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NHM-WP16.001.054    Correspondence:   George Philip & Son Ltd  1949.10.04--1949   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from George Philip & Son Ltd, publishers, London 4 Oct 1949, re quotation of extracts from A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago". Place: London England
S715.2    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1869. The Malay Archipelago: The land of the orang-utan, and the bird of paradise. A narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature. London: Macmillan and Co. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP16.001.055    Correspondence:   George Philip & Son Ltd  1949.10.07--1949   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from George Philip & Son Ltd, publishers, London 7 Oct 1949, re copyright fee for quotation of extracts from A. R. Wallace's "Malay Archipelago". Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.056    Printed:    1917.04.09--1917   Obituary notice of Raphael Meldola, with portrait, by E B Poulton, reprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Society 1917, pp. [i] - xxxvii, annotated on front cover in Poulton's hand "W.G. Wallace | with the kind regards of E.B. Poulton | April 9/1917 | Oxford ". Place: Oxford England
NHM-WP16.001.057    Printed:    1925.05.09--1925.07.04   "Thomas Henry Huxley by Prof. E.B. Poulton F.R.S.", reprint pp [1]-16, from "Nature" 9 May 1925; text of the Centenary Lecture at Imperial College of Science and Technology given by Poulton on 4 May 1925, annotated on front cover in Poulton's hand " W.G. Wallace, with kindest regards from the author | July 4/1925". Place: Oxford England
NHM-WP16.001.058    Correspondence:   Poulton Sir Edward Bagnall, Darwin Charles Robert, Johann Friedrich Theodor (Fritz) Muller  1930.03.27--1930   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from E B Poulton, St Helens, Isle of Wight, 27 Mar 1930, re letters of Fritz Müller, Charles Darwin' and A. R. Wallace, British Association, Down House, proposed sale of letters by WGW, and other matters; 2 ff; see envelope WP16/1/59 Place: Oxford England Notes: The second folio, numbered "2" is on thin paper of a different type from the first which is embossed with the address.
NHM-WP16.001.059    Correspondence:   Poulton Sir Edward Bagnall  1930.03.27--1930   Stamped envelope postmarked 27 Mar 1930 addressed in E B Poulton's hand to William Greenell Wallace, Doveshill Cottage, Ensbury Park Bournemouth; annotations in WGW 's hand begin "Ansd. Mar 30/30 | Glad to know what was to be done with A. R. Wallace letters to C.D." Place: Oxford England
NHM-WP16.001.060    Correspondence:   Poulton Sir Edward Bagnall  1932.07.28--1932   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from E B Poulton from Wykeham House Oxford 28 Jul 1932 referring to Extracts from the proceedings (of the Entomological Society) of 1931 and the interesting letters from his uncle, sent to Poulton. See printed extracts of Proceedings of the Entomolgical Society of London Feb-Dec 1931, possibly originally enclosed. Place: Oxford England
NHM-WP16.001.061    Printed:    1931.12.02--1931   Print, "Extracts from the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London" 4 Feb - 2 Dec, 1931, vol. VI, 1931, pp [1]-67, annotated in Poulton's hand "With kind regards from E B Poulton. pp. 57, 60" including on p. 60 "Wallace and Bates on the Amazon" reporting on Prof Poulton's remarks on two letters sent by Herbert Bates from the Amazon to the Wallace family and lent to him by W G Wallace. See letter from Poulton to WGW in 28 Jul 1932, to which this was probably an enclosure. Place: Amazon Oxford England Notes: p. 57 includes descriptions of butterflies collected in Fiji by Hubert W Simmonds and their attraction to the plant Tournefortia argentea.
NHM-WP16.001.062    Correspondence:   Poulton Sir Edward Bagnall, Hornung Eugen  1934.11.29--1934   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from E B Poulton, Oxford 29 Nov 1934, re a query from a German writing a biography of A. R. Wallace on translations of his book into Japanese. Place: Oxford England Notes: See letters to WGW from Eugen Hornung particularly WP16/1/23 on this subject
NHM-WP16.001.063    Printed:    1934.11.22?--1934   Obituary of Sir Edward Poulton, undated (22 Nov 1934?) press cutting annotated in William Greenell Wallace's? hand "Times | Nov 22d" Place: Oxford England
NHM-WP16.001.064    Correspondence:   Redgrove H Stanley  1917.01.04--1917.01.11   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from H Stanley Redgrove, London 4 Jan 1917, re quotation in an anthology on the subject of war, from A. R. Wallace's "My Life" and "Studies Scientific and Social"; copy of WGW's reply 11 Jan 1916 [sic, for 17?] written on the back in WGW's hand. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.065    Correspondence:   Redgrove H Stanley  1917.01.15--1917   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from H Stanley Redgrove, London 15 Jan 1917, with thanks for permission to quote from A. R. Wallace's works in his proposed anthology "The Indictment of War"; undated copy or rough draft of reply in WGW's hand at foot of text. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.001.066    Correspondence:   Royal Botanic Gardens Kew  1914.03.05--1914   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, 5 Mar 1914, signed Arthur Hill, Assistant Director, acknowledging the safe receipt of 9 letters by A. R. Wallace.
NHM-WP16.001.067    Correspondence:   Turrill William B , Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Harvey William Henry, Hooker Sir Joseph Dalton  1948.04.22--1948   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from W B Turrill, Keeper, the Herbarium and Library, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 22 Apr 1948, naming the author (William Harvey) of a letter sent to him for identification; probably William Harvey to Joseph Hooker 23 May 1853; see WP15, William Mitten papers. Place: Bournemouth Dorset England Notes: Formerly with early Wallace family correspondence WP1/3. Not listed in contents. TS with signature in ink. The addressee must be A. R. Wallace's surving son William Greenell Wallace.
NHM-WP16.001.068    Correspondence:   Royal Geographical Society  1934.02.06--1934   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from F Allen, Map Curator, the Royal Geographical Society, London 6 Feb 1934 re his failure to find any geographical features named after A. R. Wallace except a narrow channel near Larat listed on the Admiralty charts. Place: Malaya
NHM-WP16.001.069.[01]    Correspondence:   Williams J Leon, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Alfred Russel, Casey ? Miss, Burroughs John, Tennyson Alfred 1st Baron of Aldworth and Freshwater, Browning Robert  1913.06.25--1913   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from J. Leon Williams, from 84 Fellows Road Hampstead (London) N W, 25 Jun 1913, re receipt of Miss Casey's book, sending a copy of the book "Time and Change" by John Burroughs for her; thanks for hospitality to himself and Mr Warren, meeting WGW's father (A. R. Wallace) had been comparable to meetings with Tennyson and Browning; encloses a note (not present) with a question (on variation of species?) for A. R. Wallace, reply may be included in a lecture by the writer. Place: London Notes: Both envelopes were found in original box 3 when listed, separate from the letter, one enclosing the other and a possible draft reply in A. R. Wallace's? hand: see WP16/1/70
NHM-WP16.001.069.[02]    Correspondence:   Williams J Leon, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Alfred Russel, Casey ? Miss, Burroughs John, Tennyson Alfred 1st Baron of Aldworth and Freshwater, Browning Robert  1913.06.25--1913   Stamped envelope with a return address "Dr J Leon Williams | 84 Fellows Road | South Hampstead | London" in Williams's hand Place: London Notes: Both envelopes were found in original box 3 when listed, separate from the letter, one enclosing the other and a possible draft reply in A. R. Wallace's? hand: see WP16/1/70
NHM-WP16.001.069.[03]    Correspondence:   Williams J Leon, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Alfred Russel, Casey ? Miss, Burroughs John, Tennyson Alfred 1st Baron of Aldworth and Freshwater, Browning Robert  1913.06.25--1913   Envelope postmarked 25 Jun 1913 addressed to W G Wallace annotated on the back in pencil in WGW's hand "To J Leon? Williams (Biol)" Place: London Notes: Both envelopes were found in original box 3 when listed, separate from the letter, one enclosing the other and a possible draft reply in A. R. Wallace's? hand: see WP16/1/70
NHM-WP16.001.071    Correspondence:   W . . . J W  1914.08.13--1914   Postcard to William Greenell Wallace from J.W.W. from Plaistow, 13 Aug 1914, re A. R. Wallace's letters; (son?) Alfred and mobilisation of Royal Engineers at Aldershot. Place: Plaistow West Sussex
NHM-WP16.002.002    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Oriental Antiquities and Ethnography  1935.07.26   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Department of Oriental Antiquities and of Ethnography, British Museum, London 26 Jul 1935 re WGW's offer to present to the Museum specimens collected by A. R. Wallace, and arrangements for their collection; list in ink in WGW's hand headed "Objects sent by parcel post Aug 1" includes figures, spoons, wooden charms and a coconut scoop, all from Dorey, human hair from Timor and an axe and comb from the Amazon. Place: Dorey New Guinea Amazon
NHM-WP16.002.003    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Oriental Antiquities and Ethnography  1935.08.05--1935   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from Department of Oriental Antiquities and of Ethnography, British Museum, London 5 Aug 1935 re safe arrival of objects from the Amazon and Indonesia sent on 1 Aug. Place: Malaya Amazon
RGS-Archives_[nonumber]    Note:    1854   Fellowship Certificate of A.R.Wallace
NHM-WP07.119    Note:    1843   The south Wales farmer: his mode of agriculture, domestic life, customs, and character
NHM-Z_MSS89_O_WAL[.1]    Note:    1858.10.00--1865.00.00   [Notebook 2/3] "Insects / Insect Notes. 2 3." "Birds / Birds [and] Mammals. / 3."
NHM-Z_MSS89_O_WAL[.2]    Note:    1858.10.00--1865.00.00   [Notebook 5] "Register. 1858 / Birds." "Register. 1858 / Inse<cts>"
S718.2    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1876. The geographical distribution of animals; with a study of the relations of living and extinct faunas as elucidating the past changes of the Earth's surface. London: Macmillan & Co. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP16.002.004    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Ethnography  1946.03.22--1946   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Museum Department of Ethnography, London, 22 Mar 1946 re offer of a throwing stone from Nive; annotated by WGW Place: Nive Polynesia
NHM-WP16.002.005    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Ethnography  1946.03.27--1946   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from British Museum Department of Ethnography, London, 27 Mar 1946 re donation of book "Savage Island" by Thomas Powell; annotated in pencil and ink by WGW including "Related to the ovoid throwing stone from Hurst..." Place: Nive Polynesia
NHM-WP16.002.006    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Ethnography  1946.06.18--1946   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from British Museum Department of Ethnography, London, 18 Jun 1946 re a South American necklace. Place: South America
NHM-WP16.002.007    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Ethnography  1946.06.21--1946   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from British Museum Department of Ethnography, London 21 Jun 1946 re arrival of South American necklace. Place: South America
NHM-WP16.002.008    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Ethnography , Spruce Richard  1950.06.22   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from British Museum Department of Ethnography, London 22 Jun 1950 re feather ornaments, part of necklace donated in 1946; annotated by WGW Place: South America
NHM-WP16.002.009    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Ethnography  1946.09.17?--1946?   Letter (draft?) to British Museum Department of Ethnography, London from William Greenell Wallace, undated, c. 17 Sep 1946?; has posted a package of North American implements including arrowheads. Place: USA Notes: See WP16/2/11
NHM-WP16.002.010    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Ethnography  1946.09.13--1946   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from British Museum Department of Ethnography, London 13 Sep 1946 re offer of donation of stone and bone implements from the USA. Place: USA
NHM-WP16.002.011    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Ethnography  1946.09.19--1946   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from British Museum Department of Ethnography, London 19 Sep 1946 with thanks for letter of 17 Sep and package of N. American implements.
NHM-WP16.002.012    Note:    1946.10.12   Formal certificate of thanks from the Trustees of the British Museum, 12 Oct 1946, to William Greenell Wallace for donation of stone arrowheads and implements from Ohio and other sites in the USA. Place: USA
NHM-WP16.002.013    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Ethnography  1947.11.24--1947   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from British Museum Department of Ethnography, London 27 Nov 1947 re selection of specimens from collection donated; returning residue with Smithsonian Institution's list; annotated in WGW's hand. Place: USA
NHM-WP16.002.014    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Manuscripts  1947.07.19--1947   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Museum Department of Manuscripts, London 19 Jul 1947 re offer to donate a collection of letters written to A. R. Wallace; signed E G Millar, Keeper of Mss. Place: London England
NHM-WP16.002.015    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Manuscripts  1947.07.23--1947   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Museum Department of Manuscripts, London 23 Jul 1947 re receipt of package of letters
NHM-WP16.002.015a    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Manuscripts  1947.07.26--1947   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Museum Department of Manuscripts, 26 Jul 1947 re receipt of package of letters.
NHM-WP16.002.016    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Manuscripts  1947.08.02   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from A [T] Collins, Deputy Keeper of Mss, British Museum Department of Manuscripts London, 2 Aug 1947; will recommend to Trustees that all but a few of the collection of A. R. Wallace letters on offer be accepted; some from unimportant people and publishers to be returned; refers to WGW's letter of Dec 1937 re TS copies of A. R. Wallace's replies to Darwin, Hooker, Huxley and others, would like these to be added to the donation if possible; 1 p. TS; annotated by WGW.
NHM-WP16.002.017    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Manuscripts  1947.08.06   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Museum Department of Manuscripts, signed E G Millar, Keeper, London, 6 Aug 1947 re offer of A. R. Wallace's Mss; thanks for letter of 4 Aug; awaits A. R. Wallace Mss for inspection; notes that copies of letters of Darwin, Hooker and Huxley are to be forwarded; will notify WGW of Trustees decision; 1 folio TS.
NHM-WP16.002.018    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Manuscripts  1947.08.18--1947   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Museum Department of Manuscripts, London 18 Aug 1947 re safe arrival of packages
NHM-WP16.002.019    Correspondence:   British Museum Department of Manuscripts  1947.10.18--1947   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Museum Department of Manuscripts, London 18 Oct 1947 re selection of A. R. Wallace Mss from among those offered and return of residue; annotated by WGW
NHM-WP16.002.020    Note:    1947.10.21   Formal certificate of thanks from the Trustees of the British Museum, 21 Oct 1947, to William Greenell Wallace for donation of Mss and correspondence of A. R. Wallace; annotated on the back by WGW "many letters from scientists writers &c &c including the Darwin letters, Huxley, Spencer Hooker &c Oliver Lodge Crookes &c &c&c ".
NHM-WP16.002.021    Note:    1947.08.00?--1947   Page of notes in pencil in the hand of William Greenell Wallace headed "Mss sent to Brit. Museum | Aug. 1947" listing titles of works by A. R. Wallace and names of 8 correspondents whose letters were sent; undated, c. Aug 1947?
NHM-WP16.002.022    Correspondence:   British Museum (Natural History), Grant William Robert Ogilvie  1915.01.18--1915   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Museum Natural History, London 18 Jan 1915 re donation of birds with query re notes in A. R. Wallace's journal. Place: Dorey New Guinea
NHM-WP16.002.023    Correspondence:   British Museum (Natural History), Harmer Sir Sidney Frederic, Grant William Robert Ogilvie  1915.01.22--1915   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Museum Natural History, London, 22 Jan 1915 signed S F Harmer, re A. R. Wallace's bird specimens, journals and Mr Ogilvie-Grant; 2 ff foolscap.
NHM-WP16.002.024    Correspondence:   British Museum (Natural History), Harmer Sir Sidney Frederic  1916.11.28--1916   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Museum Natural History, London 28 Nov 1916 re donation of A. R. Wallace's notebooks.
NHM-WP16.002.025    Correspondence:   British Museum (Natural History), Harmer Sir Sidney Frederic  1917.02.05--1917   Letter to William Greenell Wallace from the British Museum Natural History, London 5 Feb 1917 re receipt of two of A. R. Wallace's notebooks referring to his Malay collections; annotated on the back in WGW's hand "Nothing known of S. American notes &c. Probably lost when ship was bunt. | W.G.W." Place: Malaya
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore