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NHM-WP11.005    Printed:    1909   Order of the Proceedings at the Darwin Celebration, Cambridge 1909; "Order of the Proceedings at the Darwin Celebration held at Cambridge June 22- June 24 1909, with a Sketch of Darwin's Life." (CUP, Cambridge 1909); bound printed book approx 27 cm x 21 cm with Cambridge University coat of arms on the cover and illustrations including portraits of Charles Darwin;
NHM-WP12.029    Printed:    [1909]   "Charles Darwin's Earliest Doubts Concerning the Immutability of Species" by John W Judd, 3 undated proof sheets annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Proof of Judd's article in 'Nature' on Darwin's early views on species & Evolution". Notes: Possibly written for centenary c 1909, cites Darwin, Francis & A.C. Seward eds., More letters of Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London, John Murray, 1903
S676a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1909. Dr. A. R. Wallace on colonization. New Age (n.s.) 4 (no. 19): 390.   Text   Image
S680b    Book contribution:     Wallace, A.R. 1909. Footnote [on biogeographic points]. In The Foundations of the Origin of Species, A Sketch Written in 1842 by Charles Darwin ed. By Francis Darwin (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1909): 30 [also printed on page 30 of The Foundations of the Origin of Species, Two Essays Written in 1842 and 1844 by Charles Darwin ed. By Francis Darwin (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1909)]   Text
S668b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1909. "A hideous hypocrisy." scientist's opinion of foreign missions. Nottingham Evening Post 22 January: 5.   Text
NHM-WP07.102.006    Printed:    1909?   Small pamphlet, Pass On Pamphlets No. 8, Alfred R Wallace, "The Remedy for Unemployment", (The Clarion Press, London); 24 pages; approx 18 cm x 12 cm; undated, c 1909; modified reprint of the article of the same title printed in two parts in "The Socialist Review", June (pp. 310-20) and July (pp. 390-400) 1908. See also letter to the editor of the Clarion from Skelborn (old ref WP3/41). Place: London England Notes: Enclosed in envelope annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand on one side "The Remedy for Unemployment | Criticisms &c." and on the other "The Remedy for Unemployment, WP7/102/7, when listed.
NHM-WP07.102.007    Note:    1909?--1909?   Brown envelope annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand on one side "The Remedy for Unemployment | Criticisms &c." and on the other "The Remedy for Unemployment, containing documents WP7/102/1 and WP7/102/5 and 6 when listed.
BL-Add.Mss46429-46431    Draft:    1910   Autograph draft for The World of Life" (1910). Vols. XVI-XVIII (ff. 367, 317, 299). 'The World of Life' , published 1910. Autograph draft showing signs of revision by the author and printer's marks, apparently completed between summer 1909 and November 1910. The text was further revised between the completion of this draft and publication. Title-page, index, etc., preface, lists of contents and illustrations, are wanting, as are figures 1, 2 and 8, which are all taken from unpublished photographs of Malaya and the E. Indies.
S684a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1910. Geography of the animal world; Distribution of wild life in time and place. in Harmsworth natural history: a complete survey of the animal kingdom (3 vols., Carmelite House, London, 1910-1911), Vol. 1: 57-70.
S684c    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1910. Comment. In: The story of Stephanus, a contemporary and disciple of Jesus killed in the Bull Ring in Tome in the time of Nero; being a communication from the spirit world to members of the Falkirk Psychic Research Association by means of table rapping. Falkirk: M'Culloch & Mackie: front cover.
NHM-WP06.010.005.[08]    Note:    1910   Papers re New York edtion of and payment for "The World of Life" comprising: Brown envelope annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand with notes on the payments and commission; annotations headed "Accounts of [Moffatt]" (envelope torn)
WSPEC161    Periodical contribution:     Ogilvie-Grant, W.R. 1910. On Pachycephala griseonota. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 25: 96-97   PDF
NHM-WP06.010    Note:    1910?--1911   Papers re The World of Life: Papers re Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1910, "The World of Life; A Manifestation of Creative Power, Directive Mind and Ultimate Purpose", Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London, Dec. 1910, including letters, reviews, and papers re payment. Notes: See Smith S732 for details of subsequent editions and reprint 1916.
NHM-WP06.010.001    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1910?--1910?   1 folio of undated unsigned TS (incomplete letter?) re variation and the origin of species, beginning "In 'The World of Life', p. 257, you say ..." Notes: When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
S686a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. The twenty-first birthday of the "Review." Review of Reviews (London) 43 (254, February): 110.   Text
NHM-WP06.010.002    Correspondence:   Cavit Charles, Ashby Joseph  1911   Letter from Chas G Cavit to A. R. Wallace, from Marly, Argyll Road, Boscombe, 21 [Feb] 1911, annotated at the top in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand "A Swedenborgian Review"; attached by paper tapes to pages 88-90 of "The New-Church Magazine", Feb 1911, containing a review by Joseph Ashby of A. R. Wallace's book "The World of Life" (London, Dec 1910). Place: Boscombe Dorset England
NHM-WP06.010.004    Printed:    1911--1912   Stamped envelope printed with scissors-shaped advertising logo of the Press Clippings Bureau, Boston, addressed to Alfred Russell (sic) Wallace, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne, Dorset, England, postmarked Boston (USA) 26 Feb 1912, containing six 1911 press cuttings of reviews of A. R. Wallace's book "The World of Life" comprising: WP6.10/004.1 to 6 Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[01]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts from the "Times", Denver, Colorado, 29 Mar 1911 of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[02]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from the Boston "Transcript" 29 Mar 1911. The attachment is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "A very good & careful review". Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[03]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from the Louisville, Kentucky "Courier Journal" 17 Jun 1911; annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "A very good & fair review". Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[04]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from the Chicago, Illinois "Post" 11 Aug 1911, headlined "Fifty Years After" and including a portrait of Wallace. The attachment is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "A monists vague ideas." Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[05]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from "New York American" 16 Sep 1911.The attachment is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "Good". Place: England USA Note: Torn
NHM-WP06.010.004.[06]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from the Chicago, Illinois "Tribune", 13 Nov 1911. The attachment is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand " A fairly good notice". Place: England USA Note: Torn
S688b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. Some beautiful flowering shrubs. The Garden 75: 362 (29 July 1911: no. 2071).   Text   Image
S690aa    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1899. Letters [to Romesh Chunder Dutt, dated 1 March 1899 & 8 March 1899]. In: Gupta, Jnanendra N. 1911. Life and work of Romesh Chunder Dutt C.I.E. London: J. M. Dent & Sons and New York: E. p. Dutton & Co.,pp. 267-268, 268-269, 287.   Text   Image
S690ab    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. What Is wrong with your house and how it Is to be bettered. In: The Book of the Exhibition of Houses and Cottages; Romford Garden Suburb Gidea Park. London: Exhibition Committee, p. 19
WSPEC160    Periodical contribution:     Ogilvie-Grant, W.R. 1911. Birds of New Guinea. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist Club 29: 25-29   PDF
S689a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace AR 1911. Letter about the National Insurance Bill. Gloucester Journal 2 December: 4.   Text
WSPEC321    Periodical contribution:     Fletcher, T.B. 1911. Four new Pteriophoridae. Entomologist 44 (580): 281-283, 346-348   PDF
S693[.1]    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Letter [to H.M. Hyndman]. In: Hyndman, Henry Mayers. 1912. Further reminiscences. London: Macmillan and Co, pp. 515-516.   Text   Image
S696a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Euphorbia Wulfenii. The Garden 76 (no. 2120, 6 July 1912): 339.   Text   Image
S689    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Extract of letter extracts to Clement Reid. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 80: 577-578.   Text   Image
NYPubLib    Note:    1912.06.03   Wallace's contribution to The Modern Historic Records Association
S703ac    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. Arms and the man. Pall Mall Magazine 52 (July 1913): 47 (45-50).   Text
NHM-WP01.008.014    Correspondence:   Baxter W S?  [1913]   Letter from W S? Baxter, from Harrogate, undated (c1913) to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday and on his achievements. Place: Broadstone Dorset Harrogate North Yorkshire England
NHM-WP01.008.023    Correspondence:   Brooke ?H, Brooks Barbara  [1913]   Letter from Barbara Brooks, undated (Jan 1913?), from Kensington, London, to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on his 90th birthday. Place: London England
NHM-WP01.008.032    Correspondence:   Cockerell Sir Sydney Carlyle  1913   Postcard to A. R. Wallace from S C and F K Cockerell, from Salisbury, 1 Jul 1913; showing primroses, with text "A picture of one of your favourite flowers". See also old ref WP2/1/35 (from S C C 1909) Place: Salisbury Wiltshire England
NHM-WP02.001.006    Photo:    [1913]   Portrait photo of A. R. Wallace in old age, seated on a chair in a greenhouse? with a wooden bench in the background on which stand pots of flowers including a begonia and a daisy; faded sepia photographic print, undated, approximately 16.5cm x 11cm.
NHM-WP02.003    Printed:    1913--1947   Obituaries and Memoirs of Alfred Russel Wallace: Obituaries, death notices, descriptions of his funeral and memoirs of A. R. Wallace and some related papers, 1913-1947, mostly press cuttings with some entire magazines and reprints, from UK newspapers and spiritualist and scientific journals and a few from the USA and other countries, including cuttings from one Swiss and several UK press-cutting agencies with the original envelopes; all or most marked up (by WGW?) in blue pencil; note of A. R. Wallace's illness and time of death by William Greenell Wallace dated 7 Nov 1913, on headed paper without addressee; rough design in ink by WGW? for inscription on gravestone. Notes: Almost all brittle, dirty, crumbling or heavily folded. Scattered throughout all four boxes in which the collection arrived. Pieces WP2/3/2-12 are mostly full sheets from broadsheet newspapers and were in a cover made from boards of a damaged blue foolscap size notebook when listed; cover discarded; pieces WP2/3/13-34 were in a large white modern envelope addressed A King Esq Modus engineering; envelope destroyed; most of the remainder were in a document wallet containing other, unrelated material.
NHM-WP02.006    Note:    1913--1916   Papers re J Marchant’s "Letters and Memoirs": Papers c. 1913-1916 relating to the creation and publication by James Marchant of "A. R. Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences" (1916. Cassell & Co. Ltd., London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne) including draft texts, correspondence between Marchant and A. R. Wallace's children William and Violet Wallace and others; copies of letters written by A. R. Wallace; a Ms chronology of his life; reminiscences written by family, friends and colleagues and lists of his publications, library and correspondents. WP2/6/1 Papers re proposed biography of A. R. Wallace WP2/6/2 Chronology and outline of A. R. Wallace's life WP2/6/3 Reminiscences, letters, drafts and related papers WP2/6/4 Marchant Publisher's Papers WP2/6/5 Marchant Miscellanea
NHM-WP02.006.002    Note:    [1913--1915]   Chronology and outline of A. R. Wallace's life and rough notes on his time in the Malay Archipelago: 3 Mss in two or three different hands.
NHM-WP02.006.003    Note:    [1913--1916]   Originals and copies of reminiscences of A. R. Wallace by family, friends and colleagues, with related correspondence and papers including copies of some letters by him and a reprint in which Friula wallacii, a spider named after him, is described; most or all published or referred to in Marchant (1916).
NHM-WP02.006.005    Note:    [1913--1916]   Miscellaneous papers apparently related to the creation and publication of James Marchant, "A. R. Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences" including rough notes, labelled folders and an envelope.
NHM-WP02.006.005.01    Draft:    [1913--1916]   Undated ms in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "The chief Humanitarians of the Nineteenth Century, in the opinion of A. R. Wallace" listing 10 names beginning with Robert Owen of New Lanark. Notes: Placed here because in proximity to other papers re the publication of Marchant 1916 when listed and not obviously belonging elsewhere, but the location is dubious. PJL 2003
NHM-WP02.006.005.02    Note:    [1913--1915]   Paper covers from subject files with titles in William Greenell Wallace's? hand and some annotations in his or another's hand, of letters from A. R. Wallace to his family covering dates 1897-1909. The classification and arrangement of letters by subject was probably by WGW on behalf of James Marchant, who includes extracts of many of these particular letters in Marchant, 1916. All of the letters, now incorporated into other series, have been annotated in an unknown hand, probably WGW's; passages relating to individual subjects marked in blue pencil and in many cases passages not relating to this subject marked in red and an annotated "omit". Titles below are preceded by the dates of the letters originally contained: 1879-1892 - "General & domestic" 1891-1896 - "Gardening" 1891-1908 - "Houses and Building" 1891.04.29 - "Humorous" 1895-1913 - "Examined not wanted" 1896? - "Excursions" 1902-1911- "Political &c" 1903-1907 - "Books and Writing" 1904.09.01 - "Socialism" 1908.11-1909.01 - "R I lecture /OM/ Medals" 1909.02.23 - "Curious event &c". Notes: Richard Wallace (personal info 12/6/03) considers the hand too untidy to be either his Father's or Grandfather's; however it is written in large letters and probably quickly; I consider it very similar to both. The writing is not Marchant's (See letter from him to WGW 7 Dec 1913, WP2/6/1/1). When listed these were included in a large modern (1995) envelope (destroyed) labelled in RW (And Mrs R Wallace's? ) hands "Typed letters A. R. Wallace to Violet and Will | Reminiscences of R B Rathbone | [Ditto] WG & VI for Marchants Book".
NHM-WP02.006.005.03    Correspondence:   Marchant Sir James  [1913--1915]   Undated unsigned rough note in pencil with "A.R.W's Letters to his family" written on one side in WGW's? hand, a note in James Marchant's hand on the other side " Not to copy. | I send them to ask you whether his answers are available? Would they have been long and intimate letters | J M" with the following written beneath this in WGW's? hand: "Dr B Hollander Dr Littledale Rollo Russell G W Barrett only ones likely". Both notes on this side have been crossed through. Notes: When listed this was included in a large modern (1995) envelope (destroyed) labelled in RW (And Mrs R Wallace's? ) hands "Typed letters A. R. Wallace to Violet and Will | Reminiscences of R B Rathbone | [Ditto] WG & VI for Marchants Book".
NHM-WP12.003.002    Note:    1913   Brown envelope addressed to W G Wallace, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset) in the hand of F P Pascoe (junior?), annotated on the front in an unknown hand "New Species collected by A. R. Wallace described by Pascoe" and on the back in blue pencil in WGW's? hand "Description of some of A. R. Wallace collection by Pascoe"; stamped and postmarked 1913?, place illegible. Notes: Possibly originally enclosed letter from F P Pascoe (Junior?) to Mr Wallace, Jul 15 ( WP12/3/1); letter and envelope were in separate document wallets when listed but in context and given hand almost certainly belong together. The paper originally enclosed with the letter may be "Catalogue of Zygopinae . . " one copy of which was in the same wallet as the letter when listed.
NHM-WP12.032    Printed:    1913   "Continuity", BAAS Birmingham 1913, Presidents address by Sir Oliver J Lodge, printed pamphlet without cover, pp. [1]-40, annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand with passages marked in blue pencil.
NHM-WP16    Note:    1913--1951   Wallace, W G and V I, papers 1913-1951: Lists of A. R. Wallace's publications, library and letters and correspondence between various individuals, scientific societies, museums and publishers and A. R. Wallace's children William and Violet, regarding his death, the disposal of his effects and reproduction and copyright in his publications. Approximately 110 letters and some related papers. WP16/1: 1913-1950 Correspondence with publishers and others - WP16/2: 1915-1951 Correspondence re gifts of A. R. Wallace's effects - WP16/3: 1913?-1914 Papers re sale of A. R. Wallace's Library - WP16/4: 1949-1950 Papers re sale of A. R. Wallace's Bird of Paradise skins - WP16/5: 1913?-1914? Lists created by WGW of A. R. Wallace publications.
NHM-WP16.001    Correspondence:   Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel  1913--1950   Approximately 55 letters to William Greenell Wallace with some copies of replies by WGW and some enclosed or related print, letters, and press cuttings; from individuals and organisations re the death of his father A. R. Wallace, some referring to copies of his letters (see also WP2/4: papers re James Marchant and "Letters and Reminiscences"); from publishers and authors re quotation from his published work and from prospective German biographer Eugen Hornung; a few letters refer to the disposal of his papers or effects (see also items WP16/2 and WP16/3). Correspondents include the Admiralty, The British Council, C R Enock, F Darwin, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Oliver Lodge, Arabella Fisher, A P Sinnett, H Stanley Regrove, E M Palser, E B Poulton, Macmillan & Co, George Allen & Unwin, the British Association for the Advancement of Science, the Royal Geographical Society, George Philip & Son Ltd, E F Lissen, William Hodge & Co and Irving W Knobloch. The letters have been sorted alphabetically by correspondent (corporate names where appropriate) and then by date. Notes: Most enclosed in crumbling cardboard folder labelled in print "Wychwood" (WGW's son Richard Wallace's grammar school) in WGW's hand on one side and in blue pencil on the other in WGW's hand "Re A.R.W."; personal information from R Wallace 12 June 2003; folder destroyed. A few letters found in other locations have been added. Most letters have NOT been read in detail for content and are described only briefly. PJL 22 Jan 2004
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore