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Results 2101-2172 of 2172 for « +(+name:wallace +name:alfred +name:russel) +type:item »
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NHM-WP06.010.004.[03]    Printed:    1911--1912   Cutting made by The Authors Clipping Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts of a review with no by-line of A. R. Wallace's book "The world of life. A manifestation of creative power, directive, mind and ultimate purpose" (New York, 1911) from the Louisville, Kentucky "Courier Journal" 17 Jun 1911; annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "A very good & fair review". Place: England USA Note: Torn
S690aa    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1899. Letters [to Romesh Chunder Dutt, dated 1 March 1899 & 8 March 1899]. In: Gupta, Jnanendra N. 1911. Life and work of Romesh Chunder Dutt C.I.E. London: J. M. Dent & Sons and New York: E. p. Dutton & Co.,pp. 267-268, 268-269, 287.   Text   Image
S690ab    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1911. What Is wrong with your house and how it Is to be bettered. In: The Book of the Exhibition of Houses and Cottages; Romford Garden Suburb Gidea Park. London: Exhibition Committee, p. 19
S689a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace AR 1911. Letter about the National Insurance Bill. Gloucester Journal 2 December: 4.   Text
S689    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Extract of letter extracts to Clement Reid. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 80: 577-578.   Text   Image
S693[.1]    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Letter [to H.M. Hyndman]. In: Hyndman, Henry Mayers. 1912. Further reminiscences. London: Macmillan and Co, pp. 515-516.   Text   Image
S696a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1912. Euphorbia Wulfenii. The Garden 76 (no. 2120, 6 July 1912): 339.   Text   Image
NYPubLib    Note:    1912.06.03   Wallace's contribution to The Modern Historic Records Association
S703ac    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. Arms and the man. Pall Mall Magazine 52 (July 1913): 47 (45-50).   Text
NHM-WP02.001.006    Photo:    [1913]   Portrait photo of A. R. Wallace in old age, seated on a chair in a greenhouse? with a wooden bench in the background on which stand pots of flowers including a begonia and a daisy; faded sepia photographic print, undated, approximately 16.5cm x 11cm.
NHM-WP02.003    Printed:    1913--1947   Obituaries and Memoirs of Alfred Russel Wallace: Obituaries, death notices, descriptions of his funeral and memoirs of A. R. Wallace and some related papers, 1913-1947, mostly press cuttings with some entire magazines and reprints, from UK newspapers and spiritualist and scientific journals and a few from the USA and other countries, including cuttings from one Swiss and several UK press-cutting agencies with the original envelopes; all or most marked up (by WGW?) in blue pencil; note of A. R. Wallace's illness and time of death by William Greenell Wallace dated 7 Nov 1913, on headed paper without addressee; rough design in ink by WGW? for inscription on gravestone. Notes: Almost all brittle, dirty, crumbling or heavily folded. Scattered throughout all four boxes in which the collection arrived. Pieces WP2/3/2-12 are mostly full sheets from broadsheet newspapers and were in a cover made from boards of a damaged blue foolscap size notebook when listed; cover discarded; pieces WP2/3/13-34 were in a large white modern envelope addressed A King Esq Modus engineering; envelope destroyed; most of the remainder were in a document wallet containing other, unrelated material.
NHM-WP02.006.002    Note:    [1913--1915]   Chronology and outline of A. R. Wallace's life and rough notes on his time in the Malay Archipelago: 3 Mss in two or three different hands.
NHM-WP02.006.003    Note:    [1913--1916]   Originals and copies of reminiscences of A. R. Wallace by family, friends and colleagues, with related correspondence and papers including copies of some letters by him and a reprint in which Friula wallacii, a spider named after him, is described; most or all published or referred to in Marchant (1916).
NHM-WP02.006.005    Note:    [1913--1916]   Miscellaneous papers apparently related to the creation and publication of James Marchant, "A. R. Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences" including rough notes, labelled folders and an envelope.
NHM-WP17.014    Photo:    [1913]   Sepia photo approximately 15 cm x 11 cm showing a roofless brick cottage with partly completed building behind to the right, washing on a line and snow on the ground in front. Annotated on the back in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Done by a landlord to a tenant who always paid her rent! | Nr Guildford." Undated and unattributed (A. R. Wallace?) Place: Guildford Surrey England Notes: In envelope labelled "Photos &c for Studies" (i.e. "Studies Scientific and Social") when listed. The image is not reproduced there and no related essays seem to be included in the text.
NHM-WP18.030    Note:    [1913]--[1970]   Label " Authors Separate of Original Communication to Linnean Society."; large block capitals in black ink in an unknown hand, undated, on a piece of cream card approximately 16.5 cm x 4 cm. Notes: Found loose in boxes; not recorded earlier but probably original box 4. Almost certainly not created by the NHM and therefore possibly either by A. R. Wallace or a member of his family; to separate books? For an exhibition?
S702a    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1913. [Letter to Edward B.Poulton, dated April 2, 1913]. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 125: 26   Text   Image
NHM-WP16    Note:    1913--1951   Wallace, W G and V I, papers 1913-1951: Lists of A. R. Wallace's publications, library and letters and correspondence between various individuals, scientific societies, museums and publishers and A. R. Wallace's children William and Violet, regarding his death, the disposal of his effects and reproduction and copyright in his publications. Approximately 110 letters and some related papers. WP16/1: 1913-1950 Correspondence with publishers and others - WP16/2: 1915-1951 Correspondence re gifts of A. R. Wallace's effects - WP16/3: 1913?-1914 Papers re sale of A. R. Wallace's Library - WP16/4: 1949-1950 Papers re sale of A. R. Wallace's Bird of Paradise skins - WP16/5: 1913?-1914? Lists created by WGW of A. R. Wallace publications.
NHM-WP18.026    Note:    [1913]--[1951]   Label: "A .R.W. 90th | Birthday | Congratulations" in pencil in WGW's? hand on a small sheet of cream paper approximately 11 cm x 9 cm. Notes: Among letters to A. R. Wallace, mostly on his 90th birthday (1913) when listed. Dates based on periods when WGW might have been sorting A. R. Wallace's papers.
NHM-WP07.113    Printed:    1913?   Print, page proof? or press cutting pp. 223 -224 of "The Young Man", undated, headed on p. 223 "Is Britain on the Down Grade?" including a letter to the Editor by A. R. Wallace re a (letter?) by William Clarke on the subject of morals.
NHM-WP16.003.003    Note:    1913?--1914?   One folio CC, headed "Dr. Wallace's Library", p. 3; duplicate copy of p. 3 of 10 in a list of A. R. Wallace's books (see WP16/3/2)
NHM-WP16.001.070    Correspondence:   Williams James Leon, Wallace Alfred Russel  1913?--1913   Undated (c.1913?) draft letter in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand on 4 folios of exercise book paper, to "Dear Sir" re variation and natural selection, beginning "It is not easy to make the ordinary reader understand such as question as to variation as you put to me…" unsigned and with corrections; possibly to J Leon Williams (See WP16/1/69) about July 1913; enclosed when listed in an envelope postmarked 25 Jun 1913 addressed to W G Wallace (A. R. Wallace's son William) annotated on the back in pencil in WGW's hand "To J Leon? Williams (Biol)" together with a stamped envelope with a return address: WP16/1/69 (2 and 3) Notes: The hand in which the draft is written may be WGW acting as amanuensis though in my opinion it is A. R. Wallace's. Both are very similar - see WGW's ms sketch of his Father's life, in WP2/4, written on the same type of paper. Broken at folds and acidic; empty envelope addresses to Williams was partly sealed when examined but easily unstuck, probably pressure of folding sealed it.
NHM-WP02.006.002.03    Note:    [1914--1915]   Rough undated notes in ink in an unknown hand re A. R. Wallace's experiences in the Malay Archipelago, beginning "1854 went to the Malay Archipelago - a part of the world quite unknown then - and full of the most wonderful birds and insects." 2 pp. on 2 ff.
S707ad    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1914. Letter [to Mrs. C.p. Farrell, dated 30 June 1913, Broadstone, Dorset]. In: Proceedings of the International Anti-Vivisection and Animal Protection Congress Held at Washington, D.C. December 8th to 11th, 1913. New York: The Tudor Press, p. 41.   Text
NHM-WP02.003.042    Note:    [1915]   Undated design c.1915? in William Greenell Wallace's? hand, for inscription on gravestone of A. R. Wallace and Annie Mitten/Wallace, with their names and dates of birth and death and dimension of design in inches. Notes: Date assumed from Annie's death on 10 Dec 1914.
NHM-WP02.006.005.04    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  [1916]   Brown envelope approximately 25cm X 20cm, used as outer wrapping for bundled letters written by A. R. Wallace from USA and Canada as delivered for listing. A wide strip has been torn away from the front, which is divided into four squares in blue pencil, annotated in an unknown hand "Registered" and addressed to W G Wallace, Esq, Old Orchard, Broadst (Broadstone) Dor (Dorset). Part of the address is missing at the tear. Of three postmarks on the front two are illegible; one is Wimb[orne] (Wimborne?) 10 Jul (1916?). Beneath the postmarks is an annotation in pencil in WGW's? hand : " A. R. Wallace's U.S.A. letters | Copied Aug/15". Place: Wimborne Dorset England
S707    Book contribution:     Clodd, Edward. 1916. Memories. London: Chapman and Hall, pp. 64-65.   Text   Image
WS1.1    Book:     Marchant, James ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences. London: Cassell. Volume 1.   Text
WS1.2    Book:     Marchant, James ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences. London: Cassell. Volume 2.   Text
S707ar    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1917. Comments on nature vs. nurture. In Marchant, James. Birth-rate and empire. London: Williams and Norgate, p. 101.   Image   PDF
S707a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1920. From Alfred Russel Wallace. In: Le Prade, Ruth. 1920. Debs and the poets. Pasadena, California, Upton Sinclair, p. 40.   Text   Image
S708    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. [1930] [Letters to Ernest Marriott] Edgar Allan Poe: A series of seventeen letters concerning Poe's scientific erudition in Eureka and his authorship of "Leonainie". New York, n.d., pp. (1)-18.   Text   Image
S709    Periodical contribution:     Pickens, A.L. 1934. Letters concerning Wallace, Newton and Tristram. Auk (n.s) 51: 404-405.   Text   Image
S754    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1934. Conversations with James Milne. In: Milne, James. 1934. The memoirs of a bookman. London: John Murray, pp. 184-188.
S711    Periodical contribution:     Carpenter, Hale. 1939. A letter from A. R. Wallace to F.p. Pascoe, written from Ternate, 20 December 1860. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (Series A) 14: 77-78.   Text   Image
S712    Periodical contribution:     Wikman, K. Rob V. 1940. Letters From Edward B.Tylor and Alfred Russel Wallace to Edward Westermarck. Edited.with introductory remarks concerning the publication of the history of human marriage. Acta Academiae Aboensis Humaniora XIII.7: 1-22.   Text   Image
NHM-WP16.004    Note:    1949--1950   Papers 1949-1950 re the sale of skins of Birds of Paradise collected by A. R. Wallace, including correspondence between William Greenell Wallace and the BMNH, the University Museum Oxford, and the University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge. Place: New Guinea
NHM-WP18.027    Note:    [1970]--[1980]   Label in red biro " Letters on the occassion [sic] of A. R. Wallace's 90th Birthday", probably in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand. Notes: Found when listed in a yellow paper folder labelled in the same? hand "Xerox these" containing a variety of apparently unrelated letters, lists and notes now relocated to appropriate series. For comparison see postcard WP4/4/9 in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand.
S734a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 2002. Peixes do Rio Negro; Fishes of the Rio Negro (organization, introductory text and translation by Mônica de Toledo-Piza Ragazzo). São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, Imprensa Oficial do Estado.
S712a    Book contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 2006. On a probable means of procuring plane and curved specula of great size, with a few remarks on fixed telescopes. In: Smith, Charles H., Reflections on Wallace. Nature 443 (7107): 34.   Text   Image   PDF
S712c    Periodical contribution:     Rosenfeld, R.A. 2009. Alfred Russel Wallace and the RASC. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 103 (4, August): 165-168.   Text   Image   PDF
NHM-WP01.003.002    Draft:    undated   Folded folio apparently from an exercise book, with the following text on one side in ink, apparently in A. R. Wallace's hand: "My Malayan Letters to H.W. Bates", annotated in pencil in another hand: "(6) | Copy all | All copied". "Copy all" is crossed through and "all copied" ticked. On the other side of the sheet is written, apparently in a different hand "Early letters to & from A.R. Wallace &c &c".
NHM-WP03.005    Note:    Undated   MS in an unknown hand (possibly two hands), beginning "Why is the Sea salt?" containing an autobiographical tale, possibly fictional, including anecdotes about life as a sailor and set in places including Geelong (Victoria, Australia); 61 pages of text, approx 60 pages blank; undated; written in black ink in a notebook with lined paper; approx 18 cm x 11 cm; gold -edged sewn pages, faded gold fabric cover with tooled leaf pattern on the cover edges. Place: Africa Australia Notes: The hand or hands may be Herbert Wallace's and/or A. R. Wallace's when young, Violet Wallace's, one of their Australian cousins or another person's. Neither Richard Wallace nor his cousin J G Wilson know anything of its provenance (personal information 2003).
NHM-WP04.004.010    Note:    undated   Inner wrapping around bundled letters as delivered for listing; part of a torn sheet with "A. R. Wallace's letters from U.S.A. to his family 1886-1887" written in pencil in WGW's? hand on one side, and part of the first page of cyclostyled or carbon-copied notes apparently from a local council meeting concerning district council duties in relation to public rights of way and roadside verges, quoting a local Government act of 1894 . Place: England Notes: Notes may be from a Broadstone or Wimborne council meeting between 1901and 1907, when A. R. Wallace's letters frequently refer to roadbuilding around his house; annotation probably in WGW's hand written for James Marchant; see Biographical material/papers re James Marchant, WP2/6
NHM-WP06.008.010    Photo:    undated   Black and white photo annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand in faint pencil [illegible] mountains | in the distance", showing a field of cut hay in the foreground, a stone cottage or house partly hidden by trees on the right and a mountain range in the background; reproduced in A. R. Wallace's "My Life" vol. 1, p 165 captioned "The Beacons (looking south)"; see also WP6/8/24.
NHM-WP06.008.015    Photo:    undated   Annotated sepia photo of the entrance to the cave Porth y Ogof, Vale of Neath, showing the figure of a woman in hat and long skirt standing on a ledge on the left of the picture. Place: Wales Notes: See also WP6/8/21; WP6/8/22
NHM-WP07.116.[01]    Note:    undated   Ms notes in A. R. Wallace's hand titled "The Supposed 'Dimensions' of Space | Shown to be a verbal quibble ..." ; undated; on exercise book pages, ten folios all numbered except for the first which contains the title; with part of an envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone (date illegible) and annotated in his hand on the back "Mss on Dimensions of Space ..."
NHM-WP07.116.[02]    Note:    undated   Brown envelope cut in half, addressed to A. R. Wallace, postmarked on back Wimborne with illegible date, annotated in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "Mss. on Dimensions of Space. | Rests on verbal quibbles with no actual or possible facts to support the supposed possibility" written over the following in pencil, also in A. R. Wallace's hand? "Dimensions of Space - A.R.W. | Physical Phenomena O. Lodge"; labelled "A1" in pencil in A. R. Wallace's or another's hand; containing the above when listed. Notes: The annotated envelope containing the mss was in an envelope of unrelated miscellanea including accounts of expenditure Old Orchard, when listed. P J L 10/6/03.
NHM-WP12.039    Note:    undated   Brown envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Sundry Articles"; originally containing printed papers by authors other than A. R. Wallace, together with proofs of appendix of "Man's Place in the Universe", now relocated. Notes: Kept because of label as the hand is probably though not certainly A. R. Wallace's.
NHM-Ms_140a-e    Note:    undated   Miscellaneous correspondence, sketches etc. (various dates) boxed
NHM-WP17.005.023    Photo:    undated   Brown paper folder labelled in pencil in A. R. Wallace's? or his son William's? hand "Nature Portraits" and annotated in ink at right angles in an unknown hand "By Passenger Train | Carriage Paid". This folder enclosed the 22 portraits of scientists issued by "Nature" 18873-1884, WP17/5/1-22 Notes: Dirty and acidic. Put into a melinex sleeve to protect the top and bottom prints and placed in the acid-free envelope with them. END LIST WP/2/8
NHM-WP17.015    Note:    undated   Route map of the British Islands, approximately 24 cm x 18 cm on one sheet of paper approximately 23 cm x 29 cm. Printed by Bean & Sons, Leeds. Undated. Black and white outline, with areas hand-coloured in pink (by A. R. Wallace?). Directional arrows and border of coloured area pencilled in and annotations in pencil including "Direction of ice movement" in A. R. Wallace's hand. Notes: In envelope labelled "Photos &c for Studies" (i.e. "Studies Scientific and Social") when listed. The image is not reproduced there though it may be related to two articles "The Ice Age and it's Work..." first published in "Fortnightly Review" in November and December 1893, reprinted in "Studies..."
NHM-WP18.002    Note:    undated   "Systematic Index", 2 folios, pp. [xii] - xvi] of an undated, untitled printed index to bird species, with annotations and deletions in A. R. Wallace's? hand, possibly final proofs from a book.
NHM-WP18.005    Note:    undated   Paper label in ink in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Scientific | A"
NHM-WP18.010    Note:    undated   Otherwise blank sheet apparently from a journal annotated/labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "Extracts &c America"
NHM-WP18.011    Note:    undated   Label "Wallace | Evolution &c" in ink in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's?hand, on the blank side of a postcard printed with the address of Edward Hamer & Co, Welsh Mutton purveyors, Llanidloes. Notes: Folded; apparently used as a file label
NHM-WP18.028    Note:    undated   Brown cardboard box approximately 25.5 cm x 18 cm x 5.5 cm, in the form of a book, titled "Letters" on spine, with marbling on 3 edges. Labelled inside lid "No. 1 large 8vo Stone's Patent Box for the safe & Orderly Keeping of all Letters, Papers and Documents . . ." . The label is partly covered by a modern Post-It note with a rough and incomplete list in Richard Wallace's hand (c. 2000?) of some of the letters which it contained when delivered to the Museum. The contents have now been transferred to a number of more appropriate series.
NHM-WP18.031    Note:    undated   Nine undated and unlabelled "Stone's Universal" brand document wallets with tape ties, in which some of the A. R. Wallace family papers were stored on arrival at the NHM and before listing. Pencilled notes and temporary reference numbers in square brackets on the wallets were added by P J Lucas during sorting and listing. The wallets appear old and may have been used by A. R. Wallace himself at some time, but there is no direct evidence that he did.
LINSOC-MS656    Figure:    undated   Large watercolour drawing of a painted malocca at Caruru
LINSOC-MS140a    Note:    undated   Miscellanea, part 1
LINSOC-MS140d    Note:    undated   Miscellanea, part 4
LINSOC-MS140e    Note:    undated   Miscellanea, part 5
NHM-WP01.003.001    Note:    undated   3 folios, date unknown, written on one side only, giving A. R. Wallace's whereabouts at various dates and listing 58 letters by author, correspondent and date. Notes: List in date order except for the last entry, no 58, which is 1858. There is a loose note c. 2001? (destroyed): "Missing no 18". No 18 is listed as "A. R. Wallace to G Silk, June 1848." The following loose notes above the list in an unknown hand have been destroyed: 1. "This has Bates Ternate 1858 letter" annotated in another hand "Xerox" and 2. "Letter to Bates Amboyna Jan 4 1858 | postscript Ternate Jan 25, 1858 | Also separate sheet with insects of the Eastern Archipelago collected by A R Wallace from May 1 1854 to Jan 1, 1858". See note to WP6/5/4 ( Proofs of A. R. Wallace's "Darwinism, an exposition….") re Xerox process and speculative dates.
NHM-WP06.005.006    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  undated   Envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Parkstone from The Auk, New York 13 Oct 18 [illegible] labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand on back in blue pencil "Darwinism | Notes &c for new edition | Proofs of corrections 3rd edition" and in lead pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Some may be useful for 'The World of Life"'. Notes: When first listed contained letters from S B J Skertchly, a review of "Darwinism" by J A Thomson and a reprinted letter to the Editor by A. R. Wallace, all now separately recorded
NHM-WP07.114    Note:    undated   Label, "Mss & Proofs of articles &c. by A.R.W." in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand in ink on a sheet of letter paper; "Mss" has been deleted in pencil and a pencilled tick added below the text. Notes: Found loose in original box 3 of the papers when listed.
NHM-WP09.002    Notebook:    undated   Mss. Lectures on the subject of the tropics; three undated notebooks in A. R. Wallace's hand Notes: Possibly for BAAS meeting Aug-Sep 1863 (See Michael Shermer 2002, p. 153). Could be from A. R. Wallace's American tour 1886-87, UK tour 1890; RI lectures c 1908 or others, but BAAS meeting seems likely as he lectured there "On the Varieties of Men in the Malay Archipelago" (Shermer, p. 153). Press cuttings may help date them.
NHM-WP17.010    Note:    undated   A small watercolour of a spray of three pink and one white azalea? flowers with foliage, undated and unsigned, approx 16cm square, on translucent brown paper. Notes: Found when listed in a Large envelope labelled in Richard W's? hand "Illustrations of Palm trees" containing printed illustrations of palm trees and a cartoon depicting a zoological society meeting (WP17/9)
LINSOC-MS140b    Note:    undated   Miscellanea, part 2
LINSOC-MS140c    Note:    undated   Miscellanea, part 3
NHM-WP01.001.139    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell  undated   Paper label attached to part of a cardboard wine-glass box. "Letters from A. R. Wallace to his son W.G. Wallace June 1889-June 1911. And 2 post cards", is written on it in ink in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand. The label is 14cm x 10cm, with decoration showing an otter and butterfly among bulrushes, World Wildlife Fund (UK) Trading Ltd logo and text, all printed in green on cream paper. The remainder of the box, which contained the letters listed in WP1/1 when the collection was delivered to the Museum, was an unsuitable, acidic container, judged to have no historical value, and has been destroyed. nil Notes: The number 139 was accidentally omitted when numbering the letters so has been assigned to this piece for convenience.
NHM-WP01.001.152    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Wallace William Greenell  undated   1 sheet folded and written on two sides in Mrs Richard Wallace's hand as follows: Letters from A.R. Wallace to his son W.G. Wallace June 1889 June 1911 & 2pcs. Letter no 42. Ref treatment of smallpox | reprint of Malay Archipelago | vaccination. Letter No 44 Donkey & Cart | Plants from Sir Thomas Hanbury. Letter No 29 Househunting! | Beaconsfield | Nr Owens House - The Grange | 70 acre estate with potential! November 1900 (A. R. Wallace aged 77?). Letter no 26 A. R. Wallace giving instructions to his son William !! aged 29!! Letter No 78 (text ends here) Place: Dorset England
NHM-WP01.006.008    Correspondence:   Birch Frederick R, Wallace Alfred Russel, Scofield ?, Reiche Eugenis?, Cotton Sir Arthur Thomas, New Age The  undated   Brown envelope, very torn and brittle, annotated in A. R. Wallace's or WGW's? hand "Fred. Birch's latest letters (to Dec?1910.)" which contained the letters and postcards from Fred Birch to A. R. Wallace from Brazil, 1899 and 1910, when received at the NHM. Notes: Included because of the annotation but could probably be destroyed. PJL March 2003.
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore