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NHM-WP06.008.022.[30]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 30. Proof illustration in black and white captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "The Saracen's Tent | Luray Cavern" showing stalactites and stalagmites in a limestone cave in Virginia, USA.. From a photo by C.H.James. (See also WP17, photos of the USA.) Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[31]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 31. Proof illustration in black and white captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "'The Squatter'. Garden of the Gods. Col." Showing a sandstone formation near Colorado Springs. Undated and unattributed. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[32]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 32. Proof illustration in black and white showing a gap between sandstone cliffs with a snow covered mountain range in the far distance. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Gateway to the Garden of the Gods: with Pike's Peak." From an undated and unattributed photograph. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[33]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 33. Proof illustration in black and white showing large sandstone formations near Colorado Springs with a horse-drawn carriage in the foreground. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "The Seal and Bear. Garden of the Gods." From an undated and unattributed photograph. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[34]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 34. Proof illustration in black and white showing large sandstone formations near Colorado Springs. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "'Cathedral Spires' - Garden of the Gods." From an undated and unattributed photograph. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[35]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 35. Proof illustration in black and white showing a railway track with a spur line, running towards high (sandstone?) cliffs (Castle Gate, near Pleasant Valley, Colorado). Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "On the Denver and Rio Grande Railway." From a photograph (by Price Cannon?). Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[36]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 36. Proof illustration in black and white showing the remains of storm-damaged wooden buildings, the foreground strewn with timbers, a few men on foot and in horse-drawn carts in the picture. Captioned in A. R. Wallace's hand "Sauk Rapids, Minnesota. Effects of a Tornado." The storm occurred on 14 April 1886 ("My Life" vol. 2, p. 150). From an unattributed photograph c 14 Apr 1886. Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.022.[37]    Photo:    1905.09.07   36 proofs of illustrations for A R Wallace's autobiography "My Life" (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905) captioned in A. R. Wallace's and at least one other hand; incomplete set enclosed in an exercise-book cover; comprising: 37.Grey exercise book cover labelled in A. R. Wallace's hand "My Life | Set of Proofs of Illustrations". Place: Amazon Notes: Two portrait photographs of A. R. Wallace were transferred to more appropriates items or series. Proof pages approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm. Reproduced in Wallace, Alfred Russel, "My Life" (London 1905). All fairly dirty on the edges with inky fingerprint marks. 24 proof sheets are approximately 23 cm x 14.5 cm, 12 approximately 23 cm x 17 cm. Most are on thick white paper without printed captions or numbers, three on thinner paper with printed text. Possibly from two or three proofs made on different dates? Both this file and WP6/8/21 contain proofs of illustrations from both vols 1 and 2 of "My Life", both incomplete. The two have not been merged because they appear to have been separated into two files by A. R. Wallace himself, though this is dubious and the reason not apparent.
NHM-WP06.008.024.[01]    Draft:    1905.07.28--1905.10.02   Incomplete printed page proofs of A. R. Wallace's autobiography "My Life" vol. 1, front matter and pages [1] -400. 26 date-stamped sections of approximately four sheets (16 pp) each, with corrections in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand. The first page of each section except the first is annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "Author" "Author's final proof" or "Author's corrected proof." The first section is annotated on the title page "Press" in A. R. Wallace"s? hand. Dates are from 28 Jul 1905 to 2 Oct 1905, not in strict page order. All but three sections are stamped on the first page "First Proof [date]"; three sections including title page to page. xii are stamped "Revise [date]". A few lines have been cut from the top section of pages 155-156 and pages 153, 154, 157 and 158 missing. Pages 401-416, 423-24 and 427-435 were inserted between pages 400 and 401of the proofs for vol. 2 when listed (See old ref WP2/19/2) and have been relocated here. Pages 417-22 and 425-26 are missing. Notes: Sheets other than those noted above may be cut or missing. Except where pages were obviously loose, only front and back pages of each section were checked when listing. For convenience of location each proof section has been numbered in pencil in square brackets with the piece reference code and a section number, but these are NOT intended to be classed as separate pieces and have NOT been separately recorded.
NHM-WP06.008.024.[02]    Photo:    1905.07.28--1905.10.02   One proof sheet of illustrations to face page 165 dated "[1st] Revise 26 Sep 1905" has been inserted after page 164. The images, the first from a photograph and two from sketches, have printed captions "The Beacons | (Looking south.)", "Plan of Summit of Beacons | (Looking North.)" and "Section through Summits of Beacons."
NHM-WP06.008.024.[03]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1905.07.28--1905.10.02   Stamped brown envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone (Dorset) from "The Fortnightly Review", London, postmarked 8 Sep 1905, annotated on the back in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Life | Proofs | Vol 1", which contained these proofs when listed.
NHM-WP06.008.025.[01]    Draft:    1905.09.06--1905.10.02   Incomplete printed page proofs annotated and corrected in A. R. Wallace's hand, of his autobiography "My Life" vol. 2, comprising front matter and pages [1] - 96; 209-216; 227-332; 339-350; and 361-418 (last page). Intervening pages (a total of 164) and index are missing. Some sheets consist of single folios (one printed page per side) others folded folios of four pages in sixteen page sections. Sections are stamped with dates from 6 Sep 1905 to 2 Oct 1905, all but three stamped "First Proof"; front matter and addendum "[first] Revise 2 Oct 1905; pages 65-96 "[second] Revise 26 Sep 1905." Some proof pages belonging to vol. 1 have been relocated (See WP6/8/23). Notes: Individual sections and pages NOT marked with reference or section numbers because of the large number of missing pages.
NHM-WP06.008.025.[02]    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel  1905.09.06--1905.10.02   Stamped brown envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone (Dorset) from "The Fortnightly Review", London, postmarked 14 Sep [1905], annotated on the back in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Proofs | Vol 2", which contained these proofs when listed. Notes: Individual sections and pages NOT marked with reference or section numbers because of the large number of missing pages.
NHM-WP06.008.026.[01]    Draft:    1908.06.04?--1908.10.05   Printed page proofs of A. R. Wallace's autobiography "My Life", revised 1 volume edition, (London 1908) in dated sections with corrections and annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand, 4? Jun - 5 Oct 1908. Title page - p. xii; pp. [1] - 408. Complete text including integral illustrations but no proofs of "facing page" illustrations. All sections stamped "First Proof [date]" except except the first (title -p. xii) which is stamped "1st] Revise 5 Oct 1908". Notes: Held between coarse acidic boards back and front and tied with string when listed. Only the front board, with A. R. Wallace's annotation, retained. Proofs have not been checked for duplicates or omissions and sections have not been numbered.
NHM-WP06.008.026.[02]    Draft:    1908.06.04?--1908.10.05   Board labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand "My Life | Set of Proofs." Notes: Held between coarse acidic boards back and front and tied with string when listed. Only the front board, with A. R. Wallace's annotation, retained. Proofs have not been checked for duplicates or omissions and sections have not been numbered.
NHM-WP06.008.027.[01]    Correspondence:   Shirra W L , Wallace Alfred Russel  1899.02.08--1899   Letter from W L Shirra to A. R. Wallace from Port Street Stirling (Scotland), 8 Feb 1899, with names and some details of members of a Wallace family in the Stirling area c.1748-1864; 2 ff. Place: Scotland Notes: Annotations on envelope are, in ink in Wallace, A. R. Wallace's? hand "Shirra's information" and in pencil in A. R. Wallace's?or son William's? hand "re Wallace family in Stirling" 3 folios plus envelope which enclosed both letter and note when listed.
NHM-WP06.008.027.[02]    Correspondence:   Shirra W L , Wallace Alfred Russel  1899.02.08--1899   Envelope annotated "Shirra's information I re Wallace family in Stirling" Place: Scotland Notes: Annotations on envelope are, in ink in Wallace, A. R. Wallace's? hand "Shirra's information" and in pencil in A. R. Wallace's?or son William's? hand "re Wallace family in Stirling" 3 folios plus envelope which enclosed both letter and note when listed.
NHM-WP06.008.027.[03]    Note:    1899.02.08--1899   Sheet of notes in an unknown hand, possibly that of the Rev Wallace McIlroy, on some of the family of Andrew Wallace of Forthside. Place: Scotland Notes: Annotations on envelope are, in ink in Wallace, A. R. Wallace's? hand "Shirra's information" and in pencil in A. R. Wallace's?or son William's? hand "re Wallace family in Stirling" 3 folios plus envelope which enclosed both letter and note when listed.
NHM-WP06.008.028    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel ,Sims Thomas ,Wallace Mary Nee Webster  1904.03.02--1904   Letter from A. R. Wallace to Mr (Thomas) Sims, from Broadstone Dorset, 2 Mar 1904, thanking him for a parcel of letters, agreements, bills and drawings, noting that some of his own (A. R. Wallace's) drawings have been marked "W.G.Wallace" by his sister in error, and that two or three drawings by his brother (Herbert?) may be suitable to reproduce in his book; will offer material relating to the Webster's to his sister-in-law Mary in California; sends Thomas a cheque for £5, last book enabled him to clear a debt on the Broadstone house; asks about identity of an old house in a pencil drawing by his brother. Place: California USA Dorset England
NHM-WP06.008.029    Printed:    1906.06.11   Press cutting from "The Liberator" Auckland 11 Jun 1906 with a review by George Stevenson of A. R. Wallace's "My Life"; in small envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "'The Liberator" N. Zealand | Reviews of 'My Life' - quotes passage on Land Monopoly" Place: New Zealand Notes: When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print.
NHM-WP06.008.030    Printed:    1906.08.00--1906   Review of A. R. Wallace's "My Life" annotated in an unknown hand "H.W. Boynton in Atlantic Monthly aug. 1906", in a small envelope annotated in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "'My Life' | American Criticism | Expression 'invariably clumsy' &c &c". Place: USA
NHM-WP06.009.001.[1]    Draft:    1907.10.19--1907.11.01   Proofs of "Is Mars Habitable" stamped 23 Oct 190[7], front matter, preface and pp [1]-109, with corrections in A. R. Wallace's hand including inserted loose notes
NHM-WP06.009.001.[01]    Draft:    1907.10.23   Proofs of "Is Mars Habitable" stamped 23 Oct 190[7], front matter, preface and pp [1]-109, with corrections in A. R. Wallace's hand including inserted loose notes Notes: All found when listed in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with apparently unrelated miscellanea including lists compiled by WGW of A. R. Wallace's library.
NHM-WP06.009.001.[02]    Correspondence:   Poynting J H  1907.10.19   Letter to A. R. Wallace from J H Poynting, from Ampton Rd, Edgbaston, Birmingham 19 Oct 1907 re the last chapters, radiation and Martian canals Notes: All found when listed in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with apparently unrelated miscellanea including lists compiled by WGW of A. R. Wallace's library.
NHM-WP06.009.001.[03]    Correspondence:   Poynting J H  1907.11.01   Stamped envelope addressed to A. R. Wallace from "The Auk", Cambridge, Massachusetts USA, date illegible, annotated on the back in A. R. Wallace's? hand " Is Mars Habitable? | Author's corrected Proofs | (Prof Poynting's letter)". Notes: All found when listed in a 1998 envelope (destroyed) with apparently unrelated miscellanea including lists compiled by WGW of A. R. Wallace's library.
NHM-WP06.009.002    Draft:    1907.11.01--1907   Two uncut proofs of A. R. Wallace. "Is Mars Habitable", Macmillan and Co. London 1907, including title pages, table of contents, two diagrams and 105 numbered pages of text in each. Each copy consists of eight uncut sections arranged as duplicates - i.e two copies of title pages and contents followed by two of chapter 1, two of chapter 2, and so on. Each section is stamped "1 Nov 1907 | From Robert Maclemose & Co Ld | University Press | Anniesland | Glasgow". The proofs are enclosed in a stamped brown envelope postmarked from Glasgow with illegible date, addressed to A. R. Wallace at Broadstone, Wimborne, and annotated on the back in A. R. Wallace's hand "Mars - 2 copies | clean proofs". Both copies of page 48 are annotated in an unknown hand with identical corrections, otherwise the pages are clean. Place: London England Scotland
NHM-WP06.010.003    Printed:    1911.03.00--1911   "The New Vedanta" by Scrutator (Walter R Old), Romeike & Curtice press cutting from "The Occult Review" Mar 1911, pp 139-144, long review of A. R. Wallace's "The World of Life" (London 1910) including [woodcut] portrait of A. R. Wallace reproduced from "TP's Review". Notes: Loose in box 2 when listed.
NHM-WP06.010.005    Correspondence:   Curtis Brown & Massie ,Moffatt Yard & Co  1910.01.02?--1911.05.23   Papers re New York edtion of and payment for "The World of Life" comprising: 1. Letter from Curtis Brown & Massie to A. R. Wallace, from 5 Henrietta Street Covent Garden London 2 Jan 1910 [sic: 1911?], 1 f. TS, enclosing : 2. Memorandum of Agreement between A. R. Wallace and Moffatt Yard & Co. publishers of New York City, 20 Dec 1910, 1 f. TS, annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand; enclosure to 1. 3. Letter from Curtis Brown & Massie to A. R. Wallace, from Covent Garden 5 Apr 1911 4. Receipt dated 5 Apr 1911, re payments to him for the American edition of his book "The World of Life" 5. Letter from Curtis Brown & Massie to A. R. Wallace, from Covent Garden 23 May 1911 6. Receipt dated 23 May 1911, re payments to him for the American edition of his book "The World of Life" 7. Brown envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Agreement with Moffatt Yard & Company New York for American edition of 'The World of Life' (dated -December 20th 1910) Curtis Brown and Massie agents"; enclosing 1 and 2 when listed. 8. Brown envelope annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand with notes on the payments and commission; annotations headed "Accounts of [Moffatt]" (envelope torn) Notes: Letter from Curtis Brown and Massie 2 Jan [1910] refers to two enclosures and "the agreements"; only one is present - presumably one copy was signed and returned to the publishers. This letter and enclosure was found in box 3 of the papers and has been inserted here.
NHM-WP06.010.005.[01]    Correspondence:   Curtis Brown & Massie Moffatt Yard & Co  1910.01.02   Papers re New York edtion of and payment for "The World of Life" comprising: Letter from Curtis Brown & Massie to A. R. Wallace, from 5 Henrietta Street Covent Garden London 2 Jan 1910 [sic: 1911?], 1 f. TS, enclosing WP6/10/5.2 Notes: Letter from Curtis Brown and Massie 2 Jan [1910] refers to two enclosures and "the agreements"; only one is present - presumably one copy was signed and returned to the publishers. This letter and enclosure was found in box 3 of the papers and has been inserted here.
NHM-WP06.010.005.[02]    Note:    1910.12.20   Papers re New York edtion of and payment for "The World of Life" comprising: Memorandum of Agreement between A. R. Wallace and Moffatt Yard & Co. publishers of New York City, 20 Dec 1910, 1 f. TS, annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand; enclosure to 1.
NHM-WP06.010.005.[03]    Correspondence:   Curtis Brown & Massie Moffatt Yard & Co  1911.04.05   Papers re New York edtion of and payment for "The World of Life" comprising: Letter from Curtis Brown & Massie to A. R. Wallace, from Covent Garden 5 Apr 1911
NHM-WP06.010.005.[04]    Note:    1911.04.05   Papers re New York edtion of and payment for "The World of Life" comprising: Receipt dated 5 Apr 1911, re payments to him for the American edition of his book "The World of Life"
NHM-WP06.010.005.[05]    Correspondence:   Curtis Brown & Massie Moffatt Yard & Co  1911.05.23   Papers re New York edtion of and payment for "The World of Life" comprising: Letter from Curtis Brown & Massie to A. R. Wallace, from Covent Garden 23 May 1911
NHM-WP06.010.005.[06]    Correspondence:   Curtis Brown & Massie Moffatt Yard & Co  1911.05.23   Papers re New York edtion of and payment for "The World of Life" comprising: Receipt dated 23 May 1911, re payments to him for the American edition of his book "The World of Life"
NHM-WP06.010.005.[07]    Correspondence:   Curtis Brown & Massie Moffatt Yard & Co  1910.12.20   Papers re New York edtion of and payment for "The World of Life" comprising: Brown envelope labelled in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Agreement with Moffatt Yard & Company New York for American edition of 'The World of Life' (dated -December 20th 1910) Curtis Brown and Massie agents"; enclosing 1 and 2 when listed.
NHM-WP06.011    Note:    1913.05--1913   Papers relating to Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1913, "Social Environment and Moral Progress", Cassell & Co., Ltd., London, New York, Toronto & Melbourne, March 1913 comprising 12 press cuttings of reviews with enclosing envelope. Notes: Formerly in Press cuttings, American and British, c.1886-1913: WP1/8 This envelope contained all the press cuttings from American and British papers 1886-1913, some of which have been transferred to other series.
NHM-WP06.011.001    Printed:    1913.05.05--1913   Cutting from "The Times", New York, 5 May 1913, made by Henry Romeike, Inc., Newspaper cuttings bureau, New York, of a review headlined "Against Eugenics" with no by-line, of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913). A. R. Wallace's Broadstone address is in pencil on the back of the attachment. Place: USA
NHM-WP06.011.002    Printed:    1913.05.04   Cutting from the "The Sun", New York, 4 May 1913, made by Henry Romeike, Inc., Newspaper cuttings bureau, New York, of a review headlined "Criticism of the Times by a Veteran of Evolution", with no by-line, of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913). A. R. Wallace's Broadstone address is in pencil on the back of the attachment Place: USA
NHM-WP06.011.003    Printed:    1913.04.15--1913   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a review of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) headlined "Is there progress?" from "The Dundee Advertiser" 15 Apr 1913. Marked for "Marchant public Morals". Annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand on the attachment "elaborate but misleading at end". Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.004    Printed:    1913.04.11--1913   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a review of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from the "Daily Herald" 11 Apr 1913 headlined "The Disease of Civilisation". Marked for "J Marchant public morals". Attachment annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "Good". Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.005    Printed:    1913.04.05--1913   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a review of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from the "Athenaeum" 5 Apr 1913. Marked for "Pub Morals." Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.006    Printed:    1913.04.13--1913   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a review by Morrison Davidson of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from "Reynolds' Weekly Newspaper" 13 Apr 1913, headlined "A. R. Wallace, O.M., On Root Evils of Society". Marked for "Nat. Council Public Morals". Annotated in A. R. Wallace's hand "Good but rather wild." Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.007    Printed:    1913.05.00--1913   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a review of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from "Review of Reviews" no day date May 1913,. headlined "A terrible indictment". Marked for " J Marchant Nat. Council Public Morals". Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.008    Printed:    1913.04.16--1913   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a review by A G Linney of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from the "Manchester Courier" 16 Apr 1913 headlined "Woman, the hope. | Dr. Russel Wallace and the future of the race." Annotated in A. R. Wallace"s hand "One of the very best and most complete". Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.009    Printed:    1913.03.13--1913   Cutting made by The Temple Press Cutting Offices, London, headed "Social Diseases and Worse Remedies", a review by "G.E." of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from the "Pall Mall Gazette" 27 Mar 1913. Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.010    Printed:    1913.05.16--1913   Pages 411-414 inclusive, (2 folios) print, from "The Dial", 16 May 1913, including a review on pp 412-414 by Waldo R Browne of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) headed "Hope for Humanity". Place: USA
NHM-WP06.011.011    Printed:    1913.04.05--1913.00.00   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a review of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from the "Nation" 5 Apr 1913 headlined "Life and Letters | A new way with prophets". No By-line. Marked for "Pub. Morals." Annotated in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? hand "Best!" Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.012    Printed:    1913.05.00   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a long review of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from "Young man" May, 1913, pp. 153-156 inclusive. Marked for "J Marchant, Public M". The review, titled "Highways and Byways of Character and Literature. Dr. A. R. Wallace. A prophet of Fire and Hope" is by the editor, and includes a photograph of Wallace seated at a desk. Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.013    Printed:    1913.04.05--1913   Cutting made by Durant's Press Cuttings, London, of a review of A. R. Wallace's book "Social environment and moral progress" (London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, 1913) from the "Rochdale Observer" 5 Apr 1913, headlined "Militant at 90. Dr. A. R. Wallace's New Book." Attachment annotated in A. R. Wallace's? hand in blue pencil "Very fine". Place: Britain
NHM-WP06.011.014    Correspondence:   Taylor Bros.  1913.04.00   Buff envelope approximately 23 cm x 15.5 cm, printed with the address of Taylor Bros. Leeds, addressed to A. R. Wallace, stamped, and postmarked Leeds April 1913; annotated on the back in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand "Press notices of new book sent me ", in lead pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand "Social Environment" and in Richard Wallaces? hand in lead pencil "Press cuttings"; containing when listed cuttings separately recorded as WP6/1-13
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John van Wyhe, ed. 2012-. Wallace Online ( National University of Singapore