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NHM-WP01.001.067    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Curtis Percy, Donkin ?  1902.11.30   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 30 Nov 1902 re progress of house-building, interior decoration and fittings, drainage problems, costs; writing an article for an American paper to earn some money. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 64
NHM-WP01.001.074    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Minchin G H, Fitzgerald  1903.06.10   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 10 Jun 1903 re progress of work on book, material on electrical measurement of starlight to be included. Place: Dorset England Notes: 2 folios. Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 70 and annotated in the same hand? "Book notes".
NHM-WP01.001.090    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Marriott Ernest,  1904.03.26   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 26 Mar 1904 re William's poetry; "Leonainie" controversy, has written to the "Fortnightly"; Mr Marriott of Manchester. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 93. Annotated in an unknown hand "more Leonainie"
NHM-WP01.001.094    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Bankes , Prideaux Charles S  1904.06.23   Letter from Charles S Prideaux to A. R. Wallace from Ermington, Dorchester (Dorset), 23 Jun 1904 re postponement of investigation of Badbury (Badbury Rings) because of illness of Mr (A?) Bankes; enclosure to letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, 5 Jun 1904. Place: Dorset England Notes: NOT numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand
NHM-WP01.001.106    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Carter Mr, Kent Mr  1905.03.10   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 10 Mar 1905 re William's career, application for job with tramways at Southampton. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 98
NHM-WP01.001.112    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Hyndman ? Mr, Scottish Widows  1905.11.16   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 16 Nov 1905 re cheque for "Scottish Widows"; Americanisms; weather. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 104
NHM-WP01.001.113    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Meldola Raphael, Burns John  1905.12.29   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 29 Dec 1905 re William's birthday; Mr and Mrs Meldola and friend's visit to house; politics. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 105
NHM-WP01.001.115    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Mitten William, Mitten Flora  1906.07.26   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 26 Jul 1906 re writing of A. R. Wallace's will; executor, property valuation, anticipated funeral expenses, tax, probate, Townfield Cottage reversion etc. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 108
NHM-WP01.001.127    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Mitten Flora  1907.06.14   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 14 Jun 1907, with rough plan of dining, kitchen, hall and drawing rooms (of "Old Orchard", Broadstone?) in pencil on top half of last page. Re possible legal proceedings in a case involving non-payment by a customer to his sister-in-law Flora (Mitten). Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 112. Unsigned; bottom half of third page has been cut away and pencil sketch or plan apparently missing.
NHM-WP01.001.130    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Meldola Raphael, Cole Mr?  1907.06.24   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 24 Jun 1907 re the (Essex?) Club; gardening; lawyers fees, estate duty, valuations; proposal to buy Consols. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 114
NHM-WP01.001.134    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Waugh Mr?,  1908.03.06   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 6 Mar 1908 with instructions to William for editing proof sheets for new edition of "My Life" Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 118
NHM-WP01.001.136    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Cadbury George,  1908.04.09   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 9 Apr 1908 with instructions for editing new edition of "My Life"; progress of fence-building; "Daily News" reading competition. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 120
NHM-WP01.001.140    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Bruce-Joy Albert,  1908.05.17   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 17 May 1908 with instructions re marking up proofs for new edition of "My Life"; William's health and income tax; silver medallion of A. R. Wallace by Bruce Joy on display at the Royal Academy. Place: Dorset England Notes: Annotated in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand "Bruce Joy | 122A"
NHM-WP01.001.148    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Skertchly Sydney Barber Josiah,  1910.04.20   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset), 20 Apr 1900 re mail, including picture postcards, from Australia re immigration opportunities; correspondence with Colonel Sankey and [Mr?] Skertchley [sic] re arrival of a box of rough opals; healthy climate of Queensland. Place: Dorset England Australia Brisbane Queensland Sydney New South Wales Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 127. On headed paper.
NHM-WP01.001.151    Miscellaneous:    1909.03.00   Appointment card for William Wallace, for an appointment with Dr St Clair Thomson, 28 Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, W (London) for Mar 19, ?1909. Place: Dorset England Notes: Enclosure to A. R. Wallace to William 19 Mar 1909.
NHM-WP01.001.157    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Crump ?, Rigler ?, ? Charles  1891.04.29   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Parkstone, Dorset, 29 Apr 1891, re his sister Violet's dissection of a rabbit as part of her exams; replacement of pipes and bricks to remove smell in house from drains, including sketch plan; and the appointment of "the illustrious Slugophilite … slug catcher to Her Majesty" and Museum (curator?) in Jamaica, his imminent marriage, honeymoon in Corfe and departure; the slug William found a new British variety; request for news of Crump. Place: Broadstone Dorset Parkstone Dorset England Notes: I have been unable to identify the "Slugophilite" - may be same person refd to in 1904 letter as the "sluggist". OLD REF Humorous letter: WP1/19/5/1
NHM-WP01.001.169    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Hawkins Sir Anthony Hope,  1901.02.08   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Parkstone, Dorset, 8 Feb 1901 re work on new edition of "Wonderful Century", will leave chapter on electricity until last; answer to latest (newspaper) enigma; watch repairs; William's holiday and Fellowship dinner (in America); winter weather; plot and character in "The Prisoner of Zenda" and "Rupert of Hentza" (sic, for "Hentzau". Both by Anthony Hope). Place: Parkstone Dorset England USA Notes: OLD REF Correspondence 1879-1922: WP1/19/28
NHM-WP01.001.170    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Donkin Mr,  [1902.03.02]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Parkstone, Dorset, dated 2 Mar 1901 but almost certainly written 1902 (see other letters on house building), re progress of house building at "Old Orchard" (Broadstone); collapse of cellar excavations after wet weather but cellar walls now going up, plans for drainage of cellar, concrete footings for outer walls well advanced, three bricklayers and six labourers working, Mr Donkin's drawings for windows done; horses and cows from adjacent fields have eaten some garden plants, fencing now improved; A. R. Wallace has recommenced work on new edition of his "New Century" and finished chapter on Astronomy; request for information on the "Dargue" system of acetylene gas. Place: Broadstone Parkstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF Letters re houses and building: WP1/19/4/5
NHM-WP01.001.171    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Broughton ? Miss  1901.10.26   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Parkstone, Dorset, 26 Oct 1901 re decision to buy 3 acres of land for £500 at Broadstone, Dorset, and build there, giving detailed descriptions of locality, soil, trees in old orchard, and views of Poole harbour and the Purbeck hills, enclosing a sketch plan (not present - possibly WP1/1/118, 121 or 123); former Broadstone resident Miss Broughton has recommended a gardener and labourer; plans to build a road and wire fence, begin a garden immediately and start building in spring; promises to send plans of house soon. Place: Broadstone Parkstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF letters re houses and building: WP1/19/4/7
NHM-WP01.001.175    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Donkin ?, MacAlpine G A  1901.12.01   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Parkstone, Dorset, 1 Dec 1901, re adoption of William's suggested alterations to house plans, architect Mr Donkin recommends a cheaper substitute for plaster; wooden ceilings; plan and elevations to be ready before Christmas; letter from Mac written from ship bound for South Africa; A. R. Wallace recovering from bronchitis; plans to sink a well as connection to mains water expensive; over one thousand trees and shrubs including roses, filberts, cherries, apples and rhododendrons bought at nursery sale, some for as little as 3 pence. Place: Broadstone Parkstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF Letters re houses and building: WP1/19/4/10
NHM-WP01.001.178    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Curtis Percy, Donkin ?  1902.06.08   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Parkstone, Dorset, 8 Jun 1902 re progress of house building; 3 chimneys up, Percy (Curtis) proud of appearance of roof's gables, hips and dormers, felting and tiling to be done; annoying delays in fitting window frames; rough calculation of 400 feet of water piping, good book on hot water supply by Mr Dye; choosing fixtures and fittings for kitchen and bathroom from Spring? and Marten of Stratford catalogue; electric bells to be fitted; suggests William might find books on surveying in old Newcastle bookshops. Place: Broadstone Parkstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF Letters re houses and building: WP1/19/4/12
NHM-WP01.001.179    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Curtis Percy  1902.10.18   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset), 18 Oct 1902 re progress of house building; extra expense and days lost through replacement of faulty windows, re-hanging a door, missing door locks and window glass of wrong thickness (ink sketches of windows and door latches on two pages) ; bills of £120 this month, economy needed; bookshelves fitted in study but no shelves elsewhere, house full of unpacked crates; work on garden and greenhouse; sheep, cattle and horses nibbling plants; "Manx Codlen" and "Northern Greening" apples in orchard; teak front door begun; parrot now well and beginning to talk. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: 2 folios. OLD REF Letters re houses and building: WP1/19/4/13
NHM-WP01.001.182    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Marshall J W,  1903.06.30   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Broadstone, Dorset, 30 Jun 1903 annotated in WGW's? hand "Book"; re proof reading of his book, ("Man's place in the Universe"?) sending the last four chapters; agrees section on the sun vague, argument on light of stars cut out; gravitation and angular velocity of forces at earth's centre; Mr Marshall to read proofs also, asks WGW to compare readings with him; writing rushed but can be improved in a new edition. The last page is annotated in pencil in WGW's? hand with mathematical calculations. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF Letters re books and writing 1903-1907: WP1/19/9/3
NHM-WP01.001.186    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, McCormick Ernest,  1904.09.15   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset), 15 Sep 1904 re writing an article against reincarnation for the "London Magazine"; working on autobiography; interesting article "Is Vaccination a Disastrous Delusion" by a Bournemouth man (Ernest McCormick) in "The Westminster Review"; visit from an American journalist who interviewed and photographed A. R. Wallace. Place: Broadstone Dorset England USA Notes: OLD REF Correspondence 1879-1922: WP1/19/29
NHM-WP01.001.193    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Lowell Percival, Spruce Richard  1907.11.03   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Broadstone, Dorset, 3 Nov 1907 annotated in WGW's? hand " Mars | Spruce"; re proofs of "Mars" ("Is Mars Habitable?"), all William's suggestions adopted, Lowell quoted on atmosphere of Mars; Lowell doing a series of popular articles in "Century" magazine so a "fair stand-up fight" between him and A. R. Wallace; will now continue with work on "Spruce", ("Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes" by Richard Spruce, ed. and condensed by A. R. Wallace, Dec. 1908) intends to include matter from Spruce articles and reports for Linnean Society, Geographical Society and Blue books and some new letters, cutting out much of the Journal and botanical matter to make the book more readable; supposes they must wait 6 months for the "Widows" (Scottish Widows insurance?). Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF Letters re books and writing 1903-1907: WP1/19/9/11
NHM-WP01.001.194    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Waugh ?, Young ?, Spruce Richard  1908.03.16   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset), 16 Mar 1908 re correspondence with Mr Waugh; (Daily News?) Reading (competition); plans to spend £25 payment when Spruce book ("Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes", by Richard Spruce, edited and condensed and with a biography by A. R. Wallace, published Dec 1908), finished by building a long cement windbreak in the garden; an artist, Mr Young, visiting to finish some of Spruce's outline drawings, four new Spruce pictures found, several photographs including native portraits will also illustrate the book, first proofs have arrived. Place: Amazon Andes South America Broadstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF Letters re houses and building: WP1/19/4/14
NHM-WP01.001.196    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Crookes Sir William, Waugh ?  1908.10.28   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset), 28 Oct 1908 annotated in WGW's? hand "Lecture at R.S. Jubilee"; re sending a copy of the "Life" ("My Life, A Record of Events and Opinions", abridged one volume edition), Mr Waugh disappointed at small number taken by booksellers, 2 volume edition (1905) still being sold; invitation from the RI (Royal Institution of Great Britain) to give an evening lecture at the Jubilee of the "Origin of Species" next January, initially reluctant but now has some new ideas and has accepted provisionally, Crookes (Honorary Secretary) has offered to read on his behalf if necessary. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF Letters re R I lecture and Medals 1908 and 1909: WP1/19/11/1
NHM-WP01.002.006    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Huggins Mr?, Lodge Prof  [1890].02.01   Partial TS transcription of a letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 1 Feb 1890, headed "A. R. Wallace to VIW" re house renovation; family affairs. Unsigned. The original letter is dated 1 Feb 1890 but annotated in pencil in an unknown hand "91!" See WP1/2/7. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.007    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Stainton Moses Mr,  1890.02.01   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 1 Feb 1890 re house renovation; family affairs; neighbours; kindergartens; A. R. Wallace's lectures and article in "Arena". Place: Dorset England Notes: Clearly dated "Febr 1st 1890" but annotated in pencil in an unknown hand "91!". There is a separate partial transcription in TS. (See WP1/2/6)
NHM-WP01.002.018    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Lund Mrs, ? Florence Miss?  1891.01.02   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 7 Jan 1891, re confusion over correspondence with Mrs Lund; Violet's "adventure" on journey to Liverpool (train de-railed?); enclosed letter from Croydon (not present). Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.026    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Sowerby William, Geikie Sir Archibald  1892.05.05   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 5 May 1892 re tickets for Zoo; servants; socialism; Examiners meeting; Land Nationalisation meeting; horticultural exhibitions. Place: Dorset England Notes: Annotated in an unknown hand "A good ending".
NHM-WP01.002.031    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Coombe? Mrs, Lund Mr  [1893].05.16   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 16 May (1893?) re Violet's career; loss of a parcel of books sent by rail. Place: Dorset England Notes: Annotated in blue pencil "1892" with the "2" crossed through and "3" written above in lead pencil
NHM-WP01.002.033    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Hope Mrs, Iselin Mrs  1893.06.28   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 28 Jun 1893 re attempts to let house; Violet's expenses; flora and fauna of Chee Tor and Chee Dale; Deepdale. Place: Dorset England Cumbria
NHM-WP01.002.042    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Herdman Sir William Abbott, ? Eleanor  1893.11.08   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 8 Nov 1893 re Violet's visits to a club for working girls; Liverpool? Museum; advice on bookshelves with ink sketch plan; Christmas plans and gifts. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.044    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Tooley Mrs, Woodhull Mrs, ? Eleanor  1893.12.16   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 16 Dec 1893 re journalist's interview; articles on the unemployed and House of Lords, "Daily Chronicle"; "Contemporary Review"; storm damage to local houses and shipping; plans for Christmas; night skies. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.066    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Allman Dr, Travers Mrs  1895.11.24   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 24 Nov 1895, re improvements to the orchid house; chess; correspondence; local gossip about Mrs Travers; details from a book on diet and life-style by an "inspired crank"; returning photos; returning coral named by Dr Allman. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.089    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Schreiner Olive Emilie Albertina  1897.05.04   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 4 May 1897, re ms of her article on playgrounds for poor children, possibly suitable for "Contemporary Review"; Olive Schreiner in the "Fortnightly"; A. R. Wallace's article on "Gorge of the Aar" in the "Fortnightly"; chapter on Phrenology for book finished. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.104    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Macdonald Miss, Mott Frederick Thompson  1898.02.16   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 16 Feb 1898, sending his book on vaccination for her and Miss Macdonald to read; instructions for packing her books; "Century" book ("The Wonderful Century") about to be printed, Mr Mott asked to write poetical headings; Violet (to work in?) London school. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.126    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Shaw F J, Dodd Mr  1901.06.17   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 17 Jun 1901, re arrangements for her, the Dodds of Tunbridge Wells and the Shaws to view a house between Mayfield and Wadhurst which A. R. Wallace is considering buying jointly with Mr Shaw; sending a small stag-beetle. Place: Dorset England East Sussex
NHM-WP01.003.030    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Mary Anne, Allen Charles  1854.07.[02]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his mother (Mary Anne Wallace) from the jungle near Malacca, 2? Jul 1854, re sea journey from Singapore; living conditions in Malacca; employment of servants; French missionaries; Chinese farmers; Charles Allen's progress as assistant; birds and monkeys; plans to visit Cambodia. Place: Malacca Malaya Notes: Letter no in contents list: 28
NHM-WP01.003.051    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Stevens Samuel  1861.10.10   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Fanny (Frances Wallace, Mr Sims) from the mountains of Java, 10 Oct 1861, re ascent of a volcano, vegetation at the peak similar to English weeds, tropical on the lower slopes; comparative beauty of English and tropical plants; Dutch collectors for Leyden Museum; letter (not present) to be taken to Stevens with instructions re A. R. Wallace's specimens. Place: Java Notes: Letter no in contents list: 49
NHM-WP01.003.084    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, North Marianne,  1888.08.24   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his sister Fanny (Mrs Sims) from Godalming, 24 Aug 1888, re house-hunting in Wales and Gloucestershire; visit to Miss North. Place: Godalming Surrey England Notes: This was enclosed in a 1904 half-envelope with another letter from Fanny, 1883. For details of envelope see WP18/17
NHM-WP01.004.005    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Mitten William,  [1895.07.00]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Hotel du Glacier Du Rhone (Switzerland), Wednesday evening, annotated in WGW's? hand in pencil "(July 1895)"; re sending a box of plants, including Gentians, gathered at the Furka Pass, detailed instructions for planting in greenhouse, plans to put out on new rockery; Pa (Annie's father William Mitten) finding lots of curiosities including miniature willows; plans to go on to Grimsel Hospice and Meiringen. Place: Switzerland Notes: OLD REF WP1/19/18 and WP1/21/5
NHM-WP01.004.006    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Mitten William,  1895.07.07   Postcard from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Hotel de Balances, Lucerne, Switzerland, Sunday morning, postmarked 7 Jul 1895, re arrival and journey with her father (William Mitten) by steamer and train, food, and plans to go on to Stangerbourn; her father's health. Place: Brussels Belgium Switzerland Notes: Od ref WP1/19/6/2 and WP1/21/6. This letter was previously filed in a paper folder labelled in WGW's? hand ""Examd Not wanted" almost certainly selected for J. Marchant when writing A. R. Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences" (London 1916).
NHM-WP01.004.007    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Mitten William,  1895.07.12   Postcard from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Grimsel Hospice, Thursday evening, postmarked 12 Jul 1895, re walk (with William Mitten) over Grimsel Pass, collecting Soldanellas and a Primula, plants boxed and sent off; plans to walk to Handeck to botanise and see a fine waterfall. Place: Switzerland Notes: Small piece torn out on right but text intact. OLD REF WP1/19/6/3 and later WP1/21/7. This letter was previously filed in a paper folder labelled in WGW's? hand ""Examd Not wanted" almost certainly selected for J. Marchant when writing A. R. Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences" (London 1916).
NHM-WP01.005.011    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Marsh Othniel Charles,  [1886.12]   Undated postscript headed "Baltimore" to a letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William? from Baltimore, Dec 1886? re Newhaven landscape; prof Marsh's 10 acre grounds and house of his own design with octagonal sitting room and rooms displaying china and artefacts including American Indian scalps and heads of animals shot by Marsh; Marsh's travels in the Rocky Mountains; Baltimore park, streets and buildings; Maryland a Slave state before the war, many people black, antics of black waiters in hotels. Place: USA
NHM-WP01.005.019    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten  1887.02.23   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Washington DC, 23 Feb 1887 with stamped envelope addressed to her at Frith Hill, Godalming and postmarked on the front Washington 23 Feb 1887and on the back New York 24 Feb 1887 and Godalming 7 Mar 1887. Place: Washington DC USA Notes: The envelope also contained A. R. Wallace to WGW, 16 Jan 1887 (WP1/1716) when sorted.
NHM-WP01.005.024    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten  1887.04.05   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Washington DC, 5 Apr 1887 Place: Washington DC USA
NHM-WP01.005.028    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten  1887.05.04   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Sioux City, 4 May 1887 Stamped envelope addressed to Mrs Wallace Frith Hill Godalming England, annotated in WGW's? hand on the front "Sioux City May 4th"; front postmark May but otherwise illegible, back postmarked Godalming 19 May 1887. Place: Sioux City Iowa USA
NHM-WP01.005.032    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten  1887.05.24   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from San Francisco, 24 May 1887. Stamped envelope printed with the address of "The Baldwin" (hotel?) addressed to Mrs Wallace Frith Hill Godalming England, postmarked on the front San Francisco 24? May 1887 and on the back Godalming 10 Jun 1887. Place: San Francisco California USA
NHM-WP01.005.033    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace  1887.05.30   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his sister Fanny from Stockton, California, 30 May 1887 Place: Stockton California USA
NHM-WP01.005.034    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten  1887.06.19   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Stockton, California, 19 Jun 1887 Place: Stockton California USA
NHM-WP01.005.041    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten  1887.07.31   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Michigan Agricultural College, 31 Jul 1887 Place: Michigan USA
NHM-WP01.005.043    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Mitten William, Wallace Annie née Mitten  1887.05.21   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his father in law William Mitten, from Salt Lake City, 21 May 1887, urging Mitten to join him in June or July at Manitou Springs in the Rocky Mountains, has met a lady botanist who says plants magnificent; detailed instructions on route from Quebec or Montreal, advice on luggage, clothing, plant boxes and sphagnum, travel by steamer and train, sleeping car accommodation and cost versus hotels; plants seen growing wild in Salina, Kansas included Tradescantia virginica, Yucca angustifola, Penstemon cobaea and fields covered with a blue flower probably Camassia; will write to wife Annie from San Francisco. Place: Utah USA Kansas USA Denver Colorado USA Canada Notes: 2 folios. This letter was among others in a modern (1999) envelope labelled in Richard Wallace's hand "Letters to Annie, WGW etc (&?) From Fred Birch" and was appended to this file in July 2003.
NHM-WP06.008.028    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel ,Sims Thomas ,Wallace Mary Nee Webster  1904.03.02--1904   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Mr (Thomas) Sims, from Broadstone Dorset, 2 Mar 1904, thanking him for a parcel of letters, agreements, bills and drawings, noting that some of his own (A. R. Wallace's) drawings have been marked "W.G.Wallace" by his sister in error, and that two or three drawings by his brother (Herbert?) may be suitable to reproduce in his book; will offer material relating to the Webster's to his sister-in-law Mary in California; sends Thomas a cheque for £5, last book enabled him to clear a debt on the Broadstone house; asks about identity of an old house in a pencil drawing by his brother. Place: California USA Dorset England
NHM-WP15.001.005    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Mitten William, Wallace William Greenell  1897.07.21   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his father-in-law William Mitten, from Parkstone, Dorset, 21 Jul 1897, re sending Jamaica and Singapore moss; plants in flower in A. R. Wallace's pond and garden, letters from son William, who is working on a railway (in America?); purchase of land by the Parish (at Hurstpierpoint?); convolvulus. Place: Dorset England Jamaica USA Singapore Malaya Notes: When first listed this was were in a brown cardboard box in the form of a book, titled "Letters" on spine, containing miscellaneous apparently unrelated letters and photos; it seems more appropriate here.
NHM-WP01.002.055    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace John  1894.11.05   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 5 Nov 1894 re sending insect specimens, shells, Natal spider and its nest, and a live beetle to Violet for teaching purposes; Miss Heath; books for Violet's exams; plans for her "K.G." (kindergarten?), selling "Nutwood" impossible as it brings in £50 a year, income and housing for the family after his death; bad news from California of A. R. Wallace's brother (John) who has cancer, A. R. Wallace suspects vaccination the cause; A. R. Wallace's eyesight. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.107    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Mary née Webster, Wallace May  1898.03.31   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 31 Mar 1898, re her proposal to bring a child to stay at Parkstone; instructions for packing goods for rail transport; proposed trip to Germany and learning the German language; letter from her brother William in Denver; aunt Wallace (Mary Wallace, wife of John) and cousin May coming (from America) for a month; joke about a child's view of God. Place: Denver Colorado USA Dorset England Germany
NHM-WP01.001.015    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Thomas Vere, Wallace Mary Anne, Monk Mrs  1891.10.13   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, 13 Oct 1891 re: A. R. Wallace visit to Corfe with Ma, Grandma and Grandpa (A. R. Wallace's wife and parents); suicide of Mrs Monk; reading of "Ivanhoe". Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 14
NHM-WP01.001.018    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Portheim?, Siemens ,  1892.12.14   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, 14 Dec 1892 re William's friendsdhip with (Portheim?) at Siemens; sister Violet; William's mother's query as to the fate of a medal. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand:17
NHM-WP01.001.030    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Gurney Mr  1900.11.19   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, 19 Nov 1900 re William's coat; viewing of "The Grange" near Amersham, A. R. Wallace's decision to go to London and possibly stay at Mr Morse's Spiritualist Hotel near Baker Street station and join William, Violet and their mother in viewing the property. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 28
NHM-WP01.002.010    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Eliza, Mennel Mrs  1890.03.23   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 23 Mar 1890 re Violet's health and expenses; family visitors. Place: Croydon Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.011    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace Eliza, Wallace William Greenell, Benson Mrs  1890.05.19   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 19 May 1890 re spring flowers; family affairs; Vaccination Commission; exam papers. Place: Dorset England Croydon
NHM-WP01.002.025    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Macdonald Miss  1892.04.03   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 3 Apr 1892 re house at Godalming; family; Violet's order for pair of hedgehogs; bookbinding costs; horses; A. R. Wallace's review of Pampas book; new medal. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.051    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Annie née Mitten  1894.07.08   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 8 Jul 1894 re trip to Devon, ferns magnificent; letter from her brother William who is on holiday, plans for both to visit Parkstone; itinerary of Violet's planned trip to Switzerland and Italy. Place: Devonshire Dorset England Italy Switzerland
NHM-WP01.002.052    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Reid Clement  1894.07.14   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 14 Jul 1894, re her proposed tour to Switzerland and Italy with Madame Lund's party, sending £10 towards expenses; arrangement for meeting her brother William and visiting Parkstone; description of A. R. Wallace's and Ma's (Annie Wallace) ten days in Devon, wildflowers and ferns at Bolt Head, Salcombe and Brent; blue poppies and pink waterlily in flower in garden; two nearby houses including Mr Clement Reid's lodgings destroyed by fire. Place: Devonshire Dorset England Italy Switzerland
NHM-WP01.002.064    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Mitten Rose, Wallace William Greenell  1895.06.23   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 23 Jun 1895 re her exam expenses and fees, sending £10 towards them; Silk (George Silk?) has come to spend a week; news from Ma (Annie Wallace ) and Aunt Rose (Rose Mitten) in Lucerne; costs of Switzerland excursion, A. R. Wallace and Grandpa's (William Mitten) plans to visit Switzerland; sending tickets (to the Zoo?) for July; roses sent to Violet's brother William. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.065    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Annie née Mitten, ? Eleanor?  1895.10.04   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 4 Oct 1895, re bills from Violet's dressmaker and dentist; instructions for obtaining a copy of the County History of Lancashire; death of Crumpet, a family cat, and the fate of her kittens; A. R. Wallace's article on language published, leading article on it in the "Daily Chronicle"; regards to Eleanor; Ma's (Annie Mitten) health; Violet's brother William still at Govan. Place: Dorset England Notes: The article referred to is "The Expressiveness of Speech, or Mouth-Gesture as a Factor in the Origin of Language", Fortnightly Review 58, (n.s, 64, o.s.) 528-43, 1 Oct 1895.
NHM-WP01.002.071    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Wallace William Greenell, ? Eleanor?  1896.05.26   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 26 May 1896, re Violet's proposed trip to Switzerland, relative merits of chalets, hotels and possible itineraries; flowers in garden; sending Zoo tickets; regards to Eleanor. Place: Dorset England Switzerland
NHM-WP01.003.077    Correspondence:   Wallace Herbert Edward, Sims Frances née Wallace, Wallace Mary Anne, Wallace Alfred Russel  [1851].08.30   Letter from Herbert Edward Wallace to his sister Fanny and his mother (Mary Anne Wallace) from Barra de Rio Negro, 30 Aug (1851?) re his brother A. R. Wallace's departure up the Rio Negro; his own plan to spend two months collecting specimens for sale in order to repay A. R. Wallace's loan of £10; plans to leave for England, expecting to be home at Christmas. Notes: See WP1/3/88, for details of annotated 1904 envelope in which this letter was stored when received at the NHM.
NHM-WP01.003.080    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Herbert Spencer  1871.12.31   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his sister Fanny (Mrs Sims) from Holly House Barking E, 31 Dec 1871, announcing the birth of his second child, a son, the previous night. Notes: This was in a 1904 half-envelope with other letters: see WP18/17 for description of envelope.
NHM-WP01.003.005    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Silk George C, Wright Samuel  1840.01.15   Letter from A R Wallace to George (Silk), from Kington, 15 Jan 1840 asking about closure of library (in Hertford?) and sale of its books, and describing his rail journey to Kington, Kington area, outdoor pleasures of land surveying; Chartists. Place: England Kington Hertfordshire Worcestershire Notes: No in contents list: 3. Annotated in pencil, possibly by A. R. Wallace, "to George Silk".
NHM-WP01.003.012    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Dilwyn Mr,  1846.05.03   Letter from A. R. Wallace to H Bates, from Neath, 3 May 1846, re coleoptera specimens wanted from Bates's list, specimens he has available for exchange; sending a tracing of a map showing Crymlin (Crymlyn) Burrows, geology and plants there; Neath and Swansea valleys including a small ink sketch; plans to collect in Swansea area; Dilwyn's catalogue of Swansea coleoptera; entomological pins and microscopes. Place: Neath Glamorganshire Swansea Wales Notes: Letter no in contents list: 10. List gives year incorrectly as 1845. 2 folios each in separate melinex pocket.
NHM-WP01.003.014    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Shuckard William Edward,  1845.10.03   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Mr Bates, from Neath, Glamorganshire, 3 Oct 1845 re failure to collect many insects while surveying land in Wales; list of duplicate specimens; purchase of Shuckard's "Coleoptera". Place: Neath Glamorganshire Wales Notes: Letter no in contents list: 12
NHM-WP01.003.015    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Kirby William  1845.10.13   Letter from A. R. Wallace to H W Bates, from Neath, 13 Oct 1845 re exchange of insect specimens with list of those recently collected and wanted; difference between Donacia Impressa and D. linearis; design of an insect cabinet; Mr Kirby's cabinet; Ray Society; butterfly Colias hyale. Place: Neath Glamorganshire Wales Notes: Letter no in contents list: 13. Accompanying loose note (destroyed) in Sandra Knapp's hand c. 2001/2 : "Model for design of insect cabinet | A. R. Wallace to H W Bates 13th Oct 1845". (Emma Bennett, personal info 19/12/02.)
NHM-WP01.003.016    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Chambers Robert  1845.11.09   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Henry Bates, from Neath, 9 Nov 1845 re arrival of beetles from Bates; design and cost of insect cabinets and storage boxes; "Vestiges of the natural history of Creation". Place: Neath Glamorganshire Wales Notes: Letter no in contents list: 14
NHM-WP01.003.019    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Oken Lorenz  1847.10.11   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Dr Bates, from Neath, 11 Oct 1847 re trip to London and Paris; describing the architecture, museums, galleries and boulevardes of Paris; the layout and operation of the Jardin des Plantes including a sketched section showing cabinets and cases in its museum of mineralogy; study of insects at the British Museum to name his collection of American coleoptera; desire to take one family and study thoroughly with regard to the theory of the origin of species; Ray Society; Oken's "Elements of physiophilosophy" and variety, distribution and arrangement of species. Notes: Letter no in contents list: 17. 4 folios.First folio annotated on front in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "See near End"; sections mentioning origin of species marked or underlined in the same blue pencil.
NHM-WP01.003.024    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Spruce Richard, Stevens Samuel, Loddiges Conrad  1854.09.19   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Richard Spruce, from on board the brig Jordensen and from London, 19 Sep 1852-5 Oct 1852, re the burning and sinking of ship Helen off Brazil, his rescue and voyage to London, the loss of his collections, insurance, and future plans; news of Crystal Palace exhibition. Place: Deal London Pará Brazil Letter no in contents list: 22. Addressed in A. R. Wallace's hand to "Illms. Senr. Ricardo Spruce, Pará, Brazil, to be forwarded without delay." The address has been crossed through and replaced, in another hand, with "Rio Negro [cundango] Henrique Antony." 2 folded folios, the first blue paper, the second slightly larger cream. Folio 2 is annotated in pencil in an unknown hand near the address: "A. R. Wallace to R Spruce Sep 19, 1852". Two associated loose notes (destroyed ) in Emma Bennett's hand: "Wallace to Spruce re shipwreck | Important!" and "1st page of letter to spruce re shipwreck."
NHM-WP01.003.027    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Silk George C, Allen Charles,  1854.03.19   Copy in A. R. Wallace's hand of letter from A. R. Wallace to George Silk, from on board of the steamer Euxine, Mediterranean, 19 Mar 1854, continued on the steamer Bengal, Red Sea, 26 Mar (1854), re journey to Alexandria; life on board ship, fellow travellers, anti-cholera precautions at Gibraltar, Cairo, the desert, Alexandria, donkey drivers. Place: Alexandria Egypt Cairo Egypt Goa India Gibraltar Suez Egypt Notes: Letter no in contents list: 25. 2 folios, blue paper. Folios were stitched at centre fold with white cotton. Stitches removed December 2002 by PJL
NHM-WP01.003.049    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Darwin Charles Robert,  1860.12.24   Letter from A. R. Wallace to H W Bates, from Ternate, 24 Dec 1860, re A. R. Wallace's admiration of Darwin's "Origin of species"; birds and mammals better indicators of zoological geography than insects; exchange of specimens with Bates; plans to return to England in about 18 months; imminent voyage to Timor. Place: Ternate Moluccas Netherlands Indies Timor Australia New Guinea Notes: Letter no in contents list: 47
NHM-WP01.008.027    Correspondence:   Brown Robert, Wallace Alfred Russel, Lang Andrew, Kavanah ?  1904.01.08   Letter from Robert Brown Jnr to A. R. Wallace from Hull, 8 Jan 1904, enclosing a sheet headed "Remarks", re the origin of speech and Brown's paper on it, occult imitation, Socratic Dialogue on Language in Jowett's "Plato", Andrew Lang and the application of totemistic principles to historical names; returning A. R. Wallace's paper on "Speech" (not present). The "remarks" are notes with associated page numbers, (possibly pages in A. R. Wallace's paper?). Place: Hull Humberside England
NHM-WP02.003.043    Printed:    1915.11.00   Press cutting annotated in WGW's? hand "D.C. 2-11-15", from "The Daily Chronicle"? 2 Nov 1915? re unveiling at Westminster Abbey of memorial plaques to Joseph Hooker, Lord Lister and A. R. Wallace.
NHM-WP02.004.001    Note:    1882.06.13   A. R. Wallace's certificate of Honorary Membership of the Central Association of Spiritualists, 13 Jun 1882, signed E Dawson Rogers, President, and Thomas (Elliot?) Secretary.
NHM-WP06.005.001    Draft:    1888.12.24   Printed proof copy with marginal corrections in A. R. Wallace's hand, of A. R. Wallace, "Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications" (London, Macmillan 1889) Wrapped in a paper sheet labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "Darwinism | Set of corrected Proofs". There are date stamps of the printers (R & R Clark, Edinburgh) c. Jan-Apr 1889, on several pages. Many pages are annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Author's Proof". Loose octavo pages consisting of two title pages, pages [i]-xvii and [1]-494, and a map of the world stamped "Proof. Stanford. Cockspur St. with the date 24.12. 88 added by hand. Wrapping paper very dirty and torn.
NHM-WP06.011.005    Printed:    1913.04.05--1913   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a review of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from the "Athenaeum" 5 Apr 1913. Marked for "Pub Morals." Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.011    Printed:    1913.04.05--1913.00.00   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a review of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from the "Nation" 5 Apr 1913 headlined "Life and Letters | A new way with prophets". No By-line. Marked for "Pub. Morals." Annotated in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Best!" Place: Britain
NHM-WP14.001.002    Printed:    1901.06.08   Cutting from the "Daily News" (London) dated in A. R. Wallace's hand August 6th 1901, of a letter to the editor from Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, from Beaulieu, Hants, 4 Aug 1901 headlined "Fox-hunting near Cairo. | Trespass and Assault. | An Extraordinary Incident" re an incident involving regiments of the Cairo army garrison being assaulted by Blunt's servants while fox-hunting on his property near Cairo in his absence, supporting his servants action and deploring the behaviour of the 11th Hussars. The reverse shows items including a reports on the Earl's Court Exhibition and part of the latest mail and steamship news. Place: Egypt
NHM-WP15.001.001    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Harvey William Henry, Hooker Sir Joseph Dalton  1853.05.23   Letter from W H H (William Harvey), to Hook. fil. (Joseph Hooker) from TCD (Trinity College, Dublin) date stamped 23 May 1853; full text is: My dear Hook. fil. | I find these Hepaticae among the New Zealand Greenosperms [sic] which I have just finished. | Send them to Mitten, that's a good kitten! | Yours Affy W.H.H. Place: Dublin Ireland New Zealand Notes: Found with Wallace family correspondence (WP1/3) but not entered in ms contents list. See letter from W B Turrill to W G Wallace from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 22 Apr 1948, Old Ref WP1/3/65, identifying this letter.
NHM-WP01.001.001    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace William Greenell, Sharpe Mr, Campbell John Douglas Sutherland  1889.06.09   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Godalming 9 Jun 1889 re: New house at Parkstone, Dorset; marking examination papers; packing fossils and birds eggs; spiritualism. Place: England (Surrey) Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 1
NHM-WP01.001.009    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet, Buxton Mr, Cockerell Mr  1891.01.25   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, 25 Jan 1891 re an enclosure (not present); house alterations; the Buxton family; suggestion William join Institute of Electrical Engineers; Mr Cockerell collecting shells; William's sister Violet's postal address. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 8
NHM-WP01.001.019    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Macdonald Miss, King & Co  1892.12.22   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, 22 Dec 1892 re arrival of William's medal and certificate (possibly from the Society of Electrical Engineers?), sending them on to him to show people at Hurst, letter from William's Portsmouth friend will be sent on also; A. R. Wallace's preference for the head of Galvani or some other electrical scientist rather than the Prince of Wales on the medal; William's progress at work; Miss McDonald arriving for Christmas; sister Violet's career prospects; William's return to Charlton; King & Co's (Scufi?) Album (stamp album?) not yet out. Place: Dorset Hurst Berkshire England Charlton West Sussex Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand:18
NHM-WP01.001.021    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Crooke ?, Stead ?  1893.05.04   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, 4 May 1893 re Mr Crooke's behaviour towards William; enclosing a letter from his sister Violet (not present); mentioning Mr Stead and (spirit?) writing. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand:20
NHM-WP01.001.035    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Mitten Flora  1901.11.15   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, 15 Nov 1901 re alteration of a closet (in the newly purchased property "Old Orchard"?) to create a deep window sill for plants, enclosing tracing (not present), alterations to ground-plan of house with details; inspection of "Old Orchard" with aunt Flora; details of garden; engagement of a gardener and men to make road and fence; builder Mr Curtis, Carter's head manager, lent to advise on design and building; hopes working drawings ready by Christmas; details of plans for sub-contracting, payment, and suppliers of materials. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 33. Check details of loose tracings, one may be the enclosure
NHM-WP01.001.047    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William, Wallace Violet, Hanbury Sir Thomas, Wimborne , Buckton Miss, Evans Mr, Donkin ?  1902.04.06   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, 6 Apr 1902 re receipt of plants from Italy; progress of house-building and garden; wages of labourers; cost of materials; arrival of Miss Buckton, a paying guest; William's sister Violet; encloses letter from the Cape (not present). Place: Dorset England South Africa Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 45
NHM-WP01.001.052    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Annie, Casey Olive, Doyle Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan  1902.05.20   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, 20 May 1902 re William's holiday at Keswick; visit to Broadstone with Ma (William's mother, Annie Wallace) and Olive Casey; aquatic plants for garden arrived from America; slow progress in house-building; Conan Doyle's "Hound story" disappointing; awful West Indian volcanic eruption (Mount Pelee, Martinique, 8 May 1902). Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 50
NHM-WP01.001.079    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet, Dresser Henry Eeles  1903.07.27   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 27 Jul 1903 re domestic affairs; William's career prospects. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 75
NHM-WP01.001.116    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet, MacAlpine G A, Slater Matthew, Spruce Richard,  1906.09.08   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 8 Sep 1906 re William's climbing tour in Switzerland; unusually hot summer; attempts to get Spruce's Journals from Mr Slater. Place: Dorset England Switzerland Zermatt Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 109
NHM-WP01.001.145    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet, Strang William Scottish artist  1908.12.23   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 23 Dec 1908 re books sent to his son William for Christmas, Scottish artist Strang's visit, portrait in chalks (of A. R. Wallace?) for Windsor; William's sister Violet going to Hurst; lecture sent to London to be typed. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 124 annotated in an unknown hand "portrait by Strang"
NHM-WP01.001.147    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace A, Thomson St Clair  1909.03.18   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset), 18 Mar 1909, re William's health, larynx, mediumistic healing, surgery; filing of papers and pamphlets; work on new book; encloses a "cutting of a rather old nigger story". (See WP1/1/138). Enclosures: letter from Dr A. Wallace, 39 Harley Street W London, 15 Mar 1909, to A. R. Wallace re William's health (WP1/1/150); card recording an appointment for William with Dr St Clair Thomson (WP1/1/151). Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 126. On headed paper.
NHM-WP01.001.154    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Hudson ?, Jennings ?, Michaelis Madame  1890.11.02   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Parkstone, Dorset, 2 Nov 1890 re William's studies, fees and diet; rain delaying work on house but tiling of roof begun and emptying of cesspit for laying of drains arranged, Railway bank cuts off natural drainage, details of drainage plan; Violet going to London after Christmas, Madame Michaelis leaving Croydon to set up a (teacher) training college near a kindergarten in Notting Hill; postcard re civil service ticket enclosed (not present). Place: Parkstone Dorset England London Notes: OLD REF Correspondence 1838-1869 WP1/19/15
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