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S735a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1887. Darwin's friend: chat with Mr. Albert Russell Wallace. Cincinnati Enquirer 45 (112): 4.   Text
S736    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1893. Woman and natural selection. Daily Chronicle No. 9902 (4 December): 3.   Text   Image
S737    Periodical contribution:     Tooley, Sarah A. 1894. Heredity and pre-natal influences: an interview with Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace. Humanitarian (n.s.) 4 (2): 80-88.   Text
S738    Periodical contribution:     A.D. 1898. A visit to Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, F.R.S. Bookman 13 (76): 121-124.   Text   Image
S739    Periodical contribution:     The Whatnot. 1898. Spiritualism—and things [interview with Wallace]. Clarion No. 343: 213.   Text
S741    Periodical contribution:     Dawson, Alfred. 1903. A visit to Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace. Christian Commonwealth 23 (1156, 10 December): 176-177.   Text   Image
S742    Periodical contribution:     Begbie, Harold. 1904. Master workers, XVII. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace. Pall Mall Magazine 34 (No. 137, September): 73-77.   Text   Image
S743    Periodical contribution:     Marchant, James. 1905. A man of the time: Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace and his coming autobiography. Book Monthly 2 (8): 545-549.   Text   Image
S744    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1907. Conversations. In: Allingham, Helen p. & Radford, Dollie eds., William Allingham: a diary. London: Macmillan & Co., pp. 329-330, 332-335.   Text   Image
S744a    Periodical contribution:     Hopps, John Page. 1908. Alfred Russel Wallace on the Indian crisis. Modern Review (Calcutta) 3 (2): 93.   Text
S744b    Periodical contribution:     Williams, Antonia R. 1909. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace: The interview that failed. Woman Worker 3 (3, 20 January): 51.   Text
S745    Periodical contribution:     Rann, Ernest H. 1909. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace at home. Pall Mall Magazine 43 (March): 274-284.   Text   Image
S746.1    Periodical contribution:     Begbie, Harold. 1910. New thoughts on evolution, I. Daily Chronicle No. 15197 (3 November): 4.   Text
S746.2    Periodical contribution:     Begbie, Harold. 1910. New thoughts on evolution, II. Daily Chronicle No. 15198 (4 November): 4.
S747    Periodical contribution:     Begbie, Harold. 1910. A scientist on politics. Daily Chronicle No. 15206 (14 November): 5.   Text
S748    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. Scientist's 88th birthday: interview with Dr. Russel Wallace. Social Problems. Daily News No. 20227 (9 January): 1.   Text
S748a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. We are guarded by spirits, declares Dr. A. R. Wallace. New York Times 61 (No. 19615, 8 October): 8.   Text
S749    Periodical contribution:     Begbie, H. 1912. The great strike — and after: hopes of a national peace. Daily Chronicle No. 15622 (13 March): 4.   Text
S750    Periodical contribution:     Rockell, Frederick. 1912. The last of the great Victorians: special interview with Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace. Millgate Monthly 7, part 2 (no. 83): 657-663.   Text   Image
S751    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. The problem of life. Daily News & Leader (London & Manchester) No. 20748 (7 September): 1.   Text
S752    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. The spectre of poverty. Daily News & Leader (London & Manchester) No. 20850 (6 January): 1.   Text   Image
S753    Periodical contribution:     Northrop, W. B. 1913. Alfred Russel Wallace. Outlook (New York) 105: 618-622.   Text   Image
S243.2    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1874. A defence of modern spiritualism. Part II. Spirit-photographs. Fortnightly Review (n.s.) 15 (90): 785-807 .   Text   Image
S441.2    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1891. English and American flowers, II. Flowers and forests of the Far West. Fortnightly Review (n.s.) 50 (300): 796-810.   Text   Image
NHM-Z_MSS88_O_W[.1]    Note:    1852.04.00   Manuscript notes (p. 69) on the fish species Ageneiosus militaris from the Rio Negro in South America, dated April 1852.
RGS-JMS.8.22    Note:    1857   On the Arru Islands. 8pp Published as S41.
RGS-JMS.13.99    Note:    1858   Notes of a voyage to New Guinea. 16pp. Published as S51. 35pp
WSPEC363    Periodical contribution:     Hewitson, W. C. 1866. Descriptions of new Hesperidae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (ser.3) 2: 479   PDF
WSPEC367    Book:     Davis, Joseph Barnard. 1867. Thesaurus craniorum: catalogue of the skulls of the various races of man, in the collection of Joseph Barnard Davis. London: Printed for the subscribers.   PDF
NHM-WP12    Printed:    [1790]--1914   Reprints, press cuttings, and ms copies of short works by author's other than A R Wallace, given to or apparently collected by him, including poems, scientific papers and letters to the editor, on a variety of subjects including botany, geology, politics and religion; many with annotations in his hand; and related papers including correspondence. Notes: Attempts to sort the papers by either date or author were frustrated by lack of one or the other or both. Most authors and likely dates have been found and added after listing, so the list is in no particular order.
NHM-WP12.001    Printed:    [1790]   "What constitutes a State", poem, copy in A. R. Wallace's hand of verses apparently from "Ode in Imitation of Alceus" by Sir William Jones (1746-1794) - original c. 1790s?. Notes: Title found from quotations, various websites, but date not found.
NHM-WP18    Note:    [1810]--[1951]   Miscellanea [1810]-[1951]
WS8.2    Book:     Malthus, Thomas. 1826. An essay on the principle of population; or, a view of its past and present effects on human happiness; with an inquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which it occassions. London: John Murray. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
WS8.1    Book:     Malthus, Thomas. 1826. An essay on the principle of population; or, a view of its past and present effects on human happiness; with an inquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which it occassions. London: John Murray. Volume 1.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP01    Note:    1835--1913   Correspondence
WS2.1    Book:     Lyell, Charles. 1835. Principles of geology: being an inquiry how far the former changes of the Earth's surface are referable to causes now in operation. 4th ed. London: John Murray. Volume 1.   Text   Image   PDF
WS2.2    Book:     Lyell, Charles. 1835. Principles of geology: being an inquiry how far the former changes of the Earth's surface are referable to causes now in operation. 4th ed. London: John Murray. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
WS2.3    Book:     Lyell, Charles. 1835. Principles of geology: being an inquiry how far the former changes of the Earth's surface are referable to causes now in operation. 4th ed. London: John Murray. Volume 3.   Text   Image   PDF
WS2.4    Book:     Lyell, Charles. 1835. Principles of geology: being an inquiry how far the former changes of the Earth's surface are referable to causes now in operation. 4th ed. London: John Murray. Volume 4.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP17.97    Figure:    1835--1854   Pencil sketch of a Welsh woman carrying water   Image
NHM-WP17.98    Figure:    1835--1854   Pencil sketch of a Derbyshire landscape   Image
NHM-WP17.096    Figure:    1835--1854   Pencil sketch of an unknown location
NHM-WP06.008    Note:    [1837--1914]   Papers re autobiography My Life: Papers re the creation and publication of Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1905,"My Life; A Record of Events and Opinions". 2 volumes. Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London, Oct. 1905, including correspondence, proof text and illustrations, original photographs and sketches, and reviews. See press cuttings, WP14, for further reviews.
NHM-WP06.008.017    Photo:    [1837]--[1905]   Photo, small sepia, of portrait sketch Herbert Edward Wallace aged about 8, (c. 1837) showing him to the waist wearing wide sleeves and a broad-brimmed hat; reproduced in ""My Life" vol. 1, facing p. 289, attributed Miss Townsend. Notes: In small envelope labelled in an unknown hand "Dr Wallace", with WP6/8/9 and 10. See also WP6/8/24. Dates based on likely date of original sketch and photograph for publication of autobiography.
NHM-WP06.008.008.[2]    Photo:    1840--1905   Small envelope labelled in an unknown hand "Dr Wallace", containing this print when listed and two others also reproduced in "My Life" (old refs WP3/ 57 and 58).
NHM-WP02.001    Photo:    [1840--1940]   Portraits and Images: Nine photographs: portraits of A. R. Wallace and members of the Wallace family and friends including his mother Mary Anne Wallace née Greenell, his sister Fanny (Frances: Mrs Thomas Sims), his wife Annie Wallace née Mitten and Frederick Geach (mining engineer in Timor c. 1861); 6 of the photos are of or include A. R. Wallace. Photos are arranged by subject beginning with the oldest member of the family, then by date. Other portrait photos and sketches are in WP6/8, papers re A. R. Wallace's autobiography "My Life", where they are marked up for publication; there is a photograph almost certainly of A. R. Wallace's father-in-law William Mitten in WP15, Mitten papers; portraits of A. R. Wallace are included in numerous press cuttings in WP2/2, interviews and biographical print pre November 1913. A few photos of other individuals occur in WP1, Correspondence. Notes: All photos with old ref WP 2/51 were in a small brown envelope labelled in WGW's hand "Photos of A. R. Wallace" and in Mrs R Wallace's hand c 2000 "Also Violet and William (his children)" - personal information from Mr & Mrs R Wallace 12.6.03. None of the photos apparently included the children when listing began; a small press cutting 1915 re memorial plaque to A. R. Wallace and other scientists in Westminster Abbey which was present has been placed with NS/1 WP2/3, A. R. Wallace obits and memoirs; envelope destroyed 16/6/03. Photos of Annie, Violet and A. R. Wallace were among Mitten and unrelated papers (old ref WP1/14) and one photo of A. R. Wallace among proof illustrations for books, old ref WP2/17/2.
NHM-WP02.001.001    Photo:    [1840]   Portrait photo apparently of Mary Anne Greenell/Wallace , undated, c 1840? of an elderly woman in bonnet and shawl, annotated on the back in pencil in an unknown hand "Mrs Thomas Vere Wallace (Mary Ann)" [sic]; black and white; apparently photographed from an album. Notes: Her second name is spelled "Anne" in A. R. Wallace's "My Life", 1905.
NHM-WP06.008.008.[1]    Photo:    1840--1905   Photo, small sepia, of an 1840 sketch by William G Wallace of village buildings, reproduced in My Life", London 1905, vol. 1, facing p. 150, captioned "Llanbister, Radnorshire").
NHM-WP06.008.009    Photo:    1840--1905   Photo, small sepia, of a sketch by William G Wallace of a small church in a landscape (near Llanbister in 1840; reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life", London 1905, vol. 1, facing p. 150, captioned "A Lonely Chapel"). Notes: Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905) vol. 1, facing p. 150.
BM-Am1935,1014.11    Miscellaneous:    1842   Comb made of wood, thread, cane. Obtained by A.R. Wallace in the Amazons. Donated by Miss Wallace and W.G. Wallace in 1935. Register information: 'These objects were collected by Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M., the donor's father …in 1859".
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore