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NHM-WP07.088.004    Draft:    1903.03.17--1903.04.03   "Man's Place in the Universe | A Reply to Dr. Wallace" by H H Turner, undated proof? of a letter to the Editor, 17 Mar 1903, pp. [598]- 605 annotated "Fortnightly Review April 1903", heavily annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand.
NHM-WP07.088.005    Note:    1903.08.00?--1903   "Man's Place in the Universe | Reply to Criticisms", undated (c. Aug 1903) Ms in A. R. Wallace's hand on lined exercise book paper so titled on front in blue in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand, 29 numbered folios written on one side only plus title page/cover Notes: Smith: S606. Man's Place in the Universe: A Reply to Criticisms. The Independent (New York) 55: 2024-2031 (27 Aug. 1903: no. 2856); also printed in Fortnightly Review 74 (n.s.; 80, o.s.): 380-390 (1 Sept. 1903: no. 441, n.s.). --reprints: The Living Age 239 (7th s., vol. 21): 193-201 (24 Oct. 1903: no. 3094); Eclectic Magazine 10(6) (3rd s.; 141(6), o.s.): 773-781 (Dec. 1903).
NHM-WP07.088.006    Note:    1903.07.31--1903   "Man's place in the universe: a reply to criticisms" by A. R. Wallace, TS, 21 numbered pages plus title page, with corrections in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand, annotated in pencil on the title page "for the 'Fortnightly"' and "Adams"; stamped on back page "Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, 31 Jul 1903" below pencilled note in an unknown hand "Proofs to Dr A.R. Wallace C/o Curtis Browne", with address. Notes: Smith: S606. Man's Place in the Universe: A Reply to Criticisms. in Fortnightly Review 74 (n.s.; 80, o.s.): 380-390 (1 Sept. 1903: no. 441, n.s.). In modern envelope labelled in Richard W's hand "1923 Obit | Articles in entomological Soc Proceedings | Profile W J Hooker | Mans Place in Universe A Reply" when listed. Envelope discarded. Title page torn, paper thin
NHM-WP07.088.007    Draft:    1903.09.00--1903   "Man's Place in the Universe | A Reply to Criticisms" by A. R. Wallace, proof pp. [379]-390 titled on first page in ink in A. R. Wallace's? or another hand with "F.R Sep 1903" added in the same hand; annotations in pencil in an unknown hand "A1 | dupt to Sep file" crossed through and "A" added in the same hand below deletions. Notes: Smith: S606. "Man's Place in the Universe: A Reply to Criticisms" in Fortnightly Review 74 (n.s.; 80, o.s.): 380-390 (1 Sept. 1903: no. 441, n.s.).
NHM-WP07.088.008    Draft:    1903.09.00--1903   "Man's place in the universe: a reply to criticisms" by A. R. Wallace, proof pp. 379-390, sewn into brown paper cover with title and date on front in A. R. Wallace's? or another hand, made from an envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace from the Royal Society postmarked 13 Mar 1896. Notes: Smith: S606. "Man's Place in the Universe: A Reply to Criticisms" in Fortnightly Review 74 (n.s.; 80, o.s.): 380-390 (1 Sept. 1903: no. 441, n.s.).
NHM-WP07.088.009    Draft:    1903.11.00--1903   Proof of a letter headed "E.A. Poe and A.R. Wallace" from Ernest Marriott, Manchester, to the editor of "The Fortnightly Review" , on Poe and Wallace's theories on astronomy, printed proof? page [890], annotated at the top in A. R. Wallace's hand "Nov 1903" and in pencil "A" and "A1 | Sep File" crossed through. Notes: Smith: S708. Edgar Allan Poe; A Series of Seventeen Letters Concerning Poe's Scientific Erudition in Eureka and His Authorship of "Leonainie" [letters to Ernest Marriott from 1903 and 1904 assembled by an unknown compiler and privately printed as a pamphlet]
NHM-WP07.089    Draft:    1904.09.00--1904   "First Draft of Article on Re-incarnation for the London Magazine"Ms so labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand on front, annotated in pencil "D", titled on p [1] "Have we lived on earth before and shall we live on earth again?", 12 numbered folios plus cover, all exercise book paper. Undated, c. Sep 1904: see WP1/1/186, letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William 15 Sep 1904 Notes: Smith: S618a. Have We Lived on Earth Before? Shall We Live on Earth Again? [article/N posting results of a survey; Wallace's one of several responses printed]. The London: A Magazine of Human Interest 13: 401-403 (401-408) (Nov. 1904: no. 76).
