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Results 1701-1800 of 2172 for « +(+name:wallace +name:alfred +name:russel) +type:item »
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RGS-JMS.8.33    Note:    1863   On the Physical Geography of the Malay Archipelago.
S076    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1863. Discussion [of three papers on Australia]. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London 7 (3): 88-89.   Text   Image   PDF
S078    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1863. On the physical geography of the Malay Archipelago. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 33: 217-234, 1 map.   Text   Image
S084    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1863. On the identification of the Hirundo esculenta of Linnæus, with a synopsis of the described species of Collocalia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1863 (10 November): 382-385.   Text   Image   PDF
S085    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1863. A list of the birds inhabiting the islands of Timor, Flores, and Lombock, with descriptions of the new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1863 (24 November): 480-497, pl. 39.   Text   Image   PDF
S707ah    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1863. Letter [to Henry Walter Bates, dated ca.1863]. In: Clodd, Edward. 1916. Memories. London: Chapman and Hall, pp. 64-65.   Text   Image
S072    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1863. List of birds collected in the island of Bouru (one of the Moluccas), with descriptions of the new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1863 (13 January): 18-36, pls. 4-6.   Text   Image   PDF
S076a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1863. Notice [on a living hornbill]. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1863 (24 March): 85.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP09    Note:    1863?--1909   Ms and print re public lectures given by A. R. Wallace including some details of dates, places and payments. Topics include geographical distribution of species and colours in animals. See also letters from ARW in correspondence, items WP1/1-3 and WP1/5-7, which contain numerous references to lectures, and press cuttings from North American papers, WP14/2.
S102b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864 [On the production of bees wax.] Journal of Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1864: 32 (31-35).   Image
NHM-WP04.005    Figure:    1864   Two architectural designs for a Museum, by A. R. Wallace; with envelope: 1. Plan in pink, brown and yellow coloured ink on blue lined paper approx. 20 cm x 32 cm, headed in A. R. Wallace's hand "Museum of Natural History - Grand Plan of Central Portion" with measurements and labels in A. R. Wallace's hand. 2. Elevation including position of display cases and sketches of specimens, in pink, brown and yellow coloured ink on blue lined paper approx. 20 cm x 32 cm, headed in A. R. Wallace's hand "National Museum of Natural History". 3. Blue envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "Sketch for a National Museum of Natural History - 1864 - | one somewhat similar sent to Prof. Owen about 1863." Notes: Filed with house plans for A. R. Wallace's house "The Dell" when listed
NHM-WP06.005    Note:    1864--1904   Papers re Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1889, "Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications" (London, Macmillan 1889 and later editions) including corrected proofs, rough notes and diagrams, correspondence and reviews.
NHM-WP07.032    Printed:    1864--1865   "On the Varieties of Man in the Malay Archipelago" by A. R. Wallace, offprint or proof in green paper cover of a paper read 26 Jan 1864, pp. [196] -215, with deletions in pencil and another printed section pasted onto part of p. 214; titled on front in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Man in the Malay Archipelago" with "1864" added in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand; from Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London 3 (n.s.): 196-215 (1865), see Smith S82. Place: Malaya
NHM-WP07.033    Printed:    1864--1865   "On the Varieties of Man in the Malay Archipelago" by A. R. Wallace, offprint in green paper cover of a paper read 26 Jan 1864, pp. [196]-215, annotated on front of first page in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "From Transactions of the Ethnological Society. 1865 (Vol. 3)" and on the front cover "Alfred R Wallace | Man in the Malay Archipelago"; "1865" has been added in blue pencil in his or WGW's hand.
S081    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. On the geographical distribution of animal life. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 33 (part 2: Sections): 108-109.   Text   Image   PDF
S086    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. Discussion. In: Reichenbach, Oscar. On the vitality of the black race. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 2: lxxiii.   Text   Image   PDF
S087    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. Discussion [on the extinction of races]. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 2: cx-cxi.   Text   Image   PDF
S090    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. Discussion. In: Reddie, James. On anthropological desiderata. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 2: cxxix-cxxx.   Text   Image   PDF
S092    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. Discussion. In: Carter Blake, C. On the alleged peculiar characters, and assumed antiquity of the human cranium from the Neanderthal. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 2: clvi.   Text   Image   PDF
S093    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. The origin of human races and the antiquity of man deduced from the theory of "natural selection". Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 2: clviii-clxx (discussion on pp. clxx-clxxxvii).   Text   Image   PDF
S098    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. Discussion [regarding mimicry in insects]. Journal of Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1864 in Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 2: 14-15.   Text   Image   PDF
S099    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. Discussion. In: Farrar, W.F. On the universality of belief in God, and in a future state. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 2: ccxx.   Text   Image   PDF
S102    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. On the parrots of the Malayan Region, with remarks on their habits, distribution, and affinities, and the descriptions of two wew species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1864 (28 June): 272-295, 1 map.   Text   Image   PDF
S102a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. Discussion [on parasites of bats]. Journal of Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1864 in Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 2: 32 (31-35).   Text   Image   PDF
S082    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. On the varieties of men in the Malay Archipelago. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 33 (part 2: Sections): 147-148.   Text   Image   PDF
S094    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. Discussion. In: Pike, Luke Owen. On the place of the sciences of mind and language in the science of man. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 2: ccviii.   Text   Image   PDF
S095    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. Discussion. In: Guppy, Henry F.J. Notes on the capabilities of the Negro for civilisation. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 2: ccxiii-ccxiv.   Text   Image   PDF
S100    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. Discussion. In: Farrar, F.W. On hybridity. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 2: ccxxvi-ccxxvii.   Text   Image
S104a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1864. Discussion [on Atractocerus]. Journal of Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1864 in Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 2: 46.   Text   Image   PDF
S082[.1]    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. On the varieties of man in the Malay Archipelago. Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London 3: 196-215.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP07.030    Printed:    1865--1866   "On the Progress of Civilisation in Northern Celebes" by A. R. Wallace, offprint with green cover, pp. [1] - 10), of a paper read at the Ethnological Society of London meeting of 24 Jan.1865, (from "Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London" 4 (n.s.): 61-70 (1866) - see Smith S104 ); titled on cover in A. R. Wallace's hand with "1865" added in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand. Place: Celebes Netherlands Indies
S096    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. On the phenomena of variation and geographical distribution as illustrated by the Papilionidæ of the Malayan Region. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 25 (part I): 1-71, pls.1-8.   Text   Image   PDF
S106    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. Discussion. In: Sellon, E. Linga Puja, or phallic worship in India. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 3: cxviii-cxix.   Text   Image   PDF
S108a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. Discussion [of remarks by Francis p. Pascoe regarding how insects melt snow]. Journal of Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1865 in Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 2: 91 (88-92).   Text   Image   PDF
S111    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. Discussion. In: Colenso, J.W. On the efforts of missionaries among savages. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 3: cclxxxviii.   Text   Image   PDF
S112    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. Descriptions of new birds from the Malay Archipelago. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1865 (13 June): 474-481, pls. 28-29.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP03.010    Notebook:    1865--1889   Notebook opened at each end, containing details of seances, a list of converts to Spiritualism, poetry, statistics on exports, a study of his children from birth, and lists of plants species. It was used by Alfred Russel Wallace from c. 1865 to c. 1889
S105    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. Discussion. In: Cameron, John. On the islands of Kalatoa and Puloweh, North of Flores. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London 9 (2): 31-32.   Text   Image   PDF
S109    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1865. List of the land shells Collected by Mr. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago, with descriptions of the new species by Mr. Henry Adams. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1865: 405-416, pl. 21.   Text   Image   PDF
S118    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1866. The scientific aspect of the supernatural. London: F. Farrah.
S104    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A.R. 1866. On the progress of civilisation in Northern Celebes. Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London (new series) 4: 61-71.   Text   Image   PDF
S121    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1866. On reversed sexual characters in a butterfly, and its interpretation on the theory of modification and adaptive mimicry. In: Robertson, William Tindal. 1866. The British Association for the Advancement of Science, Nottingham meeting, August, 1866: Report of the papers, discussions, and general proceedings. Nottingham: Thomas Forman and London: Robert Hardwicke, pp. 186-187.   Text   Image   PDF
S123a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1866. Discussion [on the views of David Sharp on mimicry]. Journal of Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1866 in Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 5: xlvi-xlviii.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP08.001.003    Printed:    [1866]   "Précis D'un Voyage D'Exploration Botanique dans L' Amérique Equitoriale, pour servir d'introduction provisoire à son ouvrage sur les Hepatiques de L'Amazone et Des Andes, par Richard Spruce." pp [1]-20. Offprint from Révue Bryologique, Aug 1866, no 3. In French. Annotated faintly in pencil on the top right of the cover, in Richard Spruce's hand "A. R. Wallace | Souvenir d' amitié | de l'auteur." Extensively underlined in ink, lead and red pencil throughout, particularly place-names; a few marginal annotations in ink and pencil in Spruce's hand. Place: Amazon Andes South America
S117    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. & Moore, F. 1866. List of lepidopterous insects collected at Takow, Formosa, by Mr. Robert Swinhoe. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 355-365.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP08.003    Note:    1866?--1908   Ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand, correspondence and annotated print relating to his edition of Richard Spruce, 'Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes.'
S126a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1867. Discussion [on the evolutionary views of Dr. Alexander Wallace]. Journal of Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1867: lxxi.   Text   Image   PDF
S126b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1867. Discussion [regarding the views of Mr.C.A.Wilson on insect acclimatization in Australia]. Journal of Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1867 in Transactions of the Entomological Society of London5: lxxiii.   Text   Image   PDF
S130a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1867. Discussion [regarding a plague of beetles in Australia]. Journal of Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1867 in Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 5: lxxxv.   Text   Image   PDF
S130b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1867. Discussion [regarding Frederick Smith's comments on ichneumon fly]. Journal of Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1867 in Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 5: lxxxv.   Text   Image   PDF
S133    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1867. Discussion. In: Hunt, James. On physio-anthropology, its aim and method. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 5: cclvi-cclvii.   Text   Image   PDF
S119    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1867. Anthropology address. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 36 (part 2: Sections): 93-94.   Text   Image   PDF
S129    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1867. Discussion [on brilliant colors in caterpillar larvae]. Journal of Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1867: lxxx-lxxxi.   Text   Image   PDF
S131a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1867. Annotations. In: Sclater, p. L. and Salvin, Osbert. 1867. List of birds collected by Mr. Wallace on the Lower Amazons and Rio Negro. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1867 (23 May): 566-596, pls. 29-30.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP09.001.002    Note:    1867--1895?   List in A. R. Wallace's? hand on four small account-book pages (1 folio) headed "Lectures" listing amounts paid for lectures with dates covering 1867 -1894 and places in England, Scotland and Ireland but not titles of lectures; not in strict chronological order; titles of earlier lectures are noted on one page. Place: England Ireland Scotland
S139    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1868. On birds' nests and their plumage; or the relation between sexual differences of colour and the mode of nidification in birds. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 37 (part 2: Sections): 97.   Text   Image   PDF
S140a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1868. Brilliant meteor. Daily Telegraph 3 January 1868: 3.   Text
S715[2d].2    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1869. The Malay Archipelago: The land of the orang-utan, and the bird of paradise. A narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature. London: Macmillan and Co. Volume 2. 2d edition.   Image   PDF
NHM-WP06    Note:    [1869]--1913   Papers related to the writing and publication of books by A. R. Wallace, including Mss, printed proofs of text and illustrations, annotated photographs and drawings, printed reviews, rough notes and correspondence. First date is that of publication of first or only edition of work, dates in brackets those of the archived papers. WP6/1 1869 (nd) Papers re Malay Archipelago WP6/2 1870 (1871) Papers re Contributions to the theory of Natural Selection WP6/3 1876 (1876?) Papers re The Geographical Distribution of Animals... WP6/4 1880 (1880-81) Papers re Island Life WP6/5 1889 (1889?-1901?) Papers re Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection… WP6/6 1900 (1887?-1900?) Papers re Studies Scientific and Social WP6/7 1903 (1904? Papers re Man's place in the Universe WP6/8 1905 (1904-1906?) Papers re autobiography My Life WP6/9 1907 (1907) Papers re Is Mars Habitable? WP6/10 1910 (1911) Papers re The World of Life WP6/11 1913 (1913) Papers re Social environment and moral progress WP6/12 1889-1899 Readers' correspondence and related papers
S142aa    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1869. Discussion. In: Huxley, T.H. On the distribution of the races of mankind, and its bearing on the antiquity of man. Transactions of the Third Session of the International Congress of Prehistoric Archæology. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., pp. 103-104.   Text   Image   PDF
S143a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1869. Discussion [regarding the brightness of color of beetles in the East Indies]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1869: iv.   Text   Image   PDF
S143b    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1869. Discussion. In: Jenner Weir, J. O the protective adaptations of caterpillars. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1869: vii (vi-vii).   Text   Image   PDF
S715.1German    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1869. Der Malayische Archipel, die Heimath des Orang-Utan und des Paradiesvogels: Reiseerlebnisse und Studien über Land und Leute. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe von Adolf Bernhard Meyer. Braunchweig: George Westermann.Volume 1.   PDF
S715.2German    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1869. Der Malayische Archipel, die Heimath des Orang-Utan und des Paradiesvogels: Reiseerlebnisse und Studien über Land und Leute. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe von Adolf Bernhard Meyer. Braunchweig: George Westermann.Volume 2.   PDF
NHM-WP17.018.[2]    Note:    [1870]--[1880]   Illustration captioned "Church of St. Nicholas, Ghent", black and white woodcut or engraving showing the church in the middle ground, with a horse and carriage nearby and four or five small groups of people in Victorian dress in the street in the foreground; approximately 9cm x 7cm, apparently cut from a book or journal. Place: Ghent Belgium Scotland Notes: Possibly from "The Illustrated London News" or a similar paper. Both cuttings were found loose among William Greenell Wallace correspondence.
NHM-WP01.008.130    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1870--1913   Letter from E (Charles?) Williams to Mr Wallace (A. R. Wallace?) from (Queens?), on paper headed High Bank, Addiscombe, Croydon, Friday (no month or year), re proposed visit to Wallace on Sunday afternoon. Place: Croydon Surrey England Notes: Mr Williams, spiritualist Medium? See Raby p. 190 - but no dates. Post 1870?s. The letter was folded around 3 photos of a house and grounds labelled "W.J. Stillman" (see separate record WP17/12) but no mention is made of them in the letter.
NHM-WP17.018.[1]    Note:    [1870]--[1880]   Illustration captioned "Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfries-shire", black and white woodcut or engraving showing a distant view of the castle between trees in the close foreground; approximately 9cm x 7cm, apparently cut from a book or journal.
S159a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1870. Discussion [regarding beetle nomenclature]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1870: vi.   Text   Image   PDF
S167    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1870. Discussion. In: Huxley, Thomas. On the geographical distribution of the chief modifications of mankind]. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (n.s.) 2: 411-412.   Text   Image   PDF
S181    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1870. The President's address. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1870: xliv-lxix.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP01.008    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1870--1913   Miscellaneous Correspondence 1870-1913 A-Z: 136 Letters, telegrams and postcards to A. R. Wallace and a few by him, to and from miscellaneous correspondents 1870-1913, some with enclosures including one photograph. The letters are arranged alphabetically by author in the case of letters to A. R. Wallace and by correspondent within the same series in the case of letters from him. The bulk of the letters is dated 1911-1913 congratulating A. R. Wallace on reaching or approaching his 90th birthday and/or reacting to an interview with him in the newspapers at the time or criticising of his latest books; other topics include the award of his Order of Merit, poverty and unemployment, and some scientific subjects. The file includes letters from scientists, scientific societies, spiritualist societies, corporate bodies, members of the public and family friends. Notes: The bulk of the letters were in a taped cardboard book folder annotated in WGW's hand "Not wanted" (old ref WP1/18); 23 letters from a brown cardboard box in the form of a book, titled "Letters" on spine, first listed as item WP2/1 (former item title Correspondence 1849-1913); approximately 25 letters in a box file of unrelated material (old ref WP3/39) from original box 3 (as numbered in the rough box list supplied when listing began) and a few from box 4, have been incorporated.
S158a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1870. Discussion [on sexual selection in butterflies]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1870: ii.   Text   Image   PDF
S179aa    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1870. [Letters and a Memorandum of Agreement concerning the Bedford Canal experiment]. In: Hampden, John. 1870. Is water level or convex after all? Swindon: Alfred Bull, pp. 14-17.   Text   Image   PDF
S531a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1870-1889. Letters [to James Croll, 1870-1889]. In: Croll, James. 1896. Autobiographical sketch of James Croll LL.D., F.R.S., etc. London: E. Stanford, pp. 247, 247-249, 271, 334-335, 336-337, 337-339, 358-359, 361, 382, 387, 440-442, 468-469, 470-471.   Text   Image
S715.1Dutch    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1870. Insulinde: het land van den orang-oetan en den paradijsvogel; uit het Engelsch vertaald en van aanteekeningen voorzien door p. J. Veth. Amsterdam: p. N. van Kampen. Volume 1.   Image   PDF
NHM-WP15    Note:    1870--1907   Mitten, William, Papers 1870-1907: Print, correspondence, and samples of a grass in an envelope, 1853-1907, by and relating to William Mitten, including reprints of papers on Botany, Geology and Natural History sent to Mitten by authors including J T Kirk and Clement Reid, and printed obituaries of Mitten c.1906-1907. WP15/1 Mitten Papers: Correspondence - WP15/2 Mitten Papers: Print - WP15/3 Obituaries and Memoirs of William Mitten - WP15/4 Mitten papers: Ephemera
NHM-WP07.041    Printed:    1871--1880   7 Reviews by A. R. Wallace published in "The Academy" and "Nature" 1871-1880, in paper folder labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Reviews by A. R. Wallace | Darwins Descent of man … Academy | Mivart's lessons from Nature [Academy] | Bree (Dr) Fallacies of Darwinism", comprising: WP7/41.01 to 07
NHM-WP07.109.[01]    Draft:    1871--1911   "The Geographical Distribution of Animal Life", undated proof (1910?) corrected in A. R. Wallace's hand, pp. [1]-9, 9 ff. printed on one side only. Notes: Published as "The Geography of the Animal Kingdom" in Harmsworth Natural History : a complete survey of the Animal Kingdom / Chief contributors: R. Lydekker, W. H. Johnston, J.R. Ainsworth-Davis. (London, 1910-1911), vol. 1 (1910) pp. 57-70. Not listed in Smith.
NHM-WP07.109.[02]    Note:    1871--1911   Envelope annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "Corrected proofs of Geographical Distribution of Animal Life (A.R.W.) For, [sic] Harmsworth's Natural History"; containing the above when listed. Notes: Published as "The Geography of the Animal Kingdom" in Harmsworth Natural History : a complete survey of the Animal Kingdom / Chief contributors: R. Lydekker, W. H. Johnston, J.R. Ainsworth-Davis. (London, 1910-1911), vol. 1 (1910) pp. 57-70. Not listed in Smith.
NHM-WP07.109.[03]    Draft:    1871--1911   "The Geographical Distribution of Animal Life", undated duplicate? proof (1910?) pp. [1]-9, 9 ff. printed on one side only annotated at the top of the first page in A. R. Wallace's? hand "(From Harmsworth's Natural History)" and in pencil in an unknown hand "A1". Notes: Published as "The Geography of the Animal Kingdom" in Harmsworth Natural History : a complete survey of the Animal Kingdom / Chief contributors: R. Lydekker, W. H. Johnston, J.R. Ainsworth-Davis. (London, 1910-1911), vol. 1 (1910) pp. 57-70. Not listed in Smith.
S171    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. On a diagram of the earth's eccentricity and the precession of the equinoxes, illustrating their relation to geological climate and the rate of organic change. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 40 (part 2: Sections): 89.   Text   Image   PDF
S184a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. Discussion. In: Müller, A. Dispersal of non-migratory insects by atmospheric agencies]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1871: v.   Text   Image   PDF
S191    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. On the attitude of men of science towards the investigators of spiritualism. In: Tuttle, Hudson and Peebles, J.M. The Year-book of Spiritualism for 1871. Boston: William White & Co., pp. 28-31.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP04    Note:    1871--1912   Architectural drawings and other papers relating to building and alteration plans for A. R. Wallace's various houses c 1871-1912, and for a Museum of natural history; including building plans and elevations and sketch maps of surrounding land, many by A. R. Wallace.
NHM-WP07.041.[01]    Draft:    1871   Printed proof sheets from "The Academy" annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "March 1871, of a review by him of Charles Darwin, "The Descent of man and Selection in relation to Sex (London 1871) with minor corrections, pasted onto 7 folios of red-lined blue paper, back and front, most with page numbers (up to 14) added in ink
NHM-WP07.042.[01]    Draft:    1871   Proof sheet? From an unnamed undated journal of a review by A. R. Wallace of H Charlton Bastian, "The Modes of Origin of Lowest Organisms…" (London 1871), pasted onto one sheet of blue red-lined paper.
S149    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. [Questions and remarks]. In: Report on spiritualism, of the Committee of the London Dialectical Society, together with the evidence, oral and written, and a selection from the correspondence. London: Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer, pp. 183, 210.   Text   Image   PDF
S179a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. [Horned toads and rattlesnakes]. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1871 (3 January): 1-2.   Text   Image   PDF
S188    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. Discussion. In: Wollaston, Vernon T. 1871. On additions to the Atlantic Coleoptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1871: xiii.   Text   Image   PDF
S202    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. Reply to Mr. Hampden's charges against Mr. Wallace. London: J. J. Tiver, pp. 1-8.   Text
NHM-WP04.001.[01]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 1.Ground plan on waxed linen in black and coloured ink headed "Villa [ i.e. "The Dell"] at Grays | For A. R. Wallace", no date, minor annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand, approx 70 cm x 40 Place: Grays Essex England Note: Folded many times and some deeply creased and dirty in places. They have been refolded on the original lines and need a larger container. Architect may have been Thomas Robjohn Wonnacott, architect and Surveyor, who proved a will at St Pancras in 1876 (Source: Nos. 1- 4 were in a modern envelope (discarded) labelled in R W's hand "Plans for 'The Dell' | Sketch for a National Museum 1864"; Nos. 5-7 were in a separate long envelope with no stamp, addressed to "Guayaquil" c/o Davies & Co Advertising agents…London, address crossed out and "Plans of 'The Dell' Grays" added in pencil in ARW's? WGW's? hand. The plan and elevation of the Museum and the envelope were on display in the Rare Books room before listing: they are recorded in the preliminary list for original box 3.
NHM-WP04.001.[02]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 2. Architect's drawings headed "Lodge at Grays Essex For A.R. Wallace", five on one sheet, same type and style as previous, approx. 45 cm square, showing front and side views of lodge, (presumably a separate building in the grounds of "The Dell") ground plan of rooms and a section, signed at bottom right "[T] Wonnacott, |Architect | Farnham and Chertsey" Place: Grays Essex England
NHM-WP04.001.[03]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 3. Ground plan on (waxed linen?) in black and coloured ink, apparently drawn by A. R. Wallace; not the same as previous - possibly an initial idea, or of another wing, but may be of a different house, includes verandah leading to a hall with dining room or library on the left and breakfast room on the right; gas pipes shown in red, water pipes in blue; annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand in red, black and blue ink. Place: Grays Essex England
NHM-WP04.001.[04]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 4. Front view of "The Dell", with a one-storey wing extending to the right, with the date "1871" set above two windows to the right of the entrance. Drawing on (waxed linen?) by A. R. Wallace? undated, unsigned and without any title: identified by comparison with the photo of the house reproduced in "My Life" vol. 2 facing p. 92. Place: Grays Essex England
NHM-WP04.001.[05]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 5. South view and roof plan of the same house ("The Dell"), approx 37 x 24 cm, ink and colour wash drawing on waxed linen by A. R. Wallace? undated, unsigned and without any title: identified as before Place: Grays Essex England Note: Folded many times and some deeply creased and dirty in places. They have been refolded on the original lines and need a larger container. Architect may have been Thomas Robjohn Wonnacott, architect and Surveyor, who proved a will at St Pancras in 1876 (Source: Nos. 1- 4 were in a modern envelope (discarded) labelled in R W's hand "Plans for 'The Dell' | Sketch for a National Museum 1864"; Nos. 5-7 were in a separate long envelope with no stamp, addressed to "Guayaquil" c/o Davies & Co Advertising agents…London, address crossed out and "Plans of 'The Dell' Grays" added in pencil in ARW's? WGW's? hand. The plan and elevation of the Museum and the envelope were on display in the Rare Books room before listing: they are recorded in the preliminary list for original box 3.
NHM-WP04.001.[06]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 6. Ground plan of rooms ("The Dell"?) including Laundry, Workshop and attached Tool House, approx. 35 x 24 cm, ink and colour wash drawing on waxed linen by A. R. Wallace? undated, unsigned and without any title. Place: Grays Essex England
NHM-WP04.001.[07]    Note:    [1871]   Architectural drawings, consisting of : 7. Attic Plan and Chamber Plan (of "The Dell"?) including Nursery and Store in attic, on one sheet approx 37 x 24 cm, ink and colour wash drawing on waxed linen by A. R. Wallace? undated, unsigned and without any title. Place: Grays Essex England
S715.2Dutch    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1871. Insulinde: het land van den orang-oetan en den paradijsvogel; uit het Engelsch vertaald en van aanteekeningen voorzien door p. J. Veth. Amsterdam: p. N. van Kampen. Volume 2.   Image   PDF
NHM-WP13.001.001    Printed:    1871   Printed pamphlet titled "Water, not convex: The Earth not a Globe! Demonstrated by Alfred R. Wallace Esq. on the 5th of March, 1870, by the old Bedford canal, near Downham Market, Norfolk." Written and published by William Carpenter, London 1871. 31 pages. Place: Norfolk England
NHM-WP13.001.011    Correspondence:   Carpenter William, Wallace Alfred Russel, Hampden John  1871   Letter paper printed with the address Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne, with "Spiritualism | Wallace v. Carpenter | Hampden's & Flat-Earth Experiments - I &c. &c. " written on the first page in A. R. Wallace's? hand in ink. Place: Dorset Norfolk England Notes: This was found loose among unrelated papers in WP1 and has been inserted here - it is presumably a file title page for the item.
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore