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NHM-WP07.111.[02]    Correspondence:   Dundas Robert  1912.01.24   Letter signed Robert Dundas to A. R. Wallace from "The Daily Chronicle", Whitefriars St London EC, 24 Jan 1912 congratulating him on his defence of the Insurance Act, just sent. Notes: See also WP1/8/39, letter from W A Davidson on the subject Dec 1911. Smith: S691. Dr. Russel Wallace on Insurance Act [letter]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 15581: 4d (25 Jan 1912)
NHM-WP07.111.[03]    Printed:    1911.12.29--1912.01.25   "Dr Russel Wallace on Insurance Act", press cutting from "The Chronicle" letter to the Editor from A. R. Wallace on the Insurance Act, annotated with date in his hand. And "B1" in pencil. Notes: See also WP1/8/39, letter from W A Davidson on the subject Dec 1911. Smith: S691. Dr. Russel Wallace on Insurance Act [letter]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 15581: 4d (25 Jan 1912)
NHM-WP07.112.[01]    Correspondence:   Schafer Sir Edward Albert Sharpey-  1912.09.30--1912.10.03   Letter from J M Dent (publisher) to A. R. Wallace from London, 3 Oct 1912, sending a proof of his article (unnamed, but almost certainly "The nature and origin of life") Notes: Letter and proof were in the same document wallet with other papers by and relating to short works by A. R. Wallace, when listed. The article mentions Dr Schafer so almost certainly the article published in "Everyman", a penny literary weekly begun in 1912 by J M Dent & Son, publishers of the book series of the same title. The first issue, for 12 [sic] October 1912, included a contribution from A. R. Wallace. Source: electronic finding aid for J. M. Dent & Sons records, at Smith: S700. The Origin of Life. A Reply to Dr. Schaefer. Everyman 1(1): 5-6 (18 [sic] Oct. 1912).
NHM-WP07.112.[02]    Draft:    1912.09.30--1912.10.03   "The nature and origin of life" corrected galley proof from Hazell, Watson & Viney, date stamped 30 Sep 1912, 3 sheets, annotated in blue on back of last "Origin of Life | Authors first Proof! And in pencil "A2" Notes: Letter and proof were in the same document wallet with other papers by and relating to short works by A. R. Wallace, when listed. The article mentions Dr Schafer so almost certainly the article published in "Everyman", a penny literary weekly begun in 1912 by J M Dent & Son, publishers of the book series of the same title. The first issue, for 12 [sic] October 1912, included a contribution from A. R. Wallace. Source: electronic finding aid for J. M. Dent & Sons records, at Smith: S700. The Origin of Life. A Reply to Dr. Schaefer. Everyman 1(1): 5-6 (18 [sic] Oct. 1912).
NHM-WP07.115    Note:    1899.00.00?--1899?   Notes apparently on cell division and development of the embryo; in A. R. Wallace's hand on a single sheet of lined exercise-book paper written on one side only; headed "?Mss - to come at foot of first slip"; note beginning "(To the Editor) | I send the above condensation" at the foot of the page. Notes: This probably belongs with other notes; possibly the file of oddments labelled "Variation" - relating to whatever the particular publication is. "Darwinism: an exposition of the theory of natural selection..." (1889-) seems the most likely; there is a discussion of the embryonic development of man on pp. 448-449 in ed. 2; but it may be some unidentified short work.
NHM-WP07.117    Printed:    1860.07.00--1860   "Note on the Habits of Scolytidae and Bostrichidae" by A. R. Wallace, offprint or page proofs pp. [1] -3, from the"Transactions of the Entomological Society" vol. V, N.S. part VI (July 1860) Notes: MISSING? This description was part of old record WP4/27 and was not found as a new record when checking the DB for errors after final listing, 3 Feb 2004. Ref. No. has been assigned at end of sequence as location of document is impossible to determine without physically going through boxes, which there is not time to do at this stage. Note made in Nov 2003 indicates it was moved to new series WP7 for listing; it was probably missed during numbering and should be somewhere there, probably inserted into another document.
NHM-WP08.001.004    Printed:    1887.02.00--1887   Reprint, "Lejeunea holtii, a new hepatic from Killarney" by Richard Spruce; reprint with dark blue cover, from "Journal of Botany" vol. 25, Feb 1887, pp. 33-82, with annotations on last page in Spruce's hand and on at least one other in A. R. Wallace's hand; annotated on the cover "From the Author" and in A. R. Wallace's hand "Very interesting discussion on Dispersal…".
NHM-WP08.001.007    Printed:    1898.12.00--1898   "Obituary notice of George Bentham" by J D Hooker, Dec 1898, reprint from the "Annals of Botany vol. XII (1898) with contents and index page of the journal inserted; annotated on cover in A. R. Wallace's? hand include "Flora Hongkongensis = Spruce Collection"
NHM-WP08.002.001    Draft:    1894.02.01--1894   Corrected proofs of a memoir of Richard Spruce by A. R. Wallace, undated, labelled in WGW's? hand "Nature"; published in Nature 49: 317-319: 1 Feb. 1894: no. 1266
NHM-WP08.002.002    Printed:    1894.02.00--1894   Obituary of Richard Spruce by G. Stabler, print from the ["Journal of the] Botanical Society of Edinburgh" Feb 1894, pp 99-109, annotated on front in ink "To Dr A. R. Wallace F.R.S. with G. Stabler's compliments" with annotations in A. R. Wallace's hand in ink and some passages marked in blue pencil.
NHM-WP08.003.004    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Spruce Richard  1907.12.11   Letter (part) from the Royal Geographical Society to A. R. Wallace 11 Dec 1907 re South American illustrations, (for Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes , 1908?) last page(s) missing. This was inserted into Spruce pamphlet , "Lejeunea holtii…" annotated on the cover "From the Author" when listed.
NHM-WP08.003.005    Correspondence:   Prain Sir David, Wallace Alfred Russel, Spruce Richard, Hooker Sir William Jackson, Borrer William  1908.11.16--1908   Form-letter or certificate in print and MS from the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew 16 Nov 1908 acknowledging receipt from Dr A R Wallace, OM, FRS of "8 volumes (bound) of Spruce's botanical Mss (Plantae Amazonicae, 2 vols.; Plantae Andinae, 2 vols.; Miscellaneous notes, journals etc., 2 vols.; memorandum book, containing his journal from Tar[a]poto [Tarapoto] to Baños). Also numerous original letters to Spruce from Sir W. J. Hooker and others; Rough notes for the Introduction to his large work on Hepaticae, etc.; and a complete series of letters from Spruce to W. Borrer, 1843-48." Signed by D. Prain (Director). Printed header show the Royal coat of arms above the words "Royal Botanic Gardens Kew" in large Italic? script. Place: Peru
NHM-WP08.003.008    Correspondence:   Spruce Richard, Keltie John Scott  1908.12.01   Letter from the Royal Geographical Society to A. R. Wallace, 1 Dec 1908, signed R S Keltie, re his letter of Nov 16 accompanying papers of Spruce on meteorology and anthropology, with thanks for the donation. Notes: Transferred from correspondence re the disposal of A. R. Wallace's effects in W G and V I Wallace papers.
NHM-WP09.002.001    Note:    1863.08.00?--1863?   Text in A. R. Wallace's hand of a lecture, titled on front cover "Lecture 1. | On the climate & Vegetation of the Tropics" with pencilled annotation "Linn. Trans. vol. XXII | Pitcher Plants" below title in his hand; lined notebook approx 22.5 x 17.5 cm , fifty-three numbered pages with notes on the Pitcher plant inserted between pp. 18 and 19 and numbered tags (slide or diagram numbers?) glued to some pages; undated, possibly 1863 when he lectured at the BAAS meeting in August and September (Shermer, p. 153). Notes: Plain paper cover sewn to pages which appear to be from a school- style notebook; cover very stained and torn at the edges; inserted notes on the pitcher plant are on a smaller sheet, perhaps a form or invitation folded over a cotton thread and glued together at the edges, print and some handwriting are visible inside; other pages in fair condition.
NHM-WP09.002.002    Note:    1863.08.00?--1863?   Text in A. R. Wallace's hand of a lecture titled on the front cover "2. | Lecture on | Animal Life in the Tropics"; lined notebook approx 22.5 x 17.5 cm , forty-six numbered pages with numbered tags (slide or diagram numbers?) glued to some pages. Notes: Plain paper cover sewn to pages which appear to be from a school-style notebook; cover very stained and torn at the edges; inside pages in fair condition.
NHM-WP09.002.003    Note:    1863.09.00?--1863?   Text in A. R. Wallace's hand of a lecture titled on the front cover "Lecture 3. | On the Races of Man in the Malay Archipelago" and the pencilled annotation in A. R. Wallace's hand "Capt Cook's Voyages, King of Tahiti Papuan | Phot. of Siamese"; lined notebook approx 22.5 x 17.5 cm; forty-seven numbered pages with text continued onto the inside back cover; undated, (BAAS, Sep 1863?); part of a printed market share list, torn, glued to the bottom of the last page. Place: Netherlands Indies Notes: Plain paper cover sewn to pages which appear to be from a school-style notebook; cover very stained and torn at the edges; inside pages in fair condition. No numbered tags pasted onto pages in this book.
NHM-WP09.006.001    Printed:    1909.01.22   "The World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism" abstract of a lecture by A. R. Wallace, reprint or offprint from the "Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain" report of the weekly evening meeting of 22 Jan 1909, pp. [1]- 7.
NHM-WP10.002.[01]    Printed:    1870.01.00   Physical Geography No 1 Examination paper. A. Configuration of the earth.1 folio print, undated, with annotations including, at the top, "1st Proof Mar 1/70".
NHM-WP11.002.[1]    Note:    1909.02.12   "The Centenary of Darwin" by A. R. Wallace, galley proof annotated at the bottom in ink in A. R. Wallace's hand "From 'The Clarion' Febr 12th 1909", and "Centenary of Darwin | Article in the Clarion" in his hand on the back.
NHM-WP11.003.[01]    Printed:    1909.02.12   "Charles Darwin | (by H. N. Braislford)" press cutting re Darwin from "The Daily News", 12 Feb 1909.
NHM-WP11.003.[02]    Printed:    1909.02.12   "Charles Robert Darwin", press cutting from the "Nottingham [?]" No. 115, Literary Supplement, without by-line, several passages marked in ink.
NHM-WP11.003.[03]    Printed:    1909.02.12   "Two Notable Centenaries | Darwin and Lincoln" press cutting from "The Daily News" 12 Feb 1909 " memoirs with no byline of both men including photo of the statue at the NHM of Darwin seated.
NHM-WP11.004    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Cockerell Sir Sydney Carlyle  1909.03.23   Letter from Sydney C Cockerell to A. R. Wallace from Fitzwiliam Museum, Cambridge, 23 Mar 1909, re safe arrival of ms of A. R. Wallace's 1908 address to the Linnean Society and 8 autograph Darwin letters, for the Darwin Centenary exhibition in June. Place: Cambridge Cambridgeshire England Notes: Annotated in ink in an unknown hand "8 first letters from Darwin sent, for the Darwin Centenary - Cambridge".
NHM-WP11.006    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, University of Cambridge  1909.06.24   Telegram (two sheets) from the vice-chancellor, Cambridge University postmarked Broadstone 24 Jun 1909 to A. R. Wallace regretting his inability to be present and congratulating him on his share in Darwin's work. Place: Cambridge England Notes: Enclosed inside front cover of Order of Proceedings when listed.
NHM-WP12.002    Printed:    1866.08.27   "Lecture on Insular Floras" by J D Hooker, print, BAAS, Nottingham 27 Aug 1866, 12 pp, signed in ink on the cover by A. R. Wallace and annotated in pencil in his hand "Kerguelen's Cabbage p. 8".
NHM-WP12.003.001    Correspondence:   Pascoe Francis Polkinghorne  [1913].07.15   Letter to Mr Wallace (WGW?) from F. P Pascoe, from 12 Newborough Rd Acton, London July 15 (no year - 1913?) saying that he encloses a paper which might interest him. Notes: If by Francis Pascoe d 1893 the letter must be to A. R. Wallace, but probably from Pascoe's son, written to WGW and enclosed in envelope dated [1913?] addressed in the same hand: see WP12/3/2. Letter and envelope were in separate document wallets when listed but in context and given hand almost certainly belong together. The paper originally enclosed with the letter may be "Catalogue of Zygopinae" one copy of which was in the same wallet as the letter when listed.
NHM-WP12.003.003    Printed:    1857.01.05--1857   Pascoe, Francis P, "On New Genera and Species of Longicorn Coleoptera. Part II", read 5 Jan 1857; from the Transactions of the Entomological Society, vol. IV, N.S., part IV; including descriptions of beetles collected by A. R. Wallace in Malacca and Borneo.Illustrated reprint with coloured illustrations, 24 pages plus plates 22 and 23. Place: Borneo Malacca Malaya
NHM-WP12.003.004    Printed:    1859.02.00--1859   Pascoe, Francis P, "On New Genera and Species of Longicorn Coleoptera. Part IV", from the Transactions of the Entomological Society, vol. V, N.S., part I. (Feb 1859). Undated reprint, 50 pages; including descriptions of beetles collected by A. R. Wallace in the Aru islands. Place: Aru Islands Netherlands Indies
NHM-WP12.003.007    Printed:    1871.03.00--1871   Pascoe, Francis P, "Catalogue of Zygopinae, a subfamily of Curculonidae, found by Mr. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago", reprint from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for March 1871, 34 pages plus plates XV and XVI from S.4, vol. 7. Place: Netherlands Indies
NHM-WP12.003.008    Printed:    1871.03.00--1871   Pascoe, Francis P, "Catalogue of Zygopinae, a subfamily of Curculonidae, found by Mr. Wallace in the Eastern Archipelago", reprint from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for March 1871, 34 pages plus plates XV and XVI from S.4, vol. 7. Notes: See WP12/3/7; another copy.
NHM-WP12.010    Printed:    1882.07.00   Printed poem "An Idealist Jelly-Fish" by Grant Allen, undated, (1882?) 1 folio apparently from a book or proof. Notes: Listed as "An Ideal [sic] Jelly-fish. Popular Science Monthly, 21 (July 1882), 426. Reprinted as ‘The First Idealist,’ The Lower Slopes (1894)" on The Grant Allen Website checklist ( When listed filed in box 2 with papers in a envelope addressed to Richard Wallace, postmarked 1996, labelled "Newspaper cuttings | Various" comprising press cuttings, corrected proofs, book reviews and print. Torn in half
NHM-WP12.011    Printed:    1889.09.23--1889.11.17   "Theories of Heredity" by E B Poulton, printed pamphlet, 14 pp and diagram, annotated on the front cover in Poulton's hand "With the Author's kind regards | Nov 17/1889".
NHM-WP12.017    Printed:    1902.12.00   "A sketch of the life and labours of Sir William Jackson Hooker | With portrait", by J D Hooker, reprinted from "The Annals of Botany, vol. XVI, no LXIV, Dec 1902, pp. [ix] - xc; uncut, cover loose, front cover annotated in J D Hookers hand "A.R. Wallace … with the author's kind regards". Notes: In modern envelope labelled in Richard W's hand "1923 Obit | Articles in entomological Soc Proceedings | Profile W J Hooker | Mans Place in Universe A Reply" when listed. Envelope discarded. Covers loose, very foxed
NHM-WP12.021    Printed:    1905.08.10   "On Drawings of fishes of the Rio Negro", by C. Tate Regan, Reprint from the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1905, vol. I., pp 189-190.
NHM-WP12.022    Printed:    1905.08.10--1905   "On Drawings of fishes of the Rio Negro", by C. Tate Regan, reprint, 10 Aug 1905, from the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1905, vol. I., pp 189-190, two genus names on p. 190 underlined in blue pencil.
NHM-WP12.028    Printed:    1908.08.00   "Florissant; a Miocene Pompeii" by T D A Cockerell, reprint from The Popular Science Monthly, vol. LXXIV , Aug 1908 Notes: Cover loose, front and back pages stained
NHM-WP12.030[1]    Correspondence:   Strang William  1910.05.28   Letter from William Strang to A. R. Wallace from Russell Street Falkirk 28 May 1910, sending a copy of "The Story of Stephanus" as promised.
NHM-WP12.031    Printed:    1910.12.08   "Evolution | Darwinian and Spencerian | The Herbert Spencer Lecture…by Raphael Meldola F.R.S" Printed pamphlet with dark blue cover, pp [3] - 39 with Appendix p. [40] containing extracts from letters by A. R. Wallace and J D Hooker, both 1910; Clarendon Press Oxford 1910, dedicated in ink on the title page "To Dr. A. R. Wallace, O.M. from his friend & disciple the lecturer. Dec. 10/10" and annotated in pencil in A. R. Wallace's hand.
NHM-WP12.033    Printed:    1913.04.00   "Mimicry, Mutation and Mendelism" by E B Poulton, reprint with photographic plates showing butterflies, from "Bedrock" Vol. II, no. 1, Apr 1913, pp. 42-56.
NHM-WP12.034    Printed:    1914.01   "The Biologist's Problem" by T D A Cockerell, reprinted from "Popular Science Monthly" Jan 1914 Notes: From Colorado. No annotations or dedication - may have been sent before Cockerell knew of A. R. Wallace's death in Nov 1913, or sent to WGW
NHM-WP12.036    Note:    1880.00.00?--1900.12.14   "The Cambridge Scholar and the Ghost | As recited by the late Mr. Fredk. Smith, at the meetings of the Entomological Club", undated Ms copy in A. R. Wallace's hand of poem with 17 numbered stanzas, on 1 folio ( 3 pages) of blue paper. 1900.12.14 16 Envelope annotated "The Ghost" in blue pencil in A. R. Wallace's? WGW's? hand, addressed to A. R. Wallace at Parkstone by "[G?].A.S.", postmarked South Kensington 14 Dec 1900 Notes: Possibly Frederick Smith 1805-1879, entomologist, Assistant Keeper in Zoology, BMNH c 1875
NHM-WP13.001.002    Printed:    1871.11.00--1871   Printed pamphlet by A. R. Wallace titled "Reply to Mr. Hampden's Charges against Mr. Wallace" London, November 1871. 8 pages. Copy 1 of 4. Place: London England Norfolk
NHM-WP13.001.003    Printed:    1871.11.00--1871   Printed pamphlet by A. R. Wallace titled "Reply to Mr. Hampden's Charges against Mr. Wallace" London, November 1871. 8 pages. Copy 2 of 4. Place: London England Norfolk Notes: Pamphlet 2 of 4.
NHM-WP13.001.004    Printed:    1871.11.00--1871   Printed pamphlet by A. R. Wallace titled "Reply to Mr. Hampden's Charges against Mr. Wallace" London, November 1871. 8 pages. Copy 3 of 4. Place: London England Norfolk
NHM-WP13.001.005    Printed:    1871.11.00--1871   Printed pamphlet by A. R. Wallace titled "Reply to Mr. Hampden's Charges against Mr. Wallace" London, November 1871. 8 pages. Copy 4 of 4. Page 8 is marked with an asterisk in ink next to the word "indictment" and annotated at the foot of the page in A. R. Wallace's hand with a note beginning "Since then I have criminally indicted him". Place: London England Norfolk
NHM-WP13.001.006    Printed:    1885.08.00--1885   Printed pamphlet. 1 folio, headed "Second issue of 500 | To A.R. Wallace, of Nutwood Cottage, Frith Hill, Godalming, Surrey", by John Hampden, Balham (London) August 1885, charging A. R. Wallace with cheating in their (1870) wager re the curvature of the earth. Annotated in the front left margin in (John Hampden's?) hand "These are being [presently] circulated among all the clergy, magistrates, journalists, and private families in the county of Surrey. J. H". Place: Godalming Surrey England Notes: The initials at the end of the annotation could be J.W. (J H Walsh?) J.H. (John Hampden) or J.M., but the writing appears to be John Hampden's. The pamphlet is described in box list as "Hampden's Accusation."
NHM-WP13.001.007    Printed:    1885.12.00--1885   Printed pamphlet, 8 pages on one folio, partly cut (or torn), headed "For distribution at the Exhibition of Geographical Appliances, 53, Great Marlborough Street, Regent Street, December 1885", including advertisements for publications on the flat-earth theory, and an article by John Hampden on the failure of geography and physics teaching in England, headed "To be - or to seem? To know - or think we know? Are we not living in an age of shams?". Place: London England
NHM-WP13.001.012    Printed:    1885.08.18   Printed pamphlet. 1 folio, headed "To A.R. Wallace, of Nutwood Cottage, Frith Hill, Godalming, Surrey", by John Hampden, Balham (London) August 1885, charging A. R. Wallace with cheating in their (1870) wager re the curvature of the earth. Annotated in ink in the bottom right corner on the first page "RW 18.8.85"; two minor corrections in pencil on the second page. Place: Godalming Surrey England Notes: Found in box 3 with unrelated papers and inserted here. See WP13/1/6 for another copy.
NHM-WP13.001.014    Correspondence:   Hampden John, Wallace Annie née Mitten  1886.12.06?--1886?   Letter to Annie Wallace from John Hampden Croydon Dec 6, no year (1886?) re her husband A. R. Wallace's conduct in the Flat Earth wager; 2 ff. (WP1/17/17) Notes: Formerly in unlabelled wallet of miscellaneous unrelated papers
NHM-WP13.001.015    Correspondence:   Hampden John  1885.07.25--1885   Letter from John Hampden to A. R. Wallace's cook, from Balham, 22 Jul 1885 Notes: Formerly in an unlabelled wallet of miscellaneous unrelated papers
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