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Results 701-750 of 3245 for « +type:item » |
701. |
Small envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "Astrological view of my character &c. - May 1909- a critical period", containing: a small printed astrological chart captioned "Dr. A.R. Wallace Jany 8th 1823 2:30 am" [i.e. his birthday]; printed page, apparently a proof sheet, headed "Astro 6" with annotations in A. R. Wallace's? hand, page torn at the bottom of the entry; part of a printed proof sheet headed "The Nativity of Dr. A. R. Wallace | By the Editor", with annotations including "Block 3½ x 3½" Notes: See Smith bibliog: Modern Astrology 3 (n.s.; o.s., 17), no. 5: 206-207 (May 1906).
702. |
Printed leaflet headed "A. R. Wallace Memorial Fund" in the form of a letter to subscribers by Raphael Meldola, Edward B Poulton and James Marchant, announcing the closure of the project with list of subscribers and donations made, details of the memorial medallion placed in Westminster Abbey, and actions taken and proposed for dealing with residual moneys, enclosing a photograph of the Medallion (not present) and noting the delay in issuing the letter due to the death of Raphael Meldola, the author. 1f., 4 pp.
703. |
Press cutting from the Bournemouth "Evening Echo", Tuesday 8 Nov 1988, headed "Darwin rival," noting the death of "Broadstone scientist" A. R. Wallace on the same date 75 years earlier. Place: Bournemouth Dorset England Notes: In two pieces, with one containing the name of the paper and date stapled to the news item. Staple removed and photocopy of both on one sheet added 2003.
704. |
Papers re a proposal by James Marchant and /or William Greenell Wallace to write a biography of A. R. Wallace
705. |
Marchant Sir James, Wallace William Greenell
Letter from J Marchant (Author of "Letters and Reminiscences", 1916) to William Greenell Wallace, from [ illegible address] London W6 on Royal Institution headed paper, 7 Dec 1913, re writing a biography of A. R. Wallace and sources of letters; enclosing a damaged (burnt) sheet (pp. 19, 20) from a printed catalogue of [antique book dealer] T. Thorp, 93 St .Martin's Lane, advertising lot 325, 14 letters of the late A. R. Wallace for £2.20, entry marked with a blue pencil cross an apparently unrelated one on Norway; Marchant has seen the letters and they are to Prof Wright; asks if WGW is in contact with him. Envelope addressed to WGW at Old Orchard postmarked London 9 Dec 1913.
706. |
Cambridge Octavius Pickard, Wallace Violet Isabel
Letter to Violet Wallace from Rev O. Pickard-Cambridge, from [Bloxworth] Rectory, Wareham, 15 Dec 1913, re the spider Friula wallacii named by him after her father A. R. Wallace, enclosing a reprint inscribed to her on the front cover; of his paper "On some new and little-known spiders" from Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 15 Dec 1896 including description and figure of F. wallacii; paper slip with instructions to Xerox letter and p. 1006 which may be in WGW's or another hand; envelope addressed to Miss Wallace at Old Orchard. Broadstone, postmarked 15 Dec 1913. Place: Wareham Dorset England Notes: In a modern (1998) envelope of unrelated miscellanea including proofs of "Is Mars Habitable" when listed; paper slip enclosed in reprint in an unknown hand "Xerox only letter & p. 1006 total of 2 exposures if possible." See note to WP6/5/4 ( Proofs of A. R. Wallace's "Darwinism, an exposition....") re Xerox process and speculative dates.
707. |
Ms in envelope annotated "Ms Sketch of Dr A .R. Wallace's Life (Rough draft 4000 words ) W.G.W. 18.6.13"; 32 pages of Ms on A. R. Wallace's life on lined exercise book paper in WGW's hand numbered 1 -27; some of the first few pages are variations and have duplicate numbers. Notes: Paper brittle and in very poor condition. Probably written for James Marchant, "A. R. Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences" (London and elsewhere, 1916)
708. |
Estcourt Rowland
Letter from Rowland Estcourt to William Greenell Wallace, from San Francisco, California, 5 May 1914 enclosing signed 4pp. , 4 ff. TS "Recollections of the late Dr Alfred Russell [sic] Wallace"; stamped envelope addressed to WGW postmarked San Francisco 7 May [1914]. Place: California USA
709. |
Ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand on plants, geology and expenditure on tour of Lake District, July 1893, including plant lists; in ink and pencil with half of the pages written upside down relative to the other half, first page of one half headed "Plants of Ribblesdale from Horton upwards", first page of the other half headed by the Newcastle address of W G Wallace and serial nos. of £ notes ; five double pages apparently torn from a small notebook, approx 15 cm x 8 cm, loose and without cover when listed.. Place: Cumbria Yorkshire England Ribblesdale Giggleswick Dovedale Settle Notes: In an envelope of unrelated miscellanea including accounts of expenditure Old Orchard
710. |
Sketch elevation in ink on pale blue paper for wood-lined walls of study, 25 Aug 1902, signed and dated by A. R. Wallace and apparently drawn by him. Place: Broadstone Dorset England
711. |
Plan in ink on white squared paper, 24 Oct 1901, headed "(Copyright) | Rough ground-plan of House proposed to be built by A.R. Wallace Esq. F.R.S." with instructions as to materials etc at the top of the page, all in A. R. Wallace's hand and signed and dated by him, annotated on the back in pencil "W H C Curtis" (in Curtis's? hand) with an address and rough plan of hall ceiling. Place: Broadstone Dorset England
712. |
"Report of the Land Nationalisation Society 1888-9", printed pamphlet with some passages marked, annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand beneath date "June 1889", 30 pages plus text inside front and back covers; annotations on cover include in A. R. Wallace's hand "Mr Mills book" and in WGW's? hand "pp 18-19." These pages refer to Herbert V Mills 1889 "Poverty and the State".
713. |
Papers re Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1870, "Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. A Series of Essays." Macmillan & Co., London & New York; April 1870 (2nd edition 1871) Notes: See Smith bibliog. S716 for details of second edition (1871) and reprints and extracts
714. |
Printed review from "The Academy", 15 Feb 1871, of A. R. Wallace, "Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection" (London 1870). Notes: Sheet too large to unfold fully in a standard archive box. When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
715. |
Press cutting, review of A. R. Wallace's "Island Life" beginning "The comparatively new department of science…geographical zoology, owes its chief development…to Mr A.R. Wallace" annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "The Scotsman Dec 17 1880"; two sections, one glued to the bottom of the other.
716. |
Press cutting headed "Literature | Island Life", review of A. R. Wallace's book "Island Life", annotated in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Glasgow Herald Jan. 4/1881". Notes: Contained in an envelope with papers on gunpowder storage (WP18/15) when listed.
717. |
Printed proof copy with marginal corrections in A. R. Wallace's hand, of A. R. Wallace, "Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications" (London, Macmillan 1889) Wrapped in a paper sheet labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "Darwinism | Set of corrected Proofs". There are date stamps of the printers (R & R Clark, Edinburgh) c. Jan-Apr 1889, on several pages. Many pages are annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Author's Proof". Loose octavo pages consisting of two title pages, pages [i]-xvii and [1]-494, and a map of the world stamped "Proof. Stanford. Cockspur St. with the date 24.12. 88 added by hand. Wrapping paper very dirty and torn.
718. |
Undated (before June 8, 1889) press cutting annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Edinburgh Leader"; review by professor Geddes of A. R. Wallace's "Darwinism,: an exposition of of the theory of natural selection..." (London 1889) in small envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "P. Geddes | Revs of "Darwinism". Notes: Back refers to a company subscription list closing on June 8th, 1889. When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
719. |
Appendices, proofs, of A. R. Wallace, "Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications" Macmillan & Co, third edition 1901, including "Note on Attempts to demonstrate the Existence of Selective Elimination in Wild Animals" and "Note on the Mode of Dispersal of Lizards", two copies, one (author's proof, corrected in A. R. Wallace's hand) dated 18 Jun 1901 and one 2 Jul 1901 ; undated note in an unknown hand on yellow paper "Don't Xerox - proofs of Darwinism". Notes: The Xerox photocopying process became commercially available in 1950 (Source: inventors/ website) so it is possible, if unlikely, that the hand on the note is WGW's (he died in 1951). The term was used as a general one for photocopying up to about the 1980's but seems to have almost died out in Britain so the note was probably not written by a member of the NHM staff.
720. |
Papers re Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1903, "Man's Place in the Universe; A Study of the Results of Scientific Research in Relation to the Unity or Plurality of Worlds". Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London, Oct. 1903 and subsequent editions and reprints. Notes: See Smith S728 for full publication details up to 1914.
721. |
"Man's Place in the Universe", proofs, pp v-vi, "Preface to Cheaper Edition", and Appendix, pp. 326-336, "An additional argument dependent on the theory of evolution", sections sewn together; marked on front page in A. R. Wallace's hand "for translation"; stamped on front page with printer's date stamp 1 Jun 1904
722. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 1. Printed illustration of a fish, from a drawing by A. R. Wallace. Captioned in an unknown hand in ink "4. Plecostomus guacari. Fam. Loricariidae. | (One third nat. size.) " Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
723. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 2.Printed illustration of the valediction "Thine in amity" and signature of Theodosius Purland, from a letter written by Purland to A. R. Wallace in 1870. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
724. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 3 Proof illustration of the back of an envelope postmarked Apr 10 [1869].decorated with a cartoon by T. Purland showing a mediaeval archer with a Bird-of -Paradise perched on his nose. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
725. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 4. Proof illustration of a cartoon by T. Purland, headed "Saturday!" and showing a man in top hat and coat with a bag under one arm and an [umbrella?] in the other hand, contemplating signs to various places at the four corners of a compass Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
726. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 5. Proof illustration showing part of a letter and cartoon, with the printed caption "My Last Letter from Dr. Purland." The cartoon shows a man with a knife in one hand holding a cat by its tail. The proof sheet is stamped on the top left "First Proof - 7 Sep 1905" and annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand "My Life. (Dr. Wallace)". Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
727. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 6. Proof illustration of two fish, (an Angelfish and a Catfish) one above the other, from drawings by A. R. Wallace. The top image is captioned "5. Pterophyllum scalare.[sic] Fam. Cichlidae. | (One third natural size.) " and the bottom image "3. Pimelodus holomelus. Fam. Siluridae. | (One third natural size.)" both in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
728. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 7. Proof illustration of two fish, Cichlostoma severum and Cynodon scombroides, one above the other, from drawings by A. R. Wallace. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
729. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 8. Proof illustration of a fish, Xiphostoma lateristriga, from a drawing by A. R. Wallace. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
730. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 9. Proof illustration, portrait of A. R. Wallace's mother Mary Anne Wallace née Greenell, aged 18, from a miniature. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "My Mother. From a Miniature Age 18." Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
731. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 10. Proof illustration of a silhouette portrait of A. R. Wallace's brother Herbert Edward Wallace, aged 20. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
732. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 11. Proof illustration with the printed caption "Alfred R. Wallace. !878." portrait of A. R. Wallace, 1878, (aged 55) from a photo. He is shown to just below the waist, seated in a carved wooden chair, holding a book in his left hand. Both his hair and beard are white and he is wearing spectacles. Annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "My Life" and with the page and volume number inserted in his? hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
733. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 12. Proof illustration. Portrait of A. R. Wallace's brother Herbert Edward Wallace aged 8, from a sketch by Miss Townsend, showing him to the waist wearing wide sleeves and a broad-brimmed hat. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
734. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 13. Proof illustration of The Grammar School, Hertford, from an engraving in Turner's History 1830. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
735. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 14. Proof illustration of a village near Leicester from a drawing by A. R. Wallace 1844, dominated by a large almost central (oak?) tree with low farm buildings on the left of the picture and a broad road with low fence on the right. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
736. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 15. Proof illustration of a Derbyshire landscape from a drawing by A. R. Wallace, showing part of a large tree-trunk on the far left of the picture next to a road which curves to the left from the foreground, with the top of a church visible in a wooded valley to the right. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
737. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 16. Proof illustration of a village near Leicester from a drawing by A. R. Wallace 1844, showing a wide road bordered by a paling fence running from the foreground and curving slightly away to the left of the picture in the background, with buildings including a large brick chimney partly hidden by trees near the left foreground. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
738. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 17. Proof illustration of a small church in a landscape from drawing by William G Wallace near Llanbister in 1840, captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "'A Lonely Chapel" | pencil sketch by W.G.Wallace 1840." Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
739. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 18. Proof illustration of buildings in the village of Llanbister, Radnorshire, from a drawing by William G Wallace, 1840. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
740. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 19. Proof illustration of the house "Whittern", near Ludlow, Shropshire, from a drawing by William G Wallace, 1842, showing the house behind trees in the middle distance with a driveway between low stone walls in the foreground. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
741. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 20. Proof illustration of the house "Whittern", near Ludlow, Shropshire, from a drawing by William G Wallace, 1842, showing the house behind trees in the middle distance with a driveway between low stone walls in the foreground. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
742. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 21. Proof illustration captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, of the entrance to the cave Porth y Ogof, Vale of Neath, showing the figure of a woman in hat and long skirt standing on a ledge on the left of the picture. Black and white. From an undated and unattributed photograph. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
743. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 22. Proof illustration in black and white of a waterfall, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Ysgwyd einon Gam - Vale of Neath". From an undated and unattributed photograph. The reproduction in A. R. Wallace's autobiography "My Life" is captioned "Ysgwd Gladys, Vale of Neath." Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
744. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 23. Proof illustration in black and white of a waterfall, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Llanrhaidwr Waterfall." From an undated and unattributed photograph. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
745. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 24. Proof illustration in black and white captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Free Library, Neath | Designed by A. R. Wallace. 1847" showing an angled view of Neath Free Library building with a lantern-shaped sign reading "Free Library" suspended over the arched entrance. From an undated and unattributed photograph. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
746. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 25. Proof illustration in black and white captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "'Maen LLia' | Upper Vale of Neath" showing a tall standing stone with hills in the background and a man standing near the stone on the right of the picture. From an undated photograph by Florence Neale. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
747. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 26. Proof illustration in black and white in two sections, from photographs by Florence Neale; on the left showing a tall narrow standing stone surrounded by small boulders and on the right a copy of the rough latin inscription carved on it. Annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "' Maen Madoc' | Upper Vale of Neath" and "Latin inscription on Maen Madoc." Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
748. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 27. Proof illustration in black and white showing a middle-aged man in profile looking to the left of the viewer, seated at a table with a bottle and jug. Annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "Samuel Hosgood [sic] | From a sketch by W. G. Wallace, 1843." The reproduction in A. R. Wallace's "My Life" is captioned "Samuel Osgood ..." Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
749. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 28. Proof illustration in black and white showing a low thatched shelter with a smaller one nearby, in a jungle clearing. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand " Native House, Wokan, Aru Islands. | Where I lived two weeks in March 1857[sic]." The reproduction in "My Life" gives the date as 1859. From an undated and unattributed photo given to A. R. Wallace by Henry Moseley (See "My Life" vol. 1 p. 357.) Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
750. |
36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 29. Proof illustration in black and white with printed caption "My Faithful Malay Boy - Ali, 1855-1862." Full face head and shoulders portrait of a young Malay man wearing a jacket and white bow tie. This is an enlarged reproduction of a photograph taken in Singapore by an unnamed friend of A. R. Wallace's. (See also WP6/8/19). Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.