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NHM-WP18.004    Note:    [1854]--[1903]   Six folios of undated rough notes, apparently entomological, in pencil and ink in an unknown hand, and a (draft? ) letter, undated, to "Dear Sir " (A. R. Wallace?) from Ernest F Bates, with annotated envelope. Notes: First date based on A. R. Wallace's arrival in Malaya (but could be earlier), last date on the date of death of Frederick Bates, assuming E F Bates to be his son, but no information has been found on him.
LINSOC-MS179    Notebook:    1854--1861   [Notebook 1]
LINSOC-MS181    Notebook:    1854--1862   Notebook: "Eastern Butterflies."
NHM-WP03.018    Note:    1854--1862   Note in Wallace's hand entitled "Notes on Curculionidae" with the following localities covered; Singapore, Sarawak, Aru Islands, Macassar, Ternate, Dorey, Ceram, Waigion, Batchian and Menado
NHM-WP19.22    Figure:    1854--1900   Drawing of Algae drawing - Herbarium
NHM-WP19.23    Figure:    1854--1900   Drawing of Algae drawing - Herbarium
NHM-WP19.24    Figure:    1854--1900   Drawing of brown Algae
NHM-WP19.25    Figure:    1854--1900   Plant drawing - Herbarium
NHM-WP19.26a    Figure:    1854--1900   Drawing of Fucus
S016    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1855. Description of a new species of Ornithoptera: Ornithoptera brookiana, Wallace. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1854-1855: 104-105.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC095    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1855. [Reading of a letter received from Mr Wallace in Borneo]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 3: 87.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC096    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1855. [Exhibition of Ornithoptera Brookiana, captured in Borneo by Mr Wallace]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 3: 95.   Text   Image   PDF
WS14    Periodical contribution:     Ellesmere, Earl of. 1855. Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; delivered at the Anniversary meeting on the 28th May, 1855. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 25: cxv.   Text   PDF
NHM-WP07.003    Printed:    1855   Reprint "On the Law which has regulated the introduction of new species" by A. R. Wallace from "Annals and Mag, Nat Hist Sept 1855, 14 pp. pamphlet annotated on front in A. R. Wallace's hand with title and "Only Copy left".
NHM-WP19.02    Figure:    1855   "‘Bua Umpili’ Dyak. Acorns. Sarawak. N.W. Borneo. 1855." Drawing of Acorns.
WSPEC088    Periodical contribution:     Westwood, John Obadiah. 1855. Descriptions of some new species of Cleridæ, collected at Singapore by Mr. Wallace. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 23: 19-26, pl. XXXVIII.   Text   Image   PDF
LINSOC-MS180    Notebook:    1855--1859   [Notebook 4] "Notes. Vertebrata." "Notes. Insects 4."
NHM-WP19.15a    Figure:    1855   Watercolour painting of a flowering Polyalthea tree in Sarawak. "Sarawak, Borneo Polyalthea sp. (Anonaceae)"   Image
NHM-WP19.03    Figure:    1855   "In a clearing, Simunjon, Borneo." [1855]. Watercolour painting of a rainforest tree in a clearing at Simunjan, Sarawak
NHM-WP19.01    Figure:    1855   "Aeschynanthus sp. Borneo Flowers brilliant crimson scarlet, tube yellow, leaves light green, calyx yel. green Leaves found with a ring of 8 pointed stipules?" Watercolour painting of a Aeschynanthus flower from Sarawak
NHM-WP19.04    Figure:    1855   "Rhacophorus n.s. Tree frog. Sarawak. Back & limbs dark green, beneath and inner toes yel. web black at base, yellow rayed at margin, legs not at all banded, glossy dark uniform green" Watercolour painting of Wallace's Flying Frog (Rhacophorus nigropalmatus) from Sarawak
NHM-WP19.20a    Figure:    1855   Watercolour painting of an orchid from Sadong, Sarawak, Borneo   Image
NHM-WP19.27    Figure:    1855   Watercolour painting of the head of a female rhinoceros hornbill from Sarawak. "Rhinoceros Hornbill of Borneo. ♀ ⅔ of natural size"   Image
WSPEC144    Periodical contribution:     Pfeiffer, Louis. 1855. Weitere Beobachtungen über die Gattung Achatinella. Malakozoologische Blätter 1855: 112-175   Text   PDF
WSPEC199    Periodical contribution:     Gray, John Edward. 1855. Catalogue of shield reptiles in the collection of the British Museum; part I: Testudinata (tortoises). London: British Museum   PDF
NHM-WP19.05a    Figure:    1855   Pencil sketch of a tree
NHM-WP19.05b    Figure:    1855   Drawing of flower. "Crewen Dyak." "white flower with 2 bract, calyx valvate, 5 sepals. Corolla imbricate twisted stamens in five flat bundles opp petals - all fertile anthers of 3/4/5 female globes discharging pollen by pores. style purple stigma capitate - ovary 5 celled with central placenta, each 2 seeded- surrounded by elongate conical warts terminated in stillate hairs in Sterculiaceae". "leaves alternate, no stipules, 9 in long, thick leathery with strong et diag with a eulumarginal at the end. bark rather rough, stem cylindrical slightly butressed at base. Exudes a thick resinous turpentine sap - mix with Dammia for caulking"
NHM-WP19.06a    Figure:    1855   Pencil sketch of Tree, Borneo
NHM-WP19.06b    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Leaves. "Cugorowan Leaves hard dark green, alternate ovate acute exstipulate with parallel veins curving up at margin often cross vein between. Branch dicompound congent? like with line at ends. Gen 3 inc long, bark rough longitudially centred trunk cyclindical, slightly buttressed at base 150-200 ft".
NHM-WP19.07a    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Tree, "Sarawak Mar. 55/"
NHM-WP19.08    Figure:    1855   Sketch of Tall Tree. "stem partially taller in proportion to the branching head".
NHM-WP19.10a    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Forest tree
NHM-WP19.10b    Figure:    1855   Pencil drawing of flowers. "Leaves ovate acute smooth without stipules. Crowded but whorled? at end of petals".
NHM-WP19.11    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Palm tree
NHM-WP19.14a    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Tree with creepers. "Si Munjon"
NHM-WP19.14b    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Leaves on tree branch. "Helemedan? Dyak" "tree section when cut at 7 feet from the ground" "Leaves alternate ovate smooth thin without stipules, boughs much branched, leaves crowded. Bark thin rather smooth, whitish surface crumbling off, stem much furrowed and angular. Deeply butressed - 200-250 feet"
NHM-WP19.15b    Figure:    1855   Watercolour of a flower. "Anonaceae ?annona" "a fruit showing the atalked carpels - pale yellow" " An allied sp. flower pale buff, fruit pale green subacid" "Leaves alternate without stipules, ovate acute - no dots or marginal waves, curved veins. Flower deep orange - in twos 30 degrees near the stem. Some trees are and more crowded with flowers than shown on the other side. Colour most intense and brillant orange"
NHM-WP19.18a    Figure:    1855   Sketches of Gonystylus tree fruit "Bua ramin. (Dyak)" "base", "vertical section of seed with large fleshy red arillus", "This arillus is much eaten by the orang utan. Leaves alternate without stipules ovate entire acute, coriaceous with parallel curved veins & minute dots.", "? Euphorbiaceous"
NHM-WP19.18b    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Tree
NHM-WP19.19a    Figure:    1855   Sketch of Tree in "Si Munjon"
NHM-WP19.19b    Figure:    1855   Drawings of leaves and fruit. "Lunquon" "Fruit roundish oval with two elongate oval seeds in pulp. Outer shell hard" "Leaves pinnate alternate in a bunch at the end of the branchlets. Leaflets opp. ovate smooth, 2 -3 in long. Trunk rather short, above much waved & twisted branchlets very numberous and much contorted. bark very smooth. Stem bustressed"
NHM-WP19.21a    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Areca gracilis
NHM-WP19.21b    Figure:    1855   Drawing of Areca gracilis. "leaflets slightly narrow..... sets of 3-4, comb like species"
WSPEC097    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1856. [Extract from a letter received from Mr Wallace written from Lombock]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 4: 34.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC098    Periodical contribution:     Stevens, Samuel. 1856. [Exhibition of remarkable insects sent from Borneo by Mr Wallace]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (new series) 4: 4.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP01.003.064    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Thomas, Sims Frances née Wallace,  [1856]   Part-letter (last 2 pages) from A. R. Wallace to Thomas or Fanny Sims, initialled A. R. Wallace, from Singapore? 1856? ; re transmission and payment for "Home News"; (Sims's) advertisements for photographic portraits on enamel opal glass and paper; insects and box of heavy clothes sent home; plan to visit California; funny Chinese pictures. Place: California USA Singapore Malaya Notes: Not listed in contents. One folio. First page(s) of text missing. Addressee unknown
NHM-WP03.002    Note:    [1856]   Sketch book containing pencil sketches in an unknown hand (A. R. Wallace? HEW?) including a scene of [Chinese?] and western men [sailors? dancing? in a clearing in front of palm trees and huts, [Church?] ruins [in Wales?], portraits (copies, including Byron? - has over the top the quote "Look on his feature and behold his mind …", "Napoleon Buonaparte" - hand looks like A. R. Wallace's - and George III, Jane Austen? Nelson? And Beethoven? ); portrait of a child writing by candle light; landscapes, decorative details of buildings. Book approx 18.5 cm x 14 cm with pink and grey marbled paper cover sewn on without spine, about 20 pages, most with protective tissue interleaved.
WSPEC074    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1856. Catalogue of the homopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 1: 141-175 .   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC083    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1856. Catalogue of the homopterous insects collected at Singapore and Malacca by Mr.A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 1: 82-100, pls. 3-4 [Read 6 May 1856.].   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC084    Periodical contribution:     Walker, Francis. 1856. Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected at Singapore and Malacca by Mr.A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 1: 4-39, pls. 1-2 [Read 15 January 1856.].   Text   Image   PDF
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore