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Results 801-831 of 831 for « +(documenttype:Correspondence) +type:item »
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NHM-WP01.006    Correspondence:   Birch Frederick R, Wallace Alfred Russel  1899--1910   Letters from Fred Birch: Letters and postcards from Fred Birch to A. R. Wallace and an enclosed? photograph, comprising one letter from Liverpool 1899, 4 letters and 2 postcards from Brazil Jan-Dec 1910, 1 envelope annotated in A. R. Wallace's or WGW's hand and one 1899 photograph of Fred Birch. Frederick Birch lived in Liverpool as a young man and may have been born there. He apparently met A. R. Wallace some time in the 1890's and later emigrated with his wife to Brazil, where he worked as a professional collector of natural history specimens c. 1910. No other information about him has been found. Place: Brazil Liverpool England
NHM-WP01.001.026    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, ? Stead Mr,  [1900]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, n.d. asking William to purchase some aluminium sheet suitable for plant labels as A. R. Wallace's copper ones too thin and brittle; visit by Mr Stead. Place: Dorset England Notes: Annotated in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: plant labels
NHM-WP02.006.005.06.[01]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1902--1916]   List of A. R. Wallace's correspondents by type with notes re some of A. R. Wallace's letters, undated, in William Greenell Wallace's hand; in columns on fourteen folios of lined paper; approximately eight hundred names in rough alphabetical order within the categories: "Separate packets of letters" "Scientists, Biological, Geographical &c", "Scientists, Physics & Mathematics &c" "Socialists, Spiritualists, Clergymen, Anti-Vacc, -Vivs &c", "Socialists Anti Vacc - Viv, Pol. Eco. Land" "Authors, Journalists, Poets, Artists" "Politicians &c., Statesmen" "Odd Celebrities" "Curious (Cranks &c)" and "Unclassified (Unknown)" with a section on the last page headed "short reminiscences received from" not present in the typed version; some pages numbered within category. Notes: Most folios of the ms are folded, some are single, pages written on one side only. The typed version was found in box three and inserted here. PJL 19/6/03
NHM-WP02.006.005.06.[02]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1902--1916]   TS copy of the above with slight variations, 9 numbered and 1 (last) unnumbered folios typed on one side only with corrections and annotations in pencil and red ink including the number [of letters from each correspondent?] in WGW's? hand; last page, headed "Letters received by A.R. Wallace on his 90th birthday", is not present in the Ms version.3. List in WGW's? A. R. Wallace's? hand in ink headed "Missing letters to Dr A.R. Wallace from - " listing approximately 30 names in total divided into the categories Biologists, Physicists, Social Reformers &c., Authors, Journalists &c., Politicians, and Unclassified; 1 folio of lined blue exercise-book paper written on both sides. Notes: Most folios of the ms are folded, some are single, pages written on one side only. The typed version was found in box three and inserted here. PJL 19/6/03
NHM-WP18.006    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1902]--[1905]   Buff envelope 19cm x 13 cm, annotated on the top flap in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Photo of self"; when listed contained a portrait of A. R. Wallace (see WP6/8/18) in a smaller envelope and unrelated photos and papers.
NHM-WP18.007    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1902]--[1905]   Brown envelope labelled in ink "A Few Articles & Reviews " in WGW's? hand, "about self | A.R.W." in A. R. Wallace's hand and in pencil in WGW's? hand "No Autos", which contained press cuttings from German papers with obituaries of A. R. Wallace and covering letter 29 Nov 1913.
NHM-WP18.004.001    Correspondence:   Bates Ernest F, Bates Frederick, Bates Henry Walter, Janson Oliver Erichson, Wallace Alfred Russel  [1903]   Letter, apparently a rough draft, from Ernest F Bates to "Dear sir" (A. R. Wallace?) in reply to an enquiry made by the correspondent on behalf of a friend, undated and without address, with numerous corrections, on a sheet apparently torn from an exercise book, re the death of the writer's father (Frederick Bates?) on October 6th, his father's entomological work and books, and the possibility of the correspondent's friend obtaining information about his uncle's ( H W Bates?) papers from O E Janson.
NHM-WP01.007.008    Correspondence:   Skertchly Sydney Barber Josiah  1906?   Stamped envelope, postmark year illegible, addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone, labelled on the back in WGW's? hand "Skertchley [sic] - Letters Criticisms &c &c" and on the front and back, crossed out, "Hamer & co, Welsh Mutton &c Bills"; when listed this contained some of the Skertchly letters, an apparently unrelated printed review of A. R. Wallace's "Darwinism…" by J A Thomson and a reprint of a letter by A. R. Wallace c. 1867 on the feeding habits of birds and caterpillars. Place: Australia
NHM-WP01.001.124    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Skeels E R S,  [1907]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, Friday (April 5 1907?) re visit to lawyer in Chancery Lane and asking William to reserve hotel rooms. Place: Dorset England Notes: On a small sheet of folded paper. Annotated in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand "April 5/07"
NHM-WP01.001.141    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet,  1908   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, Monday (?1908) re proposed sale by Lord Wimborne of land surrounding A. R. Wallace's house and possible multiplicity of buildings and people, proposal that the family combine to buy extra land near house. Place: Dorset England Notes: Annotated in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: "122B?"
NHM-WP01.008.021    Correspondence:   Brierley Wynford  1908   Circular hand-made card "Life is a Spiral" from Wynford Brierley, congratulating A. R. Wallace on his Order of Merit, 9 Nov 1908
NHM-WP06.010.001    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1910?--1910?   1 folio of undated unsigned TS (incomplete letter?) re variation and the origin of species, beginning "In 'The World of Life', p. 257, you say ..." Notes: When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
NHM-WP06.010.002    Correspondence:   Cavit Charles, Ashby Joseph  1911   Letter from Chas G Cavit to A. R. Wallace, from Marly, Argyll Road, Boscombe, 21 [Feb] 1911, annotated at the top in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand "A Swedenborgian Review"; attached by paper tapes to pages 88-90 of "The New-Church Magazine", Feb 1911, containing a review by Joseph Ashby of A. R. Wallace's book "The World of Life" (London, Dec 1910). Place: Boscombe Dorset England
NHM-WP01.008.014    Correspondence:   Baxter W S?  [1913]   Letter from W S? Baxter, from Harrogate, undated (c1913) to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on reaching his ninetieth birthday and on his achievements. Place: Broadstone Dorset Harrogate North Yorkshire England
NHM-WP01.008.023    Correspondence:   Brooke ?H, Brooks Barbara  [1913]   Letter from Barbara Brooks, undated (Jan 1913?), from Kensington, London, to A. R. Wallace congratulating him on his 90th birthday. Place: London England
NHM-WP01.008.032    Correspondence:   Cockerell Sir Sydney Carlyle  1913   Postcard to A. R. Wallace from S C and F K Cockerell, from Salisbury, 1 Jul 1913; showing primroses, with text "A picture of one of your favourite flowers". See also old ref WP2/1/35 (from S C C 1909) Place: Salisbury Wiltshire England
NHM-WP02.006.005.03    Correspondence:   Marchant Sir James  [1913--1915]   Undated unsigned rough note in pencil with "A.R.W's Letters to his family" written on one side in WGW's? hand, a note in James Marchant's hand on the other side " Not to copy. | I send them to ask you whether his answers are available? Would they have been long and intimate letters | J M" with the following written beneath this in WGW's? hand: "Dr B Hollander Dr Littledale Rollo Russell G W Barrett only ones likely". Both notes on this side have been crossed through. Notes: When listed this was included in a large modern (1995) envelope (destroyed) labelled in RW (And Mrs R Wallace's? ) hands "Typed letters A. R. Wallace to Violet and Will | Reminiscences of R B Rathbone | [Ditto] WG & VI for Marchants Book".
NHM-WP16.001    Correspondence:   Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel  1913--1950   Approximately 55 letters to William Greenell Wallace with some copies of replies by WGW and some enclosed or related print, letters, and press cuttings; from individuals and organisations re the death of his father A. R. Wallace, some referring to copies of his letters (see also WP2/4: papers re James Marchant and "Letters and Reminiscences"); from publishers and authors re quotation from his published work and from prospective German biographer Eugen Hornung; a few letters refer to the disposal of his papers or effects (see also items WP16/2 and WP16/3). Correspondents include the Admiralty, The British Council, C R Enock, F Darwin, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Oliver Lodge, Arabella Fisher, A P Sinnett, H Stanley Regrove, E M Palser, E B Poulton, Macmillan & Co, George Allen & Unwin, the British Association for the Advancement of Science, the Royal Geographical Society, George Philip & Son Ltd, E F Lissen, William Hodge & Co and Irving W Knobloch. The letters have been sorted alphabetically by correspondent (corporate names where appropriate) and then by date. Notes: Most enclosed in crumbling cardboard folder labelled in print "Wychwood" (WGW's son Richard Wallace's grammar school) in WGW's hand on one side and in blue pencil on the other in WGW's hand "Re A.R.W."; personal information from R Wallace 12 June 2003; folder destroyed. A few letters found in other locations have been added. Most letters have NOT been read in detail for content and are described only briefly. PJL 22 Jan 2004
NHM-WP16.001.070    Correspondence:   Williams James Leon, Wallace Alfred Russel  1913?--1913   Undated (c.1913?) draft letter in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand on 4 folios of exercise book paper, to "Dear Sir" re variation and natural selection, beginning "It is not easy to make the ordinary reader understand such as question as to variation as you put to me…" unsigned and with corrections; possibly to J Leon Williams (See WP16/1/69) about July 1913; enclosed when listed in an envelope postmarked 25 Jun 1913 addressed to W G Wallace (A. R. Wallace's son William) annotated on the back in pencil in WGW's hand "To J Leon? Williams (Biol)" together with a stamped envelope with a return address: WP16/1/69 (2 and 3) Notes: The hand in which the draft is written may be WGW acting as amanuensis though in my opinion it is A. R. Wallace's. Both are very similar - see WGW's ms sketch of his Father's life, in WP2/4, written on the same type of paper. Broken at folds and acidic; empty envelope addresses to Williams was partly sealed when examined but easily unstuck, probably pressure of folding sealed it.
NHM-WP16.002.041    Correspondence:   Wallace William Greenell  1914?--1917?   TS or CC, undated, by William Greenell Wallace headed "Portraits of Dr. A. R. Wallace" with "Now in the National Portrait Gallery" added below in pencil in WGW's hand, with some details of the history of two portraits of A. R. Wallace, one painted from a photograph of c.1860 and a medallion by Bruce-Joy. Notes: Text suggests the notes may have been made shortly after A. R. Wallace's death, possibly 1914, but pencilled note added later, after donation of portraits to National Portrait Gallery and therefore probably 1917 or later.
NHM-WP16.002    Correspondence:   Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel  1915?--1951   Correspondence c.1915 -1951 between William and Violet Wallace and various societies and museums re gifts of A. R. Wallace letters and artefacts, in white paper folder annotated on the front in ink in WGW's hand "Letters & Acknowledgments relating to gifts to various museums & societies." Correspondents include the British Museum, BMNH, Pitt Rivers Museum, the Linnean Society, the Royal Society, Royal Geographical Society and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew; a number have copies or draft replies in WGW's hand on the back. Papers have been arranged in alphabetical order by correspondent and then by date, apparently the order created by William Greenell Wallace, though some letters from the British Museum found loose have been inserted. Notes: WP16/2/15A, missed in sorting, has been so numbered because associated with the previous record, rather than moving it out of sequence to the end of the list. PJL 26/1/04
NHM-WP02.006.005.05.[2]    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert  [1916]   Five numbered ff. CC headed "List of the Darwin - Wallace Letters", with columns headed "C.D. to A.R.W" and "A.R.W to C.D." listing letters by date with pencilled lines connecting some letters; some with abbreviated page and volume references to "M.Lt." (Marchant Letters and Reminiscences 1916?) and/or "L & L" (Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, 1905?) or "My L" (My Life, A. R. Wallace's autobiography 1905?). Miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable"; post-it note label in Richard Wallace's hand included "Lists compiled by WGW"
NHM-WP02.006.005.04    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1916]   Brown envelope approximately 25cm X 20cm, used as outer wrapping for bundled letters written by A. R. Wallace from USA and Canada as delivered for listing. A wide strip has been torn away from the front, which is divided into four squares in blue pencil, annotated in an unknown hand "Registered" and addressed to W G Wallace, Esq, Old Orchard, Broadst (Broadstone) Dor (Dorset). Part of the address is missing at the tear. Of three postmarks on the front two are illegible; one is Wimb[orne] (Wimborne?) 10 Jul (1916?). Beneath the postmarks is an annotation in pencil in WGW's? hand : " A. R. Wallace's U.S.A. letters | Copied Aug/15". Place: Wimborne Dorset England
NHM-WP02.006.005.05.[1]    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert  [1916]   Index and list of correspondence between A. R. Wallace and Charles Darwin, 1 p. TS headed "Index to Darwin Wallace Letters" with dates of letters to and from Wallace listed in two columns, some with brief notes on content; annotated in pencil in WGW's hand.
NHM-WP01.001.139    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell  undated   Paper label attached to part of a cardboard wine-glass box. "Letters from A. R. Wallace to his son W.G. Wallace June 1889-June 1911. And 2 post cards", is written on it in ink in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand. The label is 14cm x 10cm, with decoration showing an otter and butterfly among bulrushes, World Wildlife Fund (UK) Trading Ltd logo and text, all printed in green on cream paper. The remainder of the box, which contained the letters listed in WP1/1 when the collection was delivered to the Museum, was an unsuitable, acidic container, judged to have no historical value, and has been destroyed. nil Notes: The number 139 was accidentally omitted when numbering the letters so has been assigned to this piece for convenience.
NHM-WP01.001.152    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell  undated   1 sheet folded and written on two sides in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand as follows: Letters from A.R. Wallace to his son W.G. Wallace June 1889 June 1911 & 2pcs. Letter no 42. Ref treatment of smallpox | reprint of Malay Archipelago | vaccination. Letter No 44 Donkey & Cart | Plants from Sir Thomas Hanbury. Letter No 29 Househunting! | Beaconsfield | Nr Owens House - The Grange | 70 acre estate with potential! November 1900 (A. R. Wallace aged 77?). Letter no 26 A. R. Wallace giving instructions to his son William !! aged 29!! Letter No 78 (text ends here) Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.006.008    Correspondence:   Birch Frederick R, Wallace Alfred Russel, Scofield ?, Reiche Eugenis?, Cotton Sir Arthur Thomas, New Age The  undated   Brown envelope, very torn and brittle, annotated in A. R. Wallace's or WGW's? hand "Fred. Birch's latest letters (to Dec?1910.)" which contained the letters and postcards from Fred Birch to A. R. Wallace from Brazil, 1899 and 1910, when received at the NHM. Notes: Included because of the annotation but could probably be destroyed. PJL March 2003.
NHM-WP06.005.006    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  undated   Envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Parkstone from The Auk, New York 13 Oct 18 [illegible] labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand on back in blue pencil "Darwinism | Notes &c for new edition | Proofs of corrections 3rd edition" and in lead pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Some may be useful for 'The World of Life"'. Notes: When first listed contained letters from S B J Skertchly, a review of "Darwinism" by J A Thomson and a reprinted letter to the Editor by A. R. Wallace, all now separately recorded
NHM-WP15.004.002    Correspondence:   Mitten William, Booker J  undated   Postcard; undated black and white /sepia photo showing a divided driveway and iron barred gate with a distant view of wooded fields; captioned in white "Cowdray. Hurstpierpoint | J. Booker Series"; possibly view from or of the grounds of Cowdray House, the country seat of Lord Cowdray; there is no writing on the reverse. Place: Hurstpierpoint West Sussex Notes: Placed in this series because of the address, presumably near the Mitten house; with a small collection of apparently unrelated photos and postcards of varying dates, (all old ref WP2/51) when listed.
NHM-WP18.009    Correspondence:   Wallace John  undated   Empty brown envelope labelled in pencil in an unknown hand "John Wallace's letter to Mr W. | Very interesting a/c of a 'fly' dragging off a large spider | Aug 1854". (This refers to John Wallace to A. R. Wallace, from Columbia 28 Aug 1854. See WP1/3/31) Notes: Formerly in Wallace Family Correspondence 1835-1893: WP1/3. Not entered in contents list.
NHM-WP18.018    Correspondence:   Casey? A Bertie Miss  undated   Empty envelope addressed in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand to Miss A. Bertie [C] Casey. Lantosca, Madeira Road Upr. Parkstone Dorset , stamped, postmark illegible, stamp on back flap "Park's Press Photography Agency Ltd., 80 Fleet Street London EC"; Paper label on front, crossed out, of W. A. Sims & co, Process engraving, 98 Fleet St. Notes: See unidentified poem on paper headed "Lantosca", WP18/19
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore