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NHM-WP16.001.004    Printed:    1929.06.07--1929   Cutting annotated in pencil in WGW?s hand "Times June 7th/29" headlined "Darwin Memorial | Opening of Down House Today" reporting on the opening of Darwin's former home, Down House, opened to the public at a ceremony arranged by the British Association. Place: Kent England
NHM-WP16.001.005    Correspondence:   British Association for the Advancement of Science, Howarth O J R  1933.10.20--1933   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Down House, Farnborough, Kent, 20 Oct 1933, signed O J R Howarth; annotated by WGW Place: Kent England
NHM-WP16.001.006    Correspondence:   Jonathan Cape Ltd, Davis Rupert Hart-  1940.04.05--1940   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Jonathan Cape Ltd., publishers, signed Rupert Hart-Davis, director, from London 5 Apr 1940; annotated by WGW Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.007    Correspondence:   Cockerell Theodore Dru Allison  1913.12.16--1913   Letter from T D A Cockerell to WGW from Boulder, Colorado 16 Dec 1913 re A. R. Wallace's death, mentioning enclosure of uncorrected proof of article for "Science." See "Recollections of Dr R A Wallace" and envelope of same date. Place: Colorado USA Notes: Found loose in original box 3 when listed
NHM-WP16.001.008    Draft:    1913.12.16--1913   "Recollections of Dr R A Wallace" by T D A Cockerell, 6 strips of printed proof newsprint in a small envelope stamped Boulder Colorado 16 Dec 1913, signed [return to] T D A Cockerell, addressed to WGW at Old Orchard, annotated in pencil in WGW?s hand "About A.R.W." Place: Colorado USA Notes: Enclosed in letter from Cockerell 16 Dec 1913 found loose in original box 3 when listed: see WP16/1/7. See reprint in WP2/3, Biographical Material and Portraits/Obits and Memoirs.
NHM-WP16.001.009    Correspondence:   Cockerell Theodore Dru Allison  1913.12.16--1913   Stamped envelope addressed by T D R Cockerell to W. G Wallace, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset, postmarked Boulder, Colorado 16 Dec 1913; annotated in pencil WGW's? hand " About A.R.W." and "(Biol.)"; containing when listed a letter from Cockerell of same date and proof of an obituary of A. R. Wallace by him (See WP16/7 and WP16/8) Place: Colorado USA
NHM-WP16.001.010    Correspondence:   Darwin Sir Francis  1914.06.03--1914   Postcard to William Greenell Wallace from F Darwin, from Cambridge 3 Jun 1914, with thanks for registered parcel. Place: Cambridge England
NHM-WP16.001.011    Correspondence:   Darwin Sir Francis  1914.09.11?--1914   Postcard to William Greenell Wallace from F Darwin, from Gloster [sic] 9? Jun? 1914? with thanks for letters. Place: Gloucester Gloucestershire England Notes: Date inferred from postmark, which is partly obscured
NHM-WP16.001.012    Correspondence:   Enock C R  1914.03.18--1914   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from C R Enock, Northwood, Middlesex, 18 Mar 1914, re his father A. R. Wallace's letters to Enock. Place: London England Notes: In envelope WP16/1/13 when listed
NHM-WP16.001.013    Correspondence:   Enock C R  1914.03.18--1914   Stamped envelope addressed in C R Enock's hand to William Greenell Wallace Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset, postmarked Northwood 18 Mar 1914; annotated in blue pencil in WGW's? hand "Auto" Place: London England Notes: See letter WP16/1/12
NHM-WP16.001.014    Correspondence:   Fisher Arabella Burton (née Buckley), Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Wallace Alfred Russel  1922.06.17--1922   Letter from Arabella B Fisher to William Greenell Wallace from Sidmouth, South Devon, 17 Jun 1922 re her health and circumstances; thanking him for the picture of baby, congratulating him on having a wife and son, his father strongly in favour of married life; glad that Violet has followed in A. R. Wallace's footsteps and built herself a house. Place: Sidmouth Devon England
NHM-WP16.001.015    Correspondence:   Fisher Arabella Burton (née Buckley)  1922.06.22--1922   Stamped envelope postmarked on front Sidmouth 18 Jun 1922 addressed in Arabella Buckley-Fisher"s hand to W G Wallace Doveshill? Cottage, Ensbury? Mount, Bournemouth; annotated in pencil on the front in WGW's? hand "Buckley Fisher" and on the back in print in vertical capital letters in pencil "Black | Maria | Aurosi"; contained letter dated 17 Jun 1922 (see WP16/1/14) when listed. Place: Sidmouth Devon England
NHM-WP16.001.016    Correspondence:   Fisher Arabella Burton (née Buckley), Sinnett A P  1915.01.13--1915   TS or CC narrative of an alleged post-mortem interview with A. R. Wallace by A. P. Sinnett headed "In The Next World" | A. P. Sinnett | Page 74 | A Happy Passing", with a copy of a letter from Sinnett to Mrs Fisher ( Arabella Buckley-Fisher) from London, 13 Jan 1915, at the end of the text; 2 ff. Place: London England Notes: Presumably enclosed in a letter to WGW from Mrs Fisher. See also WP16/1/14
NHM-WP16.001.017    Correspondence:   Hemsley William Botting  1914.06.13--1914   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from W Botting Hemsley, Broadstairs 13 Jun [1914] reporting safe arrival of letters. Place: Broadstairs Kent England Notes: On black-edged mourning paper. See postmarked envelope WP16/1/18
NHM-WP16.001.018    Correspondence:   Hemsley William Botting  1914.06.13--1914   Stamped envelope addressed in W Botting Hemsley's hand to William Greenell Wallace, postmarked Kent 13 Jun 1914 Place: Broadstairs Kent England Notes: On black-edged mourning paper. See letter WP16/1/17
NHM-WP16.001.019    Correspondence:   Hornung Eugen, Royal Entomological Society of London  1933.10.15--1933   Letter to the Entomological Society of London from Eugen Hornung, Karlsruhe 15 Oct 1933, TS signed in ink, readdressed at the top in another hand to William Greenell Wallace; re writing a biography of A. R. Wallace Place: Karlsruhe Germany Notes: See WP16/1/19-24. PJL unable to find any biographical details of Hornung. A Lance Corporal Eugen Hornung is listed as dying in a prisoner of war camp in Oklahoma, USA, in 1944.(Source )
NHM-WP16.001.020    Correspondence:   Hornung Eugen  1933.10.26--1933   Letter to Eugen Hornung from William Greenell Wallace, Doveshill, Ensbury Park, Bournemouth 26 Oct 1933, annotated at the top in pencil in WGW's? hand "(Rough Copy) | not exact wording" re his proposed biography of A. R. Wallace, referring him to "Letters and Reminiscences" by James Marchant and offering to send a copy; some text at the end is crossed through in pencil. Place: Bournemouth Dorset England Karlsruhe Germany Notes: See WP16/1/19-24
NHM-WP16.001.021    Correspondence:   Hornung Eugen  1933.11.12--1933   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Eugen Hornung, Karlsruhe 12 Nov 1933, in English with a German quotation, re proposed biography of A. R. Wallace; 2ff Place: Karlsruhe Germany Notes: See WP16/1/19-24
NHM-WP16.001.022    Correspondence:   Hornung Eugen  1933.12.05--1933   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Eugen Hornung, Karlsruhe 5 Dec 1933, re his proposed biography of A. R. Wallace, thanking him for a copy of James Marchant's "Letters and Reminiscences". Place: Karlsruhe Germany Notes: Water stained, ink has run
NHM-WP16.001.023    Correspondence:   Hornung Eugen  1934.01.28--1934   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Eugen Hornung, Karlsruhe 28 Jan 1934, re the progress of his biography of Alfred Russel Walace, with questions about place and family names and about translations of A. R. Wallace's works; a rough pencilled list in WGW's? hand of some of A. R. Wallace's publications with translation languages is attached. Place: Karlsruhe Germany Notes: See WP16/1/19-24
NHM-WP16.001.024    Correspondence:   Hornung Eugen  1934.12.22--1934   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Eugen Hornung, Karlsruhe 22 Dec 1934 saying his biography of A. R. Wallace is almost complete, with a query about the name Greenell; annotated on the back in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand. Place: Karlsruhe Germany
NHM-WP16.001.025    Correspondence:   Knobloch Irving W  1950.10.20--1950   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Irving W Knobloch, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan 20 Oct 1950, asking permission to reprint a selection of pages from A. R. Wallace's "Natural Selection and Tropical Nature" in a volume of freshman readings. Place: Michigan USA
NHM-WP16.001.026    Correspondence:   Linssen E F  1949.10.29--1949   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from E F Linssen, Wimbledon 29 Oct 1949 re inclusion of a passage from A. R. Wallace's "Darwinism" in a book of quotations; annotated by WGW. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.027    Correspondence:   Linssen E F  1949.11.01--1949   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from E F Linssen, Wimbledon, 1 Nov 1949 re inclusion of a passage "On a Peacock's Feather" from A. R. Wallace's "Darwinism" in a book of quotations to be published by Williams and Norgate; annotated by WGW. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.028    Correspondence:   Lodge Sir Oliver Knight  1914.02.03--1914   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Oliver Lodge, Edgbaston 3 Feb 1914. Place: Edgbaston Birmingham West Midlands England
NHM-WP16.001.029    Correspondence:   Macmillan & Co Ltd  1929.11.04--1929   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Macmillan & Co Ltd, publishers, London 4 Nov 1929, re returning to him an original wood-block of an illustration to A. R. Wallace's "Geographical Distribution of Animals"; annotated by WGW. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.030    Correspondence:   Macmillan & Co Ltd  1944.02.11--1946.01.26   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Macmillan & Co Ltd, Publishers, London 11 Feb 1944, re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago"; copy/ rough draft in pencil of a letter from William Greenell Wallace to Macmillan on the back. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.031    Correspondence:   Macmillan & Co Ltd  1944.02.09--1944   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Macmillan & Co Ltd, Publishers, London 9 Feb 1944 re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago"; annotated by WGW. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.032    Correspondence:   Macmillan & Co Ltd  1946.02.01--1946   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Macmillan & Co Ltd, Publishers, London 1 Feb 1946, re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago". Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.033    Correspondence:   Macmillan & Co Ltd  1946.03.06--1946   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Macmillan & Co Ltd, Publishers, London 6 Mar 1946, re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago" Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.034    Correspondence:   Macmillan & Co Ltd  1946.09.05--1946   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Macmillan & Co Ltd, Publishers, London 5 Sep 1946, re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago"; annotated in pencil by WGW. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.035    Correspondence:   Macmillan & Co Ltd  1946.09.09--1946   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Macmillan & Co Ltd, Publishers, London 9 Sep 1946, re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago"; annotated in pencil by WGW Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.036    Correspondence:   Macmillan & Co Ltd  1947.04.01--1947   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Macmillan & Co Ltd, Publishers, London 1 Apr 1947, re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago"; annotated by WGW Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.037    Correspondence:   Macmillan & Co Ltd  1948.04.13--1948   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Macmillan & Co Ltd, Publishers, London 13 Apr 1948, re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago"; annotated by WGW Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.038.[1]    Correspondence:   Evans S H, Macmillan & Co Ltd  1948.04.08--1948   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from S H Evans, Rottingdean, Sussex 8 Apr 1948 re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago" requesting permission to quote from it in an anthology; annotated by WGW -
NHM-WP16.001.039    Correspondence:   Macmillan & Co Ltd , Evans S H  1948.04.15--1948   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Macmillan & Co Ltd, Publishers, London 15 Apr 1948, re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago" and S H Evans. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.040    Correspondence:   Evans S H., Macmillan & Co Ltd  1948.04.16--1948   Draft letter in pencil to S H Evans from William Greenell Wallace, [Bournemouth] 16 Apr 1948, re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago"; written on the back of a letter to Mrs [W G] Wallace from Dyer & Sheppard Ltd, upholsterers, Bournemouth 12 Apr 1948, crossed through. Place: Bournemouth Dorset England Rottingdean Sussex England
NHM-WP16.001.041    Correspondence:   Macmillan & Co Ltd , Evans S H.  1948.04.10   Copy letter to Macmillan & Co Ltd, Publishers from William Greenell Wallace, [Bournemouth] 10 Apr 1948, re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago"and S H Evans; rough copy in pencil on a lined exercise book page on the back of a list in ink in WGW's? or another hand of heraldic symbols with dates headed "Initial marks now used as privy marks." Place: Bournemouth Dorset England London England
NHM-WP16.001.042    Correspondence:   Evans S H , William Hodge & Co Ltd Publishers  1949.10.08--1949   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from S H Evans, Rottingdean, Sussex, 8 Oct 1949 re A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago" and quotation in anthology to be published shortly by William Hodge & Co. Place: Rottingdean Sussex England
NHM-WP16.001.043    Correspondence:   William Hodge & Co Ltd Publishers  1950.01.04--1950.01.04   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from William Hodge & Co Ltd, Publishers, Edinburgh 4 Jan 1950, re copyright fee for quotation from A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago" in the anthology "Men in the Tropics"; annotated by WGW. Place: Edinburgh Scotland
NHM-WP16.001.044    Correspondence:   Macmillan & Co Ltd  1950.10.27--1950   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Macmillan & Co Ltd, Publishers, London 27 Oct 1950 re copyright in A. R. Wallace's "Natural Selection and Tropical Nature". Place: London England Notes: Torn
NHM-WP16.001.045    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1945.06.00?--1945.08.06?   Letter to the Editor of the "Daily Telegraph" from James Marchant re A. R. Wallace, the world war, atomic energy and Churchill; undated but in context probably after Jun 1945. Name: Marchant, Sir James, 1867-1956, Knight Notes: The first atomic bomb used in world war 2 was dropped on Hiroshima Japan on 6 Aug 1945. The clipping is rust-marked and was apparently once attached to another paper perhaps a letter.
NHM-WP16.001.046    Correspondence:   Morris Sir Daniel  1916.01.25--1916   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from D Morris, Boscombe, Hants., 25 Jan 1916 asking for specimens of Australian plants from A. R. Wallace's garden at Old Orchard to display at a lecture; see envelope WP16/1/47 Place: Boscombe Hampshire England
NHM-WP16.001.047    Correspondence:   Morris Sir Daniel  1916.01.26--1916   Stamped envelope postmarked Boscombe 26 Jan 1916 addressed in D Morris's hand to William Greenell Wallace, The haven, Sea Road, Boscombe; annotated on front in WGW's hand in pencil "Auto | Sir D Morris" and on the back with a list of dates; see letter originally enclosed, WP16/1/46. Place: Boscombe Dorset England
NHM-WP16.001.048    Correspondence:   Cohn William  1949.11.11--1949   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from "Oriental Art", Oxford 11 Nov 1949, signed William Cohn, editor, re a soapstone carving. Place: Oxford
NHM-WP16.001.049    Correspondence:   Oxford University Press  1937.12.18--1937   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Oxford University Press, Indian Branch, London 18 Dec 1937 re quotation from A. R. Wallace's "Man's Place in the Universe". Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.050    Correspondence:   Oxford University Press  1938.10.17--1938   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Oxford University press, Indian Branch, Bombay, India, 17 Oct 1938, re copyright fee for use of quotation from A. R. Wallace's "Man's Place in the Universe"; annotated in pencil by WGW. Place: Bombay India
NHM-WP16.001.051    Correspondence:   Palser E M  1929.05.07--1929   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from E M Palser, Muswell Hill 7 May 1929; Westminster School letterhead crossed through; re A. R. Wallace's "Man's Place in the Universe"; annotated (by WGW?) Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.052    Correspondence:   Palser E M  1929.05.14--1929   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from E M Palser, Muswell Hill 14 May 1929 re quotations (from re A. R. Wallace's "Man's Place in the Universe"); annotated by WGW. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.053    Correspondence:   Palser E M  1929.05.17--1929   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from E M Palser, Muswell Hill 17 May 1929, re re A. R. Wallace's "Man's Place in the Universe" Notes: On a half sheet of paper
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore