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NHM-WP07.055    Correspondence:   Price Bonamy, Mallet Sir Louis  1879   Correspondence with J? Bonamy Price on Free Trade, Reciprocity and Louis Mallet, numbers 1-6 in cardboard cover with spine title "G Gray Birds of Aru Is New Guinea" in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand, labelled on front in blue pencil in WGW's? hand "Reciprocity &c Bonamy Price", comprising: WP7/55.01 to 07. Notes: In Large modern envelope labelled in R Wallace's hand "Correspondence with Myers Typed copies | Obits | Reciprocity Correspondence | Notes (for 'My Life'?)" with draft letter re Waterlow Park (but no obits) when listed- envelope discarded. Smith: S312. A Few Words in Reply to Mr. Lowe. Nineteenth Century 6: 179-181 (July 1879: no. 29).
NHM-WP07.055.[06]    Note:    1879   Ms on exercise book paper in A. R. Wallace's hand headed on first page " 'Reciprocity': A reply to Sir Louis Mallet, C.B." undated, last page[s] apparently missing; 4 folios, 4 numbered pages written on one side only.
NHM-WP07.055.[07]    Draft:    1879   Proof or offprint, pp [1]-3, of "A few words in reply to Mr. Lowe" by A. R. Wallace, annotated and corrected in A. R. Wallace's hand, with press cutting in three sections pasted onto back, headed in A. R. Wallace's hand "Daily News July 9th Finance Article".
S296    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1879. Discussion [of paper on the Australasian-Pacific races of man by S.J.Whitmee]. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain & Ireland 8: 367-368.   Text   Image   PDF
S297    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1879. Discussion [of paper on New Guinea tribes by W. G. Lawes]. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain & Ireland 8: 377.   Text   Image   PDF
WSPEC272    Periodical contribution:     Deyrolle, Henri. 1879. Diagnoses de nouvelles especes de Brenthides. Petites nouvelles entomologiques 2 (213): 297-298.   PDF
WSPEC351.4    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1879. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 4: Passeriformes Cichlomorphae Part I - Campophagidae and Muscicapidae. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
NHM-WP07.053    Note:    1879?   Ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, on colour sense in and colours of animals, comprising: 1. Note headed "Colour sense (Mr Henry T Fincke [sic])". 2. Ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Chapter IX ", listing page references with comments, beginning " p. 149 Butts. [butterflies?] & Humming Birds - most brilliant" . Notes: Both in very small writing on one side of paper only, sheets octavo size. Possibly notes for "Colour in Nature [review by A. R. Wallace of The Colour Sense, Its Origin and Development; An Essay in Comparative Psychology by Grant Allen, 1879]". Nature 19: 501-505 (3 April 1879: no. 492). (Smith: S304). Henry T Finck was the author of a letter to the Editor in the same volume, p. 340 (Feb 13, 1879) dated Berlin, 8 Feb, headlined "Intellect in Brutes".
NHM-WP04.002    Note:    [1880--1881]   Undated plans of Nutwood cottage Godalming and sketch map of Hindhead road, Knoll Road and Sandy Lane area, Godalming, 5 sheets and envelope, comprising: 1. "Elevation - West front" in black ink on 1 sheet waxed linen; 2. "Elevation - South Front" ditto 3. "Bedroom Plan" (partly coloured) ditto 4. Plan of ground floor (untitled but with annotations ) in ink on brown greaseproof paper 5. Sketch map in pencil on similar but thinner paper of area for sale around Hindhead and Knoll roads and Sandy Lane; all writing in A. R. Wallace's hand; all folded. 6. Cream envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Plans of Nutwood cottage Godalming" Place: Godalming Surrey England Note: Folded many times and some deeply creased and dirty in places. They have been refolded on the original lines and need a larger container.
NHM-WP06.004    Note:    1880--1881   Ms notes relating to and printed reviews of Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1880, "Island Life: Or, The Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras, Including a Revision and Attempted Solution of the Problem of Geological Climates". (Macmillan & Co., London, Oct. 1880; / Harper & Brothers, New York, 1881, and later editions and reprint(s).
NHM-WP06.004.001    Note:    [1880]   Seven undated, unsigned folios of notes in Charles Darwin's hand; annotated at the top of the first folio in A. R. Wallace's hand "Darwin's notes on 'Island Life"' and "Notes have been recorded in text." Comments with page references on Wallace's text, e.g. "p. 46 - I am sure that I have read of a Mus from Viti Isd., but this may have been introduced . . . p. 68 - I most heartily concur about [separated?] genera of [illegible] family ..." etc., presumably re A. R. Wallace's "Island Life: Or, The Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras, Including a Revision and Attempted Solution of the Problem of Geological Climates". Macmillan & Co., London, Oct. 1880. Notes: On blue foolscap, the first six folios written on one side only, numbered 1,2,3,"addendum to p. 3", 4, 5, 6. When listed here these notes were in an acid-free envelope annotated, probably by E B c 2001/02 "Listed as '6 sheets of notes relating to Darwins comments on Island Life'. Possibly by Darwin?". The quote is from the rough box list made by C. Mills when the papers were inspected. Handwriting identified as Darwin's by descendant Quentin Keynes 2005.
NHM-WP07.041.[06]    Printed:    1880   Press cuttings from "The Academy" 23 Oct 1880, one section ( from p. 294?) headed "Science. | The Emotions and Senses of Insects" a review by A. R. Wallace of A H Swinton, "Insect variety: Its Propagation and Distribution…" (London? 1880?), folded , with halves (accidentally?) glued together at the bottom, continued on large cutting, p. 295 -296
NHM-WP10.003    Note:    1880--1897   Cardboard cover with spine title "Adaptive colouration" in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand, front title "Notes on examinations" in extremely faint red pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand, with "1891-97" in ink over blue pencil below this, containing annotated printed elementary and and advanced Physiography examination papers and notes 1880 to 1890 (excluding 1887). Most annotations appear to be in A. R. Wallace's hand. The contents, 47 folios, are as follows: Folios 1 to 33 (including folder):.Folder made from a postal cover of a journal from the Entomological Society of London, stamped and postmarked (18)80?, titled on the opposite side in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Physiography 1880" with "to 1890" added in pencil, followed by a list of examinations papers by year, in ink. An undated printed and annotated examination paper is pasted onto the inside surface. The folder contains 32 loose folios which include printed physical geography examination papers 1880 to 1889 inclusive with the exception of 1887, and notes in A. R. Wallace's hand on the questions and answers, and on examination (board) meetings. Folios 34 and 35:Physiography examination paper 1891, elementary and advanced, 1 folio print, enclosing ms notes on the questions, in A. R. Wallace's hand. Folios 36 and 37.Two folios of ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, on the 1892 physiography exam questions. Folios 38 and 39: Physiography examination paper 1893, elementary and advanced, enclosing ms notes on the questions, in A. R. Wallace's hand. Folios 40 and 41: Physiography examination paper 1894, elementary and advanced, enclosing ms notes on the questions, in A. R. Wallace's hand. Folios 42, 43 and 44: Physiography examination paper 1895, elementary and advanced, enclosing ms notes on the questions, in A. R. Wallace's hand. Folio 45: Physiography examination paper 1896. Folios 46 and 47: Physiography examination paper 1897, elementary and advanced, enclosing ms notes on the questions, in A. R. Wallace's hand. Notes: For convenience of location the loose papers have been numbered in pencil in square brackets but not recorded as separate pieces. In this case, because the file is relatively large, to save time enclosures have not been treated as sub-sets of the enclosing document, but numbers are sequential. P J Lucas Feb 2003
S325b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1880. [Comment on archeological and glacial subjects]. Journal of Proceedings at Ordinary, Field, and Other Meetings of the Essex Field Club, in Transactions of the Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists’ Field Club 1: xxxiv-xxxvii.   Text   Image
S334a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1880. Wallace and Darwin. In: Sargent, Epes. 1880. The scientific basis of spiritualism. Boston: Colby & Rich, pp. 360-361.   Text   Image
WSPEC180    Periodical contribution:     Sclater, P.L. 1880. Note on the Rallus sulcirostris of Wallace and its allies. Ibis (ser.4) 4: 309-312, pl. VI   PDF
NHM-WP02.006.003.03    Correspondence:   Myers F W H, Wallace William Greenell, Marchant Sir James  1881--1916   CC of a letter from W G Wallace (signed by him) to [James] Marchant, from Boscombe 8 Jun 1916, sending copies of letters given to WGW by Mrs Myers and asking that they not be published; Carbon copies of 18 letters, apparently re spiritualism from A. R. Wallace to F W H Myers 1881-1895, from Pen-y-bryn, St Peter's Rd. Croydon 30 Jan 1881, (1), Frith Hill Godalming 21 Dec 1883- 28 Jun 1888 (6), and Parkstone, Dorset, 22 Sep 1889 - 17 Nov 1895 (11), bundle annotated on back of last page in blue pencil in WGW's? Marchant's? hand "Copies A. R. Wallace letters to F W H Myers". Notes: In Large modern envelope labelled in R Wallace's hand "Correspondence with Myers Typed copies | Obits | Reciprocity Correspondence | Notes (for 'My Life'?)" with other papers (but no obits) - see old refs WP4/12, 13 & 14- when listed. Envelope discarded.
NHM-WP06.006.004    Photo:    [1881--1900]   Notes and annotated proof sheets? of images illustrating 'Monkeys: Their Affinities and Distribution', in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social", (London 1900) vol. 1, Ch.VII, pp. 146-184, figs 25-43, comprising: 1. Rough notes in ink and pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand on one sheet headed on the front "Woodcuts" with a list of primate species beginning with Lemur Catta, some crossed through, with page and/or figure number references to figures in Flower and Lyddeker, Bates and Zoological Society publications. 2 - 19: Small page or part-page proof-sheets? with annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand showing woodcut and engraved? images varying in size from approx. 6 cm x 5cm to 9.5 cm x 15 cm, of various primates species including Gorilla, Lemur and Loris; and a diagram of the skull of an Aye-Aye; all reproduced in Ch. VII, figs 25-43; attributed to Flower and Lyddeker, Huxley, Bates, and the Zoological Society of London. Notes: "Monkeys: Their Affinities and Distribution" was first published in "Contemporary Review", Dec 1881. Images are from Flower, W H and Lyddeker, R, "An introduction to the study of Mammals living and extinct" (London 1891), Bates, H W, "The Naturalist on the River Amazon" (London 1863), Huxley, T H "Man's place in nature, and other anthropological essays" (London? 1863) and "List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London" (London, various editions from 1828 onwards).
S322a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1881. On the peculiar species of the British fauna and flora. Proceedings and Transactions of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club 1881 (20 February 1878 to 19 January 1881): 58-60.   Text   Image
S302a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1881. Remarks in discussions. Proceedings and Transactions of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club 1881 (20 February 1878 to 19 January 1881): vii, xx, xxv, xxxiv, xxxvi, xliii, xliv, xlv, lv-lvii, lviii.   Text   Image   PDF
S340    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1881. Abstract of four lectures on the natural history of islands. Report of the Rugby School Natural History Society 1881: 1-17.   Text   Image
S345a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1881. Letter [to Mrs. T. L. Nichols, dated 16 July 1881]. In: Nichols, T.L. 1881. A memorial to the Home Secretary in behalf of Mrs. Susan Willis Fletcher, a spritualist, unjustly condemned to twelve months' imprisonment with hard labour: with important testimony excluded upon the trial, and proofs of perjuries committed by the prosecutrix. London: Printed for private circulation, pp. 44-45.   Text
WSPEC329    Periodical contribution:     Moore, Frederic. 1881. Descriptions of new genera and species of Asiatic noctural Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1881 (March 1): 326-380, pls. 37-38.   PDF
WSPEC351.5    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1881. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 5: Passeriformes Cichlomorphae Part II - Turdidae, or warblers and thrushes. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.6    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1881. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 6: Passeriformes Cichlomorphae Part III - Timeliidae, or babbling thrushes Part I. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
NHM-WP02.004    Note:    1882--[1889]   Honours, Awards and Membership Certificates: Certificates of membership of societies and papers related to honorary degrees and awards. See also letters re award of Order of Merit WP1/8/72 and 73, and references in letters from A. R. Wallace to William and Violet Wallace in WP1/1 and WP1/2.
NHM-WP07.052.[01]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1882   Envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Godalming, postmarked from The Admiralty, 22 July 1882, annotated in blue in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's ? Hand "Storage of Gunpowder", containing pieces 1-4 and 6 when listed
NHM-WP07.052.[03]    Note:    1882   Note on a sheet of lined exercise-book paper in A. R. Wallace's hand headed "Copy of Memorandum by the Director of Naval Ordnance 1882 (letter from the Admiralty, 22/6/1882);
NHM-WP08.001.002    Printed:    1882--1882   "On Cephalozia (a genus of Hepaticae) its subgenera and some allied genera" by Richard Spruce. (J W Slater, Malton: Printed for the author. 1882). Paperbound octavo. pp. [i]-vi, [1]-96 plus index. There are no obvious annotations in the volume.
NHM-WP17.004    Photo:    1882--1887   Six sepia photographs of landscape in the United States, mounted on board; four captioned "Taber Photo, San Francisco", one by C H James, 1882 and one without photographer or source. Some of these were reproduced in volume 2 of "My Life" by A. R. Wallace, in his description of his travels in America in 1886 and 1887. Notes: Reference codes have been added on the backs in pencil in square brackets. The photographs were enclosed in a brown cardboard folder with the label "Westcots" crossed through in blue pencil next to "Doveshill" faintly visible in blue pencil: destroyed 28 Jan 2004. P J Lucas
NHM-WP17.004.001    Photo:    1882--1882   View of the interior of a cave (in Virginia, USA) with stalactites and stalagmites near a path and wooden steps, captioned "42. Saracen's Tent, Caverns of Luray. Photo and copyright by C.H.James. Phila. 1882." Sepia photographic print approximately 13 cm x 21 cm mounted on card. Annotated on the back in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Cop. Initials fine screen 1 page very outside measurement 3 3/4 x 6 3/8 Keep in envelope" and and possibly another hand "1502 | 3 1/2 | f". Place: Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA Virginia USA Notes: This photograph is reproduced in A. R. Wallace, "My Life" (London 1905) vol. 2, facing p. 137.
S364    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1882. How land nationalisation will benefit householders, labourers, and mechanics. Land Nationalisation Society Tract No. 3. London: The Land Nationalisation Society, pp. 1-7.   Text
WSPEC181    Periodical contribution:     Hargitt, Edward. 1882. Notes on woodpeckers, no. II. The genus Iyngipicus. Ibis (ser.4) 6: 19-51   PDF
NHM-WP06.006.008    Note:    [1883--1900]   Notes, folder cover, photos and proof sheets annotated in A. R. Wallace's and other hands, of black and white images, most approx. 13 cm x 9 cm, illustrating 'Affinities and Origin of the Australian and Polynesian Races' in A. R. Wallace, "Studies Scientific and Social", (London 1900) vol. 1, Ch.XXI, pp. 461-496, figs 72-89, comprising (fig. numbers and attributions as given in the publication): 1. Notes in A. R. Wallace's hand listing dates, titles and figure numbers of publications on Cambodia and Indo-China, beginning "Voyage au Cambodge", in ink and pencil on both sides of a T. Fisher Unwin compliment slip; some entries are upside-down in relation to others and some are crossed through. 2. Proof, photographic head and upper torso image of an Australian native man, bearded, with cicatrices on his chest, facing camera; fig. 72, attributed to the Anthropological Institute 3. Proof, photographic head and shoulders image of a native woman from Queensland, Australia; in profile facing to viewer's left, wearing several bead necklaces, cicatrised upper arms, short woolly hair; fig. 73, attributed to the Anthropological Institute 4. Proof, photographic head and upper torso image of an old bearded Australian native man of the Arunta tribe, with very hairy upper arms, chest and back, facing to viewer's right; fig. 74, attributed to Professor Spencer. 5. Proof, photographic image of an old bearded Aino (sic, Ainu) man, naked to the waist, with hairy upper arms, seated with back to camera on rush matting? which he appears to be weaving; fig. 75, from Hitchcock's "Aino's of Japan" by permission Smithsonian Institute. 6. Proof, photographic image of a family group of the Arunta tribe, Central Australia, showing two women, a man and three children seated outside a wurly (native shelter); fig. 76, attributed to Professor Spencer. 7. Proof, woodcut or engraving of Cambodian temple ruins featuring two carved human heads, surrounded by jungle; fig. 77, from Ferguson's "Architecture". 8. Proof, woodcut or engraving of temple of Baioñ, Cambodia, with multiple spires featuring carved human heads; fig 78, from Garnier's Atlas. (F A Garnier, Paris 1862?) 9. Proof, woodcut or engraving of temple of Baioñ, Cambodia, with multiple spires featuring carved human heads; fig 78 as above, annotations include "duplicate" and "We will instruct the printers to bring out the temple by overlaying when printing". 10. Photo apparently of a book page containing a woodcut or engraving of the temple of Baioñ, Cambodia headed "Cambodge" and captioned "Ruines du Baion. Monument aux [12] Tours"; sepia, mounted on card printed on the margin "Florence Chant | The Studio, Parkstone"; reproduced as fig 78. 11. Proof, woodcut or engraving of two bearded Cambodian men, one young and one old, head and upper torso, facing viewer, naked to the waist, each resting his left hand on his right forearm; fig. 79, captioned "Modern Cambodians or Khmers", attributed to J Moura, "Royaume de Cambodia". (Paris 1883) 12. Proof, woodcut or engraving annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Duplicate", showing images of two bearded Cambodian men both naked to the waist; fig 79 as above.13. Photo mounted on card numbered in ink "2" and printed "Florence Chant | The Studio | Parkstone", apparently of a book page, showing images of head and torso of two bearded Cambodian men both naked to the waist. The portrait of the young man is captioned in french "Cambodgien. Phot. de M. Gzell" and the old "Un Médecin cambodgien. Phot. de M. Gzell." and two lines of text in french above the pictures have been crossed through in ink. Reproduced as fig 79, as above. 14. Proof, woodcut or engraving showing two Cambodian sculptures of crowned human heads (of Buddha?), one full face and one in profile; fig 80, captioned "Sculptures from the Ruined Cities", from J Moura, "Rouyame de Cambodia" (Paris, 1883) 15. Proof, annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Duplicate", woodcut or engraving showing two sculptures of crowned human heads (of Buddha?) from Cambodia; fig 80 as above 16. Photo mounted on card numbered in ink "3" and printed "Florence Chant | The Studio | Parkstone", apparently of a book page showing images of four sculptures, two crossed through. Two, of crowned human heads (of Buddha?) from Cambodia, reproduced as fig 80, as above. 17. Proof, oval photographic image showing head and upper torso of an old bearded Aino man facing the camera, wearing a printed robe; fig. 81, from Hitchcock's "Aino's of Japan". 18. Proof, black and white photographic image showing two long-haired Veddah men wearing only loin-cloths, both looking to the right of the viewer, standing near a large tree; one aiming a bow and arrow, the other holding an axe.; fig 82, "from a photograph." 19. Proof, black and white photographic image showing three long-haired Veddah men wearing only loin-cloths standing facing the camera against a background of trees and vines; two bearded, one holding a spear and one a staff, the other, beardless, carrying a club which rests against his chest and shoulder; fig. 83, "from a photograph." 20 Proof, black and white photographic image showing a Veddah man with short dark beard and moustache, wearing only a loin-cloth and holding a bow and arrow across his body; standing in front of a cracked clay wall and facing the camera; fig. 84, "from a photograph." 21 Proof, black and white photographic image showing head and naked upper torso of an Australian native man of the Arunta tribe, bearded, with cicatrised chest, wearing rope bracelets on upper arms, facing camera; fig. 85, attributed Professor Spencer. 22. Proof, black and white photographic image showing two old bearded Australian native men seated on the ground in front of a tree stump with multiple trunks and grass matting shade platform, displaying a collection of Churingas ("bull roarers"); fig. 86, attributed Professor Spencer. 23. Proof, duplicate of item 22 above; annotations include "Men making 'Troras"' ("Men ... 'Troras' " crossed through) and "churinga, sacred implements or bull- roarers". 24. Proof, black and white photographic image showing head and naked upper torso of a young Australian native man of Northern Australia with short beard and head-dress of white feathers or leaves, cicatrised chest, wearing bracelets on upper arms; fig. 87, attributed Admiral Maclear. 25. Proof, black and white photographic image showing head and naked upper torso of a young Australian native woman of the Arunta tribe with cicatrised stomach, wearing a three-stranded headband, facing camera, carrying a young child on her shoulders; fig. 88, attributed Professor Spencer. 26. Proof, black and white photographic image showing head and naked upper torso of a young Australian native woman of the Arunta tribe, in profile looking to the viewer's right; fig. 89, attributed Professor Spencer.27. Cover made from pages of a lined notebook, labelled in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Duplicates | Illustrations for Origin of Australians" with "Illustrations . . . Australians" crossed through; found in original box 2 with some other proof illustrations from "Studies Scientific and Social" but empty when found. Place: Australia Japan Notes: 'Affinities and Origin of the Australian and Polynesian Races' was first published in "Australasia" in "Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel" (London 1879, with subsequent editions up to 1893) -see Smith S720. Most proofs are dirty and have inky fingerprints on them. Item 27 could probably be discarded.
NHM-WP09.001.003    Printed:    1883--1893   2 printed folios apparently pages [5], [6], 7 and 8 from the proceedings? of the Tyneside Sunday Lecture Society, 1893? one headed "List of lectures delivered in previous sessions" listing titles and lecturers, covering dates 1883-1892; annotated in blue pencil in WGW's? hand "Newcastle | Dates of Lectures " and in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Tyneside Sunday Lecture Society"; lectures by A. R. Wallace marked in ink with a cross. Place: Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne and Wear England
S361a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1883. Pentstemons. The Garden 23 (no.606, 30 June 1883): 582.   Text   Image
S368b    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1883. Appendix VII. Correspondence with Mr. A. R. Wallace. In: Sellar, Thomas. 1883. The Sutherland Evictions of 1814: former and recent statements respecting them examined. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., pp. lxxv-xcii.   Text   Image
WSPEC172    Periodical contribution:     Sharpe, R.B. 1883. Notes on some species of birds of the family Dicaeidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1884: 578-580, pl.50.   PDF
WSPEC351.7    Book:     Sharpe, R.Bowdler. 1883. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 7: Passeriformes Cichlomorphae Part IV - Timeliidae, or babbling thrushes Part II. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC351.8    Book:     Gadow, H. 1883. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 8: Passeriformes Cichlomorphae Part V and Certhiomorphae. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
WSPEC364    Periodical contribution:     Gorham, Henry S. 1883. Descriptions of new species of beetles belonging to the family Erotylidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (March 6): 75-87, pl.18.   PDF
WSPEC365    Periodical contribution:     Moore, F. 1883. A monograph of Limnaina and Euploeina, two groups of diurnal Lepidoptera belonging to the subfamily Euploeinae; with descriptions of new genera and species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1883 (April 17): 201-324, pls. 29-32.   PDF
WSPEC366    Periodical contribution:     Jacoby, Martin. 1883. Descriptions of some new species of beetles of the family Galerucidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1883 (June 19): 399-406, pl.45   PDF
WSPEC303    Book:     Gurney, J. H. 1884. A list of the diurnal birds of prey, with references and annotations; also a record of specimens preserved in the Norfolk and Norwich Museum. London: John Van Voorst.   PDF
S370b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1884. Sutherlandia spectabilis. The Garden 25 (no. 653, 24 May 1884): 441.   Text   Image
S371b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1884. Gas water v. wireworm. The Garden 25 (no. 658, 28 June 1884): 544   Text   Image
S371c    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1884. Datura meteloides. The Garden 26 (no. 675, 25 Oct. 1884): 352.   Text   Image
S371    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1884. How to experiment in land nationalisation. Land Nationalisation Society Tract No.8. London: The Land Nationalisation Society, pp. 1-3.   Text
S371a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1884. President's address. Report of the Land Nationalisation Society 1883-4: 5-22.   Text   Image
WSPEC351.9    Book:     Gadow, H. 1884. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, vol. 9: Passeriformes Cinnyrimorphae. London: Trustees of the British Museum.   PDF
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore