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NHM-WP14.001.001    Printed:    1891.12.21   Letter to the editor of "Nature", by "H.W.", 21 Dec 1891, headed "On the attitudes of the zebra during sleep, and their influence on the protective value of its stripes." Notes: In an envelope of unrelated miscellanea including accounts of expenditure at Old Orchard when listed.
NHM-WP14.001.002    Printed:    1901.06.08   Cutting from the "Daily News" (London) dated in A. R. Wallace's hand August 6th 1901, of a letter to the editor from Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, from Beaulieu, Hants, 4 Aug 1901 headlined "Fox-hunting near Cairo. | Trespass and Assault. | An Extraordinary Incident" re an incident involving regiments of the Cairo army garrison being assaulted by Blunt's servants while fox-hunting on his property near Cairo in his absence, supporting his servants action and deploring the behaviour of the 11th Hussars. The reverse shows items including a reports on the Earl's Court Exhibition and part of the latest mail and steamship news. Place: Egypt
NHM-WP14.001.003    Printed:    1905.04.17   Letter to the editor of "The Daily News" from George Bernard Shaw, 17 Apr 1905 re G K Chesterton's criticism of Shaw's lecture on Shakespeare. Notes: Found loose in original box 2 when listed.
NHM-WP14.001.004    Printed:    1908.10.09?   Cutting from "The Daily News" 9 Oct 190[8?] re allotments, smallholdings and self-sufficiency; Salvation Army's view. Notes: Found loose in original box 2 when listed. The Salvation Army began a smallholding scheme at Boxted in 1908: Source:
NHM-WP14.001.005    Printed:    1910.04.21?   Undated obituary (April 1910?) of Samuel Clemens headlined "Mark Twain" from an unknown paper. Notes: When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
NHM-WP14.001.006    Printed:    1910.04.21?   Cutting from " The Daily News", undated, [1910?] "Love and Humour | Mark Twain's Gentle Side", an obituary or memoir of Twain (Samuel Lanhorne Clemens) Place: USA Notes: Found loose in original box 2 when listed. Clemens died 21 April 1910.
NHM-WP14.002.001    Note:    1886.12.22   Poem, "Locksley Hall Sixty Years After". By Alfred , Lord Tennyson. Cutting from "The Boston Herald" Wednesday 22 Dec 1886, Some passages marked in blue pencil, faint annotation in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: USA Notes: Folded and brittle
NHM-WP14.002.002    Printed:    1887.10.24   Cutting from "The Times " (London) 24 Oct 1887 with part of a report on Pullman sleeping cars on trains in America, annotated a the top in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Pullman Cars". The reverse consists of Police reports from Mansion House and Bow Street (London, magistrates courts). Place: England USA
NHM-WP14.002.006    Printed:    1887.01.00?   Undated cutting (Jan 1887?) from a (Montreal?) paper with a brief biography of A. R. Wallace announcing that he "is to make Washington his headquarters" and plans to make observations in California. The reverse includes part of a report dated Montreal, Feb. 4 headlined "Montreal's Big Carnival". Place: Canada USA
NHM-WP14.002.007    Printed:    1887.02.24   Cutting from "The Post", Washington, 24 Feb 1887, headlined "The New Labor Party. | Its principles outlined in a concise platform." The headline has been marked in red pencil. The reverse includes advertisements and a report on a Pensions Bill. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.008    Printed:    1887.03.00?   Cutting from an untitled, (The Times, New York?) undated (March 1887?) newspaper headlined "Before Dawn" with no by-line, on Psychology, the soul, mesmerism and the supernatural. The reverse contains part of a report on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, mentioning the "Times". Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.013    Printed:    1887.01.00?   Undated (Jan 1887?) cutting from a (New York?) newspaper headlined "The Blizzard. | Thirty-five below Zero in Central New York" reporting on cold weather with Fahrenheit minimum temperatures registered in January at various locations in New York and Massachusetts including the Mohawk Valley, Hudson, Boston and Springfield. The reverse show parts of advertisements for houses in New York. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.016    Printed:    1887.05.00?   Undated (May 1887?) cutting form a (New York?) newspaper, no headline, with a short anecdote (ironic?) on the advantages of living in Harper county (Kansas). The margin is marked with a large asterisk in red pencil over lead pencil. The reverse shows part of a market report on New York stocks for May 6. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.019    Printed:    1887.02.06   Press cutting from the Washington "Post" Sunday Feb 6 1887, headlined "Important Trifles", reporting on society affairs including a piece which has been marked in blue pencil, on A. R. Wallace. Place: USA Notes: Enclosed in envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "interesting extracts America 1886-7" when listed.
NHM-WP14.002.020    Printed:    1887.02.00?   Press cutting from the "Republican"? Feb 7? 1887? headlined "Not Ripe for Socialism", re a lecture by A. R. Wallace at the Columbian University (Washington, D.C). Place: USA Notes: Enclosed in envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "interesting extracts America 1886-7" when listed.
NHM-WP14.002.021    Printed:    1887.02.05?   Press cutting from an untitled Washington D.C. newspaper Feb? 5, 1887 headlined "Society. | Reception to Prof. Wallace." reporting on a reception at the residence of Stilson Hutchins, with guest list. Place: USA Notes: Enclosed in envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "interesting extracts America 1886-7" when listed.
NHM-WP14.002.022    Printed:    1887.02.17   Press cutting headlined "Are there any great men?", annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Washington Post. Feby 17th 1887" and with text of the piece continued in his hand at the bottom margin. Place: USA Notes: Enclosed in envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "interesting extracts America 1886-7" when listed.
NHM-WP14.002.025    Printed:    1887.03.17   Cutting, unnamed Pennsylvania? paper 17 Mar 1887 headlined "Multiplex Personality" re the phenomenon of split personalities, with details of a Pennsylvania case and others and of scientific investigators. Place: USA
NHM-WP14.002.027    Printed:    1885.03.01   Reprint or proof sheet? from the Boston "Sunday Herald" 1 Mar 1885, headed "Mrs Isabella Hooker | A sketch of her plan for conversational receptions" Place: USA Notes: Record of original position in boxes lost, but probably with American press cuttings in old WP2/41
NHM-WP15.001.001    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Harvey William Henry, Hooker Sir Joseph Dalton  1853.05.23   Letter from W H H (William Harvey), to Hook. fil. (Joseph Hooker) from TCD (Trinity College, Dublin) date stamped 23 May 1853; full text is: My dear Hook. fil. | I find these Hepaticae among the New Zealand Greenosperms [sic] which I have just finished. | Send them to Mitten, that's a good kitten! | Yours Affy W.H.H. Place: Dublin Ireland New Zealand Notes: Found with Wallace family correspondence (WP1/3) but not entered in ms contents list. See letter from W B Turrill to W G Wallace from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 22 Apr 1948, Old Ref WP1/3/65, identifying this letter.
S727.2    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1900. Studies scientific and social. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd. And New York: The Macmillan Co. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
S731.2    Book:     Wallace, A. R. ed. 1908. Richard Spruce. Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes. London: Macmillan & Co. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP15.001.002    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Mitten William, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Wallace Violet Isabel?  1893.08.13   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his father in law William Mitten from Parkstone, Dorset 13 Aug 1893 re Mitten's visit to Festiniog; the Wallace's recent tour of the Lake District including Dovedale, Keswick, Derwentwater and Borrowdale, coach trip, pony ride up Bowfell, hotels, weather, scenery; rare ferns scarce, alpines hard to find but included Saxifraga, Salix, Oxyria, Sedum, Alchemilla and Thalectrum (species named); met daughter Violet at Settle in Yorkshire, Geranium and Campanula in flower; details of exotic plants flowering at home. Place: Parkstone Dorset England Cumbria England Notes: See old ref WP2/45; notes on this tour. The letter was in a modern envelope labelled in Richard Wallace's hand "Letters to Annie, WGW etc (&?) From Fred Birch" and seems more appropriate here.
NHM-WP15.001.003    Correspondence:   Mitten William, Wallace Annie née Mitten, ? Sally, ? Lizzy  1896.08.09   Letter from William Mitten to his daughter (Annie W?) from Hurstpierpoint, 9 Aug 1896, re her journey (to Switzerland?) arrival and planting of flowers from her, the identity and growing conditions of plants including pulsatilla, campanula, anemone vernalis, anemone baldensis, and plants found around Zermatt, the Rhone glacier and Wengern, asking her to collect seeds of any dandelion-like plants and purple vetch; visit by aunts Sally and Lizzy; new local burial grounds. Place: Hurstpierpoint West Sussex Switzerland Notes: When first listed this was in a brown cardboard box in the form of a book, titled "Letters" on spine, containing miscellaneous apparently unrelated letters and photos; it seems more appropriate here.
NHM-WP15.001.004    Correspondence:   Reid Clement, Mitten William, Ridley Henry Nicholas  1896.09.08   Letter from Clement Reid to Mr (William) Mitten, from Deverel Farm, Milborne St Andrew, Blandford, 8 Sep 1896, re rhizomes of mosses; news from Ridley who has seen a white snake in Selangor caves; Mitten's new Crepis species; Hieracia; will send Hoxne Report from British Association meeting; enclosing two (of his) Dorset papers, one relating to Blashenwell, the other not botanical. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP15.001.005    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Mitten William, Wallace William Greenell  1897.07.21   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his father-in-law William Mitten, from Parkstone, Dorset, 21 Jul 1897, re sending Jamaica and Singapore moss; plants in flower in A. R. Wallace's pond and garden, letters from son William, who is working on a railway (in America?); purchase of land by the Parish (at Hurstpierpoint?); convolvulus. Place: Dorset England Jamaica USA Singapore Malaya Notes: When first listed this was were in a brown cardboard box in the form of a book, titled "Letters" on spine, containing miscellaneous apparently unrelated letters and photos; it seems more appropriate here.
NHM-WP15.001.006    Correspondence:   Mitten William, Mitten Flora, Larter C E.  1906.12.08   Letter from C E Larter to Miss Mitten (Flora Mitten?) from Bay View, Combemartin S.O., North Devon, 8 Dec 1906, sending a reprint of his paper on Cryptogams (See WP15/2/17) and condolences on the death of her father William Mitten. Place: Devon England
NHM-WP15.002.001    Printed:    1892.01.26   Reid, Clement, "On the natural history of isolated ponds" reprinted from the Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, vol. V, pp. 273-286, read 26 Jan 1892. Annotated in ink on the cover "W. Mitten, Esq ALS from the author". Place: Norfolk England
NHM-WP15.002.002    Printed:    1892.05.00   Reid, Clement, "On the Pleistocene deposits of the Sussex coast" reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for May 1892, vol. XLVIII, pp 344- 361. Annotated in ink on the cover "W. Mitten, Esqr. ALS from the author". Place: Sussex England
NHM-WP15.002.003    Printed:    1893.08.00   Reid, Clement, "A fossiliferous pleistocene deposit at Stone, on the Hampshire coast" reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for August 1893, vol. XLIX pp. (326)-328. Place: England Hampshire Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten by the author. No cover.
NHM-WP15.002.008    Printed:    1896.08.00   Reid, Clement "The Eocene deposits of Dorset" reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for August 1896, vol. LII, pp 490-495. See WP15/1/4, letter Reid to Mitten, 8 Sep 1896. Place: Dorset England Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten by the author, probably with WP1/14/17 of the same date.
NHM-WP15.002.009    Printed:    1897.02.00   Reid, Clement, "Supplementary note (February, 1897) on the worked-flints from Blashenwell, near Corfe Castle" reprinted? from the Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 1897? Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten by the author (see WP15/2/5 and WP15/1/4) and may originally have been enclosed with WP15/2/6.
NHM-WP15.002.010    Printed:    1897.03.04   Reid, Clement, "The Palaeolithic deposits at Hitchin and their relation to the glacial epoch" reprinted from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol 61, read 4 Mar 1897, Annotated in ink on the cover "W. Mitten, Esqure with the writer's compts. & thanks". Place: England Hertfordshire
NHM-WP15.002.011    Printed:    1897.08.00   Reid, Clement, "Pleistocene plants from Casewick, Shacklewell, and Grays" reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for August 1897, vol. LIII, pp. (463)-464. Place: England Essex Lincolnshire Middlesex Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten
NHM-WP15.002.012    Printed:    1898.05.00   Reid, Clement, "The Eocene deposits of Devon" reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for May 1898, vol. LIV pp. 234-236. Annotated on the front cover in ink "W. Mitten Esqure with the writer's kind regards". Place: Devon England
NHM-WP15.002.013    Printed:    1898.06.00   Reid, Clement, "Further contributions to the geological history of the British flora" reprinted from the Annals of Botany, vol. XII, no XLVI, June 1898. Annotated in ink on the cover "W. Mitten, Esq (letters missing at tear) with the writer's kind regards" and in pencil in another hand "28 Jermyn St London S W". Place: Britain
NHM-WP15.002.015    Printed:    1899.08.21   Barnes, Charles R, "The progress and problems of plant physiology," address to section G (Botany) of the forty-eighth annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Columbus, Ohio, 21 August 1899. (Easton, PA., 1899). 26 pages. Annotated in ink on the front cover "With the compliments of C R Barnes." Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten.
NHM-WP15.002.016    Printed:    1895.07.03   Kirk, T, "The displacement of species in New Zealand" reprinted from Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, vol. XXVIII, 1896. Presidential address to the Wellington Philosophical Society, 3 Jul 1895. 27 pages. Annotated "from the author" in ink on the cover under a section which has been cut out (some words possibly missing) and in ink in a different? hand on the title page "William Mitten Esq. A.L.S. &c". Place: New Zealand
NHM-WP15.002.017    Printed:    1906.07.00   Larter, C E, "Some Cryptogams of the botanical districts of Braunton and Sherwill, North Devon". Reprinted from The Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art, 1906 - xxxviii. pp. 270-293. Sent to Miss Mitten (Flora Mitten?) by the author. Place: Devon England
NHM-WP15.002.018    Printed:    1894.03.28   Notice, reprint or proof, 8 pages uncut, "Linnean Society of New South Wales. Abstract of Proceedings, March 28th, 1894" including a report on the annual general meeting of March 28, 1894 chaired by professor T W E David, lists of office bearers, papers read at the monthly meeting on the same date, donations received, and exhibits. Place: Australia Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten.
NHM-WP15.002.019    Printed:    1894.04.25   Notice or reprint, 8 pages, "Linnean Society of New South Wales. Abstract of Proceedings, April 25th 1894" including a report on the adjourned annual general meeting of April 25th, 1894 chaired by professor T W E David, papers read at the monthly meeting on the same date, and exhibits. Place: Australia Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten
NHM-WP15.002.020    Printed:    1894.05.30   Notice or reprint, 8 pages, "Linnean Society of New South Wales. Abstract of Proceedings, May 30th 1894" including a report on the monthly meeting of May 30th 1894 chaired by professor T W E David, papers read and exhibits. Place: Australia Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten
NHM-WP15.002.021    Printed:    1897.08.00   Printed pamphlet, "The House Sparrow (passer domesticus, Linnaeus)" by Eleanor A Ormerod and W B Tegetmeier, (London, August 1897) on the diet and behaviour of sparrows. 8 Pages. Annotated "With kind remembrances" in ink on the first page. Notes: Almost certainly sent to William Mitten but possibly to A R Wallace.
NHM-WP15.003.001    Printed:    1906.10.00   Obituary of William Mitten by W Botting Hemsley, reprinted from the Journal of Botany, October 1906. Includes photographic portrait of Mitten standing, bearded, wearing a tweed suit and velvet smoking cap, holding a plant and magnifying glass, with a rose hedge in the background.
NHM-WP15.003.004    Printed:    1907.01.10   Obituary of William Mitten by William Edward Nicholson, with bibliography, reprinted from The Bryologist, 10 Jan 1907. Titled "William Mitten a sketch with bibliography". Includes photographic portrait of Mitten standing, bearded, wearing a tweed suit and velvet smoking cap, holding a plant and magnifying glass, with a rose hedge in the background, with acknowledgements to James Britten and the Journal of Botany, Oct 1906.
NHM-WP15.004    Note:    1904.07.00   Ephemera associated or apparently associated with William Mitten comprising a plant specimen and a postcard view of land near Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex
NHM-WP15.004.001    Note:    1904.07.00   Loose dried plant (grass) specimens (Apera species?) contained in a brown envelope 23 cm x 14.5cm, addressed to Mr W Mitten, Chemist, Hurstpierpoint Hassocks RSO Essex. The envelope is printed with illustrations of three types of (bottle-stoppers?), bears a half-penny stamp and is heavily postmarked "T | NPO" with no visible date. It is annotated on the back in pencil in an unknown hand "Apera | Sandpit I Hassocks | July 1904." Place: Hassocks West Sussex England Notes: The envelope is brittle and has been pierced by the dry grass stem in at least one place. If kept, the specimen(s) should probably be glued into an to acid free folder.
NHM-WP16.001.001    Correspondence:   Admiralty the, Benham Ernest E  1934.02.15--1934   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Admiralty, London 15 Feb 1934; signed Ernest E Benham. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.002    Correspondence:   George Allen & Unwin  1939.06.02--1939   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from George Allen & Unwin, publishers, London 2 Jun 1939 sending a cheque for remaining interest in A. R. Wallace's "The Wonderful Century" Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.003    Correspondence:   British Association for the Advancement of Science, Howarth O J R  1930.04.15--1930   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Association for the Advancement of Science, London 15 Apr 1930, signed O J R Howarth; annotated by WGW Place: London England
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore