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Results 2001-2100 of 2172 for « +(+name:wallace +name:alfred +name:russel) +type:item »
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NHM-WP18.007    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1902]--[1905]   Brown envelope labelled in ink "A Few Articles & Reviews " in WGW's? hand, "about self | A.R.W." in A. R. Wallace's hand and in pencil in WGW's? hand "No Autos", which contained press cuttings from German papers with obituaries of A. R. Wallace and covering letter 29 Nov 1913.
NHM-WP18.021    Note:    [1902]--[1905]   Rough note in A. R. Wallace's? hand: "Articles, Letters &c. A.R.W. | 71- Papuan &c [2 illegible words] List | Lectures complete list of?"; on small sheet of cream letter paper approximately 15cm x 10cm. Notes: Possibly a file label, perhaps used when collating material for autobiography? Among letters congratulating A. R. Wallace on his 90th birthday when listed.
S595aa    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1902. Extracts of letters. In: Fowler, Canon. 1902. The president's address. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1901: lviii.   Text   Image
S597a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1902. Letter [to Morrison Davidson, dated 10 August 1902]. In: Davidson, Morrison. 1902. Scotland for the Scots: Scotland revisited. London: Francis Riddell Henderson, pp. 93-94.   Text   Image
NHM-WP04.004.008    Note:    [1902--1905]   Old Orchard, A. R. Wallace's house at Broadstone, Dorset: postcard with sepia photographic print showing a view of A. R. Wallace's house at Broadstone; with description in biro on the back by Mrs R Wallace's c. 2000; her statement that the house was designed by W G Wallace has been corrected in pencil in her own or another's hand. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: With unrelated photos and papers in a small brown envelope labelled in WGW's hand "Photos of A. R. Wallace" and in Mrs R Wallace's hand c 2000 "Also Violet and William (his children)" - personal information from Mr & Mrs R Wallace 12 June 2003. None of the photos included the children when listing began; pieces have been relocated to appropriate classes; envelope destroyed.
NHM-WP04.004.009    Note:    [1902]   View from "Old Orchard": three undated postcards (c. 1902?) photographer unknown, showing sepia photographic views across fields and woods to a distant town and low hills; two are identical, two form a panoramic view when placed next to each other; two are annotated on the back "Fragmented view" and the third "View from A. R. Wallace's house "Old Orchard" in Broadstone Dorset", all annotations are in biro made c. 2000 in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: Personal information from Mrs Richard Wallace June 2003.
NHM-WP18.023    Note:    [1902]--[1915]   Rough note in pencil on a small sheet of perforated lined paper in A. R. Wallace's? or WGW's? hand: "Not wanted" with illegible markings [6p? 5p?] at right angles. In the order in which the letters were received for listing, this sheet was between the sketch map of Niagara Falls (see old ref WP1/17/22) and the letter to William Wallace from Baltimore Dec 1886 (see old ref WP1/17/10) Notes: Dates based on the possibility that it was used by A. R. Wallace when preparing his biography or by WGW when sorting letters for Marchant after A. R. Wallace's death.
S595c    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. et al. 1902. Enquiry into the economic condition of India . In: Dutt, Romesh C. 1902. Speeches and papers on Indian questions, 1891 and 1902. Calcutta:: Elm Press, pp. : 150-156.   Text   Image
NHM-WP06.008.031    Note:    1902?--1905?   Rough biographical notes in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink with crosses in red or blue pencil against many entries; 3 small folios written on one side only, the first and larger of the three headed "New Ideas" briefly listing titles or major themes of some of his works by date, beginning with 1858; the second also headed "New Ideas", numbered "2" and continuing the list at 1893; the third headed "Health ?(end of Chap.XXXIII)" beginning "Age - 6-7 - Scarlet fever - Chap. IV".
BL-Add.Mss46420-46421    Draft:    1903   Autograph draft for "Man's Place in the Universe" (1903). Vols. VII, VIII (ff. 263, 285). 'Man's Place in the Universe', published 1903. Footnotes added to the printed text indicate that the present MS. was complete before March 1903; the text was further revised before publication. Preface, index, etc., and star maps found at end of printed book are wanting. Autograph with corrections and revisions, except for 46420, ff. 62-66, 176-178, which are typewritten extracts from the revised edition (1903) of 'The Wonderful Century', and 46421, ff. 246, 247, which are printed diagrams.
S726[5th]    abstract:    1903   The wonderful century: the age of new ideas in science and invention   PDF
S608a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1903. Note on Nymphæa gigantea. The Garden 64 (No. 1668, 7 Nov. 1903): 310.   Text   Image
NHM-WP02.001.005    Photo:    [1903--1913]   Very small extremely faded sepia photo showing a tall bearded old man, probably A. R. Wallace, standing in a garden near a small pond, with a young man (his son WGW?) leaning on a stone fence on the right; apparently photographed from an album or framed photograph; undated and without annotations.
NHM-WP18.004.001    Correspondence:   Bates Ernest F, Bates Frederick, Bates Henry Walter, Janson Oliver Erichson, Wallace Alfred Russel  [1903]   Letter, apparently a rough draft, from Ernest F Bates to "Dear sir" (A. R. Wallace?) in reply to an enquiry made by the correspondent on behalf of a friend, undated and without address, with numerous corrections, on a sheet apparently torn from an exercise book, re the death of the writer's father (Frederick Bates?) on October 6th, his father's entomological work and books, and the possibility of the correspondent's friend obtaining information about his uncle's ( H W Bates?) papers from O E Janson.
NHM-WP18.004.003    Note:    [1903]   Four folios of unsigned, undated rough ms notes in pencil, almost certainly by Frederick Bates and partly biographical, referring to ""Mr A. R.Wallace and my brother, who were then waiting instruction to join the ship that was to convey them to the Amazon", giving details of the writer's collection over a period of 14 years of entomological specimens, including Ci[n]cindelidae, (Cicindelidae?) Cantharidae and Heteromera. Two sheets are white paper, one, smaller, cream, and one blue. Notes: Writing almost illegible in places and some very faint. Folios numbered 1-4 in no particular order, can't tell where if anywhere the text logically begins. P J Lucas Feb 2003.
BM-1920,0503.5-Prints-Drawings    Photo:    1904   Lithograph. Portrait of Alfred Wallace, half-length, in three-quarter profile to right, appears to be holding papers; wearing spectacles and overcoat. 1904. Initialled and dated by artist on stone next to image at lower left: 'W.R. / 04'. Height 222 mm, width 243 mm. Acquired 1920.
NHM-WP04.004.007    Note:    [1904]   Old Orchard, A. R. Wallace's house at Broadstone, Dorset: sepia photographic print c. 1904? approximately 11 cm x 8.5 cm showing the front and side view of the 2 -3 storey brick house with gables and balconies and a sloping unpaved drive and grounds planted with shrubs, trees and grasses in the foreground. Annotated on the back in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Old Orchard | Broadstone". A piece of torn, folded blue paper annotated in pencil "3/3/4 x 5 1/4", is attached to the back of the print by glued paper flaps. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: An enlargement of this photograph with the caption "'Old Orchard' Broadstone. | (Built in 1902.)" forms the frontispiece to vol 2 of A. R. Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London 1905). In envelope labelled "Kelly's Photos of Corfe View" (See WP4/3/1-3) when listed. Possibly photographed by (Mr?) Kelly.
NHM-WP06.008.001    Note:    [1904--1914]   Sheets in A. R. Wallace's? hand headed "List of Books and papers by Alfred R. Wallace", 4p (2 folios) old thin lined paper. Notes: Although in the third person and possibly written by WGW for Marchant, this looks much more like A. R. Wallace's own hand and has been assigned accordingly. PJL Nov 2003
NHM-WP06.008.004    Note:    [1904--1905]   Four sets of notes in A. R. Wallace's hand apparently for his autobiography "My Life"; approx. 10 folios of exercise book paper in each, each in a blue paper folder, labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "Notes -1862-1870"; "Notes -1871-1880"; "Notes - 1881-1890" and "Notes -1891-1903 -1905" respectively; headings include "Life in London", notes include chronologies, addresses, publication titles and personal names.
NHM-WP06.008.011    Photo:    [1904]   Brown envelope approximately 14.5 cm x 10 cm with rough sketch in ink of the image in the photograph reproduced in "My Life" vol. 1 facing p. 167 (chapter XI), of the Maen Llia standing stone, Vale of Neath. Annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand include "Chapter X|" and "Enlarge 1 1/2 times to make a vertical plate". This envelope contained five small photos reproduced in "My Life" including the print of the Maen Llia photo. These have been listed separately. Undated, date based on when A. R. Wallace was working on the book. Place: Neath Glamorganshire Wales
S616    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1904. A summary of the proofs that vaccination does not prevent small-pox but really increases it. London: National Anti-Vaccination League, pp. 1-24.   Text
NHM-WP06.008.014    Photo:    [1904]   Small sepia photographic print approximately 10 cm x 7.5 cm showing a waterfall. Annotated on the back in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? and possibly another hand "15 | Ysgwd Gladys | 14 & 18 to be one page | 3 3/4 x 6 3/8 is the very outside measurement | Cop. fine screen 175? initials | Keep in envelope | 3 1/2". Undated (c.1904?) and unattributed. Reproduced in "My Life" (1905) facing page 249. Place: Neath Glamorganshire Wales
S711a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1904-06. Letters [to Sydney Carlyle Cockerell, ca.1904-1906]. In: Cockerell, S.C. & Meynell, Viola. 1940. Friends of a lifetime: letters to Sydney Carlyle Cockerell. London: J. Cape, pp. 210-212.   Text
S616b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A.R. 1904. Letter commenting on psychical manifestations. In book review of The Widow's Mite, and Other Psychic Phenomena, by Isaac K. Funk. The Advertiser (Adelaide, South Australia) 47 (14297, 13 Aug. 1904): 9   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP06.008.003.[01]    Note:    [1904]   Four loose folios of notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, with dates and brief descriptions of letters to him from Charles Darwin, in an envelope from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, postmarked on the back 13 Dec 1904, addressed to Wallace and annotated in his hand in ink on the back "Darwin's letters used in my Autobiography." This annotation has been crossed through in pencil and the following further annotations in pencil in another hand (WGW's?) added: " A. R. Wallace's notes | & Darwin notes on "Island Life" - 6 f pages | & letters of A. R. Wallace to Mr Pascoe - written from Celebes & Batchian." Only A. R. Wallace's notes re Darwin's letters are now in the envelope. The folios are begin (1): "Darwin's Letters | 1864 May. About paper on 'Man' ..." Notes: Dated from the envelope postmark and evidence in letters from A. R. Wallace to his family in 1904 mentioning work on his autobiography. At least one of the letters listed, re the colour of caterpillars, is quoted in vol. 2 of "My Life" so it is a reasonable assumption that this list DOES refer to quotes used in or considered for, A. R. Wallace's autobiography despite the deletion on the envelope.
NHM-WP06.008.003.[02]    Note:    [1904]   Four loose folios of notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, with dates and brief descriptions of letters to him from Charles Darwin, in an envelope from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, postmarked on the back 13 Dec 1904, addressed to Wallace and annotated in his hand in ink on the back "Darwin's letters used in my Autobiography." This annotation has been crossed through in pencil and the following further annotations in pencil in another hand (WGW's?) added: " A. R. Wallace's notes | & Darwin notes on "Island Life" - 6 f pages | & letters of A. R. Wallace to Mr Pascoe - written from Celebes & Batchian." Only A. R. Wallace's notes re Darwin's letters are now in the envelope. The folios are begin (2) "Darwin's Letters. | 1871. Jan 30th. About Descent of man ..." Notes: Dated from the envelope postmark and evidence in letters from A. R. Wallace to his family in 1904 mentioning work on his autobiography. At least one of the letters listed, re the colour of caterpillars, is quoted in vol. 2 of "My Life" so it is a reasonable assumption that this list DOES refer to quotes used in or considered for, A. R. Wallace's autobiography despite the deletion on the envelope.
NHM-WP06.008.003.[03]    Note:    [1904]   Four loose folios of notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, with dates and brief descriptions of letters to him from Charles Darwin, in an envelope from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, postmarked on the back 13 Dec 1904, addressed to Wallace and annotated in his hand in ink on the back "Darwin's letters used in my Autobiography." This annotation has been crossed through in pencil and the following further annotations in pencil in another hand (WGW's?) added: " A. R. Wallace's notes | & Darwin notes on "Island Life" - 6 f pages | & letters of A. R. Wallace to Mr Pascoe - written from Celebes & Batchian." Only A. R. Wallace's notes re Darwin's letters are now in the envelope. The folios are begin (3) "Darwin to me in Life & Letters. | June 1876 - On my Geog Distribution ..." Notes: Dated from the envelope postmark and evidence in letters from A. R. Wallace to his family in 1904 mentioning work on his autobiography. At least one of the letters listed, re the colour of caterpillars, is quoted in vol. 2 of "My Life" so it is a reasonable assumption that this list DOES refer to quotes used in or considered for, A. R. Wallace's autobiography despite the deletion on the envelope.
NHM-WP06.008.003.[04]    Note:    [1904]   Four loose folios of notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, with dates and brief descriptions of letters to him from Charles Darwin, in an envelope from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, postmarked on the back 13 Dec 1904, addressed to Wallace and annotated in his hand in ink on the back "Darwin's letters used in my Autobiography." This annotation has been crossed through in pencil and the following further annotations in pencil in another hand (WGW's?) added: " A. R. Wallace's notes | & Darwin notes on "Island Life" - 6 f pages | & letters of A. R. Wallace to Mr Pascoe - written from Celebes & Batchian." Only A. R. Wallace's notes re Darwin's letters are now in the envelope. The folios are begin (4) "Notes. | Darwin to Hooker - Feb 1881 ..." Notes: Dated from the envelope postmark and evidence in letters from A. R. Wallace to his family in 1904 mentioning work on his autobiography. At least one of the letters listed, re the colour of caterpillars, is quoted in vol. 2 of "My Life" so it is a reasonable assumption that this list DOES refer to quotes used in or considered for, A. R. Wallace's autobiography despite the deletion on the envelope.
NHM-WP06.008.013    Photo:    [1904]   Sepia photographic print approximately 10 cm x 7.5 cm showing an angled view of Neath Free Library building with a lantern-shaped sign reading "Free Library" suspended over the arched entrance, a street and pavement in the right foreground and parts of buildings further down the street in the background. Annotations on the back in pencil in A. R. Wallace's and possibly another hand include " 13 | 1502 | (b?) of intials | firescreen 17(1/4?) | enlarge 1 1/2 times | keep in envelope | very outside measurement for page is 3 3/4 x 6 3/8". In envelope WP2/9 when listed. An enlargement of this photograph faces p. 246, vol. 1 of A. R. Wallace's "My Life" (London 1905) captioned "The Free Library, Neath, designed by A. R. Wallace. 1847." Photo (c. 1904?) possibly by Miss Florence Neale of Penarth, who supplied A. R. Wallace with the photo. (See "My Life" vol. 1, p. 246). Place: Neath Glamorganshire Wales Notes: In original box 2 in an envelope annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Kelly's Photos of Corfe View" when listed.
NHM-WP02.001.007    Photo:    [1905--1913]   Portrait: Sepia studio? photo of A. R. Wallace in old age, seated in a chair, facing to the left, with a book on a table at his elbow and a curtain behind him; about 14 cm x 9.5 cm annotated on the front in ink and back in pencil "23256-C".
NHM-WP06.008.016    Photo:    [1905]   Portrait to the waist of A. R. Wallace aged 25, seated, turned slightly to the viewer's left, wearing spectacles. The image has been cut from a photograph and pasted onto a neutral background of purplish emulsion which has been applied to part of another larger photograph mounted on a card approximately 11.5 cm x 9 cm. The obscured photograph appears to be one of a miniature of one of A. R. Wallace's parents. "Crop" is written in pencil below a line on the left of the card. Annotations in pencil on the back of the card in an unknown hand , mostly crossed through, include "1557| Cop initials | 175 screen" and "150 tint". Notes: The portait, captioned "Alfred R. Wallace. 1848 | From a daguerrotype" is reproduced in A. R. Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London 1905) vol. 1, facing p. 264. (In Raby (2002) it is reproduced reversed).
NHM-WP18.022    Note:    [1905]--[1915]   Undated folder made from a red-lined blue page from a Collection register? With annotations in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand (all crossed through) "Literary Men | Admirers &c " Recent letters (1890-1905)" followed by a list of names (crossed through). Notes: Possibly notes by A. R. Wallace when writing his autobiography, or WGW for Marchant's 1916 "Letters and Reminiscences"; when listed enclosed a corrected proof of "Remarks on The Rev. S. Haughton's paper on the Bee's cellÂ…" by A. R. Wallace, dated 1863.(See WP7/23)
S619b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1905. On drawings of fishes of the Rio Negro. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1905 (1): 189-190.   Text   Image
S623aa    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1905. Letter [to William Tallack]. In: Tallack, William. Howard letters and memories. London: Methuen & Co., pp. 62-63.   Text   Image
S618c    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1905. A practical suggestion. Ethological Journal (January): 19-21.   Text
S619c    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1905. Séances with Mr. David Duguid. Light (London) 1 April 1905: 153-154.   Text
BL-Add.Mss46422-46427    Draft:    1905   Autograph draft for "My Life" (1905). Vols. IX - XIV (ff. 360, 333 , 332, 343, 348, 219). 'My Life, a Record of Events and Opinions', Wallace's autobiography published in 2 vols., 1905. The text is in substantial agreement with the printed version save for corrections of style, the insertion of matter relating to the illustrations, and some minor alterations. Preface, index, etc., and illustrations are wanting. Autograph, except for 46423, f. 327, and typescript (46423, ff. 111-148, 46424, ff. 186-196, 46426, ff. 118-123) and printed (46423, f. 324, 46425, ff. 69-70, 46426, ff. 125-127, 170-173, 177-179 ) passages. Paginated by the author in separate chapters (excluding the flyleaf to each chapter) and by the printer in two series 46422, f. 45 - 46425, f. 1, as 35-1074, and 46425, f. 2 - 46427, f. 173, as 15-872; the division is not that of the two volumes of the printed text. Other printer's marks occur.
NHM-WP18.013    Note:    1905   Section cut from the front of an envelope including stamp and part of address to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone, postmarked 12 Sep 1905, no location visible on postmark.
NHM-WP15.003.005    Photo:    1905?   Portrait: Small faded sepia photo undated and without annotations, of an elderly man with short white beard, apparently William Mitten but possible A. R. Wallace, seated at a bench in a greenhouse, facing camera, seen through the open door of the building.
NHM-WP06.008.021.[01]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 1. Proof illustration in black and white, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "My Mother, from a Miniature. Age 18". Portrait of A. R. Wallace's mother Mary Anne Wallace, née Greenell. Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[02]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 2. Proof illustration in black and white, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "My Father from a Miniature. Age 35." Portrait of A. R. Wallace's father Thomas Vere Wallace Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[03]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 3 Proof illustration in black and white, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "H.E. Wallace. Age 20. From a Silhouette." Silhouette portrait of A. R. Wallace's brother Herbert Edward. Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[04]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 4. Proof illustration in black and white, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Herbert Edward Wallace. Age 8. | From a pencil sketch by Miss Townsend." Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[05]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 5. Proof illustration in black and white, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "A Village near Leicester | From a pencil drawing by A.R. Wallace. 1844" Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[06]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 6. Proof illustration in black and white, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "In Derbyshire | From Pencil sketch by A.R.Wallace. 1844." Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[07]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 7. Proof illustration in black and white, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "' A lonely Chapel' | From Pencil sketch by W.G. Wallace. 1840." From a sketch by his brother William. Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[08]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 8. Proof illustration in black and white, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Llanbister, Radnorshire | Pencil sketch by W.G. Wallace 1840". From a sketch by A. R. Wallace"s brother William. Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[09]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 9. Proof illustration in black and white of a house and grounds near Ludlow, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "'Whittern'. An outdoor sketch, by W.G. Wallace. 1842." From a sketch by A. R. Wallace's brother William. Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[10]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 10. Proof illustration in black and white of a cave entrance, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Porth y Ogof. Vale of Neath." Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[11]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 11. Proof illustration in black and white of a waterfall, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Ysgwd Gladys ["Gladys" below "Einon Gam" deleted] Vale of Neath." Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[12]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 12. Proof illustration in black and white of a waterfall, with the printed caption "Llanhaidwr Waterfall." Page and vol. numbers added in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[13]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 13. Proof illustration in black and white of a house, with printed caption "'Old Orchard,' Broadstone.Page and vol. number added in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[14]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 14. Proof illustration in black and white of a house, printed caption "'Nutwood Cottage,' Godalming." Page and vol. number added in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[15]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 15. Proof illustration in black and white of a house, printed caption "'The Dell,' Grays, Essex." Page and vol. number added in A. R. Wallace's hand. Stamped "First Proof - 9 Sep 1905". Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[16]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 16. Proof illustration in black and white of a cottage and outbuildings, with a river in the foreground and wooded hills behind. Printed caption " My Birth-Place. Kensington Cottage, Usk." Page and vol. number added in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[17]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 17. Proof illustration in black and white of part of a letter and cartoon illustration of a man with a cat, printed caption "My Last Letter from Dr. Purland." Annotated at the top in A. R. Wallace's hand "My Life (Dr. Wallace)". Printed "First Proof - 7 Sep 1905". Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[18]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 18. Proof illustration in black and white of two fish, the top image captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Cichlostoma severum. Fam Cichlidae. | (one third natural size)" and the bottom "Cynodon scombroides. Fam. Characinidae (one fourth natural size.)" Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
NHM-WP06.008.021.[19]    Photo:    1905?--1905   18 annotated proofs of illustration used in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905), some captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, others with printed captions, incomplete set enclosed in cardboard cover; comprising: 19. Coarse acidic card folder labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "'My Life' | Proofs of Illustrations | (not complete)" Place: Amazon Derbyshire England Essex Godalming Surrey Leicester Leicestershire Shropshire Usk Wales Notes: Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. All illustrations reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905).
S623ab    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1906. Letter [to Raphael Meldola]. In: Christy, Miller. 1906. Presentation to Mr. William Cole: a report. Essex Naturalist 14: 117-135, on p. 125.   Text   Image
S626    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1906. A statement of the reasons for opposing the death penalty. London: Society for the Abolition of Capital Punishment (Leaflet No.2), pp. 1-2.   Text   Image
NHM-WP01.001.118    Miscellaneous:    1906   Small map, (probably of "Old Orchard", Alfred Russel Wallace's house at Broadstone, Dorset) 27cm x 20.5 cm in ink on translucent waxed paper showing pasture, woods, orchard, field boundaries, heath, footpath? and road to Poole; filed with and possibly originally enclosed in one of Alfred Russel Wallace's letters to his son William. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered [118] in pencil by P J Lucas, 2002. Records 118-123 inclusive placed together in melinex folder 18/11/02.
S648a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1907. Letter [regarding "Root principles in rational and spiritual things" by Rev. Thomas Child]. In: Trobridge, George. 1907. Emmanuel Swedenborg: his life, teachings and influence. London & New York: Frederick Warne and Company, pp. 63-64.   Text   Image
BL-Add.Mss46428    Draft:    1907.10   Autograph draft for "Is Mars habitable" (1907). Vol. XV (ff . 259). 'Is Mars Habitable?', published 1907. Viz.:- (a) Autograph draft, apparently completed 1-19 October 1907, and wanting frontispiece, last paragraph of the preface, and the letter from J. H. Poynting printed on
NHM-WP01.001.119    Miscellaneous:    [1907]   Very small (8.5cm x 4 cm) scrap of tracing paper showing plan in pencil of W.C., landing and two bathrooms (of "Old Orchard", Alfred Russel Wallace's house at Broadstone, Dorset?); filed with and possibly originally enclosed in one of Alfred Russel Wallace's letters to his son William. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered [119] in pencil by P J Lucas, 2002. Rough edges. Records 118-123 inclusive placed together in melinex folder 18/11/02. RECORD MODIFIED 13/10/03
NHM-WP01.001.120    Miscellaneous:    [1907]   Part of a rough plan in ink, apparently an outline of rooms or house, ("Old Orchard", Alfred Russel Wallace's house at Broadstone, Dorset?) marked "N.E. (corridor?)", drawn on one side of a piece of linen paper apparently cut from a map; filed with and possibly originally enclosed in one of Alfred Russel Wallace's letters to his son William. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in [120] pencil by PJL 2002. Records 118-123 inclusive placed together in melinex folder 18/11/02.
NHM-WP01.001.121    Miscellaneous:    [1907]   Small map (of land around "Old Orchard", Alfred Russel Wallace's house at Broadstone, Dorset?) in ink (19.5cm x 12.5cm) on tracing paper, with annotations in Alfred Russel Wallace's hand, showing the old orchard, house and old cottage, old road, proposed new road, road to Poole and boundaries with lengths marked in chains; filed with and possibly originally enclosed in one of Alfred Russel Wallace's letters to his son William. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered [121] in pencil by PJL 2002. Condition Fair but fragile because of nature of paper. Records 118-123 inclusive placed together in melinex folder 18/11/02.
NHM-WP01.001.122    Miscellaneous:    [1907]   Two plans in pencil on one sheet of translucent waxed paper, 40cm X 24 cm, showing house rooms, marked "Ground floor" and "Upper floor" respectively, with annotations in Alfred Russel Wallace's hand. Probably of "Old Orchard", Alfred Russel Wallace's house at Broadstone, Dorset; filed with and possibly originally enclosed in one of Alfred Russel Wallace's letters to his son William. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered [122] in pencil by PJL 2002. Condition Good but fragile because of nature of paper. Folded several times. Records 118-123 inclusive placed together in melinex folder 18/11/02.
NHM-WP01.001.123    Miscellaneous:    [1907]   Small map (probably of "Old Orchard", Alfred Russel Wallace's house at Broadstone, Dorset) 23.5 cm x 20 cm in ink on translucent waxed paper, annotated in Alfred Russel Wallace's hand, showing orchard, woods, houses, garden, road, line of water pipes and boundaries; filed with and possibly originally enclosed in one of Alfred Russel Wallace's letters to his son William. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered [123] in pencil by PJL 2002. Condition Good, but fragile because of nature of paper. Folded several times. Records 118-123 inclusive placed together in melinex folder 18/11/02.
NHM-WP01.001.138    Printed:    [1907]   Undated and untitled newspaper cutting approximately 7cm x 7cm with the by-line "X.Y.Z.", a joke about a Judge and a black thief, marked in the right hand margin with vertical pencil-lines. Probably an enclosure to his letter to William of 18 Mar 1909. Place: Dorset England Notes: Probably an enclosure to his letter of 18 Mar 1909 (see WP1/1/147) and placed within it. Annotated [WP1/1/138] [Encl to Mar 18, 1909?] in pencil by PJL, 2002
NHM-WP01.001.124    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Skeels E R S,  [1907]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, Friday (April 5 1907?) re visit to lawyer in Chancery Lane and asking William to reserve hotel rooms. Place: Dorset England Notes: On a small sheet of folded paper. Annotated in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand "April 5/07"
NHM-WP08.003.001    Note:    1907?--1907?   Translucent brown envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand "A few letters of 'Spruce' | Some written some copied." undated. c.1907? Notes: This envelope contained not letters by or to Spruce but 2 folios of ms notes by A. R. Wallace on corrections to maps, and for this reason has been treated as a separate piece. Enclosed when listed in a brown envelope postmarked "9 Sep 90" (1990) addressed to Mr & Mrs R. R. Wallace, with address crossed through, labelled in Richard Wallace's hand "Corrections to Map | Equatorial S America"; destroyed 15/10/03
NHM-WP07.102    Note:    1908--1909   "The Remedy for Unemployment" by A. R. Wallace, papers comprising proof pp [1] -22 of part 1 and two letters to him re the paper 1908-1909, with annotated envelope, and one copy of each of the numbers of the journal Socialist Review June and July 1908 containing parts 1 and 2 of the article.
NHM-WP07.102.003    Printed:    1908   Journal "The Socialist Review: A Monthly Review of Modern Thought", vol. 1 no 4, Jun 1908 (The Independent Labour Party, London); including "The Remedy for Unemployment - I" by A. R. Wallace, pp. 310-320, approx 24.5 cm x 15.5 cm with red cover; signed on the front cover, top right, Alfred R Wallace. Notes: See Old ref WP2/24, containing part 2
S649a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1908. Comments on the possible immortality of man's body. Daily News (4 January): 6.   Text
S729[2d]    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1908. My life: A record of events and opinions. New edition, condensed and revised. London: Chapman & Hall.   Text   PDF
NHM-WP08.003.002    Note:    1908--1908   Two folios of ms notes by A. R. Wallace, one headed "Further errors to be corrected in map of Equatorl. S. America" and one headed "Corrections on map of Rio Pacimoni". Undated (1908?) Place: South America Notes: Spruce, Richard, ed. A. R. Wallace, (1908) Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes, vol. 1, facing p. 448, map of the River Pacimoni.The corrections have been made in the publication. The notes were enclosed in a small envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand "A few letters of 'Spruce' | Some written some copied"; see separate record.
NHM-WP08.003.006    Draft:    1908--1908   Corrected page proofs all headed "Historical account of the Herbarium", 2 folios, pp 19-20 and 61-62, both quoting letters by Richard Spruce. From Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes by Richard Spruce (ed.and condensed by A. R. Wallace Dec. 1908)
NHM-WP08.003.007    Note:    1908--1908   Ms in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Journey of Richard Spruce in Equatorial America . . . An introduction to 'Hepaticae Amazonicae… Revue Bryologique 1886 [sic] (part) Translated from the French by A . R. Wallace" , 25 pages on 7 folded folios of lined blue paper; Ms in A. R. Wallace's hand "Notes by Two German botanists on the Pastaza River and Canelos region", 4 unnumbered pages (1 folio) of the same type of paper; all in a small brown envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone, postmarked Bristol 26 Nov 1906, annotated on the back in ink, and lead and blue pencil in A. R. Wallace (and WGW's?) hand "Spruce | My own Translation of the French 'Precis d'un Voyage'| Also notes by 2 German Botanists in April 1894".
NHM-WP01.001.141    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet,  1908   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, Monday (?1908) re proposed sale by Lord Wimborne of land surrounding A. R. Wallace's house and possible multiplicity of buildings and people, proposal that the family combine to buy extra land near house. Place: Dorset England Notes: Annotated in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: "122B?"
NHM-WP11.001.[07]    Note:    1908--1909   Small paper label in A. R. Wallace's hand "Darwin's Centenary".
NHM-WP02.005    Printed:    1909--1988   Biographical Miscellanea: Miscellaneous press cuttings, print and mss relating to the life of A. R. Wallace comprising an astrological chart of his character 1909, a printed subscription form for a memorial fund 1916 and a 1988 press notice of the 75th anniversary of his death.
S680b    Book contribution:     Wallace, A.R. 1909. Footnote [on biogeographic points]. In The Foundations of the Origin of Species, A Sketch Written in 1842 by Charles Darwin ed. By Francis Darwin (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1909): 30 [also printed on page 30 of The Foundations of the Origin of Species, Two Essays Written in 1842 and 1844 by Charles Darwin ed. By Francis Darwin (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1909)]   Text
S668b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1909. "A hideous hypocrisy." scientist's opinion of foreign missions. Nottingham Evening Post 22 January: 5.   Text
NHM-WP09.006    Note:    1909   Papers re lectures on Darwinism
S676a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1909. Dr. A. R. Wallace on colonization. New Age (n.s.) 4 (no. 19): 390.   Text   Image
NHM-WP07.102.006    Printed:    1909?   Small pamphlet, Pass On Pamphlets No. 8, Alfred R Wallace, "The Remedy for Unemployment", (The Clarion Press, London); 24 pages; approx 18 cm x 12 cm; undated, c 1909; modified reprint of the article of the same title printed in two parts in "The Socialist Review", June (pp. 310-20) and July (pp. 390-400) 1908. See also letter to the editor of the Clarion from Skelborn (old ref WP3/41). Place: London England Notes: Enclosed in envelope annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand on one side "The Remedy for Unemployment | Criticisms &c." and on the other "The Remedy for Unemployment, WP7/102/7, when listed.
NHM-WP07.102.007    Note:    1909?--1909?   Brown envelope annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand on one side "The Remedy for Unemployment | Criticisms &c." and on the other "The Remedy for Unemployment, containing documents WP7/102/1 and WP7/102/5 and 6 when listed.
BL-Add.Mss46429-46431    Draft:    1910   Autograph draft for The World of Life" (1910). Vols. XVI-XVIII (ff. 367, 317, 299). 'The World of Life' , published 1910. Autograph draft showing signs of revision by the author and printer's marks, apparently completed between summer 1909 and November 1910. The text was further revised between the completion of this draft and publication. Title-page, index, etc., preface, lists of contents and illustrations, are wanting, as are figures 1, 2 and 8, which are all taken from unpublished photographs of Malaya and the E. Indies.
S684c    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1910. Comment. In: The story of Stephanus, a contemporary and disciple of Jesus killed in the Bull Ring in Tome in the time of Nero; being a communication from the spirit world to members of the Falkirk Psychic Research Association by means of table rapping. Falkirk: M'Culloch & Mackie: front cover.
S684a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1910. Geography of the animal world; Distribution of wild life in time and place. in Harmsworth natural history: a complete survey of the animal kingdom (3 vols., Carmelite House, London, 1910-1911), Vol. 1: 57-70.
NHM-WP06.010    Note:    1910?--1911   Papers re The World of Life: Papers re Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1910, "The World of Life; A Manifestation of Creative Power, Directive Mind and Ultimate Purpose", Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London, Dec. 1910, including letters, reviews, and papers re payment. Notes: See Smith S732 for details of subsequent editions and reprint 1916.
NHM-WP06.010.001    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1910?--1910?   1 folio of undated unsigned TS (incomplete letter?) re variation and the origin of species, beginning "In 'The World of Life', p. 257, you say ..." Notes: When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
S686a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. The twenty-first birthday of the "Review." Review of Reviews (London) 43 (254, February): 110.   Text
NHM-WP06.010.004    Printed:    1911--1912   Stamped envelope printed with scissors-shaped advertising logo of the Press Clippings Bureau, Boston, addressed to Alfred Russell (sic) Wallace, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne, Dorset, England, postmarked Boston (USA) 26 Feb 1912, containing six 1911 press cuttings of reviews of A. R. Wallace's book "The World of Life" comprising: WP6.10/004.1 to 6 Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[01]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts from the "Times", Denver, Colorado, 29 Mar 1911 of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[04]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from the Chicago, Illinois "Post" 11 Aug 1911, headlined "Fifty Years After" and including a portrait of Wallace. The attachment is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "A monists vague ideas." Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[05]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from "New York American" 16 Sep 1911.The attachment is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "Good". Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[06]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from the Chicago, Illinois "Tribune", 13 Nov 1911. The attachment is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand " A fairly good notice". Place: England USA Note: Torn
S688b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. Some beautiful flowering shrubs. The Garden 75: 362 (29 July 1911: no. 2071).   Text   Image
NHM-WP06.010.004.[02]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from the Boston "Transcript" 29 Mar 1911. The attachment is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "A very good & careful review". Place: England USA Note: Torn
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