NHM-WP07.090    Printed:    1904.01.01?--1904   "Dr. Russel Wallace and the New Year" by A. R. Wallace, undated press cutting from [The Clarion? Title missing, but mention of Manchester in small ads on back and advertisement for a book by "Nunquam" (Robert Blatchford, prop)] Friday Jan 1, 19 (end missing). (Not found in Smith but possibly 1904, when the 1st of Jan fell on a Friday )
NHM-WP07.091    Draft:    1904.03.30--1904.05.00   "The Birds of Paradise in the Arabian Nights" parts 1 and 2 , proof sheets in paper folder labelled "A2", two copies pp. 379 -392 and 561-572, first copy in loose sheets, second has both parts separately sewn: all but part 2 of second copy annotated and dated in A. R. Wallace's hand "The Independent Review Apr 1904", part 2 "The Independent Review May 1904"; second copy of part 2 stamped 30 Mar [1904]
NHM-WP07.092    Printed:    1904.09.30--1904   Press cutting "Who said Imperialism? A reply to Dr. A. R. Wallace" (by R. Blatchford, "The Clarion" 30 Sept 1904), reply to a letter by A. R. Wallace. A. R. Wallace's letter appears in Smith as S617. Practical Politics [a reply to Editor Robert Blatchford's comments on military spending]. The Clarion (London) no. 669: 1b-c (30 Sept. 1904). Notes: A. R. Wallace's letter to which this is a reply appears in Smith as S617. Practical Politics [a reply to Editor Robert Blatchford's comments on military spending]. The Clarion (London) no. 669: 1b-c (30 Sept. 1904). When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
NHM-WP07.093    Printed:    1906.08.27   "Why Not British Guiana? | Five Acres for Half-A-Crown" letter to the Editor of an unknown newspaper by A. R. Wallace, press cutting pasted in two pieces onto red-lined blue paper, annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand include "Aug 27th 1906" and "This was sent under the heading 'Why not the Rio Negro"'. Notes: A piece titled "Why Not British Guiana? | Five Acres for 2s.6d." in the Daily News, 27 Oct [sic] 1906, is listed in Marchant, Appendix, vol 2. Not found in Smith Bibliog of A. R. Wallace. SEE also WP12/23, undated press cutting 1906? letter to the Editor by Phipson, headed "Cooperative Emigration".
NHM-WP07.094    Printed:    1906.09.24   7 press cuttings, some with annotations or passages marked, on nationalisation of the railways, including a letter by A. R. Wallace "How to Nationalise Railroads" from the "Daily News" 24 Sep 1906 and letters to the Editor in reply; in small envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "Art. on 'Nationalising Railways' | Leading Art. same day | & How to buy the Railways"'. Notes: See also cutting dated 1893 proposing the provision of public footpaths along railway lines to provide access to stations, removed and recorded separately as WP7/67. When listed the small envelope was filed in box 2 with papers in an envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
NHM-WP07.095.[01]    Draft:    1906.11.00--1907.04.00   "Personal Suffrage; A Rational System of Representation and Election", Ms proof in A. R. Wallace's hand on 22 numbered folios exercise paper, initialled "J R" on title page which is marked "B2" in pencil in an unknown hand; date stamped 30? Nov 1906 on title page and annotated in pencil in an unknown hand on back of last folio "Proof to Dr. Alfred R Wallace Broadstone Dorset".
NHM-WP07.095.[02]    Draft:    1906.11.00--1907.04.00   2."Personal Suffrage", corrected proofs pp [1]-7, from "Fortnightly Review", stamped on the back of p 7 "11 Dec 1906", annotated by A. R. Wallace on the front "April 1907". Notes: Proof on very acidic paper
NHM-WP07.096    Draft:    1907.01.00--1907   "The Railways for the Nation", by A. R. Wallace, corrected proof sheets pasted onto 9 numbered red-lined blue sheets in white paper folder annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand with title and "in the 'Arena' Boston, U.S.A. | by A.R.Wallace". Notes: Smith: S634. The Railways for the Nation. Arena 37: 1-6 (Jan. 1907: no. 206).
NHM-WP07.097    Printed:    1907.09.13--1907   "Dr A. R. Wallace & Sir W.M. Ramsay's Theory | Did Man Reach his Highest Development in the Past?" press cutting (whole page) from "Public Opinion" 13 Sep 1907, p. 336, annotated in pencil at top left "A1".
NHM-WP07.098.[01]    Draft:    1907.06.06--1907.10.11   "History of the World - | How Life Became Possible on Earth" by A. R. Wallace, galley proofs, 5 sheets annotated on first page in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink "Author's First Proof" and in pencil "A1" Notes: Published in Harmsworth History of the World ed. by Arthur Mee, J. A. Hammerton, & A. D. Innes (8 vols., Carmelite House, London, 1907-1909), Vol. 1: 91-98 (11 Oct. 1907)
NHM-WP07.098.[02]    Draft:    1907.06.06--1907.10.11   2."How Life Became Possible on Earth", proofs, pp. 91-97, marked in A. R. Wallace's hand "Final Revise" Notes: Published in Harmsworth History of the World ed. by Arthur Mee, J. A. Hammerton, & A. D. Innes (8 vols., Carmelite House, London, 1907-1909), Vol. 1: 91-98 (11 Oct. 1907)
NHM-WP07.098.[03]    Draft:    1907.06.06--1907.10.11   Envelope originally containing final revise, annotated on the back in A. R. Wallace's hand "History of the World | Proof of my chapter on ' How Life became Possible' (April 1907) [sic]" Notes: Published in Harmsworth History of the World ed. by Arthur Mee, J. A. Hammerton, & A. D. Innes (8 vols., Carmelite House, London, 1907-1909), Vol. 1: 91-98 (11 Oct. 1907)
NHM-WP07.099.[01]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1907.12.24   "Science in 1907", papers comprising: 1.Letter from J M Tushy, from London 24 Dec 1907, pp. the editor of "New York World", to A. R. Wallace asking for a short article on scientific development during 1907; Notes: Smith: S648. Dr. Wallace Pleased With Advance in Natural History Exploration [remarks contributed to a feature article/N entitled 'Leaders of Thought Tell the World of Achievements of 1907'; Wallace's one of many invited responses printed]. The World (New York) no. 16931: 2a-b (1-3) (29 Dec. 1907).
NHM-WP07.099.[02]    Note:    1907.12.24   "Science in 1907", papers comprising: 2 "Science in 1907", Ms in A. R. Wallace's hand on 3 folios of lined exercise book paper Notes: Smith: S648. Dr. Wallace Pleased With Advance in Natural History Exploration [remarks contributed to a feature article/N entitled 'Leaders of Thought Tell the World of Achievements of 1907'; Wallace's one of many invited responses printed]. The World (New York) no. 16931: 2a-b (1-3) (29 Dec. 1907).
NHM-WP07.099.[03]    Printed:    1907.12.24   "Science in 1907", papers comprising: 3. Press cutting including portrait of A. R. Wallace, headlined "Dr. Wallace Pleased with Advance in Natural History Exploration" annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "New York World. Jan 1. 1908" Notes: Smith: S648. Dr. Wallace Pleased With Advance in Natural History Exploration [remarks contributed to a feature article/N entitled 'Leaders of Thought Tell the World of Achievements of 1907'; Wallace's one of many invited responses printed]. The World (New York) no. 16931: 2a-b (1-3) (29 Dec. 1907).
NHM-WP07.099.[04]    Note:    1907.12.24   "Science in 1907", papers comprising: 4. Small buff envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Science in 1907 | New York World" and in pencil "A2". Notes: Smith: S648. Dr. Wallace Pleased With Advance in Natural History Exploration [remarks contributed to a feature article/N entitled 'Leaders of Thought Tell the World of Achievements of 1907'; Wallace's one of many invited responses printed]. The World (New York) no. 16931: 2a-b (1-3) (29 Dec. 1907).
NHM-WP07.100[1]    Draft:    1908.01.13--1908.01.25   Undated (13 Jan 1908) Ms letter to the Editor of "The Outlook" on marriage, by A. R. Wallace, referring to "Eve's" earlier letter .
NHM-WP07.101.[01]    Draft:    [1907.12.00]--1908.01.01   "Evolution and Character by A. R. Wallace, page proofs? pp. [1] -24, from "The Fortnightly Review" 1 Jan 1908, annotated in pencil in an unknown hand on the title page "A2" but otherwise unmarked.
NHM-WP07.101.[02]    Draft:    [1907.12.00]--1908.01.01   "Evolution and Character" by A. R. Wallace, page proofs from "Fortnightly Review 1 Jan 1908, pp [1]-24, with 2 Ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand after the large page, all in a paper and card cover titled in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand and annotated in pencil with page, word and line counts in his hand.
NHM-WP07.101.[03]    Printed:    [1907.12.00]--1908.01.01   One folio (2 pp) print pp. 375-376, "Fortnightly Review" headed "Correspondence" with a letter by Marcus Hartog, undated (Feb 1908?) headed "Evolution and Character" re A. R. Wallace on this subject in the F R Jan 1908 p. 11; annotated in pencil "A2".
NHM-WP07.102.001    Draft:    1908.04.00?--1908   "The Remedy for Unemployment - I", printed proof, pp [1]-22, undated, c Apr? 1908, signed "A. R. Wallace" in ink on the top right of the title page.
NHM-WP07.102.002    Correspondence:   Hughes W R, Wallace Alfred Russel, Mills Herbert V, Eeden Frederik Willem van  1908.05.28   Letter from W R Hughes to A. R. Wallace from Mansfield House University Settlement, Canning Town, 28 May 1908, re A. R. Wallace's article in the "Socialist Review" on unemployment; [Herbert] Mills and J Bruce Wallace on the subject; socialist communities; van Eeden's paper on Walden, Holland. Place: London England Notes: Enclosed in envelope annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand on one side "The Remedy for Unemployment | Criticisms &c." and on the other "The Remedy for Unemployment, WP7/102/7, when listed.
NHM-WP07.102.004    Printed:    1908.07.00--1908   Journal "The Socialist Review: A Monthly Review of Modern Thought", vol. 1 no 5, Jul 1908 (The Independent Labour Party, London); including "The Remedy for Unemployment - II" by A. R. Wallace, pp. 390-400; approx 24.5 cm x 15.5 cm with red cover; annotated on the front cover, top right, in ink in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "A.R. Wallace | II." Place: London England Notes: SEE old ref WP2/27
NHM-WP07.102.005    Correspondence:   Macdonald James Ramsay, Wallace Alfred Russel  1909.01.25   Letter from J Ramsay Macdonald to A. R. Wallace, from the office of "The Socialist Review", The Independent Labour party, Fleet Street London 25 Jan 1909; re A. R. Wallace's lecture at the Royal Institution; would he consider publishing it in "The Socialist Review"; pressure of work has prevented Ramsay from writing anything on A. R. Wallace's two valuable papers on the unemployed published last year, but he has been drawing attention to them in his speeches; Unemployed Workmen's Bill. Place: London England Notes: Enclosed in envelope annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand on one side "The Remedy for Unemployment | Criticisms &c." and on the other "The Remedy for Unemployment, WP7/102/7, when listed.TS with corrections by hand, signed. SEE Smith S655. The Remedy for Unemployment [in large part an account of Poverty and the State by Herbert V. Mills, 1889]. I. Socialist Review 1: 310-320 (June 1908) / II. Socialist Review 1: 390-400 (July 1908). --revised version printed as pamphlet (Pass On Pamphlets, No. 8: The Clarion Press, London, Jan. 1909; pp. 1-(24)).
NHM-WP07.103    Draft:    1908.08.00--1908   "The Present Position of Darwinism", proof sheets pasted onto lined paper sewn into a paper cover titled on the front in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Present Position of Darwinism | Alfred R Wallace | (Contemporary Rev. Aug 1908)" with title crossed through in pencil, cover made from an envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace from the Royal Society, postmark illegible. Notes: Smith: S660. The Present Position of Darwinism. Contemporary Review 94: 129-141 (Aug. 1908). --reprint: The Living Age 258 (7th s., vol. 40): 707-716 (19 Sept. 1908: no. 3350).
NHM-WP07.104    Printed:    1908.08.14--1908   "Is it Peace or War? | A reply by Dr Alfred R. Wallace", printed article from "Public Opinion" 14 Aug 1908, pp 202-203; 2 ff. Notes: Very acidic and crumbling
NHM-WP07.105    Draft:    1908.12.00--1908   "Darwinism versus Wallaceism" by A. R. Wallace, galley proof of letter to the Editor annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand in in "Author"l from Contemporary Review 94: 716-717 (Dec. 1908) Notes: Smith: S666
NHM-WP07.106.[01]    Printed:    1909.01.16--1909.02.17   Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 1. Reprint from "The Daily Mail" 16 Jan 1909, 1 page headed "Aerial League of the British Empire", annotated on the back in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Flying Machines in War!!" ; leaflet, undated, apparently part of the same reprint, 1 folio folded (2 pp) headed "Aerial League of the British Empire | Progress Report" by Col. H S Massy and Stephen A Marples, Hon. Secs.including a preliminary statement of aims and listing proposed vice-presidents.
NHM-WP07.106.[02]    Note:    1909.01.16--1909.02.17   Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 2. Ms, "Flying Machines in War" by A. R. Wallace, draft letter in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink, unsigned, four numbered folios exercise book paper.
NHM-WP07.106.[03]    Note:    1909.02.06   Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 3. Small envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand in ink "Letter to Daily News | Flying Machines in War | Feb. 6th 1909", sealed (accidentally?) before listing, containing: Press cutting "Flying Machines in War" by A. R. Wallace, 3 copies, one ann. "Daily News Feb 6 1909 in unknown hand. Press cutting n.d. (6 Feb 1909?) from "Daily News"? headed "War in the Air" referring to a letter by A. R. Wallace published same day and letter from Edward J Gosling, Weymouth 6 Feb 1909 congratulating A. R. Wallace on his letter against the use of flying machines in war published that day in the Daily News
NHM-WP07.106.[04]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1909.02.06   Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 4. letter from Herbert E J Taylor to A. R. Wallace from Weston-super-Mare 6 Feb 1909 re A. R. Wallace's letter in the Daily News and "aerial navies".
NHM-WP07.106.[05]    Printed:    1909.02.06   Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 5. Press Cutting, Romeike inc. from NY "Tribune" 6 Feb 1909 headed "Airships in War opposed" reporting A. R. Wallace's views
NHM-WP07.106.[06]    Printed:    1909.04.08   Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 6. Press cutting from "The Daily News" [sic, not Daily Mail] , 8 Apr 1909, letter to the Editor by A. R. Wallace headed "Aerial Fleets"
NHM-WP07.106.[07]    Printed:    1909.02.17?   Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 7. Press cutting from "The Daily News" c 17 Feb (1909?), letter to the Editor by Chas. Jarrott Feb 16 headed "Empire of the Air | The Dirigible Airship In War"
NHM-WP07.106.[08]    Note:    1909.01.16--1909.02.17   Papers re the use of flying machines in war comprising: 8. Buff envelope containing all of the above when listed, annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Flying Machines | & War" and in pencil in WGW's hand "Noted | WGW"
NHM-WP07.107.[01]    Draft:    1909.02.00?--1909.03.01   "The World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism" by A. R. Wallace, proof with minor corrections, pp[1] - 22, from "Fortnightly Review"; undated (c. Feb 1909?) 22 folios, text only. Notes: Smith: S669. The World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism [revision of a lecture a portion of which was delivered at the Royal Institution on 22 Jan. 1909]. Fortnightly Review 85 (n.s.; 91, o.s.): 411-434 (1 March 1909: no. 507, n.s.). See also WP6/10, papers re publication of book with the same title.
NHM-WP07.107.[02]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1909.02.00?--1909.03.01   Buff envelope containing the above when listed; addressed to A. R. Wallace postmarked Manchester 15 Jan 1909 annotated on the back in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "World of Life | Proof as corrected for the 6 lecture Diagrams | The 'Fortnightly' paper - (with 3 Diagrams very much altered". Notes: Smith: S669. The World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism [revision of a lecture a portion of which was delivered at the Royal Institution on 22 Jan. 1909]. Fortnightly Review 85 (n.s.; 91, o.s.): 411-434 (1 March 1909: no. 507, n.s.). See also WP6/10, papers re publication of book with the same title.
NHM-WP07.107.[03]    Draft:    1909.02.00?--1909.03.01   "The World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism" page proofs pp. [411]-434; signed by A. R. Wallace on title page and annotated in pencil "A2" on the same page but otherwise unmarked; from the "Fortnightly Review" 1 March 1909: Smith Notes: Smith: S669. The World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism [revision of a lecture a portion of which was delivered at the Royal Institution on 22 Jan. 1909]. Fortnightly Review 85 (n.s.; 91, o.s.): 411-434 (1 March 1909: no. 507, n.s.). See also WP6/10, papers re publication of book with the same title.
NHM-WP07.108.[01]    Correspondence:   Marshall Mrs  1909.01.27--1909   Letter re Woman Suffrage from A. R. Wallace, Broadstone, to Mrs. Marshall
NHM-WP07.108.[02]    Printed:    1909.01.27--1909   press cutting, letter to the Editor of "The Times" dated Feb 12, from John Massie, re A. R. Wallace's letter in the Times on the subject
NHM-WP07.108.[03]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1909.01.27--1909   Small envelope labelled in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Womans Suffrage" and "B1" containing the above when listed.
NHM-WP07.110    Printed:    1910.11.20   "Evolution Cant Explain the Soul" by "Prof. A. R. Wallace"; press cutting, I folio newsprint, from "The World Magazine" (USA), 20 Nov 1910 pp. 7-8, article on p. 7 so headed, apparently suggesting that A. R. Wallace accepted creationism, illustrations include A. R. Wallace portrait. Notes: this article is not listed in Smith's bibliography of A. R. Wallace's works.
NHM-WP07.111.[01]    Correspondence:   Brodribb C H  1911.12.29   Letter signed C H Brodribb to A. R. Wallace from "The Times" 29 Dec 1911 thanking him for his letter apparently re the Insurance Act. Notes: See also WP1/8/39, letter from W A Davidson on the subject Dec 1911. Smith: S691. Dr. Russel Wallace on Insurance Act [letter]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 15581: 4d (25 Jan 1912)
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