL-Keynes.M.2.27[1]    Note:    1859--1860   Wallace A. R. Annotations in his copy of Darwin's Origin of species, the Keynes room at Cambridge University Library.
NHM-WP19.13a    Figure:    1859   Pencil sketch "Banda from Harbour."   Image
RGS-JMS.13.126    Note:    1861   "On the Trade of the Eastern Archipelago with New Guinea & its Islands" Published as S65.
LINSOC-MS176    Notebook:    [1861--1863?]   "<Li>st of Australian Bird<s>" "Index to Hardy Plants."
NHM-WP02.001.004    Photo:    [1862]   Portrait of A. R. Wallace aged about 40? c 1862? Undated black and white photo approximately 14.5 cm x 9 cm showing Wallace standing, bearded and wearing spectacles, resting his left hand on the top of an elaborately carved wooded chair with velvet upholstery, a top hat upturned on the seat. Photographer unknown. Notes: Found among proof illustrations from A. R. Wallace's 1905 autobiography"My Life", when listed. There are no annotations and the photograph is not reproduced in the autobiography.
NHM-WP06.008.019    Photo:    1862--1862   Sepia portrait photograph c.1862 with plain pale background, of a young dark-skinned man with short dark wavy hair, wearing a dark jacket and waistcoat and white collar with white bow-tie. He is facing the camera, looking down and to the viewer's left. Annotated on the back in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Ali, my Malay Boy" and in pencil possibly in another hand ""-3 1/2 -" and "64". An enlarged reproduction of this photograph faces p. 383 in A. R. Wallace's "My Life" (1905) vol. 1 A. R. Wallace states there that the photograph was taken in Singapore by "a friend". Dated from context. Place: Singapore Malaya Notes: TRANSFERRED TO PAPERS RE 'MY LIFE'; WP6/8
NHM-WP07.020    Printed:    1862?--1863.01.13   "List of Birds Collected in the island of Bouru…" by A. R. Wallace, offprint or page proofs, pp [1]-20, only partly cut, from "Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London" 13 Jan 1863, annotated faintly in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Read 1862"[sic].
NHM-WP12.003.005    Printed:    1863   Pascoe, Francis P, "List of the Colydiidae collected in the Indian Islands by Alfred R. Wallace Esq., and descriptions of new species"; offprint from the Journal of Entomology, vol. II, no. IX, 1863, pp. [121]-143 and plate VIII Place: Netherlands Indies
NHM-WP12.003.006    Printed:    1863   Pascoe, Francis P, "List of the Colydiidae collected in the Indian Islands by Alfred R. Wallace Esq., and descriptions of new species"; offprint from the Journal of Entomology, vol. II, no. IX, 1863, pp. [121]-143 and plate VIII; annotated on the cover in an unknown hand (Pascoes?) "Colydiidae of Wallace". Place: Netherlands Indies
NHM-WP12.035.[01]    Correspondence:   Kingsley Charles  1863   Envelope annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "C Kingsley - believed he was, in youth 'possessed by a Devil"'
NHM-WP12.035.[02]    Printed:    1863   "Natural Theology", reprint or tract quoting a previously unpublished May 15, 1863 letter by Kingsley reprinted from the "Daily Graphic", re Darwinism and black moods; undated, 1 small folio, contained in envelope no 1 above when listed
NHM-WP12.035.[03]    Note:    1863   Undated notes in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Kingsley Letters &c (1856) [sic] Feb 26"; 1 small folio of stiff blue letter paper, contained in envelope no 1 above when listed.
RGS-JMS.8.33    Note:    1863   On the Physical Geography of the Malay Archipelago.
NHM-WP09    Note:    1863?--1909   Ms and print re public lectures given by A. R. Wallace including some details of dates, places and payments. Topics include geographical distribution of species and colours in animals. See also letters from ARW in correspondence, items WP1/1-3 and WP1/5-7, which contain numerous references to lectures, and press cuttings from North American papers, WP14/2.
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore