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NHM-WP02.002.002    Printed:    [1887.04]   Undated (Apr 1887?) ) press cutting from the "["Cincinnati?] Enquirer", interview with A. R. Wallace headed "Darwin's Friend. | Chat with Mr. Albert Russell [sic] Wallace". See WP1/5/26, letter to Annie Wallace, Apr 1887.
NHM-WP02.002.003    Note:    1905.11.00   Biographical notes on A. R. Wallace, including notes of a meeting in America with his son William. Printed pamphlet (offprint?) by Elbert Hubbard, "Little Journeys to homes of great scientists. Wallace" (Vol. XV11, No 5, November 1905, New York, 1905). Pages numbered 85-107, with some un-numbered pages of end matter including advertisements and title page at front. Portrait (photolithograph?) of Wallace in old age, on a loose undated unnumbered folio, enclosed. Place: England USA
NHM-WP02.002.004    Printed:    1909.03.00   Journal "The Pall Mall Magazine", (London) March 1909, including "Dr. A. R. Wallace at Home" by Ernest H Rann, illustrated with black and white photographs including a portrait of Russel c 1909, a profile bas-relief portrait by Bruce-Joy, 1906 and views of his house at Broadstone, study, conservatory and grounds; pp. 275-284; approx. 24.5 cm x 16.5 cm; cover illustration of a seated woman wearing an ermine hat and wrap. See also letters from A. R. Wallace to WGW Dec 1908 and Feb 1909: WP1/1/199 and WP1/1/202. Place: Broadstone Dorset London England
NHM-WP02.002.005    Printed:    1913.01.06   Press cutting headed "The Spectre of Poverty | Dr. Russel Wallace and his Remedy" from the "Daily News & Leader" 6 Jan 1913; interview with no by-line with A. R. Wallace, including portrait photo by Haines.
NHM-WP02.002.006    Printed:    1913.01.10   Proof? Stamped "With the Editor's Compliments"; pp. 35 and 36 of an unnamed journal ("The Times"?), section headed "Public Opinion" including a piece with no by-line headed "Dr. A.R. Wallace at 90".
NHM-WP02.002.007    Printed:    1913.01.10   Print, proof?1 folio including "Dr. A. R. Wallace | O.M.… interview with A. R. Wallace by Wilkinson Sherren; "TP's Weekly" 10 Jan 1913 , p. 49.
NHM-WP02.002.008    Printed:    1913.10.00   Press cutting, whole folio from "The Book Lover" Oct 1913, pp. 113-114, including on p. 113 a column headed "'Social Environment and Moral Progress"' by "D.K." re meeting with A. R. Wallace in 1881; A. R. Wallace's philosophy, career and new book. Notes: With press cuttings of A. R. Wallace obituaries when listed.
NHM-WP02.003.001    Printed:    1913.11.08--1913.11.29   Approximately 55 press cuttings 8 -16 Nov 1913: obituaries of A. R. Wallace in German and French with letter, TS, in French from Argus Suisse de la Presse S.A. from Geneva, 29 Nov 1913, to William Greenell Wallace offering 55 press cuttings on the death of his father A. R. Wallace for 15 Francs. Notes: When listed both letter and cuttings were in an envelope labelled in ink "A Few Articles & Reviews " in WGW's? hand, "about self | A.R.W." in A. R. Wallace's hand and in pencil in WGW's? hand "No Autos"; separately recorded and transferred to Miscellanea: WP18
NHM-WP02.003.002    Printed:    1913.11.07   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, pp. 2, 9, "The Westminster Gazette", Friday 7 Nov 1913 Notes: 2 folios
NHM-WP02.003.003    Printed:    1913.11.08   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, p. 9 "The Times", London, Saturday 8 Nov 1913; whole folio pp 9-10
NHM-WP02.003.004    Printed:    1913.11.08   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "The Daily Citizen", 8 Nov 1913 pp. 1, 4 Notes: 2 folios
NHM-WP02.003.005    Printed:    1913.11.08   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "The Daily Chronicle", 8 Nov 1913 pp. 4, 5 Notes: 3 folios: 2 whole sheets pp 3-4 and 5-6, one column, duplicate, from p 4.
NHM-WP02.003.006    Printed:    1913.11.12   Funeral of A. R. Wallace, description with photo of cortege, "Daily Sketch", 12 Nov 1913 p 9 (pp. 9-12, 1 folio folded) Notes: 1 folio, pp. 9-12
NHM-WP02.003.007    Printed:    1913.11.14   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, spiritualist paper "The Two Worlds", p. 570 (1 folio, pp. 569-570)
NHM-WP02.003.008    Printed:    1913.11.13   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, Utah USA paper "Deseret Evening News", 13 Nov 1913 p. 4 (1 folio, pp. 3-4) Place: USA
NHM-WP02.003.009    Printed:    1913.11.14   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, Yeovil paper "The Western Gazette", 14 Nov 1913 p 7 (1 folio, pp 7-8)
NHM-WP02.003.010    Printed:    1913.11.15   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "The Nation", 15 Nov 1913, pp. 310-112 (2 folios, pp. 309-312)
NHM-WP02.003.011    Printed:    1913.11.20   Obituary of A. R. Wallace by "E.B.P" (E B Poulton), "Nature", 20 Nov 1913 pp. 347-349 (2 folios, pp. 347-350).
NHM-WP02.003.012    Printed:    1913.12.06   Spiritualist journal "Light" 6 Dec 1913 pp. 585-588 containing comments on obituaries of A. R. Wallace p. 585 and letter to the Editor from J W Maskelyne, 29 Nov 1913 defending his description of A. R. Wallace as a "crank" p. 587.
NHM-WP02.003.013    Printed:    1913.11.07   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "The Star", 7 Nov 1913; from Central News Ltd press cutting Dept; stamped envelope address to A. R. Wallace's representatives same date.
NHM-WP02.003.014    Printed:    1913.11.07   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "The Star", 7 Nov 1913; from Woolgar & Roberts press cuttings Fleet Street London.
NHM-WP02.003.015    Printed:    1913.11.08   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, [London?] "Standard", 8 Nov 1913, from The Temple Press Cutting Offices, Strand, London; envelope labelled in pencil in an unknown hand "Standard". Notes: The hand on the envelope is probably Richard Wallace's though the envelope is apparently contemporary with the cuttings.
NHM-WP02.003.016    Printed:    1913.11.08   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "Daily Telegraph", 8 Nov 1913 from Central News Ltd press cuttings agency; another copy from The Temple Press Cutting Offices; envelope labelled in pencil in WGW's? hand "Daily Telegraph".
NHM-WP02.003.017    Printed:    1913.11.07   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, Evening Standard & St James Gazette, 7 Nov 1913 from Woolgar and Roberts agency; letter from Woolgar and Roberts 7 Nov 1913 to [Mr] Wallace esq requesting permission to supply all related cuttings and offering to present them in an album, enclosing a return order form with prices; stamped envelope addressed to representatives of A. R. Wallace same date.
NHM-WP02.003.018    Printed:    1913.11.07   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "The [London?] Evening News", 7 Nov 1913, from the Album Compiling Bureau, London; stamped envelope addressed to the representatives of A. R. Wallace same date.
NHM-WP02.003.019    Printed:    1913.11.08   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "The Daily Chronicle", 8 Nov 1913 from the newspaper's press cuttings dept; envelope labelled in pencil in WGW's? hand "Daily Chronicle".
NHM-WP02.003.020    Printed:    1913.11.08   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, New York "Tribune", 8 Nov 1913, from Henry Romeike, Inc press cutting agency New York. Place: USA
NHM-WP02.003.021    Printed:    1913.11.14   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "The Church Times", 14 Nov 1913 p. 663 (2ff., pp. 663-664); unstamped envelope addressed to "Miss Wallace".
NHM-WP02.003.022    Printed:    1913.11.08--1913.11.09   Eight obituaries of A. R. Wallace from French and German papers in an unstamped envelope so labelled in pencil in an unknown hand, comprising cuttings from Le Courrier de La Presse agency, Paris: "L'Intransigeant" 9 Nov 1913 "Figaro" 8 Nov 1913 "La Bataille Syndicaliste" undated Nov 1913 "L'Action" 9 Nov 1913 "Le Temps" 9 Nov 1913 "Le Petit Bleu" 9 Nov 1913 and from the Berliner Literarisches Bureau: "Vossiche Zeitung" Berlin 8 Nov 1913 "Berliner Tageblatt" 8 Nov 1913 Place: France Germany Notes: Other cuttings from French and German papers are at WP2/3/1
NHM-WP02.003.023    Printed:    1913.11.07   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "Westminster Gazette", 7 Nov 1913, from The General Press Cuttings Association, London
NHM-WP02.003.024    Printed:    1913.11.07   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "Westminster Gazette", 7 Nov 1913, from T B Browne Ltd cuttings agency, London
NHM-WP02.003.025    Printed:    1913.11.07   Six obituaries of A. R. Wallace in stamped envelope addressed to the representatives of A. R. Wallace, comprising press cuttings from The Temple Press Cuttings Office, London from: Temple Press Cuttings Office, London from: "The Evening Standard" 7 Nov 1913 "The Globe" 7 Nov 1913 (2 cuttings) "The Evening News" 7 Nov 1913 "The Star" 7 Nov 1913 "The Westminster Gazette" 7 Nov 1913
NHM-WP02.003.026    Printed:    1913.11.08   Obituaries of A. R. Wallace in unstamped envelope labelled "Times" in an unknown hand, comprising 2 press cuttings from "The Times" 8 Nov 1913, one headed "Death of Dr. Russel Wallace. | A Veteran of Science" and one "A Search After Truth", from The Central News Agency Ltd, London; and one from "The Times", 8 Nov 1913 headed "A Search After Truth" from the Temple Press Cutting Offices, London
NHM-WP02.003.027    Printed:    1913.11.08   Death notice and obituary of A. R. Wallace in unstamped envelope labelled in pencil in an unknown hand "Daily Graphic", comprising 1 cutting from "The Daily Graphic", 8 Nov 1913 headed "A Great Victorian", from the Temple Press Cutting Offices, and 1 "Daily Graphic" same date headed "Death of a Famous Scientist. | Dr. Wallace, co-discoverer of Evolution. | Specialist Memoir", from The Central News Ltd, London.
NHM-WP02.003.028    Printed:    1913.11.08   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "Morning Advertiser", 8 Nov 1913 from The Temple Press Cutting Offices, London, in unstamped envelope labelled in pencil in an unknown hand "Morning Advertiser".
NHM-WP02.003.029    Printed:    1913.11.08   Obituaries of A. R. Wallace, "The Daily Mail", 8 Nov 1913, one headed "A Hero of Science" and the other "An Immortal of Science. | Death of Dr. A. R. Wallace", from The Temple Press Cutting Offices, London; unstamped envelope labelled "Daily Mail" in pencil in an unknown hand.
NHM-WP02.003.030    Printed:    1913.11.08   Obituary of A. R. Wallace, "Daily News and Leader", 8 Nov 1913; unstamped envelope labelled "Daily News and Leader" in an unknown hand.
NHM-WP02.003.031    Printed:    1913.11.07   Death notice of A. R. Wallace, "The Evening Standard", 7 Nov 1913, from T B Browne Ltd press cutting department; stamped envelope addressed "Wallace Esq".
NHM-WP02.003.032    Printed:    1913.11.20   Minutes of the general meeting of the Linnean Society of London, 20 Nov 1913, including the announcement by the chairman, President E B Poulton, of the recent death of FLS A. R. Wallace. Notes: 1 f., pp. [1]-3.
NHM-WP02.003.033    Printed:    1913.11.17--1914.02   Copy of "The Sarawak Gazette" 17 Nov 1913, no. 640, vol. XLIII, pp. [260]-271, including an obituary of A. R. Wallace on p. 262; stamped wrapper postmarked Sarawak Feb 1914 addressed to W G Wallace. Place: Borneo Sarawak
NHM-WP02.003.034    Printed:    1913.11.00   Label in pencil in William Greenell Wallace's? and /or Violet Wallace's? hands "A. R. Wallace death | Press notices | Cuttings". Notes: With pieces WP2/3/13-33 when listed
NHM-WP02.003.035    Printed:    1913.12.00   Obituary of A. R. Wallace by E B Poulton, offprint from "The Zoologist" pp. 468-471, annotated on cover in WGW's? hand "A.R. Wallace | Obituary notice…"
NHM-WP02.003.036    Printed:    1913.12.19   Reprint from Science, N.S., vol. XXXVIII, No. 990, pp. 871-877, 19 Dec 1913, "Recollections of Dr. A. R. Wallace" by T D A Cockerell. 7 pages on one folio, folded and stapled with pages uncut. 3 copies. Notes: One copy was formerly among papers relating to John Hampden and the curvature of the earth; the others in a wallet of miscellaneous papers.
NHM-WP02.003.037    Printed:    1913.12.00   Journal "The Review of Reviews" (London), Dec 1913, including an illustrated obituary of A. R. Wallace, "Character Sketch", by James Marchant, pp. [421]-425; approx. 25 cm x 18.5 cm; dark blue and buff cover illustrated with a globe; annotated on the front cover, top right, in ink in an unknown hand "From Mr Marchant". Place: Broadstone Dorset London England.
NHM-WP02.003.039    Printed:    1947.02.[14]   Press cutting headed "Rivalry and Chivalry | Evolution of Alfred Russell [sic] Wallace" by "F.W.B." with photo of A. R. Wallace in old age; annotated in WGW's? hand on the bottom margin (torn) "From the Age Literary Supplement [Melbourne] [1]4.2.1947." Place: Melbourne Victoria Australia
NHM-WP02.003.040    Printed:    1913.11.11   Press cutting annotated in pencil in WGW's? hand "Daily News & Leader | Nov 11 1913" headed "Simple funeral of a great man", describing A. R. Wallace's funeral and naming mourners; section describing James Marchant as a minister who assisted is crossed out in pencil and "No!!" added in margin in Marchant's? WGW's? hand.
NHM-WP02.003.041    Note:    1913.11.07   Signed note by William Greenell Wallace without addressee, 7 Nov 1913, on letterhead paper embossed "Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset", re A. R. Wallace's illness since the previous Sunday and death at 9.25 a.m.
NHM-WP02.003.043    Printed:    1915.11.00   Press cutting annotated in WGW's? hand "D.C. 2-11-15", from "The Daily Chronicle"? 2 Nov 1915? re unveiling at Westminster Abbey of memorial plaques to Joseph Hooker, Lord Lister and A. R. Wallace.
NHM-WP02.004.001    Note:    1882.06.13   A. R. Wallace's certificate of Honorary Membership of the Central Association of Spiritualists, 13 Jun 1882, signed E Dawson Rogers, President, and Thomas (Elliot?) Secretary.
NHM-WP02.004.002    Note:    [1889.11.19]   1 folio ms in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? VIW's? hand headed "Triugissime Vice Cancellarie Vosque Egregii Procuratores" with Latin [oration] admitting A. R. Wallace to Hon Degree Oxford, dated "Oxford Nov? 19th? | 1889" in same hand; copied from the original? Place: Oxford Oxfordshire England
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore