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Results 1401-1500 of 2172 for « +(+name:wallace +name:alfred +name:russel) +type:item »
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NHM-WP01.001.098    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Maxwell James Clerk, Squires ?, Blatchford Robert ("Nunquam")  1904.09.25   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 25 Sep 1904 re British Association paper on radiation in the solar system; arrival of a boy (Master Squires) to be cared for by William's sister Violet; cheap edition of "Evolution"; letter to the "Clarion". Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 90
NHM-WP01.001.146    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Preece Sir William Knight, Cox Harry W, Brandon Lieutenant  1909.02.06   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne, Dorset, 6 Feb 1909 re William's career, health, fees at sanatorium; wireless telegraphy; X-rays. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 125. On paper with printed address "Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne"
NHM-WP01.001.181    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Fisher Arabella Burton (née Buckley), Hicks ?  1903.06.25   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Broadstone, Dorset, 25 Jun 1903 re approval of William's notes (on proofs of "Man's place in the Universe"?), sending four more chapters, relieved to be finished, thinks the book will sell well; enclosing a letter (not present) from Hicks; going to meet Mrs Fisher. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF Letters re books and writing 1903-1907: WP1/19/9/2
NHM-WP01.001.199    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Legge Hon. Sir Harry Charles knight, Strang William  1908.12.13   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset), 13 Dec 1908 annotated in WGW's? hand "Medals" "V"? and "O M"; re arrival of a cheque for £50 from the Royal Society, a bonus paid to Copley medalists; visit by artist Mr Strang deferred; visit by Mr Rann of "Pall Mall Magazine" with photographer, interview and display of medals; visit by Lady Wimborne re "Women's Liberal Club", spoke to her about Socialism; letter from H C Legge, secretary to the Order of Merit, re delivery of insignia. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF Letters re R I lecture and Medals 1908 and 1909: WP1/19/11/4
NHM-WP01.001.200    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Legge Hon. Sir Harry Charles knight, Wilhelm II  1908.12.17   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset), 17 Dec 1908 re investiture and receipt of Order of Merit medal from Colonel Legge, describing documents and insignia in detail; conversation with Colonel Legge about his attendance on and drives around the English countryside with the German Emperor, the Emperor's love of England. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: No annotations, only a tick at top right in lead pencil. OLD REF Letters re R I lecture and Medals 1908 and 1909: WP1/19/11/5
NHM-WP01.002.013    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Marshall J W, Huxley Thomas Henry  1890.06.14   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 14 Jun 1890 re marking exam papers; writing address for L.N.(Land Nationalisation) Society; Violet's studies; local walks. Place: Dorset England Swanage Studland Godalming Surrey
NHM-WP01.002.116    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Chant Florence Miss, Comber ? Mrs, Nietzsche Friedrich, Ackland ? Mr  1898.11.20   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 20 Nov 1898, re German books, pedagogy and learning the German language; books; tea from Moore Brothers; A. R. Wallace writing article for "L'Humanite Nouvelle" on socialism, militarism and causes of war, seances held by Miss Chant and Mrs Comber; Nietzsche; Mr Ackland. Place: Dorset England Germany
NHM-WP01.003.020    Correspondence:   Wallace Herbert Edward, Spruce Richard, Wallace Alfred Russel, Antony Henrique, Joaquim Manuel, King Robert  1850.12.29   Letter from Edward Wallace (Herbert Edward) to Richard Spruce, from Serpa, 29 Dec 1850, re waiting for a passage to England; clothes left at Barra to be forwarded; speculation on Spruce's plans, regards to Mr King. Place: Serpa Pinto Brazil Notes: Letter no in contents list: 19. Addressed "Dear Sir", annotated in red pencil in an unknown hand "To Dr Spruce" and in lead pencil, possibly in A. R. Wallace's hand "H.E.W. to Dr Spruce Dec 1850"
NHM-WP01.003.028    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Mary Anne, Allen Charles, Stevens Samuel, Hamilton Gray & Co  1854.04.30   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his mother (Mary Anne Wallace) from Singapore, 30 Apr 1854 re arrival in Singapore; town and population; Bukit Tima (Timah) Mission; butterflies; boxes due on ship Eliza Thornton; broken watch; instructions to Samuel Stevens. Notes: Letter no in contents list: 26
NHM-WP01.003.082    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Mitten William, Mitten Rose  1883.08.26   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his sister Fanny from 2, Western Villas, Abergavenny, 26 Aug 1883, describing a visit to their childhood home in Usk; gravestones of Mary Anne and Emma (siblings?) in the churchyard; visit to Ragland Castle; Rose and William Mitten at Abergavenny. Place: Abergavenny Wales Usk Notes: Previously enclosed in a 1904 half-envelope with two other letters, 1871 and 1888, to Fanny. See WP18/17 for a description of the envelope.
NHM-WP01.004.003    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Palgrave Sir Reginald Francis Douce, Shaen Miss  1892.11.01   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Parkstone, Dorset, 1 Nov 1892 re Annie's safe arrival at Malvern; lunch with Sir Reginald and Lady Palgrave, the Watkins, Dr Allman and Miss Travers at Mr Dugmore's, A. R. Wallace left early as all talking "Primrose League"; arrangement of refurbished study; tea at Mrs Barnes's with the Nichols, Mrs Cooper, the Pocock family and Mrs Maitland; Violet doing gymnastics; the Huddlestones renting a house at Bournemouth; sending a copy of "Natural Science"containing photos of Coral reefs for Miss Shaen; will send "Fortnightly"on; London Library; Annie's health regimen; cooking. Place: Parkstone Dorset England Notes: "The Primrose League was a patriotic mass organisation nominally independent from, but allied to the British Conservative Party. During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, it politically mobilised large numbers of British women." (Matthew Hendley 1996,The Canadian Historical Association) Source: Web page.
NHM-WP01.004.013    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Mitten Rose, Davies Mrs G, Ree Miss  1899.06.23   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Parkstone, Dorset, 23 Jun 1899 re letters from William; local walks; his health; visit from Miss Ree, a friend of Mrs G Davies of Godalming; Rose (Mitten) and Miss Horn at a local bazaar for E. Africans. Place: Godalming Surrey Parkstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF WP1/19/26 and later WP1/21/13.
NHM-WP01.005.005    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Mitten William, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Jekyll Gertrude  1886.11.21   Letter from A. R. Wallace to William Mitten, from Boston, 21 Nov 1886 with a postscript 22 Nov 1886; re lack of mail from England; success of his lectures at the Lowell Institute (Boston); returned today from visit to Williamstown, stayed with resident of College, gave two lectures, visited waterfall with Professor of Natural History, sending roots of a Lonchitis (fern) to Annie and seeds of a gentian (some for Miss Jekyll) to Mitten; any news of letting of house at Godalming; plans to be in Baltimore November 30 to December 10, contact at Peabody Institute; PS letter from his wife Annie posted 13 days ago just arrived. Place: USA England Notes: 2 folios, postcript (f2) torn.
NHM-WP01.005.010    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Morse Edward Sylvester, Marsh Othniel Charles  1886.12.00   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William. from Baltimore, Maryland, Dec (1886) re visit to Prof Morse at Salem, Morse's Japanese artefacts and books, his 15 year old son's weekly natural history club meetings and collections of flints, shells and insects; visit to Prof Marsh at Newhaven Connecticut, his fossil collection including great animal skulls and skeletons; explosion of rotten ostrich egg in Marsh's museum (Peabody Museum, Yale); A. R. Wallace's lecture to ladies' college at Poughkeepsie; route of travel to Baltimore via New York. Place: Japan USA
NHM-WP01.005.017    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet Isabel, Hooker Isabella Beecher, Stowe Harriet Beecher  1887.02.12   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet from Washington DC, 12 Feb 1887, enclosing press cuttings (not present) apparently reporting a social occasion hosted by spiritualist Mrs Hooker, sister of Henry Ward Beecher and Mrs Beecher Stowe, at which A. R. Wallace was introduced to about 50 people; lectures to local Anthropological societies; lack of paying lectures, if none booked in California will not be able to afford to go there as fare is £50; only two forthcoming engagements in Canada; spending time visiting Museums and libraries and writing for American newspapers and for Harris; expense of hotel; changeable weather; detailed description of the "most beautiful" Capitol building and comparison with British House of Commons; instructions to send letters via agent Williams; hopes Violet is reading and studying well. Stamped envelope addressed to Miss Wallace at Frith Hill, Godalming and postmarked on the front Washington 14 Feb 1887and on the back New York? (date illegible) 1887 and Godalming 25 Feb 1887. Place: Washington DC USA Notes: Some names and passages including the comparison of the Capitol with the H of C, are underlined or marked in red pencil, possibly by J Marchant.
NHM-WP01.003.054    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace John, Wallace Mary née Webster, Darwin Charles Robert, Stevens Samuel, Wallace William, Wallace John, Wallace Herbert  1863.01.02   Letter from A. R. Wallace to John Wallace, from 5 Westbourne Grove Terrace, London W, 2 Jan 1863 re Darwin's "Origin of Species"; A. R. Wallace's discovery of the principle of natural selection; work on collections from Malay Archipelago, collector still employed there; possibility of engaging a collector in Sandwich Islands; 1862 London International Exhibition; marriage; nephews; American civil war; sending photos of himself. Place: Columbia California USA San Francisco Calif Notes: Letter no in contents list: 52
NHM-WP01.001.023    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Briggs Monica, Casey ?, Brett ?, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Best Dora  1900.01.27   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, 27 Jan 1900 re hopes to work on new edition of "Wonderful Century" after five weeks of visitors; Carroll's "Tangled Tales" with amusing mathematical puzzles; mysterious drowning of neighbour Monica Briggs in local pond; "The Grange" not yet sold, some people interested in the "Colony" due to view it. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand:23
NHM-WP01.001.027    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Gurney Mr, Carter Mr, Tebb Mr., Swinton A C  1900.11.16   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, 16 Nov 1900 with instructions to view "The Grange", Beaconsfield, if possible with his sister Violet; enclosing viewing order, a map and a letter from Mr Gurney (none of these present), with instructions for journey by train or bicycle; price of £30,000 may be too high for Carter but Tebb, Swinton or others may invest. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's
NHM-WP01.001.028    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel?, MacAlpine G A, Schulz family, Blatchford Robert ("Nunquam"),  1899.01.06   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, Jan 6 1899 re William's letter of December 16th (1898?) and his plans for winter in America, advice to go south to New Mexico; comments on his news of Mac; Mac's coal-measuring machine; plans for electric tram from Bournemouth to Poole, A. R. Wallace objects to line through Parkstone; no electric light at Parkstone; damage to garden when drains connected; disadvantages of growing under glass; American papers "Coming Nation", "American Fabian" and "The Commonwealth"; "The Clarion", McGinnis, Robert Blatchford; plans to start work in about a years time on new edition of "Wonderful Century" and to start autobiography soon; Violet at the Schulz's, enclosing some verses by her and a card from her showing villages near Pössneck (neither present). Place: America Bournemouth Dorset England Poole Pössneck Germany Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: (226?)
NHM-WP01.001.062    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet, Curtis Percy, Wilson C A, Wilson Charles E C,  1902.09.10   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Parkstone, Dorset, 10 Sep 1902 re progress of building work and moving in to new house, asks William to come for 3 weeks to help; temporary lodgings in Broadstone; visit by Australian cousin; William's sister Violet arriving. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 60
NHM-WP01.001.109    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet, ? Reginald, Walker , Swinton A C, Jennings Miss of Parkstone, Estcourt , Dibben , Wimborne  1905.07.26   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 26 Jul 1905 thanking William for inscription from Maen LLia stone; L N (land nationalisation?) Society affairs; visitors; conveyancing of land for road; proofs of book arriving. Place: Dorset England Notes: Numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 101
NHM-WP01.001.156    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Crump Mr?, Ponton Mungo, Rigler ?, Seller Mr  1891.03.19   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Parkstone, Dorset, 19 Mar 1891, re proposed visit by William and Mr Crump, best to delay as wallpapering not yet finished; faulty boiler design not noticed by plumbers or by Mr Rigler or Ponton, fixed by ironmonger Mr Seller; Gas stove working well. Place: Parkstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF Letters re houses and building WP1/19/4/2
NHM-WP01.001.180    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Reynolds Osborne, Perry ?, Thomson William Lord Kelvin, Allen ?, Wallace Violet Isabel?  1903.01.12   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Broadstone, Dorset, 12 Jan 1903 annotated in WGW's? hand "lecture | atoms"; re lecture by Osborne Reynolds on the nature of the universe, his explanation of gravity similar to Allen's; work on house and garden; reading books for material for his own book, ("Man's place in the Universe"?) hopes to get it out by summer; WGW's business in Ipswich and London. Place: Broadstone Dorset Ipswich Suffolk England London Notes: Wallace, Alfred Russel (1903), Man's Place in the Universe: A Study of the Results of Scientific Research in Relation to the Unity or Plurality of Worlds. (London, Chapman & Hall, Oct. 1903). OLD REF Letters re books and writing 1903-1907: WP1/19/9/1
NHM-WP01.001.183    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, T. Cooke & Sons of York, Birch Frederick R, Wallace Violet Isabel?  1903.07.08   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Old Orchard (Broadstone, Dorset), 8 Jul 1903 annotated in WGW's? hand "Book Telescope F Birch"; re WGW's proof corrections (to "Man's Place in the Universe"?), stars, Milky Way, Solar Cluster, Jupiter; speculation in accordance with known facts; difference of opinion over spiritualism; writing an article for the "Fortnightly"; purchase of a telescope from Cooke of York, better than the last, making a stand for it; trying to help Fred Birch to get a post as Museum curator in the Federated Malay States. Place: Broadstone Dorset England Malaya Notes: OLD REF Letters re books and writing 1903-1907: WP1/19/9/4
NHM-WP01.001.187    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Walker Mr, Huxley Thomas Henry, Tyndall John, Spencer Herbert, Purland Theodosius  1904.10.24   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset), 24 Oct 1904 annotated in WGW's? hand "Ref (to?) Autobiography"; re designs for plates on gate; WGW's visit to Mr Walker; recommending a visit to Colonel S D Williams at Brum (Birmingham); Spiritualism in Manchester; selecting personal letters for use in autobiography and sorting into categories by subject, has finished a chapter on his brother Herbert: "I have been sorting out the whole lot of my letters &c. first in years - then going over them and taking out all those I shall want to use for the Autobiog. Such as Huxley, Tyndall, Spencer, Purland , and about 20 other persons of some note - also putting together all those referring to Spiritualism , Vaccination, Socialism &c. so that as I come to each of these subjects I shall have all the materials at hand to take exactly what I want for an interesting summary of the subject. I have finished a nice little chapter of my brother Herbert's life & poems, having found about 12 poems and 6 enigmas which are really good . . ." Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: transferred from OLD REF Letters re books and writing 1903-1907: WP1/19/9/5.
NHM-WP01.002.019    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Baker Mr, Evans Mrs, Sharpe J W, Pascoe Mr?  1891.02.16   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 16 Feb 1891 re Covent Garden market, Natural History Museum and Kew gardens as sources of garden plants; alterations to house; Mr Sharpe's health; Mr Pascoe's "Museum" at Westbourne Park. Place: Dorset England Witley Surrey Notes: Annotated in pencil in an unknown hand "Alterations to Corfe View"
NHM-WP01.002.060    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Fisher Arabella Burton (née Buckley), ? Maclachlan Mrs  1895.02.10   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 10 Feb 1895, re nervous illness of her mother (Annie Wallace), attended by Dr Philpotts; fifth very cold winter in Dorset; no water in house due to frozen water pipes; reports that winter the coldest since 1854; hard frosts in Norfolk, deep snow in Rome, Germany and America, warning Violet not to skate on thin ice; news of Mrs Fisher and Mrs Maclachlan. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.068    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, ? Dunn, Hall Miss Marshall-, Kipling Joseph Rudyard, Doveton Frank Bassett, ? Eleanor  1896.03.03   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 3 Mar 1896, re orchids, some from General Dunn about to flower; visit from Doveton, a poet and psychical researcher from Torquay; Violet's brother William in Hull; Ma's (Annie Wallace) eyes improving; poor health of Miss Marshall Hall; arrival of bacon but no bill; regards to Eleanor; instructions to send her brother William the "Jungle Books". Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.078    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Stetson Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Sharpe J W, Waddington ?, Torrens Lady  1896.12.14   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 14 Dec 1896, re her brother William; arrangements for Christmas; bicycles; Mrs Stetson; Mr Waddington; visit from the Sharpes and Lady Torrens, Lady Torrens on spiritualism; Violet's K.G.(Kindergarten) magazine. Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.002.082    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Garland Hawker, Irving Sir Henry, MacReady William Charles, Arena Publishing Co.  [1892].01.31   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 31 Jan 1892?, re suffering from influenza; "Arena" (magazine); play "Henry VIII", actors Macready and Irving; Hawker Garland's writing; letter from her brother William; gardeners Monk and Wareham; chess by correspondence. Place: Dorset England Notes: Date originally read as 1897; but see WP1/2/83, which refers to the death of Bates (1892) where the last figure is almost identical. Annotated in pencil in an unknown hand "Henry VIII | Arena!"
NHM-WP01.002.092    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Osborne Mr, Carter Mr, Casson Herbert N, Birch Frederick  1897.09.07   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 7 Sep 1897, re Violet's trip to Paris; A. R. Wallace's trips to Paris in the past; visits from Mr Osborne and Mr Carter re lecture by Mr Casson on "the labour church and the latent goodness of humanity"; Fred Birch; her brother William's letters. Place: Dorset England Paris France
NHM-WP01.002.117    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Hudson William Henry, Geikie Sir Archibald, Spruce Richard, Ackland ? Mr  1898.12.01   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 1 Dec 1898, re a melancholy letter (from Germany?) from her; news of William in America; reading "On the face of the waters" and "The Red badge of courage"; visit from Mr Hudson who is staying with Dr Geikie, talks with him about insects, sense of direction in migrating birds, his article in "Saturday Review" on behaviour of young vipers; Mr Ackland; the "Clarion". Place: Dorset England Notes: Annotated in blue pencil in an unknown hand "W H Hudson"
NHM-WP01.003.040    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Wallace Mary Anne, Sims Thomas, Stevens Samuel, Silk George C, Roberts Eliza  1856.12.10   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Fanny (Mrs Thomas Sims) from Macassar, 10 Dec 1856 re arrival of letters from home; birth of first niece or nephew; expense of Sims's rent and financial burden to his mother; departure for Aru in two days time; diet on Aru, list of food stores to be taken, scarcity of fowl, will eat Birds of Paradise and Kangaroo; friends and family; Eliza Roberts's moustache. Notes: Letter no in contents list: 38
NHM-WP01.004.002    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Fisher Arabella Burton (née Buckley, Wedderburn Sir David  1879.05   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Waldron Edge, Friday morning, annotated in WGW's? hand in lead pencil May 1879; re Annie and son William's health; Sir David Wedderburn coming to visit to talk with A. R. Wallace about Java; new black kitten for Annie; outing with Violet to Selsdon, Hamsey Green and Riddlesdown, primroses in flower; Miss Buckley's anticipated visit. Place: Waldron Sussex England Java Notes: OLD REF WP1/19/14 and later WP1/21/2.
NHM-WP01.004.009    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Mitten William, Mitten Bessie, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Jekyll Gertrude,  [1895.07.00]   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie from Parkstone, Dorset, Saturday morning, annotated in pencil in an unknown hand "[?1896]" but more likely to be c. Jul 1895 (See other letters to Annie around this date), re plans for her father (William Mitten) and A. R. Wallace to tour in Switzerland after her return; expects many rare plants in the mountains, possibility of visiting Pilatus or Stanzenhorn, asks Annie to enquire about hotel rates there, and about a hotel in Lucerne for day of their arrival; regards to Bessie; asks for news of her tour and fellow-travellers; receipt of letter from Miss Jekyll enclosing an enquiry from another correspondent re effect of sea-air on plants at Lyme Regis; mosquitoes at Rhone glacier. Place: Parkstone Dorset Lyme Regis Dorset England Switzerland Notes: OLD REF WP1/19/7/1and later WP1/21/9.This letter was previously filed in a paper folder labelled in WGW's? hand "Excursions &c." almost certainly selected for J. Marchant when writing A. R. Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences" (London 1916).
NHM-WP01.005.012    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Mitten William, Williams Mr, Harris Frank  1886.12.19   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his wife Annie, from Boston, 19 Dec (1886) re disappointment at lack of lecture engagements on return (from Baltimore), agent Williams not managing well, but some interest from Ohio, advertisements now in some scientific journals and new circulars sent out, sending copy of circular and some local bills of fare to Violet, hopes to get enough lecturing to cover costs of travel to California in spring or summer but journey more expensive than to London, thinks people bored with natural history and want more exciting subjects; will spend winter in Washington and live more cheaply; has been visiting American museums and will write an article on them for Harris; problem of continual packing of clothing and sundries, will leave some in storage, lifebelt and picnic basket useless but overshoes a boon; freezing weather, ribald reaction of people in the street to his fur coat; assumes Annie will spend new year at Hurst, receipt of her letter of Dec 1. Place: USA
NHM-WP01.008.048    Correspondence:   Fisher Arabella Burton (née Buckley), Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Herbert Spencer, Wallace Herbert Edward, Guppy Mrs  1874.04.25   Letter from Arabella Buckley to A. R. Wallace, from 1 St Mary's Terrace (Paddington, London), 25 Apr 1874, on mourning paper, offering condolences on the death of his son Bertie (Herbert Spencer Wallace) and re possible Spiritualist contact with Bertie through her, her sister or the medium Mrs Guppy; enclosing a transcription in an other hand, signed "Janie", of an alleged conversation held on April 25 and 26, with spirits, about Bertie; including the claim that he was now in the care of his Uncle Herbert. Annotated in pencil (in A. R. Wallace's hand?) "A B Buckley (Fisher)". Place: London
NHM-WP06.008.022.[01]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 1. Printed illustration of a fish, from a drawing by A. R. Wallace. Captioned in an unknown hand in ink "4. Plecostomus guacari. Fam. Loricariidae. | (One third nat. size.) " Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[02]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 2.Printed illustration of the valediction "Thine in amity" and signature of Theodosius Purland, from a letter written by Purland to A. R. Wallace in 1870. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[03]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 3 Proof illustration of the back of an envelope postmarked Apr 10 [1869].decorated with a cartoon by T. Purland showing a mediaeval archer with a Bird-of -Paradise perched on his nose. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[04]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 4. Proof illustration of a cartoon by T. Purland, headed "Saturday!" and showing a man in top hat and coat with a bag under one arm and an [umbrella?] in the other hand, contemplating signs to various places at the four corners of a compass Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[05]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 5. Proof illustration showing part of a letter and cartoon, with the printed caption "My Last Letter from Dr. Purland." The cartoon shows a man with a knife in one hand holding a cat by its tail. The proof sheet is stamped on the top left "First Proof - 7 Sep 1905" and annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's? hand "My Life. (Dr. Wallace)". Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[06]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 6. Proof illustration of two fish, (an Angelfish and a Catfish) one above the other, from drawings by A. R. Wallace. The top image is captioned "5. Pterophyllum scalare.[sic] Fam. Cichlidae. | (One third natural size.) " and the bottom image "3. Pimelodus holomelus. Fam. Siluridae. | (One third natural size.)" both in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[07]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 7. Proof illustration of two fish, Cichlostoma severum and Cynodon scombroides, one above the other, from drawings by A. R. Wallace. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[08]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 8. Proof illustration of a fish, Xiphostoma lateristriga, from a drawing by A. R. Wallace. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[09]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 9. Proof illustration, portrait of A. R. Wallace's mother Mary Anne Wallace née Greenell, aged 18, from a miniature. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "My Mother. From a Miniature Age 18." Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[10]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 10. Proof illustration of a silhouette portrait of A. R. Wallace's brother Herbert Edward Wallace, aged 20. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[11]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 11. Proof illustration with the printed caption "Alfred R. Wallace. !878." portrait of A. R. Wallace, 1878, (aged 55) from a photo. He is shown to just below the waist, seated in a carved wooden chair, holding a book in his left hand. Both his hair and beard are white and he is wearing spectacles. Annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "My Life" and with the page and volume number inserted in his? hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[12]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 12. Proof illustration. Portrait of A. R. Wallace's brother Herbert Edward Wallace aged 8, from a sketch by Miss Townsend, showing him to the waist wearing wide sleeves and a broad-brimmed hat. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[13]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 13. Proof illustration of The Grammar School, Hertford, from an engraving in Turner's History 1830. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[14]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 14. Proof illustration of a village near Leicester from a drawing by A. R. Wallace 1844, dominated by a large almost central (oak?) tree with low farm buildings on the left of the picture and a broad road with low fence on the right. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[15]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 15. Proof illustration of a Derbyshire landscape from a drawing by A. R. Wallace, showing part of a large tree-trunk on the far left of the picture next to a road which curves to the left from the foreground, with the top of a church visible in a wooded valley to the right. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[16]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 16. Proof illustration of a village near Leicester from a drawing by A. R. Wallace 1844, showing a wide road bordered by a paling fence running from the foreground and curving slightly away to the left of the picture in the background, with buildings including a large brick chimney partly hidden by trees near the left foreground. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[17]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 17. Proof illustration of a small church in a landscape from drawing by William G Wallace near Llanbister in 1840, captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "'A Lonely Chapel" | pencil sketch by W.G.Wallace 1840." Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[18]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 18. Proof illustration of buildings in the village of Llanbister, Radnorshire, from a drawing by William G Wallace, 1840. Captioned in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[19]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 19. Proof illustration of the house "Whittern", near Ludlow, Shropshire, from a drawing by William G Wallace, 1842, showing the house behind trees in the middle distance with a driveway between low stone walls in the foreground. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[20]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 20. Proof illustration of the house "Whittern", near Ludlow, Shropshire, from a drawing by William G Wallace, 1842, showing the house behind trees in the middle distance with a driveway between low stone walls in the foreground. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[21]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 21. Proof illustration captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand, of the entrance to the cave Porth y Ogof, Vale of Neath, showing the figure of a woman in hat and long skirt standing on a ledge on the left of the picture. Black and white. From an undated and unattributed photograph. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[22]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 22. Proof illustration in black and white of a waterfall, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Ysgwyd einon Gam - Vale of Neath". From an undated and unattributed photograph. The reproduction in A. R. Wallace's autobiography "My Life" is captioned "Ysgwd Gladys, Vale of Neath." Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[23]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 23. Proof illustration in black and white of a waterfall, captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Llanrhaidwr Waterfall." From an undated and unattributed photograph. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[24]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 24. Proof illustration in black and white captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Free Library, Neath | Designed by A. R. Wallace. 1847" showing an angled view of Neath Free Library building with a lantern-shaped sign reading "Free Library" suspended over the arched entrance. From an undated and unattributed photograph. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[25]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 25. Proof illustration in black and white captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "'Maen LLia' | Upper Vale of Neath" showing a tall standing stone with hills in the background and a man standing near the stone on the right of the picture. From an undated photograph by Florence Neale. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[26]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 26. Proof illustration in black and white in two sections, from photographs by Florence Neale; on the left showing a tall narrow standing stone surrounded by small boulders and on the right a copy of the rough latin inscription carved on it. Annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "' Maen Madoc' | Upper Vale of Neath" and "Latin inscription on Maen Madoc." Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[27]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 27. Proof illustration in black and white showing a middle-aged man in profile looking to the left of the viewer, seated at a table with a bottle and jug. Annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "Samuel Hosgood [sic] | From a sketch by W. G. Wallace, 1843." The reproduction in A. R. Wallace's "My Life" is captioned "Samuel Osgood ..." Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[28]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 28. Proof illustration in black and white showing a low thatched shelter with a smaller one nearby, in a jungle clearing. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand " Native House, Wokan, Aru Islands. | Where I lived two weeks in March 1857[sic]." The reproduction in "My Life" gives the date as 1859. From an undated and unattributed photo given to A. R. Wallace by Henry Moseley (See "My Life" vol. 1 p. 357.) Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[29]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 29. Proof illustration in black and white with printed caption "My Faithful Malay Boy - Ali, 1855-1862." Full face head and shoulders portrait of a young Malay man wearing a jacket and white bow tie. This is an enlarged reproduction of a photograph taken in Singapore by an unnamed friend of A. R. Wallace's. (See also WP6/8/19). Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[30]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 30. Proof illustration in black and white captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "The Saracen's Tent | Luray Cavern" showing stalactites and stalagmites in a limestone cave in Virginia, USA.. From a photo by C.H.James. (See also WP17, photos of the USA.) Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[31]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 31. Proof illustration in black and white captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "'The Squatter'. Garden of the Gods. Col." Showing a sandstone formation near Colorado Springs. Undated and unattributed. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[32]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 32. Proof illustration in black and white showing a gap between sandstone cliffs with a snow covered mountain range in the far distance. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Gateway to the Garden of the Gods: with Pike's Peak." From an undated and unattributed photograph. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[33]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 33. Proof illustration in black and white showing large sandstone formations near Colorado Springs with a horse-drawn carriage in the foreground. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "The Seal and Bear. Garden of the Gods." From an undated and unattributed photograph. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[34]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 34. Proof illustration in black and white showing large sandstone formations near Colorado Springs. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "'Cathedral Spires' - Garden of the Gods." From an undated and unattributed photograph. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[35]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 35. Proof illustration in black and white showing a railway track with a spur line, running towards high (sandstone?) cliffs (Castle Gate, near Pleasant Valley, Colorado). Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "On the Denver and Rio Grande Railway." From a photograph (by Price Cannon?). Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[36]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 36. Proof illustration in black and white showing the remains of storm-damaged wooden buildings, the foreground strewn with timbers, a few men on foot and in horse-drawn carts in the picture. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Sauk Rapids, Minnesota. Effects of a Tornado." The storm occurred on 14 April 1886 ("My Life" vol. 2, p. 150). From an unattributed photograph c 14 Apr 1886. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[37]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 37.Grey exercise book cover labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "My Life | Set of Proofs of Illustrations". Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP01.001.164    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, MacAlpine G A, Wallace John, Wallace Mary née Webster, Wallace Herbert, Allman George James, Wyckoff Walter Augustus  1898.12.23   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Parkstone, Dorset, 23 Dec 1898 re drainage work on house; sale of Dr Allman's house; detailed advice on where William and Mac should go while in America, recommending visit to William's aunt and uncle (Mary and John Wallace) in California, cousin Herbert Assistant Engineer of Southern Railway and may get them work or rail passes; urges William to write a book on his return; recommends Wyckoff's articles on "The Workers" in Scribner's Magazine; birthday and new year greetings. Place: New Zealand Parkstone Dorset England USA Notes: OLD REF Correspondence 1879-1922: WP1/19/23
NHM-WP01.002.101    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Wallace Mary Née Webster, Fisher Arabella Burton (née Buckley), Bellamy Edward  1898.01.23   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 23 Jan 1898, with birthday greetings; re Violet's salary; hopes Vaccination book out in a few days, problem with diagrams; "Century" ("The Wonderful Century") MS finished, proof reader needed, Mrs Fisher's suggestions for poetical chapter headings; Mrs Fisher's (eyesight?); Bellamy's "Equality"; letter from Mrs Wallace of Stockton (Violet's aunt Mary) re Violet's brother William; William's letters. Place: Dorset England Denver Colorado Stockton California USA
NHM-WP01.002.111    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Mary née Webster, Wallace May, Hicks ?, MacAlpine G A, Maclaren Ian, Watson John, Archer ? Mrs, Scott ? Mr  1898.08.13   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet from Parkstone, Dorset 13 Aug 1898, re her journey to Blankenhain, with detailed questions about accommodation, people and food; news from her brother William in America re Mac, Hicks, camping and travel in a covered waggon; Vaccination Bill in House of Lords, sending copy of report in the "Chronicle"; reviews of A. R. Wallace's book, letter from Ian Mclaren (John Watson?); visits from Mrs Archer and Mr Scott; the Wallaces (Violet's aunt Mary and cousin May) to visit. Place: America Dorset England Germany
NHM-WP01.002.122    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace William Greenell, Best Dora, Clarke Miss, Hudson William Henry, Stillman W J, Hobson Mr  1899.05.22   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 22 May 1899, re planting orchids and blue South African water lilies in garden; geology of East Grinstead and Limpsfield; visit of Mr William Greenell Wallace No 2 and his wife (from America), engineering work in Stockton (California); requests for a description of Miss Clarke and Violet's new school post (in Limpsfield?), local German ladies ; Mr Stillman; Hudson's book of British Birds; visit to the New Forest with Dora; regards to Mr Hobson. Place: Dorset England Surrey
NHM-WP01.003.034    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Sims Frances née Wallace, Sims Thomas, ? Edward, Allen Charles, Wallace John, Wallace Mary, Wallace Mary Anne, Pfeiffer Ida, Page Bacon & Co  1855.06.25   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Fanny, (Mrs Thomas Sims), from Ladong River, Sarawak, 25 Jun 1855 re Thomas Sims's photography business; Stevens's proposal to send A. R. Wallace an assistant, desirable qualities in an assistant, Charles's deficiencies; Madame Pfeiffer's insect collection; news of Australian Expedition (A C Gregory Northern Australian?); arrival of new missionary from England; wanting a shoe last; wanting news of John and Mary in California; collapse of Page, Bacon and Co; Dyak's delight in musical box. Place: California USA Sarawak Notes: Letter no in contents list: 32. 2 folios NAMES TO BE COMPLETED, PJL 3/1/03
NHM-WP01.003.059    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace John, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Wallace Herbert Spencer, Wallace Mary Anne, Watts?, Burden ?, Millard ?, Wallace Herbert Edward, Wallace Eliza, Wallace William G., Lyell Sir Charles, Grey Thomas De  1869.05.25   Letter from A. R. Wallace to John Wallace, from 9, St. Mark's Crescent, Regents Park London NW, 25 May 1869 re probate (of his mother's will?) and payment of Wallace family legacies with details of amounts; sister Fanny's finances; Thomas Sims's business; loss of money through investments; details of annual domestic expenditure; comparative cost of living in London and the country; sales of "Malay Archipelago"; application for museum position; request for seeds of wild Californian plants; children, A. R. Wallace's daughter, now 4 months old, named Violet Isabel. Place: California USA London England Notes: Letter no in contents list: 57. Annotated in ink an unknown hand at top of last page: "All I can find. M W" (Mary Wallace née Webster?)
NHM-WP01.003.007    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Silk George C, Frost John, Crutwell Clement Henry  1840.01.12   Letter from A. R. Wallace to George (Silk) from Kington, 12 Jan 1840, with sketch plan in pencil below address, re Hertford Literary Society; Penny Post; countryside around Kington; Chartist trials; Crutwell and other acquaintances in Hertford. Place: England Kington Herefordshire and Worcester Notes: Letter no in contents list: 5. Part of wax seal present. Edges torn and text missing - hole about 6cm x 2 cm near seal. Some text heavily crossed through and unreadable.
NHM-WP01.003.025    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Spruce Richard, Lima Joao Antonio de, Agostinho ?, Schomburgk Robert Hermann  1852.10.10   Letter from Richard Spruce to A. R. Wallace, from Panuré? Sao Jeronymo, 10 Oct 1852, re the political situation in Barra; reaction to news in London papers; voyage by river from San Gabriel to San Jeronimo; collecting specimens of ferns; plans to travel with Agostinho; servants; Sir Robt Humbugck (sic: Schomburgk) Place: Panuré Brazil Notes: Letter no in contents list: 23. Associated loose notes in S Knapp's hand: "Spruce to Wallace * SK [cf? Abersi?]" and note in EB's? hand c. 2001: "R. Spruce to A.R.Wallace Oct 1852" destroyed. pjl 19/12/02
NHM-WP01.003.039    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Saunders ?, Pfeiffer Ida, Spruce Richard, Stevens Samuel  1856.04.30   Letter from A. R. Wallace to H W Bates, from Singapore, 30 Apr 1856, continued 10 May 1856; re long wait for and final arrival of a ship to Macassar; arrival of Bates's letters from Ega (now TeffÉ) Brazil, and copy of "Zoologist"; geographical distribution of insect species in the islands of the Malay archipelago; relative scarcity of Lepidoptera; comparative numbers and types of insect species in Malaya archipelago and Brazil; details of insects collected, including new butterfly Ornithoptera Brookeana (Wallace), Rhyncophorae, Carabidae, Anthribidae, Bupestridae, Cleridae, Longicornes and many others, total number of insect species collected estimated at 6,000, specimens over 30, 000; desire to collect all world Longicornes for study; importance of recording location of capture of specimens; separation of collections from different localities; desire for future comparison of data and exchange of specimens with Bates; Orang Utans; comparison of types of forest plants, people and customs in Amazon and Malay archipelago; scarcity of edible fruit in the East; delicious Durian; Madame Pfeiffer's insect collection; regards to Spruce. Notes: Letter no in contents list: 37.
NHM-WP01.003.048    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Silk George C, Darwin Charles Robert, Newton Isaac, Dufours Paul  1860.09.01   Letter from A. R. Wallace? (unsigned) to George (Silk) from Bessin?, 1 Sep 1860 re Leon (sic) duFour's "History of Prostitution" and Darwin's "Origin of Species". Notes: Letter no in contents list: 46
NHM-WP01.003.052    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Bates Henry Walter, Bates Frederick, Gray D, HewitsonWilliam Chapman  1861.10.10--1861   Letter from A. R. Wallace to H W Bates, from Lobo Raman, near Bencoolen, Sumatra, 10 Dec 1861, re Bates's paper on Papilios; Darwinian philosophy, geographical distribution of species, rivers as limits to distribution, A. R. Wallace's Zoological Society paper on distribution of monkey species in Brazil; isolation of species from geographical origins, geological evidence; hopes Bates will write on Cicindelidae; collecting in Sumatra; plans to return to England. Place: Amazon Barra Brazil Notes: Letter no in contents list: 50
NHM-WP01.003.053    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Silk George C, Fechter Charles Albert, Money? ?, Blondin  1861.12.22   Letter from A. R. Wallace to George Silk, from Lobo Raman, Sumatra, 22 Dec 1861, continued Singapore, 20 Jan 1862, re plans to return to England; GS's preoccupation with politics; A. R. Wallace;s paper on New Guinea Native Trade, Blondin, Mr Fechter; "Great Expectations"; wet season in Sumatra; jungle animals; monkey behaviour; Malay language and customs; Mony's? book on Java; Dutch and British colonial government; GS's siblings; Marriage, desirable qualities in a wife. Place: Lobo Raman Sumatra Java Netherlands Indies India Notes: Letter no in contents list: 51. Five folios
NHM-WP01.003.069    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Enriques Matteo? Alfonso Flor?, Lima Joao Antonio de  1853.06.07   Letter in Portugese? from Mtto. Alfo. Flor.? Enriques with a note added by Joao Anto. de Lima, to Richard Spruce, from San Joaquim, 7 Jun 1853, mentioning Alfredo (A. R. Wallace). Place: San Joaquim Brazil Notes: Not entered in contents list but retained in this series, which seems an appropriate location. Loose note (destroyed) by E Bennett c. 2001/02 "Joao de Lima to Richard Spruce 1853".
NHM-WP01.006.002    Correspondence:   Birch Frederick R, Wallace Alfred Russel, Moss A M, New Age The  1910.01.23   Postcard from Fred Birch to A. R. Wallace from Theophilo Ottoni, Brazil, 23 Jan 1910 re receipt of A. R. Wallace's December letters, acquaintance with A M Moss at the Lancs & Cheshire entomological society, Moss's collections and paintings; "The New Age"; asking for copies of "Intensive Agriculture". Place: Broadstone Dorset England Theophilo Ottoni Brazil
NHM-WP01.006.006    Correspondence:   Birch Frederick R, Wallace Alfred Russel, Cotton Sir Arthur Thomas, New Age The  1910.07.19   Postcard from Fred Birch to A. R. Wallace from Theophilo Ottoni, Brazil, 19 Jul 1910 thanking A. R. Wallace for the pamphlet (by Sir Arthur Cotton) on intensive agriculture which has arrived safely along with copies of "The New Age", is delighted with it; gives details of his gardening methods and previous year's crops of oats and potatoes, potatoes this year destroyed by ants; adds to description of Calliste birds given in last letter (see WP1/6/5) and corrects description of Toucan; reminds A. R. Wallace he wants details of prices, soil, temperature and rainfall of land in Devonshire. Place: Brazil Devonshire
NHM-WP01.006.007    Correspondence:   Birch Frederick R, Wallace Alfred Russel, Scofield ?, Reiche Eugenis?, Cotton Sir Arthur Thomas, New Age The  1910.12.15   Letter from Fred Birch to A. R. Wallace from the Brazil highlands, Brazil, 15 Dec 1910 re delay in plans to leave for another part of Brazil as wife Mary expecting a child in March and no replies (re suitability of the area) from correspondents in Espirito Santo, Victoria; has collected many new beetle species though butterflies scarcer than before, will risk posting a box of Lepidoptera to Mr May in Rio; considering moving to Caravellas or Peruhype, quotes a letter from Mr Scofield recommending both areas as ideal sites for insect collecting, will write to Eugenis? Reiche about housing; describes capture and photographing of a sloth which bit him through the thumb, sloth's fur infested with many small moths similar to Depressaria; thanks for copies of N.A. ("The New Age"; wheat planted according to Cotton's methods thriving. Place: Brazil
NHM-WP06.011.003    Printed:    1913.04.15--1913   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a review of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) headlined "Is there progress?" from "The Dundee Advertiser" 15 Apr 1913. Marked for "Marchant public Morals". Annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand on the attachment "elaborate but misleading at end". Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.004    Printed:    1913.04.11--1913   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a review of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from the "Daily Herald" 11 Apr 1913 headlined "The Disease of Civilisation". Marked for "J Marchant public morals". Attachment annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "Good". Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.012    Printed:    1913.05.00   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a long review of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from "Young man" May, 1913, pp. 153-156 inclusive. Marked for "J Marchant, Public M". The review, titled "Highways and Byways of Character and Literature. Dr. A. R. Wallace. A prophet of Fire and Hope" is by the editor, and includes a photograph of Wallace seated at a desk. Place: Britain
NHM-WP07.102.002    Correspondence:   Hughes W R, Wallace Alfred Russel, Mills Herbert V, Eeden Frederik Willem van  1908.05.28   Letter from W R Hughes to A. R. Wallace from Mansfield House University Settlement, Canning Town, 28 May 1908, re A. R. Wallace's article in the "Socialist Review" on unemployment; [Herbert] Mills and J Bruce Wallace on the subject; socialist communities; van Eeden's paper on Walden, Holland. Place: London England Notes: Enclosed in envelope annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand on one side "The Remedy for Unemployment | Criticisms &c." and on the other "The Remedy for Unemployment, WP7/102/7, when listed.
NHM-WP08.003.005    Correspondence:   Prain Sir David, Wallace Alfred Russel, Spruce Richard, Hooker Sir William Jackson, Borrer William  1908.11.16--1908   Form-letter or certificate in print and MS from the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew 16 Nov 1908 acknowledging receipt from Dr A R Wallace, OM, FRS of "8 volumes (bound) of Spruce's botanical Mss (Plantae Amazonicae, 2 vols.; Plantae Andinae, 2 vols.; Miscellaneous notes, journals etc., 2 vols.; memorandum book, containing his journal from Tar[a]poto [Tarapoto] to Baños). Also numerous original letters to Spruce from Sir W. J. Hooker and others; Rough notes for the Introduction to his large work on Hepaticae, etc.; and a complete series of letters from Spruce to W. Borrer, 1843-48." Signed by D. Prain (Director). Printed header show the Royal coat of arms above the words "Royal Botanic Gardens Kew" in large Italic? script. Place: Peru
S720    Book:     Wallace, A. R. ed. 1879. Australasia. Stanford’s compendium of geography and travel: based on Hellwald’s ‘Die Erde und ihre Völker’. Edited and extended by Alfred R. Wallace, F.R.G.S., Author of the ‘Malay Archipelago,’ ‘Geographical distribution of animals,’ etc. With Ethnological appendix by A.H. Keane, M.A.I. London: Edward Stanford (Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel).   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP01.001.085    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Annie, Wallace Violet, Chapman & Hall , Riley James Whitcomb, William Henry Hudson, Poulton Sir Edward Bagnall, Rothenstein William, Birch Frederick  1904.02.12   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William, from Broadstone, Dorset, 12 Feb 1904 re A. R. Wallace's new will; autobiography; sitting for portrait; dubious authorship of poem "Leonainie"; Fred Birch preparing for trip to British Guiana. On the back of folio 2 is a poem headed "The outcast", initialled "WGW". Place: Dorset England Jamaica Trinidad British Guiana Notes: 2 folios.First numbered in pencil in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand: 80, and in an unknown hand "(Autobiog?) & Leonainie"
NHM-WP01.001.198    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Annie née Mitten, Wallace Violet Isabel?, Swinton A C, Swinton Mrs A C, Williams Anuerin, Darwin Charles Robert  1908.12.02   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his son William from Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne (Dorset), 2 Dec 1908 annotated in WGW's? hand "Lecture | Medals" and " O M | V"? re request from Mrs Swinton for full names of William and his sister Violet, Aneurin Williams, barrister and a director of the "Garden City Company" her husband's executor, past correspondence about Mr Swinton's will on behalf of the Land Nationalisation Society, shares for William and Violet; arrival of the (Royal Society) Copley medals, one gold and one silver; letter from Lord Chancellor excusing A. R. Wallace from personal attendance at the Investiture (of the Order of Merit); his own and William's health; progress of writing lecture (on Darwinism, for the Royal Institution). Place: Broadstone Dorset England Notes: OLD REF Letters re R I lecture and Medals 1908 and 1909: WP1/19/11/3
NHM-WP01.002.027    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Jekyll Gertrude, Silk George C, Chapman & Hall , Sims Frances née Wallace, Michaelis Madame, Hayward Arthur  1892.05.20   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 20 May 1892 re gardening; writing; examining; Geographical medal; (Linnean Society) medal; family. Place: Dorset England Notes: Annotated in pencil in an unknown hand "V.G."
NHM-WP01.002.115    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace Violet, Wallace William Greenell, Wallace Mary Née Webster, Dorey? William, De Rougemont Louis (Louis Grin), Beckett Ernest William Lord Grimthorpe, Chant Florence Miss  1898.10.13   Letter from A. R. Wallace to his daughter Violet, from Parkstone, Dorset 13 Oct 1898, re sending letters; newspapers on De Rougemont; letter from her brother William in America; Californian edition by William Dorey? of "Omar Khayam" from Mrs Wallace of Stockton (Violet's aunt Mary) first edition of "Wonderful Century" , 2000 copies almost sold out, 1000 more to be printed; Lord Grimthorpe; photographic portraits of A. R. Wallace by Miss Chant, including one for an American magazine. Place: Dorset England
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore